My version of the Ramen Bomb. Is my backpacking meal better then the original??

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this disgusting looking bag here is probably going to be one of the most delicious things you ever eat in the backcountry guys and gals thanks for clicking on that watch button Madi back again you guys are new to my channel my channel all about hiking and backpacking and I'm a Canadian I mean - Hannah camping and there goes some bangin places in the Rockies so if that interest you consider clicking on the subscribe button today we are talking all about backcountry gourmet cooking alright I'm just kidding it's not really gourmet we're gonna talk about my version of the ramen bomb basically I do everything the same I do the Itchy bad noodles although today I'm going with mr. noodles for my boy Craig well you never denigrate mr. noodles and we got some Idahoan mashed potatoes and I am NOT a fan of spam I absolutely hate spam so I throw beef jerkey into mine so I got water on the boil right now let's get this thing whipped up show you guys how to make them around the bomb we've got two cups of boiling water ready to go so first thing you need to do you need a freezer bag if you don't want to use a regular ziploc bag use a freezer bag they're designed to handle the boiling water so what I do I like to do take my noodles and I crushed them up then I find when you crush them up this works a little better pants into your freezer bag get flavor packet some people use the flavor packet some people don't I do I like the flavor packet so I throw that in I do it add my beef jerky next so all I do is I just take regular just play-doh beef jerky I just cut it up into little strips substitutes my spam I just I really don't like spam then take my book water pour that into freezer bag so if you do it in this step here and you let your noodles rehydrate a little bit your noodles do you come out a little bit softer to also help soften up the jerky and all I've got here is just my reflectix koozie helps keep everything warm another really important step for this just coffee as well after that is rehydrated for a little bit you want to add your instant mashed potatoes I like the Idahoan this time I have gone with the roasted garlic fantastic so here starting to get saw perfect now the trick to this is don't necessarily pour all the mashed potatoes in or else it gets way too thick I dumped about half in there it is there she is all mashed up just got a big wad of potatoes with some noodles and meat in there looks absolutely delicious doesn't it and then I'll just stick mine in my reflected Susie eat my hand weren't there you go so she got yeah it's basically just you know noodles be turkey mashed potatoes absolutely delicious though extremely high calories fantastic meal I don't know how people do this with spam this is really good really prickly good tenderness guys and gals thank you guys for sticking around and hanging out with me on my deck watching me eat a freezer bag full of mashed potatoes and noodles and beef jerky but you know hey it's backpacking food I've got NASA vote on a bunch for to eat on backpacking trips so deciding we will start maybe doing some backpacking meal ideas so if you guys have any questions if you guys have any other variations the ramen Bob let me know down below if you guys have anything you add aside from beef jerky to you know to change it up from the spam I mean I've done pepperoni sticks and stuff like that before but I tend to be pretty boring when I eat so if you guys have any suggestions for me please let me know I will probably check it out if it sounds good to me but you know if you guys enjoyed this one give me a thumbs up if you guys didn't like this one give me a thumbs down it is not gonna hurt my feelings in the least bit any of these guys I'm gonna end this one here I'm gonna go for the rest of this I'm not gonna make you guys sit through watching me eat the rest of this so uh that's always Hammadi thank you guys so much for watching and I will see you guys on the next one
Channel: Matty Outdoors
Views: 9,135
Rating: 4.826087 out of 5
Keywords: backcountry meals review, backpacking food, camping ramen, cheap backpacking food, cheap backpacking food ideas, dehydrated meals, ramen bomb, ramen bomb backpacking, ramen bomb backpacking recipe, ramen bomb calories, ramen bomb recipe, ramen bomb review, romen bomb, matty outdoors, backpacking food ideas, ramen bomb backcountry meal, ramen bomb backpacking meal, food, ramen bomb with jerky, ramen bomb jerky, ramen bomb beef jerky, ramen bomb with beef jerky
Id: qoZCHWx2kiw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 24sec (324 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 01 2019
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