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well folks we're halfway along our cape yolk adventure we're standing in none other than mate gunshot creek mate teletrack how good is cape york that's absolutely epic we start off at bramwell we're going right to the tip of cape york got a few people on this trip i've never been to cape york before we're taking the dirty thirty as well also never been to cape hill never been done gun shot before but that might change i think i think so she's looking hungry for it oh we're standing right at the bottom of gunshot just about to take it down this is the second ever obstacle the dirty 30s done and i don't know what i'm thinking right now but folks you better tune in and see exactly what happens because right now you can't see it but i'm shaking this i'm pretty nervous mate i'm ready to go let's do it all right the old telegraph is a bucket list destination for every aussie full driver and this year making it up here is even more special you see the entire cape has been closed for months as part of a community iso lockdown but now late in the season it's been reopened to the public and we wasted no time in getting up here we're starting our journey up the old telly from one of our favorite overnight stops branwal station and for this trip we're going to the most northern part of the continent and we're taking two very special vehicles yes folks you've asked for it and here it is my dream 4 will drive the dirty 30 mark ii it's about to take on the cape this build has been years in the making and finally the 30 is ready to stretch its legs and take on one of the country's most legendary tracks and joining the 30 for this adventure is none other than the pony lux a budget super tourer built by jocko and the crew for just 6 grand here to prove that even cape york is possible on a tight budget a true cape york adventure deserves an epic convoy we've got just that on this trip starting with our mate ruben from bmw industries in his chopped 200 with a massive 750 mil extension and a custom canopy next up is bailey from maverick campers towing their compact and bush ready ranger forward fold camper this capable little n70 high lux is piloted by kaido from drifter camping and four-wheel drive complete with all the toys from drifter's stockton range finally we've got jeremy from direction plus in another trick hilux fitted of course with their high quality diesel pre-filter and catch can yep it's a good looking convoy and with the old teletrack starting right here at bramble junction it's our last chance to fuel up and air down before we hit one of the best tracks you'll ever experience and there it is jocko the point of no return mate as soon as you pass that sign you're officially on the old telly track oh stop it i'm so excited i'm just sitting here smiling every time i pass that sign i just i turn to a little kid again well mate i'm loving it the 30's going so well at the moment look i've annoyed everything out at the moment i mean windows are down i've got no air con i'm hot as all buggery covered in dust but i like you mate just smaller from me to here that's it oh this would be the first proper uh tough trip for the 30 wouldn't it it is a very fit look this is actually kind of funny but the first real off-road obstacle is probably about two kilometers ahead palm creek so look out mate hold on to your hat how was that well i'll tell you what i'm following you along in the pony and i've got aircon in here it's nice and cool and uh let's see if she keeps up you just you're never going to hear the end of it if the painting out drives you on this i hope you know that yeah look you've got aircon big deal and um i can't believe you got a three grand truck and you've got aircon and um i've spent four years building this and i still don't have aircon but um let's see how she goes anyway mate right mate i reckon we might even have to put some beers on the line if i smoke you on this track eh my carton on palm creek your twin locked so am i yeah let's just see what happens eh sounds like a plan you are on and the 30 is in trouble the old teletrack starts in earnest just a few minutes up the road from the roadhouse with the crossing of palm creek there's one scary entry and an even more committing exit but late in the season it's looking a lot more drivable than it has in past years this is going to be the first real four wheel drive challenge for the new dirty 30. what a shakedown all right well this is exciting very exciting i'm actually a little bit nervous whoa that is extremely steep this has gotten safer there's no doubt about everything just falling off my seat look at the brakes over control look at this rig oh loves it that was the easiest and smoothest run i've ever done down there before what challenge first vehicle i've ever had that's got brakes that was amazing i don't even know why football driving so scary first bit of mud boys just just punch it close your eyes i'm gonna go what would daryl do or daryl he would send it [Music] if you're taking notes mate because that was a perfect 10 out of 10 if you were scoring that that was just beautifully done well executed you see how smooth i was in the throttle now try and do your best i've got two words for you watch this the pony on palm creek she's ready it doesn't matter which line he takes he's so narrow or fit through anything and down there i go oh oh points off for sure oh i just broke it oh my come on not in front of the boys oh you know the most embarrassing thing is not at this is i went and told the boys how good a driver you were and they're all laughing so sorry pony well reuben's up next mate he is very wide yeah why did a mirror [Applause] little bit more that way mate yep that is about as wide as you'd want got a bit of weight behind it oh yeah the hippo yes skinny thoughts did a better drive than jock jobs on whoa there was millimeters in that thank you you didn't break your mirror no oh okay okay so you've got to get the camera yeah [Laughter] all right bailey you're up mate big camper trailer trailer now one of the big things with the camper trail angles like this you get the vehicle down all right but the camper trailer might dig into the bottom so he's almost going to give it a little bit when he gets to the bottom if he doesn't want to get stuck on that tow hitch that's good there we go perfect that's it yep point of my return there you go the old telly is pretty unforgiving when it comes to departure angles but the camper seems to be taking this one on with no dramas at all that's a good sign for the track ahead that's it that's it well done right you're well done rydo time for the next hilux let's see if kaido can take better care of his mirrors than jocko yep that's steve pay you can come a bit left if you want connor idol's down last man on the challenge is jeremy look at that and i go beautiful so easy all right let's get that a bit here we go now the real challenging bit palm creek like in previous years it's been an absolute nightmare but this year i reckon up a shot at this better not stuff this up as well because jocko he would love to outdrive me straight up i don't even need to spot yeah folks i reckon it's official the 30 is an absolute weapon wow yes what a beast that is so good when it just works first challenge in the 30 hey how good i was so excited i'm so excited it just it did exactly what i wanted to do yes drove it drive it twin lock twice auto hold on mate yes i'm so excited about it i shouldn't be sorry so i wasn't that hard this year around but just anytime you drive palm creek yep it's a big big ticket now the pony's turning good luck well jocko's up in the lux and i'm very excited about this drive because if he stuffs it even in the slightest he owes me a beer at camp and uh that beer's gonna taste pretty good i reckon right oh it's time for the pony to strap the feed bag on i still have to pick a line even though it's dry i'm gonna try and come up um the rock step sort of straddle it a bit in the middle see how we go don't forget this car is only on 29 inch tyres wheel it hard mate yeah go the pony loves it make me proud the big 200. he's pretty tucked in yep that's it that's it yeah there we go he did some things and there was some dustin oh i got excited i think he got scared put his foot down i wouldn't blame him but he got up so it's the main thing exactly right i think the dust ain't gonna settle to the wet season comes through that's the top end joe i thought you were going for a bit of a crawly boy for a second and i was like yes perfect no oh he was just you just folded it up yeah should be right i just got to stick to this right-hand side bank and just watch the heck out of the trailer i really got half a shot yeah it's gonna re-lock it this thing yeah he does yeah bobby yep come here yep yep drive it drive it that's it that's it keep going keep going don't stop here stop stop stop almost almost i think that was so close i might have to winch this yeah get the big 200 back and i think we'll just winch you straight up you connect up to the 200 perfect anchor that's the other thing winching off another vehicle you can set the anchor exactly where you like you only need to come probably maybe well a meter or two a meter or two you'll be out ruben backs up his big rig so we can use the rear winch how good are those next gen clear view mirrors on the 200. we're just a few k's into 100 plus kilometers of low range driving so taking it a bit easy and opting for the recovery gear is a sensible option here what's good for the car is also good for the camper and with a short run on the winch we've got them both up and out of the creek in no time all right that'll lay up yep that did quite oh well done easy loves it oh close before the dust oh up it goes [Applause] that's one way to do it there we go mate palm creek a stack of entertaining drives and um your drive as well farm creek done how good is that eh first real challenge on the teletrack as well i know i might have never liked it it works so i can't do my first proper river crossing too there's not gonna be a lot of water around but it's like a lot of fun okay let's get into it on our journey up the track we'll be crossing many creeks and rivers and it's these crossings that make the telly so iconic and even more fun to drive and camp on the place changes massively from season to season and year to year from treacherous muddy creeks to crystal clear crossings all you need to know is pack your bodies and hope your vehicle is watertight the track itself follows the old telegraph line that once connected australia to the world and there's plenty of history on offer our next big challenge is going to be gunshot creek we've got a lot of kilometers to cover first and we'll camp tonight somewhere south of it next to the river the convoy is soon flexing its way along the track and the prospect of a cold beer is getting closer well mate nice and warm inside the cab of the old dirty 30 and um covered in red dirt having a ball work yeah now it's that time of day what do you reckon yeah it's uh it's been like that's cracker of a day but um you know i'm still in relative comfort in the aircon of the pony but uh what do you reckon head to camp stop rubbing it in mate i'll actually find a camp near a woodall somewhere and um i need to push some of this red dirt off our camp for the night is del hunty creek one of the many great campsites on route but this one is a little off the main track and just a little bit quieter cape york camping etiquette is to crack a beer before you set up camp and i'm not about to argue with that [Music] i'm loving this new hard shell rooftop tent from drifter and reuben's also become a convert after seeing kaido and i use it on our last trip to fraser island meanwhile bailey's got the ranger forward fold up in just a few minutes and soon a flashy looking kitchen is springing up complete with a touch table [Music] with the camp set up it's time to kick back and enjoy a cape york sunset and tonight i've got a very special treat in mind for the boys oh boys cave you're okay unreal it's just unreal it's so good to travel back to places like this and just set up a bit of canvas yep far out and the only thing i could make tonight better mate is a gourmet feed gourmet yeah big timer yeah i'm gonna cook oh okay look put it this way sometimes you've been out bush for a little while you feel like i don't know you you feel like a little bit of grubby food yeah something like that i'm a grub anyway so i feel like get a dirty bird or a bit of something if i can borrow the camper trailer mate i saw that kitchen when you pulled that out today i thought holy heck i could make a mess in that i want to cook up one of those meals you'll definitely remember you'll definitely remember it tomorrow morning anyway all right let me get into it pay close attention folks because this meal is going to be all time well how good is this dow hunty right beside the creek it's about seven kilometers off the main old tele track and it's a beautiful campsite you're never going to see a sole down here and i'll tell you what we've just set up an absolute beautiful little camp how good is this hey what a stunning part of the world i've never been here this late in the season and yeah it's a little bit drier but you get camps off this all to yourself and it's just cheers cheers cheers cheers now jocko there's one thing you and i have that when we finish a trip we like to go into town and what do we like to do a bit of a bit of dirty bird look sometimes you crank you've been in the bush for a few weeks you just want to get out there and rip your laughing gear around something really tasty a little bit moist and um tonight mate you don't have to wait until you get to town because tonight i'm bringing dirty bird to us i'm like i i'm so excited well if you could jump in the michael and mate and um grab this chicken breast there was a lot of chicken i know i made it because mate we're not going to muck around tonight it's it's proper dirty bird triple stackers coming live straight from dow hunty creek and um it doesn't get much better than this and to have a camper trailer mate sit up like the kitchen there and i'm going to stay in the still kitchen ready to use oh no i could be messy today i'm not going to lie now i'm going to put these over here let's just start off with one set of breast fillets at a time right so what you want what you want to pretty much do it's just are you just cutting them in half or what i should do is just if you get a nice sharp knife you can do this just wash yourselves and just basically trying to try to just cut i'm trying to cut little fillets out like that so they're nice and thin so they're going to cook nice and easy sometimes what are you doing there that's a little trick what's that do tenderizes the breast and you need to do that sometimes i like to tend to breasts to be honest like well you do don't you okay yeah so to make this work properly what i'm gonna do here i'm gonna do this really easy this is a little tip if you're cooking in the bush here and you wanna do a bit of a batter let's say you might want to do a fish or triple stackers whatever you're trying to do use little glad bags oh these little these little guys here so open this up open this up give me that i'll do it i'm going to go straight into the mic almond here yeah all right what are you going to just hold that open that's the key that's the key all right so one one one have you ever done that one-handed boy i can do that i can't do it can't you never do it [Music] that's sick that's chef's school get a lot of [ __ ] in there so bread crumbs just get the cheapest bread comes i find them the best sometimes what i'm thinking about it a cooked chicken on here i'll cut chicken up so turn that that's what you want you're doing good you're doing good moroccan spice so i'm going to basically put a fair bit of milk and spice in moroccan spice goes with chicken simple as that about that much heaps quick zip the iron jack so what we're going to do here you're going to open your little sack up choco basically start feeding a bit of breast yes so what i'm gonna do is basically put a fair bit in yep close that up and give it the old shake and bake we're we're just trying to basically coat all that chicken with the eggs so then we can put it in with the breadcrumbs the breadcrumbs will stick to the chicken we've got ourselves a basic batter what i'm going to get you to do yeah you can put all the chicken breasts back into there because now we're going to coat them up i'm going to get this going so i'm basically using a bit of um vegetable oil i'm going to pour that straight into the dairy camp oven at the same time i've got another little plate in here and turn that on this is the bonus like cooking with the kitchen it just makes life so much easier all right that is looking really good got that on jocko just slow down slow down your instructions will put the chicken in the bag you didn't say mix it up so i'm just getting into it just all you need to do is shake it up mix it as you go because otherwise all your stuff's going to be sucking out that's a new problem not a me problem so i've got all this i've never had to do this many stackers before but to be honest it is a lot so basically i'm going to pull that upside down there we go i'm good job's on look at that shake and bake baby i hope that you're upset if i make a lot of messy what i'm going to do is i'm going to jump into the microwave again i've got some bacon so you cannot have a chicken burger without a little bit of bacon wow that bacon is starting to look good mate it smells good as soon as you put bacon on a hot pan yeah bang and that stove gets hot so fast oh yeah you've done all right that's exactly how i wanted it so now open that up let's put that straight in the pan because we've got nice and hot right now come on bring it in you grab him out so what we're doing we're getting seasoned little breast fillets oh look at that yum yum oh that is bacon is that looking amazing it smells good from over here oh far out i tell you what get him all cooked mate put a fork in it are we ready for the bread you reckon i reckon so i get that done because i need to make a sauce and all sorts of stuff how would this though a little pantry i might call reuben over to chop up some of these um bread rolls far around look at this that is a game changer mate you get yourself one of those i might even steal some of this food out here to be honest do you mind chopping them up on there you got a kitchen in the big 200 you could probably yeah job's on for sure look at that look at that what i'm gonna do now is something very special because you can't have triple stackers without a proper sauce and now this is one of the bonuses about having a kitchen just get yourself in here you've got storage galore i'm gonna make it basically a spicy mayo here give us a go edge give us a go just give it a little a little bit more fair bit in here you've got somewhere everywhere oh far every now and again you want to get that well you're going to put you're going to put a little bit of sriracha we're going to make this a chili mayo this is a cool thing equal amounts of mayo into a little bit of chili so basically you're going to put a fair bit in there because just not heaps not leaves not heaps like like like two spoonfuls if you like just about a bit more yeah yeah maybe more than that that's heaps see what it tastes like hopefully spicy but imagine it with triple sacker if anything you'll probably do it a little bit oh no there it is how you got it a little bit of spice that's good not too much just a little bit if that's the case i'm gonna put a little bit more in yep there's a sauce done simple oh look at that this is looking so good folks if you can only smell what we can smell we've got bacon we've got chicken that's like look at that for chicken that is looking so good okay oh these are how was that cracking how about we uh build some burgers thanks reuben we have it we built some burgers first done done you can't start a triple stacker without a stack cheese like me doesn't look the best but it does a job another round yeah and a tiny bit of tomato as well did you cut this bitter bacon simple as that i need to put this down in a second one more stacker come on no we can't we can't can't chill out right here oh no oh come on jocko hold it together mate you've got one job let me fix this oh it's hot a little bit of sriracha on top of that well that is looking good get the boys in there let's build their stackers up triple stackers for the boys and um we didn't put them together oh don't worry about it this would be let's do this what do you reckon i've nearly finished mine already i know you've just inhaled a triple stacker has just gone down he's right he's not gonna get it straight down boys what do you reckon you reckon yeah we're on the maverick mate and you can't make a better burger than that definitely you don't need to be in town to enjoy the best of this is all right isn't it isn't it a dirty bird yeah far out that'll do mate let's go around the fire enjoy this sounds good i'm gonna grab that day one of the track couldn't have gotten any better but tomorrow we're taking on the big one gunshot creek and i can't wait for that whether or not i drive it in the 30 well i think i'd better sleep on that one there's nothing better than waking up to the sound of a clear flowing river but there's an air of quite anticipation around the camp as we prepare to take on one of the biggest challenges of the old telegraph track we've got some capable rigs this year and taking the main line of gunshot creek is a real possibility for the entire convoy and yep if you look closely you can see the nerves are starting to build in this part of the world you've got to pick your swimming spots carefully fortunately there's a perfect option right next to camp but first we're going to get camp packed up now this is cape york living what a perfect spot to cool off before we get on the track [Music] the convoy might be smelling good now but the nervous sweat is about to begin and for me in particular the prospect of putting my new pride and joy the dirty 30 on the line this section always reminds me that gunshot is next yeah absolutely mate obviously there's a stack of different lines you can choose from at gunshot um some are quite easy some are absolutely insane mate what do you reckon you got to choose oh look i reckon the pony will have to give the big dog a go but um the real question is mate what's the 30 gonna do oh i was kind of worried that you're gonna say that um yeah i'm not sure mate i look i'm just thinking a nice medium grade entry into gun shot sean i'm only gonna say this to you once you've been building that car for four years if you don't take it down the big dog i think we need to have a sit down and uh look over your man cart let's just have a look at gun shot when we get there mate i'm making no promises and look the car wants to do it i'm not sure i do sooner than i would have liked the creek is up ahead and with it the main line of gunshot perhaps the most iconic four-wheel drive challenge in all of australia a sheer drop into the mud that offers no backing out once you commit to it and suddenly the 30 is looking pretty small in comparison oh stop it there she is eh oh my goodness have a look at that that is a drop-off mate doesn't get much smaller as one of the things you'll notice about gunshot and it's way worse than the cartoon when you start doing it oh mate it's one thing to stand here is another thing to get a vehicle up there luckily this year we don't have to do it there's no pressure to do it obviously we can back out now can we though i mean you're already lined up the 30's there i'm right behind you you know like 10 minutes ago it was a definite note there's no chance i'm going to drive this yep i just didn't want to put my vehicle i just took it for his first real runoff road yesterday and palm creek here we are at gunshot i can say hand on my heart if you don't want to drive this i will never hold it against you that's a lie that's a lie mate oh wow let's give it a go all right let's get some recovery ready let me test the mud down the bottom right okay i'll watch you go down just like that that's how you do that that is really steep yeah look it doesn't look any easier than the bottom let me tell you that folks what would you do in this situation at the moment i can still back out if jocko moves and all the other boys reverse the camera trailer up i can still back out what would you do in this situation drive gunshots boys what would you do i think the tribe has spoken all right i've prepped the run but i've got it out i've just got it here straight on my little aerial every single time i've ever tried this i've got stuck at the bottom there's a heap of mud down there it's pretty straight into that mud so you know i'm gonna give it a go but i'm definitely gonna get all the recovery gear ready even get the camera car parked around so if i do get stuck i can winch off the back of it so um fingers crossed hey it's not good this doesn't feel good at all that good job front stay in the edge down now well that was pretty terrifying but as smooth as it could be as i suspected i'm sitting firmly on my bull bar so there's no driving out of this one holy heck reuben's piloting the camera car and the boys soon have me hooked up and ready to recover we're pulling now beautiful that was pretty wild well done folks gun shot in the 30. tell you what that was something [Applause] props to you taking a brand new vehicle down there well you've got to back it up now yeah i'll take the pony down but now i'm a little bit more nervous i was talking a big game before and the good thing about gun shot you can guarantee it's going to be a bit of a crowd so 100 percent and there are a few people egging you on i'd reckon right well far out i need to wash my pants jock soon got the runvis spooled out he's also attaching a snatch strap as a second recovery option good luck mate not gonna lie i j'ed shawn up a fair bit but now that's my turn i'm a little bit more nervous okay that's it mate i'm about to take a stock highlight still standard suspension 29 inch tires down gun shot i'm sweating bullets this is going to be fun well it's going to end badly tell you what it looks a lot bigger when you're at the top there he's nice and narrow though i reckon he's got half a shot he might get stuck at the bottom but he's prepared so we'll call him through let's see what happens all right jocko how you feeling mate mate i'm shaking and sweating but i'm good to go it's like okay to the left left yep that's it perfect lighten up yep down i go yeah yeah well done joggo time for the pit crew to swing into action yeah that's it bring it back slowly slowly slowly that'll be up [Music] all right hold on get run out of the way the budget lux has survived gunshot nice work mate [Music] now ruben might be one of the biggest four-wheel drives we've ever taken up the old tele but he's determined to take the 200 down gun shot didn't come all this way not to give her a crack the challenge is pretty damn narrow and as he gets closer it seems there's a real possibility that the 200 might simply not fit into the gully and as soon as those front tyres line up to the edge i think it's safe to say it's a no-go now or if you can back out reuben yeah yeah i i'm gonna call it i'm gonna call it sorry ruben is definitely a bit gutted to not get a chance at the challenge but getting the 200 wedge into gunshot is not a fun thought fortunately there's other lines to take around the creek and the 200 lives to fight another day speaking of long vehicles bailly has put a hand up to give gunshot a crack i guarantee this will be pretty wild all right just a touch drivers touch yeah mate you're perfect it's all you now [Music] it's a fraction drivers fraction yeah he's got it down he comes up can anyone even reach that well i can't read your name yet can he go oh should i go back i don't think he'll be able to go back oh he's probably turning off saying on the motor come back grab it [Music] yeah i'm i'm i'm a hip i'm i'm just passing it keep going keep going keep going stop stop just nice and slow and neutral mate yeah ready to go when you are the vehicle might be in the creek with its wheel off the ground but the camper is still on level ground up the top it's going to take a bit of convincing with a snatch trap to get the front out of the mud how inside is that the trailer was caught up here so we needed to give it a fair old recovery to get it unloose as soon as we got it loose the throttle was in the air going down gunshot that was one of the most insane things i've seen up here looks like it's in one piece too holy heck yep if you want to show your trailer can handle off-road conditions you can't do much better than sending it off gun shot such a weapon yep that's oh holy holy dude holy oh my god bro look i'm literally suspended here holy crap is doing all the work happens there you go now we've yet to see anyone actually drive out a gunshot on their own steam but maybe jeremy is the bloke to do it right last vehicle the convoy jeremy's up next i'm like you're looking good it's a little bit towards your drive up a little bit that's your ticket holy nicely done mate well done well done what you had everyone oh that was interesting you've got a bit of water in your head i don't think oh no he's done a jocko must be a highlight thing doing mirrors in cape york typically the driver's side mirror jocko gunshot big tick yep i'll tell you what jeremy probably became the closest to driving that out of anyone he went down the front sort of came forward i thought for a second he was gonna outdo us all there yeah tell you what though i reckon the 30 first time down gunshot happy days hopefully you won't be the last mate because this place is pretty special as you can see you've got to come here and at least see gunshot there's bypass tracks all around if you don't want to actually drive that line there's easier lines definitely come down and have a looks worth maybe coming down and see other people have a go but either way mate we've got more challenges to do he's more creek crossings we're just getting started [Music] with gunshot under our belts we're about to get started on the northern half of the old teletrack this part of the track is home to some of the biggest and deepest river crossings and it starts with this one right here scrubby creek look at this [Music] look at this big water crossing this has got a good little test for the seals the dirty thirty year up to the bonnet nice and deep [Music] oh this is steve and there's the water go luxie joko get used to that mate the water crossings are only going to get deeper from here on up in cape york you can be almost guaranteed you're going to go through a stack of really deep water crossings even late in the season like we are now some of those water crossings are way over bonnet and um look it can happen you can either pick up some dirty diesel you can actually get water from some of the crossings into your fuel tank the problem is you keep driving you don't notice it that water will go and make its way up into like the pump and injectors can cause heaps of damage especially if you've got a modern diesel vehicle so one of the things that we recommend in fact it's not even like a nice little upgrade to have it's a must-have accessory when you come to places like this is to get yourself a secondary fuel filter now the pre-lined free field is not the one jeremy's running they're really good because i actually have an alarm that will sound as soon as you get water into that system a little light will start to flash an alarm will go off you'll know you've got water in your fuel system you can quickly get out check it empty that water out of the fuel bowl and keep on driving which can save you tens of thousands of dollars in really expensive repairs if you've ever priced up new injectors or a fuel pump for a common rail diesel you'll know just how expensive they are let's just say that the pre-line pre-filter as well they're really cheap insurance and really really a must-have accessory when you come up here to the top end after dropping down gunshot there's a few distressing smells in the various cabs of our convoy so next stop is to cool off at elliott falls one of the best swimming holes in this part of the country so sean's gone down for a swim with the boys but i just hung back because i've got a little prank on the play on him this is the 30s first trip first proper tough trip anyway and he's been super pedantic about every noise it's been making as soon as it makes a weird noise he'll stop and check it so i thought i'd uh do the old couple of cable ties on the tail shaft i've had this done to me before and my other highlights and a bunch of you suggested it in the comments on a video we did so if you do have any more cool pranks that i can do to sean make sure you leave them in the comments below for now i'm gonna get up to a bit of mischief elliot falls and fruit bat falls are two must-visit stops right near each other on the old tele track and with the temperature in the mid 30s today the crew are pretty keen to spend some time cooling off [Music] there goes this psych and wet in the dirty 30. doesn't matter got waterproof seat covers and if anything it just keeps you cool down you put the windows down soak and wet i do this on every single water crossing just jump in the 30 soaking and it just it's like aircon for the first 10 minutes so good hi jeff you copy mike what happened well what i thought was something seriously wrong with the 30 turns out to be a serious case of jocko mate say got it cable ties eh ah jocko it's safe to say i'm gonna get you back my friend but for now i reckon it's about that time of the day to park up the fourbies and get some relaxing in like look i'm thinking about a pretty big day today any day you sort of point your nose down gun shot and have a drive i think it's worthy of getting to camp early and get yourself a cold beer what do you reckon oh stop it that sounds outstanding lead the way right away luckily for us there's a perfect campsite not too far ahead the camping on offer up here has got to be some of the best you'll find anywhere we never get tired of the chance to camp on the old teletrack [Music] now we love showing off some cool camping kit but check this one out on kaido's rig it's a spreader bar for their awning it stops the water pulling up on your awning and lights up your camp how good is that speaking of cool setups this dmw fit out not only has a watertight toolbox but reuben is also running dual fridges one for the food and one for the beers and that's one of the reasons why he fits in so well with our crew you've probably noticed already that bailey isn't afraid to wheel his camper pretty hard and it just goes to show that this is a pretty bush-proof little unit with protection where it matters and features to keep the dust on the outside and not on the inside of the trailer [Music] and how's that another cracking camp on the old teletrack just come in here and quickly turn on all the lights of the vehicle now i've got the red vision system in the 30 here and one of the really cool things about how i've set this up in the 30 is red vision doesn't need any switches wired up so you don't need any fuses with it's got a distribution board no relays you can actually have up to six water tanks run off this one little system here up to 10 different individual circuits right off here you can switch it all by this or via your phone on an app so what does that mean when you're in places like cape york well basically it means that you make your system more bush proof i don't need to wire in any switches so there's less complication with my system i just know it works because it's red up at the end of the day and when you've got anything read after your four four-wheel drive you can just rely upon that now when i want to turn anything on it's just simple the red vision system allows me to switch everything just by this little screen right here or like i said before just on my phone i find that just so easy but more importantly there's nothing to go wrong because it's so simple [Music] far out to come here to cape york and everyone had a crack at gunshot winch gunshot happy days that'll do that'll do all right generally drove it today i thought for a second split second i thought you got this man i think the plan for tomorrow is we'll just continue tracking north now it's later in the season but i still have heard through the grapevine that some of those rivers are still quite high yeah definitely well i mean i've already been getting water in the hilux just on little puddles so the deeper crossings are coming so well i can't wait mate i can't wait because my favorite part of the tele track is the second half the northern part yeah so i just can't wait and to get all the way at the tip but a few people who haven't got their photo at the tip yet so i'm gonna tick that box as well definitely mate definitely i'll teach you so that will uh let's get into it cheers cheers boys tomorrow cheers couple more frothies and um i reckon we call it today is going to be our final day on the old tele track we've got a stack of big water crossings to take on before we make the barge across the jardine one of those crossings is nolan's brook another of australia's most iconic four-wheel drive challenges yep it's gonna be a good day [Music] a big day deserves a big fitting breakfast so time to harass the bloke with the biggest kitchen i reckon mate that smells good yes sausages i reckon that'll go with the bacon we'll get all the boys together make a big feed we may as well use that kitchen how come everything's so clean there's no dust everywhere nice good quality seals all around right it's it's really held up well on this track like if you're going to test a trailer to come here the old telly that's where you're going to find out strengths and weaknesses but i'll tell you what there's been no weaknesses mate this thing has just done everything at stride including gunshot she went straight down and loved it it did very well mate i've never seen a trailer go down gun shot without this wheels touching gunshot that was that was spectacular mate and look the trailers held up absolute treat i mean there's a bit of dust in the outside you're going to get that's one of the most dusty places on earth but the kitchen is spotless inside looks really clean i mean this is a great test for a camper isn't it yeah 100 the second half of the old teletrack has got stacks of water crossings so we've done a lot of the hard stuff now there's a stack of challenges to come but you've got to stack a really deep water crossing so mate it's going to be absolutely awesome you're going to have a real ball door all right we'll get those sausages on i reckon i'll call the boys up mate and bring some wraps in and we'll do breakfast in style i'm not even sitting here yeah that's us that's us this morning can we get those on i'll call the boys right no worries job's on bailey the old telegraph's tracks big obstacles can be pretty hard on the gear especially if you drive like jocko but even the 30 hasn't come through entirely unscathed it's official i do have my first scratches on the dirty 30 here and i reckon if anything it's giving it a little bit more character a few pinstripes nothing too crazy the good news is the bar work has protected the vehicle i've obviously ridden pretty hard on this bar panel is in good condition which is exactly what you want i'm just having a bit of a look i've actually actually ridden down the wall pretty hard on that but this is all coated in raptor anyway so when i do get back if i do want to touch it up i can just uh respray that just with some spray can anyway and that'll come back good than you but overall the 30s going pretty good starting to look like a vehicle that's been used which is exactly what you want and um for all those people who thought i'd never take this out of the shed myself included well pretty happy to say it's going all right in the teletrack jocko is doing us proud in the pony lux but look at the water coming out of that thing but the leaks aside the lux has been a bit of a touring weapon when with a budget canopy we put together another shed it really goes to show that just about any type of vehicle can come up and experience one of the best four wheel drive destinations in australia cape york we're a long way from help out here so staying on top of vehicle maintenance is a big deal that means doing daily checks over your vehicle to stop small problems becoming big ones reuben has got this nifty little storage space built into his custom cab that houses an air compressor which offers a perfect way to clean out air filters have a go at all that dust so in a bit of a visual inspection each morning you sort of get the habit of doing that when you're doing big trips and everything's running really good but i just noticed that um this pop off the intercooler looks like it's rubbing slightly on the backside of the bottom it probably wouldn't cause any big damage right away but just something to keep in mind you can usually tell when a vehicle is quite dusty um or you've driven it through a fair bit of mud or anything like look for shiny bits your shiny bits indicate something's rubbing or something's fouling or um even something's warmth or even a bolt's gotten loose it'll sometimes go a little bit shiny so just a visual look over the vehicle can save you a lot of heartache a bit later with vehicle checks done it's time to hit the track and right out of the gate we're onto our first crossing of the day at canal creek as kaido makes his way through the crossing suddenly there's a problem at first it looks like he might not have come in with enough momentum but looking at those front wheels i reckon there's a bigger problem really having to feed it here and even with the rear locker on the lux is struggling to make it out and that's exactly why you don't want to hang around in these river crossings there's water all through the vehicle ah that sucks mate it looks like the problem was the front diff not engaging but it seems like an intermittent issue so kyle will just have to nurse it to the end of the track to add to the dramas his alternator has stopped working so it means he's got limited battery power left on the plus side that means there's a new member in the no aircon club next crossing to tick off is cannibal creek with its unique u-turn this one can get pretty tricky early in the season but today it's an easy run that is such a cool little creek crossing that just says cape york to me got crystal clear blue water there really is nothing quite like the crossings here in the old telly and i'd go as far to say they're the best in australia what do you reckon folks have you seen better [ __ ] all right on to the next challenge and this one always gets my heart rate up a bit oh here we go cypress creek the famous little wooden bridge on the old teletrack this one here uh super sketchy and every year i swear they remove at least one log it makes it harder every time i'm going to stop i think you just have a quick look at this because it's a little bit sketchy oh mate oh look at this eh that's a decent drop isn't it that is a fair i'll drop you get a tire wrong on here oh look at that look at that even get your foot wrong then you're gonna go look at this that's straight down the hole yeah wow finally lost the plug inside there this is very very sketchy what a that's a that's really deceiving don't put your tyre there cypress creek this is sketchy it's it's a bit sketchy i don't know reuben's gonna go coming through that's sweet mate beautiful oh she's a white kid that doesn't feel good at all yeah fun ties are off now oh just get off in a hurry that's not fun yes oh hundreds of cars cross this bridge every year but it's still scary yeah right here might come through the little lux is so narrow that this bridge is like a highway for it but the next vehicle is going to make it look like a couple of matchsticks wow this is sketchy just let this slide a little bit that way whoa little tiny bit mate oh there's millimeters in that yeah yeah on that the straightener up oh nailed it sketches how did that feel mate oh i got the butterflies going a bit just imagine if one of those logs spread apart and down i went there's not going to be a lot in it especially with the trailer on the back nice little movements all slow right stop stop stop [Laughter] there he is there he is there he is down we go just like that next up look at the two deepest river crossings of the old telly so we're pulling up for a bit of lunch and a final vehicle check over let's go mate jocko's borrowing a few tools is he yeah mate that's a go look this 200 mate is an absolute base you know you've driven around half the track now and it just eats everything in its stride it's got you got to say it's a perfect vehicle for cape york oh it's beautiful like just traction to the ground and like carries all the weight extremely well mate that's going to be one of the big reasons why people chop 200 is to get that extra weight carrying capacity yeah like you turn a beautiful wagon into a really capable dual cab ute you know it spreads the weight evenly across the vehicle it gives you an extra load carrying capacity you know this one's at four four nine five so it weighs in roughly about three and a half tonne and now i can still put a ton of gear in the back so you can fit an extra tonne on top of what this one's already got on it yeah that's because i think a lot of people don't realize is like a 200 stock standard once you put a couple of passengers in it and load it up with a bit of camping gear that thing is probably nearly illegal over gvm and um you've got to do something about that yeah that's right and we can we can help people out with that as well with their wagons so we turn wagons from the standard carrying capacity up to a gvm of 4495 as well i love the dual cab though because you've basically got a huge blank canvas where you can turn it into the ultimate touring weapon and obviously it's a perfect tow vehicle as well there's not many vehicles that could match a dual cab 200 i reckon no no i think they're one of the best on the market they're just a beautiful beautiful machine well mate i've got to say it's a very impressive vehicle it is at home on these cape york tracks i suggest though do a bit of a stock take on your tools make sure jocko hasn't chucked any in the pony and um or we'll get packed up and hit the tracks sounds great this sketchy looking run of water is logan's creek there's a few lines to get across but the best option is actually right down the length of it this creek is one of the most significant i reckon uh water crossings on the teletrack and it doesn't get a lot of media or doesn't get a lot of hype about it it's called logan's creek it's the one the main one before you're gonna get to nolan's and i'm gonna stop up and have a walk with this one because if my experience has taught me anything this one is really deep and goes for quite some distance yeah doesn't look any shallower today with this crossing here mate very notorious every time i come to cape york it's one of those ones i think that catches you out yeah you don't think it's that deep and you get in you're like oh no we're down deep and it's got a bit of a dog leg changes every year so plan of attack is to walk it when i say walk it um but if you just want to keep going that way make them just um let me let me know what happens around that corner that's where it really gets deep it's um always important to walk water crossings first yeah crocs in cape york a big threat now obviously i'm not gonna walk in it's that'd be silly that'd be absolutely silly but we're gonna send bailey and just make sure everything's okay this is usually my job too so this is great if you say if you see any big lizards like that what's that on your left there he's out he's out all jokes aside i'd never attempt a water crossing i haven't walked first that check of the water is important not just for your vehicle but also for your own safety all right here we go this is probably going to be the deepest water crossing i've ever done in a dirty 30 mark ii so it's gonna be a bit of a doozy i'm a little bit not stressed but i don't want this to go wrong because it won't take long before a vehicle's flooded in a creek like this all right let's give this a go eh halfway up my door tears like a boat too how good is that yes yeah i'll probably wait just here for jocko just in case he gets stuck right oh here goes the pony she's going for a swim got my seatbelt off that's deep oh there's water coming in there is water coming in there's so much water in here highlights life eh yeah good that you don't even need to get out of your vehicle for a swim lisa got clean floors now well i've just watched the boys go through there that is pretty deep this will be the deepest water crossing i've ever done [Music] what a weapon i'm not gonna lie i'd love to drive one of these rigs man that's so cool got water in the cab like me okay time for the camper take it away bailey all right we're gonna head on in we're gonna put a bit of rear locker on this is certainly going to test the campus seals that's a lot of water that is a lot of water kaido's in next and hopefully that front dip engages properly where he's going to be in a world of trouble thankfully this time it looks like it's working this one will be interesting first time we've been across this one [Music] well we've all made it through logan's crossings a okay and that just leaves one crossing before us and the barge and this one is the most infamous of the track hey jocko you know river crossings coming up next mate mate mighty nolans i'm uh excited a little bit nervous considering how much water came into the pony on that last crossing without a doubt i reckon like 60 70 vehicles get written off like you know cannot be repaired every single year just from nolan's one crossing it's pretty crazy probably makes it the most treacherous water crossing in australia looking at this idyllic looking creek it's hard to imagine the amount of chaos it causes to vehicles every single year but this short stretch of water gets its reputation for a very good reason how does this mate nolan oh look at that straight away yeah in that wheel right it's not even the depth that gets you is how soft it is in the bottom here it's a fine silty sand like in other years we couldn't drive this line because it was way too deep it's deeper up there look how deep that is i am going to get so much water in the pony i think mate i think the plant of attack is nice and slow through nolan's because it's got a real sandy silty bottom yep you just want to let just yeah let those wheels do what they're supposed to do you start spinning them too much you'll get stuck if you're going too hard you get a chance of maybe flex that fan of the radiator or something well this is going to be a big challenge mate i'm not going to lie to you i'm quietly confident do you want to go first no he's checking the bottom here this one catches nearly everyone out in nolan's it's this bottom here you can see it's just a really poor sand so what happens people go in they spin the tyres a lot they don't even let their tyres down they actually get stuck bogged in the sand like you would at the beach the problem is you're quite underwater your car's gonna fill up it's gonna probably ruin your tape york trip so my advice is let your tyres down and actually tackle it really slow and steady so i've got my tyres down around that sort of 20 psi on a really deep year or a really bad year probably go down as low as about 12 to try and drive through here all right here we go nolan's crossing in the 30. this is pretty cool i'm pretty excited slash very nervous whoa that is very slippery holy heck very soft i reckon the boys are gonna have their work cut out i reckon towards the end she started to slow down a bit i thought i was gonna get stuck yeah i had foot just buried and then i saw like sand and silk coming up on that side and it just started bogging down and just just caught its way through i reckon if i didn't have those tires down that extra psi game over maybe you stick around with a recovery strap i'm not going to go too far mate because that's that's pretty challenging it's not that deep but far out it's soft on that bottom right i will let's bring a fighting through good luck mate good luck [Music] sean's just setting the winch up uh he doesn't have recovery points on the 30 yet obviously the fastest recovery would be to just do a snatch pull straight out but um we're going to use the rumba this time uh so he's got it all set up and should be good to go i'm quietly confident i hope the painting goes all right right oh pony time to get your feet wet oh that's deep how good is that walkthrough happy days what a little right all right just about to drop into this big hole hopefully she'll get through no worries i mean we've got a whole lot of car here right here goes the big 200 is almost long enough to straddle the entire creek and as expected it's absolutely nailed [Music] it lining up for nolan's one of the deepest river crossings i've probably ever done all right here we go nice and steady nice one mate that trailer has just eaten up the old telly nolan's is really not the place where you want to be stuck in two-wheel drive so hopefully kydo's hilux is going to behave here all right nolans here we go ah this is bad it looks like the diff is not engaging and now the back tyres are buried in the sand whoa what the hell happened there i think the front diff's gone holy yeah go go go oh there's water coming in we're prepped for this possibility though we've got him hooked up to the run but as quickly as possible you can see right here how quickly nolans can claim a vehicle the last challenge of the telly can end in absolute disaster and a massive towing bill fortunately for kaido today he's gotten away with just a bit of water in the luxie all right last car on the last challenge of the old telly send it home jeremy [Music] with that the teletrack is nearly done and dusted we've got one more item to tick off on this trip jocko how is that mate nolan's done the telly is basically done must be feeling pretty good to take a budget truck up through here i'll tell you what mate i've had a smile on my face driving this little rig pretty much the whole way it's such a fun vehicle to drive and it just proves you don't need to spend a lot of money on a vehicle to get it to do a track like atelier one of the most iconic tracks in the country how good eh absolutely mate what do you reckon it set you back about six grand i'd say about that man i mean when we built it originally in your shadows i think we had a five grand budget and probably spent about another thousand put a like a snort a secondhand snorkel and stuff like that just some maintenance and obviously that's super tourist canopy as well mate but uh no i reckon she's done really well for for what she's got in that case rick when you get a coffee yes to take the big chop 200 one of the bigger beers you'll ever take on a track like that what's the most memorable moment for you mate the creek crossings um have been just fantastic and what an experience but i have to say cross and nolan's there that iconic big deep water hole has to be right up there with that my favourite for the trip and what about team maverick to take a camper trailer on this track this is one of the most iconic and tougher tracks you'll find in the country take a camper trailer mate i'll tell you what takes it takes a big set of balls to do that yeah mate that's for sure you can come any time getting breakfast is like that this morning mate what about um gydo how did you go mate yeah mate look to be honest still a bit red in the face and it's not sunburned after uh nolan's but you know all the boys got in there real quick got me out and made look look on the plus side you got to wash your carpets for free you know that can cause you big bucks in the city and generally up the back mate you've kept the convoy in line this whole time how did you enjoy your trip yeah it's been an awesome trip and i'd love to bring the family up here one day mate it's a great spot for that i guarantee you'll be back and um that highlights yours mate took everything in at stride and um you did some bloody good drives as well yeah it's been a good rig it's um gone a lot of places and it's never let us down well fellas we're not done just yet we're going to get out of the teletrack jump on the pdr across the jardine and then hopefully by the end of today mate we'll all be able to take off something very big in the four wheel drive bucket list that is getting your photo at the tip of australia back on the peninsula development road the pdr we're soon at the jardine ferry virtually the only way to make it up to the tip of australia and just in time to catch the last light of the day we've made it to paradise the final headland leading us to the most northern point on australian mainland [Music] [Music] well our fellas who made it wait how unreal is this place hey fun fellas that's you know it's a big feat to come here i reckon every aussie needs to come over here get their photos taken with your sign now for me it's number nine i've been up here nine times i can't wait for number ten i'll tell you what big party's gonna happen i'm gonna drive the 30 right here i'm gonna do it i don't know if she'll make it mate that said though she did pretty bloody well for a first tough trip to cape york first trip as soon as we got the green light to travel north off we went straight to cape york bramwell straight up to the tip via the old teletrack one of the most iconic tracks in australia make sure you do yourself a favor and get yourself up here with your family with your mates who cares just get yourself to cape york get a photo at the tip and try the old tele track spend a few weeks up here holy heck we'll be back that's for sure we'll definitely see you next time four drive 24 7. also maybe number 10 you'll actually catch a fish we hope you've enjoyed our cape york adventure but don't go anywhere because coming up next we've got the full drive outtakes first though let's look at some of the gear we use to get us further out in the bush well as a part of the show we go through some of the gear we use to make this cape york adventure possible now i'm going to start with terra loom lights now i've of course been running the terrain spotties and all my rigs but they don't just make these spotties now these spotties here the icons their 90s driving lights they're really really bright i don't have a light bar because i don't need one it's quite frank you're running the same ones as me mate definitely super bright you come up here at cape york you do a little bit of night driving which we're about to do even last night yeah you get back from the tip yeah um those terror looms just light up the weight makes it so easy to drive you'll also notice that the headlights i run on the dirty 30 here are a special little seven inch light now they fit all like gqs anything with the round headlight um jeeps of course the dirty 30 here um they are an led adr approved headlight and they're terrible as well as well mate super bright as well i just can't believe if you've driven an old cruiser before you just know how dull those lights are these just change the gear and they also make of course our camp lights and i've got terrell and camp lights in the back there good bit of get yeah definitely well um as you know the luxie is a little bit of an older rig so i put it in order with spares box before i came up here for a whole bunch of spare parts i knew i'd need so uh belts hoses filters a big one as well drive behind the 30 got a fair bit of dust in yep got it all in the back and i used a couple of them already particularly a new air filter and things like that so that's one of those things when you come to kate milk you really need an extensive list of spare tires it's best to order those before you leave don't wait till you get up here because you'll be waiting a few days for those parts to be shipped not to mention it's gonna be a lot more expensive big time so make the call get on the spares box order it online very easy to do before you go and if you don't even know what spares you need which is fine call the experts at spares box and i'll guide you through it yeah absolutely now one last product made that i want to go through is the run the winch now this is the first time i've actually used the run for winch in anger on the dirty thirty and i'm gonna say coyote when he was stuck in nolan's mate was so fast the guys that were actually watching from the side commented how fast i couldn't believe yeah really shot into gear so quick to be able to get that winch rope hooked up get him out of the water and of course cause less damage now the run of course the free spool works really well i noticed that that's one of the big things you know you pull that like you're walking with it it's very easy and of course it's a fast winch as well well mate there's some great gear that you must have for any adventure but especially a cape york one like we've just definitely definitely yeah the good news is we're at loyalty beach now we're not done with cape york just yet so stay tuned to the full drive 24 7 channel because we're gonna see a lot more really cool adventures coming up but for now make sure you like subscribe and thank you again for watching the greatest four wheel drive show on the planet some would say it's the perfect combination of just a well-built vehicle good looks and boyish charms and max cowardice like how deep is that one yeah that's a good little warm-up for knowledge come back in 1927 there was a man of the name gunshot yeah it's got nothing to do with it really hard to get up here actually eraser [Laughter] i can't talk with that in your mouth i'm gonna have to learn that for later [Music] stop i've got nothing's even funny oh boys i reckon um log [Laughter] i'm left-handed oh yeah yeah that's a disability chicken cheese chicken sauce bacon cheese chicken yum yum yum yum yum yum yum wow could johnny be so lucky [Music] so [Music] you
Channel: 4WD 24-7
Views: 1,427,436
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 4wd, action, 4x4, offroad, outdoors, travel, overlanding, toyota, nissan, hilux, patrol, landcruiser, adventure, camping, fishing, diesel, petrol, surf, shaun whale, graham cahill, australia, dirty 30, shorty, gq, gu, 80 series, 40 series, 60 series, 79 series, troopy, 4wd action, 4wd 247, 4wd 24/7, cape york, old telegraph track, gunshot creek, nolans brook, palm creek, eliot falls
Id: NO5yV-D8lyM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 75min 6sec (4506 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 07 2020
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