4WD FIRE ON OLD TELE TRACK – worst nightmare… + Farm Truck does Cape York!

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here we are mate i'll tell you there's a lot of water for this time of year we've taken two swags a couple cans of baked beans some steaks and some beers i'll tell you what you don't need much to come up here and have an absolute ball oh that's deep yeah oh my god [Music] this is a very special occasion folks because this marks 10 times to cape york yeah we've been doing this for a while but never like this before we've got the farm truck it's got basically zero mods yep and this right here is gunshot the infamous gunshot mate who's driving down it well that's what makes it even more scary he's got the keys today he's driving the big farm truck down holding as nervous as it comes right now you are like there's a high pitch voice you got going on aren't you a bit nervous i really like my legs can we just do this can we just cross our fingers and hope for the best sit down somewhere comfy crack a cold beer or something do something you better get in there yeah let's do this cheers folks this glorious old 47 series joined the full drive 24 7 stable as an old wreck that hadn't been driven in almost 20 years this is yours mate that's what you asked for with a lot of help from the guys at mr landcruiser i set about trying to bring this classic 4b back to life fishy idle like a dream after just a couple of days out on the tracks graeme had caught the bug too and we couldn't think of a better way to celebrate our tenth time to cape york than to drive it up here so we fitted a winch some new splitties packed the swags and rattled our way to australia's most iconic four-wheel drive track the old telly we've got no lockers no power and no lift yep she's stuck as a rock but i reckon this is going to be an adventure we'll never forget we love to get here early in the season and the cape has seen a massive wet season this year with reports coming through of deep crossings and thick mud and we can't wait to get into it oh my goodness gracious me i've ordered a flavor ready first water crossing done jelly track 4.7 series [Laughter] now look i might have given up the keys to my isuzu d-max for this trip but it still made it to cape york oh that is deep get a bit of a bow wave going yep jocko's nab the keys and is about to experience the old telly in a whole new level of comfort here we go next up in the convoy is tim and tony the legends behind mitz alloy they'll be wheeling their schmick 79 series kitted out with the all-new gen 2 canopy returning to the cape with us this year is bailey from maverick campus towing a newly updated ranger off-road trailer rounding out the convoy is sam from spares box in the big 200 series and of course he is loaded up with plenty of spares should he need you don't have to wait long on the old telly to get into the action and just five minutes down the track is one of its biggest challenges palm creek this committing crossing features both a gnarly entry and equally daunting exit luckily there's a hero full drive ready to take the lead bar out here we go oh i've never how good are these breaks we're about to find out i know it's gonna it's gonna feel pretty good it's just like folks it's like gunshots yes oh that was like dumb job it's typical like imagine what gunshots gonna look like this year that was terrifying that was terrifying okay it's done we're done we're done everyone else can now get terrified all right next four be in the slot is jocko let me tell you i'll be keeping a close eye on his driving i don't know what's more terrifying being in 47 and watching jocko take my truck the very first obstacle of the trailer teletracker and he's got to get a better line than that too because he's going to put it on his lip you've got to come over a little bit right oh palm creek this is by far the most expensive vehicle i've taken down here and graham's watching me as well sorry graeme that's really sorry mate be careful watch what you're doing a little bit watch me mirrors oh don't watch turn around turn around what are you doing you're watching me i was scared oh sorry mate look at this have you broken my mirror no it's sweet it is sweet i just think i don't know if you could just watch the track a little more and you're driving see you mate there's me canopy i don't know that's all right tough ass [Music] tim looks like he's accidentally slipped the clutch there and the big 79 has taken a hit yeah snorkel's having a snooze the canopy's fine though can it be sweet i thought that was panel but it's just a snorkel oh luckily for tim this one looked worse than it is palm creek in the early season is always super steep and bailey is gonna have his work cut out here to clear the lip with his drawbar sure enough he's gotten just a little hung up here yeah just that one come back a bit sort of get stuck on that edge but um that was a good drive mate with a little pull the ranger is soon unstuck and sailing down into the creek with no damage it's a tight fit but he's through thanks mate now speaking of big rigs up next is the 200. whatever you think you're very very skinny this is a big old car i'm a big old bloke that's a big old hole yeah this is going to be squeezy yeah that's about you yeah yeah you're just going to fit in this one it's it's around about now now a little bit a little bit more a little bit more a little bit more just a tad more at this point about now i tell you this is the most terrifying thing you'll ever do just a passenger stop stop oh it gets done you do that there you go now let's get straight dig her up dig it right no that's on there sam's got no choice but to push through this one hope for the best it's nice and slow it'll dig it out maybe you might need to clean your air filter out though get a bit of dirt in there now oh this is good it's a very strong snorkel head it really is well done yeah mate well there's a few scars already but we're all in the creek and now we've got to make our way out the other side when it comes to cape york obstacles this is as hard as it gets and right now there looks to be absolutely zero traction here we go we get to the first step well we're doing well that's gonna come back my way bill give it a drive oh yeah we caught me a little well we didn't exactly fly up that one but it seems like we've impressed some trackside judges we'll take that thank you very much the boys jump into action and soon got us hooked up to a tree in the left bank this is going to be a long winch and we'll need a few resets to follow the curve of the climb and keep the farm truck from digging into the bank i'll tell you what i'm glad we fitted the rumba before coming up to the cape or would be in strife [Applause] this is probably the hardest i've seen palm creek in all our times up here and i reckon the entire convoy is going to struggle a bit on this one but for now the farm truck has crawled its way to the top yes i'll call that riven that's right all righty jocko you're up mate right oh time for the big d-max at palm creek now super slippery but i'm gonna give it a red hot go i just don't do any damage to the track or the vehicle so just going to try and get my nose up if i can jock's definitely driving with a bit of mechanical sympathy here and he's feeling his way around that first step up rather than going full sin let's go from there i reagan you don't want me to get my sister have a crack go get the windshield jerry don't bust a full full valve getting down the hill big boy oh if i have to come in there i tell you what you'll break a hip if you come down here not if i jump through the window on you i won't well the judges have been a bit harsh on that attempt that's what you get for not respecting your elders mate it's out with the rumba and to get a better angle on the climb we're gonna use the farm truck as an anchor point some of us at least are working hard this is nice i got the aircon on the boys are working hard outside i might just wind this up a couple of people have said today you're looking a bit tired and i say well you're working as hard as i am to get jock through this track anyone will be tired hey not true it's actually that's a lot gnarlier than i've seen it before so i've done well just to get the cars across here i think i'm gonna work cut out for some of the bigger cars because it's quite a steep exit out of here big winch ball i'll give it a go we've almost got the d-max to the top but there's one more problem traction the wheel ruts at the top have dipped out the car but we've got one more trick up our sleeve and that's a few well-placed max tracks oh yes straight up must be nice thanks boys okay time for the next contender the big mitz truck that's it give it a little bit actually uh come on girl that v8 sure sounds impressive but tim has gotten stuck at the same spot as the last two vehicles that'll lay up oh we got a scorecard what was it oh six [Laughter] the runners are getting a real workout today and just like the d-max the 79 is poured out in those top ruts and so it's rinse and repeat with the max tracks yep yep that's it hold on timbo who's next eh six all right let's give this a go bailey's rig is suddenly looking a lot bigger in this narrow channel and we'll be happy here if he can get his nose up that first step to give a clean pinch angle that'll do yeah and he's done just that well played mate well played can't impress some people though oh that is another tough score now this is the definition of a big winch little bit of drive bailey just a little bit but with a few winch repositions and a well placed anchor in the 79 both the car and the trailer cruise to the top that's four for four so far in this challenge and that leaves just one contender to try and make it to the top sam's got twin lockers 35s and power on tap so i reckon he's in with a good crack unbelievable you really don't want to bounce that front you need to pop up really i think it's just too wet would you look at that palm creek is taking no prisoners this year well i'll give it a lot should i thought yes yes throw stuff out of here he's going to be angry when he gets up here i suggest we all get out of the way which one are you through stop at me not me i wouldn't do that don't come at me here's a pro tip folks if you're gonna prank a mate don't be the one who has to disengage the free sport afterwards i sucked in graham [Laughter] i probably had that coming but with the hijinx out of the way sam is soon hooked up and winching for the top [Music] with palm creek almost done the old telly is well and truly underway [Music] yeah boys and we're up this is quite a little entry it really is and you know what the farm truck has held its own so far mate how good was parmesan pretty wild no one drove it and this is the thing we had a 200 series on thirty five twins i made it just as far as farm truck you're wondering if your stock then a vehicle can do okay get in it right now and drive up here that's what i reckon now this is notoriously quite deep right so i'm gonna close my air conditioner actually oh i should have closed my air come on oh it still comes in it still comes in yeah it's coming in yeah what a little great crossing i'm floating i've got everything floating look at that guys everything is dripping everything's wet [Music] you can't do the cape without getting your feet wet but that's all just part of the adventure of the old telly and all the boys are having a blast [Music] [Applause] [Music] can wheel can wheel you know this truck has been wheeling harder traps when i was a baby sucker with mom's teeth mate this thing was driving cape york yes here comes as well bye the convoy is soon flexing its way towards the next challenge but none of us were prepared for what happens next boys all right [Music] that's heavy [Music] but we just uh pulled up after doing a challenge down here we're just chilling we're just talking the entire back of the canopy just up in flames you're right heavy heavy very heavy as the smoke clears the problem becomes obvious bailey's auxiliary battery system is shorted out and set the canopy on fire we quickly isolate the battery from the starter and disconnect it from the system a smashed rear window might look bad but this could have been a whole lot worse if we hadn't been able to jump on the fire so quickly all right mate uh that was pretty hectic you got to keep on your toes we were literally minutes from losing this vehicle the negatives become a positively charged wire i believe it stripped back all the sheath on that wire um and started basically just arcing out and anything near it just catch it on fire i suppose you know it really reinforces why you need good 12 volt in the vehicle you know you get the 12 volt right right and look it might be right on this vehicle as well but you can do a few corrugations things move around and that's you know all you need is a little cut in a positive way and it starts to earth out into the body of the vehicle and that's what can happen it's one of those things as well it's like oh it won't happen to me it won't happen to me but it happens to everyone so you've got to be careful this is only the second time my full drive career that i've had to use a fire resting on a car really wow so that's pretty full on well would you reckon should we clean up some of this glass and head to camp i think that's the plan right let's go get a cold beer and sit around a fire i think bayley needs one as well one lucky thing to have graeme installed one of these cap industries brackets on the floor of the passenger foot well here for the fire extinguisher and it meant because this door was even open when we were just standing around i was able to grab it real quick and run straight over just with a little quick release that's nice and accessible so lucky we had it the team at maverick actually had this 12 volt system installed by a qualified third party but i reckon they might be doing the next 12 volt build in-house [Music] there's nothing quite like cape york camping with plenty of rivers to park up and perfect farmy conditions we've soon nabbed a secluded little spot along bertie creek and got camp springing up jock's living the good life in the d-max but for some of us today's camp setup is just a little more basic well day one on the telly the farm truck shawna and i we're all pretty basic this trip we've really only got a couple of swags we've got uh no long range tanks nothing there's jerry's up the back here we've got water in here as well we've got the tools food in here guess it goes to show you can do the telly with relatively well very stock vehicles now i've had to winch once or twice of course you do i think you have to do that in just about any vehicle but we're getting the job done in a 40 year old vehicle and i'm loving every minute of it [Music] now the maverick truck might be a little battered but the camper is looking schmick and bailey's nabbed himself a perfect spot down by the water now that is living right there [Music] and with that our first day on the telly is almost done and dusted it's time to get a fire cranking chuck a few stakes on the barbie plate and crack a cold one or two we've had the time of our lives in the old 47 but tomorrow things get serious because up next is gunshot creek [Music] well guys i hope you're enjoying our cape york adventure i've got to say after 10 years of going up to cape york this is within a doubt the most fun i've ever had on a football drive trip to do it in a good old truck like this and with a good old mate as well it doesn't get much better than that i thought i'd just stop the show for just a quick second to give a special announcement give you guys the heads up that snatch clothing is about to take stock of a bunch of premium new flannelette shirts now flannels us aussies known as flannels you guys overseas might not know exactly what they are these are checkered shirts um we in australia call these very formal attire so they're perfect around a campfire um you know when the beers are flowing you are wearing this sitting back by a fire it doesn't get much better you can wear it a pub at a mate's wedding it doesn't really matter because this will cover you for just about every single base off-road our camo hoodies hardly need explaining as well these have been out of stock for a while now um we've got we've got the camo colored ones as well as the black camo now they're available for pre-order right now on the snatch clothing website now i wanted to give you guys a heads up so you don't miss out these are really popular and they do sell really fast as well so if you pre-order one of the new flatties including this new color here or one of the camo hoodies we're going to chuck in a free stubby holder so jump onto snatchclothing.com so you don't miss out [Music] this right here is just about as good as camping gets as we wake to another perfect day in cape york [Music] with gunshot creek just a few clicks north of us up the track and the possibility of smashing some flares on the wide 200 sam is getting ahead of the curve and actually removing them that's good thinking mate when you're traveling this far off the grid it's nice to be well set up and there's some impressive camp setups in this convoy life in the 47 well it's a bit more basic but there's still a few key mods on the farm truck that are keeping us running comfortably i thought i'd give you a quick rundown of some of the basic mods i've got on this vehicle now you've got to keep in mind that i've built this vehicle on a budget and also i've got the bare essential mods that i think are needed for a trip like cape york now when it comes to the 12 volt system in the back here what i've actually done is i've used the old redarc system that was in the original dirty 30. so this is 10 plus years old put on a new bit of board so it fits in the back of the 40 here but everything used to be in the original d30 so this system's actually done quite a few trips to cape york has got it under its belt anyway very basic but it works an absolute treat and i suppose if i was to give you a tip when it comes to buying accessories for your vehicle is some products are worth buying once and buying right and spending a little bit extra money things like 12-volt gear that you want to keep forever you know i've got a gme radio in here as well this is from the original dirty 30. again that thing has probably been flooded and upside down more times than it hasn't been and yet it still works a treat in the 40 series here so if you buy one spot right get some high quality gear especially when it comes to anything 12 volt it'll last ages with brekkie on board it's time to pack up camp and make tracks towards the biggest challenge of the old telly and so it seems kind of fitting that today of all days shawn's decided to hand me the keys to the 47. i'm a little bit nervous i'm a little bit nervous don't worry about that don't worry about that first time behind the 47. it's a bit daunting it is especially a lead vehicle it might have been a stock standard vehicle from the early 80s you're not making me feel a great deal better about this i know mate these are something that you would be more familiar with you would have been about you know a 40 year old man when this came out like 35 come we're outta here [Music] you've got to drive it you've got to be quite strong to do a tight turn in this one you've got to have a bit of a little bit yourself birdie creek offers great camping at a number of spots but the crossing itself needs a little care with some big holes that can catch you out at the crossing here we go mate i'm going to do a swift of the second here yeah you have to step on it yes [Music] [Music] soon enough we're all through and the real challenge is just up ahead it's a challenge that has an almost mythical status for aussie four-wheel drivers and every year hundreds of us adventurers put their forbids up against it yep this is gunshot creek and it's an absolute doozy here we are mate gunshot yeah what are you thinking well i know you're a bit of a strategist when it comes to life you like to navigate your way around life quite well and i noticed that up until a certain point you've been very adamant about who drives the 47 no crew nobody else then suddenly i've got the key to do that you have a steer because i thought today we'd be going the bypass and uh well what are you thinking mate i'm going to do it you got to go the bypass i'm going to drive the 47 down gun shot i'm going to drive shawno's pride and joy 47. he loves it more than the 200 down gunshot with you as my passenger you say there's two things wrong with this firstly i love it so much that truck number two is i don't think i've ever been a passenger off road let alone down gun shot mate yeah you're not going to be happy about this this is going to be spectacular look if you're confident oh i'm not i'm not even remotely confident well don't say that to me i've got no confidence at all i'm basically going to try and fall down that into here and then come out i think we'll do it that'd be fine i think we'll do it i think we'll do it let's have a go 47 down gun shot you're sure about this nope things can go pear-shaped pretty quickly at gunshots so preparation is key we've got the camera car parked at the bottom to act as a quick recovery vehicle plus we're taking a few more precautions what i'm doing here is i'm very conscious of the fact that when i get to the bottom there's gonna be a lot of mud come up through this grill i don't want to fill a radiator full of mud so it's got a little bag that holds actually our um barbie plate and that's gonna fit down there nicely so it basically go into the grill and not into the radiator that is perfect it's perfect a little radiator protector yeah the other thing we've done of course is to get the runner pre-spooled so basically when we get down to the bottom if this front is all full of mud which i suspect it will you'll still easily be able to grab that wind trip now i might even grab that and put it inside the car and actually hold that as the passenger so if something goes wrong you're going to be right just getting any streaky mate another winch rope oh man how you feeling yep how often have you given the keys to your pride and joy to someone else to drive probably the hardest obstacle in australia mate i'm not going to sound weird or anything but there's one bloke i do trust it is you know i'm trying to give you a little bit of confidence i need that maybe more than anything well thurman louise here we go oh i know it's the silence okay wow the first bit sucks just like this how you feeling mate um yeah good really good it's nice to get really weird yeah really weird oh that's full brakes yes oh you're driving tired of it we nearly did it mate yes gunshot to 47. pretty bloody loose i got tension oh it's it's a precision crack too man look at this look at this we've got the best in the business ready yep guys how's that trailer how much i can do that's crazy yes that is all time how good is that a stock four wheel drive down gun shot but next it's my own pride and joy on the line and i reckon i'm gonna ride shotgun for this one so i can keep an eye on young jocko hello jocko how are you feeling up there mate mate i'm good to go graeme's excited i can see he's shaking his legs are shaking it's all happening in here you shake it like a leaf mate look do your best i think you've got a good line up here you'll um you should drop into this you might even drive it i reckon i'll i wouldn't put it past you yeah we'll see what happens mate let's uh let's give it a go eh you ready good luck i just want to say thanks oh getting into gunshot is one thing but getting out is often worse ah my heart nothing you can do it pushes you over that way oh i think you didn't hit a thing then you've done exceptionally well there we go gunshot in the d-max man hold on how good that was sick as again if you look i can't see from here wait it looks fine you can touch it now you just took a little bit of a rub on it just on the trail again on the head bow there i think you'll be fine you'll be right well you're the same width in the back i know you just got to fall in same width as my car just taller yeah tall doesn't matter doesn't matter but you've got a lot of weight up the back of those twin spares you'll be right you'll be fine yeah all right timmy all right mate here we go gun shot i am very nervous i'm going to be over this is like a freckle clancher [Laughter] all right here we go timbo's first time up the cape big fellas decide he's going to step up to the plate he's going to tackle gunshot first time up the cape first time on the telly first time doing gunshot he's like a little bit nervous rightly so you're good to go mate yeah i'm good we're good two thumbs up please come on let's go mate right pretty good come on board when you're ready all in your hands big boy [Music] yep that's it that's it just hold on to stay in that line come down good luck here we go you're about to you're about to go on the roller coaster ride that's it here it goes yes [Applause] [Laughter] that's so good straight as a die pretty good now it takes some big kahunas to take your rig down gunshot but doing it with a camper well that's next level so we've got a few 12 volt niggles going on with this vehicle right here so we're not 100 confident the winch is going to work now you want to be 100 confident which is going to work when you're in a situation like this so what we're going to do right now is just hook up this kinetic rope here and just drag him out if we need to you don't want to be mucking around when you're down there on that angle engines don't like it so this is nice and quick and easy all hooked up ready to rock and roll all right bailey your crate forward mate a little bit of right hand down how's that looking that's it that's it yep now i don't have a lot of breaks so this is you know you're not broken you're gonna slide down you're about to uh the front's got 30 centimeters coming down 20 centimeters 10 i'm glad you can count because i'm still uh nervous you're about to feel it come on that's going to take quite the shove i'll tell you that's nasty the camper is nearly on the side of the bank at the top of gun shot oh yeah just go gentle gentle [Music] i thought that was going over the top holy heck well you wanted r d yep now we're going to check the trailer yeah the trailers made it out of this better than the vehicle as there's no doubt about that sure enough bailey's fourby has added a few more battle scars to the list but the maverick camper has come out golden with nothing more than a few cosmetic scratches that is pretty darn impressive and a testament to a solid build [Music] last man at the top is sam in the big spares box rig it's just a very wide car and i'm a white boy and this is a narrow little situation now we've never actually seen a 200 make it down gunshot so this is anyone's guess that's good mate assam inches closer to the edge that rig is looking pretty darn wide yeah that's the whole taking up the whole width mate and he's very wide in there that's it perfect that's perfect that's your best line the only one really that's what's going to say what other one you got there is not an inch to spare here and if this goes wrong it's goodbye panels so sam has taken it very well very slowly let's take it let's take it let's take it right [Applause] every emotion possible at the top of that so so did we we didn't think you'd fit and as you're coming down you you were that wide that you actually didn't have your fronts on the ground almost actually driving down the bank yeah right that's probably helped with anything mate it was absolutely well like was precisely come down it just went straight down and then just drove out of it like a boss i want to cry but i also wear myself a little bit but you're spotting i've never seen a 200 gun shot i've actually always told them to go back because they just say why big 200 series gun shot mate glad we did it thanks mate appreciate it well done that was an impressive drive and with that the whole convoy has conquered gunshot i tell ya that feels pretty good [Music] see what seeing the trailer come down that was um it was wild we're just discussing um your drive down gunshot making the comment mate a lot of inferior trailers actually bend on the chassis or the draw bar that's usually what lets them down mate we just wanted to know what you guys have done to actually improve the strength obviously quite a strong little rig yeah for sure mate so we've gone with a one-piece chassis it's a 100 by 50 by four and it's braced in all those spots that need it obviously it's one piece gonna make it a heck of a lot stronger you could give any sort of warranty or anything like that because um i think it's piece of mind for a lot of people in the camper trailer market that you know they've got a warranty to boot when they buy a camper trailer especially on the structural stuff yeah for sure mate well after last trip we uh used to have a five-year structural warranty but since then we've actually now upped that to a lifetime warranty on the chassis yeah five years mate i'd be stoked with that but lifetime it obviously means that you guys pretty confident in what you build yeah for sure mate there's no way better to stand by your product next up is cockatoo creek a deep and fast flowing crossing where crocs are known to hang out you got this yeah and stronger i'm steering left there are a few different line choices here but the main trick is to go carefully to avoid getting caught out on some big diff bangers it's getting to that time of day where the best camp is the one closest to you and right on beer o'clock we've come up with a spot that'll do us just nicely now we've got a few maintenance items to take care of on the old farm truck but no sooner have we opened the bonnet before half the rest of the convoy seems to also be cracking into repairs [Music] just on a few maintenance bits and pieces here while the boys are working on the other rigs and i notice we've lost a fan blade down here now we don't want to do any more of that and i suspect we've done it one of the deeper water crossings what we're lucky hasn't happened is that this piece here hasn't sheared off and gone through the radio now tomorrow we've got some really deep water questions i'm talking stuff like this and we don't want to do any more damage down here so i'm not going to get into it right now but tomorrow before we hit some of the bigger crossings i'll show you a little trick that you can do on vehicles like this that'll prevent you doing any damage to your fan and any damage to your radiator for now i'm going to give that to shawna we can wear it around his neck like a little amulet luckily for sam his repairs just involve swapping over a tyre due to a leaking bead but over at the mitch truck things are a bit more serious the boys have heard a noise coming from the calipers on the way into camp and sure enough the brake pads are nearly worn down to the bone the problem is we don't have any spare pads on hand and with braided lines in the 79 crimping them is going to be virtually impossible tim is not going to make it up the rest of the track safely with no brakes so the boys have got a bit of a bush mechanic fix on their hands but that can wait until after we've set up camp the ranger camper might have been airborne today but it still sets up like a charm and in literally a minute bailey's got the main annex up and ready for the night faster than we can even get our swags untangled from the back of the 47. there you go she's a bit old but she does a trick now this whole setup i've got lots of parts from the dirty 30. basically everything that we've fitted this vehicle is pretty much budget that's come from my shed or another build that i've had including my old swags my very first original swag got on a stretcher for a bit of comfort those drifters stretches i mean you know this is not the most comfortable swag getting around especially the mattress but you put it up off the ground and heck it's one of the most comfortable nice sleeves you'll have out in the bush it doesn't quite let the mosquitoes in which is good but other than that this is a camp fit for king a little tip for you folks trips like this i've got myself a ground mat here and what i've done is i've rolled the ground mat with my swag and that way when i get into camp i've already got a ground sheet down and now all i need to do this is pretty cool i just unroll my swag and she's on the ground mat ready to rock and roll and the ground sheet acts as a bag for the swag stops the dust getting in stops getting wet but of course at the same time gives me a bit of a bit of stuff on the ground just to get me up off those rocks keep everything clean and tidy in the morning you just roll everything up together you're good to go we've soon got the fire cranking and a few iron jacks on the go as we warm up for a cook up that i guarantee is going to be one of the most controversial we've ever undertaken back at the mitz truck jock and tim are making some headway on the repair although the solution is a little drastic mucking with your brakes is not something we recommend you undertake lightly but we've got an experienced crew here and they've really thought through things pretty carefully rydo update we've gone full shot customers we have yeah shock customs has come in here and taken over shock customs overload so what we're doing now is we're just going to crimp that braided line with everything we have so we've basically compressed it down enough that we can crimp it it's not going to be as effective as a proper cramp on a rubber line but it'll limit the amount of fluid and pressure that goes through that line and we're also going to uh secure the piston out of the way so it can't come out and hit the back of the rotor still a little worm drive from further up in the car and there we go yeah just a hose clamp or something like that so that's where we're at but uh what we'll do is i reckon first thing tomorrow can get on the sat phone and put in a spare box order for a new brake line rotors and pads and probably get them sent up here pretty quick i reckon yeah yeah right oh let's crimp that line off and get it back together [Music] just taking the hose clamp off the snorkel on the d-max we're going to use this to hold the piston in place on the caliper on tim 79 how good well we're getting pretty serious so what we've done is we've actually tried to stop off or block off the um line inside the banjo here with a little bit of alfo oil and we've also got crimped the line and we're also holding the piston back so i'd be very supplied surprised if there's any fluid that comes through here with that the 79 is almost back on its feet and we'll live to see another day on the old telly that just leaves dinner well it could start arguments hey cape york in the farm truck i mean it doesn't get much more rustic than that it really doesn't how's your back mate it's going all right that's good i'm good i'm feeling good look your go-to meal i'm talking to you guys here your go-to meal when you're at the camp yep what are you going to cook steak bingo 100 bingo everyone has a way of cooking a steak and i guarantee this will divide more people than just about anything we've ever done before on this show become enemies i reckon so this will cause fights amongst the camp group but tonight we're cooking five different methods of cooking a steak and we're vigorously so basically not going to show the rest of the crew no what we're doing we've got a taste test and once and for all we're going to settle this is it we're going to settle it so no matter what you think tonight we're ending the we're ending it there's no more arguments no this is the way to cook a stuff this is the way to go five ways you're probably thinking in five different ways there's only one different ways yeah i'll show you we need snakes [Music] actually i'll give the boys a couple of beers yeah [Music] oh you can test the authenticity of a man by the way he opens the bottle and uh cheers man all right let's get stuck into this mate all right i'm going to jump back on the tools get on your man how's it all going yeah pretty much done the first way is going to be the old the old way which i reckon is the old flip once wait until the blood comes through the meat when that flips turn him over and then i i don't i don't personally i don't believe that's the way to do it drew me out the second okay it's not up to you right number two number two i'm going to call this one the dirty stake the key the key is with this one is it goes you see it the same way as the other one but you don't need a frying pan this goes straight in the coals there you go i'm brownie by the way and you turn that over on the coals yep third way now this is the way you'll do it at home no doubt you cook it on gas right but we've got a beautiful kitchen center look at this it's actually hard to believe that this camper was airborne coming down gunshot today here we are there's i'm gonna can i take a thing can i take some questions out of here you shouldn't there's look at that zero mud there's zero mud and he it's just been down gunshot today yeah absolutely unbelievable so this one's gonna cook on the gas that's basically what i'm talking about i actually don't mind this method you know i like cooking on the gas the next way the next way now this is the multiple flip way the second it goes down in a hot pan we're going to flip this multiple times yeah imagine you stop exactly right just you flip it like it's just you're flipping a fan of meat there i mean that's a that's a lot of movement but stop but that's that is the key though sometimes you get excited so that that is that is the fourth way yep and the fifth way i'm gonna call this one the dirty harry yeah so what you need to do with this one is this is controversial it's weird it's weird we only just realized this little while ago in the kimberley we actually learned about this one so this is a new one for us as well but you you wrap it in foil with all your all your seasoning all the rest of it and you put that on the frying pan or the the fire it doesn't really matter because it's in foil on the coals yep and you cook it in the in the foil there's a couple of commons in this in this recipe yeah which which basically steaks need to basically relax you put it put it yourself you've just been in the fridge you're all up tight you need to get out of there and just go this has been in the 47 unfortunately sorry mate that's ridiculous let me get you a better one the 46 there's 47's been under water of course my salt's wet has you got any oh he's got heaps of stuff dude steak seasoning peppery it's got salt wet the salt is perfectly dried that's what you need look these taste gonna taste good no matter what you do with them because look these are from an aussie butcher i guarantee yes i guarantee folks if you're wanting to impress go to a proper butcher i mean it's not that much more and this dice is so much so much better supporting local you know what i mean great i like that action you've got i know you can see that wrist has had a bit of a bit of practice for the first time shaking things over a steak before but yeah there we go you don't even have to skip a bait if you've got a good mate who's on your side just don't touch swords mate just going to flip those over you've seasoned those well important to do both sides mate now key is when you get a good piece of meat in the middle you just want to always yeah make sure you give it delicate treatment from both sides i agree now this is what exactly what i'm going to do same deal again now that is salted and peppered yeah that's actually quite good that is ready to go if you can get the one on the camper trailer go on go to this i've got this i'm going to take this down give me give me a stick which one do i put on there that one that one done excuse fingers here we go thank you very much all right take the rest of the fire thank you first up we've got a gas cook steak pan while the foil wrap dirty harry goes on the hot plate one flip wonder gone on multiple flip then you better get ready [Music] then it's dirty steak on some fresh coals [Music] we're going medium rare for all our steaks and soon the single flip gets a turn along with a dirty harry now to score this one we're going to do a blind taste test with a few of the boys and get them to rank each one as they taste it then we'll collate the scores and see where we land here's the one flipper pull the boys in look at that that's a great place let's go for this one first go for this one first oh now this one here what do you think yeah what's bad out of ten boys not too tough it's nice beautiful steak still kind of a little bit of a weird aftertaste i agree right at school though oh out of ten maybe like six or seven so six or seven yeah yeah i'm running a six six wanna go five i'm gonna go five all right next one here let's go let's get one of these ones look at this thing [Music] that's got more flavor hmm sorry good next one that is so good that one i really don't know what they are just trying to pick them oh it's juicy it hasn't got the same flavor though all right hmm you're right that's nice on the last one right this one here second last lovely big piece of meat holy heck holy heck i actually forgotten what's what but that that one okay middle one little one boys jump jump a piece here that's good five five six six yeah six well folks the results are in and we've had a nice little feed we've got more to go which is even more special about this whole thing a lot of steak on a plate is always a good thing it is now folks without doubt and this is a bit of controversy as well the one flip is the win yeah i didn't think i'd say it to be honest with the multiple flip i think was a win no no what ah no i'm i think the dirty flip dirty on the on the coast guys guys guys there was sandy there was sandy my piece yeah you're okay i think okay your head's not thinking right this the single flip no yeah okay no i didn't like a little bit it was great wasn't it how good was it reminded me of my granddad how good was it exactly exactly the gas cooker unfortunately didn't quite make the cut because anything over a fire let's face it it's gonna be better the worst one we can probably all guarantee oh yeah sorry harry you're a legendary no doubt about in the comments please let us know the way you prefer your steak simple as that now i want to know medium rare grade what sort of timber you use i don't care but let us know the way you cook it that's okay actually it's got a big bit of grit guys let us know in the comments below please the best way to cook a steak and uh if it's one of the ways we've cooked let us know but if you've got your own way of cooking a steak that we haven't mentioned please let us know in the comments below all right dirty snake oh we've got more steaks to eat boys whatever your opinion i think we can all agree that a night at camp with good mates is the best way to enjoy life and tomorrow we've got another cracking day ahead [Music] on today's menu is the northern end of the old telegraph track which features the largest and most well-known crossings of the entire trip a big day needs a breakfast to match and bailey's got a stellar feed going on the camper kitchen i was going to say it may be because i've been sitting in a 47 series for the better part of two weeks but you know comfort when you find it i reckon camper trailers like this that are so quick and easy to put up i think it took bailey well with the full setup probably taking 20 minutes to do the whole thing five minutes just to do the basics that i'm sitting in right now you've got an ensuite over here um one of the boys had a shower last night i saw him sneak into there got a lounge sweater near table we've got cooker outside sean's madly playing with sausages out there which is something he does quite often you can just see how comfortable this bad boy is and we are right now on the middle of the teletrack work smarter not harder as far as i'm concerned the sound of sizzling bacon soon has the sharks swimming in and with a hot bricky on board everyone turns their attention to final preparations before our push to the top of the tally and of course the legendary tip of cape york [Music] how's the big girl going sam hey mate yeah really well yeah so it's proving fair bit more comfortable than the 80 dude well i bet i bet now how did you get this thing ready for cape york we accessorized the car with all the sort of basic stuff you need to get up to remote places um you know from bar work snorkels lights suspension all the stuff you need for those big sort of long touring trips and the other best part is that the back of the car is filled with every sort of spare we could possibly need to keep this thing on the road i did notice last night mate you pulled out a set of 200 series brake pads and i was like you're telling me you're carrying spare brake pads in the back of this vehicle just in case they might have fit the 79 which of course they didn't but just the fact you've got just about every single spare under the sun in the back of this vehicle what if you've got a brand new sort of vehicle like a 200 or a modern dual cab ute and you sort of you need a little bit of advice where to go to how to make this thing cape york ready what can people just get on the phone yeah yeah you can jump online and you can shoot us an email or jump on the live chat and chat with our we've got a whole bunch of aussie-based experts that are happy to talk a year off about cars and four-wheel drive just car nuts like us exactly they just know what to do that's a great thing to get the support you need as well because you don't want to be spending money on the wrong mods so you want the right ones and the fact that you can build a whole car from scratch just from spares box one stop shop if you ask me mate [Music] pretty soon camp is all packed up we're back on the road and up ahead is our first crossing scrubby creek this one is usually clouded up and pretty hard to judge but today it's suspiciously clear this has not been lost for a while it looks very different it looks like not a lot of people are driving uh scrubby creek this year anyone even know scrubby creek is here oh man i mean i've got no control okay that's how you do this i'm closing it on the air conditioner oh no keep it going keep it going captain watercolor keep it going captain yes look at the water oh no we've got cables in the water oh i know we need these let's get the doors open that's quite a bit of water in there the rest of the convoy is soon into it as well but maybe they've got a little less water leakage this section of the old telly is littered with creek crossings with that uniquely clear water that really you don't experience anywhere else in the country let me tell you it really is as fun as it looks [Music] crossings aren't just for driving though they also offer some great swimming spots including this little gem at sam's creek spots like this are one of the few places in cape york where you can swim completely safely and after a few days on the track this is the perfect place to cool off the crossing just up here it's called sam's creek it's a little tributary of it not many people know about it that waterfall flows all through the dryer and this is hands down my favorite swimming hole on the entire tele track it's absolutely sensational with a bit of the dust washed off we're back into it and up ahead is cannibal creek another cracker that is a heck of a lot of fun to drive through what a base what an absolute weapon this is unlocked it's got standard lift in it this is an absolute ring i have a go with that that's that's 101 one of the best driving skills i can recommend i think is throttle control just getting that right well there to drive things like that without doing any damage to the vehicle and make it look easy as well you don't spin those tires you don't lose traction total control i reckon is the number one thing you can do off-road but i want to hear from you guys let us know in the comments below what do you reckon the best driving tip you can give someone if you can only give them one tip what would it be and the winner is going to get an evc swirl controller pretty good price if you ask me so get commenting below up next is a challenge that always puts the wind up me the ever-changing cypress creek this rickety log bridge is washed away every wet season and every year it gets rebuilt and this time around it is not looking its best it looks a little bit worse for wear i know we always say that but this time it's got ratchet straps on it holding some of the logs together so i reckon the 47 will be fine he weighs probably a couple hundred kilos but some of the bigger vehicles in the convoy i reckon there's going to be a bit on yeah there'll be a bit on but anyway we'll see how sean goes and we'll judge it from there right yeah all right mate i don't feel good about this take it slow this is the sketches i've ever seen this crossing ridiculously right oh we're committed now bro what happened if you fell through i don't want to talk about it we're on it now [Laughter] oh my god i'm nearly safe on my side i just want to i just want to guess it that's all i want to do she's got a narrow old reel trap i've never had the guide cheese cutters before that's sketchy i don't like that that's not my favorite thing to do yeah i'm gonna have to be guided by use i can't see your hands now no it's all right we'll guide you mate um yeah sure you're pretty wide you're right that's good that's good a little bit a little bit that way yep straighten her up that's it that's it yeah you're on the right line you're on the all over again [Laughter] [Applause] front's coming off jokes aside you really don't want to put your tyres wrong here so keep a good spotter handy i feel terrible bailey's got to use some real precision here but he's absolutely nailed it oh ally he and the camper have made it across with no dramas yeah beautiful now there's wide and then there's a 200. mate good luck oh she's a wide girl big girl big girl this is worse than gunshot eyes pretty good that's pretty good the tire over each side yeah you got like that much tyre off the bridge a little bit it's like it's a fracko gentle slow slow nice and slow a little bit left i can't see the logs they're that like i'm that far over oh come on oh i'm out that really that's okay touch your left yep that's it front's coming off now just stay straight don't turn yet don't turn yet just keep going straight i'm glad you can't see this [Laughter] i tell you what i was holding my breath for that one but we're all through and we can point the forbids towards the pointy end of the old telly and of course notorious nolan's creek tell you what one thing for me is i'm super fortunate to be doing the cape with the boys and in a nice vehicle i'm used to sort of roughing it up here a little bit but one of the things that's really blown me away is the canopy and tray set up on the back of the vehicle just living out of that for weeks on end and driving some of this real tough stuff tell you what the boys behind me at mitz have done some incredible r d testing i've been blown away at how tough this thing is i mean i've put it into the bank at gun shot we're driving over some communications right now and just loving it yeah mate it's going good this is our um evo 2 design and we're up here doing all the testing on it we've just done uh this is eight weeks for me on the road in the big cruiser and that car with graham in the kimberley as well and the things are holding together nicely especially up here with these coyotes i remember when i was in your workshop a couple of weeks ago we were chatting about the new design with you essentially put in essence a body mount on your canopy didn't you so it's kind of like having rubber mounted to the tray yeah mate so the idea is we've got a good tray structure and we've got a really good platform to work off and that's going to give you a lot of integrity in your canopy but then we've got a little body mount that we've designed up with the guys at fulcrum there to go between the canopy and the tray and that allows the canopy to just have that little bit of movement you know you don't want your 12 volt coming loose you don't want your draw runners to wear out and you you can see now just driving along it's pretty rough and speaking of that tray i stuck my head under when this tray went on and um i was looking at so you've pretty much just interlocked the design of the tray hey that would give it a fair bit of strength on this sort of stuff as well we've gone to an interlocking like sheet design so it's all notched and folded on our cnc gear and we've gone away from a lot of extrusion because you can't get a full weld around the extrusion you're only getting one sort of edge you know they're strong but now they're even stronger got to be happy with that well i'll tell you what mate if i can handle the way graham drives and me as well i'll tell you what i reckon this canopy's uh gonna stand the test of time on the mighty d-max [Music] up ahead it's a penultimate crossing of the track logan's creek it's long and deep and the only technique here is to just send it there we go lads yes holy heck oh oh that's deep how was that that's the guy yeah easy made easy so yeah there'd be 200 guys in the old it's up the bonnet it's got so much power loves it took most of the river with you [Music] with logan's done and dusted there's just one more crossing between us and the end of the track and this one has a place in four-wheel drive history of course i'm talking about nolan's a treacherous little stretch of water that has claimed hundreds of four-wheel drives over the years and ended the adventures of many visitors like much of the tally it changes from year to year and checking out your planned route is an absolute must boys i make it look a lot deeper than it is it's pretty deep pretty deep this year and very soft sand so already we'll hear a few stories that few vehicles being bogged here going down yesterday one like over there had to take his injectors out yesterday at least on the two h that's about a three minutes it's not too bad but look i don't want to get to that stage nah ideally i want that a bit of uh pressure out of those toys can we go flat also make sure you take your swag out yeah that's an important one swag clothes bag everything else can get wet yeah that's fine i'm taking the goodyear duratrax down really low 14 psi so we can bag those tires out as much as possible when you're running a stock rig some quality tyres are absolutely essential and these aggressive all-terrains from goodyear have really helped us keep up with the convoy [Music] the next trick is to deal with the farm trucks fan and for that we're literally tying it in place right oh that's all tied up now now that'll prevent the fan from spinning it'll slip on that viscous clutch and um it's not in the way of the belts or anything like that so it should be good to get through nolan's and hopefully we don't get stuck i've got my clothes bag on the roof though just to be sure and the swag's up nice and high i've got nothing valuable down low and you've got a lifesaver on board i'm ready to jump out at a moment's notice let's give this a go eh now it's important to get prepared before you go into this i'm expecting to get water in through the doors and maybe go down on the chassis rail so we're going to get a static road connected to a couple of kinetic ropes and that way if i do go down to a car or someone will be able to just quickly push me on and then we'll be able to tie it out in the camera car so nice quick recovery this is name of the game recovery gear i'll wash as well oh look at that there goes that eh here we go that's it no one's knowledge oh it looks safe already we're it's like whoa whoa a lot of water a lot of water coming up right up and down would you look at that the farm truck has absolutely nailed it [Laughter] a little bit not too bad though that preparation sure brain all right well is there anything the old farm truck can't do i don't think so mate it's just an absolute ring it's just it's more taller than me and graham combined it just goes the preparation was the key i think i think so in this case you know nice and deep nice and slow it went up over the bottom it gets seen deeper that snorkels up and it's sucking air she just chugged on through yeah real easy let's get that fan free and drive to the tip right oh time to tackle nolan's in the nicest car i've ever driven in cape york let's see how we go straight through absolutely loves it what a rig how good is that nice job happy days sure you've heard lots of people say it before but if you're ever up here the trick with nolan's low tyre pressure and idle in because it's so deep so quick if you hit that water fast it basically just stops your vehicle does can can do damage and then you just start floating okay let's see how the heavier rigs go follow my voice nolan's done it before but this year is a lot bloody deeper but with a nose on in nice and steady with every vehicle going through the sand under nolan's gets softer and softer and i tell you it nearly catches bailey out i think he's got it oh hang about gently gently gently gently yeah boy yeah camper trailer through nylons there wasn't that's nolan's done and dusted if he'd given that some boot there in a would have gone down 100 all right we've got the big 200. loves that nolan's what loves it power big mud terrains cmo makes it look easy outstanding outstanding let's celebrate with a little bit of champagne how good and that folks is the old telly one of the finest tracks in australia next stop for us the tip of cape york what do you reckon mate big farm truck old telly big tick ten years up the telly wait it's been an absolute bloody probably should have done it with you absolutely love this trick not just because you know it's our 10th trooper we're taking the farm truck up but we've done it really basic and it goes to show that you can have just as much fun with the bare bear basics i'm going to go out there and say something i reckon i've had more fun yeah having the bear basebox on this trip i'm not surprised yeah it's not been an absolute hurt you don't care if your feet get wet inside the car and you know you still want a little bit of sand inside your swag yep all that sort of stuff it's just it's been a very memorable trip tim your first time new and tones mate up in cape york it's been an absolute cracker couldn't ask for a better time and i can't wait for the next couple of weeks as well it's been really good so far and tones hope you've enjoyed the ride mate yeah i've been very fortunate mate had a great driver a bit of a co-pilot looking forward to the next couple of weeks mate see where that takes us that's a go mate and bailey second time down gun shot i i won't lie to you mate i was a bit worried for you i thought you're gonna have a rooftop tent at the end of this trip because that camper would have been on your route but you did remarkably well mate part of that thing around some obstacles that most people would never dream of taking a camper trailer through yeah mate it was definitely nerve-racking and uh but i'll tell you what i'll do it again that's for sure well my you're handling like an absolute boss and um it's been good having you along i won't lie mate after doing it pretty rough in the 47 i have a kitchen to come back to a camp well mate you can sign up for next year if you like and sam like your first time doing kate york in absolute comfort the big 200 there is nothing that held that vehicle back yeah that's right it's uh well it was almost too wide for gunshot there but i'm glad we ended up poking his nose down and having a rally and uh well it's proven a heap more comfortable than the 80 series did a couple of years ago so i've been a happy boy it's been good mate it's been good to have the land cruiser front and rear of this convoy it's just giving everyone else in the convoy a stack of confidence boys in the middle of this land cruiser sandwich can't take conquest from that or then god help them the last stop on the way north is the crossing of the jardine ferry virtually the only way to make it to bamega and the final run to the tip [Music] but at last we're here the most northerly point of the australian continent and one of the most special locations in the country what a perfect way to finish this adventure [Music] i've always got to say i didn't know i'm gonna make it oh um in the old 47 what makes this really special is 10 years for us yep it's been at least five for you yeah i think it's four or five yeah now there you go and a couple of first timers as well it doesn't matter where you're sitting in the equation just coming up here whether it's your tenth time your first time 20th time doesn't matter part of the world absolute ball mate i've had such a good time on this one it's been my favorite trip so far of all the 10 that i've done up here this one here is going to stand out for me now one thing i just did want to mention here folks sean and i have done this trip not going to say hard but we've taken two swags a couple of cans of baked beans some steaks and some beers our spotlights don't work we've got just about nothing left in the fridge folks what is your excuse why are you not planning a cape trip because i tell you what you don't need much to come up here and have an absolute ball i reckon folks we get the photos done we get back up over this hill down to loyalty beach crack a cold beer sun setting ah it's almost romantic folks i really hope that one day you get the chance to stand right here and go like that touch that sign right there because this is the tip cape york doesn't get much better well done boys catch us guys we hope you've enjoyed this adventure as much as we have but stick around because the outtakes are coming up but first let's take a look at some of the gear that made this trip possible well now as a part of the show where we'll go through a couple of bits of equipment that have really you know excelled on this trip i mean this trip has been a tough trip you go to cape york and do the old tele i mean it's really a proving ground for some of the best products in the industry right now i want to kick off with a couple mate and this one's more of a service that will lead to getting the right bits for your four-wheel drive i'm talking about spares box weight because when you come to a trip like this you need to take your own spares you need to be fully self-sufficient and spare box is the place to go mate not just for the spares you need but also if you want to build your car ready for cape york it's a one-stop shop i like the fact that it's so darn easy don't call me lazy because i'm sort of but i like the fact that i can just jump online before coming on a trip like this we all do it everybody here the crew everyone has done it yeah and just grab those vital bits and pieces hoses you know everything you need exactly right there's been a few bush mechanics on this trip and just it's good to know that we've got the spares we've got the tools yep to get through this trip mate now look i'll let you in a bit of a secret folks whilst i've been acting all tough driving in here with sean i i have actually slightly tough i have actually been sharing the mitz canopy and tray package with jock up the back there primarily because it's just so dark i'm not gonna lie mate you know when we get through the deep water crossings guess where i put my bag straight yeah it's all in the back of there right in the academy because i know that it doesn't leak doesn't let dusty that's the safest place i've tried a few other places and uh it hasn't been favorable absolutely pear-shaped no look it's just fantastic david we've had those you know the package with us for some time now and my trust is just in it look i'm going to say something mate and you'll agree with this one you know we've been roughing it like you said before when you get to camp it's sometimes nice just to be able to have a place to cook i know a little bit of shelter it's actually rained on this trip a couple of times it's quite unseasonable yep i'm talking about the maverick um camper trailer mate because when that's set up you know we've got the awning it's not even got a little ensuite on the back i mean i've been in there yeah you know just a wake up and you know like i've got to get the camping gear out there's a kitchen setup cook breakfast i mean the thing is an absolute taj mahal not to mention it's driven some of the toughest tracks up here i was about to say that it nearly flipped over the top onto the car going down it went down gun shot and then that night we cooked dinner along the way to myself i thought if the drawer's even open on this camper truck we're doing well i'll be stoked but it's just handled everything's been thrown at it and it's come back for more so in terms of comfort i mean we haven't gone astray we can say that we've been all rough and tough but we lead on the other vlogs that's very heavily very happy folks i hope you enjoyed this episode it's a few little behind the scenes bits and pieces the gear we've used on this trip for now though you need to put some more wood on that fire because that is a city boy fire yes it's not going well mate it's terrible i'll tell you what if you want to see a couple of outtakes just make sure you stick around because i mean we got a little bit top end crazy i reckon a little bit catches next time all right you can put this in the outtakes but it's i'm explaining i chew my tongue when i'm concentrating it's not a thing i can control [Music] boys right next to that just did we had others i got your other salt hello that is one of the i mean you didn't expect it last year it wasn't like this at all and yet this year we come up here and conditions have changed considerably i mean i blame el nino [Music] let you know how to back the boat up easily two engines graeme [Music] [Applause] [Music] i just think it's good to be able to come up here the young bloke like yourself and just show you the ropes in a more remote location and just uh teach you what it's like [Music] that's his bag he's my nurse he fixed me hi i have a i have a wound did he give you a lolly hey chubby chop i'll give you a lovely ladder find it better to turn around and look at the way you're going you just have two sticks on each hand as you're looking it makes it a lot easier [Music] [Music] you didn't know this when the old teletrack was actually named after lady gaga's song telephone don't you spell me man we got a little known fact i was founded by lady gaga about 400 years ago so it's a bit of trivia for you i'll be guiding you on this one so you're your sweet this goes to show mate you can take the pilot out of the out of the plane mate the plane you can't come out of the pilot kitty is the key is a wise old man taught me now this is this is important this is important see you later folks [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: 4WD 24-7
Views: 1,014,247
Rating: 4.9386749 out of 5
Keywords: 4wd, action, 4x4, offroad, outdoors, travel, overlanding, toyota, nissan, hilux, patrol, landcruiser, adventure, camping, fishing, diesel, petrol, surf, shaun whale, graham cahill, australia, dirty 30, shorty, gq, gu, 80 series, 40 series, 60 series, 79 series, troopy, 4wd action, 4wd 247, 4wd 24/7, cape york, old telgraph track, old tele track, 47 series, 40 series landcruiser, nolan's crossing, gunshot creek, tip of australia, 4wding cape york
Id: yu4d9g0aZc8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 85min 1sec (5101 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 12 2021
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.