SPRING CLEAN MY HOUSE WITH ME! (extreme deep cleaning motivation + cleaning hacks & more)

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[Music] [Music] what is up y'all welcome back to my channel and welcome to another clean with me I'm so excited to get my space in order my goodness it it was looking crazy y'all but I'm so so glad that I took some hours out of my day and just reset this entire house I hope this can give you some cleaning motivation to do the same I know cleaning is tiresome I know it's super repetitive but there really is nothing like a freshly cleaned house so before we do any cleaning I'm actually going to throw a load of laundry in I'm going to be washing all of my sheets my pillowcases everything so that way by the time I'm done cleaning they will be all ready and fresh and clean apologies if I'm sounding a little bit congested because I am what's new your girl is always sick and this Atlanta pollen is literally kicking my butt y'all I'm out here fighting for my life but we're here okay we're here I saw this hack on Tik Tok that Dawn just a little bit cuz I know if you put a lot it will mess up your washer but just a little bit of the blue Dawn soap makes your sheets really white I don't know if I did something wrong I don't know if I was supposed to combine it with water and I didn't but all I did was stain my sheets so this is a cleaning hack that has failed do not do that or if you have another solution on how I'm supposed to do it the right way then please let me know down in the comments because I would love to crisp up my sheets make them just a little bit more white and I did hear that blue detergent does that and maybe I just use the wrong thing I don't know Tik Tok has filled me on this one I wanted to freshen up my flowers I did get some flowers this week but some of them died very fast so I just pulled out the ones that were dying because the rest looked super good and I thought that they could last me for the rest of the week but we're going to be going deep on this clean with me with it being spring I wanted to just go beyond what I usually do when I do clean with me I wanted to do a whole fridge reset and really just take my time on going through my home spring is approaching we always hear the cliche of spring cleaning but there really is something that's just so freeing about throwing out things cleansing your house detoxing your house when the seasons change something about warm weather just makes me want to throw out everything I've ever owned I don't know if it's a good or bad thing but I just feel so much better now that I've done the hard thing it's easy to surface clean but it takes a little bit more time and patience and detail to do a deep clean so that's why I wanted to fight the fight first so I can show you that you could also fight the fight but I just went through everything in my fridge and there was a lot of things I had to throw out a lot of expired food I realized I will only be shopping for produce once a week the whole bi-weekly thing with produce just never works out for me so I won't be doing that anymore but I just wanted to take my time go through all of the food wipe down all of the surfaces and this fridge looked so much better after I did all of that so I've recently been using this pledge it's a multi-surface cleaner I love the smell of it it's very fresh it's very lemony and I love to curate my scents around the season so as spring is in full effect I wanted my house to smell fresh to smell lemony and just to smell like a breath of fresh air usually during The Fall season I do more vanilla warm cinnamons but now I'm just ready for my whole house to smell like cleaning products so that's why I was super excited to just really take my time and go through this house so I'm going to let the music Vibe out for a little bit we're going to get the island together and knock out these [Music] dishes go ahead and put cleaning your dishwasher filter on your spring cleaning to-do list because my oh my this was so gross I haven't done this in months and this really needs to be a weekly thing because all of the food that gets stuck in here and then it starts to rot it is so gross and then just to think like your dishes are running in this it's crazy we got to wash this we got to get this together I just sprayed it with a little bit of Clorox bleach let that sit for a little bit and then rinse it out whenever you're using disinfecting products make sure you're allowing it to sit on the surface for at least 2 minutes that's going to make it actually disinfect and do what it says it's going to do on the bottle did y'all just see how many times I dropped that thing like it was so slippery these gloves had me out here fighting but yes that's just a little tip to make sure that you're actually disinfecting your house just allow that bleach to sit on the surface for a little bit and then wipe it off and you'll be all good I don't know if it's just me but I love a sink clean there is nothing like a sink clean so I'm using a little bit of Clorox and then also some soap just some regular Dawn soap I feel like these pair super good together cuz you're disinfecting but then you're also getting the STS of the soap and getting all that grease and grime off Dawn power wash also works really great to get a nice sparkly sink also let me know your guys's favorite cleaning products in the comments I want to know if there's something new if there's something you absolutely love and you love to clean your house with it please let me know I'm so open to new cleaning products but we're going to do a little bit of a garbage disposal cleanse I'm using some lemons and then a little bit of baking soda and cleaning vinegar not regular vinegar cleaning V vinegar it's a little bit more acidic than regular vinegar so that's why I prefer that when it comes to anything that has to do with cleaning and then I just run my dishwasher for about a minute or so and it just freshens it up so much your garbage disposal is disposing of scraps so it can definitely get a little smelly if you don't keep up with it so I love to do this once a week just to freshen it up [Music] [Music] okay you guys are probably like what is this woman doing is she boiling pinea no and yes so I have some water that's already boiled it's already super hot and then I just added a little bit of pine salt into it I love Pine Sal I think it smells so fresh and so clean there's a lot of controversy around this a lot of people don't like it but baby I grew up in a black household and we use pinea and I still love it to this day it just reminds me of a clean space so I love to wipe down all of my cabinets with this making sure I'm getting all of the hardware because I have a toddler who loves to try to get into all the cabinets so there's definitely a lot of sticky fingerprints on all of this Hardware so I made sure to just scrubed down all the surfaces really really nice and my cabinets looked significantly better after this you may not be able to see cuz it was so far away but like all of the little fingerprints and food smudges were gone and it just looked so much better another thing I wanted to do was clean off this range my goodness do y'all see that dirt I know you saw it I know you saw how much dust was on this and I wanted to show you on the rag this was so dusty so it looked so much better after I just gave it a quick little wipe down it was with the same rag I didn't use anything different it was just that water and pine saw but it made it look so good so the kitchen was looking Super Fresh and it was time to head into the dining room I have just accepted the fact that there's always going to be some baby items lying around the house like I used to be a super super clean freak y'all but I just let go of that fantasy because at the end of the day a house is supposed to be lived in now don't get me wrong I love a clean house I love a clean house but also when you have a toddler and a baby your house is never going to be perfect 24/7 so that's why I love to do these deep resets at least once a month to really really cleanse my space and it just creates a beautiful atmosphere in my home if you guys do hear something in the background it is my baby he is sitting in his rocker staring at me laughing right now so if you hear a baby cooing in the back that's what it is if you're a mom you're probably be like is that my baby no girl it's my baby [Music] I have not done a deep clean on this carpet in a very long time honestly too long of a time so I took some of this extra strength um carpet booster it's basically a carpet refresher with baking soda I let that sit for about 15 minutes while I refreshed the couch because this couch is looking crazy my beautiful white couch is not really white anymore y'all I know y'all told me I was crazy for getting a white couch and I feel like for the most part it was great but once we started allowing snacks on the couch that's where everything went downhill so we are implementing a no snack rule we're implementing a no snack Rule and then we also use the I forget what it's called but I can link it down below for you guys it's this spray that's literally magic in a bottle I was using it wrong for the longest time the biggest thing with this spray is just making sure that you apply it as soon as there's a stain on your couch I feel like it doesn't work as great when the stain sits I'm pretty sure the spray is called Forex um f o r e ex but I'll link it in my Amazon for y'all down below um but it's such a great spray like I have literally spilt a whole glass of wine of wine on this white couch and you would never be able to tell but I sprayed it as soon as it happened and it was gone just like that direction it is called flex f o l e ex so you can search that up on Amazon and use my link below it is absolutely amazing and has definitely save this couch many times so I just took a Swiffer Duster and just dusted off all of my shelves this is something I love to do in the spring because a lot of dust accumulates and this is not something I do on the daily I don't dust on The Daily but I'm going to try to start implementing it on a weekly I really need to sit down and make an actual cleaning schedule because one thing about me like I love to clean every single day but sometimes it does get a little bit taxing especially cuz it's it's a lot to clean it's definitely a lot to clean so I think I want to start implementing some type of cleaning schedule especially when it comes to things like dusting mopping bathroom like the tasks that just take a little bit more work I need to find days where I can delegate that so I'm not super stressed out throughout the week but I wanted to give our guest bathroom a quick little revamp I found this power brush at Target and it's so great for getting into any nooks and crannies I love this and it definitely just made me feel like I was really a deep clean girl in the bathroom was super fresh and clean you guys know I love my scrub daddies I think this one is actually a scrub mommy but it helps to just clean on a deeper level and I love to use in all of my bathrooms [Music] some things really do never change because we use grocery bags for our garbage cans growing up and here I am an adult doing it I mean I feel like there's no better way like I might as well Reduce Reuse and recycle and just use a grocery bag it actually it did not show me cleaning my toilet which I don't know why but um I think I didn't record that part but I ended up putting some Drano down my pipes because they've been getting clogged a little bit too much so I wanted to just drain whatever was going on in there and then with Dro you let it sit for about 45 minutes and then you pour in a pot of boiling water but now we're going to get into mopping I actually love mopping it's it's very therapeutic but I feel like mopping itself is therapeutic cleaning a whole house and then mopping is not therapeutic cuz by that time I'm tired girl I don't feel like mopping but that's why I want to start implementing my cleaning schedule so maybe on Like Mondays I can just focus on mopping and it'll be fun but I use my o seedar mop I actually got a brand new head from Target I like to switch them out like every 2 weeks just because so much dirt and hair gets stuck in these mop heads and then you're kind of carrying that all throughout your house so I just like to switch them out pretty frequently and I've noticed when I use a fresh one my floors look sparkling clean and then I use the Bona I think that's how you say it the Bona floor cleaner for hardwood floors always has my floors looking nice and shiny and it doesn't have any scent to it which I was kind of sad about because I love using something that has a little bit of a lemon scent to freshen up my home but I did actually plug in some new Glade plugins so my house was smelling nice and fresh regardless my home looks and smells so beautiful and I was so proud of myself in this moment I'm like girl you really got it done cuz it's one thing to do a quick cleanup is another thing to do a deep clean and I was just very proud of myself I feel like everything look looked and smelt very clean and then it also felt clean as well it was time to transition into the room I had some laundry dropped off because one thing about me yes I may get down on my hands and knees and scrub the bathroom but I'm not doing laundry on a regular basis that is just a burden I am not willing to take on and laundry never ends so me and my husband were like listen we we're going to put a budget together for laundry because it is literally just so draining to do laundry all the time like I'll wash my my sheets yes that's no problem but laundry every single day cuz if you really want to upkeep your laundry you have to do laundry every single day and that is just ridiculous so we use a coner service it's called poplin and then we just place an order every Sunday and it's usually around like $60 and we've just budgeted that into our monthly budget because to us it's worth it like there's some things where I'm willing to spend a coin because it just helps me it helps me to save time helps me to save energy I tried to do a house cleaning Serv for a couple of months y'all and I just I did not like it I feel like I couldn't find somebody who I really really connected with I couldn't find somebody who was very detail oriented like me so it just didn't end up working out but if that's something you're interested in then you guys can look into that I personally love the feeling of cleaning my own home though so I can be very detail oriented cuz I just feel like unless it's your house you just you don't care that much you know that at least that was my experience with getting house cleaners so I have loved doing my deep cleans as of recently and it's also a blessing to be able to have a home to clean so that's something I also keep in mind as I'm cleaning I have my worship music on I'm praying I'm thanking God that I'm literally standing in so many answered prayers in this moment I feel like when we receive a blessing it is so easy to become complacent and to forget that we prayed for this moment I remember praying for this house praying for this family and the fact that I'm standing in it now is still something I need to be rejoicing in and thanking God for every single day I actually just put up a post on Instagram that said stewardship is also worship and I stand by that because we can pray for something I mean we will pray the house down but then we receive it and then we stop thanking God for it or even worse we stop caring about the blessing we stop stewarding the blessing for example Le you may have prayed for your marriage prayed for your husband and now you don't prioritize dat nights no more now you don't want to compliment him no more or you might have prayed the house down to get a home to get approved to buy a house and now you're standing in that home and girl you ain't than God once since you got the keys so there's something to be said about not only thanking God for the blessing but also stewarding that blessing taking care of that thing and in all things giving God the glory for the blessing I would not have this house without God I would not have this family without God so yes cleaning is tedious it can be annoying sometimes but trust me this is not the worst thing I could be doing so I'm praising God while I'm doing it and I also think while you're cleaning it's a great opportunity to not only cleanse your space physically but Also spiritually I love to pray while I clean y'all if you ever looked at my doors every single door you going to see an oily cross because I anoint my doors all the time especially like my children's doors the the room that me and my husband sleep in our front door I'm like praying and I'm anointing our house with oil so if you ever come to my house and you see our do is a little oily just just know it's the blood it's the blood but there is something to be said about just pleading the blood of Jesus over your home while you're cleaning to make sure you're not only physically cleaning it but you got to do a spiritual cleanse as well so that is something that I love to do personally while I clean but I have rambled so much and we are now in the bathroom I was so tired by this point y'all I cannot lie to you I was like I've been cleaning for 5 hours at this point so it was not my best deep clean in the bathroom I feel like it was more of a surface clean but I did make sure to at least scrub down the shower which is something I personally hate I do not like cleaning the shower even though it is so gorgeous and so beautiful it is a pain to clean especially cuz it gets a bit of pink mold but I've recently been using the pink mold remover from Clorox and it has helped significantly like pink mold would come back every single week but since we started using this like it takes at least a month for us to even see it in the shower anymore so I highly recommend using that I'm going to show it to you guys in a minute but I just used that same tool I was using in the bathroom to scrape up um anything that was on the shower and though I was tired I was like I need to clean this drain look at this y'all there's soap there there's hair there's Grime there's razors I'm like ah this is so gross and I was even more scared to see what was going to come out of this drain I'm experiencing a lot of postpartum hair loss so I just know there was going to be a whole mouth size W of hair and there was and there was and there was I literally gagged if I had the audio on you would have heard me gag y'all it was so horrible but I'm glad that I removed that because that can definitely lead to like your F your drain starting to clog and then the water's not going down and with us having like a leveled shower if our drain was to ever clogged the water's going to go all over the bathroom so it was important that I remov that and then I just used some Dawn power wash to clean my drain cover this was something I was so happy that I did cuz I honestly have not done a deep clean on this drain since we've moved into this house so it was very very necessary and it just made my shower feel a bit more clean and gel General especially when you know it's clean from the inside out okay so I went ahead and I screwed my drain cover back on and then we're going to finish cleaning up the shower [Music] [Music] if you guys have a routine for your shower glass I would love to know I use that same um multi surface spray usually I'll use a down power wash and it will help a little bit more but I can never get it super super super sparkly clean there's always just a little bit of film left so if you have any products that helps to get your shower glass perfect then I would love to know that I'm going to finish up by just doing my mopping y'all know I need a mop to seal the deal actually just used some boiling water and then a little bit of pine saw keep it simple keep it basic it's going to get it done and I was also making a Tik to y'all see your girl was definitely on her grind which is also probably why I was so tired but I'm so glad I got this house together and I'm so glad that you did it with me thank you for watching this clean with me I hope it encourages you to get your space together in this spring season I love you so so much and you got this girl [Music]
Channel: Maya Graves
Views: 122,318
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Clean with me, Spring cleaning, Cleaning motivation, Spring clean with me, Clean my house with me, Deep clean, Deep cleaning motivation, Maya graves cleaning, Spring cleaning motivation, Spring deep clean, Motivation for cleaning, Spring cleaning 2024
Id: lI8_PfsH5Zs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 58sec (1378 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 15 2024
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