Bog Holes FROZEN OVER! Australia’s toughest 4WD track made WAY tougher – do we make it through?

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how do you take one of australia's toughest four-wheel drive tracks and make it even harder well simple just try tackling it in the snow this is incredible oh my goodness freezing and your bog holes have an inch of ice on them okay this is the toughest we have ever done it i just unleashed every single kilowatt this thing's got that is cooked just doesn't give up this track this right here is the sleepy little town of waratah hidden away in a remote corner of the island of tasmania for those of us who like tough wheeling waratah represents the gateway to one of the wildest tracks in australia and that of course is why we find ourselves here in the middle of an unexpected snow dump as we get the rigs ready for a track that's just gotten a whole lot harder well tazzy september oh no i didn't expect this how crazy a smart person will be front of the fire today and uh they'll probably just curl up right in that pub there that sounds like a really sad thing to do not us we might go and tackle one of the toughest tracks in australia without a doubt thousand dollar track why not the locals think we're absolutely mad yeah they're probably right i reckon mate will you get the keys see if these things start and um let's go to the toughest track in australia why not sounds like when it comes to tasmania's weather you got to be prepared for anything but tackling the relentless mud that makes up the thousand buck track after a snowstorm is gonna be pretty next level and i reckon we might just be in for a once in a lifetime adventure the sun is shining again as we head out of waratah but we know from experience that the thousand dollar track really dries out as it's hidden in the deep undergrowth of the forest sure enough as we enter the start of the track conditions are looking pretty hectic look at the snow it was incredible absolutely incredible done the thousand dollar track in the heat i've done it in the freezing cold but i've never done it in the snow mate this is quite a thing i don't reckon too many people have mate this is pretty well what a way to start a trip though we hopefully will get through the thousand dollar track maybe all the ball poles are frozen over so we're gonna have a real easy time it could be like a highway mate something tells me it's not gonna be like a highway the thousand buck track might run for less than 20 kilometers but those k's are jammed packed full of huge bog holes sketchy mud climbs and harsh rocky tracks it's not a track to take on lightly and definitely not without a well-equipped convoy not to mention of course some mature traveling buddies while the track ahead is pretty damn muddy it's also got a lot of rocks and routes to navigate so i'm going for a medium tire pressure of 22 psi reuben's taking one of the better looking rigs you'll ever see to attempt the thousand buck track and once again he's planning ahead with a custom mud protector for the radiator sean's obviously been inspired and tried to replicate it with a more budget option come on mate what even is that [Music] with the convoy aired down it's time to make tracks towards the first crossing of the track and enjoy what could be our final glimpse of open skies for a few days to come soon enough we're up on the entry to the forest and that river crossing is looking mighty deep and pretty damn chilly oh the heck wait i might normally get your tires wet like over there it's usually up to your axles this is i might even catch a trout with [ __ ] i don't know look how deep it is i expect you guys though if i do go down just just just jump straight into the water you have to if a full drive goes down you'll have to be in there unfortunately i don't want to get stuck in here i'll tell you that for free incredible it's deep my inner car's moving loose [Music] wow okay here we go i'm in the main think of it now that's kicked me across nicely guys oh and just like that we're into the depths of the forest and the track is looking wetter than i've ever seen it before how cool is this [Applause] well graeme it's starting to close in a little bit mate that might be the last bit of sunlight we see for a while that's my memory of it mate as soon as you get across that river you've got to go into the undergrowth yeah we'll soon learn when we get in there of how many people actually drive this track it's um one of those ones that you know it's on a lot of people's bucket list but they don't like to try it for obvious reasons it's pretty hardcore have a look yes i just wouldn't have thought there'd be snow underneath the tree cover it must have absolutely dumped snow over the last 24 hours out here what an experience eh what an experience you can barely go five meters on this track without hitting a sketchy looking bog hole and this one is no exception the camera boys are leading the charge and they've soon found where the deep bit is [Music] first bog old camera car's gone down i don't remember i was getting stuck this early in the track before so yeah don't have it work cut out got the waders on now mate so i can help out a bit better okay the secret attire looks like reuben has just signed himself up as chief of recoveries for the trip shawna is going to be trying a different line to the camera car but sensibly is prepping the winch just in case i can't believe that just drove that you ever seen a small man run so fast holy holiday was coming for me that was impressive holy moly that was unreal i just unleashed every single kill what this thing's got you always surprises me this old girl what a [ __ ] hey [Applause] man oh man well graham's seen what sort just did then the good news is i went through there i didn't hit any big rocks or boulders so you can actually have a bit of a spirited drive i'm going to get out of the way i think when he comes because i reckon the mud holder i'll be about this high we've got to surf it from here all right mate we're uh ready for you come on through oh yeah this is going gently see if i can hug that left hand back a bit yeah he's got it he's got it he's got it yes that's a drive he did not back off and you just see track control or something working in there just up the bank yeah yeah that's quite a hard exit as well reuben's picked the perfect line here and made it look pretty darn easy well done mate nice one mate good drive that's one bog hole down there's 984 to go he's a bug off this track doesn't see a lot of vehicles at the best of times and after the winter season trees across the track are a real possibility sure enough up ahead is our first obstacle a chainsaw is a must in this part of the world and clearing this one shouldn't be too much of an issue or so we thought fortunately the old chainsaw's playing up a bit and that is not a good sign bring it over mate there's a couple of men over here we can help you pull that if you like don't pull it might over pull the string off it now this little unit has already cleared the umbulgari track and rattled its way through tough trips in cape york and queensland but today of all days it's decided to give up the ghost we're checking all the obvious problems but this one is turning into a bit of a head scratcher well i suppose we'll just try the needle on seat we've tried every trick we can think of but it's a no-go doing this track without a chainsaw in these conditions is going to make the going a whole lot tougher but there's always a plan b to keep things moving and right now that means a bit of good old-fashioned lumberjacking it might not be the perfect solution but it's got the job done and we are on the move again [Music] just a few minutes down the track the next challenge is waiting for us and yes folks that is ice in a bog hole not something you see every day in australia time to send in captain waders look at him well done it's going to be nasty whichever way you go [Music] oh just made that stick a little bit more of left mate also it went a bit it's the middle and i nearly struggled well as you can see sean went a bit over to the right and it nearly swamped him it nearly got the better of him so very very lucky he loves sooting her up and he give her the berries going over into manual mode engaging second gear low range and once i get my nose in we're going to give it a red go [Music] yeah oh no i'd like to pick up some croissants on my way to the cafe if i could please you at my boots the horrible noise coming from my brake caliper at the moment but that's part of mud bogging boys part of mudbogging good luck reuben ryder ultimate 9 79 bmw it's all gonna have the berry oh shivers he's coming in hot that's not fair that's not good i think i push most of the water out he came in like a wrecking ball next bog hole boys i have it covered of davey crockett of the tasmanian wilderness he's here for the rescue the mountain man and he loves mountain women now if you think that's muddy let me tell you this track has barely even started and according to the vms we're only a couple of clicks into the track with the challenges only getting bigger as we go speaking of which this big old bog hole has caused us all sorts of grief even in drier months and right now it's looking like a total 4b swallower so we're going to investigate a different line this time around she's not an easy option though and the camera car has to winch its way out of strife on the slippery exit shawno it's all on you mate [Music] come on mate he's being quite conservative he won't be here though yeah is [Applause] there we go oh good makes it through i'm so glad we've got this option because last time we didn't have the option we had to go around to the left i think we're here for about two hours two to three hours momentum momentum that's it little wheel slip when you come up all right yeah we might winch it there's not really a lot of choices on this line and even with 33s i'm just hanging up on my undercarriage i'm pretty much having to skull drag the d-max over that rocky hump in the middle of the track but the rumba soon has me out with no dramas and i can try the next section under my own steam drive it drive it drive it that's it so close do you remember that time i haven't had the winch up to here amazing something to throw at you i don't have a tassie record or an australian record or could there's been some things going on i don't know listen to this vlog if you've got a mate like shauna put it in the comments down below there you go guys you'd be very lucky if you did you spell it f-l-o-g just let us know in the comments down below we've all got that one mate we've got that one mate do you like a piece of jig oh yeah cracked black pepper oh yes please so good here we go 79 to come through i'm on the board of this all that no no we'll just we'll just drive it nicely spring hangers front locker would be good boys i forgot it the big 79 is on song through this but it's hung up at exactly the same spot graeme did just give us a winch boys so we made a deal the boys don't know about this one yet but you made a deal for every time you winch you got to give the person didn't have to winch beer so at the moment i'm not uh i'll just start towing a trailer on these trips becomes a point where no amount of power is going to get you through and reuben's made the right call to winch out but the 79 proves to be a whole lot more bellied out than we expected well that's just made things is really interesting the spring hangers caught here on this big route we're going for a temporary fix here which is to remove the snap section of the rope and tie the remaining length to a hook with a bow line we're also chucking a rock under the tyre where the hanger is caught up and finally changing the winch angle we're thinking we're going to reposition this anchor point because it's kind of pulling across the grain here we go a bit straighter might be to get a better pawning and there you have it it worked like a charm there he goes yeah on to the final section and this is going to require some spirited driving [Music] yes yeah happens to the best of us holy heck he really wants it doesn't he listen to that big 79 i'll tell you what they do sound good all right spirited drive you like this [Music] [Applause] time passes pretty quickly on the thousand buck track and already the sun is starting to sink somewhere up above the tree cover as we creep the forbids along through the dense undergrowth we're soon up on a roadblock that could be a show stopper this old tree has fallen right across the path of the track and has to be nearly a foot in diameter and what we don't have right now is a working chainsaw looks like a bit of a game changer i reckon we can axe it though i mean it's a big job but i reckon we could do it we could it would be a massive job this is the day that boys became men we've got an air of light may as we use it there's no way we want to give up on a track like this so easy so once again it's out with the axe but this is going to take a whole lot of effort we've soon got a good system going with everyone sharing the load and chipping away at the tree trunk even the camera crew puts down their gear to lend a hand well we're taking the turns bit around rob we've got the camera boys involved and all of us are just sort of having a couple of minutes on it to go i reckon we're just about halfway through we get another couple of inches we'll throw our winch on and see if we can snap it try and pull it out of the way and then um hopefully there's a bit of a camp down here we're hoping we're hoping fingers crossed we've used it before so hopefully it's still down there but bit of a workout shiner he's uh he's lucky as we go to the majority bar zoo hey look at him our aim is just to cut the log to a point where it can be broken with a winch and after a couple of hours of axing we've got it to the point where we should be able to snap it just as we would with a super stuck vehicle we're using two ronvers here the first connected to the log and the second anchoring the camera car to [ __ ] to give us much more leverage let's see how this goes [Applause] yeah keep it going would you look at that we might just be winning if you ever needed a reminder of just how incredible winches can be have a look at that unbelievable the track is open again but with the sun long gone i reckon it's about time to find a spot to pull up for an iron jack and a feed well how are you alright that was a monumental effort do that with an axe i think there's a new full drive 24 7 rule when you come to tasmania you take three chainsaws because if your backup chainsaw has problems you got another up one we're never coming here again with only one dodgy chainsaw that's for sure what to say boys that was epic to get through a log like that with a with an axe the lumberjack of the year award definitely definitely goes to you boys i'll tell you what i've never seen so many biceps flex and so many wood chips fly the time for a beer mate and to set up camp or what yeah as soon as i find a spot that's dry for at least three and a half meters we're in sounds like a plan awesome stuff the thousand dollar track is not exactly a camper's paradise and a good spot means nothing more than a few meters of flat ground out of the mud and this right here looks like it might be the ticket all right the bar's officially now open i reckon that'll do us mate that'll do should be in here in the casa cay hill yeah so just pretend yeah i'll be sleeping like this you'll be there oh you gotta say hey do you like it's gonna be a long night what a day what do you think your first day on the thousand dollar track mate oh cheers cheers cheers look all i can say is that you're chopping these to improve [Laughter] well i'll drink to that actually there's just three things you need to make any campsite perfect that's a fire a beer and a good feed and we've soon got all of those boxes ticked it's been a cracker of a first day on the track but i reckon the best is yet to come [Music] well guys hope you're loving the thousand dollar track i mean it's gonna be one of the toughest tracks in australia especially when you get that much rain and snow the mud is absolutely insane but i wanted to just pause right for a second let you know about this really cool competition you see yeah mates over at bicentennial giving back to football drivers the end of 2021 is coming up very very soon now to celebrate bison are giving 10 of these bison packs we include a new set of boots couple of t-shirts a hat um there'll be ten of those to win plus there'll be two major packs which will have the exact same kit plus a fifteen 1500 gift voucher from drifter so a couple of really cool prizes now to win we've got a link below so hit that link and let us know in 50 words or less what adventure you'd love to go on yourself with a new pair of bison boots you'd be pretty bloody stoked to win a pair of these now you see us using these bison boots down in tasmania and i've used mine right around the country and if they can handle the thousand dollar track they'll handle anything you throw at them anyway let's get back into the tasmanian adventure [Music] in the light of the morning we can see our camp spot properly for the first time and let's just say it's lucky we're all friendly because we're squeezed in like a tin of sardines the fold out kitchen on the dmw rig is perfect for a spot like this taking up virtually zero room but giving ruben a pantry and a cooker to work out of and you gotta say life is looking almost luxurious at this end of camp and just up it a notch he's even got the microwave cranking with something hot for breakfast you know the best thing about this i've got no washing up as good as it gets on the side of the track the snow might be thinning out but the temps this morning are absolutely freezing and the best thing to do is just to keep moving and try and make an early start [Music] right in front of the camera car is our first problem of the day another fallen tree that's landed right up the length of the track given what we've seen already on the track so far i think there's only one sensible thing to do and that's try and repair the chainsaw we already had a few cracks at this trackside yesterday but with clearer heads we reckon we might just have found the problem this is what the third time we pulled it is looming thing apart but this time we've used compressed air to clean it out just on the side of the track was a bit hard near a camp it's a bit easier i've got my fingers crossed i reckon this is this is our best shot at it so it's going to work oh yes that is a good sound she might be running a bit rough and need the choke to be held on but i reckon it's going to do the job [Music] sure enough we've got the track reopened and we're ready for another big day now the thousand buck track gets its nickname from the fact that you can never get down it with less than a thousand bucks worth of damage and sean seems to be living up to that already i thought the chainsaw was running poor holy heck all right day two oh i cannot tell you how cold it is oh my goodness freezing so far we've made it just six k's into the track and with some huge bog holes to navigate up ahead we'll be happy if we can make it another six k's today yeah i'll tell you what this is one heck of an adventure [Music] tell you what there's four key points to remember when it comes to tackling bog holes like these ones right here in tassie tire choice tyre pressure momentum and of course let's not forget preparation now the pressure i'm running at the moment is about 22 psi i didn't want to go too low of course you don't want to leave them high because you need that grip out here when you're coming over these rocky muddy stones and rocks that are all through this track tyre choice goes without saying you need a quality set of mud terrain tyres i'm using the bridgestone jewelers out here because they've got a really aggressive tread and it clears the mud really quickly which allows me to get a heap more traction then sometimes it just comes down to momentum you've got to pick your line commit to it and go in with just the right amount of momentum such that you can keep your speed up and get on through that bog hole without getting stuck in the middle and when it comes to preparation well it's as simple as making sure your recovery gear is ready to go and easy to get to with tips like those and some good mates there's very little you can't have a crack at even a track like this one which up ahead is just getting denser every meter on the thousand buck track is a fight for traction and clearance and those tight sections can actually become some of the hardest sections to conquer but slowly and steadily we're making it through good angles yep yep there it goes [Applause] gonna drive then drive better drive yep for the last hour or two we've been slowly descending into a valley and what's down the bottom is a couple of absolutely insane looking bog holes from what we've heard from the locals at waratah no one's attempted these in a number of months so we're taking zero chances all the gear is coming out we're getting set up for a possibility of a really difficult winch hello i'm holding the wintrope here got it all ready for a double line pull and i've got to keep this kind of tight or else the weight of the hook is going to go down in the butt i'll drive over it and then it'll be a real mess that mod has almost immediately grasped onto the undercarriage of [ __ ] and the big rig is going nowhere have we got a bit of water in here yet with the winch already set up for a double line pull we're minimizing the amount of time sean is going to spend getting his feet wet with the winch ring massively reducing the load on the rumba even with all that this is still a massive winch these bogs are next level so [ __ ] pops they're laughing sodium is trying to climb a near vertical wall of mud here and that bog isn't keen to let him go but at last we've broken the suction sean might be out but he's not out of strife yet well mate is just giving up the ghost i get not i've got no charge coming through very low charge at least it's not good but that's a tassie mud for you it just kills starter motors alternators and bearings actually just kills everything to be honest with you [Music] i thought while i was at it i may as well give the old although a bit of a spray in this this is the old turbo spray it's a water dispersant so all that mud and crap in the alternator give it a spray and hopefully it sort of gets some of that water out and cleans it up a little bit and maybe i'll get my charge back well sean's not exactly made that one look easy but i'm set up just the same for a double line pull and hopefully sodium scooped out a bit of the mud for me let's see how we go when you're stuck in deep muddy water like this you really don't want to hang around and we're racing to get the winch gear hooked up before graham's feet become a paddle pool and pretty quickly we've got him on the move it's just a vertical wall after a huge effort on the run graham has dragged himself in the d-max out of trouble and we've got just one more vehicle to get through see what first you work man this bog is taking no prisoners and once again we've got a big winch ahead enter in [Applause] it's a tight fit for the 79 in this deep old bulk hole and reuben's heart up against the bar work on all sides you can do it you can do it yes yeah let's drive reuben okay maybe less drive i think we're almost resetting there yeah we'll just reset yeah after another hard recovery the dmw rig is out of the water but still can't find any traction just a quick tip guys when you're putting your recovery blanket in a situation like this don't put your recovery blanket over the top of all this gear here because well two reasons one it might get in the way of what's going on but secondly you can't see what's happening so you can't see keep an eye on this here to make sure it hasn't crooked itself or the rope slipped off or anything like that so just put it back behind here everything will still sort of fall on the ground when it breaks but yeah make sure it's not the way it might look all pretty simple on camera but getting through obstacles like this is a massive effort and already the day is starting to slip away from us and the old repair bill is starting to rack up that's it well might be getting in out of that doorway we might have to uh run the winch under the car give her a bit of a suck down so we can use it all but not too worried about sidestep looks like it's done its job like it's supposed to right around the bend is the next bog hole and it's looking equally as challenging as the last one this bog is seriously deep and we don't want to be fishing for the recovery gear underwater so graham's running ahead with the witch rope just in case oh man this is insane saudi is practically a submarine here so close just when we thought sean was stuck it looks like he's gotten his second win on you mate close but no cigar and the bog has claimed another victory just as graham's lining the d-max up for the challenge something seems to let go under the hood that does not sound good well this is a bit of a game changer this is my well part of my serpentine belt which uh second time in two trips that i've done this and only the third time ever that i've done a belt just really unlucky i think it is unlucky but the bad news is this is for my alternator no biggie to swap batteries around keep driving but it also runs my water pump look the good news is it's not exactly hot no i reckon i could probably keep driving almost the thing is you just you just can't let it idle no you just have to turn it off all the time yeah and just drive short stints and i think it'll be fine just keep an eye on that temperature and swap batteries as we need to if we need to i can i can tell you at least you've got your steering i've got steering and stereo still works a good attitude i've got a great attitude about all those things that combined you'll be fine it's just a little bit of a speed up that's all ideally when you're not getting charged to your alternator you want to be limiting the amount of heavy winching you have to do as that of course can drain a battery pretty fast but that's not really an option on this track at the best of times so we're just gonna have to manage the situation as best we can something in there really evil i don't know what it is all credit to graham here he's gotten the d-max through without any further issues reuben's the last one through this challenge and literally has to winch himself into the bog hole to make it through this track i tell you she's pretty loose finally after a lot of hours on the recovery we're all through it's hard to fathom how an entire day can slip away in the space of a few kilometers but by the time the whole crew is through the day is coming to a close and with a bunch of breakages to look at and the temps plummeting we reckon it might be time to just call it a day [Music] well it doesn't take long to lose light i reckon if you get a bit of flat ground that you don't have to swim around it through um i'm keen to make a bit of a camp likewise mate i've got a bit of dry firewood there couple of cold beers whatever you find pull over we'll make it happen i'm going to say as gnarly as that was it was a lot of fun though it just gets harder every time we try just become such a challenge this track [Music] oh clean as a whistle some flatish ground soon presents itself and i can tell you we need very little excuse at this point to park up and slide the fridges out a little bit of bad news today about the alternator but look you've got to pay to play in my opinion when you come to tracks like this you've got to expect ultimate starter motors things like that to go um good news is however i have 98 according to the revision screen here so for my auxiliary battery i'm nearly 100 so that's really cool fridge is going to go i'm not going to need a fridge tonight it's that cold um camp lights all that other stuff and because i've got 100 amp hour redarc lithium battery that means that even if i don't get this alternator going for you know a couple of days i'm gonna have plenty of auxiliary power because there's plenty with 100 amp hours of lithium so you know i was going to start ripping that whole thing out tonight but it's just about to get dark i might just have a beer with the boys i think and make a bit of a fire i think it's a better idea we'll deal with that tomorrow all right that's cool nothing like a nice cold beer after a day like we've had today holy moly [Music] took the liberty this morning whilst we were mucking around just to jump on the axe for 10 minutes and i just cut up a bunch of wood i kept it up on the roof today a bit of airflow through it you can see i've just cut it up all kindling just so that i knew we'd get in i knew we'd get in tonight be camping on the track there's no way you get any of this going anytime soon but this should roar into life and that is why i love these fire pits because it gets it up off that wet moist ground and you think yourself but it's only so small but it's not get this thing cranking tonight i've had these things red hot and uh we'll all sit around this night and it'll be toasty warm i think sean might even cook dinner i'm not sure i'll leave that to him he's the chef what a day [Music] well boys day two thousand dollar track i know living up to his name yeah exactly right mate they didn't call it the easy and you make it in a day trap did they kids thousand dollar track i think it's i think it's crap though because it's gone up in inflation it's about three and a half grand i reckon sort of track today i've done more than that i've done more than that before you're five do you add it up in your convoy oregon sort's become more valuable today you've got to put an alternator in it you look at it this is all true goodness gracious look but it's one of those things though i mean we signed up for one of the toughest strats in the country yep and that's what we got and you were saying the other day this is a track i think everyone you know what no matter what you do what you might be a crawly boy like john you love rock crawling or something this is something you've got to put on your resume now speaking of stuff to write home about get your pens ready folks because i've got a cracker a feed for the boys tonight well here we are thousand dollar track on the side of the track literally well i think we're about halfway through and i don't even know i don't even look at the map but things are going i don't know what we're gonna do tomorrow mate but for now i think we just get a good feed going so what do you got planned right i just think something nice and warm simple yep chicken bosqueola that doesn't sound simple yeah no it is it is it is it is it's super simple because i'm making it and obviously you can make it it's got to be pretty simple jump in there grab some chicken out i'll get this on the boil excuse me chef what's happened what's happened is that cold that you gotta shake this i got bacon i've got do you need these little boys it is working whoa what are you doing i don't know but this is really cold and the problem is when you get no that's not how you should be sound right let's sit it on top the flames are getting bigger when you do it yeah that happens a little bit oil in there little it should be should be some chicken tenderloins if you go down the bottom there somewhere i've got it there we go chicken tenders what's the date on those 28th we're good we're good today we're good we're good these are these are little tenderloins and that's what you want that's that's what you want chuck them in while doing that you might um chop some onion you chop some the chili this one the bacon oh how about you give me a job then yeah so i'm basically just layering the base how's that looking oh is it working is it too cold i mean i saw a wrist doing this but no you're not you've got so much practice see look at that look at that the second you do that yeah the flames are on again all right is that a good salt yeah now we're on things you have to do when you came to the side of a track and it's this cold and tassy it makes you feel weird but if i don't look at it i reckon you'd be better at this than i am mate i don't know why you want me to stand beside it and give it a there you go well that's going on i'm just going to chuck chuckle your onions in well we'll just take it in turns if you like oh now we're talking yeah we're cooking with gas now yeah so long as i keep shaking it right a bit of chilli we're just going a little bit tonight get her in there yeah keep working that mate i know i am because what once once you work that properly who are you ready for the next stage which is these spicy chorizo it's a very labor intensive cooking left-handed we call that the stranger there you go there you go in beautiful beautiful give that a little toss if you could do some faking like why did you do that why do you do this all the time the gopro there it's warm that's gonna be a good year to dry that night yeah try it again but with less gas that's the way right mushrooms yeah mushrooms just gotta really make sure that chicken smoked day i'm like the cool gassy if we've got the steam is going crazy i mean i don't have to shake the gas canister anymore i found the right cooker yeah um i reckon we get rumen in because we want to get some pasta on the wall what a wild day boy it's not the best campsite i've ever had but all day all right mate i think chef whale please don't help here mate i've got this coming along it's going to be absolutely unreal if i could give you a job because your kitchen is um probably better than mine mate i've got some just some fettuccine so just boil some water up for those ones um one more minute i'll grab some cream out yep well next step is um i'm basically going to add the cream in because this is my favorite bit i know and what i want to do as soon as i put the cream in i'm going to reduce the dna obviously those guys looking at the show thinking that's not equal boss yola well you're on the side of a track tasmania but you know what tonight we're just going to pour that cream straight in like that i can't even get my swag without a branch being in the swag as i get inside if you've got a problem with the boss girl so now i'm going to reduce that down a fraction so you want it to get a little bit thicker than that so i'm just going to put the down a fraction a little bit more and i've actually got one more thing you don't even pick this because really in the middle of tasmania oh damn boy there's a little stash of uh it's the devil's lettuce parsley i'm just gonna i'm gonna just shake that right across it good on you that looks good it actually does and when the pasta goes in there sir what's going on here mate what happened what's the matter i don't know what you've done here but you're stuck into the cream guys that's how it happened so it happened no you can get like that i'll just sorry folks there's all that shaking of the gas canister and you've got it's okay as soon as you hear the boiling back her off oh that looks good yep that's damn boy that'll reduce it get thicker that's what i didn't put no more rush rams in there why not [Music] [Music] got a bit of a stir i reckon that's looking quite good now it's nice and it smells it's nice and sweet it's television it's nice and thick just whack it straight in oh you get in there that's awesome get in there whack her in that's a lot of pasta that's a heck of a lot of pasta that is good man so we might have lunches on their hands course grab yourself a gift not that bold that is looking good i'm going to turn the heat off that we are ready to serve up stay in the big kitchens excellent plate up i think though sometimes yeah give me that look at that i'll take that off your hands that's a full bowl holy heck that's all thank you give me yours that's italian restaurant quality i think that you know what the uh is actually the geniuses the little the little the little uh salami's in there yeah little trees oh salamis yum yum yum look at that there we go now we're done a little bit of parmesan i reckon that we'll just add that little little lift roll you're looking for oh yeah that is superb honestly you've outdone yourself there's only one thing better i suggest you suck your gut in and let's get let's get to the campfire i know you're gonna have to get through all those trees sucks but [Music] day three on the thousand buck track we're just over halfway along the track but already the battle scars are starting to show [Music] with a few repairs to get sorted and a couple of massive challenges not far ahead we're making an early start another cold morning getting a quick coffee in before we pack up camp first task of the day of course is to check out the alternator on sean's truck which surprise surprise hasn't fixed itself in the night it's hoping that you know every day maybe although it'll just magically repair itself overnight but as you can see dashes it up like a christmas tree that flashing of all your lights indicates that operator is cooked you're getting no charge i can confirm that obviously with the red vision as well i can have a look at that there's no charge going into the system plus put a multimeter across on the battery plus the back of the ultimate up no charge it's just reading just under 12.1 it's pretty low and because graeme as well doesn't have his alternator working because the belt's gone i think i might just replace that alternator now so i keep my batteries topped up that way i can give him fresh batteries and trade his battery if it goes flat so the untrained eye he's collecting firewood those that know him well enough that he's not for firewood that's so much better changing alternators is just part of the parcel of mud wheeling and we've certainly changed a few on [ __ ] in the past it's a reasonably cheap spare to keep in the 4b and an absolute lifesaver on tracks like this that is cooked it's only got like half of tazzy's mud in it look at that that's just thick tassy mud and the thing with tassie mud is so different from other mud that i've seen around the country it's just so silty so you see the mud has actually got like lots of like earth matter in there so that gets absolutely everywhere through your radiators through alternator starter motors you name it we can get that plug out lucky we bring spares with us it doesn't matter how many times you do this changing these things track side on an 80 it's always a little bit fiddly it's got this one bolt we can't get lined up [Music] have you got it but with a bit of grunt and a few extra ugga duggars we've got the new alternator in place and [ __ ] is back to being a weapon spicy yes look at that she's burning like a kitten [Music] now i've been logging the trip on the vms and in two days we've gone just shy of 12 k's and that leaves another eight or so to the tracks end at the cold stream river if all goes to plan we could be making it there by the end of the day still a lot can happen in eight k's on this track so we'll just have to keep our fingers crossed not far out of camp we hit one of the biggest challenges of this track a slippery rudder to climb and a bulk hole for which the line changes every season this year there's water absolutely everywhere and even the entry section to the main climb is looking pretty darn tough well this spot right here has some very vivid memories for me this is where we first noticed when we last did the track that one of the vehicles had a broken steering arm there was a wheel like that and a wheel like that which is no good got in here at lunchtime we got to the top of this hill made camp at midnight you do the maths hopefully today we can get through just a little bit quicker right bye too much too much horsepower a little bit that way yeah now straighten up [Music] you were fully going into the river like you would have just fallen into the river there's that new alternator oh it must be sounding good i actually had money that he was not going to make that through that but uh oh it looks like i lost so far i've been able to continue along the track just on the power from the starter battery but with no charge coming in i reckon i'll need to swap it out pretty soon especially if i need much more time on the end of a winch row we've seen in the past that lower clearance vehicles get hung up in this section so i'm leaving the option open for a snatch if needed all aboard the snake train i think i'm hung up mate i might need to winch over this little bit just one more no no i've come up really hard on something i want to try and go back i reckon and realign i just fully hit a wall yep that's a wall all right join us chuck those max tracks over the top of that clearance is everything in these situations and look at that those max trucks do the job perfectly so we do it high five yeah money hands just sort of jumped up until it jumped up that's good felt really smooth too yeah a new color from max racks it's called tazzy bog hole inspired by the thousand dollar track okay time for the big 79 been a bit of a staple diet on this trip for snacks doing all this sort of stuff they haven't got time to have a feed or anything like that so give bits of jerky keep you going it's good stuff too there's something about this particular bog hole that seems tailor-made to catch 70 series spring hangers and this is the second time in as many years that we've seen this happen in this exact spot reuben's soon out of trouble though and with the entry section done we can move on to the main challenge the camera carries up first and that heavy old gu isn't having a bar of it and has to opt for a pretty hard witch time to send in rocky raccoon [Music] look at the camera it looks like once again the thousand dollar track is coming out on top and the run but you soon spooling out this track is absolute torture on the vehicles and now my lockers have given out it's making this winch all the more difficult it's taken a huge effort to get up this climb and it's calling for a bunch of winch resets and changing the angle of the recovery and of course a fair bit of old right boot finally sooty's out of the bog hole and i can point her up towards the top graham all i can say is good luck mate all right graham's up next we've just made a bit of a ramp a couple of logs because we're gonna put a least amount of pressure on that winch of his because of course he's got no charge at the moment so we'll send him through and winch him up here hopefully you won't be too hard all right putting some logs in the rats seemed like a good idea at the time but i think it might have backfired in this case hang on something's not right here huh i think i'm stuck on something nothing can you turn or not nothing not a thing i think that's just about my battery too yeah that's the battery we might have to change that just doesn't give up this track there you go well it's not the most ideal place to swap out a battery but that's how it goes and we're soon grabbing the spare auxiliary battery from [ __ ] to swap out with the d-max crank battery that's part one of the plan and part two involves reuben's rear winch you see even with a full battery there's every chance graham could completely drain it after just one hard winch and that'll put us in the same predicament as before so instead we're trying to get the 79 around on another line so you can winch the d-max through instead [Applause] now to be honest getting around on the left is easier said than done and it takes a huge effort to get reuben through but we are getting the job done well this is working absolutely spectacularly because we've been able to get reuben around the d-max now on those tight tracks you'd have no chance of doing that but it's actually worked out well just got a different boggle bloody [Music] with the dmw rig in place we can get onto the final stage and that's hooking up the rear winch and getting the d-max moving with a new battery i'm able to start the vehicle up again and provide a bit of drive and get myself out of trouble once again how's that folks we got through well before midnight we're killing it reuben you're mad man far out you're not scared to drive this thing yeah no mate no i'm glad we threw that bog over i was just about to pull the fridge out and try and hit yourself upside down to be fair the seven horn has copped an absolute hiding on this trip and to do two tassie ones back to back and it's you know it's starting to show signs it's got a few dents got a few scratches the bar works all twisted but one thing that hasn't even looked like it's been compromised in any way is your train canopy and to think this is alloy and still in one piece is absolutely amazing yeah especially with all the hits it's had on the outside but look how clean that is i know not a bit of water in here look you can actually see the mud thick mud up into the seal and then it's then it's really clean inside so obviously you take part of making sure these things seal but the strength for an alloy canopy and tray is amazing yeah we've got a lot of bracing especially in these doors and across the roof and across the front everything like that we've had a good think about what to do with building the new xtr design yeah and look doing these types of tracks got to find out what they're really capable of and look we found out they're very very tough like a lot of people think the only way to go if you want a tough canopy and tray is steel but obviously it weighs an absolute ton you've proven that you can shave a stack of weight off yet still have something as tough and i mean this can stack up to what we've been doing and the canopy's still nice and tight and you know and sealed that's all on the chase three sausage rolls not just one [Laughter] we've had all matter of gremlins and mechanical dramas on this trip but there's really no better place to test out the capability of your vehicle and accessories and all these rigs have been hanging on and keeping us moving we've still got a fair bit of ground to cover but at last it feels like we might have the measure of a thousand buck trap there's still plenty of challenges being thrown our way but ever so surely the river that marks the end of the track is getting closer [Music] [Music] right as the daylight starts to fade we start our final descent towards the coal stream river and after three days of hard wheeling and mud bogging fun the thousand buck track is almost done and dusted [Music] well boys according to the gps the lvms is telling me we should be just about right on it and i'm glad for that because i can't see anything at me with screen oh boys boys boys boys i couldn't think of a better bunch of blokes to do this with the thousand dollar track it gets harder every time we try it and do it just after winter maybe one of the first four drives for this season to go through yep that'll do me i want an epic experience fellas started off in the snow and we're down here near the creek ready to crack a cold one hopefully i just can't believe we got through we're not quite through yet but you know we're close enough mate i can see the the creek down there look at it there it is haha yes yes yes yes yes yes yes new beauty i'll tell you what it's been a bit of a struggle but holy moly what an experience and thanks very much i've enjoyed every single bit of it with night on the way i reckon it's time to find ourselves another camp for the night and leave the run back into civilization for the morning there's just one last hill between us and a flat camping spot and with the prospect of a cold beer by the fire in line we get stuck right in [Music] my thousand dollar track oh my goodness gracious we've done it again and you know every time we do it just gets harder and harder the bible is amazing and we decided to do it just after one of the best after winter yeah and it snowed at the start of this trip can you even remember that i do and it was i snowed we were in the snow what were we thinking driving bog holes with ice over the top of the top you waited i think i mean i want to put it to you folks at home maybe you've got a harder track in your local area but i damn right doubt it because the thousand dollar track as it stands at the moment yeah in my opinion is the hardest track in australia i'm gonna rename it it's the four and a half thousand dollar track it's the eight and a half thousand dollar track as tough as it was it's flooding enjoyable it's super rewarding to get here we've got all the cars it's loose and look to do it with a good bunch of blokes perfect yeah i don't get romantic around the fire right now but i might speaking of which speaking of which i'm going to grab another beer because i'm just a bit out guys we've got a fire going we've conquered the thousand dollar track yeah big cheese yeah good on you boys guys thank you so much for joining us and we will catch you next time on forward drive 24 7. hopefully not on the side of the thousand dollar track cheers guys coming up is a full drive 24 7 outtakes but first let's check on some of the gear that makes trips like these possible what do i say mate this track thousand dollar track next level it never fails disappoint i mean it's one of the toughest tracks you'll do anywhere in australia without a doubt we're just i'm just looking over city at the moment i'm just surprised all still in one piece to be honest true true true true this is the part where we go over some of the gear that we use that got us to this point right here the last few days out there i'm going to start with something that i haven't even thought about the whole trick that's the fact my tyres hmm yeah bridgestone jewelers haven't even thought about them they've done the job they haven't got a puncture haven't let me down and what i do love about these tyres is the way they clear the mud so easily so when i get on those hills just give it a bit of a bit of fury mud goes flicking everywhere which you can see because the car's covered in it and then i just you can feel it get that little bit more grip as you're coming up the hill talking about mud clearing properties mate something that this is not i'm talking about my snatch clothing look we use this stuff right around australia some of the testing conditions and this is this has been very testy on the clothes as you can tell we've been absolutely filthy this is actually my fresh okay so when we finish the track i could get in the mud yeah from here from here to here roughly it's looking pretty good the rest but this is the stuff i mean it's super warm and it's built for the bush and that's what snatch clothing is all about it's testing the conditions you as football drivers come out so we say that snatch clothing get it out get it dirty wear it with pride that's exactly what we do mate one thing we have relied on pretty heavily on this trip is our vms unit because even though we're on the track we know the track is there knowing where you are on the track is so long to go how long to go where your repairs are going to be where you're going to camp that night et cetera et cetera and what i've actually done on this trip too i've marked every single bloghole yeah i don't know why because i never want to see them again bust up so you can do at least a 700 way points can you on the one track yeah exactly exactly it's just like a sea of blue waypoints all the way along every single hole but the vms unit honestly guys you haven't got yourself a gps system in your vehicle the new vms systems way to rock and roll absolutely well guys stick around because coming up next of course is the outtakes and somebody tells me the tassie cole got to us i'm finding mud in my pocket what are they doing i don't know there's a camera crew yeah it's very odd every time you go full drawing it seems of speed camera crew hello everyone how's that i'm shooting 345 56 47. reuben stabbing with a screwdriver mate ah apparently if you put an onion in your mouth when your eyes oh so close another goal of mine on this trip is to eat my body weight in beef jerky i'm so far i'm on track i think you rush an icebreaker boys go back the other way oh no if i hit third i can gap that and land the down ramp about where you are you'll probably break your elbow yo has been if only we had someone with i don't know a beaver on their head and a set of waders that could go in there look at the mud for oh what we've got in you again how are you filming with it have a look at the front of it still well there you go the sun's nice what i haven't tasted this one in a while if you don't mind can i say first go yeah just dig that out of there it's just a little yeah try that bro happy little vegemite for breakfast lunch and tea because we're happy oh yeah how good is that little spice like that's a little mushroomy over time too it's like that real organic [Laughter] that's not weird and i always find it helps just have fresh breath before you go into a boggle just have a minute before you go in who knows who you might meet in the boggle [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: 4WD 24-7
Views: 974,725
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 4wd, action, 4x4, offroad, outdoors, travel, overlanding, toyota, nissan, hilux, patrol, landcruiser, adventure, camping, fishing, diesel, petrol, surf, shaun whale, graham cahill, australia, dirty 30, shorty, gq, gu, 80 series, 40 series, 60 series, 79 series, troopy, 4wd action, 4wd 247, 4wd 24/7, cold steam track, coldstream tasmania, cold stream track 4wd, 4x4 tasmania, 4wding tasmania, thousand dollar track, 4wding in snow, 4x4 in snow, mud bogging, bog holes, tasmania mud, camping tasmania
Id: t8h6V6nRXGc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 72min 51sec (4371 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 22 2021
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