Canteen Cup Tuesday, Cooking Cabbage and Sausage in a Canteen Cup

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well it's about 1:45 and the afternoon on Tuesday I'm late for lunch got inspired earlier in the week and go down here to camp and fix up a little something take care of some leftovers out of the refrigerator and their outdoor adventures it's lunchtime and it's Tuesday that means it's canteen cup Tuesday I start off using this pocket rocket but I'm a little bit concerned that's gonna be too hot so I brought another way to cook if this is too much for my food today we're going to do some cabbage and sausage topped I'm pretty done this at my house real quick and brought it down here to camp what we've got here is some cabbage and red onion it's got touch of olive oil it's in with some red pepper flakes garlic black pepper salt it's about it and normally you'll see the cabbage done with Cabasa I'm just using some leftover sausage I had from a meal I made last night so that's where we're going to roll was using up the leftovers I had a corn muffin from last night to soar enjoy that I'm gonna sit here we ought to have a lid in my bag I'm gonna turn turn that gas down almost to the point that it cuts off because this is really a little bit lower of a heat dish we're making I don't want to boil my cabbage I'm just gonna give it just enough water so we get a little steam action going I want the cabbage is cooking its own juices and that olive oil when I cut this cabbage I cut enough to fill the canteen cup and that's not a worry as far as fitting the sausage in later because this is going to cook down it's going to reduce significantly and I should have a spoon in here all right so we're gonna get this steaming and let it go bring you back in a few minutes since we've got the steam action happening well I my cabbage is starting to steam take a minute talk to you here about my what I'd like to call my plate bowl sit my sausage down in it so you can see it's got some little bit of depth to it kind of like a soup bowl so tech-support enamelware it's like eight and a half inches but I like this guy because this is my one do all plate and Bowl it's big enough to put my dinner on at night and it's got enough depth to it and I could put oak meal or grits in it enjoy it like a bowl I don't know if you can see it we're starting to get a little steam action going there a little bit cumbersome at first to start pulling those bits off the bottom but we don't want to burn them I might give it just a touch more water again I don't want to boil this we just want to let it steam in its own juice let's get a look at what we got going on in here onion trying to escape I gave it just this slightest bit more heat see if this stuff starting to tenderize a little bit how about halfway there now I will tell you this is probably not the stove for this I'm just curious if I could do something kind of slower on it it's not where the stove shines it's really good at just bringing some water to a boil quickly doing it without using a whole lot of fuel and moving on but seems like you can cook on if you want to but it's going to use a lot of fuel all right let's take a look in the pot alright what you can see is that cabbage is reduced down by about half so you start off with a full pot and I'm just letting some of the water boil out of there now you're going to end up with about half so that leaves us plenty of room to add our sausage or whatever else you'd like to put in with it toward the end of your cooking oh yes y'all look at that goodness just about ready to drop the sausage in [Music] puttin that sausage what I've got here is a black eyed pea sausage I made the other night I look good I'm going to dump it right on top thank do here oh I'm doing this may or may not be right or wrong I don't know guys sit my corn muffin in there still can't warm him up to just let that guy hang out for a few minutes all right I suspect we're just about there dump that guy yellow [Music] well cooking low and slow I didn't really get any new scorch marks on the bottom so I'm kind of surprised with my little MSR stove did here for me [Applause] cut that guy off muffin how come take a look at this now the real question is whether or not it's worth eating back you up a hair here they're ready good now we can see one another let me show you a little what we got going on here here for that bite it's good stuff it's pretty crazy you can do home cooking like this out on the Prairie Oh huh alright I'm gonna let you all go so I can heat this I've got other stuff to get done today thank you what can I say I'm a happy bear I think I forgot to tell you there were some caraway seeds in there also I hope this came out worth the heat kind of in a hurry but I wanted to get it in today I don't know how much that traffic you're picking up in the background I just can't get away from it doesn't seem to be any house anywhere close to me I go cooking is its own passion of mine so hopefully you'll see some more of these as we go
Channel: JourneyofBear
Views: 5,816
Rating: 4.9036145 out of 5
Keywords: cabbage, amoked sausage, canteen cup, camp cooking, backpacking, bushcraft, camping, hiking
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 10sec (910 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 21 2018
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