Elevate Your Curb Appeal with a Front Porch Refresh / Front Porch Clean & Decorate

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so I haven't had a shower and I've got yesterday's makeup on so it's a perfect time to go to Lowe's so I have the day off and I thought that I would go ahead and get some work done outside I'm just going to go ahead and do like our front porch because when I had Milo the other day and we went outside and sat I just noticed how gross it was and it's nice outside now so I want to be able to take advantage of being outside and being on the porch I don't have new furniture yet but I am going to look at some stuff in here in Lowe's and see if I can get some ideas but I just need to get some cleaning stuff and I also wanted to update our mailbox so I'm going to see what they've got going on in there for that as well so let's go ahead and go in here and see what we can find somebody needs to send me a bigger porch so I can get this okay this is what I love like the rocking chairs that's exactly what I want but it comes in this huge set and I don't need all that I just need these two chairs right here but I don't think they sell them like that I might have to get on Amazon and see if I can find something similar because the color and everything is perfect okay so this might be perfect it is $400 so I'm unemployed Lowe's let's bring it down a notch but that is perfect which one of y'all want to go home with me to your final resting place okay I think I'm going to do these white numbers on the front of my mailbox these ferns are two for 24 so I'm going to obviously grab two of those and I think I'm just going to go ahead and grab a couple of these for the back um because I've got a couple of planners that I'm going to spray and um I think these will look perfect in those don't mind if I diddly do okay you guys so summer is almost here and we absolutely love just sitting outside in the evenings during the day anytime and that's really why I wanted to go ahead and get my porch ready for some sitting time and also I wanted to show you guys this amazing new fire pit we desperately desperately needed a new fire pit and a company called sun create reached out and asked if I would like to review this and I was like absolutely because it was just right time right place for this as I mentioned we did need a new one our other one we had had for probably five or six years and it has seen better days it was put through the ringer I tell you what so I decided on this fire pit it's a lot bigger than the one that we had before it's actually very simple to put together it probably took me maybe 10 minutes but it was very nice of them to send this thank you so much sun create for sending I will leave all the information in the description box below but go and check out their website they've got a ton of stuff including Furniture um like the little swinging chairs they actually asked if I wanted to do one of the swinging chairs and although I really wanted to I just didn't have anywhere to put it and I thought that this would be more practical we would get so much more use out of this so I was really excited another thing that I was excited about was as I was starting to put this together it started to rain and it was hotter than you know what outside so I was very glad that started to rain because I was burning up so believe it or not in the summertime we actually sit right out here on our little back driveway we don't have a deck out back which I would absolutely love to be able to build off of this driveway just like a little bit of a deck um just enough to have like some chairs and a little table like that but we do honest to God sit right here and in this little corner is where we keep our fire pit and we just pull our chairs out and just kind of sit around it we'll have some friends over the neighbors we'll have some dinner if Reuben Cooks out or puts anything in the smoker and you know we all just kind of sit out here have some drinks and you know talk about the day laugh cut up carry on and it's just so nice to have a warm glowing fire outside bod absolutely loves being outside with us when we do this and it really does help with like the bugs and things like that so if you guys have been wanting a fire pit if you've never had one or if you just need a new one like I did please go and check out their website like I mentioned they've got a ton of different stuff there but I've also got a coupon code for you as well and that's also in the description box make sure you go and check them out again thank you so much sun create for sending this to me we're going to have an amazing summer to uh you know spend some time with friends and family out here I just love this and I love that it was so much bigger than what I normally have out here I didn't start a fire to show this to you because it was again raining and hot anyways but I'm really excited to try this out and I promise you once we do start a fire in here I will let you guys know probably Instagram or another video also it does come with one of those little hooker things that you can you know poke the fire and lift off the lid I'm so excited I cannot wait so even though it was still raining outside I went ahead and started on this front porch I knew the rain wasn't going to last all day and it did not it probably only lasted about 20 25 minutes but then the sun came back out and made it even more hot but this is what we're looking like over here all of this stuff needs to come off of the porch so I can really clean it really well and I'm just going to go ahead and start by taking the cushions off of everything out here get those into the washing machine that way they can be going while I'm doing the rest of everything out here on the porch but I still have not been able to find any cushions that will fit this couch and I don't know what I'm going to do besides maybe find somebody that can sew them for me I think I know a couple of people that know how to do that so I might reach out to them and see what they can do but also I wanted to let you guys know that these little poofs Puffs whatever you want to call them the little those things right there that you put your feet on you can also sit on them you can do whatever you want to but I'll have those Linked In My description box only because I don't know what's wrong with Amazon and I can't you know guarantee that that's what it is but these are probably one of my most favorite Amazon purchases because they're inflatable and you can take the covers off you can put them in the washing machine they come in all kinds of different colors and patterns I just love these and they're super cheap too so go and check them out if you've been wanting some of those poofs because if you go and look at them anywhere else like the fabric ones good Lord y'all they're like 80 bucks a piece and I'm not no these Inflatables will do perfectly fine I'm so beautiful without you now my skin glows and it shines like glue I'm pretty without you pretty without you pretty without you pretty without you I get my beauty sleep without you so once I got everything off of the porch and I did some light sweeping I just grabbed this ZIP allpurpose cleaner I love this stuff I love everything on the zip line honestly but I just grabbed that and I also grabbed just like a little Basin um you know bowl that I grabbed from Walmart at one point in time and I also got just a really cheap and expensive mop from the Dollar General I'm almost positive it's been sitting over by my washing machine for like maybe six months and figured I could go ahead and use it but I just went ahead and added some of that with some hot water in that Basin and the Zep cleaner and just went to town got everything scrub down including the railings and some of the siding too and I really felt bad because I knew this was going to be like an outside video and buod wasn't going to be around for you guys to see but you can see him a couple times in the doorway right there he was really mad he couldn't be out there with me but of course he couldn't be he would have just made a tea total mess and probably ran away but I promise you he will be in the next video so come back if you've been missing you some little yellow lab like you felt something like your touch I wish we would have met soon sure I've had LS in my past I've had a blast but none of them had your humor they can compare no one could ever do nobody's close to you yeah one night Fair what can I say to make you never leave this room I need you to stay a little longer forever yeah I need you to S around for little forever you feel so right right right right it's a LIF I need you to [Music] St when I get to know all your friends I'll be loving them I'll try to make them love me back it won't be like it was before easy when so pure I'm falling hard and falling fast they can't compare no one could ever do nobody's close to you yeah one night what can I say to make you never leave this room I need you to stay you to St a little long I need you to stay you later aever you feel so right right now sing a I need you to stay you to stay forever yeah yeah forever yeah yeah I'm forever yeah so now that I've got the porch all nice and clean it was time for me to get everything that was going back onto the porch clean and sprayed off I knew that I was going to be definitely using the two black Planters um that go next to my door I just love those they're so versatile and they're an amazing size just love them but I wanted to make sure that those got sprayed down as well as this little couch it was just full of pollen and dead stink bugs and leaves and all kinds of good stuff and I also got a new rug I was very excited about it I decided it was time to bring some color back especially to the front porch because it just it needed it you know my little soul needed it so if you've been afraid of color like I kind of am sometimes then take your chance and do it I did find this one at Walmart I want to say it was 40 bucks I think no more than $45 I don't remember exactly but the color of this I just remember when when I got it out of the plastic and I was rolling it out I just remember audibly saying oh my God I love this it makes it feel so nice out here and it does I just love how it brought so much color and happiness to this little space I I spend so much time out here I just really needed it to feel good you know what I mean um they had a bunch of different ones different colors different patterns but I did need a new one I did recycle the old one though I didn't just throw it away I took it around back we do have a bench out back as well that's by the back door um downstairs like the basement door so I just used it back there and it looks great and I know that um Ruben's mom will appreciate it because that's where she comes in and out so I also did um some flowers back there too I'll show you guys all of that here in just a couple of minutes but look at that rug ain't she pretty so I went ahead and pulled my little couch back up here and then got the uh pots cleaned out that way I could put those ferns in there I was thinking for a second I was like should I even do the soil and everything in here or just set the pot down in it you know what I mean and I was like well I'm going to go all out I'm just going to go ahead and do the soil and everything since I've got it I almost got rid of that little jute rug because it just gets so dusty but I just sprayed it down and cleaned it off really well because I just really love how it looks out there and I feel like it works with everything else that I've added to the porch I kind of feel like it has a little bit of a boho Vibe it probably doesn't to you but it does to me um but but yeah and these little ferns I kind of felt bad for them that's probably why they were on sale like that but they're not the biggest ferns I want to say they were 12 10 Ines 10 inch ferns I think um but you know once I got them planted and I gave them a big old drink of water I they perked up they looked a lot they look a lot better right now okay they look a lot better right now but they definitely needed to perk up a little bit and get a great big drink of water I don't know what was going on with those ferns but they are not the best that I've seen from Lowe's okay not the best that I've seen but oh also that little stem that I picked up in the Lowe's floor I have that in a little uh propagation that's the word right propagate yeah I have it like in a little vase um and I'm going to try to get some Roots growing on it so I can plant it because it was so oh my gosh B he's in a whole other part of the house what I don't know what okay Ruben's mowing outside and the door's open and Ruben can see them I don't know why he's barking like that I apologize um also these are real life videos real life editing real life voiceovers um but anyway these looked really really good once I got them in there the like the roots and everything of them were really good they were fine I don't know they just I don't know they looked like they had been packed on a truck somewhere and forgotten about for a while but we're going to bring them back hopefully keep them alive all summer long just come back and keep checking all I want for somebody to see me yeah yeah anyone anyone with two eyes will do just fine cuz I'm reckless it's getting kind of desperate can't help a feeling helpess when it comes to love don't know who I am without the my don't I don't care about what they like honestly it's hard to be so easily attached I look into a crowd of Love whoever's looking back always got my heart on sell my body's like an ug never mind my words honestly it's hard to be soas attach I fall just like that I'm too good I'm too good for my own good yeah yeah I'll be there I'll be there in a minute even though it took an hour for you to even answer I'm losing all my power but it's keeping [Music] score don't know who I am without someone M sh I don't care about what the LI honestly it's hard to be so easily attached I look into a crowd of Love whoever's looking back always got my heart on S my body's like an out never mind my words honestly it's hard to be so E A little I fall just like that oh oh fall just like that oh oh honestly it's hard to being so easily to being so easily look a crowd love looking back to a crow love always by my heart say my body like I never mind my words honestly it's hard to be so easily attach I fall just like that oh oh fall just like that yeah okay so before I show you how the front porch looks I'm going to let you see what I was talking about when I said earlier that I got some spray and that I wanted to spray these pots so these have been sitting out back for years as you can see they're faded um you know just old and I didn't they're perfectly fine like structural wise but um so I decided I was going to grab the spray paint and it had like the texture to it like the sand Stone type texture and it didn't really work out the way I figured it would I don't know it sprayed really weird it sprayed like very straight and I tried standing further back from it I tried getting closer to it it just wasn't working working out and this is this is what I'm talking about like it just was very blotchy and I don't know it just I was upset about it I paid $112 for that stinking spray any who um so I just trashed all that I just trash all that okay so this is the door that leads into the basement and I wanted it to you know look really nice for Ruben's mom that little thing right there is metal let me tell you some good stuff if you're not paying attention and you're outside with no shoes on and you get your toe CAU in that thing yeah yep but yeah so I just decided to go ahead and wash that all off and plant the flowers that I got in this big planter that she already had now I know there's probably going to be a ton of you on the other side of the screen yelling at me that I put too many flowers in this pot and I probably did so it is what it is they're already in there and if I feel like they're not growing or they're starting to you know get wonky I will get a bigger pot but we already had this one so I didn't want to spend any more money all right tell me in the comments below if this is too many they fit they're in there but tell me if they're too many I don't know I kind of feel bad about it looking back now I kind of feel like they're probably crowded anyway I'll go get another pot if you think that I that I need a bigger pot but again we already had this one so it's it's already there but they look so pretty in there also I did pick up from Walmart this little layering rug and I thought it would look really cute out there so I went ahead and put that out and then put that other little what is that called it's it's not a matte it's like a shoe grate a shoe um I don't know I don't know what it's called but I went ahead and put that underneath of that metal thing you guys are going to you know how I am with words I don't know what this is let me know what this is if you know okay looks super cute went ahead and put the flowers out there and when I did that I saw that we had a little fr a little caterpillar I love them they're so cuddly and soft anyway so it looks really cute out there love that um Mari elln loves it and so this is what the front porch ended up looking like again kind of like boho Vibes for me these pillows already had you've probably seen them before I've had them on probably every bed in this house they have been making their rounds but everything looks so nice it's a lot cleaner out here and I cannot wait to come out here and spend some time with bod with Mila with myself um but yeah thank you guys so much for coming to watch today I hope you enjoyed it and I hope it gave you some motivation to do something outside but make sure you come back um I love you and appreciate you and I'll see you next time
Channel: Mandy Flores
Views: 9,555
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: elevate your curb appeal, front porch refresh, front porch clean, front porch decorate, small front porch, clean with me outside, cleaning my front porch, outside cleaning motivation, clean with me, outside cleaningleaning motivation, cleaning, curb appeal, curb appeal ideas
Id: ZzzSf7chhEY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 25sec (1285 seconds)
Published: Fri May 03 2024
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