30 GREAT *NEW* Habits to Keep your Kitchen Clean and Organized!

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maybe your kitchen looks a little like this you got pop cans all over you got hair supplies you got dishes in the dirty sink you got I don't know who knows what over here you got some groceries house things that need to be put away got Amazon boxes this is legit my kitchen almost every morning and in fact it's actually a little cleaner than it usually is because usually we have craft supplies over there so I'm going to share with you 30 tips and habits that I've implemented in my over 30 years of life with four kids running two businesses because I can whip this baby into shape like nobody's business business let me show you and I hope by the end of this video you are more motivated than ever before to get your kitchen in [Music] shape and in fact we're going to do something super fun I'm going to set my timer right here and we're going to see how long it takes me to get this kitchen looking Pinterest worthy are you ready let me know in that comments box below how long you think it will actually take me to do this by myself mhm okay are we ready here we [Music] go got to stop for some water it's [Music] good [Music] a [Music] these things need to be hand [Music] washed [Music] rinse out the sink make sure there's no food particles left in [Music] there lettuce I do deep cleaning in the evenings we'll talk about that in just a little bit I just go around and pick up any major food particles we're going to straighten these [Music] chairs we are at 16 minutes my friend 16 minutes and whatever we don't get done when our kids are here we do immediately after they leave and then my youngest is dropped off at daycare not too [Music] shabby before we get into all the tips and tricks I have a golden gem tip for you and that's this every single item in your kitchen should have a home that way when you're whipping through and picking everything up really quickly you can do it because you know where it goes tip number one let's start with the refrigerator because that thing can get super disorganized very quickly especially when you have lots of hands in that refrigerator you want to make sure that you have some sort of allpurpose cleaner easily accessible anything I talk about here today will be linked in that description box below nothing in this video is sponsored so let's just open the refrigerator this is what it looks like on average but at least once a week or every evening you want to make sure that you go in and wipe everything down so that your fridge looks nice and clean it makes you want to keep it organized when it looks nice and clean go through these shelves I know often times when we buy milk or creamer like this there's little these little white particles that like to float around in here so in the refrigerator wipe it down at least once a day I would say and you can do a clean wipe you don't need to take everything out and do all that but just visually make it look better my second tip here is have different organizers and liners so you can see in here I have different trays for different compartments of things we're going to talk about these in just a second but these trays help keep things better organized and then I have another one up here if we pop down in here I also have separate organizers and again I didn't go in and organize this before the start of the video this is exactly how it is I would say like 90% of the time but these organizers really help you separate and contain things a little bit easier the other little Hidden Gem that I have inside of here is this liner you can see right here this is super helpful because there's glass underneath this liner and it is a pain in the butt to take out and clean now you see these little food sort of scrap particles in here that sometimes are a little bit tricky to get out with your sponge I have a little trick for you you're going to get yourself one of these babies this is going to save your life watch I just little love this thing I'm obsessed it also works fantastic in your freezer getting out those crumbs in fact this is probably better than multi-purpose [Music] [Applause] cleaner okay now that we got our fridge wiped down it's looking good we're going to come back to this in a little bit because I have some other tips and tricks for you let's talk about the oven cleaning the oven is a big pain in the you know what so here's an idea that I have for you so you're not scrubbing grab yourself some aluminum foil D you can buy special Iz liners to put in the bottom of your oven uh but you don't need it you can just use this this is particularly helpful if you are making pizzas you know cheese likes to drip down there now you're going to have to clean your oven way less often and all you have to do is take this out when it gets all gunky and full of [Music] goodness number three water bottle Mayhem two solutions that I have for you inside these organizers are fantastic and they're stackable and here's my rule of thumb my daughter always wants to get water bottles but I tell her all of these slots are full we cannot purchase any more water bottles if we are going to get a new one then something has to go and let me tell you this she really rethinks that letting go of a water bottle and we're able to leave whatever store Target Starbucks that we're in where she wants to get one but these are awesome let me just pull one out here for you there's a couple different uh storage Solutions we got a sixpack right here um we there's a two-seater we'll call it a two-seater look at that I mean when you open your cupboard it's very exciting and I think it's just a great way to store everything right in here and then we have an extra one my other solution for you when it comes to water bottles that you're currently drinking rather than laying all over your house I showed this in a previous video but it is so darn good I have to show you again is this it's actually for housing wine but I love it for water bottles and so we just keep it here in our corner and then whenever I find a water bottle randomly throughout the house I put it in this little Nook this little corner right here and then these are still clean people are still using them but that looks way better than taking up all of your counter [Music] space tip number four routines routines and more routines it's kind of like I'll work out later but you know later comes and then you don't get your workout in I think it's the same thing when it comes to your kitchen so every single night we run this dishwasher because it's full so I just go in here when I'm cleaning and going through my kitchen routine I grab my soap I run it and then the next morning while the kids are sitting here eating or after they've left for school like I talked about then we take all the dishes out that way it's just like easy peasy tip number five what's a chore that you really hate doing when it comes to your kitchen and that you want to put off for me it's mopping because I got to do it when people are not awake when they're not going to get all over the floor and slip and fall because that has happened before so here is what I do I have a designated day it's Sunday mornings and I actually set an alarm on my phone when I wake up early at 4:00 a.m. and I mop at like 5:00 a.m. before my kids wake up the alarm goes off I know it's time to mop I'm doing a little work I'm getting my morning routine done so if there's a chore in your kitchen one schedule it in and number two put a timer on your phone to notify you like ding ding ding it's just time to do that thing that you hate doing tip number six what's something that gets really dirty greasy and grimming in your kitchen it's your stove top and up above here in the last house that we lived in the stove had caked on grease from years and years and here's what happened people were not wiping that down immediately after they cooked or within that same day so it was so challenging to get off so every time you cook a meal and usually this is going to be part of your evening routine anyway is go in get your multipurpose spray and just do a quick wipe down of your stove that way you're never going to have that issue where you have all kinds of caked on grease and grime and then you're spending hours trying to get it lifted up you're just going to go in here wipe this down here's the moral of the story when it comes to this as well if you just do a little bit every single day when it comes to any of these things you're never going to have to like you know dedicate hours and hours upon end um to trying to get it nice clean and organized if you have any grease along here just quickly wipe it down as part of your evening routine and put on some good music that you like get your kitchen whipped into shape so that it's ready to go for you the next morning and you don't have to deal with cake on Grease for years and years after [Music] that tip number seven wipe down all your countertops at least twice a day once in the morning and once in the evening of course you you can wipe them down more frequently as needed that way you're waking up to clean counters and you're going to bed having your countertops nice and clean you you find so many sticky things on my countertops tip number eight this is a big one this is something that I've had to overcome over these past couple years but it's an excess amount of utensils and stir things and little things with handles and cookware so let me show you come on in over here these are all of our utensils nicely organized this drawer used to be like a complete disaster I had to go through and really decide do I need three spatulas do I need three sets of measuring spoons go through your drawers keep them nice and organized everything should have a home let's move over to this drawer right here that way when you're putting stuff away as well it's just much easier look at this everything's nice and organized little lunch notes we got the straws we got the little press and seal back here and then in here we have little baggies and little extra uh aluminum foil all that good stuff keep those drawers nice and organized and go through through and get rid of some of the items that you haven't used in a while maybe they're just not in great condition anymore and maybe you don't need five of I don't know something number nine along these same lines many of us and yes I was guilty of almost all of these things at one point in my life too are an excess amount of I'm going to call them Tupperware it's not Tupperware but different food storage organizers we have too many Lids we don't have matches to things we have like 20 different of these things that we're never going to actually use we are a family of six and this is plenty of food storage and we eat over 90% of our meals at home so go through those I keep want to say tuw I know many of you be like it's not Tupperware Andrea Jean go through your storage solutions your food storage solutions and really see if you can get rid of some of that two things super quick cuz I know I'm going to get asked this what is in this spray bottle that I've been using it's actually this cleaner right here it's super concentrated you just put a little bit in again I will link this in the description box below it's amazing it has a nice light scent it's not too overpowering and it makes my cranite countertop look nice and shiny and not hazy the other thing is before we turned on this camera I didn't go in and start organizing everything this is legit how my house looks on a regular basis so if you're like and jeene that ain't organized I saw something out of a place that doesn't look good because this is real life this is what my house looks like in what I do all right we're going to talk about the dishwasher I want you to do this once a month because it's going to make a huge difference uh I think it's about a month since I've done this you're going to go in here and check the filter yep oh my God this thing is so nasty come on in here look at this look at this filter oh my word so we're just going to go ahead and we're going to wash this up I'm going to grab a cleaning toothbrush I'm just going to use this multi-purpose cleaner I like a spray that I can use this is like a bonus tip for like everything in my kitchen that way I can clean faster and quicker let me go get that cleaning toothbrush D let's go to work work work [Music] so much [Music] better if you have stinky smells in your dishwasher often times it can be because of this filter I'm just going to put it back in here now tomorrow morning before I there we go tomorrow morning uh before I put dishes back in here you know after I've emptied the dishwasher I'm going to go ahead and you're going to do this about once a month you could do this with baking soda you could do this rubbing alcohol I like to buy things that are specifically designed for what they're made that way I don't have to get all these products and different cleaners throw this in your dishwasher run it empty and it smells so good smell it it's like freshness freshness in a bag right there your dishwashable thank you number 11 it pertains to your food storage or your pantry now the house before this I didn't actually have a pantry it was just a little cupboard that you opened up and that was your pantry and I didn't organize this before we turned on the camera but come in here I'm going to give you some tips and tricks my husband did go to the grocery store yesterday and we had all kinds of boxes around so this is pretty standard for what it looks like it's not as organized as I would like it but here are my tips and tricks have bins that you can easily put snacks in that your kids can grab different bins such as these everything in here has a station so for example we have breakfast things we have chip things we have bread things and then these baskets right here just help reduce some of that visual clutter that you experience when you're going in a space with a lot of different shapes and sizes and colors when in down basket those [Music] goodies tip number 12 get stuff out of boxes as best as you can let me give you an example of what I mean by this all right so we have these macaroni cheese boxes that Justin just picked up I'm going to take these out and then I'm going to put them in their designated space I mean you certainly could leave them like this but I don't like that it's on the floor so I'm just going to take this out of the box if you have chips this is what I like to do I like to put them in clear containers like this that way they're airtight and they're going to last longer and Visually it just looks more appealing than having bags such as this lay around that's why this one is down here kind of hidden so you can't see it as clearly so get everything out of these the boxes as best as you can and then our mac and cheese goes in this area by the way all my three-year-old wants to do is eat macaroni and cheese great space saver tip number 13 be careful of the sales trap you know what I mean by that you buy an excess amount of items for your pantry and your kitchen because you're like it's on sale unless you're going through a food shortage of some sort or there's a pandemic or there you can't get the grocery store for like 2 months or something like that don't just buy stuff because it's on sale because what you're going to end up having is an overflow of stuff that you don't know where to put and a lot of times those items get wasted so for example do we have an excess amount of stuff in here I mean I don't know why we have two things of jelly when we have a bunch of jelly in the refrigerator already my husband did the grocery shopping on that one so I like to just have like one back of of each item and again that's for a family of six we don't need like six jellies on backup because I can go to the grocery store in a week and get another jelly okay here's something else that happens I'm going to throw my husband under the bus for a little it okay he buys Oreo cookies to put them in the kids lunches which is fantastic right so we have all these Oreos that still need to be eaten yet when he was at the grocery store what did he buy another pack of Oreos no oh and oh yeah so we did not need to buy another pack of Oreos check your pantry before you go grocery shopping that's a big help and then oh let me just tell you this it's like Girl Scout season I love a good girl scout but man they're Relentless like look at all these cookies in here we do not need to buy any more cookies I mean I guess unless of course it's like a really cute uh Girl Scout okay so be careful with the sales trap when it comes to groceries if you really don't need that item and then take inventory before you go grocery shopping so you know whether you need something or another we're going back in the pantry again so this is what I do when I get my morning coffee I go in here and as this is warming up and Brewing up I'm looking around and I'm like okay let me organize a few things because this takes like I don't know a couple minutes to heat up so I'm going like this I need to descale my coffee maker because well it's been overdue I just keep putting it off I'll wipe something down while that's heating up if I need to I'm noticing I don't like when there's a bunch of stuff on here that's got to go in the dishwasher so I'm going to like organize these put these away access chips down here those can go there this Bread's got to get eaten so I just go through here while I'm waiting to organize while I'm waiting for something actually we're going to make a trail mix I'm I'm going to put that with the other items down in here and then just do a quick wipe down in your pantry as part of your little routine so then we wake up in the morning and it looks all nice and organized again number 15 Recycling and your garbage so let me just show you a little trick I'm going to put this away now what I like to do with our recycling we have this double system here but we actually put them in paper bags and then we end up just taking this and putting this whole thing in our recycling bin rather than having to like take this whole thing out dump it and then things are I don't know moving around in there it's just a much easier way to keep things organized so I'll go ahead put this in my garage and then in here I just have some extra paper bags that I'll go ahead and put back in for my Recycling and take it out when it gets full one thing I like to do too is whenever I take this out I like to look down here maybe I'll get my vacuum out and vacuum out any crumbs or again just get my multi-purpose cleaner and a microfiber towel because I like when these look nice and clean um and it's just a great way to do it is when you're taking it out just quickly go in here and wipe down and clean it out number 16 this tip is going to make your kitchen look automatically cleaner than it really is potentially is avoid too much clutter on your countertops like so this is not the mail slot this is not the excess dishes slot this is not all the kids arts and craft slot these countertops like this when I walk through here and see this countertop if there's anything extra on here it comes off the countertop same with over here we have our water bottle station this is where all the water bottles go we don't just plop things on our counter have you ever been in a house and I've been guilty of this as well when you look at the kitchen and those countertop like there is no clear space on those countertops you just feel like you can't breathe because there's so much stuff so find a home for all of those items on your countertop that don't necessarily need to be out there I like a few pieces to make it look warm and inviting a recipe holder a little piece a little moment here of something beautiful we use these we use these and we eat that so most of the items here on this countertop top we use on an everyday basis and it looks [Music] beautiful number 17 the pots and pans situation by the way everything I've done here today I've said this before but I've been guilty of as well too many pots in pans if you're a family of two or a family of three like why is there so many pots and pans and the little solution um I showed this in a previous video you guys loved it is this so you don't have all these wonky handles around look at how nice these store right here bought these with my own money and then it comes with this you just put this on this is your handle and you can easily just switch this on and off also if you've cooked something in here let's say um I don't know you have some pasta that you want to save in your refrigerator they come with these little Lids that you can put on top if you want to store it like that but now everything is nice and organized we have a lot more space down below here apologize for all the clanking and it just looks much tigher and when things look tigher it makes you want to keep it that way number 18 we're going to go back to the refrigerator because I know this can be a trouble area disaster Zone and it happens to be when it comes to your fruit so it comes in these little containers like this there's a couple problems with these they're clunky they're not visually appealing and I do not think they keep your fruit fresh very long so this is what I like to do yes I love some of these things for the video in here I have some different fruit storage solutions so I go in here I grab these I don't wash them till we're ready to eat them uh because I think they just last longer use a little vinegar spray or a little fruit spray I think what I'm going to do is I'm going to put maybe the strawberries in here and then in this one I think I'll do all the raspberries and then you can easily stack these better there we go now watch when I I think these are I'm on I'm on the struggle train here all right there we go so we put these in here so now we're going to have more space and it's just going to look nicer in there look at that okay moving into my next tip when it comes to your refrigerator we have a designated leftover station and is right here front and center so that way when you open your refrigerator we're like oh we have all these leftovers that need to get eaten so that we can make more room in here and then stuff like this like these little baggies I like to take them out go like this it just looks a little bit nicer in your refrigerator I'm seeing that these carrots are on their last leg I'm going to zoodle them up so to speak tonight and there we go now before we move into tip number 20 which I'm so sad we're nearing the end I want to share something with you you may be wondering like what is this this has a very specific purpose it helps me save time it helps me save so many different things so this is what I do got a bunch of penc over here whenever I run out of an item I immediately go in here and I'll write like I don't know my kids love certain kind of juice so I'll put it on here juice and then we just keep adding to this my daughter will be like Mom we're out of goldfish I want more goldfish okay she can write it when she's nine my three-year-old I write it up here and then whenever we make a run to the grocery store we just tear this off or take a picture of it and then it helps prevent you from buying excess items because you know that you went through here and wrote down all the items that you need before you went into that grocery store and got stuck in the sales trap number 20 this is one of my favorites because it is also effective when it comes to maintaining a clean kitchen and that is have a morning routine maybe you only have 10 minutes maybe you have 5 minutes maybe you have 30 minutes get as much done in that time frame that you can so that you can get your kitchen back to some semblance of order now are you going to be deep cleaning in that 20 minutes most likely not maybe you maybe you can I don't know I don't have the ability to do that with what's going on but have a great morning routine and stick with it number 21 contain contain contain let me show you two ways that I do that so in here uh actually I'm going to show you three ways that I do it we have a bunch of different vitamins for my kids and for my husband so I have these little containers that I put them in so for example I can just pull this out every morning for my kids they can e they grab it and put this back in here we have an excess amount of Scissors because I have four kids they all want to do arts and crafts and supplies usually at the same time so I have a little container that I put all of these scissors in that way they're just not jumbled around in inside the cabinet the other place that I contain is down here with my cleaning supplies easy access to all the things that I use on a regular basis so I have this bin here for all of my microfiber towels I have this two-tier system to grab the items that I use on a frequent basis and then I have this little clear container right here that I also maybe these are refills um and some things that didn't fit in this area so when you contain your items one if you have more items than you have the ability to contain you probably need to go through your items but two you have easier access to them and number three it's easier to maintain number 22 make your kitchen inviting let me show you a way that I do that so I'm going to go in here just going to grab a little lighter I love my candles so I have this little station right here and then I like to light a candle my daughter's growing some grass so she wants to keep an eye on that but make your kitchen an inviting space put something in it that brings you Joy that makes you smile maybe it's fresh flowers every couple of weeks maybe it's a c handle such as this speaking of fresh flowers I actually have some here on the table that they're about on their last days but just just a little moment of here something that smells great now you don't want to have too much of something like maybe you love to collect I don't know something or another little trinkets you probably don't want those lined up all over your kitchen but make your kitchen a space that you really love and enjoy number 23 do you have an excess amount of plastic bags because let's say you go to Target that's what they give you when you do grocery pickup up I have a solution for you rather than them overtaking your entire kitchen we're going to go in my bathroom so in here I have this little bag storage system and the reason that I keep them here in this bathroom oh look at there's an excess these ones can actually go upstairs I didn't do this my husband did that so I'm going to put these in here when I take this garbage out I can just easily have some stuffed in the bottom as well I like to reuse them uh as garbage uh bags in my bathroom these ones are going to go upstairs this one can get tossed so have a great place that you store all of those plastic bags if they're allowed in the state that you live in I know many states have band them which is great number 25 this is going to save you a ton of time if you have a burnt on pan or a bowl with oatmeal and the oatmeal solidified in there and it's all stuck here's what I do just two tools I get myself some little Dawn power wash I love this I spray that down let it sit let it soak and then inside here you're going to want to have one of these in Your Arsenal are these little scraper tools so then you can spray it down scrape it rinse it off put it in your dishwasher whatever you need it to be so immediately when you recognize that you have a burnt on pan something's burnt on there that needs to get clean spray it wait scrub it number 26 I want you to strategically place items in your kitchen let me give you an example of what I mean by that so up here I keep my salad spinner because I use it twice a week I want to be able to easily access this put this down cut up my salad and then I can put it in the refrigerator yes I usually do put this whole thing in my refrigerator our fridge we just went grocery shopping the other day or my husband went grocery shopping it's more packed than it typically is with lots of fresh fruits and vegetables make sure that you strategically place items for when you access them so for example if I wouldn't go put this in my pantry because every time I need to get it I need to go in my pantry I would probably need to put it up high because there's not a lot of space in there and I do get this comment all the time they're like energy it must be nice you have all the space of course you can keep your home clean and organized and less cluttered I used these same tips and tricks when I lived in a one-bedroom apartment with my husband we also lived in a couple of small town homes um our home prior to this was a bit I mean it was smaller than this house but it was you know a bit larger but still we've accumulated more kids I've just gotten better at organizing and getting rid of stuff that I don't need and not buying so much stuff that I'm not going to use within the near future kind of like if you were to live in New York City I mean you got to be real strategic about the space that you have so work with what you have number 27 what's something we also tend to have an excess amount in our kitchen sponges and Rags one I hate sponges they they just get they're moist and they start to smell after a while I don't like them I have one sponge that I use on a regular basis and I keep it in this little container right here and this is my sink cleaning sponge this is really the only time that I ever use a sponge what I typically clean with are microfiber towels because I can easily wash them after I've used them they don't start to have that yucky SP sponge smell a sponge if it gets too wet it just looks all I don't know like wet on your countertop and then you have to go in and dry it with something else you know what I mean when you use sort of a microfiber towel like that one all you do is spray and wipe you don't have to wipe again like a sponge you got to spray wipe it with your sponge and then you need to go back in and dry it again you know we just cut down a step number 28 clean as you go so my kids are going to be home from school here very shortly they're going to unload all of their stuff and what I'm going to do is I'm going to talk to them about their day see how they're doing I'm going to empty their lunch boxes I'm going to clean up the lunch boxes put any papers away that need to go away sign anything see if there's any homework all that good stuff so I'm cleaning as I go all about my day and as I'm walking through my kitchen on the weekends let me give you a PR example on the weekends my house is complete chaos because all six of us are here at the same time so as I walk through rooms I'm just picking up stuff cleaning as I go number 29 enlist any help that you can get maybe you do want to hire someone to come and deep clean your house once a month maybe that's in your budget enlist the help of your kids so when my kids walk through that door we're going to make sure that they hang up their coats they hang up their backpacks they put their shoes away just like they would do if they were at school my husband runs with the grocery store if we need groceries sometimes it's me doing it we tag team different things my husband and I will also tag team in the morning when it comes to cleaning up different things enlist help and it's okay to accept it and number 30 my best tip of all when it comes to a clean kitchen and pantry and different daily habits that you can Implement and this tip applies to no matter what size space that you have you have to work with the space that you're given rethink everything that you bring into your kitchen so we don't need 500 boxes of Oreos in my kitchen I didn't need 10 different spatulas at one point in time I didn't need 20 pots and pans I just we just tend to accumulate things over the years so rethink everything that that you bring in be intentional about those purchases and number two be intentional about going through your kitchen on a regular basis and really deciding if it's something that needs to stay in your kitchen area anything I talked about here today is linked in that description box below let me know in that comments box one tip that you are going to be implementing also if you want to see some additional cleaning and home hacks click this video on screen now and then make sure that you sign up for that free weekly cleaning and organizing HCK newsletter also linked in that description box below thumbs up subscribe and I will see you my friend in the next one
Channel: Andrea Jean Cleaning
Views: 64,389
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Keywords: Andrea Jean Cleaning, kitchen tips, kitchen tips and tricks, indian kitchen cleaning tips, indian kitchen, how to keep kitchen clean while cooking, indian kitchen tips, how to clean kitchen, useful kitchen tips, Best kitchen organising tips, how to organize indian kitchen, Great habits for clean kitchen, simplify your space, how to keep kitchen clean, kitchen cleaning routine, kitchen cleaning tips, kitchen hacks, 22 Great Tips/Habits For Clean and Organized Kitchen
Id: tce5pjlqTjU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 31sec (1951 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 11 2024
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