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yep a little bit more right yep that's it touch your left yep on today's episode we're taking you on a four-wheel drive 24 7 adventure that's just a little different yeah no it's pretty pretty comfortable as australians we faced many of our states being locked away from each other during the covert 19 pandemic and shawnee and i suddenly have found ourselves living not just on opposite sides of the country but on opposite sides of hard closed borders but mates who will together stick together and so while we can't travel together in person we're going to do some socially distanced wheeling together each exploring our own side of this big old country and to make this interesting we've got a bet going we're going to see who can have more fun on their trip with shawno opting for wheeling the tough tracks on tap at coffs harbour while i punt north to the remote murchison coast in search of the best touring this country has on offer and this of course is where you come in we want you to watch this adventure and tell us who you reckon has the better weekend away tough tracks or touring who wins it i guess you're gonna have to watch to find out well i reckon you can't have a tough weekend we had a couple of tough rigs and they don't give us tougher than kaido's hilux and of course jocko's sassed hi luck so we'll catch him with the boys and see if they're ready for an epic weekend of tough tracks gotta say mate that hilux of yours is certainly looking the goods mate are you ready for a tough weekend away yeah we have plenty of recovery gear for the blake behind me so yeah we're ready to go yeah you'll need it mate you'll need it jocko you've got a copy mate mate i gotcha and i'm stoked to be uh back in cost for one i can't wait to show you a couple of tracks that um i don't think you've even done before mate you'll be um oh you'll be popping when you see them stop it bring it on and uh no grain this time which i don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing just yet i'm pretty excited well like something tells me um we're probably gonna have even more fun i reckon well sean i've got to admit mate a tough weekend with you and the boys up at coffs harbour does sound appealing but mate there's no way you're going to have more fun than me you see i'm heading up to the midwest coast of western australia and i'm going to be taking in some of the most stunning touring country you will find anywhere in australia hands down i'm sure when you see the waters up here and the fishing potential you're going to be green with envy mate for now i've got one mission and that mission is to prove once and for all you know it that west really is best while graeme is off pretending like he knows how to fish we're heading into the forest around coughs in search for our first track cops is renowned for its hardcore tracks so we're knocking a fair bit of air out of the tyres this morning as we get ready for some intense low range action for this trip i'm behind the wheel of suribi 80 which is sporting a couple of choice new mods and of course i mean followed by two pretty different but very capable hiluxes first off is this neat little number wheeled by kaido an ifs manual tricked out with a bunch of camping mods from drifter's extensive range including a brand new rooftop tent design that kaido reckons we're absolutely gonna love he's also running a mits alloy dog box it's a performance mods that should make this rig an absolute weapon jock is stoked to be back behind the wheel of his pride and joy an insane rock crawling beast purposely built to take on some of the toughest tracks around and with that in mind we're starting the trip with jeep track and the first challenge is just to get into it with a slippery entry between us and the start of the track his very first little section drop off check this out this is like the coffs harbor equivalent of gunshot straight down holy heck [Music] [Music] slippery that's a good start of the day yeah right it's pretty slippery mate yeah it's gonna move these rocks yeah yep good way to clear the cobwebs out wow that's so slippery hey slippery maybe try can't bear yeah i'm gonna go up this side yep the trick is definitely to avoid getting into those ruts if you try to turn later if you can there's a fair bit of room here but even then jesus taking some effort come left hand down just try turn later [Music] that's slippery that's the only way to do it though is following those ruts zero chance this section doesn't have a lot of sun on it it's just that slippery clay so i think it's one of those times where no matter what you do if you're staying in the rats you're probably not going to go anywhere but what do you reckon guy knows no doubt got his serious face on and i reckon whatever line he picks he's absolutely gonna send it yeah slippery it's starting to get already yeah the ticket we just slipped that run a little bit a bit of right hand down the back that's a go that's easy nailed it loves it all right mate what are you gonna do um well you guys both have power but judging by what kind i just said also skill and great looks one of which i have yeah are you ready um kydo says you need more kz in that vehicle too by the way more kz or more kw see how we go luxie i have about four kilowatts on a downhill stretch with the tailwind so hopefully i won't need power coming up this section but we'll just take it nice and steady jock why not have all the power in the world but he's got reduction gears and 35s reduction gears really goes to prove that you don't need heaps of power off-road it's about getting the power you've got down to those tyres loves that i love that oh it's good to be back oh that felt good with that slippery introduction out of the way ahead of us is a starter jeep track proper this one is a mess of steep angles rock steps ruts and really scary angles in other words a typical coffs harbour track we go rock step after rockstep this is such a cool little track cono and i are soon getting stuck into the lower section of the climb and so far we're taking everything in our stride but back at the bottom of the hill jocko is not doing so well good one taco nice drive mate good drive is my front left tyre spinning no none of the tires are spinning mate yeah you got your lockers on mate we we can't help you any more than that that's a good start jocko good start mate hey joko i reckon i'm growing might even have a spare seat with him mate if you want to join him for over the next weekend away probably a good idea after that performance that's a good start okay now that doc's figured out how a four-wheel drive works he's also into the climb and not surprisingly the luxie just monsters up so easy mate now while the boys are taking their time just getting up one hill i'm eating up the miles heading to one of my favorite places i've got around 700 kilometers to cover to get me up into the murchison coast this is a part of the country that many west australians barrel past on their way north to more famous locations like exmouth or coral bay but that really is their loss because not only is this stretch of coast absolutely stunning it offers so much for the touring four-wheel driver the merchant coast really is a pristine wilderness with perfect campsites calm waters and sunsets all around i've set myself three goals for this trip firstly i want to catch a fish and have it for dinner to make sure no jealous secondly i've got a campsite in mind where i hope to be able to see a sunset and a sunrise over the ocean and thirdly i want to put it to bed once and for all that west really is best now whilst we all know tough tracks are super fun it's four wheel drive touring that allows us to see the best parts of australia now i'm actually up here for the next month touring my way through the murchison and then across to dirk hartog island filming the whole lot for this very channel we've taken the d-max all over australia on some of the country's toughest tracks but i am so stoked to be able to do some epic touring in a vehicle that is absolutely perfectly designed for this sort of four-wheel driving the d-max and i are in our absolute element over here tackling big distances and remote locations this is what this vehicle was set up to do and my goodness doesn't it do it well for now though my first mission is to tick off goal number one park up and catch a fish for dinner how good is this things are getting a little steeper as you head further up jeep track and a lot more technical correct tyre placement is everything on these types of tracks and getting it wrong can be pretty [Music] shut the scary locker on here i've got to say i'm absolutely loving my goodyear wranglers on these shaley rocky tracks they might be mud terrains but they work a treat in condition just like this and right now they're in their element beautiful there we go up we go up we go cool one of the things i've noticed about the goodyear wrangler is just how much traction they have on the rocks when you let them down to around 18 psi they grip like anything kydo is also running a set of good years and likewise is just loving the steep terrain very nice very nice holy well done mate very good drive coyote might be making it look easy but don't be fooled this is an a-grade track with some big obstacles on a steep steep slope jock's decided he wants to make this track even harder by taking a line that most sane people wouldn't even think existed nothing crawl how slow can it go this is the most amazing machine that thing yeah yeah that's it that's it that is it that is insane what a rig [ __ ] is that lucky's back baby that is insane that is insane i've got nothing else to say you just saw the line that we took photo and you know what i need to challenge you in my life i think i sat here with my finger on the um you do that whenever something's like wild you just go i don't say anything no words come out this is one big rut and it leads directly into a rock step get this one wrong and it's goodbye panels and jocko mate that's not helping let's give this a go let's give it a go i'll get you to spot me do you want to spot him oh that's a slippery rock there's no traction all of these rocks like this they're just like ball bearings trying to drive across ball bearings oh sorry nice look at that who needs mates when you've got duck doctor righto let's give it a go yeah yeah just having a look at that challenge since you've grown a little bit over the last 12 months the run at the start has got me a bit worried because you fall out of that right you're going to do some panel damage i don't want to do that i've got new flares on the truck at the moment just trying to keep them looking new for a little while we got jock spot and say gives me a little bit of confidence oh it's a big rut just a little bit yep yep little bit more right yep that's it touch a left touch a left yep you know i really am not liking where this is going stop oh yeah no it's pretty pretty comfortable i have to wish you're on a big angle hey i just kept going just kept going it just picked up like you wouldn't believe i wonder what graham is doing the situation he's probably doing something quite similar my heart rate he is oh the heck well there you go that's what you call good size flatty i'm gonna whip a couple of phillips off that bad boy shawno hope you're having a good time buddy i know i am fun well it's probably not the first word that comes to mind at the moment mate there is definitely some clenching going on come and touch her right hand down and just edge forward ever so slightly it'll probably start to drop but just do it just a bit i just want to see how she behaves because if not we'll just go for a winch no it's going to get worse as soon as i sort of that clutch starts to grab yeah it just wants to lift a bit more lift up a little bit yeah that's us look it might come down but it might not yeah i think getting on the winch is the best call here so jock and kaido jump into getting [ __ ] all hooked up not gonna lie i'm really looking forward not being on this angle at first this winch position seems to be working and thankfully the front is starting to come down but as i start to creep forward we go back to square one a little bit more right a little bit more right yep how's that feeling in there every time i let the winch out it gets higher it's really on the knife edge right now might have to reset that winch now yep time for a reposition to think i could be standing on a beach right now fishing haha tell you what i wouldn't have it any other way [Music] ah on the plus side i'm now in the rut so i can't exactly fall any further and soon i've winched past the worst of it and can take on the rock step cut your left hand down all right swoody don't let me down here we go please come forward just a little bit of left and try and pump up the ass this is [ __ ] it's not even good sort that's bad sweetie was sitting on its side for quite a while so that probably explains why it's blowing a lot of extra smoke i've got no idea why some of the guys named this vehicle sort of beats me maybe sean if you come back a little bit more and try and bring your like come back and give it another go and get your right tire or bring the whole car over to this bank a little bit more yep all right third time's a charm right boot down that's it that's it yeah there we go [Music] that feels good not out yet celebrated too early ah yes toyota breaks how good are they that's the left yep that's him i think now's the time to celebrate yes so excited to drive that so stoked alright sort of rattled me a little bit that one big tracks at coffs arbor that was a committing drive he did that really well big and heavy and just where that's where some lower gearing would have come into play really nicely because he could position the car a bit better but [ __ ] absolutely nailed that's a hard drive we've already seen jock take some wild lines and he's got an equally committed one in mind here yeah coming up late all right i'm gonna try stay in the rut this time but i don't know if i'm gonna eat my word we'll find out [Music] let's give this guy could you have a go at that angle would you there shouldn't be a panel left straight on that left side of jocko's vehicle but somehow the lux is fitting perfectly into a castle and rut and staying off the bank this feels so wild i'm holding on what an angle it was on the craziest angle but it just loved it that's a crazy drive jocko that did he set him up perfectly for this line that's it my door look at that yep that was an impressive drive jocko loves it although i'll have to mark you down for once again trying to dink your door panel low center of gravity nice big wide track on it super lightweight twin lockers and a custom suspension setup that allows it to flex like a sick giraffe that's what you need around here either way the jeep track was a great way to start off a tough east coast weekender oh boys i gotta say that was a very entertaining day on the tracks absolute cracker i had a ball stoked to finally be uh giving the opportunity to drive jeep track yeah it's a good track what do you think kyle you like it mate you'll be back yeah that was awesome i love the technical stuff it's so good yeah good is this place cops harbour i mean if you want to come down here and drive some tough tracks well this is the place to do it they don't get much harder than the ones out cops are but there's something for everyone though you don't have to go and drive insane tracks but there's a lot of those if you like that sort of stuff you've got so many of the state forest national parks right on the mountains of coffs harbour there's great camping north and south heaps of you camps chucked in that's where we'll probably head tonight this is one of those places you have to go the cops coast is one of the most beautiful coastlines anywhere in australia in fact i want to say probably better than half the wa coastline and um i reckon graham probably agrees as if he does talk it up shawno i told you i was going to show you a stunning beach camp and would you look at that now not only is this a spectacular location but it's got one very special attribute it has both a sunset and a sunrise over the ocean how good is that if this doesn't get you stoked for touring this country nothing will you know what our camp for the night isn't too shabby either as we check out a local youth camp at the back of the state forest oh boys i reckon this is a little bad spot to roll some canvas out what do you reckon how good is this grassy campsite signing up just want to crack a beer i reckon let's get camp set up get a fire going up and um maybe even cook something little special treat for the boys but they've got strong stomachs and just like that at either end of the country camp setup is getting started and kaido wastes no time in getting that trick new rooftop tent open and ready to go boy that doesn't take long mate holy heck mate you're not telling me you're set up already yeah she's all good to go mate you'd hardly know was on there today that was literally 30 seconds i mean got like the swag out of the football drive yet mate you're already set up yeah she pops up real quick no that is awesome and i didn't realize it had that much headroom as well yeah yeah when you got the second fold out nice even headroom inside so yeah it's really really nice now it's obviously quite a low profile i've been looking at today it did not affect the vehicle and tracks one little bit it must be quite lightweight is it yeah it comes in about 59 kilos so 59 kilos that's incredible mate and super quick to put up that's what i like about hard shell rooftop tents four clips on the outside pops straight up you've got the second piece come out and yeah you're all good to go ready what i like about that one as well i noticed that the the hard shell is not part of the tent so i imagine it breathes quite nicely yeah so you've got a nice air gap between the tent and the hard shell itself uh which gives you breathability stops the condensation and you've got the fly on top which is really nice holy heck mate look just have another look at this because that could be my future right there i've always wanted a hardshell rooftop tent and i've been looking at one i just haven't found the right one i wanted a lightweight one and my this one just ticks all the boxes i'm thinking the dirty 30 might get one of these mate because if you've got the room for it they're awesome i just like how fast you're set up like you're already have a beer i'm still going to set my oh your [ __ ] mate you're ready to go well it might have taken me a tad more than 30 seconds but i've got my own trick little camp set up have a look at the view out the front will you and more importantly i've beaten the boys to a first beer [Music] good things shouldn't be rushed mate and aside from jocko there's some neat camp kit popping up at our end as well [Music] time for an orange i reckon yep great minds think alike shawno i tell you what while i'm missing out on some of the tough stuff at coughs i'm absolutely loving the chance to do some real touring in the d-max sunset to myself nicole brewski you boys are really missing out but i tell you if you want to make it to remote places like this you got to be prepared you know one thing i am super pedantic about is having storage space when it comes to prepping meals in camp the mitz alloy canopy nails it with just a small bit of help from the clear view drop down try down there let me talk you through it so tonight we're having well i was going to have steak tonight but why would you have bloody steak when you've got big fat fresh flathead fillers that you can have instead so that's going to be done some uh some flour salt and pepper over there on the barbecue um down here we're gonna have some broccoli some corn some potatoes they're just waiting down there to be prepped so they're out of the way plenty of storage up here i've got my speaker ready for a little bit of country and western a bit later on but this over here is what i really like the trundle tray that comes out the back the trundle tray has got a lid on it and it's on that lid and i'm doing all my charging ready for tomorrow's out of the way i don't need to worry about it it's not going to get in the way i'm cooking you can never have too much storage space and don't forget one of the most important things you always need somewhere to put your brewski ah boys i hope you're eating as well as me tonight don't worry folks i've got some big plans but first i'm going to take a load off and enjoy a couple of cold ones by the fire we've had some big adventures today and it's about time to check in with our westernmost camper oh yeah how good is this fellas enjoying the fire coffs harbour cracker of a day and even better yeah a little bit on the lawn bye mate big cheese boys cheers we have an absolute hoot down here mate and um looks like you are too not a bad little spot mate mate a good spot are you kidding me sun setting over there to the west i've got an entire beach to myself here fish are jumping out the front i have got flathead for dinner mate if you don't think this is a good spot then i tell you what you're going to check your pulse what do you got planned for this evening well mate i'm cooking a recipe for the ages now this is this is what i've been practicing on and i'm excited graham's not here going to treat us i'm going to pick out all the tricks yeah and make one of the best meals ever because um joan's not here i think i should treat you boys yes good mate all right i'm gonna go start stretching mate and um start making a mess sounds good i tell you what i'll keep you online we'll see how you go cheers boys all right it's that time of day and i'm very very excited about this one because i'm going to cook up a red hot meal coffs harbour is a renown for tough tracks but this meal is not so tough it's a great one if you've got fish if you don't have fish you can um use chicken whatever you want really but um in this case i'm going to be using a little bit of fish that we caught recently actually you really should learn this one because even if you catch a little bit of fish on your docker you can't fish i cannot fish you can't fish to save yourself you might get one fish not enough to go around for the whole family well this is a meal that'll sort of spice that in what are you making mate but a it's it's a green curry ooh i caught a flathead once i always say you look like the fishy catchment that's true i'm gonna go for about two tablespoons of well that's that's more than a tablespoon there's no idea about it what's that just curious this is green curry paste i haven't even put the heat on yet this is i'm just stirring that right in you can cut a bit of coriander mate it's a bit of hidden mess this stuff some people love it people that don't like coriander weak yeah graham hates it graham hates coriander there you go so basically what we're getting here is the paste and the coconut cream they're infused together i'll try and slow it down that's a big one non-chef people out there so i'm giving it a fair bit of heat what i want to do is get that on high heat until it sort of boils up and i want to just let the aromas infuse just all that all that just come right up through your nose and you've heard that coriander goes straight in now you'll notice we've left a little bit of coriander that comes in later a little bit of a garnishment i'm going all that tonight i'm going all the way yeah that's another chef term a bit of lime juice mate another garnish yeah if you want to jump into the old um michael and mate yeah i've got some fish in there just in a plastic bag i'm keeping it in big old chunks like that and i'm suggesting you keep the fish quite big yep right put them skin side down okay if you put it the other way down fish sometimes tends to curl okay a little bit but the skin side it doesn't curl yeah and at the same time i want to get coyote to come up if he's around so i've got a big job for you mate because i'll run out of cook's base i need to make some rice all right can i be here with this you can trust us right so i'm also going to give you this as well mate i'm going to cut this for you get your get your frying pan now this is the best way to make rice i reckon out in the bush there's no doubt about it the rice and the onion going together yeah cook that for about three minutes with no water a bit of olive oil the onion's going to infuse with it do you want to help yeah you're doing that you've got it all right you got it you got it cook this this together double the amount of water for the amount of rice you put in you can't go wrong last little bit of fish now i'll turn that down to a bit of a simmer and the whole idea is we're poaching the fish in the green curry we're going to let that cook on it on the one side for probably about 10 minutes or so and then i'll flip it over be very careful and keep that phillip really whole and i've got a little bit of bok choy in there as well we'll steam that so we're basically going to rice bok choy and a green thai fish curry i mean it doesn't get any better than especially when you're out camping this is one of those meals if you're ever in the game to try and impress someone maybe you're doing a little bit of courting you're like you know what i need to pull out the big game right now this is your meal so take notes [Music] oh my god what's that i'm glad you're doing this because you look qualified i burn hot water so you're right there there's one we need to try and keep a little how much do you need to put in oh you poor poor boys well that is smelling absolutely superb let me get the bok choy out a bit of noise coming around from the boys cooking the rice i think i'm going to just check and make sure everything's going alright i'm going to bring a big spoon with me too that is smelling good that is all looking good we need to make sure the rice is good though please boys boys hello everybody out of the way no that's going on here what's my theory is because you said put some rice in the thing yeah amish rice so yeah you said uh put i don't know how much you said but we put him more than that because he used to go for grain and he's not very big and i'm here so i figured i'll just eat the extra rice look how much is that oh don't it's that was two took our cups okay no not one cup per person it's definitely not one cup per person so just going to stir this it needs water i think you'll need four cups of water yeah that'd be right you got water no yep this is this this is where it all could fall apart this is you have slightly little faith all right any cups of water in that you nearly put the fire out mate all right you've always got that yeah you've got that you're right good luck good luck you seem stressed what's wrong i'm a rice king we're out of gas well turns out can't trust the boys to cook any rice i'm going to cook it here i can do both i can do bait i've sent the boys off to get some firewood because they can't be trusted with the rice i'm going to use a bok choy i'm just going to put it straight in because you'd want to steam that nose smells pretty good i can smell it over there i'm just trying to steam the bok choy but i'm just going to put the lid on and let that steam over the top you got the headphones right yeah yeah yeah um speaking of which so you sent me to get firewood and correct how'd you go you get something good real good we've got some firewood but uh kaido was using your chainsaw and the the chain came off and like i told him i said mate watch it the chain will come off and uh i bet i bet that's exactly how it happened yeah i'm gonna say careful mate sean will be angry at you so so anyways look at me trust with the rice this is how you guys give that back to you put that back drop me back on the rice look at that [Laughter] folks if you're trying to cook this meal yourself just honestly if you've got you've got some mates like jocko just try and maybe entertain him near the fire just sit around the fire and enjoy the night me drive car mate good on you right now all right can we get some plates because it really isn't that far off that's gonna take about three or four minutes come on let's a bit of rice first that smells cool yeah that should be good that should be good i think that's done doing that right here bok choy is making a bed on top of the rice oh a little bit of fish wow there smells good look at that look at this hang on a little bit more here we go at a great height sprinkle a bit of that oh yeah a little bit of that here we go they're on you're in a restaurant get a little bit of lime and be a nice little garnish on it let's look at that you know who would love this graham graham wood and he doesn't get it [Music] that is absolutely beautiful all right boys i reckon we go see the end of the fire the fish is just falling apart it's cooked it's been poached in the curry flavors outstanding oh that's mine yep so tell us folks which campsite would you rather be in east or west let us know in the comments below [Music] you know it doesn't seem to matter where you go around australia in the bush right now you're bumping into other people's bloody rubbish four-wheel drive tracks campsites they are littered with rubbish left behind by other people quite frankly we've had a bloody gut fall so we've teamed up with drifter to launch a new campaign called respect the bush now with the help of a bunch of industry mates such as fulcrum suspensions and spares box we're going to get thousands of bags done up that can be shipped to your door free of charge you're going to get two for doing nothing except wanting to help out and keep these tracks and campsites open and we're going to use the two in two out policy basically you take both of your plastic bags out with you you use one of those plastic bags to put all your rubbish in and then of course chuck it in your wheelie bag take it out with you but the second bag use that to pick up rubbish you didn't create use that to try and clean up the campsite or along the tracks and imagine if we all did that if we all took two in two out full of rubbish what a difference that would make now look those bags aren't quite ready just yet but what i'd really love for you to do is share this message with as many mates as you possibly can let's get the word out there let's get this campaign started and let's keep australia's tracks and campsites [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] open it's a fine morning on the cough's coast we've got a big day planned as we check out more of the tough tracks around the region first though time to down a coffee or two and enjoy this awesome little camping spot this one is hosted by coffs harbour camping and football drive best of all most of our favorite coffs tracks are just in the hills around us and i can't wait to get into them i think it's tommy wake up graham and make sure he's up and ready to show us more of the amazing wa coast [Music] i'll just try one time just running out [Music] no answer yeah sorry graeme he's probably already on the road sorry mate forgot there's a two-hour time difference on the west coast well we're not going to win any bets on the best weekend away if we don't hit the road so it's time to get packed up oh just about to go and hit the tracks and i thought i'd share with you three tips you can use to try and prepare yourself for a tough weekend away number one make sure your vehicles mechanically sound before you go off-road now that seems really simple but just check for things like you know if you've got like a little bit of a bent steering arm or you've maybe got a hub that's a bit clicky or a cv that's a little bit clicky make sure you try and fix that sort of stuff before you come off road because prevention is way better than trying to sort something out when you break it halfway up a really tough tracking coughs arbor number two make sure you've got some spare parts now i know what's weak and vulnerable in this 80 series so i carry the spare parts to suit so i've got a couple of uh front axles a couple of cvs and also some locking hubs and um that's probably enough spares for this vehicle sometimes i carry a spare alternator if i know i'm doing a lot of mud work and number three is to regularly go around have a look at your vehicle so inspect the vehicle is there any oil leaks is there something new is there something broken open the bonnet after every single night at camp in the morning go through your vehicle just have a once-over i did that this morning and noticed that the brake fluid was just a little bit low i think i was on the brakes a fair bit yesterday and as a result i need to top up some brake fluid but otherwise the 80's looking pretty good and ready for another day of tough tracks back in the west the sun is rising on another perfect day oh and you might have noticed the sun's also rising over the ocean that's just another unique part about this coast ah have a go of that what an absolutely stunning morning it is sunrise coming up the ocean's flat and calm i slept like an absolute log last night you know when it comes to touring this setup is just so good for a number of reasons but one that i really like everything's got a home and it's super quick and simple to set up and then super quick and simple to put down again there's nothing worse and trust me i've done it they're not knowing where things are taking an hour two hours to get set up when you get into camp you know an hour to set it's it's a painful exercise and it makes you not want to move around it makes you not want to go touring but when you've got a setup like this everything's got a home i know exactly where the burner is to bake a cup of coffee this morning where toast is going to be made it just makes life so much easier so when you are shopping around my tip when you are shopping around for a touring setup have a think about how long it's going to take to set that thing up sure it might look good but is it going to take you an hour just to find where you put the coffee beans for me no way straight away i know the right ear that's what i look for in a touring setup amongst other things right now what i'm gonna look for in a touring setup with a hot cup of coffee i'm gonna watch that sun come up hey how good is it i hope the boys are having a fun day just you wait mate we've got some cracking tracks on the cars today just a stone's throw away in the state forest another day in coffs harbour and this one's a new track i've never done it before it's a very famous track around here called the army track and i'm supposed to be quite tough as well can't wait to see this one i just know it goes straight up hey this is the start of the track i'm just looking it's just shaily and steep and something tells me we haven't even come to the main bit yet far out i can see it from here holy dooley that looks good nice and steep mate i hope you're ready jocko you're ready mate yeah man i'm pretty keen to give it a go if my memory serves correct this track has a rock step that'll uh make you a grown-up mate it's a it's a good one that's the thing about these cops harbour tracks mate they're all quite similar in the sense that they scare the heck outta here they're really steep and ultra committing 100 and lots of fun too the army track is really well known in coffs harbour it's right up there with one of the harder tracks in the area it's certainly not in the top five but it definitely is a really tough bit of track oh man that was me and it's providing plenty of challenges for the boys as we head up towards the harder section of the climb nice and slow yep you know you know you know you know [Music] let's roll this is a scary bit right here a steep shoot into a massive off-camber rock step that'll tip you into the bank if you get it wrong i've seen a few people drive this before and the secret is you just got to commit to it and just well commit i can do damage though i'm a little bit worried about that i've seen some glasses yeah there's some yeah yep the natural feeling for my vehicle anyway is going to want to sit into that bank pretty hard and come up here completely off cambered you don't want to muck around i don't i really don't know what's going to happen here i could i could i could drive it or i could completely destroy one of the eagles one of those flipper coin i don't know it's going to be spectacular either way though big boy pants feeling good yep let's get into the race right right get off this rock step look at how steep it is [Music] this does not look easy some of these shady rocks oh man that rock step is looking enormous this is going to be all kinds of wild [Music] squirrel what happened there you right am i on my side guys go down there and see if you can talk to him [ __ ] on my side i think i'm resting against my roof or something whatever mate you lose drive or something no no no i was driving i'm sort of in a silly situation at the moment it feels like the vehicle's on its side it's sitting on the scrub bar and probably that bank at the back oh no it's clear it's just a scrub bar at the front like your front left high is a fair way in the air is it worth having another go or is it pointing past that point you might be able to back out of it if you want to if you feel like it but it'll probably feel a bit wild yeah maybe just go for a winch mate bridge out the funniest thing about this drive was as i was like airborne and sort of coming back i could see kyoto's face it was that wasn't worrying enough well i'm feeling pretty lucky right now resting on the scrub bar is way better than being on my panels kydo is using one of drifter's soft shackles for the anchor point and soon the boys have got me safely hooked up tell you what kind of getting used to insane angles on this trip but still feels good to level things out for a bit touch it right in here just a little bit [Music] you're up hold up okay time for the top section of the climb and hopefully this one goes a little bit better that was uh interesting i think he's drove most of that hill on three wheels almost had it hey almost had it and uh almost real mistakes as well yeah yeah there's a lot of almost happening that [ __ ] smell from the 80 and you as well oh where's quiet i feel it you should not go after me that's the bad move props to him no ifs the only ifs vehicle here and he's driving it like a boss he's gonna he's gonna struggle here with clearance yeah maybe not have that front locker yeah um but he's giving it a go if i was here i would have turned around about there yeah yeah 100 especially after seeing your spectacular performance right well let's pull him up mate sounds good see what we can do this is a pretty wild track to take a rear locked ifs truck up but kaido is taking his time and filling out the line this is insane one guy yep yep that's it love it holy frit you want to have another go or what do you want to do oh just try and do it slow i don't think you can mate i think you got to keep steady momentum but give it a go anyway friday be careful boy oh there's a mirror ah maybe i'm not sorry good after a winch i can run the windshield righto great call the old mirror fell off that's what happens when toyotas come to a tough bit of track they sometimes just start shedding parts you gotta pay to play yeah it's the offering to the track well that was definitely a moment and i reckon there was no way we're getting the lux over without risking damage or a roll so winch it is they're good at soft shackles i've been using the old metal shackles for pretty much the last 15 years and after just seeing how safe this recovery gear is i don't think i'll ever use metal shackles again at the end of the day if you can do anything to make the recovery process just that little bit safer well then i'm all is with everything hooked up kylo winches safely over the rock stepping out of trouble yeah hold on mate nice winch how'd that feel insane that's the guy that's it you know what you know what you know what you're not going to go what sort of body part are you gonna break oh you're gonna do a mirror flare yeah look look the door hasn't been done today i might do a door we'll see we'll have to wait and see maybe a seat or undies one of them let's get into it oh this is so much steeper in the car just got to commit i reckon oh my that rig is an absolute animal what is it going to take to actually challenge today well mate no doubt about it jocko has like obviously seen my line then your line learnt a fair bit from that and that's why we put him we put him at the end on purpose just so he can learn from our mistakes he's a very nervous driver not doesn't have the confidence off-road and obviously the vehicle's not very capable so we're doing a bit of a favor mate i reckon we go and uh show him what's up on the next bit of track okay well there you go that was army trail really not one for the faint-hearted and certainly one to bring all the recovery gear on still definitely a lot of fun well once you cleaned your seats off with that track done it's time to take a second and see what damage has been done well they don't make them tough anymore that's for sure when you come to cross harbor you really have to pay to play some tough tracks they're very demanding and um look if you're going to commit to lines you've got to expect a little bit of damage mate you're going to oh you'll fix it did you oh no look at it look at it yeah that's just about done mate you could probably go for it instead of clearviews now yeah a little bit wider one to be nice but yeah should have folded in before we went up but yeah it happens mate it does happen it does happen look it still looks good mate you haven't done any panels which is a good thing so it wasn't looking good let's see jocko any damage man i think i'm actually okay obviously there's the scratches yeah don't worry about that but um i thought i might have hit this guard when i was up on that angle but it's pretty sweet seems pretty good i actually painted in that wrapper coating i came here and they're working pretty well yeah it's nice and tough this stuff did you just use a spray can yeah yeah yeah yeah just a spray can and gave it a bit of a cleanup and it actually looks half reasonably done as well yeah it's almost like i didn't do it yeah yeah what do you reckon graham's got any damage or probably not i reckon he's probably sitting on a nice beach somewhere and probably got some sand inside his swag or something like that you know a little bit of sand flew into his coffee latte yeah right oh sean mate i reckon you should concentrate on keeping that 80 of yours on its wheels bud right now i've broken camp and i'm heading north a couple of hours because i want to show you folks a unique bitter kit we're talking big red yeah that's right the simpson desert sand dune right on the edge of the coast this is something you've got to see to believe this is one of the few places where the desert literally meets the sea these rust red sand dunes make a striking contrast against the white sand of the beach and then of course that blue ocean we got a big storm coming in today too so it is so atmospheric up here but how'd you be the big red sand dune right on the beach something else i'll tell you what so my question to you folks at home has this wet your appetite is this the sort of location that you could spend a few days exploring let me know in the comments down below i'd love to hear from you all right time for our next track and i can tell you now there's going to be wheels in the air again for sure as we head to the dump track jocko this is the track isn't it mate this one here on the left yeah from memory it's just a little bit of a creek run that turns into that real steep exit at the end remember that mate i couldn't forget that i tried to do it the dirty 30 years ago and made it just to the top and then rolled all the way back down unfortunately now you're coming back with a little bit more power and a little less driving skill so you'll probably be okay i dare say mate look look at this scenery rainforest flexing up through a creek run this is a pretty cool track man and that must be the pinch to get up out of here oh yeah that looks slippery here at four wheel drive 24 7 we use a simple system to grade how slippery a climb is and that's to use our crash test photographer shui as a bit of a guide he's an expert at judging steepness all around the country and judging by this i reckon he ranks this one as pretty darn slippery first or second gear second reverse first next second second this all right driver deep i'll go first first gear hold on a second this wasn't quite enough all right so how's the practice run i need a bit more run-up you're really going to commit to this one turns out oh straight tapping over oh you've got to commit i think you had two wheels in the air just then that's all time all-time steep it just it gets steep but then it's vertical for that last little pinch oh goddamn mate lots of right foot good advice mate i feel like the front's going to jump up and then come down and shock loading just back off when you get to the top then [Music] maybe a bit more of a run-up no i backed off at the start yeah to watch that shock load because once the vehicle gets a bit of air up here it comes down grips that's when cvs break but hopefully you can back off just at the right moment but still have enough momentum to get over the top yeah come to your front wit now come back a bit more all right what about that yeah i'll go from there that's it third final charm giving that a red hot go that's a perfect amount of momentum so you don't end up going airborne too much jocko he's gonna have to get into it he likes to drive nice and slow this is not his style of driving but you've got no choice but to give it everything it doesn't have everything to give it's got like four kilowatts we'll use all four mate rydo all right show us what the luxie can do mate from there jock right over light it up put your lockers on did you air down should i try to crawl it if you crawl it i'm never talking to you again okay wait is that a is that a like beer i will never talk to you again all right in that case nice go mate i thought for a second he was going to try and crawl there but no he's just lining up i'm pushing back a bit you're right yeah it's gonna be difficult from there mate it's gonna be very difficult from there unlucky get the winch out get the winch get the full recovery team out call graham call graham get back you go mate stop forever on this hill that's a shame i thought he had it caught you've been following us like the last couple of days now mate and i finally thought his driving was at a level of confidence he'd be able to follow wherever he went just ran out of skill the last minute there ah not quite mate you've got to get the rear over as well not just the front is the key well slippery that felt wild that's better mate i backed off too early i think helps you know it's all well done second time a charm just hate feeding it it's a crawler that's good we both took two guys at it so very similar set up vehicles you know at the end of the day quality you're driving you're both right up there you've done well [Music] well it's been a heck of a weekend away for us on both sides of the country and i hope we've given you some inspiration during what's been a pretty difficult year for all of us for now it's time to head to our final destinations of the trip finding our spots to check out this country's amazing coastline well boys scale out of one to ten how much fun did you guys have in coffee absolute ball i love tough tracks and if you're into tough fall driving coffs harbour is the place to come i reckon it really is it's some of the it's literally the scariest tracks i've ever seen in the country living in colorado right exactly right and look poor old saudi she was a brand new truck before this one i reckon i i wield it within an inch of its life over this weekend and that's what it's all about coyote you wield that high lux like an absolute boss mate do you ever have a ball out of bournemouth the trucks up here are awesome you might you did really well on the wheel behind that thing a couple of hiluxes and a real cruiser out for a weekend away driving tough tracks mate and it really poses the question what do you prefer the most like the tough tracks like we did or the touring tracks like grain did he also had an absolute blast mate yeah he did he heard from him a few times over this weekend he's doing what he loves best yep touring trips and now that's what is so good about four-wheel driving you can pick tough tracks or touring or even a combination of both let us know in the comments below what you prefer and why and speaking of graham let's hear from the bloke himself have a look at that view will ya well shawno yes mate i have had an absolute blast over here in the west this stretch of coast blows my mind i absolutely love it and i'm stoked that we've been able to share a bit of a trip on either side of the country together in these strange times mate i've still got a few days up here i'm going to keep floating around maybe catch a fish or two looking forward to catching up with you mate for beers in the shed for now let's see if i can't catch a fish well guys thanks for watching our latest adventure tough tracks versus touring i'll tell you what mate there is no clear winner because as long as you're out in your full drive having a bit of fun you're absolutely winning the game of life mate and um if you have liked this video and chances are you did because you're still watching right now make sure you like and subscribe to the best youtube channel in the world four wheel drive 24 7. mate you'll see us out here again yep absolutely you might see us on a couple of these tough tracks i reckon so but you'll definitely find us down at the pub see you next time at 4 drive 24 7. cheers stick around folks because coming up is all the fun of the four wheel drive 24 7 outtakes but first check out the gear we use to make this trip possible now as a part of the show we want to run through some of the products that really helped us through this tough weekend away and i want to start with the my coolman fridge mate it's a brand new fridge in the back of saudi here and i've got to say it's an absolute cracker now you can tell that this fridge has been designed by people who actually go out in the bush and go camping there's so many clever features on that fridge from a bottle opener from you know a power pack a lithium power pack that if your fridge for some reason maybe your 12 volt system blows a fuse or whatever you could use that 12 volt little pack the lithium pack to run that fridge for a whole weekend it's just clever little ideas like that that just make that fridge so good and it's a tough well-built fridge mate and um most importantly beers have been absolutely icy cold that's my favorite that's the biggest test of a fridge mate and it ticked all the boxes for me 100 yeah and speaking of new things i just put on the terra loom 20 inch light bars a double rope light bar i prefer running light bars on the front of the vehicle just a little bit more airflow i need all the horsepower i can get these days yep it's super bright and it's low profile as well so i'm really stoked with it because you went spotties as well yeah look i've got the two nine inch terra loom icons in the front they are super bright and i've actually got the same light button oh yeah as well mate the combination of those two like to be honest with you you probably just get away with the spotties they're that bright yeah but yeah you know you combine it with that you just get to see everything yeah it's really nice that's fantastic mate speaking of ultra reliable my red arc system in the background i've had that in so it was probably one of the first mods i did was a 12 volt setup and it has never let me down and i've i've attributed that because i'm just running really good quality gear i've got the manager 30 in there so it basically pumps 30 amps worth of power into those batteries keeps them topped up so it doesn't matter if i'm at idle mate or driving up a rock step on army track or getting winched up army track there is always 30 amps going in to charge those batteries at the back there and it's three charges in one that's what i really like about it so it's also a solar regulator yeah and i when i get home i've actually plugged into 240 mains and just keep everything tipped top condition and you get a good 12-volt system in the back of your four-wheel drive it just makes it so much nicer for the camping mate you have to think about it and that's what i reckon it's a mark of a good 12-volt system you know plug and play you know your beer is going to be cold it's a good weekend away definitely definitely one aspect of a big trip on the road is getting grubby i'll tell you what i've been salty i've been sandy i've been wet from the ocean and i haven't had time to even consider getting cleaned up before jumping back in the d-max and making a mile and i haven't had to worry about it you see the razorback seat covers in there mean that the seats the interior of the d-max is absolutely spot-on they're perfect seat covers are a must if you care about the resale value or heck just the condition of your four-wheel drive the old razorbacks in there well i'll tell you what i put them to the test and they come up trumps every time well mate there's a couple of good quality bits of gear that have kept us going on our trips now a little bit of an announcement as well we've got a brand new facebook page full drive 24 7 facebook page is in full swing and i'll tell you what it's a place to be mate there's heaps of really cool content there's competitions we've been giving away a stack of prizes so if you're not part of the facebook page do yourself a favor take the 30 seconds subscribe to our facebook page mate and um make sure you don't miss a second of the action yeah what we got coming up next mate mate we've got my favorite part and i think your favorite part too the bloopers the bloopers i reckon he's going to star in those without a doubt probably right rice is on the go now i'm just going to flip the fish over and um now it's time to put the bok choy in sorry i came into way too early i was like are you at one of the hardest tracks but i don't know what we're doing what are a couple of products that made this trip possible [Music] all right we're gonna have to fly with you graeme where are you mate i like when you're here turns out tears that you're a lot of fun about it why does this always happen oh we haven't gone to the first track yet it's gonna be a big weekend just kept going i was like when's it going to stop well even my voice is going up an octave okay oh my god that's a boiling bit of rice in my [Music] not gonna look at him you go up jock hang on i can't get out of the way you do yeah how much water did you put in again was it four cups yeah roughly five days so shawn's about to do this little pinch here well now's the top of the show we want to run through some of the products that got us through that weekend are really oh it's hot you let me know that you're already right yeah i'll try i'll try [Laughter] [Music] so [Music] you
Channel: 4WD 24-7
Views: 638,993
Rating: 4.9549813 out of 5
Keywords: 4wd, action, 4x4, offroad, outdoors, travel, overlanding, toyota, nissan, hilux, patrol, landcruiser, adventure, camping, fishing, diesel, petrol, surf, shaun whale, graham cahill, australia, dirty 30, shorty, gq, gu, 80 series, 40 series, 60 series, 79 series, troopy, 4wd action, 4wd 247, 4wd 24/7, 4wd trip, 4wd tracks coffs harbour, coffs harbour, 4wd beaches in WA
Id: bGOGWjdTjrU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 57sec (3777 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 12 2020
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