Fails On Top Of Fails, But Also Goodness! Huge Pantry Clean Out! Around The House Happenings!

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] n [Music] I just got home I'm actually needing to look up a recipe recipe because it's brownie Friday so to keep a good healthy balance of love in my life every Friday we do something called brownie Friday haven't you heard of it I don't always make brownies but I always make some kind of a treat it's often brownies this week I found a recipe on Instagram that I saved so I'm going to try to look up to see if I have all the ingredients it's supposed to be like a larger oh what are those things called like hostess cakes with like the swirlies on the top these things and then I saved that I'll probably make those for breakfast tomorrow I have that doughnut pan that I've only used like once I hope I still have it anyway don't these look absolutely Divine looks like a lot of sugar a lot of GOP and I'm really hoping that I don't have to run to the grocery store to be able to make them but pros and cons because if I do have to run to the store I'll it'll probably be Target because Meredith is still needing pants I went to Once Upon a Child yesterday to grab her some pants she only does pink pants okay and they had 5 million pairs of shorts only a small section of pants which makes sense because you know we live in Florida but Meredith right now only wants to wear pants so that's what I'm looking for anyway I ended up getting her like a Fourth of July outfit it's so cute it's a jumper oh my gosh amazing I wish they had it in my size sadly they don't because it's a kid consignment store but I did end up getting wolf g a bunch of stuff how did I end up looking at this like how did I end up here it must be on her we okay there it is read more give me to this recipe oh my gosh Lily pullitzer the internet knows so much about me okay well I'm just going to print the recipe it calls for marshmallow fluff I don't have that can I make it from scratch I don't even know if I have marshmallows left over uh I have to clean my pantry speaking of that today I need to clean my pantry I have a bunch of bananas that are going bad so I need to either make banana bread or banana cake which I found on Pinterest um I don't know I think I refound it I may have made it a long time ago in my mind I feel like it was amazing maybe I tried to forget about it because obviously I mean is banana bread even healthy there are ways to make it healthier I feel like I use Greek yogurt instead of sour cream but anyway why isn't that working hello I don't know I can never get this thing to work ju just start printing won't you cannot what does that say cannot detect ink why not I'm out of ink thank the good Heavens I had some in a drawer over here this is the bane of my existence can you even see it all it's just a mess over there I don't know what to do with this area in my heart of hearts I want to get like a tall cabinet so I could store all of this crap in here I'm just really waiting to go to IKEA for something like that I feel like they're probably going to have the BET I've been trying to look for something secondhand but such a small space it's hard to find something with the right dimensions that I'm looking for I did find something but they were like an hour away and they didn't respond to any of my messages so you know what am I going to do oh my gosh Come on open the ink cartridge okay well you should be good now you piece of crap come on open it's still says it's out oh god with the amount of money that ink costs you'd think they'd figur figure out a streamline system to make printers more user friendly or like make the cartridges B I don't even know what the solution is but it's like every time I go to use my printer problem it's still oh it's still saying it's out of ink you can't even see you can't even I just changed it so we know look it is full to the brim that is a full ink cartrid okay put that in now good oh Lord help me are you joking sounds like there's a paper jam oh just out of paper just in general out of paper all right here we go the heck well I figured it out so there's that me and my big brain I printed out both recipes the banana cake and the hostess cheesecake um can we just take a look at only the list of ingredients here it's like do I have 7 days to make this or what it's like the simple stuff butter sugar all that but cake filling frosting see seems extensive I don't even like those Hostess ding-dongs or whatever the heck they're called this however the banana bread I will make this first because I'm really needing to attack the bananas on there here they are there's so many of them and I even have more in my freezer this is what happens I recently got two bundles of bananas and guess who ate them no one but now we're out of bananas I got one bundle yesterday gone nothing for this morning there might be one in the van I gave one to a child this morning on their way out so this recipe for the amazing banana bread cake with cream cheese frosting which I don't even really like cream cheese frosting let me just get out that out of the way first this one calls for three bananas these are really large bananas it calls for one cup I don't care I'm using three I don't measure that crap the other banana bread recipe that I have calls for four bananas which is why I like it so much it's like puking on me and I think I'm going to make that too rather than just throwing these in my freezer I might do a double batch of my banana bread and then throw one in the freezer or throw them both in the freezer while I have the bananas out I've been wanting to use these bread pans these loaf pans I recently found when I cleaned out my corner cabinet so that's what I'm thinking about I have most of the ingredients out so I'm just going to whip it together so it starts out with one stick of butter softened and I just throw mine in the microwave for 20 seconds but halfway in between I flip it over and then a cup and a half of sugar love that ratio throw in this in and then I'm just going to beat them together until it's nice and pale oh I guess I plug it in I think this is the best we're going to get out of this there's so much sugar compared to the amount of butter in there and then it calls for 1 cup of sour cream but I'm just going to throw in Greek yogurt it's a easy healthy Swap and I'm going to crack in two eggs and then whip that together I'm going to scrape the bowl down it seems really wet now but as I was dragging this to plug it in have you guys seen all the accessories for the kitchen AIDS so they have the thing that you can put on the back to wrap the cord around and then they also have feet for it so you know if you're dragging it around your counter like do I need that I don't know but do I need it to be a sophisticated lady maybe do you have it is it worth it and now I'm going to add the bananas it doesn't say to do this but I feel like it doesn't really matter when you add this in you can preash them but I just think that's a waste of bowl and waste of time just throw them straight in and these are perfectly rip bananas you might want to wait a little bit longer but no way in heck my kids are going to eat speckled bananas like this so for us that's perfect for banana bread I'm also going to add Just a Touch ooh of vanilla extract and blend that in this vanilla extract by the way lifetime supply who and also it just smells so good I feel like the quality of this is fantastic it was a gift but I think they sell it on Amazon now I'm going to add 2 cups of FL flour and 1 teaspoon of baking soda sometimes I have chunks in mine so I just like to do that especially since I don't sift this separately slightly mix that in just until it's combined it's a nice chunky batter but that's it I'm just going to dump it into a 9x13 greased dish and then cook it at 350 for like 30 minutes I don't know I always feel like I have to cook things like this for a little bit longer so just keep an eye on it hey while that's cooking I figured I would lighten up the load in my pantry yesterday I spent hours cleaning my kitchen and my fridge specifically and so the Vibes just don't match in here I need to fix this I'll show you around and then you'll quickly realize why I need to come in here I know you might be thinking wow you just cleaned your pantry no I didn't I tidied it a little bit I have my Thrive Market order and I haven't even put it in the pantry because there just isn't any space right now I have stuff all over the floor from when I added the can organizer which I absolutely adore I am needing to replenish some stuff because I've actually been going through a lot more cans now that they're out in the open I'm like o you know what would be good tonight for dinner oh by the way that jar of pickles pretty sure that needs to be in the refrigerator cool cool cool it's definitely opened um oil needs to be put up I don't even know what the heck is happening over here just some bins but these cans I might finish the can organizer to the end of the wall I haven't decided yet but something like this where I have had this for probably years like to the point where it's likely not even any good okay let's check out the Best Buy Date oh no big deal just 2022 so we have a problem here clearly okay this stuff is made from vegetables and clearly that's just not something that I thought I wanted to make any night of the week so it's been sitting here for years there's other stuff in here I just need to go through and sort it out there's stuff at the bottom of these bins that I need to bring to the top so they're more accessible for my kids to eat this is always looking like a big old hot mess but you know what that's my life mostly I just need to get this junk off of the floor and put it into a nice bin I've got to say this Pantry has come such a long way from when we first moved in obviously like the white bins some of them are from our old house we bought the bigger ones when we had more space in here but then even just the um acrylic bins that I've more recently got in the past I don't know several months and implemented those in I think it just gives it more of a streamline look rather than having everything just shoved in here I don't know if I love the acrylic bins I do like how they're more open in front so I can kind of just go and grab and they're more compartmentalized and stuff like that and I can stack them up top so pros and cons to everything this can organizer I love it I love it I love it until I don't okay let me explain a little reasons why a couple of them so I love how they're set up where you see them on the Shelf set up I tried to like kind of have them in different sizes because I had different Siz bins I had planned on putting the tomato paste and then combining both of them in the shelf that wasn't working because they don't really fit in this shelf it's like an inch too long so it's kind of on a lip so it's uneven sorry I just yawned man I'm I'm tired today okay I need to drink some water I need to do something to make me I need to sleep probably to make me not tired isn't sleep such a random thing it's like you have to pretend to do it I've said this a while ago like a couple years ago and then I heard raw Beauty Christie say it recently and I was like oh my gosh I've always said that you have to like pretend it's so weird you have to just pretend you're sleeping for your body to fall asleep it's bizarre anyway should probably get on top of that one of these days so these can organizers were giving me such a headache such trouble I was trying to combine two of them and then it just ended up like falling apart and I had to fix a lot of things and I I did my very best is all that I can say about this and I didn't end up keeping it in here gave me a headache like metaphorically and a heartache because I spent so much money on it but good thing I can return the second set that I bought I'm like contemplating life like should I continue this should I just call it a day should I take it down and reconfigure it and I did like listen I gave it the old College try I gave it a valiant effort but at the end of the day I decided it was a no and I just ended up stacking everything I kind of organized it while I was stacking you know all the chicken on one all the you know salsas in a row how I had them before I had this can organizer and you know what I think it's good to just have a Loosey Goosey area over here where not everything has to be streamlined where it's like you know I may not have 16 cans of one thing because I don't always you know so I like that I ended up leaving it but I will say I spent so much sh that clip was sped up like faster than you'll ever believe the speed of light okay and under here I told you I need to give this like a deep clean there was a lollipop I found a lot of wrappers down here for treats and what else is down here oh crumb just a bunch of crumbs okay it's the pantry and my kids you it's basically as big as a bedroom so sometimes they just lounge around in here and I have a little powwow and eat a snack and that's okay because that's what it's for I don't know how that lollipop got shoved under there I don't even buy lollipops there is no telling where that lollipop one came from or two how long it's been down there okay I was just happy to find that there were no ants because listen that's how we get ants you just leave food on the ground and so I was happy to get that up I almost took those oils out of the box I got them oh gosh where did I get them from now I thought they were from Trader Joe's now that I'm thinking they might have been from Costco anyway I almost took them out of the box think thinking oh I should use these and then I remembered I bought them as a gift that I never G I ended up getting something else for that person I was like this is a pretty good gift I don't think it's going to go bad it's O it's like dipping oils like bread dipping oils so maybe we'll use them in the future or maybe I'll need a gift for someone just a randomly like housewarming gift or who the heck knows right Hostess gift so I I kept it in the box so remind me next time I need a gift like that that it's back there cuz I will likely forget so now I'm going through each basket one by one going through and seeing what I can get rid of like empty bags these are both empty they were both empty because my children are unaware of where the garbage is and then of course I found this box of truffles that was also supposed to be a gift but I ended up opening it I don't know a month or so ago and I thought yeah I could treat myself you know and so I did and every time I walk in the pantry and I see him I'm like oh that's a nice special treat there thank you so much reminds me of Wonka oh the chocolates that not the tune at all is anyone else obsessed with Wonka like my husband Alex is he is every chance he gets hey want to watch Wonka I'm like what sometimes I'll come home from the gym and he'll just have it on I'm like what are you doing it's so bizarre he loves that movie so much okay anyway went through the chocolates and found some open chocolate from Christmas and I thought that would be a good treat I gave it a 5 out of 10 which by the way we had a guest over for dinner a few weeks ago and I said this isn't my best meal but what would you rate it gave me a six oh a dagger to the heart I'll tell you what so anyway I just thought that was funny I gave this a five out of 10 chocolate that has literally been sitting on the bottom bin of my pantry for a good 5ish months gave that a 5 minutes okay the the bins are categorized if you're wondering and I am not someone who like goes in and the bars are here all perfectly set up no that's not my organizing style I could never I'm a dump and go kind of gal and that's why these larger bins work for us because I just sub I don't well okay I don't think I subcategorize it which I think is the appropriate term I just categorize it like snacks crackers chips those are what the tags say and then the one on the left is like the adult snacks I think I have it labeled nuts and dried fruit or something like that which the kids enjoy too I just I don't know why I said adult snacks I just in my mind I'm like oh it's more of an adult snack but really Meredith likes that more than some other things okay anyway this is what was really needing my attention these little spinny thing I mean obviously the entire Pantry needed my attention but the spinny things in the corner like that one I could barely access the one up top that I had just organized or tidied up was I had like coconut flakes in there literally from when we moved because I used to make oh what is it called energy balls all the time my old energy ball recipe that called for oh gosh what was that oh just some baking powder with a hole in the bag no big deal just making a dang mess all over the pantry okay so the energy ball recipe used to call for flax seed meal and coconut flakes and like chia seeds all these really great things but I don't make those anymore okay I don't but I still had the coconut flakes they're unsweetened and yeah sometimes I use them in different recipes but this specific jar of them hadn't opened probably since we moved so I got rid of that things like that that were in here and then you know just clearing up space I got rid of some of these condiments I put them in different areas if I noticed that I had a ton of condiments or not a ton but a condiment specifically that we hadn't used or hadn't opened I went ahead and saw if my neighbors wanted it or whatever or I put it in a different spot I had a lot of like over supply of cocoa andos so I feel like I put all of that there some things I put in the cabinet like with my spices but overall most of it stayed here and I ended up having chili oil remember I made that one recipe the cucumber and peppers with everything but the bagel seasoning and it called for chili oil and someone said that was the kicker to the recipe like that's what makes it so amazing and I couldn't find it anywhere in my grocery stores turns out I should have shopped my shelves first and uh well I well first of all I thought I did but as you can see everything was so cluttered that I was unable to even see everything that I had on my shelves so that was the main catalyst of me like doing this I was like I can't I don't even know what's in here right so I'm taking the time to do it now and when I tell you how this took me so long long way longer than hours I'm not exaggerating hours why somebody tell me why I mean I kind of enjoyed it obviously because I was listening to the podcast that I've been obsessed with lately the Disney Ville podcast all about Disney and it's great because it makes me so happy I laugh while I'm listening to it it's fantastic but obviously it's all about Disney I don't know a lot about Disney which is why I think I find it interesting I mean I've been there several times I I'm a florid in I'm in Tampa so I'm pretty close to Disney we typically go every 3 or 4 years and now I'm we went last year and now I'm thinking huh maybe we should just go again this year so I don't know if it's a good thing that I've been listening to it because well pros and cons I guess but I'm done with the pantry I'm so happy that it is Finn I had to uh restock some of these containers and I've got some boxes to recycle but oh my gosh feels so good in here to walk around and wow I mean so much space let's go grocery shopping time to stock up on stuff just kidding it felt really good to go through and get rid of the food that you know we don't eat or has gone bad because we don't eat it you know but just even just clearing up the floor space in here but just knowing that the baskets aren't overflowing like they were before I'm missing a couple canisters because they're still on my kitchen counter flour and sugar but I have to fill them up otherwise woo that took forever okay here's an aftershot ooh ah wow I didn't go through the top baskets because um well I just didn't I know it's stuff that we don't access all the time and it's probably still good like chocolate chips and things like that okay wow feeling good but also what year is it took me so long cleaning the pantry that the kids are home from school they cooked up some of these impossible nuggets there's actually one more over here if you're wondering they are fantastic my kids really enjoy them and so do I so I'm going to whip up the frosting for the banana cake now that it's nice and cool because it's been so long it calls for one stick of butter and then 8 oz of cream cheese I'm going to whip these up together the kids are all chomping at the bit to get into that banana bread and little do they know what's ahead of them if I end up making it it's still it's still up in the air really because I am needing a few ingredients for it cuz I feel so high school oh is my paddle dirty still let me get the other one I unplugged it cuz of Wolf Gang been up on the counter okay with this scraping down the sides a couple times in between and I'm really beating this for a while just to whip the butter and cream cheese up a little bit until it's nice and light and fluffy it makes a difference when you're making frosting that seems good enough I am going to add a splash of vanilla and then 3 cups of powdered sugar so when typically when I make frosting which is rarely cream cheese frosting but I used to follow a recipe that did half a cup at a well it really did like a spoonful at a time but I would do half a cup at a time and then whip it together so I have a cup and a half in here right now and then whip it and then give it a break where you're going to get really nice air rated fluffy frosting if that's your thing so it's starting to get thick nice and thick I'm going to add 1/2 cup not one and a half just half a cup and then a couple tablespoons of heavy whipping cream and then whip this up and then I'm going to add the last half cup of powdered sugar and this is a lot of frosting but the frosting to cake ratio that's what's important okay I'd rather have more than not enough especially on brownies you know Publix used to do I don't know if you live where there's a Publix but they used to do brownies and then they have the brownie frosting like combo they used to do that so well I don't know if they changed the recipe changed Bakers they did something because now it tastes like garbage and I feel like no one's talking about it not that I buy it that often but it used to be like oh my gosh my guilty pleasure like it's Mother's Day and Alex will bring me the brownies now I'm like don't even look at them they're absolutely filthy disgusting I have a really great brownie frosting recipe you can use box mix brownies that doesn't matter I mean it does giradelli is the best but if you're going to make frosting for them I don't know try I'll try to find my video of the recipe but it is too good this is actually a really great consistency nice holding together but still kind of Gloppy honestly same so I'm just going to to take the frosting and GOP it over top oh my gosh this is so soft and creamy and dreamy I did see on the picture that they kind of top it with some crushed it looks like crushed nuts I haven't read the recipe that far to determine whether or not that's the case I'm going to leave those out because we have a nut allergy in our house and she loves banana bread sometimes I make banana bread with nuts I mean I love them but obviously I love my children more if I'm making a double batch I'll make one with nuts but I think that would just make it look really nice you know what else my kids like um chocolate chips on them too I'm not sure if this is needing to be chilled in the fridge but I feel like you can cut into this bad boy right away and it would be really good I'm going to take a lick of the cream delicious doesn't look like much from up top but we're going to cut into it and it's going to be banging banana cake I obviously have a lot to clean up behind me I don't even I'm so I can't even believe how long it took me to clean my pantry out it was a task and a half part of me is like just call it a day another part of me is like Kim you got five kids you can't just do nothing so I'm thinking what's for dinner I have no idea I don't have this is why a meal plan is so important right and have you seen that Meme that's like oh now as an adult I realize why my parents did Pizza on Friday nights it wasn't for us it wasn't to like celebrate it was because they were so burnt out from the week they were just like pizza you know just didn't want to think about it and that's what I'm think even though I don't even I don't like pizza there's a couple pizzas that I like as long as it doesn't have red sauce which reminds me oh my gosh you guys last night I made homemade salsa I actually made sweet pulled pork enchiladas and then I made a taco salad which is like what I would want to eat for dinner tonight but there's not enough of it for every money I don't know what I'm going to do for dinner I'll figure it out there's a lot of sweet pulled pork left over maybe I'll just make a whole other dish of enchiladas which I should have made two yesterday I knew I was like just make two cook it once but I didn't so now we're in this dilemma anyway short story long I made homemade salsa with it which I used in the dressing that I made for the taco salad which was super if I do say so myself but it was also like a macro Friendly Foods recipe it wasn't like I was just in the kchen and whipping stuff together like Ratatouille I digress I made with also macro Friendly Foods recipe for copycat chili salsa listen here when I tell you I was so bloated after I think this was the culprit cuz I've had everything else that I've eaten before and haven't had this kind of side effect so bloated so gassy and I was like what the heck to the point where it was it went past discomfort border line like painful if I had a threshold for it I'm sure if a if I was a weaker woman I would have been heeled over in pain it was not great okay and I was thinking what the heck was it I'm pretty sure it's this so I'm afraid to eat it part of me is like throw it out I don't even want to live through an experience like that again and I think what it's boiled down to because I've made homemade salsa in the past many a time also my sister used to make it that was like her thing that she made was was homemade salsa but she always used fresh tomatoes this used canned tomatoes uncooked typically when I do canned tomatoes I cook it uncooked canned tomatoes and I think that was the difference anyway I'm asking because like have you had similar side effects does it affect you in the same way what's happening here am I on the right path was it not this and now I have to reconfigure something else the taste of this this oh my gosh this is so I'm going to SA because I will make chili with it maybe I'll make chili tonight that's an easy recipe this was so good flavor 20 out of 10 ease 20 out of 10 I don't know why I got three fingers up but it was great I would make it again I just I don't know if I would eat it again un cook I looked up I was like can I can salsa surely I can um I'm not entering that face of my life yet I do want a can stuff what do they call that can like what do they call that when you're flirting with the idea of it normally vegans use the word like you're something vegan I don't know I can't think of it but I'm can I don't want to say phobic that can interested but anyway that's where my mind is like I don't even know what to do right now should I go get the ingredients to make that dessert should I make those pancakes and the doughnut holes I'm just at a standstill there's so much happening in here up here I'm just like oh I don't know should I clean my kitchen and the answer to that is no hey let's take a little field trip field trip oh my God my glutes are actually burning it is painful to do that so this is uh wolf gang's room I told you I went to Once Upon a Child yesterday and I did end up getting some cutie little things for him so I figured I'd share with you just real quick for fun he's wearing an outfit right now and he wore some of his pjs yesterday but here's the rest of it I got some dinosaur pjs for him so dang cute and then this cute little tank top All-American kid they had so many things for Fourth of July out so I kind went ham like you know you can be patriotic every day of the year USA I thought that was so cute I was like I wish they had that in my size we recently went to Target like a really nice Super Target isn't that cute with the American flags on it that's the brand too good lad I don't know guys the stuff at once pun child like this was $6 so cute this shirt was four this was three I mean the savings you know anyway we went to the good Target and they had some Fourth of July outfits this was a couple of weeks ago and had such a cute outfit now I forgot what it said Party in the USA really cute little boy outfit it had a shirt that said Party in the USA come on Miley Cyrus that's what I'm all about and then the shorts were like red and white striped and of course I went to Amazon right away to try to find like a similar outfit in my size and I found one I almost bought it and then I was like Kim you are this is absolutely ridiculous don't do it so I didn't buy it but in my heart I was like Party in the USA all the way anyway way I found this cute little Romper rompers are what I'm all about for me I think I'm wearing one today romp it up for boys I think they're darling for girls it's just quick and simple I love finding Hannah Anderson Brands that's my M opportunity I had to do a brand deal with them but anyway I had a lot of feelings about it and I ended up you know not doing it but if the opportunity arises again maybe I will 850 for that one but it's Hannah Anderson you know what I mean so worth it and then some dinosaurs on this one not as cute but still okay and then I found this one at the checkout it was Slinky Dog they had a bunch of Disney shirts and I'm telling you I'm listening to disneyevil podcast too much and uh it really got me I thought it was darling so I'm looking up because I don't want to make a whole new meal I'm looking up recipes to use leftover pulled pork in because I have that sweet pulled pork in the fridge ooh that looks really good I don't think I have any cornbread but I do have cornmeal I could make I probably won't though sticky pork lettuce rrap hey we could have pizza I've made something like this before pulled pork on top of mac and cheese and then you top it with barbecue sauce it's really good ironically I was just listening this it's a Disney recipe too it's like a coffee Cat Disney recipe the one that I had anyway and they were talking about on the Disney bille podcast I'm as you can gather I'm pretty much obsessed with them at this point and they were talking about top 10 or top whatever food products at Disney and I I've never eaten at Disney sorry can't afford that I can barely afford getting into the park let alone like eating there that's for people who are at a whole other tax bracket than me I feel like this might be the easiest to do quesadillas they have a pulled pork chili and at this point I'm like it's just too many options now it it's too much I forgotten my top faves so I'm just going to do the quesadillas cuz that was the last one I saw but first I'm going to throw together the hostess cake sheet cake whatever it is three parts so I have to mentally prepared for all of that I feel like I'm going to sneeze like all day I don't know what it is are the allergies bad or am I just getting weak Alex is on his way home so he said he was going to pick up some marshmallow fluff for me that's the only ingredient that I'm missing so I figured you know what you only live once you only have brownie Friday once a week you got to do it let's do it so it starts with 1/4 cup of butter 1/4 cup of oil and 2 cups of sugar which is I don't know that's a lot of sugar and that's not even probably all the sugar in this holding recipe because there are three layers but I can't imagine eating more than like a little square of this right I mean check on me tomorrow morning when I'm eating it for breakfast cracking a couple eggs in here one at a time I'm not using my good chicken eggs because it's a baked good you know what I mean I'm going to throw in a little bit of vanilla extract I'm actually going to use the rest of the bottle well I won't so next it calls for like coffee I don't have that but I do have some espresso powder um if you just want to add hot water I guess that's an option too I just added what is that one teaspoon good enough I'll mix that in the hot water M smells kind of weird but I'm going to drizzle so like half of this in now oh yeah look at that and then I'm going to add some of the dry ingredients I thought I had my flour out here oh I do it's right here oh there was oil all over this and I got it all over me why 3/4 cup of cocoa powder just going to toss this right in I'm sure you're supposed to you know whisk the dry ingredients together and then combine it with the wet and then the dry and then the wet and the dry I don't care about any of it and then 1 and 3/4 cup of flour just using my finger to level it off back there it's good enough you know okay two tpoon of baking soda 1 and 1/2 teaspoon of baking powder good all good things all good things oh it also calls for milk okay A little bit of salt to enhance that chocy flavor oh boy one cup of milk all right so I'm going to dump the half coffee on there and then I'm just going to pour I'm pouring it all in right it's not going to mess anything up Let's cross our fingers where are you though and away we go it looks great yeah it'll be good no I don't know what to do well for fun got to test the batter out salmonella how dare you um I've had better I've had better batters but it's not bad it's also not giradelli which is my bar that I've set I mean I'm going in for like a third lick so yeah okay it's pretty good all right it's pretty good I'll admit so for this recipe it suggests that you probably get two 9 by3 pans out and then divvy up the batter into each pan well I don't have two matching size 9x13 in pans and you might be thinking like what are you talking about they're 9x13 um they're not all created equal and I can't find anything I can't find it other than this one so I did put parchment paper on the inside so it's easier for me to take out and then cut it in half to make layers all right another lick salmonella I dare you here it is oh wow okay fourth taste and it tastes amazing I'm going to throw this into the oven 350° for about 35 minutes it's a very loose batter by the way and I love love how it says it's American Cuisine you guys know what I always say if you're cooking you're cleaning and that's what I needed to focus on next I had some dishes that needed to be put away and then obviously some dirty dishes that needed to be put in the dishwasher to be cleaned it's always the kitchen is the heart of the home it beats our heart beats and uh well I I can't think of a metaphor okay I'm no Taylor Swift all right not that you were ever questioning it but listen Heart of the home that means that's where everyone's coming to hang out that's where everyone dumps their crap and that's the space that probably needs to be tidied up the most and I that it's exactly what I'm doing I'm just tidying everything up and it's takes me typically about 15 minutes to do this so it doesn't take me very long especially if I'm not deep cleaning anything and you know sometimes I don't want to but I just think just do it and get it over with like that's my mentality oh my gosh speaking of that I saw some standup who was it Seinfeld Jerry Seinfeld and he was talking about how like collectively just we never want to be anywhere hold on let me try to bring it up okay so it's pretty long but here we go this is from Jerry Seinfeld now the good thing about being out is that you don't have to be out for long just long enough to get to the next feeling which you're all going to get and that feeling is I got to be getting back after all the work you put into get in your butt where it is right now you're only halfway through this nightmare at this point wherever you are really anywhere in life at some point you got to get the heck out of there you're at work you want to go home you're at home I've been working all week I got to get out you're out and it's late I got to get back got to get up got to get to the airport got to get going on the plane plane takes off when's the plane going to land plane lands why don't they open the door so we can get out nobody wants to be anywhere nobody likes anything we're cranky we're irritable and we're dealing with it by constantly changing locations oh my gosh of course his delivery is a lot better I was just literally reading off of you know the the script but it's so true like you put all this effort into like going to which Gardens and then you're there and you're like when are we going to leave when are we going to get back home you know put all the effort into cleaning the kitchen okay then what what's next it's always the what's next cuz there's always something no I don't know what to do oh my God there's no way this is done it's literally liquid cake is liquid I'm ripping in the oven oh my God what the heck happened to my cake oh have you seen it I just cleaned my oven just cleaned my oven what are you though no oh my what is this I just I have no idea what's going on my life is over what the heck literally is this I can't I can't with this my alarm just went off like oh your Cake's done lies lies it's not even close see how jiggly that is what the heck I'm so mad I'm not sure if this can be Salvage like it looks better on camera than it does in my life oh my gosh what the heck oh I don't even know what to do I don't I don't this is horrible just I don't think I can cut this in [Music] half can you see now like it's still you can't like it is burnt to a crisp this part might be okay oh my gosh this is miserable I might just like bake a box you know like what am I going to do with that cut that are you joking well I guess I'll make the middle layer later once I figure all of that out you know it's like Alex said you just can't take risks on brownie Friday there were a few weeks there where I was making like specialty brownies and you know all these kind of random brownies and he's like can we just get some giradelli you know because he's like just the Classic brownies that's his favorite so I am going to start on dinner here and I am going to make the sweet pulled pork what are they called enchilada not enchiladas um just quesadillas and I have the carb balance tortillas I stinking love these I think they are so fantastic they taste great and are they have like two gram of carbs or something ridiculous and all I'm going to do is I mean I made this pork it tastes divine all on its own I like to throw mine like on top of salad but I'm going to divide it and then just add some cheese and then cook it on uh the pan here so same dinner as last night but different same but different you know okay so that cake was a colossal fail I can't even believe what the heck what the absolute heck I couldn't believe it and that's not the only fail okay spoiler alert there's more to come it's ridiculous I just don't even know what to say about it but I will say dinner was a hit and I been eating leftovers for lunches so that's always fantastic I've been trying to eat through the fridge and uh not have a big grocery shopping trip until I absolutely need it so that's in my future and oh I have to order contacts actually I told you I got that those blue light lenses not a huge fan um I don't know yeah I it's just m not for the price how about that because they are more expensive and I just don't feel like I could always get blue light glasses you know if I really felt like it I don't know I don't know how I feel about it do you guys have blue light glasses what's the vibe there I don't really care that much about it how about that am I ruining my eyes I feel like they're already ruined how much more damage can can I put on them okay anyway this dinner was super simple I just took the leftover pork put it on top of a quesadilla with some shadded cheese and someone recently told me the kitchen AIDS the shredded Che like the KitchenAid attachments at Target right now are on sale I don't know if they still are I actually haven't looked yet I'm kind of dragging my feet to buy another kitchena cheese Shredder because H will it get broken again like I'm I don't know if I'm at the point in my life where I can really have nice things yet try as I may but these were delicious and presentation 10 out of 10 so the cake behind me has died and gone to heaven so I am just throwing together a box cake mix which is actually convenient because I just told you I had a ton of them in my pantry and the way to make box cake mix tastes like a bakery style is to modify a couple of things so when it calls for oil use butter instead see how I have butter in there I melted it a little too much I tried to soften it it melted a little it's fine and then then this one calls for three eggs I add an extra egg so I added four eggs and this one calls for one cup of water don't do it add milk instead any kind of milk typically I do like an almond milk or whatever I have on hand I happen to have whole milk cuz I bought it for a recipe and I know I'm not going to need the entire thing for a recipe so I'm using that for the cake and then just mix it ideally with a whisk I don't know what I'm doing with this but that's it just changing just a couple of things really makes all the difference when you make this cake I get so many compliments I make my kids birthday cakes and they're like oh my gosh this cake is so good and I've had like cake at birthday parties where they literally spend hundreds of dollars on and I'm like this cake sucks I mean I would never say that out loud but I say it with my face you know it's really pretty but I mean it's not very pretty when you throw it in the garbage can makes it really well too you have to be vigorous with this okay I'm going to grease the pan and then flour it because I got to take it out to cut it in half you know I don't even know I don't know what I'm going to do I might just make a trifle if this thing doesn't come out easily but hopefully it does we don't want cheese in there take two I'm going to dump this thing in here again it's a 9x13 I know you might be thinking the other one said to use two pans no it said optional optional two pans to avoid having to cut one in half did you do anyl [Applause] today this salad by the way love it it's a taco salad just has red pepper in it some cheese tortilla strips like the crunchy ones beans uh corn and lettuce that might be it oh and now my oven I'm going to finish up this cake I took it out of the pan yesterday just to make sure cuz I didn't cook it in this parchment paper I flipped it out just to make sure that I could take it out I'm going to cut it in half and whip the second layer together the middle layer and we are watching Disney ride walkthroughs because I am basically obsessed yeah I told you guys I'm I'm going through a little something about the Disney stuff but here's the cake I just took it out of the uh pan and tried to tried my best to cut it in half honestly I was having some trouble there in the middle I was like oh I'm going too low and then I went way too high you know it's always the thing I know they sell those like cake levelers I just I don't cut cake enough to like have something like that or wanted in my life so now I'm making the middle layer it calls for 14 oz of marshmallow fluff 3 and 1/2 cups of powdered sugar little splash of vanilla uh salt to enhance the flavor and then let's figure out how much heavy whipping cream I put in here as you can see the texture of this isn't looking great you might be thinking huh that's a weird color oh I guess that's all I put in no milk it's a weird color right I was I thought the same thing you'll figure out what I did in a second um I tasted it and I was like okay that's I don't know it's whatever like marshmallow fluff never made anything with marshmallow fluff like a frosting like this so maybe that's just how it's supposed to taste spoiler alert it's not supposed to taste like this because I added flour instead of powdered sugar I think I added flour I think I added flour to the marshmallows instead of powdered sugar did I add flour oh my gosh I don't know I think I added flour oh how did I do that well all right well I did what I did I did what I did and I moved the on with my life right oh my gosh I can't even believe I wasted all I wasted so much this cake was a waste and I think the feelings of resentment I have toward all the wasted ingredients goes into how I feel about the cake so I'm just going to say that it's something I didn't even want in the first place okay I'm making the frosting which actually wasn't that bad it calls for powdered sugar which I actually got right this time cocoa powder milk vanilla the easy stuff oh oh and when I did the marshmallow fluff I did Reserve about half a cup to pipe the cake with I'm letting Wolf Gang is always my uh my sidekick here he's actually going to be going to France any day now to um get his official Cuisine schooling I don't know what I'm trying to say I'm so tired okay um I'm putting the frosting on and then I have put the marshmallow fluff in a Piping Bag and I'm piping the little swirlies I I don't know why this gave me so much trouble getting this stuff in the Piping Bag so I ended up just using a knife a little bit at a time was the key there and then I made the swirlies and if you are doing this if you are brave enough to tackle this confection make sure when you're doing the Piping Bag make a really really really small hole I mean I say I don't know what that lady was doing all of mine ran together looked like garbage but hers looked so good on Instagram I just the lies they tell on Instagram a one minute reel and this was probably like a 30C 1 minute reel this literally took me so many hours I could cry like I did eat it really just the top layer and it was good but the banana bread all the way I would make this 100 times more over the messed up so like where did I go wrong really there's so many things I did wrong right but anyway that is it you guys I hope you enjoyed hanging out with me I always enjoy your company thank you for being a friend should we sing the song all the way again travel down the road and back again hey my heart is true you're a pal and a confidant and if you through a party I'm not going to edit it like last time although avalina has a really cool editing software Maybe I'll make a an auto tune anyway bye
Channel: THE WADS
Views: 77,116
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: around the house, get it all done, getting it done, the wads, thewads, mom life, motherhood motivation, sahm, daily life, day in the life, dinner inspiration, cleaning inspiration, cleaning motivation, recipes, food recipes, motherhood
Id: 0ikJ16M-bN4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 30sec (3090 seconds)
Published: Thu May 02 2024
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