WHAT ARE THE ODDS!? I found another one! ~ DAYS IN. Y LIFE/2 thrift hauls + booth refresh

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[Music] okay I persevered I came to the gym I worked out hard and now I'm head it back home and y'all I did not want to go there was two sides of Donna this morning having a tug of war oh Lord the Donna that wanted to say we'll go tomorrow versus the Donna that says that's a lie you're going to go today well that one won of course thank goodness but it was tough it was tough but I did it and now I'm proud of myself now I feel accomplished like if I get nothing else done today that's done and I've started and complet completed one task which I'm going to get more done today but just checking in and letting y'all know I did it I got two more days this week can I do it yes we're going to do it well y'all know we got to go count the flowers right I've got some blooms and I'm going to go show you they're beautiful so let's go count the flowers today if you missed my video or my mama told a story you have to go back and watch that last video with me and her in it the beautiful red day lily has bloomed oh my gosh y'all is that not gorgeous it's an overcast day we're supposed to get thunderstorms and I don't even mind it because we could definitely use it but we have these beautiful geraniums too well yours truly had no intentions of going to the thrift store today but I did go and I went to the American Thrift Store in the Goodwill right here in Ocean Springs and I'm pleasantly surprised I actually have a decent smaller Thrift haul from the American Thrift Store I didn't get anything from the Goodwill they didn't have anything but let me show you what I picked up from the American Thrift Store I got this this beautiful wreath now right here it is missing some flowers but I'm okay with that because I actually want to like I want to cut this or maybe just lay it on top of a grapevine wreath and I can fill that in with something else but it has the original sticker on it it came from it looks like it was probably a steinart or something for $1.99 I paid $3.99 9 for it but I think this is going to be absolutely beautiful I love the colors of it it reminds me of my flowers in my yard so was really excited to find that then I found this goodie bag for James he just got him a fishing pole and it had some Bobbers in it and it has all kinds of fishing string and this bag was $3.99 and well worth the price I sent him a picture of it and I was like are you interested in that and he was like yeah go ahead and pick that up for me so we'll see I love it when I can find him thing I found this I think this is absolutely adorable you could put your little plates in it or you can put mail in it um whatever I really liked it so I did pick this up I don't know exactly where I'm going to put this or what I'm going to do with this it may end up in my booth I don't know but um I may put it in my cabinet and stand my little plates on it I don't know we'll see I picked this piece up it'll probably go in my booth because I really just don't need it but this beautiful little Riser at all that patina Made in India and risers do really well for me so this will probably make its way to the booth but wait till you see what I found in the bag section I just I can't believe it y'all I cannot believe it I got this bag of utensils this really inexpensive bag and some of them I can like use so it's not a waste but I really just got it for one item and you're not going to believe what I found in this do bag what are the odds what are the odds of another one now this one will go in my booth because I absolutely do not need it but I know um got a whis this is fancy this um and this I actually did need so that's great and then a ladle so yeah but I bought the whole thing for this what does it say on the side it doesn't I was wondering if it had a date but I'm just so I can't believe it so that's going to go in the booth and like I said I will keep this I'll keep these this oh this is tupperware so yeah that is my Thrift haul I can't believe it [Music] [Music] [Music] such a beautiful day after that storm we had oh my goodness y'all that storm the rain was crazy but I've got to get my Fs in I set them out to get some of that good rain water you just can't beat the rain water if y'all notice we have Miss Toby here with us I had to go get her in the midst of all that last night at my daddy's and he lives about an hour and a half away one way so I had to go get her because he's in the hospital I'll let me explain you'll have to please pardon my appearance that I'm about to to go get dressed for the day but I thought I would share with y'all what's been going on because I could really use y'all's prayers um so he went in Friday to have the other kateed artery surgery and they ended up keeping him um Friday night Saturday night and they released them on Sunday and they kept him an extra day because or night because um his heart rate kept dropping into like the low3s and 40s so they sent him home on Sunday which was a mistake they should have never sent him home on Sunday but they did well then he went back Monday my uncle took him to um have a to wear a heart monitor I talked to him that morning checking on him and everything that's where he was headed and so I called him a little bit later to you know see how it all went what was going on and um I could it I wouldn't go through so I text him and told him to call me and he said he text me back and said that his phone didn't work in the ER that when he got in a room he would call me so he did they ended up admitting him again they're talking pacem maker um they're going to do some more tests so I went and got Toby um to keep her while all that's going on so it's been a bit of an adjustment she's never stayed here at this house with me um she's been over to visit but she's never stayed so it's an adjustment and we're she's doing great and the main thing is it took the pressure and the stress of worrying about her off of him just got off the phone with him um they haven't done anything yet which I didn't think they would it's still very early in the morning um but he's going to he's supposed to call me after he knows something we got to work on that because he don't always call me like he's supposed to um but yeah that's where it's at he uh he's just not well and uh could definitely use your prayers I appreciate it so I'm a little bit heavy-hearted right now um but life goes on we have to do what we have to do and he understands that so I've got to take Toby she just had emergency surgery again last week um she had another one of those huge kidney stone so they had to do emergency surgery on her and have completely changed her diet uh she has have prescription dog food now no more tats um which is very hard when we're down here cuz Buster gets his but I've got to take her tomorrow to have her stitches removed so that's another thing I've got to do but you know what he would do it for me in a heartbeat never Flinch he would do it he would be there for me and I want him to know he can depend on me and the kids and Cody and Delena are keeping tabs and um we'll probably go down there if he continues to stay in there um so anyway that's what's going on I appreciate your prayers wanted to update y'all because y'all be seeing Toby quite frequently I'm sure in the next few days here so that's the deal I'm going to finish my coffee go get dressed and wait on the Mama she's inspecting my work oh not sure I am I had to make sure I let her come on her own last time so I have to make sure well we sold some other stuff so did good deal now we got this whole thing right here there a couple things I got a price but look what I found yesterday in a bag where did you have that at I found it yesterday thrifting oh in a bag awesome in a bag in a bag awesome y'all look at work it works really good so I'm G put that one in Theo I don't need it so I'm put in the boo I agree she's she's being very very good put that up where they can see me all right she's being very very good hey you got a laugh night are you a diva or what no I just I don't want to look somebody boo well look we got this basket now here too I don't know if you want to put it in there with the cookbook yeah we do look how already beautiful I don't know anyway we got this big old hug do it hey we could drape that over that you can do that look at us great minds thinking a lot great minds great minds up with a camera great mes look at that how pretty we can oh we can set this on top of it take those little things out of it okay look y'all I'm replacing stuff aren't you'all proud of me for getting rid of stuff as I I really am proud of you but that's what you're doing you're buying and putting new things in your house New To You this I'm pricing because it is damaged it's missing the thing but I am pricing it very very inexpensively um because of that flaw but you know it'd be cute just kind of seting seting somewhere like this well like that look that looks good here don't H that looks good there don't you can't see it you always tell me it see like that so make a standand it on a Case um find a nail you can I don't know if there's a nail right here let it hang from there that's a good idea I got it I just didn't end up using look look at here how cute these are just flowing together you we got the flow going but look do you like that like that I do like that like that like that like that like that I like that you like that I like that all right y'all we're going to finish working on this and uh I'll show you what it looks like when we're done little be just a working little honey off I got this yesterday thrifting too the I like that oh that's pretty oh you know what this Fri might be free on it would be very pretty on that you can move those books look that's cute like that let's see oh I like that I know you getting Ming about my bra strap cuz I'm working hard it's going to look so good we'll be back thought actually the booth was in real nice shape but we don't want it to be real nice we want it to be all messed up and sold out but anyway [Music] this is why I don't walk around and Shop when I'm there I just do my boo because look what I bought she couldn't have for sale y'all it was only $112 I've never seen one like this so I'm going to replace something that I have maybe maybe I might not replace nothing she might not but I love it and for $12 and it looks very old it is very old it probably is old I don't care if it's old or not point is I like it and I got it and here I put them Buster bed yeah all right now now that I'm through shopping yay we did good in there and she did very good last week though as much as I M hacked her for a shirt I come off and forgot to wear she's out of uniform I'm out of uniform but look what I got in the mail yesterday you know that strip one you've been out of uniform two more strikes and you get rode up what did I get when I get roded up it says you get three ride ups and you get fired I take a you get three ride ups and you get fired you can't do that me ride up is not good it's not a good thing what's the next name to a ride up you just had it I just you just got in trouble verbal verbal warning uh and then you know if you continue you get a second verbal warning and she can't do without me and if it happens the third time then you get a ride up oh yeah this is her y'all didn't see her hair don't it look better shorter y'all oh gosh yes Don it was I right or was I right you're right say it again say look in there and say it she was right she really was about my hair though you didn't have to say that part you could just say but she didn't have to try to threaten me with firing me I mean after all I'm not threatening you I'm just telling you you need to know the deal look she's trying to tell you how to go you need to know the deal of what you know the consequences are for being out of uniform for work well it won't happen again I promise you mhm we're going to hold her to it ain't we y'all all right we're going to go hit some Thrift stor and then but I do love the shirt and I love the quality of that material it's all very nice here thank you Jennifer yay we fishing them cow down Cow down Cow down we're fishing a cow down too we got to CH down Jennifer sent us a Burger King card to have lunch on her and we appreciate it y'all don't have to do that and I begged her not to do that but if y'all haven't tried that new bacon thing they got hamburger I'm telling you the last three time well this will be the thir third time that we've been out thrifting the mama has requested Burger King so it's she good she's big I'm big but I love her she better well she did good for the princes I did good for the princess y'all I did nothing I did buy pair of I think I bought two item three items possibly that will go in the booth no cuz I got all those door I got a bunch of door bullies y'all she did so I'll be putting some of them in the booth but I got Delena some start of some plates for her wall and I got her Iron Stone creamer I did and I got an iron Stone gravy boat that may go in the booth really she don't want it I don't think so um that may go in the booth unless Sarah wants it which she might not want it anyway well I'm going to show you all this so I a't I ain't telling you y' that forget all that I just show you and that's surprise y'all now normally Tuesdays well I didn't have look last Tuesday right was it last Tuesday yes I didn't go to the booth last Tuesday no it might have been last Thursday Wednesday or Thursday I don't know one of those days anyway I didn't have the luck the mama did well today the mama a have the luck and I have well I did find me a pair of jeans and something else and then I'm getting something from Donna's house so you getting several something for my give them dishes and I'm getting some Greenery which she's going to may as well bring it tomorrow because you going to have to or I can go ahead and take it since I don't have any puppies today and you will have two oh I'm dreading that Toby Jean she don't like she likes get up there she gets up here buckle up she gets up here wants me to roll the window down the whole time that's cause her Cy ahead of her does it yeah well he needs to get that under control well any now I get some beautiful dishes today and and Donna if I'm not there tomorrow getting my car you just go ahead and put that greeny board in his AG go well you know you got the touch now I'm out of touch you're not we've already had this conversation well I mean you just got the more better touch more better I couldn't think anything look at that blue car I don't know if I want that or not squirt where you why I squirrel every time we're talking about something you go off on another Trail squirrel squirrel squirrel I do I know that I can't help it just the way my brain is just going y'all we so hot and tired I don't I know why I'm tired I didn't sleep last night hardly I'm I'm tired from the heat I know it y'all It is Well is my there it is excuse me it has cooled down to 87 it's been 90 it has and that is this is still April and the humidity and the heat off of the pavement is this the last day of April yes good I get paid yes and it's just than the L the anyway if this is an indication I'm tell you where this old woman's going to be please forgive me for yawning if this is an indication of what our Summer's going to be like I'm either going to be in the creek the pool or in the house and th will take a B I don't know that the booth will get it won't buy me cuz up you know they may have to take I may have to go oh I forgot my chicken look squirrel pot Kettle Kettle pot I know but uh that's what JJ calls her when she says something like I'd say or whatever or if I get get aggravated about something Delena says he's says pot Kettle Kettle pot y well heck we ought to be Alik cuz I raise her and she ra he say that we are all three apples from the same tree well of course we are I think I did a good job and he just not he just does not like about his boys oh my lord they're just like him oh my god oh Jake oh he Jake couldn't be more like is Jos like him not as much as jakay Jak he just likeing he is just like James they they actually honestly all of them have that ray of sunshine way no they all have that um no that's delena's job that sarcastic humor that they're always like trying to one up each other I guess it's a guy thing I don't know but he sits back they're all on a group text him and his boys and he will be over there in the chair laughing his head off and I'm like what he said whichever one of them's giving the other one down the country just ragging them just going after him and he'll be sitting over there laughing but okay the mama just left and I've got so much good stuff to show y'all I cannot believe it so um they're not going to be in any particular order because I'm just going to show y'all as I grab but look what I found for me today at the thrift store sorry I found these plates they there's two four six of them I'm going to intertwine them with my Ivy plates I'll show you what they look like I paid $5.99 for them so basically a dollar a plate and this is what they look like this is the colonial Homestead in Royal by Royal I'm sorry that's the back of it and I love them this is what the plates look like all of them look like that and this actually goes with the cute little teacup that I thrifted from the Goodwill several weeks ago so I got these plates and I will show you the other items that I got that go with it then I got there's five saucers that were $4.99 this is what they look like now there is no marking on the back of these but they go with this [Applause] set and then I got there's two four six eight of these small plates and I paid $4.99 for them so less than a dollar a piece for them and they have on them the spinning wheel love these I'm going to mix them in with my Ivy dishes and just use them as my everyday dishes I just love them so much and I was so excited to find those so did I need them no have I been looking for them yes did I want them yes so okay uh the next thing I found that was the American Thrift Store so I'll just go ahead and show you my haul from there and then I'll show you this is from the American Thrift Store in Ocean Spring so I found uhoh another McCoy bowl that I will be putting in my booth the other one sold like that so here's another one that will be going in my booth I just cannot believe it so you can see the McCoy so got that all right y'all wait for it what I'm about to show you when I spotted it and let me tell you where it was before I show you it was on the very bottom shelf way in the back I just happened to look down bend over and look back and I spotted this you're going to die look at this right look at that look at all that crazy look $3.99 y'all $3.99 it is staying with me this is what the bottom says when I seen all of this crazing I knew I had to keep it so this little Jewel will find a home here so that is my Thrift haul from that American Thrift Store now the one in belux see let me show you what I got I found another Iron Stone little creamer I'm probably going to give this to Delan if she doesn't want it I'll put it in my booth cuz I already have two like it I also found the matching Ironstone gravy boat um if she don't want these or Sarah doesn't want it then I will put it in my booth I found this bail in the bag section let me open it up bails sell they sell for me in my booth and especially with my little theme I have going on now look at that so I got that I found I got these there's three dolles like this they're all like this beautiful so two of these will probably go in my booth and then I'll probably keep one and then um I found this one I'll probably keep this one cuz I really love this kind of this and the the finer threads and then these which there's two like this absolutely beautiful how pretty would this be around Christmas as a little Christmas skirt Christmas tree skirt so pretty so these will probably I might even wait and put these up in my booth around that time and and use them as that I don't know but I got those does um okay I think I'm missing a bag I'm missing a bag I bet I sent it with my mother okay I got Jelena these beautiful false graph plates they're just a light and she's wanting to start her plate while this one's just really dirty so I got her these they were $22.99 a [Music] piece um but I'm missing an item no I'm not no I'm not here it is wait till y'all see what I found in the bag section and this one I'm on the vence do I keep it or do I put it in my booth I don't know I want to keep it but do I I need it no do I want it is I found this Baby Ben clock I have one just like it so I'll probably end up putting this one in the booth but can y'all believe that in the bag section so that is my most amazing Thrift haul oh no it's not I forgot I'm all over the place I got one other item I got for Delena I picked up this rug it's beautiful it's got the tassels and I thought this would be really pretty like in her Entry Way coming in out of her offer for cardboard it would go there or by her back door in front of her sink in front of her stove there's just a million in one places where this could go and it was $3.99 y'all $3.99 that is a nice rad for $3.99 and the tassels are still in amazing condition they're not even matted or anything like that so I don't know that it really ever got used a lot so that is my Thrift haul so now I'm going to show y'all something I did yesterday I was kind of sitting around and I've been looking at it for a little while and then it just hit me and so I tried it and I'm going to show you y'all remember over there by that chair I had that little table that James was like a little Thrift flip and then I put that little teapot lamp on it well I have relocated it yes I have so let me show you where I've put it and it is so pretty at night especially but I'm going to show you where I've put it right now so I decided to put it in here I think it is more to scale with this it goes with our lamps and I just love it and I did remove the pillow from the back of my chair so you could see all the pretty detail on the chair and this is how it's looking and Miss Toby is going to investigate she is investigating everything but I love this so much it is really pretty at night it's the perfect little soft light I just I love it so you know it made it new again you know what I mean so now I'm going to wash my dishes and get them dry and put up I got to put up these few dishes but let me show you how well they're going to go with um my dishes that I'm already using so here's the ivy plate look at that was it just meant to be or what look at this it just goes perfectly it matches perfectly so I am excited to be using mixing on my dishes I don't see anything wrong with having dishes that you love mixing them up um to me I just love them and then I don't see why I should put these up and only pull them out for special occasions I want to use them because I love fil so that's what I will be doing so let me get all these washed up and get them in my cabinet I did give my mama when I moved in here I had a I bought a set of well two sets of Rachel Ray the red U plates it had the dinner plates salad plates and the bowls and I just gave her all that so all I have now is I will have these this print my Ivy dishes and I have four just plain white plates that I'll keep just in case but yeah I'm excited I also got this plate my mama got this from a yard sale for me I had seen it in a picture she knew the friend so she got it it's actually green I don't know if it's coming off as green on camera but I took my little Barn pictures down put them in the booth and I fit these plates here I wouldn't mind getting like a little small plate here and then a small plate up there and have those there but for now that's what it's looking like so I have like officially started my plate wall [Music] [Music]
Channel: Delightfully Southern
Views: 8,492
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #thrifthaul, #thrifteddecor, #thrifted, #dayinthelife, #vintagebooth, #motherdaughter, #homedecor, #vintagedecor, #antiques
Id: bA1JErQkZ5I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 56sec (2216 seconds)
Published: Thu May 02 2024
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