Wendy's Baconator Copycat Recipe

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what's good everybody and welcome back to my channel smoking and grilling with me av now check it out you just seen that thumbnail i know your mock was already watering so you already know this is another addition to the copycat series listen i'm gonna show you guys how to make this is my take on the wendy's baconator hey we gonna do that double patty one whole lot of bacon cheese all of that hey matter of fact now that you know that we're talking about it i'm not gonna over target in this intro let's look at these ingredients super simple right so check it out you gotta have your uh your meat right so when you go to your ground beef this is key hey i picked this pack right here look how big that is 80 20. this right here is where we gonna get our flavor from folks hey i could even they didn't have none then but sometimes i see it at 73. that's how i like that anyway this is good then right here we just got that cheddar cheese and then listen i'm gonna be using this hickory smoked thick cut bacon this right here is gonna do it we're gonna put a whole lot of bacon on it we're gonna square these patties up or we're gonna attempt to square them up and now look at this i know some of y'all hollering right now dukes and y'all hit me up down in the comments down uh section below and let me know what's your favorite out here look we got the best foods gotta have it hines hey tell me who using that hunch i mean look i ain't against it but listen i'm addicted to this right here and then look this is key these mount olives look sweet salad cubes i don't know if you guys can see it but i'll show you just a minute look how thick they are they like a nice dice to them this right here that lets me know that i got a nice spread you're gonna need some twos you're gonna need a bowl you're gonna have a bowl you know to go ahead and get your measurements you know right when you're making your uh your dressing now let's talk about your star now this is up to you i'm using a split type bun like this right here look you see where i say tailgater hey this is usually my go-to buns you know when i got a lot of people over there when i want to be flossy y'all know you've been watching this channel you know i get down with them brio's buns right here hey so i'm gonna make just a couple so you guys can see just a couple of different options you know what i mean i'm out here in california it's looking good the weather's right all of that so with that being said i'm not going to over talk it we finna get on this griddle and make it happen [Music] okay look first thing we're gonna do is i'm gonna go ahead and start my bacon get that going right okay so now we're just gonna go ahead and put this down and get these started all right now we're gonna go ahead and get our meat together right set that over there look this part super easy always just divide it into half right and then these halves in the half just like you see right here that's good enough for me i mean if you want to be scientific you can and you can go ahead and like uh weigh these out i can see this one's like a little bit smaller you know i mean just make them like equal size it's up to you we're not doing those smash burgers you know what i mean so we don't want a little girth to them so i'm just gonna go ahead and i'm not gonna go ahead and press them all i like to be able to see the lines you see that right there where it's been ground i like it like that so let's put this over here like that i'm gonna take a little bit off of here too remember we want to make square patties right so i'm gonna just do like this use my hand [Music] you know hey this part right here gonna be a little tricky smash it down just a little bit you just want to get a square edge on it i can take one of my spatulas you know and use that and to get it you know super square but we not we really not wendy's you know we're just gonna try to get it halfway now once i form all of these like this i like that you see that right there not quite square but we're going to perfect it as we go along now i went ahead and just put my press on there because i want them to be flat right so we got these we just flip them over like this if you guys don't have a press that's fine you can do them in the oven if you want to do them that way you know i mean especially if you don't have a griddle and you're doing everything on the inside making bacon in the oven is just as good and listen when you do it like that for some reason they don't just you know curl up like that but you can see these didn't even really curl up either i didn't put nothing on them i'm like on a medium-high heat but this one over here on this end these right here let me go ahead and fix this press this this way and we'll just drop it on just like that okay so as you can see earlier i had to press on this one now i put it over here on these right just pressing them down we want these to be like super crispy you know and flat so we'll take them just apply them here okay look got this back up to temp as you can see my patties are square right i'm gonna go ahead and just start putting them on just like you see [Music] okay got these on now you know this is what i started doing as a lake you know what i mean listen we're going to salt these as they on here like i said i used to uh put all of the seasonings and everything in the meat which i still do sometimes but this right here i want you guys just to trust me this should do it you know because once we turn this over it's gonna cook some of this salt and this pepper you know on to the other side hit with a little crust and that's gonna make it when i tell you fire i mean fire now while these are cooking because we only gonna flip these once right we're gonna let it cook on this the heat temperature that i'm using right here probably only take about four minutes maybe and then we'll flip it over meanwhile let's go ahead and make this sauce all right get yourself a bowl we're gonna start with our mayo right we just put a little mayo in here i'm eyeballing this right now i'll put all of the ingredients and the measurements down in the description box below right for me when i use these salad cubes i'm just going to try to leave some of that juice probably should have used a fork you know i mean that's good right there then we're gonna come with this this ketchup just a little bit in the very beginning this gives it a little bit of that color and a little bit of that sweetness right now let me go ahead and get my mustard and just a little bit [Music] now get yourself a whisk you know what i mean and then look you want it you don't want it to be watery right i like for it to have some type of integrity that's where that mayonnaise come in everything else you put it make make it a little bit more on the liquid side but this right here look at that that's the consistency i like you know what i mean uh yeah that's it right there and then now you can see them salad cubes too look that way when you bite that relish they give you some real bites of real texture super easy folks okay so now it's time to go ahead and give it a flip you can see right here if you look right there it's starting to brown as it's cooking eventually it would cook all the way to the top but now we're going to flip it because we're going to season look at that right there this right here is what you pay for folks now you can have it in your own yard look it ain't a smash burger but it's like it's crusty like a smash burger now since we flipped it we come again with a little salt you don't need much on this side right because we salted on the oven then we take our grinder put some of that pepper on it right once we have that check this out now we're going to introduce that cheese all right so we just start putting the cheese on now we're going to start toasting buns [Music] oh yeah by the time this melts and gets just right we're gonna be golden okay so look now it's time to get our bread you know our bread together right so got them already separated i'm gonna go ahead and get myself some mayo [Music] make sure when you gotta do this you got enough mail you know what i mean to get you through the cook now i'm gonna take my spatula you know move this around like that now if you guys been following me you know that i'm really really big on toasting my buns with the mayo right now if you guys don't want to toast with mayo which i highly suggest that you do go ahead get yourself some butter and work from there but meanwhile we're going to toast these while that cheese is melting just like you see right here right so we'll take them we'll move over here to the griddle put them over here just like that we'll take a look at these patties over here look at that right there this right here is turning out to be fire folks hey as soon as these buns are ready we're gonna take everything off and then we're gonna do our assembly okay so look i'm gonna go ahead and check these ah look at that right there folks that right there is fire and look look how soft they are that's what i like about it look look at this right here this is what wendy's wish they made so i'm gonna go ahead and put that there i'm gonna check the rest of these buns perfect perfect okay so you can see all of my buns are toasted right so if we gonna stay true to the wendy's baconator look we got to put a slice of cheese i can hear some of y'all seeing right now like oh no you're supposed to put some of that sauce on it but look i'm just gonna stay true to the game the way it is like that right the way they do theirs so we got that there now what we're gonna do is we're gonna go ahead come back now i'm gonna decide which one i'm gonna do i'm gonna do a double and then i'm gonna do two singles uh we'll go ahead and take this one see that right there we'll take this bring this over here on the top center it up get it just right these little square patties that's not bad right there now before we move on you got to do this we got to put that bacon on it right so let's just go ahead and get some bacon to hang off the edge you know what i mean something like that this over there let's get another long one you know let's get it like this look at that folks that right there now wendy's i believe they put three slices on there but that's the way we're gonna do this one for now you know what forget it let's do it like that we say we gonna keep it true let me grab another one you know what i mean uh we'll just do it ah this is where it gets a little tricky just that real bacon right here folks all right now we'll grab another patty we'll grab that we'll bring this over here and put this on top now if your mouth not watering right now something wrong folks you know what i mean uh this right here now we're gonna go ahead and add a couple of more of these slices on top now if i wasn't recording y'all i'm gonna tell you what i'll be doing i'd be munching on this on these tops right on this bacon and everything else now we're gonna go ahead and get this now you remember we made that sauce right now i probably should have said this in the very beginning hey look this is how you level up the wendy's baconator you know what i mean but we're going to do it our way make it better you know why it's going to be better because you made your sauce you made it the way you like it you know what i mean we got that applewood or any type of thick cut bacon on there but look that's a whole lot right there right so we got that there and then we're just gonna add this right here on top just like that and i want you guys to tell me what you think now let me get the rest of these all right let's see here add that right there let's get some bacon on that let's go crisscross on this one here we're gonna go ahead and grab another bun the bun top now this part is up to you guys you can put as much of this as you like on there remember you doing it your way we just leveling up right we'll add that on top like that [Music] oh yeah and then last but not least we're not gonna do no bacon cause i got somebody over here today that say they don't want no bacon on there which is fine by me now i want you guys to look at those three right there and tell me what you think i think i went into the wrong business i think i should have been making these burgers and these dogs you know what i mean hey but you guys let me know what you think about this in the comment section below but with that being said look let me go ahead get my hands cleaned up and let's get us a bite okay y'all you see it look at that right here we finna get down on it too and i'm gonna bring this closer to myself i just shot my thumbnail so i'm gonna go ahead and just grab it man this thing is huge and then when i squish it down like that i don't even know how i'm gonna get my mouth around this but hey with that being said we're not gonna over talk now it's time to eat oh man i don't even know where to get it on that look at that right there mm-hmm somebody call wendy's and tell them ab is on a bumper cool that's fire and you know what hey hands down i'm gonna tell you it's fire let me go ahead and get this all chewed up let me go in the kitchen give me some more uh give me some kool-aid and then let's talk about it when i tell you it's right it's right it really comes down to like i got it it's just a it being square ain't nothing right it's just like look we're using quality meat we're using that 80 20 that's where you get that uh that fat you know that that flavor look salt and pepper we trust in that and trust me when i tell you that right there is going to be all you need along with the bacon now for you guys that don't do the bacon you know you can always if you don't do the pork you can always go with that turkey bacon you can find whatever you want to put on top but listen this is just my way of just saying i leveled up a wendy's baconator look got a double and a single and then i got one without it hey listen all of these are great and you know what if you guys was here i'd pass them all out we can all get down and eat and feast hey so with that being said so if you're new to my channel let me just take this time to say hey thank you for watching this video don't forget to like smash that subscribe button and tell everybody out there listen there's a channel out here that's simplifying these recipes and taking the mystery out of cooking and with that being said i'm gonna show you one more time i'm about to give me another bite oh yeah and i'm out of here peace
Channel: Smokin' & Grillin' wit AB
Views: 401,425
Rating: 4.9577575 out of 5
Keywords: Cookin wit AB, Smokin and Grillin wit AB, smokin and grillin wit ab, recipe, food, copycat, copycat recipes, copycat recipes restaurant recipes, wendy's, wendy's baconator, baconator, bacon, cheeseburger, burger, hamburger, easy recipes, easy meals, juicy burger recipe, recipes with ground beef, recipes with bread, easy cook, deliciousness, delicious food, food recipes, wendy's baconator review, yummy, juicy burger, cheesy burger, cheese burger, cheeseburgers
Id: DWgHqumUA8U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 25sec (925 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 09 2021
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