Ramen Bomb 2020

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hi and welcome to e-fit adventures my name is Darren ghee and today I'm gonna be talking about how I prepare one of my favourite backpacking meals one of my favourite backpacking meals that I put together for dinner is called a ramen bomb now you can find on YouTube many different versions of it but this is my take so to put it all together I have this pint sized freezer bag now you got to make sure it's a freezer bag otherwise when you put the boiling hot water into it you're gonna boil a hole through it the freezer bag will hold up to the high temperature of the hot water boiling water next we have some chicken flavored ramen we have some bumblebee wild light tuna we're also gonna be mixing in some Idaho mashed potatoes these are dehydrated mashed potatoes we're gonna put some nieto and this is kind of like a powdered milk substitute it's great to kind of give it a more richer creamier texture if you're using any kind of milk products cheese whatnot like that but all you need is a little bit and it'll go a long ways and lastly I'm gonna be adding some vegetable flakes this has onions carrots potatoes green and red bell peppers and a little bit of parsley just to add some vegetables alright so let's put it all together first of all we're gonna open up the wrong packet and then I kind of like I break it in half I like to break it in half here make sure you take out the flavor packet ed and razor bag now the reason why I like to repackage all of my backpacking food is it saves on space and you know you don't have all these extra wrappers that you're gonna have to throw away eventually so I got my ramen in here now these rama's are pretty salty so I only like to put about half of the flavor packet in there um the chicken flavor all right next up we're gonna add up add some Idaho instant mashed potatoes we're gonna add about 1/2 1/2 a cup there and we're going to add 1/4 cup of the needle I'm just gonna scoop a little bit of it into there be about two scoops [Applause] okay and then put a couple teaspoons of this right vegetable flakes we measure out here it's about that much in there so we're just gonna seal this up so when you cook this you're gonna use you use about a cup and a half to two cups in here you don't wanna put too much water in here otherwise it becomes too soupy I like it more of a solid consistency but once you cook this for about 10 minutes the noodles and the mashed potatoes everything should be like a thicker kind of oatmeal consistency then you could throw your tuna packet in you want your noodles and your mashed potatoes to cook the vegetables to cook before you actually add the tuna because this doesn't unique you don't need to cook this you can also add hot sauce packets any other type of protein you could add spam if you'd like but this is one of my go-to dinner meals that I like to prepare before I go on a backpacking trip see it comes in this is one of the cheaper options you can go and buy a mountain house for eight or nine bucks this cost me probably only a couple dollars a dollar for the ramen dollar for the mashed potatoes a dollar for the tuna and then you just add all the seasonings you like and that's how you put it together when you cook this in the freezer bag what I also like to do is throw it in a koozie this is a homemade koozie that I made it's made out of reflectix when you put the hot boiling water in here you stick this in here you seal it up just like this and you let it sit for ten minutes and then your dinner should be ready so thanks for watching we fit adventures and this is how I prepare one of my favorites backpacking meals on the trail if you'd like to see more backpacking food or what I like to eat for breakfast or snacks or trail comment down below under the description and I can subscribe thank you for watching good adventures I'll see you next time [Music]
Channel: Darren Yee
Views: 622
Rating: 4.5294118 out of 5
Keywords: Backpacking, Ramen Bomb
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 16sec (436 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 30 2020
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