Military Canteen Cup and Stove Kit - How to setup.

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hi everyone this is Joe Smith I'd like to do a quick little video here on the military style canteen cup and the stove that comes with it what I've been watching on other sites I was looking up the different types of canteen cups and I happen to come across several on the military style along with the stove and back when I was in the service they showed you how to set this thing up and the videos I've been watching people are citing it up wrong and I just would like to do a quick video here showing the proper way of setting this is stove up or using with the canteen cup so let me make some adjustments here and get started there you go okay first let's take the thermos off then you unfold the the cup from the stove lock it down the canteen cup remove the stove this is the stove that the old military-type stove that comes with a cup or you can buy it you can buy it separately this is actually the the old style with the handle and what it has here is a locks down with this little slide you fold the handle up and you hold the handle up and you slide that little down into the notches a little slide down okay that's your your cup but what people are doing the problem I see with people using the stove if you notice the contour it's a kidney-shaped contour on the cup the stove also has that same contour that way it Nestle's in was a the cup when you are storing it okay well people are complaining about when they're using this stove is that when they set their cup on the stove that it either sticks on the stove it doesn't hold too early and a lot of times that cup slide down inside the stove well the problem that I that going on here is what you need to do is turn the stove around okay so it's the opposite way that way you can set your cup right on top of the stove and it won't stick on to the cup the other thing is when you turn this back around when you have it the same way as the cup it actually closes off the closes off the airway at the top and puts out the flame okay so what you want to do is turn your cup or turn your burner around the opposite way that way you can set your stove right on top of there and as you can see there's an opening in the front here when you turn it the other way okay there's an opening plus there is openings on the backside okay you can see that that way you've got airway for the flame when you're when you've got the the flame in there burning you've got airway for that flame to continue to burn okay the other little thing I wanted to show on this stove is what I did with it and I've taken a pliers and at the point of contact with the cup okay I've taken that the stove with the pliers and bent it in a little bit you don't have to do the whole thing all the way around you just want to bend it in just grab it a little bit at the edge and bend it in with the players do the same thing on the other side and that way your cup has more of a surface to sit on okay your cups it's real nice up on there with a bent in you just want to grab the little bit of the edge that way also when you go to put your cup and the burner back together again it will fit in real nicely and it just covers over curls over the edge here okay I just wanted to show you that and hope that helps out with setting this up and having a a little more control over the over the the burning and doesn't put your fire out that way and I hope that helps out everyone so talk to you later like my channel share it and be a subscriber I appreciate it have a good day bye
Channel: Joe Smith
Views: 6,433
Rating: 4.8965516 out of 5
Keywords: canteen cup stove, bushcraft, camping, canteen, cup, stove, military canteen, USGI, cooking stove, canteen cup stove kit, canteen set, pathfinder, survival, bug out bag, canteen cook set
Id: -IVY6gbNjgA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 4sec (424 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 05 2018
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