Ramen Bomb REMIX | 5 NEW Recipes (BETTER?! or WORSE?!)

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i've just carried one of the heaviest food loads i've ever carried deep into the back country so at least one of these better turn out because it would be a shame to spoil this view if that doesn't look appetizing i don't know what does it the infamous ramen bomb you've seen it you've tried it you loved it you hate it no matter the case in this video we're talking ramen bomb done five ways differently if you guys thought i was crazy for bringing a whole can of spam out last time wait till you see this time okay bottoms up oh yep nope nope i'm glad that one was last wait why was this one last hey everyone welcome back country forward my name is jesse and on this channel we believe the backcountry is for everyone so i do my best to offer the tips and tools to get backpackers backpacking and keep them moving forward now i'm gonna get straight to the point when i put out my last ramen bomb video i was inundated with so many different suggestions and responses that i just had to give something a try and so that's what i'm gonna do in this video five suggestions that i thought sounded intriguing now one of the things that i got called out so much on was the fact that i did not use real spam instead i used holiday luncheon meat um i had no idea that there was anything different between the two one was just cheaper than the other so i grabbed it so first things first i'm going to use real spam i'm going to fry it up i don't actually have a frying pan so i just got to use the lid of my cook kit and i'm going to fry it up and make a traditional ramen bomb but i'm going to spice it up a little bit okay with the spam in place i mean just reheating my water a little bit the biggest thing that i heard from everyone was spicy so i got taco bell hot sauce packets as well as chili flakes and everyone suggested some sort of cheese flavored chips so i've got nacho doritos that we're gonna all put into the mix here to spice things up [Music] okay so we've got some piping hot water here just add that to the bag i've learned from doing this now a couple times just to kind of wing it basically you want to cover everything and then mix now this is a freezer bag um just a mini-sized freezer bag if you want to see how you can make your own size freezer bags you can check out the link in the cards i did a video all about diy freezer bags a few moments later okay spicy ramen bomb first flavor honestly wow not bad not bad okay the doritos really make it but okay i can't spoil my appetite i still got more coming okay the next two that i have on the list i owe to my good buddy matty from maddie outdoors if you haven't checked out his channel go check him out he goes to some amazing places here in canada and has some awesome gear videos as well and this one i'm choosing to call the ode to canada putin bomb and poutine is a classic canadian dish here in canada it's basically french fries gravy and cheese curds so i've got mashed potatoes ramen real cheese curds because in canada poutine is such a big deal you can basically get a fast food restaurant so i just went to mcdonald's asked for a poutine but cheese curds on the side but if you don't have access to cheese curds you can also use a mini babel they'll work just fine and there goes my boiling water and then you want some gravy and of course this is canada people we have bacon that's right okay so so i'm going to cut up my bacon so i've got my bacon cut up and put in here a quarter of a packet of gravy because it's a small one and we're gonna go a full packet of cheese curds because it's canada and add boiling water it's definitely boiling seal the bag mix it well hmm smells like canada okay oh the canada poutine bomb oh cheesy that was amazing right along the next one i've got is again thanks to maddie he doesn't like spam and a lot of people didn't like spam so this is called the jerk bomb or the explosive jerk i haven't decided yet basically instead of spam you use beef jerky now i've already got that cut up and inside but i've also added something that everyone else kept requesting or suggesting which was dehydrated vegetables they their biggest complaint was the nutrition of this meal which i mean it i never once said it was a nutritious meal so we've got dehydrated vegetables jerky and if you really wanted to spice this one up you could also add some mini bagels or some cheese to it um i mean really whatever you'd like i'm just using jack links jerky i mean really you could just go with whatever favorite jerky you've got and um it's been a little bit let's see how it tastes looks like a ramen bomb what i'm really curious about is whether or not the vegetables will have rehydrated [Music] also using beef ramen for the first time interesting yeah the vegetables did not rehydrate so you really have to make this with like the ramen first the vegetables first then add the potatoes then add the beef honestly the jerky just isn't flavorful enough the spam is so flavorful that you really get that kick of flavor but thanks maddie for the suggestions and let's keep moving okay if you guys think i was crazy for bringing out a whole can of spam wait till you see what's next this one i'm calling the beef boss bomb and it's the boss because it requires corned beef baby and what's corned beef without a can of corn yeah i did that so here's what it is it's the typical ramen and mashed potatoes then you're gonna add one packet of butter just for an extra flavor kick because you're the boss why not then sharp cheddar i mean really any cheese will do this was just sharp cheddar that i got i'm really excited for this because it's actually one of my favorite types of cheddar mix that in there how's this gonna taste i don't know the last one i'm actually really worried about i think i know i think i do know how it's going to taste and it's not going to be good okay corned beef okay corned beef is really hard to open boom there it is gross it looks really really gross now this stuff i don't know if you can actually get in single packages so somebody will have to tell me then one eternity later if that doesn't look appetizing i don't know what does it smells buttery that's the butter okay i'm gonna try to get a piece of cheese a piece of corn corn adds a really interesting texture i like it i like the corn i don't think i like anything else the cheese is good but the cheese would be good in just about anything okay last but not least the one that i am most the one that i am most worried about you guys thought i was crazy for bringing a can of spam a can of corn and a can of corned beef it just gets crazier okay like i said the one that i am least looking forward to i'm calling this sea balm chowder it's mashed potatoes dehydrated vegetables which i already have learned don't work unless you rehydrate them first and i was going to add a cream soup mix into the mix but those all had to be simmered according to the instructions and i didn't want to risk it so instead i just added two heaping spoons of dehydrated milk powder and you might be wondering well what makes this seafood well a lot of people suggested tuna so we've got a can of tuna here we're just gonna add not the whole thing but a few good chunks now i don't mind tuna i don't mind tuna but i also brought a can of oh gross you guessed it oh this was actually a pretty common suggestion and i don't know why oh gross oh it's just breaking apart so i'm just gonna add some sardines i think sardines i think it's just more of a mind over matter thing that's what i'm choosing to tell myself nope tastes like sardines okay so add the boiling water okay so i've let this one sit a little bit longer so that everything gets rehydrated hopefully better and mostly because i was procrastinating it doesn't smell that bad it doesn't smell pleasant but um okay bottoms up oh yep nope nope i'm glad that one was last wait why was this one last oh this one should not have been last i want something else if you like sardines it's probably not that bad the tuna like the first taste that i got was just tuna i was like oh that's not that bad and then i tasted the sardines tastes a bit creamier but i can't really notice the milk so i'd give this a meh so which of the five will i be finishing tonight and which ones would i do again well i have the sea balm chowder the beef boss bomb the jerk bomb or explosive jerk the la poutine o de canada and spicy spam drum roll please oh yeah it's a tie the spicy spam was really good actually but the poutine bomb oh those cheese curds the gooeyness the gravy the bacon thank you maddie i will definitely be having this more often and the spicy really kicked it up a notch maybe it was the spam that didn't taste like hot dogs or maybe it was just the spiciness the doritos also added a really interesting flavor so i'd make both of these on the trail again i like them now if you want to see some of the other crazy meals i've made out here in the backcountry you can check out this playlist here of some of the other backcountry menu items i normally take out if you want to see how to make your own diy ziploc bag you can check this video out right there but either way keep moving forward
Channel: Backcountry Forward
Views: 4,499
Rating: 4.9024391 out of 5
Keywords: backcountry forward, hiking, camping, backcountry, outdoors, backpacking, Ramen Bomb, Ramen Bomb Backcountry Forward, Backpacking food, hiking food, backpacking budget meals, spam, ramen, prison food, Ramen Bomb Spam, Romen Bomb no spam, Ramen Bomb without spam, Ramen Bomb recipe, backpacking meal ideas, backpacking meals, easy backpacking food, Ramen recipes, corned beef, beef jerky, camp food, camping recipes, camp meals, Idahoan Mashed Potatoes, Food for backpacking
Id: k2-TJS5r6iM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 8sec (788 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 10 2020
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