Shopping at All the Stores for All the Things!

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good morning welcome back my name is Becky if you're new today we are heading to go into town to go shopping it is early my family's not even up yet we are going to head to couple different stores I am pretty proud of myself I brought my bag with some ice because we're going to be going to a couple different stores and I need to get some different meat products I wanted to go ahead and try to remember my freezer bag with some ice in it so we've got that I have a breakfast sandwich I've got some coffee I've got my grocery list here we got some really fun recipes we're going to be making this week I am so excited about the recipes that I found and so we need to go get some good ingredients for these recipes it is spring officially around here we've had some beautiful beautiful weather and so some of these recipes are definitely on the lighter side because when it gets to be really nice outside all I really want is some really yummy fresh produce so we've got a lot of fresh produce on here we're going to have a dinner this week we're going to have grandparents over I don't even think I need this coat I think I'm going to put the coat back I grab it out of habit but I think it's warm enough I can put this back we're going to have some grandparents over this week and I'm going to attempt to make f for the first time so that's going to be fun plus we're going to make some different Vietnamese appetizers so I already actually went ahead and placed two well one order but two things that I don't know if I'm going to be able to find in my local grocery store but I wasn't sure if I was going to be able to find them so I went ahead and ordered those online but for now it's time to pack up got my grocery list and my pencil I will take a picture of my grocery list got my breakfast my coffee and I'm going to grab this bag Costco is not even going to be open for probably I think it opens at 9:00 so we can go to all of our other stores and then we'll end up at Costco last because it should be open by because it should be open by the time we get all of our other grocery shopping done I just pulled in windco and the parking lot is very empty this is making me very excited I guess early morning is the way to go and I sat here real quick and I just searched what time all the stores open because it is still very early and I didn't realize Costco doesn't open till 10:00 for some reason in my mind it opened at 9:00 so Costco is going to be the very last place we go so we're going to go to wico Trader Joe's the Asian market because when I was reading the specific spefic Vietnamese egg roll recipes I read probably six of them they all recommended a very specific brand egg roll wrapper and I don't know if I'm going to be able to get that at wico whatever they have here well all that to say I don't know if they're going to have it here so I do want to go to the Asian market even though I ordered some of the other things that I probably could have gotten at the Asian market online because I wasn't sure if I was going to go there or not so I'm going to stick my list in my purse I've already got a picture of it I can leave my ice bag here and I'll see you inside wico already successful first thing I see in the store is some carbonated water and I'm going to go ahead and grab some of those who has seen candy for 28 cents anytime recently you can get a little box of micanite I might get Josh one of these cuz he does love hot tamali oh it says 3 for .99 I'm just going to get him one cuz that's cute normally when I look for avocados I'm looking for ones that are pretty firm but I'm going to be using these tomorrow so I want ones that are a little bit more on the The Ripe side we're going to be making a bunch of yummy salads that you can make like batch make in advance and do some meal prep and they'll hold up beautifully in the fridge so we need some fresh limes I think I'm actually going to grab a few more because we're going to be using these as garnish for our F and I have fresh lime juice in my freezer that I squeezed but I want this as like a garnish so we need the actual limes themselves and I think I might grab a a couple lemons for the salads we're going to be making cuz I think I want the fresh lemon zest for the egg rolls that we're going to be making we need Yakama and I didn't even know if I was going to be able to find this at my store and I was I'm not exactly sure what I'm looking for when it comes to picking out a good one so I just picked up the first one and I call that good and then I need a couple pieces of fresh ginger because we are going to be making broth and and we need a couple good chunks of fresh ginger for the broth I just made a hummingbird cake and I had to get a pineapple for that and it was so delicious I have no plans for this other than just to eat this fresh and I think while I'm at it bananas are staple I'm going to grab some bananas as well I'm going to grab some fresh garlic you know what I might get this at Costco that's already peeled Yeah well yeah I'm going to get that at Costco but I am going to grab some shallots while I'm here shallots are probably one of my well I guess not new but one of my absolute favorite cooking condiments so now let's see if we can find the rest of what we're looking for I know I'm going to get a lot of fresh produce at Costco because I just like what they have I do need a klaa mix though and I know my Costco is not going to have that I am going to need bean sprouts for the garnish for the F but I think I'm going to buy that like the day we have the dinner so that they're as fresh as possible so I'm going to leave these here and not actually buy the bean sprouts today oh I wasn't expecting to find those right here so they said that you can use this brand if you can't find the other one I think I'm going to go ahead and pick this up just in case I can't find the specific egg roll brand that they call for at the Asian market I've never seen these Peppers before and they look absolutely beautiful I've seen people enjoy these I've never bought these smaller cucumbers maybe I'll try them cuz I need them for a few recipes so we'll try these small snacky cucumbers for those recipes I was planning to get a couple English cucumbers so maybe I'll just get one of these instead and we'll go with those other snacking cucumbers this one looks good so I need a lot of fresh herbs for these different recipes we're going to be making so I'm going to grab I've never seen them do it like this where they put the leaves in the Box facing downwards I think I'm going to grab a good three Bunches of that and grab three bunches of green onions and three bunches maybe just two bunches of parsley cuz these are really big and that'll be easy to remember when I need to tell the cashier how many I have of each I also need red chilies and sometimes they have them here I don't think these are exactly what the recipe called for for the dipping sauce I'm now in the bulk section cuz there's two bulk spices I want to get but first I think I'm just going to go ahead and cross off some of the things that oh jalapenos I need to get those back where we were there's a couple things that were on my windco list oh daon we found it there were a couple things on my windco list that I think I'm going to go ahead and get at Costco instead but in the bulk section I need Starin and fennel I found the fennel but I am not seeing star anise I think there's a few more over here I might have to get that in the regular spice section hm I was hoping I wouldn't need to get a whole jar of it but that's okay if that's what I need to do that's what we're going to do cuz that is definitely one of those signature flavor profiles in oo that smells good I think last time we were here I got fennel in the bulk section or maybe a couple times ago so maybe it needs to become one of my regular spices I don't know I'm just looking no other spice section my mom's windco has a lot more spices than mine does oh jalapenos let's go back and get some jalapenos these are some beautiful jalapenos and they're absolutely huge so I kind of want skinnier ones I think because we're going to use these for garnish but also for some of the salads we're going to be making I probably need three let's get three that looks good I also need a Dacon radish I have never bought one of these before so I'm going to get the smallest one possible and we're going to pickle this with some carrots and it's going to be a nice little side for our dinner I'm in the dairy section surprisingly I don't need any half and half I don't need any milk my chickens are laying again like crazy I don't need any sour cream I do need some full fat Greek yogurt I like what they have at Trader Joe's so let's see if they have something here if they don't have anything I here I'll get it at Trader Joe's my sister really likes this one I have never tried this one before I like the consistency of that one but I think I'm going to go ahead and wait and we'll get it at Trader Joe's oh it does have it my wico has the T cream cheese this stuff is so good it has no gums or preservatives in it it does have a different consistency than say your traditional cream cheese let's see I don't need any ice cream I don't think I need any Frozen things I do need a few cans of beans that I don't have in my pantry you need to get some fish sauce oyster sauce and I thought one more oh probably um hoison sauce but I think I have hoison so I don't think I'm going to get that cuz I think I have that at home one thing I did not have on my list but now that I'm walking through the cleaner aisle I want to it's probably not in this area it's probably over here is I need a stain remover um I haven't had a stain remover in my house I don't think since I was married but I think it's something I need to finally invest in and I don't even know where it would be my mom growing up we always used I think it was called shout no I see it it was called Spray and wash that's what my mom always used oxy clean I do like oxy clean just like the powder stuff as a laundry boost no laundry expert let's see a gel stain remover home and laundry stain remover I think I'm going to go with this one if you guys have any input on stain removers I would highly take your suggestions let's see I don't need anything else down this it's always kind of fun to look oh they have some pillows I was thinking about getting some pillows for my front porch I've got some chairs on my front porch those are kind of pretty let's see what they have at Costco my front porch needs a little bit of life I had over the fall my pumpkins and my m bus and then over Christmas we had Christmas re and things and now it just kind of looks blah so I was thinking maybe just a pop of color with some pillows that could go for spring and summer okay so now let's look down some we don't need anything down the cereal aisle I need I don't think I need anything down the baking aisle yes this is what I'm looking for fish sauce they only have one brand I might wait and get that at the other store I know oh I've never cooked with Mir and I've seen this in recipes a lot but I've never cooked with it oh this is what I like to get at Trader Joe's this stuff is so good but I already have some of that at home I think I might wait because they only have one brand here and I'm going to wait until we go to the other store and then I can ask for recommendations of what brands they like I have only bought fish sauce one other time and I'm pretty sure it was that brand so I know I watched in America's Test Kitchen and they did like a fish sauce taste test but I don't remember which one they recommended okay so we're going to wait on the oyster sauce and fish sauce let's go get our navy beans or our white beans and then see if we can find Starnes this is the second time I've been looking for a spice here and not been able to find it so I am going to see what they have at the market when we go to the market next because I'm sure that they're going to have stares there so we're just going to skip this and well we have to skip it because we don't have any or they don't have any I should say they have bread flour I need bread flour I'm going to go ahead and get 5 lb of bread flour the next bread that I want to attempt to try to make is Ros bread I've been getting in so many eggs that I thought it would be fun to use some of those eggs to make homemade Brio so we'll use that to make homemade Brio I have to say it's been a pleasure shopping this early in the morning cuz there's hardly anything body here my grocery cart is full so we are going to go ahead and check out there's nobody in line so this is going to be a breeze and then we're going to head to Trader Joe's Next you know I was thinking that Trader Joe's might have stares because other than that that was a very successful shopping trip we got a lot of things on the list and a couple things that weren't on the list but especially well I love carbonated water I do have a soda stream but I love cracking open a can especially after spending time in the garden it's one of my favorite things feels like a reward okay let's go to Trader Joe's Next Trader Joe's is fastly becoming one of my new favorite stores I found some really good goodies that I had never tried before on this day when we were shopping and I can't wait to share with you what they are because they are so delicious I love finding new fun things at Trader Joe's and today was no exception we were able to find some good stuff now first thing I was not planning on getting any tulips on this day but fresh flowers bring me so much joy and it's spring the Tulips had my name on it so I picked up of fresh purple tulips and I did look for the Tulips where the buds were almost closed so that they would have the longest shelf life and I just had fun looking at all the other flowers that they had on this day they had a really good selection on this day now what has inspired me to try to make Brios bread is actually the BIOS that they have at Trader Joe's I think it was last time we were here together we purchased the Brio hot dog buns and they were so good I'm telling you they were delicious and I have looked at this bread every time I've been here and I've wanted to pick some of it up but I haven't and I want to try making french toast out of it and so that bread at Trader Joe's is what's inspiring me to try to make my own Brio Bread I should probably buy some give it a try and then see if I can recreate it but we're just going to go ahead and dive 2 feet into the deep end of trying to make bio bread but that is going to be for a different day what we're going to be doing now is picking up some chicken we need a whole chicken cut into Parts I could have bought a whole chicken but they happened to have this whole chicken that was cut up already for me so I pick that up and that's going to be the base for our broth and then I grab a couple chicken thighs cuz we're going to add a couple of those into the broth as well I wanted to make sure I had skin on and bone in for extra flavor and then I do pick up some other chicken because we are going to be doing some chicken recipes later in the week and so I just needed some other chicken for that now I'm going to just go ahead and pick up some other produce items here and the Greek yogurt that I didn't get at the last store I really like this Greek yogurt so I went ahead and got two of those and then this right here is where my new favorite items are we end up getting some of these different rice cauliflowers this spicy Mexican style rice cauliflower is delicious it is very spicy though so I do pick up one of those and what I end up doing when I cook with it I use this for lunch prep if I don't have anything from like the night before dinner I've been cooking these and I do half of the spicy rice cauliflower and half just plain rice cauliflower and it is so delicious I also wanted to try those roasted Frozen carrots in the air fryer I thought that would be good I am out of chili crunch that is fastly becoming one of our favorite things so I picked that up have to come and get the chocolate covered pretzels for Josh and then I was just looking at these other fun things to see what they had they had some really yummy looking just like meal prep things if you needed a quick lunch or quick dinner they have tamales here that is on my list of things to do is to try to make tamali so I was just getting inspired by looking at what they had I'm looking at the spice aisle and like the baking aisle they did not have star here so we weren't able to pick that up here but it was fun to see what they had they had some really cool different vanilla and they had saffron I've never cooked with saffron maybe sometime in the future that would be a fun thing to try to experiment with but I I want to make sure I have like a good recipe before I buy saffron to try to cook with it and then Sunray tomatoes are one of our favorite things were out so I picked up that and then this is new this is or I don't think it's new to Trader Joe's but it's new to me I haven't opened this jar yet but I'm excited to try this when I was checking out the cashier said that that is very very delicious she also said that the spicy cauliflower was delicious and she was right on that then I was looking at these stuffed peppers and they had hot and sweet jalapenos these are probably similar to say the cowboy candy I make they looked really good I don't need any because I have plenty of cowboy candy at home but those looked really delicious and then I saw these have any of you tried these crispy jalapeno pieces I think that those would be really good honestly salad and then I was just looking at the sauces cuz they always have some really fun different condiment type things I forgot that I needed ground pork so I went back and luckily they had ground pork and then I forgot that I needed shredded carrots so I grabbed that as well and then I just spent time perusing and as I was perusing I saw this aloe vera juice I have never tried aloe vera juice have any of you guys tried it it sounded very intriguing so this is what the cart looks like we are ready to check out and then we're going to head to the next store I'm really glad I brought my bag with my ice for my chicken because we still have two stores to go to and I think you saw everything I got I did get a couple different kinds of chicken for the different chicken dishes we're going to be making this week and next week and then I got the ground pork so we don't need to get that at Costco I don't even even know if Costco CCO Sals ground pork so that's good I hope I can get all this chicken to fit in my freezer bag got one more chicken to fit in there where there is a will there is a way we will get this to fit oh I did get myself a kombucha because it's actually getting pretty hot out here I think it's already in the mid-60s and or maybe it's not even that warm yet but to me that feels pretty warm so I wanted to get myself a little treat and I thought a kombucha sounded really good I'm really excited about that pepper paste I was talking to the cashier and she asked of course do you have any fun plans today and I don't know if you've seen that real before but I mean this kind of is my fun plans other than we're going to be going live later today I didn't mention that yet we're going to be making some hand pies so that has already happened so if you join me for that I hope that you had fun and got inspired to try making some hand pies yourself cuz they're so easy and delicious but going to Trader Joe's is always kind of a highlight of my day get these in here these here I'm going to go ahead and open this return my cart they don't have cart corals here so I have to bring it back to the store it didn't even take me 5 minutes and we found what I was looking for this is the brand that all the blog say to use so I'm excited that they have them how many are in here 1B 30 that's going to be more than enough I think I wanted to look at their produce section cuz I wanted to see oh look they do have peeled garlic but I'm going to grab that at Costco I think cuz I'm going to put some up in the freezer but I wanted to see if they had a bunch of Thai Basil they have looks like garlic chives I'm not seeing a bunch of Thai Basil I had some serious help in there finding everything I needed they had everything I needed and I went ahead and I got the noodles that are the fud noodles and there is no directions or English directions on how to cook these and so I asked the guy who helped me find all the things I needed and he gave me the directions on how to cook this so we're going to rinse it off in cold water kind of wash it put it in hot hot hot water let it sit until it's almost cooked not fully cooked rinse it off in cold water then we're going to take those Noodles put them in our bowl and pour our very hot fa broth over top and that is going to finish our cook that is going to finish the cooking process for our noodles so I got rice papers for the salad rolls I asked him to tell me which fish sauce and which oyster sauce to get he asked what I'm making I said f and Vietnamese spring rolls so he recommended this fish sauce brand which I have seen before and it was the one I almost went with but I'm glad I asked he said I needed to get this oyster sauce they had star Anis okay now we're off to Costco we got most of our stuff we need but there still is definitely a few things that we need to get at Costco they have hanging baskets I'm very tempted oh look at these Colors oh they have some fuchsia Bonas look at those ones part shade I couldn't put that on my back deck cuz they are full sun look at the size of these pansies they're huge the stem length on that is crazy these are all perennials Jack Frost oh they're violas Iola these are pretty blueberries I am going to put three more blueberry plants in this year oh that's what I came to look for right there I saw these pies the other day when I was here and I didn't get them I have one bag of roots that I need to get planted but I thought it would be kind of cool to get one that's pretty established already or is that crazy I don't know I really like this color right here these roded endin look like they have seen a better day and so do these boxwoods they're thirsty oh ferns hanging basket ferns inir light keep soil evenly moist keep above 45° so we're still dipping down for the next week or so into about 39 so this would be a little cold for them yet I think I'm going to wait on the pies because I do have those roots that I or the yeah root cuting that I need to get planted but I saw this this is a electric powered pressure oh not pressure washer that's not what I was looking at looking at this I'm going to need to show this to Josh because it is a retractable hose and I think for my back patio because I'm going to be having so many hanging baskets eventually and pots and my green stocks I think something like this would be really really convenient so I wouldn't have to wind it up manually and there wouldn't always be a hose on my patio and it looks like it's on sale right now for9 $99 normally $139 I'm definitely going to tell Josh about that hose thing cuz I think that would be really nice they have electric toothbrushes on sale we are in the market of a new electric toothbrush my electric toothbrushes are from when I was in dental hygiene school I was gifted four electric toothbrushes from the different big companies that you know Sonicare and oral be and they're getting a little bit old the battery life isn't super great on them anymore but I wasn't planning on getting electric toothbrush today my favorite personally is the oral be because it has a round head it rotates and it pulses versus the Sonic Air just goes back and forth but both are great and an electric toothbrush is better than a manual toothbrush especially one that has a timer on it I also like the oral be round head cuz you can get around that back Muller a little bit better was looking at oh I got distracted oh my goodness look at that we're going to have to take a closer look at that green thing up in the sky but for now we need to head down here and see if they still have those large white bowls last time or the time before oh I see them I think we were here I saw these bowls and I thought that they would be the perfect F bowl and they still have them oh my gosh those are beautiful too look at those it's a set of four bowls I think four piece ombre mixing bowls with lids for $18.99 that is a great price for nesting bowls with lids but this is what I came for so I saw these last time or the time before I can't remember and they're just a really big beautiful bowl and the salads that we're going to be making this week I think these would be perfect for those it is four bowls for $999 I think I'm going to get two because we are going to be having five people over for dinner on Tuesday for f and so if I have more than just my little family I think eight bowls makes the most sense I am tempted by those mixing bowls because they are super beautiful and that is a great price for oh they're plastic oh so these would be really nice they're like I think like a melanine I was going to say melanine they're melanine I thought at first they were like a porcelain or something like that but this would be great for summer barbecues so you wouldn't have to worry about your salad bowl breaking if you brought it on like a potluck or something now look at these over here these are so cute I've seen these go around you know when people make super fancy coffees oh they're plastic straws they are glass cuffs with a lid I think they are super cute and beautiful but I know myself and those would probably get broken in my house house within the first month so I'm going to not get those but they are really really beautiful oh they got some nice looking an eight piece tumbler set so like an outdoor set of glasses if you need that I'm really glad they had those bowls cuz that was on my list and now we can get the rest of the things on our list I did put those pies on my list but I think that I need to focus on planting the roots that I already have before I buy more PES so it looks like they've got their outdoor furniture out we just did get some outdoor furniture because what I've been using I've been using as a potting table for the last few years and so it was time to upgrade these ones are really beautiful so they have a bunch of grills out right now thankfully I have a grill and I love it but look at this thing this is crazy it's $379 and it is insanely huge look at that oh my goodness Not only would you need a huge area to set this up but you would also need a huge area to store it cuz I'm sure that the box that that stores in is massive oh it even has a squirt gun or or something I need cherry tomatoes for a few different recipes and last time we were here I got these ones and they were so delicious so I think I'm going to go ahead and get those again today these ones are really beautiful too I haven't seen these ones here I don't think look at that the different colors I think I'm going to go ahead and get these ones instead this is 2 lb of cherry tomatoes for $7.99 and this is 1 lb of tomatoes for $6.99 so I'm going to get the other ones instead these ones are very good though for atis seas and tomatoes I don't usually smell the bakery but they must be baking something currently cuz it smells incredible in here and I need a big bag of carrots this is a 6 lb bag of carrots for 579 this is going to be our dinner tonight I went ahead and I took out some meat to that was marinating that we made in the last freezer cooking day and because we're going live I'm just going to have an easy dinner of salad and Grilled Chicken it was a few times ago we came here they had a street corn salad kit that was so good and I've never seen it here since and then something that is new to my Costco is cabbage and I want to get two small ones we need this for some of our salads that you you can prep in advance for two organic I think they're organic yep two organic cabbages it's $3.99 so $2 basically each for organic cabbage they have flagstone pallets which is pretty crazy and then they've got this cool solar powered patio light cast iron aluminum Garden Lantern it is always fun to see the very cool things that they have at Costco and then they have this really big beautiful wind chime I love Windchimes my mother-in-law gave me a wind chime last year for my birthday that's a really pretty one too does it come with that stand or is that just for display I think that's just for display I really like this just bare chicken this in the air fryer is so delicious [Music] this makes for an easy salad too if you want like a salad kit and just throw some of these in air fryer let them cool delicious I've never tried the chicken nugget version I think I'm going to grab a bag of those too and I have seen other people buy but I have never bought it so I want to look for it today it's a roasted vegetable medley that's frozen and I've heard that that roasted in the oven's really good but I was thinking in the air fryer it would be really really good it would be in there it is it would be in this section Chef sheet pan vegetables 4 lb it has lightly seasoned with brussel sprouts sweet potato broccoli fettes red onion and zucchini so I'm going to try that this time I've heard really good things about it I have seen these everywhere these are the Lego flowers I've seen that a bunch of adults really enjoy these Lego flowers these are flowers and pots that's cute dermatologist recommended erase and exfoliant towels from oh they they're for makeup makeup remover towels I'm looking for hand soap normally I see it every time I come in and I not in the need for in the market for hand soap and today I have looked all over oh I see it it's right there I was going to say I've looked everywhere where I thought it would be and I haven't found it so here we go I found it this is what I'm going to get I've never gotten this selection of scents before I have oh it's on sale too it's normally $1.99 for 4 and right now it's $9.99 for 4 and I've gotten the Christmas scents before but never the white jasmine Orchid vanilla coconut Citrus and sea salt verbina I just think it's pretty it'll be nice in my guest bathroom that's what I'm going to use this for here is the cart I'm going to go get in line to check out it has gotten pretty busy but that's all we needed at Costco today actually let me check my list when in doubt check the oh I forgot chicken thighs one more thing I need to get cuz we're going to make chicken schwarma and the chicken thighs that I bought at Trader Joe's are Bone and Skin on and for the chicken schwarma I want boneless skinless chicken thighs I'm just going to double check everything else to make sure I got everything else the only thing that I'm going to need for when I make the F the day of is I'm going to need some Thai Basil and the bean sprouts but like I said I think I want to get those the day of the party or it's not really a party we're just having dinner with grandparents coming over the reason I got the chicken thighs at Trader Joe's is I wasn't sure if they were going to have skin on chicken thighs here and we're going to use that to make the broth but they do have boneless skinless chicken thighs so I'm glad I got the skin on bone in chicken thighs at Trader Joe's because I want that to make a very Savory broth I'm going to look over on this side to see if they have a I'm just curious because I don't think I've ever looked for that specific thing here oh it looks like they do right here chicken thighs skin on I don't see yes bon in now I'm going to go ahead and check out I'm pretty sure I got everything on my list if I missed something then when I pick up the bre the bean sprouts and the Thai Basil I will just get it then I'm in line to check out and it is a mad house it's only been open for a little bit but I guess everyone had the same idea to come to Costco today I don't know if it really matters I guess when you come whether it's super busy or not but I will say wico and Trader Joe's was way less busy right when they open than Costco I don't know if you can ever beat the Raja Costco I got all the groceries in the car thankfully I was able to find a spot in the shade so the car is not pip being hot cuz now it says it's 64° and so my car is definitely much warmer than that but being in the shade really helped I am going to be heading home now and I was really glad that I got up early got this done I still need to go home and put it all away I think you saw everything I got and if you're new please consider subscribing because we have a lot of fun recipes we are going to be making with all the goodies that we got and if you have been here before thank you yet again for coming back and spending time with me as we went grocery shopping I'm really looking forward to these following recipes with the sun coming out it feels so good I just want like fresh and light and crunchy and delicious and that is what is on the menu for the upcoming future so I'm really looking forward to it so thank you for being here thank you for being you if you want to watch more of my other videos between now my next upload I'll pop those right here I can't wait to see you tonight because we're going to be going live making hand pies so I hope you're having a fantastic day and I can't wait to see you next time bye friend
Channel: Acre Homestead
Views: 143,158
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: tgQ7yh0kJ40
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 28sec (2428 seconds)
Published: Thu May 02 2024
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