STUCK AT NIGHT IN CAPE YORK! - Track-side Repairs, Insane Recoveries & Killer Campsites!

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hey sean you've done a bit of panel damage yeah what an animal oh put it there man on today's episode we're back in cape york and settling the score with one of cape york's most iconic four-wheel drive tracks last year the frenchman track absolutely kicked our butts with deep water forcing us to turn around at the pasco river and fight our way back through the mud now we're back to finish off the track before we head south to check out one of the best beach campsites in australia to make it there we'll have to tackle some of australia's softer sand go you little bees that's it come on this is gonna be a huge adventure so buckle in tell you what how good is it to be back on the frenchman's track last time it kicked our butts but we're going back on an east direction back to the west and i'm gonna tackle the pasco first the one river that was too deep to cross last time hopefully a bit later in the season 12 months on we can go and cross the pasco and do the whole frenchman's hey joko copy mike i sure do mate how good is it mate back on the frenchman have you done the french ones before i have i have but um i actually haven't done it this way before so it'd be interesting to see what the challenges are like going back the other way i can't wait mate let's get right into it we've got a good looking convoy today on this trip i'm willing my new pride and joy the rebuilt dirty 30. this cape york adventure is the first big shakedown for the vehicle a 5 000 kilometer round trip that's helping me iron out the kinks of this four year build jock is behind the wheel to the pony lux a super tourer he put together on a tiny budget that's absolutely eating up the tracks next up is kaido from drifter full drive and camping followed by bayley from maverick campers and he's tough little ranger forward fold camper closing out the convoy is ruben from dmw industries in his insane chopped and chassis extended 200 series and with the pasco not far off it's time to drop the tyre pressures and get ready for the challenges ahead oh just knocked a little bit of air out of those wranglers on the pdr and all the dirt roads in cape york i let them down to around 28 psi just so they bulge and ride nicely on those dirt roads when i come to the frenchman's i've dropped them down to 22 psi there's a lot of tough terrain up here so 22 just give it a bit more traction i reckon i need all the attraction i can get this right here is the pasco river a fast flowing crossing that changes massively across the season last year the water was super deep and flowing fast and despite a two-day battle to get here we had to accept defeat and head back the way we came in this year we're here a bit later in the season so the crossing should be a bit safer that said this is still a big challenge with a steep rocky exit to finish we'd never drive a crossing like this without checking it first so first step is to walk the crossing and look for deep spots and hidden rocks with the crossing checked out it's time to give it a crack here we go the pasco first truck through yeah it's nice and deep like like a submarine all right this is the bit that's going to be tricky up we go like a tractor yeah good is it with an auto so much control here we go the mighty pasco and the pony lux oh that's so deep water is in here loves it just a bit of weight reduction i need it for the hill climb this little luxie never ceases to impress not bad for a rig on 29-inch tyres what a little weapon loves it i don't even know i put it on its side just keeps going there's lights on the dash job's on time for kydo's run oh deep water like this puts the seals on a vehicle to the absolute test and of course a camper trailer is no different bailey's got the maverick across the pasco with no dramas and the seals well they look to have held up with no dramas at all here we go last minute across the pasco is reuben and his big 200 is making it look easy well that's the pasco done and dusted and our next goal is to make it to the frenchman's other big crossing the wentlock river where we'll camp for the night we'll need to cover a lot of case to get there but jock's little lux is starting to develop some issues that could make things a bit more challenging oh i've just had all the lights come up on my dash my dash is lit up like a christmas tree uh which usually only means one thing it generally means your alternator is on its last legs the lights were intermittent before flickering on and off so i just checked the plugs on the back of the alternator made sure everything was connected and tight and sprayed everything out with contact cleaner to no effect it seems i think my alternator is on its last leg so i might have to give the boys that spares box a cool see if they can ship one up maybe to cook down and i'll pick it up and change it on the way a handy tip if you are going remote to pack a multimeter in your spares kit because uh on some modern vehicles you don't get all these lights coming up you'll generally just get a battery light so it's good practice just to pull over and check that you are getting charge voltage to your crank battery um but in this case i think the luxie needs a new alternator so get a call into spares box and get one set up and should be good to go lucky for us spares box specialise in chipping out spare parts and jock has soon got not later lined up and ready to pick up tomorrow tell you what a sat phone is a handy bit of kit for remote touring like this we're gonna have a bit of a job getting the high locks out to the end of the track with a dying battery but hey that's all part of the fun of four wheel drive touring this crossing right here is one of the surprisingly challenging little sections of the frenchman's good line that's the key oh you can see our people hit the bank here too much horsepower if sean's fit i'm not going to have any dramas in the old narrow dog luxie loves it what a little beast there we go a little bunny touch your left hand down mate yep that's it that's it get those wheels right oh he's gonna hit the bar work touch your right now mate nice and gentle no need look at that right hand down yep yeah right now room yep that's it that's it oh she's a big girl she's a big girl oh look how wide that is there was millimeters in that on this side by the last light of day we're getting close to the next big river crossing of the frenchman's the mighty wentlock we've got a camp spot in mind just across the river but there's a big challenge to navigate before we can settle in for a cold beer at camp but now we've got another issue as well hey doggo copy oh i think doco he's got a flat battery sounds good doesn't want to borrow but the battery's flat yeah so uh the alternators was i packed it in wall was finicky yeah and it was on and off but now she's decided that all that slow calling wasn't getting enough charging burger if i move if i cross the river yeah we all got in here and just pushed you down towards the river we'll clutch start you into the river yeah what do you reckon yeah we'll try that are you strong enough to push this big piece mate not worry about that because once i go across the room i'm going to change radio stations okay i'll move this across right taco's old lux he doesn't need much 12 volt to stay running so long as the engine's ticking over he's still got fuel he's pretty much in the game of course he's going to lose his headlights and other 12-volt accessories but at least the old toyota's gonna make it but i'm starting to suspect he's quite enjoying putting the convoy to work put your put your backs into it legend speed give us some footage he's an old tower well done boys well done what a rig go the pony late this season the wind lock is running pretty low and doesn't present much of a challenge for the convoy but up ahead is a steep climb that never fails to put 40 panels on the line have a go this way look at that night time it looks even bigger like far have you ever driven up this never in my time i've ever driven i've come down it a couple of times and every single time the bar work is leaning into that wall there and actually scrapes normally along the side i don't have any bar work so i think this is going to be interesting i think the only saving grace is quite dry so you might be able to get a nice little start and just give it a bit of bunty get up there and the good news is mate once we get up there it's camping there's cold beers it'll all be happening mate i reckon um that isn't reason to nail this hill i don't know what it is all right let's give this a go eh put terra looms on just need to light this track up it actually looks a bit better once you've got a bit of spot light on it but no actually no it's pretty steep are you just going to be harder than it looks now the 30s panels are still straight and i'd love to keep him that way ah backed off too early yeah i think it dipped out as well i was like celebrating i was like yes hey sean i'll tell you at the end but you've done a bit of panel damage what your canopy door yeah put it in d for drive yep right hand down that's it [Music] i'll tell you what there's a big climb yeah i thought i did a bit of damage right on here but the good news is look how tough this is will it open and close is the big question it's open and close that is super tough now you can see the panels are all perfect i've scraped on the bar so it's actually pushed the body away a little bit you know it has lent over a little bit hit this but i'm not even too concerned you'd think the first big scratch i get on this vehicle i'll be upset about but this is actually how i've designed the vehicle i've gone for some very tough equipment like the dmw locker box here it's still 100 functioning and there's no issues whatsoever yeah it took a little bit of paint off tiny bit of a dent in there pretty happy with that really with no bar work doc's going to have to thread the needle on this one the good thing is the luxie's nice and narrow the plant attack for this one is i need to stay out of the ruts i don't have the clearance i don't have the tyres i don't have the power i do have lockers so see how we go i'm going to try and crawl up that bank a little bit i think and just see what happens oh not as tough as dmw but look to that well it was a nice plan but the luxie's just gone straight into the bank have you got it in four wheel drive jock i don't want to break a day no a real winch winch it up that's a shame i think i've just dipped out i also can't use my winch because the alternator is packed within so i don't want to smoke the battery by using a winch so sean's going to grab his runner off the 30 and i'm going to pull up i don't think we need much the pony already had some battle scars after jocko rolled in the glass house mountains and i reckon up tonight there's gonna be a couple more all right choco i'll start winching mate three two one don't worry though folks jocko's got a plan to properly protect the vehicle we'll be building bar work for it in an upcoming episode for now though he's up and out of trouble [Music] just seen shawn and jock smash their canopies on the bank i'm not uh not planning on flogging it i'm just planning on easing it in so i don't just smash the bank it might touch the bank but i don't want to smash it although that bank is winch from there you're on that friday give it a winch kodo's taking a good approach here easing the nose up to make for a clean winch and backing off before the panels are too hard on the bank give it a bit of drive to mate a clean winch up to the top but even so kyro still picks up a few scratches on the canopy now this is going to present an extra challenge for bailey who's not just got the 4b to worry about but also a camper trailer all right no it's not there that's good you're in a good position with winter nice and slow nice and slow it takes a few winch resets but with some careful placement we're gonna keep the car off the bank and the trailer happily follows along the same wheel tracks without a scratch how good is that upper well done bailey well done mate that's a huge effort getting the trailer up there is a big winch we didn't want to wreck the side of the tub or the trailer on the side of the bank here did very well now for the biggest car of the convoy a super wide 200 series this has the potential to go very badly this is going to be quite interesting it's going to be very close to this bank i think you're going to take this one or no i'm just going to stick with the conventional line and i'm just going to creep in and um i'll use the old crawl control and see what happens i feel better about that is it too early to say i'm a little bit nervous to spot yeah she's a big girl yeah that's good that's your lawn reuben is making good use of the crawl control feature but it's still a whole lot of car in a narrow space that longer wheelbase might even have it long dog yeah yeah yeah oh wow you're kidding me what an animal what an animal beast you mad dog reuben [Laughter] zero damage really zero damage there was one bit where i just knew you had that drive i just buttoned off the old pink microphone and i just started legging it up because you were catching that was unreal well cam is just here mate and after a drive like that i reckon you should shout the beers no problems at all all right good drive it's been a long day on the road and we can't wait to kick back for a few by the fire so we're all going for a pretty basic setup tonight but that's the joys of camping in cape york's winter season with warm nights and clear skies making camping pretty [Music] easy [Music] we've soon got our setup sorted and a well deserved iron jack in hand with the pasco and wentlock crossed the frenchman's is pretty much done and dusted and tomorrow we've got another epic destination to make it to cape york you gotta love it hey guys we're always looking for ways to give back a little bit and to say thanks to you guys for being such awesome fans so we've got an absolute cracker of a giveaway on at the moment right now you can win a set of these terra loom icon spotties for your full drive shawno's got them on the 30 and and i've got a set on the pony and we absolutely love them they're super bright and now you can win a set for your full drive as well to enter all you got to do is comment on this video below and tell us a time where you could have really used a set of spotties on the front of your vehicle when you're out on the tracks shawno and i are going to personally go through the comments and pick the best three responses and those four-wheel drivers will win a set of terra loom icon spotties for their full drive the 30 is showing off its first real battle scars this morning and it's not alone a few of our vehicles are sporting some fresh decorations especially jocko who's got some minor repair jobs coming up in the shed for sure the camper trailer though he's still looking totally mint while ruben seems to have gotten away with just a scratch or two on his clear views now it's still early but already jocks up to his usual mischief [Music] we've got a huge day ahead getting out to the development road and heading south to pick up jock's new alternator before pushing out to the coast to a wicked beach campsite with that in mind bailey's getting a hot brekkie on the go a well-equipped camp kitchen that can be set up in a couple of minutes makes life on the road so much more comfortable especially when you're camping every day i love the smell of bacon and eggs in the morning boys look at that and the only thing that's better than a hot brekky wrap is sneaky seconds [Music] especially in the dry season cape york's dust is incredibly hard on vehicle seals but after a few weeks on the road the dmw canopies are holding up a treat [Music] unsurprisingly joko's high lux is not going to start without some assistance so it's back to the old push start but i swear this thing has gotten heavier overnight up ready she's alive well boys what a cracking little campsite hey right near the wentlock or sure should i uh rename that the dolphin creek crossing after that drive reuben thanks sean yeah that was a very very epic for me i was read on how good is it the frenchman's track we've um got a couple of miles to do to get out of the frenchman's then we're going to jet south down to um kate flattery which is one of my all-time favorite places in cape york cape flattery is a spot that many people just jet pass on their way up to the tip but it's well worth checking out we're soon back on the peninsula development road and on the way back to cooktown where the alternator from spares box has been expressed up is ready and waiting what do you reckon about the frenchman's folks you putting this track on your list with the alternator picked up we find a shady spot track side so we can get into the repair the alternator on the ln 106 is a bit difficult to get to when you track side and to make life easier jocko is removing the battery and moving the air conditioner compressor to the side with clear access jock and ruben have got the old alternator out and a brand shiny new one back in its place but as the boys put the vehicle back together seems there might be a bigger problem as well got a bit of a knock with jock up and running we're pointing the fouriers at one of the finest beach camps in the country the beautiful connie beach sadly after a lot of trouble with grubbs trashing campsites the local aboriginal land council has actually had to shut down the beach but they're keen to set up a limited entry system and have given our special permission to visit and showcase the need to protect this stunning place now i do stress you need permission to get in here it's an absolutely stunning part of the world the biggest silica sand dunes you're going to find anywhere in the southern hemisphere not to mention one of the single best campsites you'll probably ever see the track out to cape flattery and connie beach is marked by deep water crossings and big sand climbs and soon we're getting stuck in guys there's a big sand dune i want to get into this one yeah oh soft really soft not even make it up come yeah i'm on to get at the top but i highly just i i was really like really ringing the neck out of the dirty 30 here to try and get up here i was giving it almost everything that is super soft indoor oh oh that's off always slow it down come on she's losing her pud and that's it let's try it first oh i still got my momentum in first gear oh crawly boy in the sand this silica sand is a fine powder that just swallows up tires and jock is having to ring the neck off the luxy to get it through come on mate go you little beast that's it come on come on come on you little weapon yeah go all right here we go start second that's third wow that's soft yeah that's awful coyote's got the pedal to the floor and the heel climb under control but taking a vehicle up here plus a trailer is a big ask so reuben is jumping ahead of the maverick just in case he needs to come back and lend a hand it's not even struggling wow that didn't even break a sweat that was good bailey's got the game face on and hitting the climb with a good amount of momentum come on mate come on mate go go go stop stop stop that was absolutely everything you had the trick is get off the loud pedal before the tires get too deep in the sand and bailey's done just that reuben brings the big rig back down the hill and the boys set up for a snatch pool here we go [Music] oh my god oh yeah we got this we got the big camper up the hill what a beast yeah go the 200 the sand here is softer than any other ever seen before and as we get closer to the beach it just gets even softer i'm running goodyear wranglers in a mud terrain pattern on this trip but i'm pretty impressed with their sand performance these are tough driving conditions and the wranglers are getting the 30 through with the climbs conquered we're coming up to the wild eastern beaches of cape flattery oh my god look at that oh stop it that is pretty cool from the bulldos to the white sand it's about as good as cave york gets yes ah this makes me happy every time i get down on the beach a windswept beach brings in a bounty of driftwood that'll make the perfect firewood for later tonight and the boat rack on the maverick is a handy spot to add the big load unfortunately it's not just driftwood that washes up on these beaches but also a lot of rubbish from the shipping lanes still it's the rubbish that campers are bringing in that shutting places like this which is why we've started a campaign to work to clean up our campsites but more on that later for now we're chasing a bit of a tasty treat connie beach is nested away in behind a headland and at the end of a long beach run and to get there you have to cross back through the bush towards a sheltered northerly bay but between us and our destination is one of the more unusual four-wheel drive challenges a narrow man-made tunnel that passes under a local mining lease whoever designed this clearly didn't want to waste any extra material and fitting through here is a real squeeze far out here we go eh that is tight follow the roof good yeah all sweet whoa that's close like a finger up a dog's bum oh look at that the old rolux narrow dog body straight through don't even have to worry [Music] hang on mate fold those clear views in right right here's the room mate heaps of room yeah you're right oh yeah easy look at that brother mate you've seen a bunch of the other vehicles go through how do you reckon the big 200 is going to go millimeters millimeters i reckon you're right she's a big girl but uh we'll spot you through take it nice and slow or it's going to be sweet maybe i should have gone from the left yeah yeah yeah she is pretty thick let's give it a go away then this is going to be touch and go whether this fits what just um what has pushed these clear views in yeah what do you reckon i was kind of just going to wait to see if they push themselves you're fit but it's like it's like millimeters man yeah rufus 10 or clear that's wow it's getting narrower oh she's tired yep yep oh that's close lucky you're driving not me let me just say that you wouldn't want to go an inch bigger in lift or um go anywhere with that vehicle i'll tell you what that offset was just about perfect we're all through let's get to camp and here it is connie's beach an absolute gem of cape york not a breath of wind white sand this is a downright tropical paradise we've got a little camp spot with uninterrupted views of the water how good are max tracks you've seen us use them for a heap of recoveries but we actually use them to level our full drives especially when we've got rooftop tents and camper trailers you wouldn't go anywhere without a set [Music] it's pretty impressive how easy this camper trailer is to set up and with the addition of an awning bailey suddenly got a large and comfortable camp set up it makes for a pretty flash camp especially if you've got the tin lids in tow and want a bit of home comfort bailey i gotta say mate that was super quick oh mate did not take long at all how long do you reckon that took oh about five minutes five minutes you've got to be happy with that like five minutes that means you've got a lot more time to just appreciate a view like this rather than be setting a camper trailer 100 now all the unpaid views throughout all the windows speaking of your view well you get to wake up to that tomorrow morning straight through you know the best look at that mate i like the fact that it doesn't have poles in there it doesn't interrupt that view it's really easy to set up you've got stacks of storage space you've got the huge big pantry i don't think i've ever seen that in the camera trailer all the way out you can fit heaps of stuff in there you've got space for the a massive uh my corman fridge as well what's that one about 80 something liters 85 liters 85 liters of the kitchen for a huge kitchen those drawers down there yeah no all cutlery drawers throughout that's just red hot mate gotta love it well mate this is a perfect setup in a perfect location i'm going to leave you to it mate and i finished my setup all right [Music] well folks this is pretty good living i've got to say but a special camp like this deserves a special cook up and i've got an epic meal in store for the convoy tonight i gotta say this is one of my favorite campsites in cape york and because of that i'm gonna cook up one of my favorite meals actually i haven't cooked this meal up before but it's an absolute treat mate i'm very excited mate what have you gotten planned mate this one here is gonna be spicy meatball strong enough unbelievable it's a great meal it's the one that the whole family can get involved in i didn't know you could mix meatballs and stroganoff together you can you can basically anything you can mix balls with a lot of things right honestly you really can and this is nice and easy to make this is this yeah come on bit aussie beef to the balls i need that yep two of them two of those and uh have a beer oh yeah yeah i'll need a beer and also mate there should be some sausages in there a little bit of mince straight in there oh don't go grab that what i need to do is basically i need you to choke the meat out of this sausage okay so so it's really easy because the sausage mints folks it's it's nice and fatty and it's going to make it all stick together can you show me how to do it i've never actually done it oh you lie joker you lie mate all you want to do is basically grab it in two hands grab it two hands pull the skin back on it pull the skin back on it and all you're basically doing is just this is serious you don't want to put the skins in folks because you don't want skins in your balls just trying to get the sausage mince out without the skin is going to be difficult sometimes oh look at that he's a grower there you go so you know what a fantastic technique basically just circumstances oh you know that a couple of eggs because at the end of the day the eggs will sort of bind it together the sausage mince is going to help with the fat in the sausage mints that's looking good jocko i'm gonna i'm gonna go a bit of salt and crack them over your knuckles a little bit of garlic here we're gonna put a bit of garlic in these balls you keep working those balls in the shake would it be fair enough for me to ask if you give me a little sip of my drink because i can't grab my here you go mate go on that's that's a bit weird isn't it well habanero sauce this is pretty hot yum yum yum i'm gonna squirt that in you keep going mate yeah i'm just gonna do that straight over your hands oh you gotta love me this one here is chili garlic sauce it's like a do you like sriracha i love sriracha a little bit of that one last one this is the chili willys just just just put it in like that there we go i have show the people at home what that looks like it's looking good use two ants here and basically get something in the palm of your hand that's a decent sized little ball that one my ball's a little bit bigger than yours oh it is isn't that too much you're right it's only gonna fit in your mouth i've got a pretty big mouth mate i'll just make a ball that i'm comfortable with okay so is this ready to duck put the balls on well firstly firstly roll the balls in flour that sort of holds them together quite nicely straight straight in there bulls oh some of those balls are spicy mate these are looking pretty good you don't have to cook them the whole way because soon we're going to make the stroganoff it's a bit of like a sauce mixture they'll all go back in there and then i'll finish them off a little bit there's a last ball coming straight out of the pan oh there's some hot balls mate they i had a little taste test before oh they're good aren't they get off the ball i can taste the chili put the new pan on mate bit of olive oil in there now's the sage actually you could probably get um get bailey to get some hot water boiling on that camper trailer and we could probably get um some pasta cooking straight into the pan but if you can jump into the michaelmann yeah and there should be some mushrooms in there oh i'm so glad graham's not here to make that joke my iron jack is covered in flour i've got sausage made all over it it still tastes good i'm basically getting those mushrooms to i want them to sweat down a little bit they're going to make a bit of a bit of a sauce a bit of tomato paste three squeezes of that chuck that straight in some beef stock [Music] so this is the stroganoff mix of it yeah it's going to make a bit of a sauce that's the key here basically we're just going to get these balls straight out put them into yep it's actually looking really good i don't know why i'm surprised but as soon as um bailey's done with the pasta chuck it in there we'll get in the bowls we'll get the boys get together get the bowls in pasta stroganoff balls exactly right exactly right look how well i chop this up mate that is you've done a good job there jocko a little bit of sour cream mate that's a beauty that take in a fridge with you out in the bush you can have luxuries like sour cream who would have thought that i'm just basically chucking that straight in how's that pasta coming around bailey you're nearly done yeah pretty much all right bring it in when you're ready here we go that's what you'll get yep boy fellas we're up have a look at that reuben oh that's cracking you ever seen a couple of balls like that before mate everyone want two balls come on and you get yeah it's yours looking dock is it good well boys what do you reckon about this one aren't you outstanding yeah how good it'd have to be right up there i'd honestly say without a surprise the absolute i shouldn't say that but it surprised the heck out of me this is absolutely unreal connie's beach spicy meatballs and fettuccine in a stroganoff get around the fire grab an orange how good is that [Music] it's remote locations like this that really make all those errors tinkering on the footwork drive in the shed worthwhile and i've been so stoked with the performance of the new dirty 30 so far in terms of both capability and my camp setup i really couldn't be happier and this trip has been the perfect way to test it all out and bet everything in this is our last day of nearly three weeks up in the cape and our final chance to soak it all in before heading back south but for today at least i couldn't think of a better place to wake up to pretty good views this morning eh views fire out soon as i woke up this morning it's like i woke up in a tropical paradise we've got coconut trees i've got palms we've got white sand we've got the beaches down here it does not get better mate i reckon a rooftop tent is going to be the best way to sleep in cape york absolutely for cable york you know it's really hot even this time of year it's 35 degrees during the day so pretty good you can open all the windows up get some nice breeze because you're up off the ground and um yeah it's pretty good way of doing it and also with crocs around here like we haven't seen any yet but they're definitely around so being off the ground is definitely a big advantage exactly right sleep it up nice and high gives you that confidence especially when you're camped right beside water yeah that's it crocodiles are a real threat up here another big threat up here is mitch's mate there's you can get a stack when you camp near the mangroves and i haven't had one coming my rooftop tent this whole tree i've been smashed by sand flies before and it's not fun it's not fun at all definitely want nice fine mesh and uh yeah to stop them and the other cool thing mate it's obviously very dusty up here your car is about as dirty as i've ever seen it i can't believe those seals have kept all the dust outside of that tank that's it you just close the windows up shut it down and you're pretty good to go some of the bulldogs we're doing it's just so fine yeah that sort of dust will get into absolutely everything there's no doubt about it if you've seen the inside of my vehicle it's got about a layer an inch thick of dust roof top tent is super clean so just getting in there at the end of the day it's just like a little oasis mate that's it the other cool thing they're quick to pack down and um speaking of i think we should pack camp up um we're gonna do a bit of a cleanup around here and then probably hit the tracks again sounds good i'll leave you today right this is the reason i love cape york and remote trips you see stuff you won't witness anywhere else check out these dolphins smashing bait fish literally 50 meters from camp what's the craziest act of nature you've seen while out exploring tell us in the comments below are they they are to take yeah mate go on go on a couple of these boys as quickly as it appeared the awning is packed away and the maverick base camp is ready to hit the road but before we go we're going to take a bit of time to make sure we leave this campsite in a better state than when we found it i mentioned before that connie's beach is temporarily closed due to some visitors trashing the place and it's a problem we've seen all around the country the solution is up to us for all drivers and that means being ready to take out more rubbish than what you bring in there we go another bag of rubbish out of the bush now the respect the bush campaign is a great initiative that started off with drifter as soon as we found out about it we had to get involved it's about the two bag policy bring two bags wherever you go camping or four-wheel driving one for your own rubbish and one for other people's rubbish now drifter have actually gone ahead and made 10 000 reusable bags 10 000. that way we can get a lot of bags into the hands of people just like you who care about our aussie bush so the respect the bush campaign is a fantastic initiative and i hope you guys can get behind it and together we'll keep places like this open for a long time to come it really is as easy as that and in no time we've got some bags full and ready to take back out with us imagine how much of a change 10 000 of these bags will make to our local campsites well boys i don't know about you guys but that is one of the best campsites i've been to in cape york that is all time might couldn't agree more i reckon that's up there as one of my favorite places to camp in the country so far that was unreal it's not very often you can come to a little tropical paradise mate with white sandy beaches and coconuts around you i'll tell you what but we've got to get out of this beach and um i reckon we're going to have a bit of soft sand connie's beach is managed by the hopevale congress and if you came to visit keep an ear out because the traditional owners are looking to open up limited visitation soon for us it's time to push back down the coast and of course for one last big sand climb alright here we go the auto into sports mode tiptronic of course we'll start off in second gear this is a massive sand dune and really soft sand let's get into it we're into it oh hang on it still goes loves it though big 30 30 with the wranglers down to 15 psi straight to the top boys that is long and soft and when you think you're finished you're not even close oh i'm gonna have to give this little luxie everything but that's not much so we'll see how we go away foot's flat come on you little weapon come on oh no a slight incline come on come on let's see yeah go go go go she's still got it she's not out of it yet yeah yeah you beauty oh how good oh i tell you what boys if i pushed on the accelerator pedal any harder i reckon my foot would have gone through the floor you're going to have to give it a bit getting up that hill has taken jocko's words to heart and he's not hanging around [Applause] what is in the floor it cannot go any more come on bailey's giving it a red hot go but sand is just way too soft done so ruben has a crack at pulling him out [Music] but the sand is so soft the big 200 can't even get going forward on his own steam so the guys reverse back down to the bottom of the hill to have a real crack bailey you ready to go mate yeah mate ready to go ryder hold on to your hat brother mate hold up flat man look at that what a monster well done boys well done oh you go you great thing the ball all the way that 200 it's next level next level oh i need to sit down after that job's on job's done well how's this for a shakedown how are you taking the dirty 30 for some 5 000 kilometers in the first month that it's been on the road it's nothing short of amazing it's been going really well a few little gremlins here and there but you've got to expect that but one thing has been absolutely awesome is how comfortable this rig is now got to keep in mind this is an old truck the cab is an old 1984 60 series now it's not exactly all 60 series i changed the seats over to stratos bucket seats now i've got those in and they've just been so comfy i thought heck i've got to have them in the 30s as well and lucky i do because after 5000 k's in the last month my back feels great i love driving this vehicle and it's super comfortable for what it is don't have air con that's all right as long as your back is comfortable i reckon it just makes it so much better when you're doing big miles on the road every single day and that's exactly what we do with the silica sand dunes behind us we're heading to our last destination of the trip where we can have a bit of a cool off and a wash the water crossings are incredibly deep given that it's late in the dry season so if you're looking to visit make sure you pick your times carefully and check out those crossings before you commit but it's a little word of advice they have seen massive saltwater crocodiles in some of those crossings so be careful whenever you're around water in cape york this has been another incredible cape york adventure and it's no surprise that we can't wait to make it up to this part of the world year after year but for now it's time to bring this trip to a close cave york mate what do you reckon oh absolutely cracker yeah goodies cake you're gonna get an absolute ball tell you what fellas how good is it cape york from the bush to the beach we incorporated a couple of my favorite tracks up here of course the frenchman's last year we went to do it it absolutely kicked their butt yep and this year we made it through and only just only just yeah had to be clutch started into the wedlock i don't think i've ever had to do that before yeah then we left the red dust and came down of course to kate flattery and connie beach and it goes to show on this trip mate we've had a range of different vehicles definitely from the ln 106. yeah what is that oh yeah oh probably would have been around the five six grand mark i think in total total it's still on stock tires still in stock suspension and i dig yours perfectly like if anything you owe it money all right i think so i think so you've got your value me and you back i think but what an absolute weapon the big 200 of course did extremely well all the other vehicles did well the dirty 30 i can say it's safe to say it's properly shaken down 100 track ready and a little animal i love driving that truck folks look we're going to go to where we're going to go lion's den yes you're very keen to check the lines that out i'm keen to check it out again there but anyway folks we'll see you next time on four wheel drive 24 7. stick around folks for the best four wheel drive 24 7 outtakes but first some of the gear that makes these trips possible with cape york done and dusted it it's time to run through some of the products we have in our vehicles that have made this adventure possible now to start off mate i've got some new flash looking wheels in the dirty 30s no doubt you've seen them and probably wondering yourself where can i get those wheels now they're dirty life dc2s they're a proper alloy bead lock now they don't just look cool but they perform really well and i think dirty life are making big headways here in australia you'll see them in america and a lot of racing trucks and stuff like that but down here in australia they're becoming really popular and i reckon they suit the dirty 30 like wheels can make or break a car i think so i absolutely think so much definitely well i'll tell you what mate i know you've got a set and i've actually just put a set in my other highlights as well razorback seat covers yeah the thing i love about them is their canvas and they fit really well to pretty much any seat you got graham's got so many d-max as well use them in yeah i've got some on the 79 yeah what i like about it i've had my windows down the whole time there's been so much dust coming that cabin yeah um seats are one of those things you don't want to completely destroy you can keep good seats looking good i reckon that's half the battle of protecting the reseller value of your vehicle i'll ever sell this one there's another thing mate another product that you you probably haven't seen but you've definitely heard it now i'm talking about the exhaust system here oh yeah that thing exactly a few of the boys are asking about that one that is a manta three inch exhaust stainless steel exhaust and um of course it sounds really good but it makes the vehicle perform so much better big diesels need to breathe and um i think it just absolutely sets the vehicle off a good sounding exhaust makes it sound like an animal and some of those sand dunes that you saw us in k flattery it's just nice to open that thing up yeah i get excited just thinking about it well there you go there's a couple of hand-picked items that we've used on our kpork adventures that have really helped us get through now don't go anywhere because coming up right next is one of my favorite parts of the show what is it jocko the outtakes my favorite bit and i reckon i'll be in a few of them i guarantee if you want to see jocko dancing like a ghost on a beach you better check this next bit out tiny bit of a dent in there pretty happy with that really [Laughter] don't do it do i get a 200 now [Music] beer's up there wow wow wow wow wow wow the top of the vehicle the more wussy than the horn that is just a fact i'll go ahead it only works look at this won't work now until you turn the horn now it works what a weapon what an absolute weapon [Music] [Music] watching me how this little sweetie dania gets taken off huh but to be careful about talking like this as well because some south africans don't like it as well colin if you're listening to this don't worry my friend i'm only impersonating you when you're not here [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: 4WD 24-7
Views: 1,083,343
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 4wd, action, 4x4, offroad, outdoors, travel, overlanding, toyota, nissan, hilux, patrol, landcruiser, adventure, camping, fishing, diesel, petrol, surf, shaun whale, graham cahill, australia, dirty 30, shorty, gq, gu, 80 series, 40 series, 60 series, 79 series, troopy, 4wd action, 4wd 247, 4wd 24/7
Id: hODudE82sVM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 31sec (3271 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 11 2020
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