Rothco Canteen Cup, Lid & Stove: Buyer Beware

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[Music] hey what's up guys this is Matt with the Napa hiker Channel and today I just wanted to review a cook kit now I bought a bunch of knickknacks with a gift card from Amazon and if you've been watching my channel for a while you know that I really like canteen and canteen cook kids so I wanted to get you know a lid for some of the surplus canteens that I have but you can't really find Liz that fit the the GI American issued surplus canteen cups they just as far as I know they just don't exist out there so there was a a cook set called the Rothko and you know the reviews online were kind of mixed so I decided I'm gonna take the chance and I'm gonna buy it so what I bought was I bought the you know that the canteen cup itself stainless steel has the butterflies you know type handles on it and I bought the stove that comes with it and also got the lid so all these things you know they're supposed to work together so I'm gonna do a review of this and I'm gonna be honest I think that this is crap I really don't like this at all now the cup by itself is fine it's a good cup it you know it's it's a cup it's gonna do what its gonna do but I don't like about the rothko canteen you know cook set here is nothing works together and it's supposed to now first of all the lid the lid when you just set it on here it doesn't quite fit there's gaps and it's on here kind of you know loosey-goosey but at the same time if you push down really hard you can get it to snap into place you got pushed down really hard let me stand up and put my fat butt on this thing there we go so it snaps on and this is not coming off but what's the problem with that the problem with that is twofold number one there's no venting on this at all there's no way they think this is gonna vent so if you're boiling water in here before long you're gonna have a pressure cooker and it's gonna explode off and you're gonna have a bunch of boiling water all over your face but also if you do want to get it off man you gotta grab this thing you got to put your weight down on it I got the pull and then it pops off and if you're not pushing down like on a solid surface if you're just like holding it up in the air you're gonna get again boiling water all over yourself so this lid this this rothko lid does not fit this Rothko cup that's the first problem I have with it why would you make a lid that doesn't fit your own cup the second problem I have with this is you're supposed to be able to take the stove and to nest this in here for transport but as you can see this is as far down as you can nest that thing you can't nest this for transport like you're supposed to now I read online that some people said well you're supposed to nest it on the inside and says the outside which is really not how it's supposed to go but let's try that so we take it off see if we go that's as far down as it goes so you can't nest it on the bottom you can't nest it on the top so really if you're gonna carry this you got to carry this stuff completely separate from from the cup which makes absolutely no sense at all now this lid I'm gonna get in the fray here this lid will not fit on I have several GI cook cups that I whenever I see him that you know at different places like goodwill or at a gun show I pick them up because I love them this will not fit on any of the military issued cups so it's only for the rothko and it doesn't even fit the rothko so it's pretty much useless now the stove however this stove fits all of my surplus cups so if you want if you want to get a stove you have to match your GI issue you know army cups you can get this and it will work but it won't work the rothko stove will not work with the rothko cup so again on its own it's fine on its own as fun everything taken together though it doesn't work together so rothko if you're listening work out the bugs of your product it would be great if it all fit together and if it all worked together but the fact of the matter matter is is that it doesn't so I am NOT going to give this a positive review a matter of fact if I was giving it a star rating I would give it a one or a zero the only thing that makes it somewhat redeemable is that I can use this on my canteen cups and that I can use this by itself but all taken together it just does not work together at all so anyway that's my thought on the rothko cook kit so I know that a lot of people buy them on Amazon I'm not gonna recommend this whatsoever I think that it is a pile of crap taken as a set so anyway those are my on his thoughts on it guys what I wasn't too rough on them but you know I paid good money for this and well well but anyway god bless happy trails
Channel: NampaHiker
Views: 10,737
Rating: 4.5450239 out of 5
Keywords: Rothco, Amazon, Rothco cup, Rothco lid, Rothco stove, Canteen cup, us gi
Id: AazzcJTqgsM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 16sec (376 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 16 2017
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