Canteen Cup Tuesday - The BEST Ramen Bomb Recipe EVER!

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all right here we go with another episode of canteen cup Tuesday coming to you from the workbench of death in sunny Central Florida this is Matt the old Florida boy you know I was searching around on the internet and I just happened to stumble on to ramen bombs and it seems like everybody's got their own way and their own recipe for making ramen bombs some people use the bag method with mashed taters and stuff like that and spam and all that kind of jazz you know it's everybody's got their own way and I'm sure they're pretty good but I don't really want to make mashed potatoes because you know if you're making mashed potatoes in your canteen cup that's going to be pretty messy plus I'm not gonna carry around the ziplock bag out of the woods you know if I have a spare one that may be one thing but I'm not gonna make my ramen bomb and my lunch in a ziplock bag I'm gonna show you today how to use this one canteen cup and we are gonna make an easy breezy modified ramen bomb using chicken and rice and I think it tastes really really good and this actually is the recipe that started the canteen cup Tuesday craze I'm gonna put a card to that video right up here in the upper right hand corner and that's actually the the recipe the started the whole canteen cup craze so let's go back and I'm gonna show you how to make the easiest most tasty ramen bomb ever so let's go okay here we go these are the ingredients that we're going to use for our modified ramen bomb and these are things that almost everybody has with them when they go hiking I got my canister and gas with my little rocket stove I got some nice top ramen chicken flavor I got one cup of Minute Rice I got my dollar tree fork and I got a can of bumblebee chicken breast of course I got my canteen cups and I got just under two cups of water I'll show you why in a minute and I got some good old Louisiana Hot Sauce now let's get cooking okay so let's get this motor started first thing we got is we're going to start up our stove I love the stove man man that's great now put our water in Turkey teacup we're gonna put this on the stove woohoo that's a little high shut her down all right that should boil it up in no time here we go we're gonna set our lid on here and since there's nothing more exciting than watching water boil I'm going to show you what we're gonna do with the chicken okay here we have our can of chicken it's open you notice we got all of our gunk and chicken water we are not gonna waste that what we're gonna do is after our paper comes off we are gonna strain this chicken and get all of our chicken water in there mmm yummy until we get right at 2 cups of stuff uh-huh look at that oh man now we're gonna use the chicken water to boil up our ramen wet so we're gonna let that come to a boil then we're gonna put our noodles in okay cool man we are cooking with gas now that's our chicken junk and water mixture we're gonna put in we're gonna put in the chicken packet now whoo now we're gonna put in the ramen oh man and we are gonna boil this ramen up for about three minutes or until it is done so Oh we'll bring you back in three minutes all right you can see oh man our ramen is cooking up oh man now this is this isn't just the noodles like I did last time this makes the soup and we want the soup because what we're gonna do is we're gonna add the rice at the end and the rice needs to sit for like five minutes because this is Minute Rice in order to absorb all of that liquid so we are going to continue to cook this for just a couple more minutes until our ramen is done we're boiling up nicely and then I'll show you how we finish it all right here we go we've been boiling for three minutes those noodles are ready whoever they are looking good so we're gonna do now is we're just gonna put the chicken in carefully so that we don't turn it over well our stuff is still hot but the chicken oh my god look at that and let that chicken cook up just a little bit now I'm gonna let that sit not for very long at all and now what we're gonna do is we're just gonna take this off turn our stove off so we don't house down now put this in there and put in a cup oops of rice that overflow it a little bit okay okay okay that needs to be a half a cup of rice not a cup of rice so we're gonna put it out here like this and we're gonna mix it up okay and we're gonna take the pop and we are gonna out oh snap that top on we're gonna leave this sucker for five minutes and we're gonna come back and then we're gonna see okay so give it about five or six minutes or so oh look at that oh we got noodles we got chicken we got rice and we don't have much soup at all that rice is totally absorbed almost all of the soup and now we got chicken flavored rice cuz we put the chicken junk in there as well as the chicken but what would what would anything be without shot of good old Louisiana Hot Sauce and we're gonna put just a drop in here all right just a drop I love this stuff I did my ancestry DNA and I figured out that I was 51% southern Louisiana French Cajun so go figure so if anybody's from southern Louisiana we could be related never know now this stuff is mixed up it's ready to go I'm gonna show you the finished product all right it's still pretty hot out here but at least the hurricane didn't hit us so that's one for the blooper reel I haven't made this in so long I forgot how much rice to put in and I put one cup of rice in don't use one cup of rice that's enough rice to fill up your backpack only use a half a cup of rice so I kind of siphoned off a half a cup here we go oh man mmm man you could taste the Louisiana Hot Sauce ooh hmm that makes almost a full canteen cup full look at that you get chicken you got ramen you get rice man it's hot too it's still hot out here so this is really this is really how the whole canteen cup thing all started was I made my modified ramen bomb and this is nothing but we used a little bit of the chicken juice in water boiled up the water cook the ramen for three minutes put the flavor pack in there got it all got it all flavor it up put the chicken in there for a minute or so kind of let the chicken heat up then we put a half a cup of rice in there more or less half cup rice in there then you snap the mix it up real good you snap the top on and you let that sucker sit for five or six minutes ten minutes the longer you let it sit the better it is and this makes an entire canteen cup oh man that is good put a little hot sauce in there nothing's refrigerated nothing's perishable item everything is easily duplicatable on the trail it's a little breezy out today and it's still a little hot out today so I'm sitting in the shade on my back porch so once again this is the modified ramen bomb using chicken and rice rather than spam and mashed taters so coming to you after the hurricane which I survived and so did Trailblazer Tim coming to you from the wilds of my back porch and my backyard this is Matt the old Florida boy and I will see you on the trail
Channel: FloridaBoy Survival
Views: 16,725
Rating: 4.8503938 out of 5
Keywords: canteen cup tuesday, ramen bomb, canteen cup cooking, camp cooking, backpacking food, canteen cup, outdoor cooking, camping food, backpacking meal, trail food, backpacking food ideas, bushcraft cooking, ramen bomb recipe, ramen bomb backpacking, ramen noodles, survival tips, bushcraft survival, backpacking meal ideas, canteen cup cooking recipes, easy backpacking meal ideas, ramen recipe, backpacking ramen bomb, ramen bomb backpacking recipe, ramen bomb review
Id: bv4XhgiBOu4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 18sec (618 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 10 2019
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