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I missed y'all I was gone for one day because as bad as it sounds I have been using my out ofate driver's license for way too long so yesterday I went and got officially a North Carolina driver's license cuz this is where I live and I get to vote and I'm going to donate all my organs when I die so today we're going to I think D or Supply to get a lawn mower and hopefully this video you'll actually see a lawn Bean mod but you'll definitely be seeing weed eating and I also need to pick up some more soil while we're there and I need a few flowers to put near my like actual Garden so that it helps helps them someone said merry gold so I'll look out for those but all right right you excited yeah I just don't know I don't know if we can get it home today or not yeah depends I don't have a trailer big enough yeah and I don't know if they'll deliver it today so we'll see I don't know we'll find out Aaron is measuring the shed over there I've got Chloe and I've wanted to tell y'all oh my neighbor asked for the over over the toilet shelf so that silver wire rack I had before so we gave it to him um I know that's random but some of yall were like you could use that to put flowers on it he wanted it so we believe that these are Roose uh not Rose some of you said Wild Rose wild roses and then what of you said blackberry and I 1,000% believe the Blackberry bet so it really is kind of taking over my rose bush though so something I want to do today is cut back as much of that Blackberry as I can although I would love to have blackberries right next to my house um it's just I like my roses more and look how big like that's that's whatever even if it is the wild bit y'all said go ahead and cut that back so that this can be okay but the reason why I thought yeah it probably is I also need to dead head some of this like that one um I I thought blackberries because past that corner way way back there where the camper is if you go around that corner there's wild blackberry bushes all in the trees they grow like Vines onto the other stuff so we'll get that cut back I'm going to get her walked and then we're going to head out okay look how tall our grass is though compared to our neighbors it's Too Tall Way Too Tall especially in the backyard the front yard it got tall too but it's not as noticeable so it's probably been a couple of weeks it grows so fast we're here I I think we're going to look at trailers and mowers and also I'm picking up some stuff on this side I don't know if we're going to get the mower today it may be it may have to be tomorrow yeah so we'll we'll do what we can do today though we'll just make it like a part two so we know those are Cub Cadet we're not getting that not getting Troy built um all I've heard for the past day is bad boy and Toro yeah this is the one I've been thinking about yeah and is this the one that you said the only thing you don't like is that it doesn't tell you the hour yeah I don't have hour meter or gas cute Aaron we haven't bought it yet it was so hard for me to say and not it my whole body wanted to say it oh the ter here is NI it is on on the on the other one so you stand up on this I could if I I could you stand on that if that uh I would like to have one of those seats in the office chair does it come with a seat belt though no so if I would to go backwards forward you got to put put them together left right you got to put them together oh yeah oh then they move yeah okay okay this is not what we're here for and I will not be getting it today because it's not in the plans look how cool this is oh my goodness you know any like bags of dirt that could hold or oh my goodness y'all going to get your groceries putting all your groceries in here holy moly I love these things Aron that is cool like the little green one is so cute to me oh cuz we were just mentioning like oh it' be nice to have a larger one because we have this one but I like these they have wheels and handle the handle and everything I'm still looking over here we're just going to linger and maybe hopefully we can actually get it today we thought the funds hit before they did I'm not going to lie to y'all that's just real life real life we may be a day early even though they said it would be today it's just check them out this is the other one but this one look like it's been used yeah for some reason on the back of it they must have had a sticker on the back cuz it's they took the sticker off and it looks a little funky all I know some are stamped some are welded he'd rather have the welded kind we've been watching videos I like this tire I wanted to this for the CI yes okay cuz the bricks and Stratton is not as good nowadays they're not I'm learning y'all I don't have an hour meter and I don't have this is a cooler or that's wait they make Motors oh that's like a isn't that like a refrigerant like they make stuff this is what the neighbor yeah that mows our grass for us the decks are nicer on these but I don't if I bought one I probably buy this one but I don't have the birthday yeah I really don't like the bre now now there's a storage solution with that's pretty neat I I don't know if we can open it or not I don't think so but it goes all the way to the back I can because the we came in to cool off off I grabbed some soil a hot banana pepper and the marry Golds I love carart well there he is I was wondering where he went off to so fast oh that's right remember he's been talking about overalls overalls overalls I'm glad you remembered 42 yeah that's not bad I'm kind of surprised that's cute oh I love this color green oh all the haers are fli this way I like that color oh my gosh are you serious they have cropped car heart shirts no no way talk me out of it immediately Aon they have cropped car heart shirts and that reminds me I I have like really long ones at home and I've never thought oh I could just cut it oh man you have ladies at the door like the big old one right here feel like never had too they got well I said Christian music but it is a country song yeah wait look at me again yeah a gray suits gray is a good color on you for sure gray brown $70 good put it back you just hit me with a sharp dagger there sir some someone said oh what does ER just show you stuff and then put it back is he not allowed to get it and I'm thinking what like he even has to ask the hat but with the hat I'm being sarcastic if he wanted it he could get it but $70 $70 yeah yeah oh these are oh of course because it's not winter anymore but those are cute the green they're 15% off hopefully they don't take our buggy away got some more ones over they got some Like Straw ones over there are you becoming a hat a fishing a these are [Music] neat might be actually I think they might be too cuz they're pretty narrow yeah look how cute those little rain boots are they're so tiny looks lady just from standing outside I know that's why I needed to come in to cool off oh I want to see if they have chickens one of these for my P with the motor I need some of these I need some of [Music] these look at them oh my goodness to little chickens that says golden Comet how cute some of them are sleeping there's some more over here how cute that's what they have Rhode Island red I've heard of that um well they've got Ducks too but we don't need any Ducks one duck oh well maybe he needs you or she needs you the really tall one one right there just keep St oh the light color by the by this water oh how sweet he's saying adopt me please take me home with you well we will one day he's looking at me again yeah he is he just got pushed over why is he giving me Chloe energy he reminds me of Chloe he's oh look he's shaking his LS like he's trying to figure out how to get out he says I think I'm tall enough we're talking about this one right here and it keeps wanting to focus on the wire I really want to V visit our mom my mom in um June so I'm holding off on the chickens until we know that we're going to be here and be settled because I have no one to take care of them if I'm gone so it's going to tie me down as soon as we get them but I do want them oh chicken feed yeah I'm prepared I'm prepared for the responsibilities cuz I want to do it so bad I want I need more kids okay we're not having any real like real ones so I need all the little fur babies I can get all right y'all so hopefully we can come back again tomorrow and get you do want the Toro one that's what I'm thinking about okay so the Toro what is it it's not is it Titan or is it cuz they have different ones but it's the 54 in I know it's uh it's a Time cutter Max but there's another there's another uh term for cuz it's black color yeah and we're going to get one of those trailers but he was over there while I was looking at the flower so I don't know which one um so subscribe I don't like leaving y'all off on a cliffhanger we just thought we could get it today and it's more likely going to be tomorrow but it is going to be soon I also picked these up on the inside cuz they were on clearance Aon said it will be one of these because we just need it to be wide enough to carry the lawn orer all right I've got these over here in the shade these yeah I showed y all these anyway um and I'm going to have these in pots right over here too hi girl y'all I mean you will believe this little girl peed in this one yesterday don't you do do it again don't you do it again you want to go inside and get some water I need to fill up their water bowl cuz it's hot today anyway I'm going to eat something and cool off for a minute and then I'm going to get to that and do some weed eating I appr salad it's got cucumbers CH cheese Thousand Island um and I'm making me a salad too except for I'mma put some stuff in mine my drink is still drinkable maybe I actually left my door unlocked if you want to just use that one because I'm going to get some stuff out of the back I'll get it it went through the crack your sunglasses okay Aon said don't get too hot the weed eater is in the F normally the weed eat over now normally the weed is in the shed so that's why I'm my priority today is the weedy um at our like urance because that breath is so tall down there cuz yall see me I always weed through here and if you're wondering why I'm weeding and he's not it's because I want to all right so while we wait for past Kimberly to get actually in the shots of the video because she is over there weed eating off screen that sounded awfully funny but it is my chair I just leaned over I was going to tell y'all because I so rudely cut myself off earlier but the air conditioner was so loud that I was like they are not going to hear anything I'm saying so we used this electric weed eater this is our I think second or third honestly I think it's our third year using this and it runs really well I'm pretty positive it's under $200 if not around 150 or 164 I believe something like that and it's a Cobalt with a K 40 volt electric weed eater and the battery that it comes with when you purchase it cost almost as much as the weed eater so if you are looking for an electric weed eater this one is really good and I know this sounds really crazy but I would suggest just getting two of them that way you have two batteries um because it just makes more sense to get the you're almost getting the second weed eater for free you know so you can see how tall this grass is over here by the way we purchased that at Lowe's uh I don't know if it's in other stores too but that's where we got it and it works awesome um so I don't have to worry about the gas or anything and that's why I was saying um before I cut myself off that I like weed eating because it is electric and I don't have to worry about any of that stuff for our lawn mower we like that to be gas because it's just better but for the weed eater it does the same thing and you don't have to worry about you know putting gas in it the fuel and all that you can just go put the battery in push the button get her done very easy to use and it's lightweight which is something else I like about the electric one because gas weed eaters in my opinion are heavy and y'all will see after we get done or after I get done weed eating cuz it does die on me that's the reason why I would suggest getting two of them because the battery run time is not very long um especially if you have a lot to do so I get about 5et from where the camera is over here in the about battery dies I don't know what else I was going to tell y'all but um yeah I lost my train of thought I'm weed eing but we're almost done and we're going to go over to the rose bush man I wish I could remember what I was telling y'all are y'all like that I um I I don't finish a lot of subjects that I bring up they just get left to your own [Music] interpretation all right my battery died we got like 34s of that done let's go trim the rose bush all right my plan is to get all this white off of here without damaging my roast Bush let's see how we do I've also got my bucket right here my rolly cart that I'm going to put all the cuting in just in case that's a reason why stuff started growing cuz I normally just cut this and leave it on the ground so that may be might have been part of it if it is Wild Rose roses cuz they have they have uh thorns on them too but I think blackberry bushes have thorns as well so I'm sure I will talk to y'all in the video also about what we think this is but we did figure out that it is wild roses and that it is very common if you are trim in your rose bush or whatever you want to call it I don't know if trimming is the correct terminology um but yeah if if you're like cutting it and you just leave them on the ground it is very common for them to grow from the clippings so I'm glad that we put all of these clippings in this bucket and Aaron mentioned later on that this would be like a good side hustle to do where you take clippings and see if you can turn them into actual rose bushes to sell to people and that got me thinking that it would also be really good to do to do starts and then just sell them um on Facebook for a dollar or so you know like you would need to do the math to make sure you can make a profit off of it so it's worth your time but that's a great idea because I I love making starts but okay my my hands are shaking cuz um they're fatigued after I do the weed eater anyways I broke I broke these well right now all right my real time self popped in so I had to cut myself off but I love doing the seeds growing plants uh vegetables stuff like that from the from the seed and I've never thought oh well I could just sell them and I've always thought oh I I can only do a few a few of these a few of those because that's the amount of space I have so that made me think okay people that enjoy growing things from seeds but maybe don't have the space to have that massive of a garden could still enjoy the process of growing the starts and then just sell them locally to people that maybe can't afford to or don't want to shop at Lowe's and buy the starts but they want starts cuz maybe it's easier um there's a lot of different reasons why people would purchase starts over doing their seeds although seeds are more affordable for all of us um so like say they a tomato plant at lows is $5 but you start from seeds and you can sell yours for $2.50 you're going to help a lot more people that uh be able to use the starts versus you know if they had to spend double on it so that would be a really good side hustle and it would be really good for the people around you that could use those starts so that's definitely something I'm thinking about and I figured I would share it with y'all because you could do it too I am we out and I'm coming in here to tell y'all sorry the lighting um I see where the like mother stem is if you will and it's going to be a whole lot faster if I just go out there with that little hand sole it's a manual you have to do it yourself and cut where it is at the bottom at the thickest and then I can pick up that one big piece and all of it should come off with a little shaking I'd much rather lose some rose flowers than um whatever that is growing and with also there's honey suckles intertwined in it too so that's my plan I'm going to go find it I think it's back there and just lay her on the ground and see if I can cut it down because obviously I can't uproot anything cuz I would damage my rose bush so if we can just get it cut back all the way to the ground it's going to take a long time for it to you know do its thing and maybe during the off season in the like winter fall time I can like actually be able to see where it is and possibly dig it out um but that's what we're going to do I'm itchy I don't know if I can take one of these clippings though and possibly and I'm recording but possibly like move it to somewhere else you know because I like it even if it doesn't produce anything it's got pretty white flowers on it okay y'all I I know y'all can't really see what I'm doing but there's a bunch of larger like you know the base of it down there so I just need to find it and cut it all right I I don't know what that was but there's nothing on it it was a rose that was a rose yeah that was a rose yeah but it's okay at least now we've cleared out some space okay all right since I don't know okay whatever that is I can cut that here let me see that do you have it in your hand cuz that's thin enough for me to get already oh okay so you did cut something [Music] correct okay oh yeah I see where it is at the bottom okay okay just pull it from above oh it's Shing it's going okay all right ouch yeah be careful I got I got cut all [Music] right I just told y I thought it would be better to cut it as low as we could and then during the fall I can I can like trim everything back oh I bet that's why it grew so big cuz I trimmed everything back I just want y to see this is the standing up yeah I should be able to breathe now with all that gone got another road over here that's okay that's fine that light green I see if I can see that for G there cuz that was probably going to be the last this one growing off well what I've heard is it could be wild roses so basically they I guess they would like stay white um but if you think it's it's literally coming off the same as the red okay so I mean I guess it's better to be safe than sorry because all this right hyle isn't that crazy I don't even know this got white flowers on what's it's growing off of the main St so this came I don't know what I feel like it's a new growth but it grew like it grew off of the road yeah from where we cut everything back everything that started growing is that lighter green I mean cuz when I bought the rose bush it was light green but but over the years it started to get darker and darker okay maybe y'all will know help us in the comments cuz I'm really curious this this was growing off of the rest yeah yeah and so it's either okay huh what's weird is I feel like those are the flowers though those little white things are the flower so it's growing if it's something else y'all it's literally growing on the rose bush so I'm not going to worry about trying to get the roots of whatever it is cuz if it's I think it's better off to just do that okay now she looks a little funky but she looks better to me like foer almost like it was a Christmas tree wrapped up in a bunch of stuff and then you take the the thread off of it and it expands for you so I don't know if y'all can tell but there's a lot of cuts down there from Aaron and I and this is just part of it and I'll pick all this up oh here's your juice honey it fell out of your thing and all of this all there's that giant piece right there that looks like a tree three all of this so maybe y'all will know by the by this cuz it has the Thorns just like a rose bush it looks just like a rose bush just white flowers instead of the red ones that's all see how it was growing green out of these so what he was saying you want to so so that big piece I cut the last piece I cut was off of the stem which is uh which [Music] one so there was red flowers and the white yeah it's off this stem right here on the same thing okay this big stem this what okay yeah be careful it's sharp that's that's what that piece came off of so it's it's some kind of something to do with the rose all right I'm I'm not going to dead head her today because she already looks like she's been through enough for today but that makes me feel a lot better that we have all this off of there I don't know what this I don't know all right I am going to do something easy I'm going to go sit over there and and put my flowers in their pots and then I need to go water everything so that we can get dinner going n [Music] okay I'm just going to leave that there for right now and we are going to Cub over here taking my big glove off okay we are going to go over here there's our I think I did show y'all that and it that hey that goes really well Aon now that it's up against here it's going to look good all right I need to put well I guess I need to wait to put those plants back on the porch until it's stained all the way like [Music] everywhere yeah cuz we're going to have to go back over this side in the one areas cuz you made it darker on your side than I did I don't know where I went want to put yall I'm coming over here though I'm got to round up all my pots make it last I'm going stick y'all right here oh I'm sure cuz I did like a really thin I did really thin coats and you did good size coats okay my gloves oh I need the soil you should have listen to me though when we got soil I know and I'm I'm letting them listen to this by the way I said so don't say take me me you should you should at least get five more bags I know hopefully they're on sale when we go back that probably wouldn't even have been enough but it would have been more than what we have yeah hopefully they're on today I got a bag of this I know for sure let me make sure y'all can see see me or I can see you actually okay I know for sure I may use this or I may just see if I can use both of these do I need holes in here holes I need some sort of drainage these are holes or rocks toy so I can't use these right now the I'm not putting holes in there why no you do it why cuz I don't like to use a drill I always feel like something's going to fly back and get me an eyeball like a nail or something or screw he's going to go get a drill so while he does that I got radishes this pepper hot banana they had a sweet banana too um so I'm hoping these are like the kinds that you would like have pepper cheiis maybe you know even though that's a different pepper and then the merry Golds which I'm excited for because these are cut and come again and I can have some flowers which is going to be nice I would go ahead and uh IID go ahead and put the soil in here but we have to wait for the drill my cucumbers right here are not doing their best especially the one in the middle um those are doing now that they're dry I'm not going to water those in the middle today the peppers cuz I I believe what y'all said about the it's better not water them every single day but cucumbers are we need to start watering every day okay Aaron's here to the rescue okay yeah they can see you got to big oh it's fun whatever you think it they probably just needs like two or three holes for water to go through a smaller one it don't matter don't matter me I'm Sor about this 22 days also what kind do y'all get because they had a like a paint salad something that said something about salad so I don't know if this Cherry Cherry Bell is for salads or not but that's what what we would eat on lid and maybe on sandwiches okay no I'm not doing that no no no you do it it's simple no you do it it's simple but I want you to do it it's simple I weed eated okay it's [Music] not but do I have to push like you did not much just to get it started a little bit cuz it will move around oh no don't tell me that just a little bit it's thin metal what is it going it's going get a little B more just know that when it goes through yeah no keep keep I pushed and then pulled up and it went in yeah you hold it and take it out just give a throttle no you do it what's okay you do the other one why because I did it and now I'm done he wants me to do stuff I don't want you to be scared so I know how to do stuff I don't want you to be scared of doing it cuz it's not [Music] we don't need that many that's a lot of holes well dirt's going to go over it and it might stop them up a little bit okay so now this one [Music] it's sliding around on me it's fine you're not giving enough power this is my power no you you did pull this more oh oh wow yeah just know that when it pops through fall fall on your face I would never fall on my face one throttle I'm terrified I really am you more I'm I'm doing it scared that's the first scares me okay but can you do the other sides because I don't want to okay that's good enough okay I was about to say if we're going to go all the way my as well could you imagine this could be a side hustle just taking some putting holes in it for people I'm saying I have planters that were buckets I don't even know where they came from but now they have holes in them okay fabulous so oh I forgot got pepper I need to chw [Music] chew look pain you want itn't like you like no I like calvan eyes let's see this bag will go good that's what I'm putting in there I'm going I going put here okay I'll put the rest of this in oh wow it gets heavy here this can be for my flowers this one okay cuz there's a lot of soil with my flowers now I thought this was a worm I got a little scared um what's the difference between a sweet pepper and a hot one cuz I got the hot one hot banana pepper you think that's like pepper chees don't know aren't you juicy i' had banana pepper look at this boy I don't know if Hot banana is different so I'm going to leave that right there since it's another pepper but it looks just like banana pepper yeah I I think that's what it is I just did a banana pepper now these the radish says have I told them my arms get fatigued EAS and you wonder why I can't grip anything this was from the weed eater I'm not it's not funny but this happens to me so I can do that um I'm trying to read it half an inch two Thin 2 in okay so I'm not going to thin I'm just going to put them every 2 in that's what I'm going to do okay I put Nine Circles in there can youall yeah y'all can see this what you find over there cutie that cat is eating grass and he's so cute that's the one with the brown okay and then I'll save I'll save these I'm just going to do one whoops that might have been to no don't want your sleep there we are them up off the ground oh no how' that happen I trying to grab them while you set them down oh okay one of them and then here that right there he borrowed that letter okay here's are someone said that my voice is soothing and it helps them relieve their anxiety and that just made my heart a little bit bigger because girl I need struggle of anxiety anxiety impacts your entire life which is something that I didn't realize um until I started gaining more confidence and being able to do stuff like the things I would have never ever ever tried to do before I do now and I didn't had no idea that it was anxiety that was keeping me from doing all those things don't let anxiety keep you from doing things okay big sister well I could also be a little sister for all I know okay I don't know if I'm if I've got enough soil for these [Music] I'm going to need to steal some foil with these okay I got to get more bags anyways but I need more [Music] soil taking it off of here CU I need it oh shoot all that's growing over here is cardboard for the moment so I probably got a week but know me I have my I have a driver's license again now y'all I have not have a driver's license for like a week cuz mine expired and I needed to like go in and get one um so now I have one and I can drive again and I can vote and I'm so excited cuz I've never voted ever in my life ever so I won't tell you who I'm voting for cuz I think I've just learned that it's not important to share that kind of stuff with anybody what the cat is it the brown one he's such a cutie okay but I will share with you my religion okay can't get me to not do that all right that's good I'm going to add some more to the middle right here all right yay now we got some flowers it's cooled off some it either it's cooled off or I've cooled off I am going to go ahead and water everything that's over here with my water hose but I won make y'all look at everything else I'm shocked y'all our neighbor's cat I mean she works she helps theca and these were rescues and her cats are just gorgeous they're boys they are I would say now 7 months cuz when she told that was probably a few weeks ago when she told me they were 6 months and they're thick little guys thick also every time I see even my cats but especially these remind me so much of slugs if you ever look at a slug up close that's the pattern they have a pattern like that but he's so cute he's got a brown underbelly and the other one has a white underbelly so it's like Lucy and Margaret but I'm so I I say that these are Margaret's boyfriends because they're similar in age to her well actually she's got them beat by about 6 months she's almost a year in June like June 29th she'll be a year old that's their birthday I don't know uh Mar uh Lucy's exact date so I just let them share her birthday and even though and look here's Margaret even though Chloe's birthday is technically in February cuz that's when we got her I may just celebrate all three of their New Year's um on the same day they could be a pet party party for my pets party plan with me I'm being silly the video are like party prep but for real I will do it oh I know and he he's gorgeous I'm belly I'm I'm going to turn the water on and then I'm probably going to scare them away unintentionally cuz the water I'm letting them just watch you guys cutie PTI okay here go I know what it is there all right this was Mish our garden is officially on for right now until I decide to plant something else I've got more seeds in the house but I don't have any more I guess I'm going to put the weed eater back in the in the pfer too because I don't to use it again tonight hi baby I wish I knew your name but you lost your collar like my girls did his brother still has his collar on my girls L there the first thing I outside they're warning kitties I'm turning my water on I'll try not to get you oh how sweet his color is so pretty he really looks like a cheetah or whatever like a leopard one of those things tiger I don't know why they eat grass the girls eat the grass too and Margaret I think is a little bit jealous you see her see how much smaller she is than they are she's longer than them right now but they're Fuller but Erin said the girl cats do oh hi Lucy don't you dare pee in my garden don't don't do it to your mama I will be disappointed once again okay trying to get yall where you can okay y'all our battery died so I have no idea what point you got to in this but we watered everything over here and Aaron thinks I killed one of my cucumbers but it's fine because it was thinning they were thinning I had to thin them all out cuz they were all on the same thing together but I think it'll be fine okay here we go here's everything now I can put those back on the porch but I'll just leave them out here for now and I'll leave you out here for now cuz I got to go water all my other plants so okay I feel like by the way this is not being serious I think it's root roots and refuge Jessica Jess oh my gosh I haven't watched that channel in years but I think in every video she would walk around and show like the progress of her plants and I feel like that's what we do at the end of these videos oh that reminds me I need to show y'all a scripture of the day cuz I've really been enjoying that and tonight after I get done editing which is kind of like my downtime anyways cuz I just sit in my computer chair and chill um look at these pretty pretty flowers right there and look at all of those anyway it's my chill time I'm sorry Spidey I messed up her little spider web every day but she keeps putting it in the same spot every day I'm just watering these to establish them really well cuz I've only had them in the ground for like a week and then I want water on all the time but one of you did say said I still need a water D my Gerber Daisies do struggle they struggled last year too but what this red this red one does great and the purple does really good I'm giving them a lot of water um once I get done I'm going to draw I'll show y'all not draw color I'll show youall what I started coloring yesterday because it's actually going to be for a project where I do a like wall with just like a gallery wall but all framed and stuff hi honey what do you need I know your mama's at work I think yeah they're so talkative oh you like that water hey let's not do that I put something in there yesterday a fertilizer okay and I didn't wash out the bucket got to be quick got to be quick for I'm glad I remembered that I don't want him drinking Miracle Grow that wouldn't be good by the way uh this is fresh water and I wash that bowl today so um I'm sure she puts water out for them like more than positive um she's so nice she was like if you ever need any like flea medication or anything let me know and I'll give you some cuz I work at the with the SPCA and I always have someone hand so it's so helpful so nice anyways so there's he's got water if if he doesn't have water in his water bowl he's got water in ours cuz I don't my cats like to be outside oh okay that's fine do y'all see this by the way look at all that oh my goodness I can't wait it's probably going to be June before we see flower buds but that's fine with me this green thing right here is getting bigger that's exciting I just water them really well once because I don't wake up in time to water all bit wed I am a night owl like 3:00 in the morning going to bed 4: but I stay up until well yeah I stay up until around 4:00 and then I get up around 12:00 so it's still 8 hours I don't sleep you know I don't sleep half the day away it's all the same this is that fragile world one um there's the brand I guess or they're from Hobby Lobby but you know if you can't find it and you want it um so here's the one I started I did finish y'all know me I like to color the background I was thinking about why I do that and then I remembered um it creates like a foreground versus when I color everything um it it just kind of looks 2D to me so when I color it like this it feels more 3D so my plan is to color this one which is really cool it's like a bumblebee with plants growing out of it my plan is to color it the same exact brightr color is this one and then have these in frames next to each other and of course I'll like clean up the edge or maybe the edge will be hidden so that's what I was saying tonight instead of scrolling through Tik Tok mindlessly I'm going to color so that I'm not on my phone all the time anyways I'm about to shower because I am now dirty um and that wraps up today's video I will put in tomorrow's video if we do end up getting the lawn mower tomorrow I will put um we got it or something like that in the thumbnail so that it would give yall the idea that like it's here we got it it's home so we're no longer shopping but uh I'm really excited he's been watching more videos about the T Toro lawn mower so basically saying they were saying like it's not a commercial gra mower which is fine cuz we just use it for residential purpose anyway but it's like close to it it's it's a good one so if you're looking for a l more maybe look into that one any I will see y'all back here tomorrow for another video bye [Music] he he
Channel: Kimi Cope
Views: 10,097
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mobile home updates, mobile home update, yard work, mobile home outdoor updates, backyard updates, backyard projects, mobile home projects, garden update, kimi cope, mobile home gardening, mobile home yard work, yard clean up, backyard mobile home updates, single wide updates, single wide mobile home, mobile home
Id: o_zqhq8CfGg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 36sec (3816 seconds)
Published: Fri May 03 2024
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