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hey y'all happy oh my goodness it's Friday for me so it's no it's Saturday for me so it's Sunday for y'all happy Sunday hope you're having a good day um it is overcast and rainy outside it's wet but it's not raining right now the the projects that we have for outside are I probably will sand part of the deck that we need to finish I need to stain the rest of the deck and also get started on the steps that are in the front but because of the weather we are going to be doing things inside today a little bit of cleaning a little bit of decorating probably going to show you what we're eating for dinner I have a gift that I need to get together and also we're going to do a few indoor easy home updates so this video is going to be jam-packed and lots of fun and I'm going to go ahead and show you the guest bathroom cuz that is probably where we're going to start first okay so we recently did an update on this bathroom but as you can see these tiles are falling off so I have two options I could put new tiles um well put adhesive on the tiles that have fallen off and pick put them back on the wall which maybe is what we're going to do um or I could just take everything off but I am afraid that if I try to take things off that are secured that I may tear part of our like paint and stuff so I'm going to go with the first option and reined all of these that have fallen off and they're mostly like in this area where the toilet is which makes sense cuz it's wet and I probably didn't stick them hard enough anyways I was trying to think okay this is another day because okay I thought I was going to clean this out but this is like a Christmas tree there's in like the foam pad down there that you would use before you put carpet down fans that we use Christmas decor these two bags I don't know what happening with those but in our Christmas tree so there's not really anything in here that I can get rid of knocking stuff over but I do have Decor things for this room too like a rug um a different shower curtain things like that so I'll do that today um and get these done so that's what we're going to do first first things first I'm going to basically clean this bathroom room because I have not cleaned it myself in well since I did this project um because I don't use this bathroom so normally Aon just straightens it up but it always needs a good deep clean every once in a while e this is probably why I never come in this bathroom um I'm going to move this wood and the store somewhere else because they just want to slide and then I'm tripping over myself and I'm like there's no room to walk in here so also a lot of these are falling off so I'm not sure I'm not sure because I also have that it's really pretty blue it's similar to what I did in my bathroom and those stuck really well I just heard some of them fall off um those have held up really well and we actually shower and it gets hot in that bathroom with the water and no peeling no Poppin or anything um so I know I may take these down all of them and do something else because I have something else to do Margaret get out of this room please stuff's falling everywhere on us I I don't even know what this door goes to but I'm so tired of this door I think this goes to our bathroom and we're never putting a door on our bathroom again so I want to get rid of this I want it G but for now it's going to go I don't know I'm trying to think if it can can hide behind the door I just need it to go somewhere else where it's not sliding on me okay I don't like that either I really also this heater right here I'm taking out his bathroom this bathroom is too small to have all this stuff right they are just falling off but um I don't know if that was like that or not see so if I I would have some stuff to clean up with like the Goof Off what do you think do you want me to redo this with something else cuz a bunch of them had fallen off I F I'm about to clean this up Aon had came in and he was talking to me about he found a rope spun up in the in the blades um in the lawnmower that we just bought 2 days ago so I said well honestly it sounds like you just want to return it and get your money back and then buy the same one but at a different store like at a Lowe's or something so maybe that's what he'll do cuz confrontational type things are really make me uncomfortable like very I at all cost try not to conf have confrontation with people I'm the person that's like you go out to eat you get the wrong order I would just eat it if it's close enough like if I order a Chim chongas with beef and I say ground beef but they give me beef tips texture is different I don't like beef tips but I'll eat it because I don't want to make their job any more difficult but with this are the lawnmower situations he's just finding a lot of things messed up about it and I have another box of these these have been on the floor for a while so they're not really that sticky I think oh yeah these are trying to pop off too I am just going to redo this I'm just getting all these up okay I don't know what I was trying to tell y'all clean it up in here the LL it almost is like it's used it's got a lot of stuff it's got a screw missing and it was supposed to be brand new but it doesn't seem that way so it's uncomfortable for me but like I don't even know if I want to go whenever he does it cuz I don't want them to look at me like oh you're a problem that's why I never do stuff like that cuz I don't want to do problem to people but if you don't get what you pay for tell it's okay to say no this isn't right you know my hair is funny today I just have it in a little ponytail back there but um this is Moon fun and it's backsplash I'm pretty sure this is peel and stick yeah peel and stick it's in the color pink green but it's really pretty and it's it's got like kind of like the Sandy look going on and I think this would be good plus there's like a black and white shower curtain a lot of like black accents so I think those would go better with this cuz this is cool tone than with the warm tiles um but I'm glad we did that because it does still give people an idea of what they can do in their basket room and this is what the home I know it's like we're doing the updates it's for our house but one of the biggest reasons why I share all of this with y'all is because it gives you ideas for things you may want to do in or outside of your home so um yeah that's why I show it um okay now that I've got things wiped down I do need to go get a trash bag cuz there's not one in here and I'm going to need one and we are going to start getting these things off the wall I do have a tool that may make this easier on the ones that are stuck pretty good all right I don't remember exactly what these are called but basically they help you actually it's engraved on here so these are Scotty peeler yeah okay from when I was reseller and I had to peel a bunch of tags off of shoes these are really good at getting things off of a surface that it's like kind of hard for you to just take your fingers and do it yourself so I could pull these off with my fingers but I think I would do more damage we're going to try using the plastic one first just to make the wall stay intact as much as possible if this one doesn't do a good job we'll use this metal one here y'all Aaron left the truck is not even here but he knew I was filming so that's probably why he was like I'm just going to go talk to these people I I hope it goes well because we don't have a trailer um we can go buy one we just um we didn't think that the trailer was going to be big enough for the mower that we picked out but it actually is big enough So the plan is was to get a trailer anyways because our trailer that we have is not it's a little sketchy it's very sketchy actually um it's like someone kind of made it in a way like they kind of built it themselves so it's straight legal but not the safest option and these are these stick together so okay so I'm going to do one of these with with y'all just so we can see together how good that works all right okay so it's just okay that that was tape that came paint that came off oh this is going to be interesting I just don't know that I'm happy with this you know so oh shoot that hurt that hurt my finger okay well they're popping off a little take paint came off of that too which I have paint um I might have enough paint to repaint this whole area all right I'm taking all these towels off now we're going to play some music to this [Music] these right here these um I had to put adhesive on these anyways I will put these back in the box and use them because they're perfectly fine these the main reason why I'm not going to reuse them is because they're warped anyways they were warped in the box but I thought it would still be fine oh I broke this one and I did switch to my metal one just because it slides better so it's less damage then the pink one I said pink one because I moved this soap over and it's a pink bottle this is not this was not pink okay okay [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right so I am going to have to smooth this out um I almost I'm going to do it over here too and also I want to sand this area so I think I can go ahead and put that stuff on to like Smooth out the cracks and stuff I think Aaron's back y'all can hear him in the background so I'm going to clear this off cuz it's just messy and it's hard to work work around I've got this little spatula right here for the sanding I was I was going to use the electric one but um I think these will work plus oh okay yeah 60 120 and 220 great so these are the blocks sanding blocks gold Peg what a brand name and then this is just allpurpose putty the Bondo so quickly and easily fills patches seals and repairs almost anything in and around the home paintable permanent non-shrinking so I'm going to use this on this area right here and this area right here and then I'll go ahead and sand everything else in the meantime all right y I'm nervous as I've never done this before um I'm so nervous okay I'm taking this stuff off of the top here I don't even need that much oh this stuff did already say that it smells really strong and it said 3 in in diameter that's W 2 in all right that's probably 3 in worth of toothpaste this is the hardener and then it says to mix it up maybe this bowl wasn't the best idea for 2 minutes woo this is I is all of it this smelly I don't know it's turning blue on us okay I'm going to mix the rest of this and then we'll start all right I scem the directions once more Aaron read them off to me I went to him for help but he's about to go back to the store where we bought the lawn mower and he talked to the people above them he called a different store first and then they gave him the corporate number I was like honey you're calling corporate you're being one of those sometimes you just got to so um he is going to hopefully be getting another one in exchange girls y'all better be nice you better be nice I heard that I heard Chloe squeal a little bit okay this is good enough for me all right so some of it's going in this crack right here and it says to give it 15 minutes to dry and then I think we can go ahead and sand everything oh I'm nervous oh man okay y'all so this is putty and that's probably why it smells stronger and this is meant to be for our door our front door or no our back door that has some dents in it and I don't know why I was thinking that this was spackle so it works it does the same thing it hardens a lot faster um and Aon will mention that later on in the video that the Spackle does take about 3 to five hours to dry versus this took like 15 minutes and I could get right back to work so in a pinch this is great over here going to do the same thing I hope I have enough to do this little area cuz I've got to go all the way out to here with this I'll make more wow the stuff y'all the stuff dries so fast past it's already like Play-Doh that's been left out I don't know I'm going to get back got cats oh my goodness this stuff is already just chunky oh I don't know if I can use this I'm going to have to make some more what in the world why so fast I don't know [Music] so I made more of this stuff obviously and it's going on a lot smoother I I'm just going to share this with y'all because I should have known better but I think I used way too much and I spread it out way too far which made my job of sanding a little bit more difficult so I would suggest not getting it anywhere that you just don't need it because it's going to be more work for you in the end but there's still some spots at the end of the day that are not that smooth so I think tomorrow because I really want to do a good job on this tomorrow when we start filming I'm going to get the spackling and do a really thin coat on top top and then sand that down just so everything has a smooth finish because if I paint over the areas that aren't completely Smooth you're just going to be able to see all of them anyways and I want it to be smooth so we're going to take our time on this one all right y'all that is done I need to figure out how in the world to clean this thank now um and using the paper plate versus the bowl definitely helped Chloe come here it's a rainy day so all three of them were kind of like this is boring I think they're bored hey come here what's the deal girl what are you whining what you whining about huh huh hi so I am going to uh I guess with that dry let's go in the kitchen and clean up a little bit and get that gift ready and then by the time we're done doing that um these should be dry enough hi um you see the cat these should be dry enough and then we can just sand everything um I also have goof off so if sanding this stuff seems to be taking longer than it would if I just used goof off I'll just go get the goof goof off is it called goof off or Gooby gone anyways you don't know what I'm talking about I am just getting our kitchen cleaned up I'm going to restock the cat food and dog food my cats do mostly eat dry food but I recently got them some wet food just because it's getting hotter outside and then we're going to get that gift bag ready go and um by the time we get done doing that eron we'll be back with the new lawn mower and I'll be able to show y'all what it looks like he even said that it smelled different than the other one so I'm so glad if you watched yesterday's video and you heard that we got a lawn mower but then when we got it home it didn't look like the lawnmower that we thought we were getting and it also had like quite a few things that Aaron found that just didn't look right like the blades were chipped the there was a bolt missing there was it looked like a cigarette burn in the chair and then today before he took it he found rope uh underneath it in the blades so we found out that it was a return and the guy that delivers products to people put the wrong lwn over on the trailer and gave that to us so thankfully they worked it out and switched it with the correct one so whether they intended to give us a returned item and hope to get away with it or they really did honestly just make a mistake which is what I'm leaning towards uh cuz they were really nice I don't I don't believe that they would have tried to do that I know that that can happen um so it is very important to like take pictures of stuff and do all the things to protect yourself when you're purchasing something but in this case I do feel like uh it was just an accident he probably didn't know that it was returned and even the one they gave us today has little dirt on the tires which they did say that all of their lawnmowers are outside in the back so they do get dirt on them but um yeah everything worked out so I will show y'all the actual lawn mower that we are going to keep in a little bit after we get done with that package but I just had quite a few things to clean up in here and I wanted to get dinner ready later on so I like to have my kitchen straightened up before I have to fix something else we used to talk about getting older we said we hold time but now it's over it can't be over over [Music] over over [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right hopefully this works out it's not too dark it's a little bit dark the lighting is always weird over here okay so I'm taking a break from the cleaning stuff I do want to get my dishes done before I figure out what we're eating for dinner but and and I just went back there to the bathroom to check to see if the stuff was hardened and it is so next thing we're going to do is go back there and sand but I wanted to show youall what I picked out my 5-year-old nephew um he's really into Minecraft and his mom also created like a wish list which is awesome when parents do that because then you know like what the kid actually wants um but I've seen these things everywhere this was on the list so I grabbed it it's a bazooka bubble gum bubble gum sorry 69 hes and you it just like shoots out a lot of bubbles so thought that would be fun I'm going to go ahead and put from Aaron and Kimmy on here I'm so excited he's having his party at a Fun Factory but and it's like 30 something minutes away so I don't know if we're actually going to go it depends on if there's like things Aaron wants to fix in the car and if those were fixed before the birthday then possibly but if not we may just go to their house afterwards and give him his gift and hang out cuz they just live right down the road from us okay from earing and Kimmy and they'll know who it's too because he's the birthday boy I got this bag at Family Dollar for $2 that's a huge bag my goodness okay going to stick this in the bottle so speaking of Minecraft I think I will just leave this in the bag it's already in a bag um this is a creeper little stuffed animal I'm going to stick that in there and then there was another I'll just leave this in the bag too or maybe I won't I think it would be fun to like pull this out without it being in the bag cuz then they can hold it up but it's a little outfit they had all different kinds of outfits and I think this outfit was like 12 bucks or something so it's just this little dinosaur but it's got the Minecraft colors like this right here the green shorts with lightning bolts on them so that's fun he also likes uh sharks but I'm on a budget I don't want to budget if I could buy up the whole world I would all right and I've got tissue paper right here my birthday is Monday oh I'm so excited basically tomorrow for y'all I have no plans I have no idea what we're doing um I don't know you know what I'm going to put all the paper in here even though it's going to go in the garbage most likely I just feel like it's more fun to like pull the stuff out if there's more it just makes it look coer I got these at Family Dollar too I I'm like yelling over here but my ear condition is on and I don't know if y'all can even hear me okay I'm so excited though for Aaron to get back and I have been praying since he's been gone that everything works out and he has a good experience [Music] stay here and then I put the green at the top because he likes the green the most and there's like a hack for this but I don't know what it is but there's a hack I think it has something to do with like pulling these up there's a way to make this like super tight but I I don't know so now I'm just happy that this is all packaged up and ready to go and I don't have to think about it that's one less thing for me to do all right oh I got another piece of trash so we are going to go back there and start sing with those blocks um well I think something worked because he's back and he's back with the rental trailer because like we said in yesterday's video you can rent a trailer for $15 I don't know if it's for the whole day but whatever it is but if you need a trailer and you need to rent one Tractor Supply can let you rent one for 15 bucks like we have no problem with Tractor Supply I love Tractor Supply it's just that experience that one experience and sometimes one experience can really ruin it for you but hindsight it's it's just something that everybody can learn from so I am still going to half shop at Tractor Supply and and um you know I have nothing against anybody it's like life lessons sometimes you sell something and you might not have done a quality check and that's okay it happens okay I'm going to I'm going to go see cuz I think what is going to happen is he needs to take that one back and then he can switch it out but we'll see okay everybody what happened so apparently they sold me a return somebody's return and I got to go get a new one yeah so uh they just let him borrow the trailer and they have a trailer and he said if it fits on the trailer that they have he'll go ahead and get that one so that's what it was I want make two trip that's why there was a screw missing I don't want to make four trips down there cuz I went one time this is the second time I don't want make down there well we need a trailer I told them we needed a trailer anyway the only reason why we didn't buy one the other day is cuz we didn't think it would fit but it it probably will so that was the issue the hole there there's a bolt or something missing there was chipped blades and when he was looking up underneath there he saw a rope or something like spindled around something else and that was making it hard to missing the paperwork turn yeah so and the wash out for it is missing that well that's and and he said the guy that delivered it just went back there and grabbed one didn't know so that's why I told them it's all a it's a learning experience for them and for us cuz from now on if we ever buy something we're going to have to turn it upside down and look at it not just trust people cuz that's what we did we were like oh it's new it's fine we don't have to look at it we looked at it when we got when it got here but and that's funny they have a like a spare tire I guess right there so okay well I'm going to go sand your bathroom wall y'all know I'm not getting done with that project today but it's supposed to be like this tomorrow too where it's just wet so I need to make sure it's dry and dry for a couple of days with the stain cuz you have to let it uh dry for 48 hours before it can get wet and it's wet right now so thankfully I don't have to water my plants today though that's gooded today Aaron's a cusser I mean I am too but I uh I Do not cuss front of you it wasn't really easy to back out of here oh yeah yeah I was I thought I was going to have to tell you to like go over to the right a little bit cuz she had a lot of room on the right I can't turn my head yeah and that lip that metal lip on the shed I was like he's going to have to give it some gas and then pray it doesn't fly out of there all righty sir the good thing is is that the Y mode yeah and I can order hour meter I have a correct power yeah did I tell yall he weed Eed my flower my like velvet lambier looking flow put straps on it yesterday put straps on today oh okay up Putra yeah I don't I think it would be hard for it to go anywhere cuz of how heavy it is okay I'm I'll pray for you it's been sitting on his heart for the whole day today yesterday and Aaron is not one with a lot of words if you know what I mean like he's always very quiet but I have heard him talk more than I ever have in my life cuz he was so excited to get it and then it was oh man what's going on okay everything worked out works I might come back with a new trailer yeah that would be fine well I mean you I guess you'd kind of have to unless cuz they don't have a God to deliver it today yeah and I don't want to make another trip yeah yeah cuz I had to drop that off and take that back all right oh yeah well the trailer is Big yeah okay it's a straightway though it's pretty flat where he's going all right ladies and gents let's get our butts back in here pray he makes it safely even though y are in the future oh shoot get back please no no no no no no no you won't like it I promise your paws will get wet it smells like chemicals in here smells like chemicals chemical chemical okay y'all [Music] w [Music] he's fixing the seat it was missing two bolts but look at this I mean it's dirty here it's wet and gross here so but this is the new one the actual new one oh yeah the wheels look brand new on the front yeah the the blades are new I can tell that the blades a't pour good what the world is that the gas tank yeah wow it's massive oh yeah I don't like that it's underneath your butt but I guess that's safe if something ever happened I like that's normal I'm sure yall know how fuel is anyway he did get the trailer so I figured I'd show you all that and that trailer rode better yeah good cuz y'all know we got a little truck anyways the sander that I was talking about is in the uh Pathfinder so I'm going to grab that and just see what we can I'm adjusting get done real quick the uh the one from yesterday was too close to me but also when I got on this one to drive it it drives completely better yeah you could tell that the other one was abused and they said but that we weren't being and someone said hey and this made the most sense to me that it was probably repossessed no you don't think cuz it was returned but you think somebody only used it once and then returned it cuz that was a lot those blades were a lot to just be used one time I think somebody bought it and didn't like it or something and they beat it up and decided that they wanted to to bring it back I think that's what happened yeah well at least now we do have what we paid for I can deal with this this one's actually new the tires look good the deck looks good the engine is a lot cleaner yeah okay when I when I when I got there there was no fuel in it oh it was completely empty yeah so oh and we put we put gas in the other one we didn't they filled it up they didn't put much in this one there ain't much in this one okay the girl the other girl so you still have the gas then the other girl barely put anything in there the one girl said put a lot in there and the other one just barely put anything in there I said all right as long as it runs long I get it on there I hear a kitty yeah this wire right here you hear it there's a wire right here you cut the zip tie you cut the zip tie and you run it up here and then there's a little cutout right here where you put your hour meter in yeah he's going to get one to do that this one this will has no hours on oh there he is he's in the rain and he don't like it kitty kitty kitty come here come here oh he is not happy he says ow ow ow I'm getting water on me he just went and got underneath his truck okay I'm going to get my sander [Music] w [Music] [Music] oh my [Music] I cry every night with you m y'all are so wonderful I really do love you because I never thought that I could just be myself and I really didn't even understand what people used to comment all the time and say just be yourself and I think it's because y'all saw me you know like the real me but you saw that I was hiding underneath so and I can tell too now when people it's like almost like you can see the separation of they they are there but there's like a mask in front of them like they're wearing a mask um so I'm just really grateful that y'all like me for me and my quirkiness and stuff because it's really nice to just be who you are and be accepted by people and by a lot of people um and the more I'm myself the more I'm finding people in the comments that are just like me or have family or friends or someone that they know that is like me and I just think it's so cool so even if you're not like me you're like well I like this but maybe there's a group of people that would make fun of me like don't worry about it just be yourself whatever that may be to me being myself as just doing things that I want to do and going with my ideas and stuff and not hiding like if I want to express excitement or joy not hiding that not making it smaller than it is because if I'm really excited I can be really excited I don't have to tone it down for people you know AR you saying it's time to feed me girl stop preaching to people it's it time for you to get food she escaped she escaped to the outdoors when it's raining and I had to go get her my feet got wet okay you're such a cutie PTI all right I'll feed you let's go get Lucy and I'll feed y'all and then I'll do this and I'll feed myself cuz I'm hungry too girl and I think we're just going to eat a bunch of Frozen fried food cuz I didn't set anything out and I think oh chicken we could have chicken yes yes yes okay all right I'm going to go do take care of them they're priority to me they're priority the wall doesn't get hungry all right y'all I'm going to knock this out real quick and then I told Aon I'm going to fix food and I said it's going to be a junk food day it's a junk food day cuz it's raining are yall like this when it's when it's cold and well it's not really cold but it's wet and gray when it's like that I don't want to do anything I want to sit in a chair watch videos all day I know I really I really did something with this so now I'm gonna stand this he's behind me it might have been easier to use that drywall stuff I thought it was the same thing it's different but that because that was for the the back door which I would probably still use it for that cuz there's plenty left now you would had to wait a lot longer oh okay cuz this was only like this was this said 15 minutes like cure I guess you probably would have wa had to wait a couple like three four five hours maybe maybe even longer depends on how thick you make it yeah but yeah and then I was using Goof Off to get these things off and it took the paint off which it said it would take latex pain off which is fine so then I was like well I'm not going to work hard I'm just going to use this thing I like those other things but they were they didn't stay on the wall too good then yeah I told them they were B so I showed them the the blue sheets peeling stick and because it was they were coming off the walls they look like they were crooked and uneven and yeah because it one be flush and then the other one be sticking out way out here and then you know it just yeah they were bowed like kind of like curved in already when I was putting them on so I wish giv me an excuse to do something else I wish they would have worked but well I'm sure I could use those somewhere where it's not you can reuse those humid oh I I threw those away I say you could re when you take them off it takes the sticky you can add more sticky or double side tape but I have there's two more boxes or doublesided tape yeah I just want you to know that they hear everything we say because I don't want to edit this out this is real life and youall like hearing it anyway okay I'm pushing my button and I'm going to smooth this out don't worry about all these all this is this is smoothed out um but yeah you got to smooth this out the best I can and yeah okay I'm sorry Lucy this is going to be loud I'm going to this is going to scare her though hey sorry this is going to be loud I can hold this Lucy I don't I'm afraid of what she's going to do hey this is going to be loud go on I'm trying to get y'all to leave can y'all go both of them I'm turning it on baby is there one those I knew that was going to happen and I was really hoping she wasn't going to bump like one of those one of those chicken hws what when you're making a you sound like a damn chicken hwk okay okay okay chicken hwk okay on the side of the road to eat the the dead stuff the big big yeah I do yeah that's what it sounded like Goble gobble if we do get chickens we'll make sure that that they have like basically like one of those dog dog fences around it and then a coupe on the inside for shelter and then also they would either have some sort of like tarp or some sort of roof on the top so the cats can't get in cuz I agree cats and chickens don't get along Lucy has already spotted where chickens are in our trailer park and I had to like turn around real fast with Chloe and say come on let's go this way because she wanted to go she wanted to go up to the fence where they are which is not good anyways this is going to scare her so maybe definitely don't have her in your arms girl can you go so I can turn this on I'm hungry go I want to eat yeah but I'm afraid she's going to like if I was running for my life I wouldn't worry about a camera stand you good [Music] [Music] a [Music] that is dust just in the air I'm just going to you know what I need to just shut the door let it settle that way I can come back in here and wipe everything down okay cheers cheers to my S sampler what have we got going here um taquitos shrimp pizza rolls hot wigs and that's it I thought there was one more but that's what that's what we got I've got an all 400 so yeah these chicken ones pizza rolls Tyson buffalo chicken strips and our popcorn shrim so there we go that's what's going to be for dinner tonight cuz I'm tired all righty it is done dinner is done fried it's fine with me my camera is about to cut off I'm calling it a day we will catch up tomorrow um it's supposed to be rainy a lot this week so tomorrow we will uh start back on the bathroom and hopefully by the end of it we can do some decorating and put the rug on there and the new shower curtain and the there's a faucet for that room kind of making it over so come back for tomorrow's video if you want to see more progress on that bathroom bye [Music]
Channel: Kimi Cope
Views: 10,681
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mobile home updates, kimi cope, single wide, mobile home, updates, renovations, home project, home projects, diy home projects, diy home updates, single wide home updates, single wide mobile home updates, mobile home update, mobile home remodel, mobile home makeover, diy mobile home updates, diy mobile home makeover, kimi cope mobile home, mobiel home, singlewide, mobilehome, mobile home refresh, diy home update, mobile home makeover 2024
Id: P0uq3EaE2iI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 27sec (3387 seconds)
Published: Sun May 05 2024
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