Spring Clean My House With Me ✨

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[Music] hi everyone my name is Maria and this is the Huck's home so today I'm going to take you through how I've spring cleaned my house from top to bottom this was originally a series that I filmed for Instagram it was a 20 part Series so I just want to apologize in advance that the video quality isn't that great purely because I've filmed it on my phone and I've had to edit the videos and change the layout to YouTube format so it's not the quality is not as good as the Instagram videos that I shared but you will get the gist of everything that I've done I've started it at the beginning of March so I had to fit this cleaning around my schedule of working four days a week so I did it on an evening after work and on my days off it took me a full month in total to do the full spring clean from top to bottom I took my time with it because I wanted to do it properly so I'm going to take you through the whole process and talk you through everything I've done and everything I've used um I'll be showing you it in room by room order what I won't be doing is showing you every room in the house cuz that will just take all day so I'm just going to share with you the main rooms which is the bedrooms the bathrooms the living room the kitchen and you'll get the gist of what I've done from there so check it out if you haven't already please subscribe to my channel I am fairly new to YouTube I need all the help I can get give me a big thumbs up and I hope you enjoy [Music] it so let's kick things off with the on Suite the first thing I do is open a window let the fresh air in and empty the room of all of its contents it's so much easier to cleaner bathroom on a blank canvas I've poured Mr muscle drain and block gel down the shower plug hole I've sprayed all the taps with vial disala gone around the ceiling with a high duster cleaned the window the extractor vent the mirror inside the drawers by this time the vialard had enough time to do its job so we gave all the Taps a good scrub the plug hole I took the toilet seat off put that in the shower and clean that with bleach I literally made sure everything got a really good clean leaving no Stones andt this is what a spring clean is all about cleaning the things you don't get chance to do every day the toilet had the scrub of its life then we moved onto the radiators then I even cleaned the walls I cleaned the doors tiles the tile grout I gave that a good scrub using the pink stuff Miracle paste and the final job was the floor put everything back always light a candle and that's the first room done my bedroom you're going to have to move baby aren't you if Spencer will let me the first thing I'm going to do is get my bed stripped and get that put in the washing machine I've taken my Curtains Down and they're going to go in the washing machine too if you do this always check the label first I've freshened up the mattress using some Babb of soda just sprinkle it over the mattress leave it for a good 10 minutes and then hoo it off later I also like to turn my mattress around once every 6 months I've gone around the ceiling and the curving with a high duster and then I moved on to the windows and blinds first I get the excess dust off the blinds using a flash dust magnet and then I wipe every individual slat using a Zur Flora antibacterial wipe for the windows in an empty spray bottle I put some washing up Liquid half water half white vinegar spray that on the Windows it comes up really nice and serpy give them a good wash and then I remove that with the window back I've dusted all the Sills the shelves I've cleaned all the light fittings and lamps bed tables using a damp duster that I purchased from Sheen and then it was time to give the bed a good clean hoovered all the headboard and the sides and then I got to Hoover off all the bab that had sprinkled on it earlier before I started my sprinkling I went around every room in the house and made a list of every single thing that I wanted to do in each room and ticked it off bit by bit I don't start in the next room until the previous room is finished that's my rule of thumb my bed is an otoman bed so I got that lifted up removed everything and gave it a good clean under there it's amazing how dusty it gets I then gave it a spritz and a freshen up with 10,1 carpet freshener spray deep cleaning is really thirsty wear so make sure you've got plenty of tea and biscuits to keep your energy levels up and the momentum going tea and biscuits will see you through don't forget to declutter as your go this is a really good opportunity to go through everything that you've got and get rid of anything that you don't need organize your things into four piles keep sell throw and donate it's a big task but I promise you you will feel so much better for it once again we are leaving no Stones unturned here I am making sure everything gets to wipe down all the woodwork the skating boards the arraes the doors the radiators the wardrobes the drawers you name it I've done it I've even got a little electric fire in my bedroom which I absolutely love it's so cursy that's had a good clean too so we move on to the finishing touches now give the carpet a good Hoover and again a spray with the 101 Carpet Fresh I've put the curtains back up using half a toil roll between the pleates to make them hang neater I dirt ion beding I smooth it over with lenar crease release spray and that's my bedroom done we're moving on to the kids bedrooms now starting off with my son's room we've stripped the bed and the curtains and we've put those in the wash when it comes to bedding I always add some astonish laundry cleansing protector it just kills off any nasty gemms or bed bugs and gives it a good good hygienic clean I've gone around the room with a high just to making sure there's no cobwebs hanging from the ceilings I've cleaned the light fittings the windows and the blands using the same method as in the previous room I always open the window when I'm doing a deep clean to let the fresh air in and the bad smells out especially when cleaning a teenager's room I'm literally pulling everything out dusting all services and getting in every single nook and cranny I went through my son's cloves with him he got rid of anything that he no longer wears or doesn't fit him anymore and then we put it all back in a much more organized fashion whether or not it'll stay like that remains to be seen we finished off by cleaning all the woodwork the radiators giving the floor a good Hoover and putting everything back I then moved on to my daughter's room the messiest room in the house literally two weeks before this clean this bedroom was fully redecorated so everything is brand new in here the curtains are brand new all the walls are freshly painted the light fittings are brand new so this room didn't actually need a spring clean it just needed a tardy up just to keep on top of everything so I just went round dusted everything stripped and washed the beding and just gave it a general clean and TI day and that concludes all the bedrooms the family bathroom is next just like the on Suite I've started by emptying the whole room of all of its contents I've sprayed all the TAPS in the shower with Kill Rock lime scale removal spray which I'll leave for a few minutes now to do its job I've gone around with a high duster I've cleaned the blinds and the window using the same method as in the previous rooms working my way from one side of the room to the other from top to bottom just literally wiping down everything I do clean my bathroom regularly so today I'm just really trying to concentrate on the things that I don't all the time which is inside the plug holes between the toilet seat the extractor fan all those bits that we just don't get around to on a daily basis one of my most used products in this room is the pink stuff Miracle paste with a Sonic scrubber this really does get into all those Nook and crannies and it's perfect for cleaning the ti grout it comes up like new that's right you did just see me mopping the walls a second ago can't believe how dirty there was the floor's now mopped everything's put back and that's the bath room done the landing the stairs and the hallway this officially marks the halfway point we are working our way downstairs now first of all I made the decision to get rid of the sideboard on the top of the stairs decluttering is all part of the spring cleaning process and it was just taking up too much room and it wasn't really needed so that's gone now the most important things to clean on the landing was the mirror the pictures the high the lurs the skirting boards the bedroom doors the arraes and those little metal strips that stick between your carpets on the floor I'm sorry I don't know the names of them but they're just things that I never really wipe so I give them a good clean I went down the stairs with a carpet scraper before I hoovered it these carpet scrapers go really deep into the carpet fibers and pick up the hairs that the Hoovers just don't get I have a really small hallway so this didn't take long but now we are officially downstairs right then let's get this living room done first of all I'm taking the curtains down and putting them in the washing machine before you do this always read the label once again we're cleaning the blinds and the windows honestly cleaning blinds is such a chore by this point I'd seriously felt like I'd hit a wall with this spring clean but we was so near the end point we just had to keep going as with previous rooms I pulled everything out so I could get behind and underneath everything to give it all a good dust Hoover and clean it's amazing what you find when you pull things out things you've been looking for for months are always under the surfer or underneath that coffee table having two dogs always means that I fight a losing battle against dog hairs so when I pull the surfer out honestly it is dog hair Central behind there it's disgusting but I wouldn't change them for the world I was surprised to find a cup underneath my coffee table now I've got no idea how long it had been there but by the state of the inside of it it looked like it had been there for a very long time so I always hang my curtain back up straight after they've been in the wash whilst they're still wet I found that the dry so much easier whilst they're hanging the creases drop out and the room ends up smelling like fresh laundry so my living room clean was done during the day and then I saved my surfa clean until later the reason for this is because obviously we all sit on the surfa regularly and I wanted to shampoo it so I did it on an evening before we went to bed so that it could be left to dry overnight first of all I gave it all a really good Hoover pulled all the cushions off as you can see dog hairs all over there was really hard to get up so I had to use the carpet scraper for this then I used a handheld carpet cleaner which is from Swan brand it was really easy to use just wait until you see how much D it picked up gross but very satisfying cushions and throws have also been washed and that's the living room done It's the final room guys the kitchen it's a big e in fact so big I think I tackled this over the course of 4 days if you've stuck with me this far thank you the light is shining brightly at the end of that tunnel so we have started by doing the highs then we did the tops of the kitchen cupboards couldn't quite believe it but we found remnants from Christmas still up there I then moved on to the windows and the window sills I cleaned the extractor fan for the cooker the oven clean the fridge freezer clean and the washing machine clean have all been filmed separately and they were all shared in my shorts if you want to check them out on there little fun story for you here the last time I pulled these vents out as I open them up a spider's Nest fell out of them it gave me the Fright of my life and now I'm always terrified to open them up in case something falls out I've given the radiators a good clean and now I'm moving on to the dishwasher I'm going to give the dishwasher a service by topping up the salt the rinsed cleaning the filter and then I'll give all the inside a wipe down and put in some dishwasher cleaner and run it on a hot empty wash so this next job I can honestly say was the worst it was absolutely Relentless it took me a whole day to do this I emptied every single kitchen cupboard sorted through every item that was in there went through all the food checking all the expiry dates I went through everything wiped cupboards out and then try to put everything back in a more organized fashion it's amazing how much stuff we actually accumulate over time and it's also amazing how much of it we actually don't even need or use I had to be brutal during this it was hard work but it was so worth it I told myself if we're going to do this we're going to do it properly and that means leaving no Stones unturned so yep that means going through every cupboard every knife and fork and every single single piece of Tupperware speaking of Tupperware where do all the lids come from I've got so many more Lids than I actually have boxes it's ridiculous out of all the cupboards I saved the best until last the one cupboard that I actually enjoy cleaning is the one with the cleaning products in obviously once all the cupboards were done I gave all the cupboard fronts a good clean down with some Zur Flora spray and a microfiber cloth next job was to give the kitchen bins a good clean out again using zerfl spray I have two bins in my kitchen one for waste and one for recycling our kitchen has an extension which we use as a dining area in there we've got a big window and some Pao doors I gave them a clean as you can see by this point I started losing my marbles a little bit I really had hit a wall but I had to keep it together keep moving because we was nearly done we have a small Surfer in here which I pulled out this Surfer is where my British Bulldog spends his days so the dog hairs were pretty bad in this area I gave everything a really good ho made sure the skating boards were all clean and then give the floor a really good mop with some concentrated disinfectant pet friendly of course I've been cleaning the floors and the skating boards as I've been working my way around the room moving on to the finishing touches now I've pulled the dining table out cleaned all underneath there and made sure all the chairs are clean I've cleaned around all the doors and the arraes I've cleaned the bar stools all using the same Zur Flora spray I then went on to disale the kettle and clean all the kitchen appliances I cleaned the TOs and the splashback wiped down the work Toops dis scaled all the sink and Taps and then gave the sink a really good scrub it's taken me a month one whole month of evenings weekends and the occasional day off to deep clean my Full House from top to bottom I've fitted this in around my home life my kids my job my social life it hasn't been easy don't get me wrong but I did it if you're thinking about deep cleaning your home but you're struggling to find the time or the motivation my advice would be to start by making a list making a list of everything that needs doing in every room and then tackle it bit by bit whether it's one room a week an hour a week an hour a day just fit it in around your schedule it does not matter how long it takes as long as you get there in the end and once you get started you will get there if you made it this far thank you so much for watching that was my and clean please subscribe give me a thumbs up and I will see you soon
Channel: The Hewicks Home
Views: 3,276
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Id: -Tov-XBDMS4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 9sec (969 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 24 2024
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