Cape York Old Telegraph reverse! Insane recovery at night

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[Music] [Music] hello bye Oh he's got my little snack with poo Suns going down we are to four drives out of four up gunshot Wow not the old gunshot but about the only one you can actually physically do this year 2017 up in Cape York you know I love this place and for good reason - this is about as good as it gets wait till you see this but in order to see this you have to go back to the start so get set down crack something cold and enjoy four-wheel drive action yeah a Cape trip just wouldn't be the same without a good bunch of mates hanging on for the trip this time is andrew from diesel care Andrews an absolute diesel mechanic guru and you couldn't ask for a nicer bloke to share a Cape trip with speak at a top blokes rocket rod from wholesale automatics is chomping at the bit to get going and of course my old mate Sean well well he wouldn't miss it for quids this year we're doing something a bit different in that we're taking on the telly track from north to south because you see we've been fishing at the tip for the last few days and we want to try and get back the adventurers way that means were going to be pushing southbound towards branwall Junction and taking on all the iconic challenges along the way such as Nolan's gunshot and palm creek but in Reverse this is gonna be awesome first up the infamous Nolan's Creek make that water levels right down this year so this is knowledge you've all seen it before it's a shadow of its former glory it used to be water right up in here but that's all right yeah they change every year you know the next one apparently is flooded number of cars this year already sorry yeah yeah that puts a Streamy step all right we gets right into this I cannot like much let's do it before anything of course we've got to drop the pressure in our tires the sand and Nolan's Creek is amazingly soft so I tread it like I would any beach run except it's a beach under water to that effect I'm dropping straight down to 18 psi I don't reckon I'm gonna get stuck but I'm gonna do the smart thing let's get everything ready because there's nothing worse than getting stuck in a river crossing water gets through I don't wear my underpants and suck on day one and sobs getting everything ready I'll get sure no to run across with the tree trap protector and just pre-emptive that's gonna be baked through you first water crossing got this we're still moving start the float things were looking really good here until I went and did this sure I go this is why you need to be free prepared for a witch let's reach my butt although this is freshwater you still don't want to be spending too long in here because it is really deep the d-max has got a solid waiting depth but I reckon I came pretty darn close right here right let's go a little wish here we go jeez it's so close [Music] although everything's wet it's not gonna be a problem because it will dry and better still the d-max is still very much good to take on the rest of the tele track Nolan's claim is another one brand new vehicle she's going under drawers full of water that's me coffee gone it's pretty much an effort it's just like emptying a dinghy either seeking really well very good wet season up here yeah I have I've got most of them you truck Shaun's up here we go he'll make this easy now of course sure they've seen me have a crack and he knows he's gonna keep up people I meant him up than what I did that's the beauty of going second so he's coming hot and he's made it look he's a little bit too quick in retrospect okay they're really a pretty good watch that's for sure that was a fair wave of water oh no I couldn't say anything I'd like to stop yeah I think rocket will get through know why he's got a v8 he's got heaps of power he's got the auto no he's telling a trial off over the power in that 79 I've got no no questions you gonna get through they'll go through the 79 there just in case so he's putting a strap on just in case you never know but there's gonna be fun to watch either way boom boom a crossing coming up rocket knows how to will that big rig appears and of course with as much weight as he's got on board there ain't no way he's gonna float so the only problem he might have is sinking into that soft sand and that is where tire pressures and momentum as you can see he's made that look easy as well what a wicked ride I love this place Andrews had exactly the same problem as myself right on the edge of the exit he's bogged down in that super soft sand not much kind of really preparing for that other than to be ready for the winch just like I was Andrews just going down this reverse straight that the boys got the strap-on tell me what tell me when the key here is to get your mates to work quickly get you on that winch and get you out before you get too much water in the beauty of nylons of course like I've said it's fresh water this is just the start let's keep going how good's this tape your tele track if you haven't done it we have even got plans to do it just stop what you're doing right now and make plans because this place it lives up to the hype lemme tell you ol Nolan's is always one of the deeper crossings we know that but we've been told there's several even deeper down ahead I reckon this would have carried through with a bit more speed but we've got two or three that are even deeper and much longer than Nolan's two so we might have to ever go to look at how we do it but they so tele early in the season top fun coming from north to south means that nones is your gateway to your adventure and almost straightaway we've got another water challenge this one's looking a bit boggy so I'm gonna give it the berries by what a little boat no good thing [Music] Shawn's done exactly the same thing ever listen to that video the minutes Wow a little bit softer but in a bit easier then to gave it the berries and the way out but you thrown the water up about 80 meters of course rockets no fault he's in there he's hot and he's coming through with a heap of momentum your beauty another crossing there goes the minus mu 9 there's no way Andrews girl for the winch this time he's in it and easy that for good ever listen to that truck and look at that fairway my record is just about drained that puddle I'll be back there rocket I'm correct make this your first time up the tele is that right well I should say down the tele should not I don't go tell he's one of those ones you got to get off your bucket list idea it's a cracking part of the world I tell you what I've never had so much fun in real life meet me jaws actually starting to hurt from smiling so much I reckon a lot of people you know type this track up and I'll give a good reason to it actually leads up to the light as well as a few tracks it does and review don't before now make first time up this far north to rocket here's the camping trailer guy might you're feeling it back there is it holding you back what's the story I've actually got to force myself to remember that I'm actually towing it here sometimes I get a bit of a shock and never look back at what's that oh Jesus how cool is that termite man behind me this is Cape York and if you've never done a dream trip up here here's a couple of tips to make sure you have the time of your life and tip number one really has to do with timing if you can't avoid the school holiday periods June July August because the whole cake becomes very busy it's not a major one but it does make it a bit more pleasant when you can have the whole place to yourself tip number two has got to do with water crossings now it can be a lubic daunting for someone who's never done as many as there are up here in the Cape so if you are worried about them try and get your trip sometime after that winter school holidays because of course this is when water levels will be at their lowest making the water crossings pick up a lot easier tip number three centers around fuel economy and fuel range now don't worry so much about a long-range fuel team because fuel suppliers are everywhere up here in the Cape my d-max has a 76 litre fuel tank which gives me a comfortable 500 kilometres of the hardcore off-road driving which means I can do pretty much anything alike up here in the all right Cape York you've really got to put it on your bucket list you're white regret it Logan's Creek is actually one of the longest crossings you'll do on the telly there are two distinct lines what about I go around because I'm gonna float yeah let's have a wait to get across that I'll float get up come around and Oliver Stanley get a strap on you thought if I get stuff you get stuck off will ya like sound about this terrific I've decided given that I've already fluttered the d-max once today I'm gonna take the left-hand line and chance the steep climb out the window as you can see with enough momentum the right gearing that's an easy line PP window the right-hand line is what the rest of the boys are gonna do check this out Shaw rose up and as you can see that is one heck of a crossing exact I was a bit worried I didn't say much then I didn't know what was gonna happen with the water wicked water crossing will give this a big-gun Rocka trotters seen exactly what shawne's done and he's copying it perfectly right gear choice and the right momentum keeping it up keeping that bow waver and again pops out the other side perfectly it's a beauty Andrews up and as you can see he's stoked to be giving such a water crossing it go Bower was perfect here selections perfect and again pops out the other end smelling the roses our next obstacle literally is the infamous Cypress Creek this Creek is an old some might say ancient log bridge which is slightly and I say only just slightly wider than the width of a four-wheel drive so you won't always get a bit nervous about these log bridges are they good no weeds people have been across them but so is that time and they don't work don't say that you just put you put the doubt in my mind are you don't do ID you're nice and light I'm thinking myself and rocket yeah you're only a featherweight there near Grandma this is about five tunnel up I'm sure of it yeah you wouldn't be far off right the big problem you've always got with this crossing is that you never really know just how those logs are the condition of them what the last wet season did or even what the last lot of traffic over the bridge might have done to the logs you take it really slow as you can see here with me I'm looking out making sure that I've got exactly enough room on the driver side and letting the passenger side take care of itself can you come close enough to see how my rear end is looking sure you like your without a spotter I gotta tell you it's a little bit shaky and I'm glad to be off that I don't want to alarm you but it does make a lot of creaking down I don't trust anything here once fell off an old bridge with Sean following behind I just give him a quick look to make sure everything is a-okay of course he's a lot whiter than I am in a heck of a lot heavier so I want to get him off that log bridge as quickly as possible okay rocket he's got two problems here one I've got to get him around this corner what an angle it's a left-hand turn and he's got to take it extremely wide because of course he's far longer than any of us I keep coming before you dare night we're going to do a three-pointer in here are they what you said there was a bridge here then once he set up again I don't want him spending time on that bridge so I'm gonna get him across as quickly as possible but keeping a very close eye on tyre placement one mistake here and he roll off that bridge and well and that'd be that the recovery would be a nightmare I'm over yeah you know this one Andrew Andrews up and by now I'm an old hand at spotting people yeah I'd suggest you come around fairly wife to Andrew and then you can come across from the driver's side more than the passenger he's got this he knows exactly what he's got to do but it's always confidence-building to have someone at the front and extra pair of eyes just to make sure that's the way my good reply all right Cypress Creek behind us beautiful let's push on and it's only a big drop dude like no yeah that looks probably worse than it is pretty solid unfilled right nah I'll take my hat off the rocket back in Cape York you'll often come across some kind of erosion on the tracks caused by the massive wet seasons they get up here and this is why you want to have your floor be well set up before you visit High Line High Line is key that's it straddle that right you're not falling the rough d-max is flexing a lot you see good quality suspension is a must not only for the ruts but for the corrugations you'll have to drive to get up here wheel placement is everything right here making sure that you're taking the easiest line that you possibly can you're keeping it easy not only for yourself but for your truck and for the track that's pretty crazy man look celebration hahaha this is a tour this rate Shawn of course is running a new set of royal suspension as you can see just working and it's working well in fact it's making it easy to make it look beautiful ruffit that is quite a home that's a big angle the camper of course has got great suspension and the coupling on the camper is performing perfectly as well heywhat this trailer holds extremely well quite happy with it so far andrew rides motorbikes for a hobby and he rides them fast he knows all about suspension corrugations and ruts and as you can see that's travel directly across today's experience behind the wheel he's doing this and he's doing it easily hey guys you're the copy back there this is a cannibal Creek I think this is your favorite Creek on the older the whole I'll tell you sure I'd be real keen to get through mistake and down to my favorite which is Sam Creek what do you all reckon that's insane Mike great swimmin hole down there too cannibal Creek actually enters from one side turns in the water crossing and then exits up a steep climb just like any water crossing momentum in that bow wave in front is what you need as you can see I've built my enough perfectly made the turn and that's all good Hilla throw it up the bank the biggest issue we might have here of course is the type turn for rocket rod he may need to take two bites at it but knowing him he knows that trucks so well but I reckon he'll do it in one sean-o may have to be just a little more careful on his turn make sure he's looking at that left-hand side said that he can clear the bank but always maintaining that momentum ir word real quiet on the in car then because I didn't think I was going to make it that's but you'd be quite tight that's any nines don't turn so tight okay Rockets up it's the left-hand turn that we're gonna be worried about here but like I suggested he knows that truck knows exactly how it turns and he's made it look easy see that was a bit of a close call then let him grin off the track Andrew likewise a lot of experience behind the wheel this is not going to be an issue for him after cannibal Creek we're faced with a fun but technical little climb up the other side this is of course where you experience the difference coming the opposite whale on the telly not too far down the track and whereupon one of my all-time favorite campsites along the tally tracker Sam Creek we get to work setting up camp so that we can relax and enjoy something very special like always I'm unrolling my swag under my awning this time around though I've treated myself to a stretch of it I'm up off the ground I'm living like a king it really doesn't get much better this right here is what everyone comes to the telly for I know the driving is fantastic I know having time off work is fantastic but at the end of the day when you've had the experience of the water crossings of the four-wheel driving this is where memories are made and this is why we keep coming back time after time to maintain for about 50 layers and not that because there's a water hole above us which is nice speed apply for this one absolutely a graphical interface okay coming north to set it's on the right-hand side I'm Sylvia Beckford same bring all of them on track then jump in there by those two ever black rocket hey Mike is this the boy track that is off the trail it is daddy's in science they use use it as a table probably that's a really good idea it really is you know what you could do with this you could roll your swearing up on this you can sleep on it you can sleep on yeah no problem at all fantastic you'll also enjoy your clothes on it too you can do well yes if you do flutter low as do they even hit ahead yeah yeah exactly all right so we haven't we this might ever strike say we do wrong tip salad you look like you're in a frenzy give us a call I'm gonna shock showing off all right [Music] tomorrow well tomorrow more of the same more of a tele track how good is that we've got another full day heading south and what's beautiful about that is that we're going against the traffic so well though there's only a few people on the telly this time of year there's no waiting for us we're straight into the next obstacle and onward south there's nothing better than waking up at a remote camp and there are plenty of those up here in Cape York you're looking for something a bit different from your old bacon agree what is this mongrel pigs alright so I'm just gonna take oh there's gonna be another four minutes or close a lead on this one yep and I'm cool the boys in battle [Music] oh look at this one like it's some mongrel mix that is as good as breakfast get that do pass that on yep get a load of that we've got so much ground to catch up a big delay yep yeah huge day oricon then we're jumping out at every water all for swim okay we'll just assign it to Elliott full Sam cannibal cockatoo how we're gonna get this India okay go once we've got a solid breakfast in we're fighting fit to have an awesome day of four-wheel driving today we're hoping to reach the infamous gunshot but we've got some serious ground to cover so come on let's get goin first little creek crossing for the day Sean oh yeah Mike I can get you this I'll tell you what it's beautifully colored a lot of these sort of crossings it's sort of dotted all the way along this track are they just amazed each one has its own little beach and it couldn't ask for more beautiful clear River but I'll add this would have to be Canal Creek I don't know where it gets its name from oh yeah it's a bit clunky and bumpy in there you just watch yourself from north to south canal Creek crosses directly to the right hand side so there's a bit of a dogleg in the middle you really want to walk this one first it's got an awesome base so traction will not be a problem and of course it's fairly shallow so you don't need to be too concerned about crocodiles Shawn's made that look really easy and of course rocket rod knows exactly how to punt that truck like I've said so many times before he's trial of back as good as she goes forward it's up in the air we go head she comes oh man and Rutten no drama either he's seen what everyone else has done to follow the exact same mile which is what he should do and again he's done it with no dramas as well as the awesome four-wheel driving the tele track is also known for its spectacular waterfalls there's quite a few to choose from including Twin Falls Indian Falls fruitbat Falls but we're gonna drop in on one we haven't experienced just yet and that is Elliot Falls my Elliot Falls oh wow got the place to ourselves there's no one down there no one I feel just unbelievable and what on the tele track yeah I couldn't believe it like I've stopped that fruit bat before never this one and I just told me how that this is one heck of place yeah my don't going to jump straight in Oregon and then there's a bit of a rapid down there I might even go for a slipper sliders here we go flow idea that's it two weeks to go though at school holidays you wouldn't want well it's still have a great deal of fun but it gets super crowded so if I'm going in with that he was gone have a look at this will you if ever there was a location you just had to stop and have a swim it's Elliott Falls now having said that of course we could probably stay here all day but we want to try and reach gunshot before nightfall so we've got to get moving yes it's a big puddle and I actually think it's a creek all right boys I'll see you on the other side or I'll see you in the middle Oh on way or the other and right away we've got another doozy of a water crossing come on let's get into it do it I saw you window is there yep yep that sucks wrongdoing they sort of work off in the second gear high range they don't mention gone just to get that bear wife over that Ameristar noise the final vehicle keep up with that man why it's not over take it that's very deep in there Sean yeah he's a little bit date right oh absolutely don't look at our wire came in you know I've always said you don't need to have an amazingly set up truck importer to tackle the teletrac it's really not that demanding however you do need a few basics a snorkel a working winch and it's a good idea to take a few mates vennett go in hey Shawn are you begun north-south before on the till no I never might this is the first for me and be honest I really enjoyed it you guys are all doing it Kelly everyone says the north end of the Telly's timefor than the southern end what are you guys doing there's a couple of ikonics on the southern end that I really enjoy like palm that's a doozy and of course kata to which we're gonna be coming up too soon and then you've got the probably the most famous a little bit of track in in Australia being gunshot as a heap of different options these days but from memory none of them are real easy coming up next is a fairly big river crossing called cockatoo Creek now this should be fun Creek a the line changes he used to come up this Bank and across here it changes every year you really got to get out of your vehicle have a walk thrill find out where you're gonna drive I see a few people scraped in through there yeah hundred percent that's the way to go there's big dark holes and it was look really deceptive but they're not so I think what its gonna go straight across and up the back go consume right alright good job in the cars and let's go in crossing a water crossing like this I'm looking primarily for entry and then on the opposite side exit points that tells me where I should enter and where I should leave this water crossing used to be that had to come around to the left and then down or coming up as a way opposite that but now I think we can just go straight across this I think or I learnt from my last mistake after we going through this my window up whenever it comes to river crossings there are two rules of thumb when I follow the first is if it's too deep to cross don't attempt it the second is that if it's flowing so fast that walking across it is difficult there's no way you should take you four wheel drive into neither of these are a problem on Cockatoo so we're going to give it a go of course we've all heard that there are Crocs when it comes to these water crossings up here in Cape York and there are don't take it from me judge each crossing on its own merit and make sure you can definitely see the bottom before going in let's give this a go deep entry lots of rock steps in this one wet seasons up here of course would rip through crossings like this making them utterly impossible killer Exedy it's a beautiful thing that we can get up here during the dry season and experience this place because during the wet ain't no way you'd be doing this this river crossing hasn't presented any issues and so now it's time to really try and cover some ground suddenly Sean I realizes he's got a bit of a problem I wonder what it could be gravy attack are you mate sure do boss here you go yeah I wanted to pull over I think um something not quite right um a little bit what do you mean like but I don't know what you mean you got water in your fuel or something I hope it's not something to catastrophic but it's um the vehicles not performing like it used to that's for sure oh no no no I definitely stop and check that out if I were you mate um 100% I'll probably even get an her to give you a hand he's got knowledge in these areas I'll pull up here mate here's the problem I tell myself like this time bear module so no wonder you're feeling bit Daria this morning it's not surprising this thing gives 20% more power and cool bit more on this machine it must have been the corrugations on what do we got here boys don't you sit my office my thing autocracy Oh strewth suddenly we're up on a large bottle and it could very well swallow our four drives but there's only one way to find out [Music] but really is all about momentum just enough to get you through without doing damage you said it's exactly what I've done now for the other guys I thought didn't look pretty at all might yeah that's gnarly dude that's uh that's a can't see where I've gone he's doing the same thing killing it nailing it we're all that can close the bank lost you got well that's a day rocket well he's not holding back and he's got a lot of ponies to help him out he too makes it look easy in Andrew having seen what all of us have done follows the exact same line pops out the other side the day's getting on now so I want to try and work out exactly where we are how far we've got to go so I reckon we're only beyond gee whiz for 4k from the infamous old gun shot there oh yeah one of the most iconic tracks in the Cape right it's gonna be interesting going up gunshot any of them with the camera run but always willing to give it a go there's a fellow last year you had a camper trailer he got stuck on there for a couple of days I've been I'm just got this feeling we're gonna be winching to the night tonight we've got to make it fast gunshot gunshot used to be the absolute cracking crossing on the Cape and look it still is but these days rather than only being one way in and one way out you've got about half a dozen choices this year right not only this year but this direction - just a bit weird for me who say we jump out and make a decision on here we get out of here so that might has got to be the original gunshot the original gunshot I believe I liked all of that gunshot yeah well you straight away Zeke our mate we hit the bottom all right we know where we're getting the camper trailer up there no that's not have no the way we came down what two years ago change totally full a month don't know anything anyone's driven it now not the season bit more I reckon it's got you promised no fee that's a red rag before let's get together all right let's do that one all right well this is one of the spiders easier besides a gunshot still gonna be one heck of a challenge this is really deep mud it's about you know sort of ankle deep and all the rest of it and he's gonna hit it with a lot of speed I suppose get up to there it's gonna be one heck of an adventure anyway Sam the fun way and we're gonna give it one heck of a go first and foremost I want to stick myself into low range and get as much momentum as I possibly can wheel spins going to help to clear mud from my tread blocks give me as much traction as possible I have becoming mobile and how good is that I've made it right up to the edge now we all know there's no way I'm gonna climb that no truck is implying that let's load this cable is strong the big tip right here is to run your winch cable up high on to your anchor point well good that means that I'm being pulled up and out of the creek rather than into the bank and that is gonna make the world of difference how am i well I can't say anything I gotta tell you this feels extremely sketchy being pulled up a vertical wall by a piece of rope but as we all know winches these days and the rope that comes with them at top quality and really it's doing it pretty down easily well as you can see it's about as vertical as you actually get in a four-wheeler but the problem we've got at the front there is the amount of load that we've got we're in risk of actually doing some damage at the front end there so we might have to rethink this I'll let the boy I can't really see that's the problem for me here all I know is that I'm leaning back on quite comfortable but don't know forwards the way to go so a little bit of trigonometry just try to work out the angles right now and we don't put so much force on that we'd say a single line pull we could go double if we get the angles right it's going to make it easy for the winch and safer to the recovery well I'll tell you to put that tension in now little bit shaken not stirred but I'm up and out okay now it's time for the others good luck without you for time giggles their goods that right hey that's I reckon this most vertical which live it up really it was it was an event it was super vertical yeah straight up how's a single water pool that week yeah I'll believe it that's unbelievable that's American people like all we got a double on about 8:00 a.m. all there's gonna be a lot of blood of fools to the flight having done that Schorr nose up now he's seen exactly what I did but the biggest issue he's gonna have here is that left hand turn he's a bit longer than me I've got a feeling that canopy might be in danger of being dented on that Bank alright he's done well to get to there but as I thought that Bank is really proving problematic you gave me a ladder like this miles we're gonna make it I'll get bit of a feeling a bit of a bit of a feeling in my waters there we're gonna be hearing to the night gunshot deliver it once again soon we realized we've got an issue now this plan is working you see Shaun 79 is slowly moving sideways and creating a space between the canopy and the bank we all need to get up this challenge before we can camp because it's just simply no place to set up down in this gully it would be downright uncomfortable yep got a bit of an issue was sure a nice canopy here he's as he comes forward capitalists see it but the slope angles down this way ever so slightly which is forcing the canopy into this Bank and if we continue I have a feeling he's gonna do from the rear door all the way back he's gonna put a great big dent down the side of the 79 yeah you don't want that want to avoid that at all cost so I'm gonna bring the d-max around over here somewhere lock up run on reach down to the rear I'm just trying police read around try pulling off this Bank in theory that should work but I mean up theories why I like rule it's made to be broken let's give it a go see what happens there good this it's gonna be night little soon anyway something just to be out the set and we've still got the camper trail to get through so that's gonna be one heck of a challenge there's only one heck of a challenge the Sierra gotta go between Harlem fully loaded this is arm that we evolve our plan here is to use our wings from the side to pull that canopy off the bank whilst he reaches forward there you go again drew it's a delicate balancing act I need to be able to winch whilst he's going forward yeah you can see it working its might that's work we're clearing that canopy off the bank we am I looking real good that work the tree and he's making forward progress that's perfect okay now everything's up from there jeez you've really got to take your hat off to modern winches have a look at the stress that things under just keeps going it was like whole the hippopotamus up in Hill House good work good night really good stuff good I don't why the fact that we just thought about it and either properly no scratches no dents no lazily I'll bet you got a lot of confidence now with the trailer I think I think Nagar lately yeah it's not that bad like the winches did it yeah yeah I didn't actually feel like I needed a double on alright we'll get this super bottom set away we'll get the next one up go listen of that thing okay rocket starting to get dark let's get you up there mate now Rockets truck ways a kick of a life and again he's got the same problem on that back it was pulling backwards we know it works give them a Linux tag once we get rocket up I have a feeling if he just guns it he's going to pull that trailer with him [Music] yeah I got into a really good spot yeah but you're my right I'm Jam growing up against that for you do you think the trailer will just follow all right [Music] my goodness that is an enormous amount of weight but that wench well it just seems to be handling it hold there hold it we're now working into the dark and Suns going down we're in Twilight now but either way we run gunshot we having a lot of fun as he saw it this is a case of repeating our methods for each vehicle and each time we get a bit quicker especially seeing as we're losing light here we go I can feel the front wheels Hawaii straight up I was gonna say there's a ton of weight on that winch but that's ridiculous it was about $5 winch on there so what we're gonna do now we've got any sort of up to a position where he can safely take let's put off the brake in the sit there cause any place you can go now is back down into the mud if that makes sense so we're gonna do a double line pull up to a pulley block and then back down to a recovery point on the pool we'll drive and that will take a lot of the strain off that winch doesn't matter how slowly we get up there so long as we're moving we're right right I rock it you got one shot at this mate pull that trailer up fill the back come on I'm a little bit you listen to that thing that's insane I didn't think of it do it but goes to show right foot some horsepower got a bit of a demon behind the wheel makes it look easy oh how cool was that display that's every yard series grunting mumbo for we I really is that it and the noises at my ex I'm like - got to take that and play at any car that I've got a fantastic we did a two inch stroke so they nice inside the canopy on both of us that's nice neither here nor there the two weeks roads but yeah that's a good idea pulling them it's just thinking you know all right one to go Monica Lee well - that's not a trailer the beauty is you can't say sir Andrews up and by now we are a well-oiled machine that's it get into it good job that's a really good job this is awesome this is absolutely insane with the decent stuff did I go up against that got it you're not gonna fall over that way donate to we're good to go that thing was off the white Amole Ellis that amp that's view okay doc it's a vertical pull straight up and out of gunshot at night I tell you are we crazy or what that's it Andrew that's the way might straight up easily does it [Music] that's it my over the lip and pop bit attraction and he's forward tell you what that was one heck of an effort yes hey know what a bride say but I've never done anything like that it's all great right I'm ready for a beer can't pop to see anyway whatever you reckon wash you out first like how good is that gun shot in the dark we waste no time setting up camp and Sean oh well he's got the cooking gear out cuz tonight he's playing chef cat stuck into it mate I'm absolutely starving up here in Cape York and the old telly track they're gonna cook a meal that I reckon anyone at home can do it only has to be out four ingredients on a court tonight beers boars and babes first ingredient would be beers beers speakers I say that look at hands straight down straight into the wycombe right what are you there be oh that's the first let's this guy who is guy so that's actually why you're in the lorry in the wake of I give up there's some there's some pork cuts in there here you go there's some porks another one that was the hard one it's beers yep pause switch here vibes beers boars and babes yep so we've got beers got boars right there at the peaks feral pigs up here yeah and vibes look look look when you cook this the babes will come so four ingredients doesn't get much simpler than one of those either beer so so this is one two three you're right you've only got four ingredients here it's pretty it's pretty basic I'm intrigued do you miss pray let me beat them down here did you want them on you can even use that to watch parts but yeah I was already putting on their map so that's a bit of Moroccan spice might just comes in a jar Moroccan spice Wow okay because a babe won't come unless you all right so we just whack those on okay this is Tomatoes it's a crushed tomato so soon as I brown these off they go into like I can't and poppin or I'm just gonna put it in a Lavinia oil trays close the lid and all I'll let it sit for like an hour or more just wanna get on yeah look because these are quite thick this is I just love this recipe I love any recipe that's really quick and easy I'm not a lazy chef you want all three of these not too much no definitely go all three is it gonna cut these into light just use that we can do yeah yep that's it done that's looking good Mike okay looks good oh hey I'm just gonna start putting this awesome yep yep yep get a handful of on you and sprinkle it from up here somewhere just break them break the parts away but now let's say just use Chuck Anderson yeah if you could just if you break it I wanna be a gap mate chuck it in okay that's that's an addition to the did you get this recipe from my alright Mike good chef never tells you so you're like a magician really come on I know exactly when he got this from my mum Wow she knows old not my job with this stuff yeah basically got them just in the Elm in your full honours poor this what love here you doing that that is like you want to get it evenly across the thing so you are you are a master all the way you what you'll do now is you let that seam up so I'll turn the heat down on the Weber I'll let that simmer for like an hour and a half maybe product just go sit bother for I'm right don't you should finish a couple of kids on you're gonna come back in an hour well it's been about how about an hour and a half it got a bit carried away in front of the fire it doesn't matter you leave this pretty much on all night the longer you leave it the more tender it becomes that's great as it is though put a little bit of cooking cream just some thickened cream what I want to do now is basically this Chuck I don't know half a half a little 10 into each one okay turn the lows around got the cream in leave back on half an hour I'll see ya ready for dinner well it's been about two hours I'm surprised that that is looking really good it smells great too guys come on get away this my money I have been waiting all to get off at four bring your laughing gear I am surprised I am succeed it all the beers yeah you did succeed applause yep yeah the babes your Hogan the smell gets it they might come hard I think so you go rocket any time you spend with a girl as always their loss but I'll try yes I tried you know you give me a big one that is so good I mean four four ingredients and any bunker cool that's what's so good about this meal is it really is just one of those ones you just chuck it in no sit down around the fire Krieger few beers we get out of that bar with the babes didn't come no they didn't not reckon if we just let that smell walk through the air it might become an air from BAM again from from cooked ham let's get into the fire mate and get into this driving [Music] having conquered gunshot late last night our four B's are showing a few battle scars and signs of an epic Cape York adventure well that's it mate as well it's one of Seth's gun shot entries or exits depending on any camera last night I didn't think we're gonna pull all those vehicles up but that was just a vertical sure let's gunshot there's have to be one of the most if not the most iconic obstacle in the for drive world I'd go Australia what are you gonna be hit next play well we've got we've got dirty deal honty palm then there's a good one then real tricky one yeah we've got to have live music and beers a fraction yeah I've been back there a couple of times a year our big days let's get the boys together yeah okay cool what we're not gonna hang around this morning because we're planning on getting to Bramwell Junction and the end of this adventure before sundown it's time to get moving all right boys you can take gunshot off the list done and dusted we've got a couple little doozies in front of us still we stood a palm we've still got Delahunty a couple of little things to go but one of the biggest things of course is Bramwell tonight yeah I'm gonna forward to it mate this is a type of the land that starts off really tough I'll tell E quite saying it too I tell you works the first time and telling Torino is absolutely full of surprises is true going up gunshot was certainly a surprise bit of a sloppy start but yeah certainly looking forward to bramble tonight classic Cape your corrosion right in little bit of a run here boys it's all about wheel placement and holding on and enjoying the ride oh my did he pick a wee laughter I reckon she goes oh to both sides every night series bless gonna love it it's a good job that trailer has got all the fruit on it because we're in for more erosion to count this is gonna be fun [Music] there's plenty of flex and plenty of wheel lift happening here with all air for bees waving to the camera [Applause] [Music] soon enough we're up on another beautiful Cape York crossing I've actually seen photos of our trucks being floated across this during the wet season so I guess something today it's a trickle but I guess during the wet this is a I like even see if you look downstream she's a real watercourse oh I just found the only hole in the entire river or Struth Anila hit me head-on the passenger window just saw that motor what they get slightly different the one I think you go don't want old girl never actually dreamed that there would be so many river crosses there's so many and they're all pristine hottest felon all this brought a few little holes in there what big hole six it's so tight having made the crossing without anyone disappearing into a hole we notice that we're near an awesome little camp so we thought we might drop in and check it out for next time starting late this is it really Creek and this is the famous birdy campsite is the beauty knowing this is here is that if any of the campsites to the south or north are full this one probably would be empty most days because you got to come off the telly to get to it yeah a lot of people wouldn't know about the night I was here worth marking down the very best right here reckon yeah all right hey let's according to the BMS I reckon we've got just under 30 klicks to a dremel Junction Road house might not be full part of Creek now we got permanent look there's a couple of little one yeah palms right at the end there we've got Honor can we got about 25 guys to pump turn back and do it again any day for a first-timer it's been amazing do it again you can buy take off the telly we're getting closer and closer to Palm Creek which will be the last major challenge before we hit Bramwell first though we're up on another picture-perfect crossing that's so synonymous with Cape York where's the exit I gotta say I am so impressed with just how well the d-max has been handling crossing after crossing it's doing it with ease and it's a testament to new truck technology good this is it mate last challenge tom croquet this was a flat drove up this one straight up super easy I reckon now my plan of attack here is to invert onto my lid skid down there Apple plain across the water yep up on the bank and do a flip back onto my wheels and then drive back up the other side know that you can do anything else portfolios rights all other arts yep you know you know you know what's at the other end of this grand well they do all right well let's get stuck you know it might all go first okay I'll stay here watch actually hopefully I don't have to use that tree on the other side too which we saw me had cuz that'll be embarrassing okay good luck palm Creek this is one of the most technical challenges on the tele track I can't see what my wheels are supposed to go it's a fairly steep downhill act can be quite slippery I'll bet it is oh you're about to see I've got hill descent control so I'm simply gonna push that button and let the d-max take me down at the face you can see farm Creek itself this is a very shallow water crossing with a good firm base absolutely nothing to worry about start to add ribbon and break yeah good night oh well nothing to do with me Grover thought you stole it I did I did not I just it was only one I can't be on the front and she got in group from the top right in dirt now that was good okay shall I say exactly what I've done he's coming down that side with zero issues I know they're not happy [Music] Crossing palm Creek like anyone else with no problem at all i define it a deck of playing cards I couldn't put a card between the canopy and the side then what I you're committed to I know you okay yep don't do it yeah this one I reckon you it's easy up there okay that's about all you got right I know it yeah go to the everything don't be everything I then very impressive mate and then when I got to the top I looked at the wheel but when it came down that was the key whilst I had a wheel in the air I wasn't going anywhere then I start a rock Dover and well you know I should be fine finally for a really big way oh okay in that case you should be fine you'll get to see I'm gonna go watch it now just grab the winch bit too much weight I reckon in the back in there yeah that one was will be disappointing I could have had it but I backed off a little bit and then I realize that canopy was up against the bank so for this winch no point breaking anything it's fun a lot of fun all right here's a look at use the winch you bought it you're paid your money have a drive make sure you don't get penile damage that's just a waste of money that could be put into diesel let's winch him up and get him out know exactly what to turn on or offer you there's no real answer to this going down I have gravity on my site but i get the any are going to turn a very very hard right you get the trailer around the next bank rocket seen exactly how it's done these he's way down [Music] but at the face things just go slightly fair so we're gonna have to do a very quick wins just to get him across that small but rather sucky bit of mud hole no that's it I'm done now are going to be pretty well angry he's not that stuff he's got the trial of all onions off-roading four-wheel driving and automatic transmissions to go together like beer and peanuts and rocket ride coming out a palm creek you'd have to agree an auto is just such a bonus that was a wild ride how exciting once again no damage needs to be done here there's a perfectly good Anchor Point let's use the winch for what we bought it for [Music] I'll tell you what a little camper from Black Series is handled vitally with phase Andrews seen everyone else he's come down that left-hand Bank perfectly frost the creek look at him size up that southern bank something tells me he ain't gonna hold back thirst be now second bit of my goodness he's absolutely gone mental he's driven that like a boss both front wheels in the air both of them scared I can tell cause you just trumped enough she went oh yeah I got right out of the way that was amazing Andrew that was absolutely a brilliant Drive mate they bring out I think I'm gonna beat well that's pretty much it we've completed the tele track from north to south something we've not done before not allege that's it that's the telly don't understand well pretty much done and I still get a little run now into brown well what do you reckon Andrew first time mate I've loved every minute of it mate you drive like a crazy man that last Drive haha I had a mix of or and panic if the seconds are soft stuff table stuff ed you go back there with that trailer rocket tell you what guys I have had the most amazing time ever I'm gonna tell you Oh camper and absolutely performed flawlessly Matt you did a bloody good job I got to say a real good job many wouldn't have been able to do it as well sure I was gonna ask you north or south or south or north but I reckon it matters just get out and do it I couldn't said it better Mike it's a cracking adventure and we've had a great bunch of mates to do it with two that's the lights of the Big Smoke mate we're heading to the city ah I can't wait to mate I bet the views of nice and cold at the bar and Ken are we on fire mate there won't be a like then yeah they normally ever gonna live music this time of year end of a trip and there's a pub again that's even better I'll probably be chasing going around to play the bar type that he didn't pick up last time I paid in a bar tab last time I needed a alone but I buy that Bramwell homestead really is a good place to call home for the night after such a big adventure they've made a lot of inroads here to help tourists just like us when they come onto or off the telly track there's great food fantastic bar and most nights of the week they've even got live music treat yourself drop in and stay a few days at Bramwell homestead Cape York right here we are Breville Junction north or south of the old telly truck first time these guys have ever done yeah I'll tell you what do you reckon guys live up to the hype yeah absolutely i reconcile I've done it like three times now and each time it keeps getting better for me mate I don't know what I'm up to fifth or seventh I don't know it doesn't matter I'll be back next year in the year in the year after that because this is Cape York this is where adventure was born in Australia and it continues to deliver and this might be a night to remember Layton tells me or I can get the recovery gear out cuz I'm gonna get some help from get out of that bye check this out I got me pants and shoes on and I'm gonna get out there and remember stores if you try no that's right I'll tell you what we're getting in there folks you want to see some mo next year you might not because heck we might stay here but you will definitely see us on for drive action I'm gonna go dance yeah oh no pulling out of the bar our guard Elvis if she's roaming I'll be back seats are wet everything's wedding then everything right you know what it's remarkably hard to make babes come I've tried so many times hey guys now I can see what I'm doing where we guys Oh No government always happy that a lot that makes me laugh [Music] [Applause] [Music] which I might they call talking to you say wait come on we're on video that you're on video to say hello to croak [Music] imagine that this balloon right here is your engine now watch what happens when I apply he scared myself ladies club - yes yes it's not my favorite crazy I don't would be it would be your home I said it couldn't be done why we're wrong day max prevails thank you very much thank you very very much feels good to be a winner you
Channel: 4WD 24-7
Views: 778,713
Rating: 4.9207921 out of 5
Keywords: 4wd, action, 4x4, offroad, outdoors, travel, overlanding, toyota, nissan, hilux, patrol, landcruiser, adventure, camping, fishing, diesel, petrol, surf, shaun whale, graham cahill, australia, dirty 30, shorty, gq, gu, 80 series, 40 series, 60 series, 79 series, troopy, Four wheel drive, 4 wheel drive, 4wd cars, car, 4WD Fails, 4WD build, 4x4 fails, 4wd action, 4x4 action, 4 wheel drive action, 4wd action full episodes, 4x4 24/7, 4x4 247, Jocko, Shauno
Id: 5duuhaRzcAM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 7sec (3727 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 25 2018
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