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hey y'all we just got back from Tractor Supply and our lawn mower is being delivered so yes we did get it we did get the Lao um I'm just waiting oops the door did not shut all the way I'm just waiting for them to call and let us know that they're on their way and it will be here so we decided to go towards the delivery route versus buying a trailer because the trailer that they have isn't actually going to be big enough like wide enough for the lawn mower so got lawn more got gas oh I could have gotten that and bringing water and that mountain dece in um so my plan is to go out there and just do a walk through of the yard just to make sure there's nothing on the ground that would damage the low and so Aon has as much access to the yard as he can that way we don't have to weed eat as much um we did charged the W Bry yesterday I may actually I unplugged it so I don't know if it's all the way charged but I think it is I'm going to go ahead and plug back in anyways if you're new here hi we do a lot of real life what you see is what you get not a lot of editing it's almost most like if you were in the room with us this is this is just how it is so um anyway that's just how we do it over here so hopefully you all enjoyed that kind of pace of things um I well we cuz he's just as much a part of the channel as I am now we upload every day of the week and then there's probably like two or three days of the month that we do I'm about to plug it in that we do uh well I can't keep a train us all if I get distracted there are always a few days a month that we do take off depending on you know if it's like a party or whatever the other day I needed to take off because I had to get a new driver's license so any who we got Waters because we're going to be hot Aaron already has his big hat on and I saw them comments ladies about the cowboy hat so don't you worry I have a plan up my sleeve but I can't say anything else cuz I don't want to spoil it he did look really good in that gray cowboy hat though get refrigerator with this too big it is big but it's supposed to be we um I guess I'll just show you what we got at the store I had I feed my cats dry cat food but they are outside all of the time um and it is 80 something degre today and it's humid so it's very important to have some sort of wet food in a cat's diet even if they are dry cat food eaters so they I don't know that I would give them this every single day but um I will do one tonight and just put a little bit in each Bowl they're really good about drinking water but that's the same brand of dog I me cat food dry cat food they get yeah the top of this is like a cowboy head not it is yeah I like the cowboy hat on you also got a symphony bar I'm showing youall this because my Aunt Kim really liked these and we were at Family Dollar so I saw that oh it has the toffee I don't know why I thought it was the heath bar that I'm I like but I'm pretty sure it's this so let me few like those and then I got Chloe's uh dog food oh your medicine came today okay oh oh you were just moving it okay also I need to get some meat out of the freezer got to put the clothes in the dryer we so yeah like we were saying at the beginning we do home update videos mobile home and a mobile home single Live 1997 and um we've been doing this for this is my I want to say fourth year Well October will be four years total because that was when I first started posting the homemaking videos so we posted a lot of like cleaning and homemaking videos and then we branched out into the home update Arena and now we have kind of branched out to outdoor home projects during the spring and summer months because who doesn't want to be outside during the Spring and Summer right so we're we plan to do as many outdoor projects that we can um even getting chickens and looking into other small farm animals I definitely want to get appla of land a lot of people thought I was we were moving we are not moving we would not go through all of this to move but um I think it's because I was wording things a certain way I do want to invest in land not just one plot of land but like playing the Monopoly where you try to collect all the properties um land is such a good investment it will add value and over time and also it's like if you never wanted to sell it again you can use it so one one thing I want to do as soon as I have it to be able to do it is get it doesn't matter how big it is but land where I can put actual farm animals on and then go to them every day to do the farm chor and then come back home it's hot it is hot you have your phone on you yeah yeah I'm just waiting oh I'll I'll have a pocket here and I need to go get my hat so okay I'm going to put the clothes in the dryer um I need to take CH outside our dog then we'll get to work but yeah that was my that was what I was sing at not a new house cuz like to me it makes a lot more sense to buy like four different plots of land than it does to like just move somewhere else because we are settled here and as long as our mobile home park exist um we'll be here honestly if I ever if if it ever came to like they wanted to sell it God willing I would want to buy it the whole trailer park and i' be like everybody can stay and maybe I'll actually decrease the amount uo each month because we pay a lot fee and every year it seems like the lot fee increases by like 20 bucks and but like the benefits decrease so like what are we paying for just like literally just just to park our trailer here I think so anyways okay okay I'm rambling with y'all by the way I ne I rarely drink calories okay because who does that except for coffee but I saw this at the G at Family Doll I was like oh that's for me especially cuz we're going to be outside okay I'm going to quit chatting let's get them clothes in the dryer all right y'all this is exciting the the man just called about the lwn mower he said he's on his way with it so soon as it gets here we will let you know and show you and everything thing we grabbed two gallons of gas and Aon said I hope there's oil in it we're excited because we have not had a lawn mower that you can just turn on and go it's always I got to fill up the tire or I got to make sure this works you know like you got to work with it for it to come on so this is going to be so awesome you should be able to turn it on and go but also like Char wi only maybe like 12 miles away I don't know not very far so he's going to be here pretty soon all right it's kind of dark for are I don't know if this light okay it's [Music] not oh by the way I just used this oops I used this um what yall told me how to pronounce it it's e n s u e n o Ino I think she she's pronounced it for me but I've already forgotten but I'm curious because this is my first time using this laundry T and we'll see all right it smells good I can tell that it's not what I was using that's a little bit more strong strong but it does smell good smells clean those are towels my towels my towels go through it okay ladies and gentlemen my towels go through it all right I know yall can see this they are actually folded these are the ones I folded the other day in a video I just haven't put them away yet but I wanted to I think it's in here uh oh my nephew's having a birthday party soon so that's his bag I'm waiting on one more gift to get here who knew an outfit could take so long but I'm not the best Gift Giver like knowing what people want so his mom had a wish list and I was like oh thank God so I filmed stuff that he like okay there is some s in here I I hope it can be thought out in time because I would really like to make this today it's the beef carne picata I would really like to make this today with y'all and have it with rice and peppers and onion and then we have that like yum yum sauce the steak salce Japanese steak salce um that would be really good with this so it's basically like we were're going to is a Japanese restaurant cuz we there is one that we really like in Lexington North Carolina called shos but there hours and days that they're open has changed so I'm just going to see if we can make this today that would be fun it would be like having a restaurant style meal at home okay here's my hat I'm about to go I don't know why oh wait is that it I saw a tag and now I'm wondering if I've had it on wrong where's the thing okay this is the front but the tag is right there that makes me think it's supposed to go over here yeah okay I don't know how all of our neighbors know each other but I don't know any of them except for my next door neighbors but they like people across theory is like down the way how do you people know each other there's definitely Clicks in our trailer park that is for sure and um there is a click that we not a part of and the lady across the street is wonderful I'm sorry it's just okay one day we were walking Chloe was not even in the lady's yard nowhere near her yard and she's like get your dog out of my yard the funny thing of it all is she blam she said that Chloe was the one that used the bathroom in her yard but neither one of us have ever walked Chloe in her yard before cuz I mean we don't walk Chloe in people's yards anyways um and there's like a billion other little dogs around here and there's some that will just walk in her yard all the time and I'm pretty sure it was one of theirs but she wanted to take it out on us so I don't know why I'm telling y'all this but I felt like he needed to know that there's clicks there are always Clicks in the mobile home par look y'all do you remember the movie Aristocrats with the cats and there was a couple of geese or Ducks the white ones and the little lady duck or geese whatever wore the little like hat like this and it had a ribbon or whatever to go around it I love that fashion please tell me what that is cuz I need to know she's here he's and off all right did your job I'm just picking y'all I'm always a picker always a picker I'm about to do my job I just got back in from walking Chloe well if you are curious why we didn't just get um the other mower kind what what up I know I that is a little frustrating to spend that much and something not be excellent I don't get it this is not the same one that they had that we were looking at this is it's dirty I'm going call them I don't want them I don't want to not call them and then be like I did that yeah but obviously he could even see that it's dirty it's not clean I'm just I'm just saying that seat's going to tear up and they not cheat yeah I don't want a holy seat I don't know maybe they'll give us another seat I just definitely don't want to take this back and get a brand new one again cuz we've just this has been a while in the making guys and I'm ready for my grass to be mowed that's what I needed to walk you around and show you how tall it is so this is Along the trailer which I may need to weed eat cuz I don't think he can get that close I need to weed eat a lot but all of this you can't tell until I bring you down here it's tall there's there's stuff growing everywh in it my dog likes it though she likes running through Tall Grass they say it's the equivalent of like brushing your hair that's what it feels like to doggies all right he's calling the people back because the one we saw on the like floor if that makes sense um did not look like that it looked new well y'all saw it the other day yo I don't know how to get this out of here okay that's too forever I I'm going to I needed to weed eat anyways because we didn't finish what we started yesterday so I'm going to start weed eating once once he's getting on it and going um I'll film him cuz y'all saw me weeding in the other day but um he just wants to make sure that they know that there's a tear in the seat before he goes to use it um because the hole over time is going to get bigger and bigger and it's when you spend that amount of money on something it should look new right like it shouldn't look like there's already been used so that's why we're a little confused I'm like that is not the same exact one that had to be like behind the store or something it's all right I'm happy to have a lawnmower um you're always going to run into something like a bump you just have to go over it all right it looks like they're either going to give us a discount which I feel like when they see the hole they're going to be like we'll give you $20 cuz it's it's eron said it looks like someone tossed a cigarette out and then that's the sides of the hole um but they also said that they're all dirty because they're outside so hopefully they at least have them under a roof cuz that wouldn't be good you can see where I weed yesterday but I've got all this green up here that's got to be done all the right when I'm you always Pi me up when I am down [Music] it's your to get me you make all my dreams come [Music] true feels right when I'm around we could breake up and then make up I always come back to you you move me and never thought anyone could you me my when I feeling blue it's all you cuz you're the one yeah the one yeah you're the one yeah the one you touch me in a way that makes me sh [Music] all right no explanation needed for this area um the ler can't get through here and of course when the Pathfinder is gone it will be able to get through here but until then I'm going to take my panny over there and start cleaning [Music] just being around you break up and [Music] make when I am feeling blue it's all you cuz you're the one yeah the one yeah you're the one yeah the one yeah you're the one bab you're the [Music] one you're the one babe you're the one [Music] hey can't even get a spend $33,000 for something that's got problem with it already um okay so I'm going to show you all the ho it's right there some of you may think oh that's not a big deal but if you know um when you sit in when it's hot and this kind of is going to when you're mowing in you're bouncing around the holes them get big fast yeah and these chairs are he's guessing but like 200 bucks imagine $200 so we're going back tomorrow she's going to give us $50 and paperwork that covers the threeyear warranty with the like a manufacturer warranty hopefully if Aaron can call them tomorrow they can see the whole and then possibly that would be covered I think it's but um I just wanted to share that with y'all if you go to Tractor Supply and you get something delivered you better tell them before they leave that there's an issue um or else they will not do anything it was either we can give you $50 or you can bring it back and we didn't get a trailer so that's just a hassle Plus I would I would pay $2200 today for somebody to mow my grass so the money is not bothering me I want this grass cut so there's no snakes around us the whole reason we bought a new mower is cuz you can't get time back you can get money back I know but the whole reason we bought a new mower so I can have a nice one and now I got one with a tore up seat already and that's one of the big problems with lwn mower yeah and um they do just have them sitting outside in the back so that's one reason why we bought a new one and didn't buy our neighbors because he has s sit out in his yard and they like you know get weathered and stuff when you do that so she said well we don't sell the ones in the front cuz people sit on them and nobody sits on these that the the irony is the one in the front was in better condition like let me just show y'all I mean do you expect that when you get one I've never we've never bought one off of like a place before they're always used so obviously you expect it when you get to use but like it it I don't know I just thought well maybe if it were me I would I would wash it cuz when you buy a car they run it through the wash the car wash before before they let you take it off the lot so it almost look like very grateful don't want to get confused you know it's just the principle of it buy something you expect to buy and it shouldn't matter if it's $20 or $20,000 it's the a service customer service I don't think iy cuz we're not caring I don't think I go back and buy another one well that's why I'm telling them I'm like you know what I'm not trying to hurt anybody's business but I don't want one of my friends buying a lawn mower or whatever they buy and then have the same issue yeah I don't I don't think I would go back it's not the lawnmower fault yeah but I don't think i' buy and we'll update y'all if if the company if that Toro company says oh we'll just give you another chair then that would be fine cuz I understand people seeing the little hole and thinking oh well that's not a big deal but it becomes a big deal so anyways okay looking optimistic from here on out I just want my yard so I started weeding through here I didn't go too far to the bottom because um oh my goodness that's right I need to film him um so I'm going to be weeding this area and he's got a lot to mow my AC is on so real quick what I was saying is I didn't go too far to the bottom because if you cut too much of like that thickness it can run the battery down quicker breathless when we first met couldn't keep my hands away I was spechless when we first met yeah you took the pain away didn't mind my scar My Broken Heart life was dull until you came now I see col again it could rain don't mind CU I'm right next to you you come Rain On Come Shine don't I'm right next to you it's right next to you to you next to you oh next to you next to you next to [Music] you that was quite the jump scare from a nice clean yard in the front to Boom a trailer full of stuff anyways the next thing on our list is to get the dumpster I don't know exactly when we're going to get it but that is the next big project because we need to get this good stuff going don't [Music] we are mine you took the pain away didn't mind my start then my broken heart until came now see col again it could rain don't mind if it cuz I'm right next to you you come Rain On Come Shine I don't mind cuz I'm next to you it's right next to you to you next to you next to you next [Music] to would have thought be up CL I would never take love for GR love how you make me feel alive when you're with me took the pain away broken could R my I'm right next to you to you come r on shine I don't mind cuz I'm right next to you it's true right next to you you next to you to you to you show me what it's like to be circling among the [Music] CLS because without you by my side I would be stuck here on the ground you're lighting up the way I can see the road ahead of me I won't be stumbling in the dark your eyes are shining like the stars I was down until you save me until you set me free my eyes were closed now I see clear as day and I just wanted to say that you can take me [Music] high Aaron is still mowing I think he's done with the front yard I don't know how loud that is for y'all um he was working on the backyard anyways right here behind our house it's a bunch of just clovers so I'm I'm letting my weight eater charge but I'm going to use my manual mower and see what I can do I don't think he could squeeze through here I don't think he's going to try anyway I don't know I'm watching him like what is he doing all right I'm going to prop y'all up appears [Music] [Music] [Music] I get okay the car he said I can get that okay well it don't like that tall grass it don't like that tall grass [Music] [Music] I [Music] fly you can take me high [Music] I can see the sun staring at you when you make that smile I'm moving closer to you now I can't get close enough somehow and I was down until you save me until you set me free my eyes were closed now I to clear as day and I just wanted to say that you can take me high feels like I can [Music] fly I don't need anybody I don't need anybody [Music] else no one will ever take me no one will ever take me away from you I promise I will hold on to you I don't know what I do without [Music] you without [Music] you you can take me high feels like I Can Fly [Music] you can take me [Music] high yeah I'm not getting on it am I moving backwards probably this I asked Aaron the other day what he liked about me and he said my personality with a big p couldn't make cheing a I'm picking I did do cheerleading just as a little girl though then I got fat I'll be funny okay I like being that b okay I guess I'm going to show youall what the yard looks like now that it's SM I'm out of breath here's here's the back goes all the way to the fence when we get the chickens I told them I want to put them on the fence because it it'll get Shady over there a lot more got to get used to I'm out of breath I don't have enough oxygen I guess so I don't no yeah okay look it looks like it's going to rain it is dark and yay yay I'm so Happ I did just take a picture of the grass for the thumbnail I'm so happy now oh come on flowers give them to me I hope it does rain so I don't have to water my plants today that would be nice I'm going to cool off though I got to put the weed eater back okay well it's all looking good out here I did my ditch you can tell now so that still needs to be weed eated but I may be done weed any I don't know for today look at all of these oh my goodness oh my goodness thank y'all for telling me to cut it back cuz I've never cut it back before and my viewers told me to cut it back like in February so I did um and they said it will grow back even bigger be better just just do it they're right okay so tomorrow we'll get back to doing this here's the thing Aon did not sand the side of this but he already stained it so I'm not going to sand any more of this I'm just going to stain it okay he's going to see if it fits I think it will I don't know I don't know either but I'm so happy that we work together and you mode and I weed Eed because now it's not all tall out here oh goodness I know I know is yeah okay well I guess I'll just film us moving all this stuff if it fits they said it's barely going to fit the sun going down as I try to make my way through the CR [Music] Dan you'll be on my I'll be dreaming about this till the end we are we are free down the we [Music] got I'm curious to find out if it's going to fit or not it looks like it's big enough to fit the insurance and I think he he said something about it was like that's 54 and that's 56 or 55.6 something like that there's not much of a difference like it is bigger but how much bigger we don't [Music] know feel get [Music] anybody else have music that plays rentree in their head all the time everybody come to the have a real good time it's funny because I listen to Caleb but those songs are still engrained in my brain he said I'm going to show you something and I didn't do it yeah what look at the blade look at the boys get there chip somebody somebody's hit something with it oh my goodness what he hit rocks with it I didn't hit anything in the yard I don't know the more I look at I'm like sorry about the word said this we both looked at each other like um the more the more I look at the more I see yeah the quality control of Tractor Supply is just not it they're wanting to sell these and I think it's misleading to to show the person what's on the front but then they're getting something totally different because they could have said oh and by the way you're not get actually getting the one you saw out there oh well it is what it is it is what it is it's still a good mower we really wanted the Kawasaki engine because the big boy is that what it's called big boy bad boy bad boy big boys are bad boys I'm dying anyway the brick we didn't want the bricks and try m so that's what I was wondering those things go up okay like put your hand under it I guess so they can actually see it so this supposed to be a new Mower and this got chips out the blade yeah and I didn't hit there's nothing in there's nothing in the yard for me to hit yeah it's just grass everywhere cut there's nothing there I didn't do that I don't know well I don't think that would happen in the first day or not I I don't know I don't think we'll see I don't know if I'm I'm curious to find out [Music] [Music] the end we are are free the might be old tomorrow we got to stay forever yeah we got Hallelujah God did that Aon and you can you have room to get out yay my door going to shut though cuz that thinging up oh oh I see well I mean just be careful all right y'all priority mail if it fits her chips that's good hey now you know your deck works I think if you it was having trouble wanting to get over PP I need to put gravel or something like this I was about to say or like concrete to like that smooth it out yeah it's that's play cuz our neighbor um that used to live in that house he put his lawn over I me his weed his motorcycle in his shed and then his shed caught on fire and y'all it went up like a paper bag so fast okay so it's in there I think David might want to come over and look at it all right we were talking I don't want the video to be negative or else I would put cuz Aaron's like I may make my own video and you can and post it on your he has a channel called Propel fishing I mean you could post it on there and be like this is my honest experience with this purchase take it or leave it do what you want with it with that information but something else we just I just realized was we paid $70 to get it delivered um which is a lot cheaper than spending thousands of dollars on on a trailer to buy but you could rent a trailer for $15 what it say so not only that but I feel like the hole in the seat came from the GU to delivered it it look we can't you can't say that though because they said nobody smokes there and if he's the guy if he works there it's not him has either he done it or somebody else threw a cigarette out while he was driving by does that maybe but a lot of times cigarette holes will have like almost singed like burnt crusty around the circle that's kind of how it look okay that is kind of how it look overall if you have the option to buy yours possibly at a dealership cuz they had them at that dealership but we didn't go there um or if you do end up getting one from Tractor Supply and you get it delivered just make sure up down all around look at it make them stand there because if you have any chance of maybe that's why she was trying to push their warranty so hard she was like you could just bring it back here we'll give you another one I don't even have the paperwork for yeah and you're supposed to register through them to to get the threeyear warranty it's a 3E Unlimited hour warrranty I'm just and it has no time it has no hour so there's no way of knowing if it's been ran [Music] before so but we don't it's not the manufacturer it's not Toro it's most likely just tractor spot it's SP it's not she found a jumping her and she going try to eat it so I've got to get that off the floor before she does see here's my shoe where did he no you go on you go you see her right there come here baby look at him look at him get on up here I'm saving your life oh I'm saving you honey there you go oh okay he's on it he's on it all right I put him in my flowers hi Miss Lucy Lou Lucy Lou all right I'm going to go feed the girls I have got I hope it rains I've got this in the water to help it cuz this is what I want to eat for dinner and I've got ants too my goodness I hope it rains look at Aaron's setup he's got a magnet right there what for your phone I guess so that he can watch videos while he was doing dishes I said you are way too smart cuz I never you know what I always do I put the window up and then put my phone in between the other pane to lean on the little seal and you're over here on techsavvy where it can be right in eye level for you so you don't have to look down all righty next time you see me I'll be out of the shower and cooking dinner all right my meat is thed out enough to go ahead and get it in the pan and start cooking I'm also going to get a little pot of water going for the rice and then veggies too oh I definitely think it's going to rain I just felt that like popping sound it does before it rains it's not as dark as it was but the sun's also went down so I I feel it I feel it y'all anyways I'm going to do this and my rice and y'all can see these dang ants we did Aon did the dishes but um these these are like teac cups sweet teac cups and that's why they're attracted to this area right now anyway I'm going to do that I lost my train of thought all righty y'all we've got our rice going we've got the peppers and onions that's what I was meaning to tell youall earlier that I was going to chop up my vegetables so I've just got them chopped pretty chunky because this meat is pretty chunky too and it was still a little frozen so I'm having to kind of break it down a little bit but this is the plan this is what we're going to be eating this the rice I'm going to put some seasonings in here I need to pick some out that I think would be good oh you know what I'll show you I've got I've got some of this I'll throw in there just kind of eyeball it soy sauce and this is a rice vinegar um that I used one time when I was making something else I can't remember what it was but I may put a tiny bit of that in there just so I can start using this up and then our sauce is right here this Japanese seafood steak sauce so I'll just kind of eyeball these think this one is is more like a dipping sauce you could that's really good um but these two are the ones I won't put too much of that in there at all just for a little bit oh look at that it's raining I'm so happy I hope if it can just rain for like at least 30 minutes that would be great to get all my stuff watered all right our meat is it's it's cooking it's getting there there's quite a bit of liquid in here I may I think I will I'm going to strain that real quick um but I looked up online to see if Japanese food uses honey because something in my mind thought put a little dab of honey in here so it says yes that they use it to tenderize meat and de uh like take the smell or odor out of fish so like koi I think is what it said or something like that I I don't know what I'm talking about obviously um so I'm just going to put a little dash of that in there I think it would be good especially since I'm putting some of that vinegar in there the vinegar and the sweetness kind of counteract each other oh shoot dang ant all right okay so this is cooking up it's almost done I saw a few more I've got a lot in this pants so there's a little bit more that needs to be done but the honey isn't going to change the color of anything so I think y'all can see I'm barely anything barely [Music] that maybe like a fourth of a teaspoon it's just like a dab because I don't want it to be sweet but if it helps with tender Riz and meat that would be good since it's this steak our rice is already done [Music] [Music] all right now I'm going to put some of this rice vinegar in here okay just going to do like a little cap full this [Music] is less than a tablespoon oh yeah that was that was a it looked like there was more in there than there was cuz it is vinegar too bad I don't have some sesame seeds I could put on here [Music] okay it's looking good cooked all right I'm going to add some of this poison sauce this is if you've never heard of it before it is an Asian condiment with a sweet Smokey flavor can be brushed On Meats and poultry while grilling and or boing or use for din so this is not Japanese but we're going to use anyway we're going to use it I'm sorry my Japanese friends [Music] I mean I'm pretty sure y may be like Kimmy I know there's a difference okay that's why I'm saying that I know where Asia is and I know where Japan is and I'm pretty wait okay never mind I'm thinking of North and South Korea no Japan is over there somewhere Japan is not in Asia y'all are laughing at me through the screen y'all are also yelling at me like girl you need to get some worldly knowledge cuz this is embarrassing okay I may that doesn't look like enough to me I'm going based off of color what I want it to look like that a it we got to add some more of that add some more all right yummy that's two tablespoons two nice tablespoons oh yeah yeah now there's the smell and I'm going to Google it I'm going to goog I'm sorry y'all the United States is massive okay I do good to even rememorize my own States California is like a different country okay it's all the way across all the way across the thing [Music] all right okay okay so it says East Asia so I wasn't horribly wrong okay because it is near South Korea which is what I thought that's what I was look like picturing in my mind I was like this is near Alaska I mean honestly it is did y'all know that like the planet it's weird how the map is yeah okay I've got the map right here so we're just all learning things today aren't we y'all already knew this so here's Japan and here's South Korea and then right here is Alaska Alaska and Russia touch each other and that's why I thought that Japan was was like a part of this continent like the whatever the continent Russia is a part of oh it is Asia okay Asia is massive I'm going go out there and well it's not so hot this one we eating all right the battery started up again I need to get another one of these yeah or a bigger one well and this is pretty much done by the way but also it was just raining okay well I need to go out there and water my plants and I won't make y'all come with me and do that today y'all did that yesterday it sprinkled a little bit but this looks good I'm going to add some soy sauce but not too much so we can have some of this for our ride and ch some like red pepper flakes in [Music] here um so I think that would be good oh and I need put some salt in here so that all these other flavors actually Express themselves and aren't just lying dormant in here Aon taught me [Music] that that that salt makes every it's a flavor enhancer yeah it brings the flavor out so we need that and maybe this will be better sitting for a few minutes while we're [Music] outside he doesn't do the weird like I make everything category for like yesterday it cut off that part but yesterday I was telling you that that was the correct color the shower stream on the water hose I was telling you that was the right color that it was on it's not a color they're um settings and I was saying color confused yeah well I have myself confused cuz if I don't have the word to say for it I just come up with something else that makes sense in my head like the Toy Story clouds but I feel like Toy Story clouds everybody knows what a Toy Story cloud is if I see clouds in the sky that look like like the clouds on the Toy Story movie I mean that's what they're called I don't know what they're actually called they're just Toy Story clouds all right that look good I'm going to let that sit um and I need to feed Chloe and I'm going to go water our plants so we'll show you this when it's all plated now he's out there weeding in that same spot that I we e in it's all right I didn't weed eat around the uh those like power lines so which he knows me I weed e to the best of my ability but there are things that I don't get that close to so he's probably just going through and cleaning up any of the spots I missed oh I do see that I missed this right here where he's going but he knows I did it cuz he saw it he saw it yesterday all [Music] righty here she is I did butter salt and chicken Bon powder in my rice here's that pink sauce not pink sauce shrimp sauce um and it's good I don't know if it's like restaurant good but it's good actually I think so I think it tastes like what we get there um so yeah there's dinner I showered and changed um so that is it for today's video I hope y'all enjoyed it I'm supposed to show youall a scripture but I'm just going to go eat for tonight I'll make up for it in the next video okay bye [Music] if it's only for now I don't mind I know that love is endless
Channel: Kimi Cope
Views: 10,810
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mobile home makeover, mobile home refresh, home refresh, yard work, yard clean up, yard makeover, mobile home yard clean up, yard cleaning, yard maintance, kimi cope, single wide, mobile home, outdoor home projects, outdoor home refresh, cleaning up our mobile home yard, mobile home makeovers
Id: fJehcKxWaF0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 5sec (3785 seconds)
Published: Sat May 04 2024
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