Ramen Bomb Backpacking Recipe

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hey guys thanks for joining me today we're gonna learn how to make a ramen bomb like a professional so ramen balls are actually one of my favorite absolutely favorite meals on the on a trail it's my favorite for a few reasons first of all is they're freaking delicious they require only a few ingredients and we're going to we're actually going to make a ramen bomb here in real time for you on camera now I've actually been simulating trail conditions today I haven't eaten all day so it's about 8 p.m. right now I actually haven't eaten so I'm so I'm actually starving I'm literally I'm ravenous so I'm actually bringing out a little I'm actually bringing out a little treat for myself tonight so in addition to the normal ingredients in a ramen bomb you get your instant mash and you got your ramen noodles and we'll go over those in just a moment I'm also going to be adding a little bit of spam and an egg but you know you don't have to get gourmet on the trail but you could have spam on the trail so that's definitely doable an egg might be hard to come by but you never know you might find like a grouse egg or a bird egg in the woods and then you want to throw that your ramen bomb so how many times you found a bird egg in the woods I don't think I've ever found one but you never know and then the other thing about ramen noodles do the other thing about ramen bombs they're fun you you want to have fun with a ramen bomb you know so you definitely want to take your base ingredients your your water your instant your dehydrated mashed potatoes Idaho creme would be the best because I know it makes the best potatoes in the world obviously and then you're going to want your ramen noodles but in addition to those you might find wild onions you might find morels you might find other vegetable vegetation around trout trout perhaps if you can find trout for sure and then what you're going to want to do is just throw that in there boil it up in the water then and then heat it now another actually I should grab the peanut butter because the peanut butter is another good hack let me get real quick grab the peanut butter actually this is the brand and if you're gonna go peanut butter I mean on the trail you gotta stay keep it cheap and you want to keep it probably the plastic bottles but at home we you know we have a little more we have a higher scale of food so we're going with an all-natural peanut butter this stuff is fantastic and adding peanut butter to ramen is excellent because you want all the oil that oil is gonna be calories and actually a lot of times when you add peanut butter to ramen it has like a Pad Thai flavor so that's a little pro tip for you there peanut butter I don't think I'll be doing peanut I'll probably do peanut butter tonight - okay so when you're dealing with ramen noodles the the most common way to get ramen noodles would actually be just to buy one of these pre-packed Oh ramen Maruchan Robin and top ramen are two of the more popular brands but but really you can just buy the noodles packaged by themselves for a much cheaper these are actually only about 20 to 25 cents a pack usually unless they're marked up in some small town but but you can actually get the cost well below 20 cents a pack if you just buy your own noodles what's nice about this is they also prepackaged it with a little bit of flavor and you get a little variety the the portion size is already out there for you for 20 cents a piece I mean it's not a not too bad um do I have a preference between Marucci or top ramen not really I don't really notice much of a difference there I mean you're pay you're getting what you get there are higher quality Robins out there that have like oil and stuff in them but what I would recommend doing on a trail especially if you can have a little bit of oil with you hang on yeah oil the importance of oil oil is flavor I mean that's what it is your body craves oil your body craves is craving calories especially if you're on a prolonged hike where you're going to be eating something like this you're in a calorie deficit and and you're you'll just this is nourishing like when you have the calories in your body it feels good you know so I would always recommend bringing maybe a little coconut oil out there with you or a little bit of maybe a smaller container of oil and but that's really kind of where the peanut comes in two you want to add you really want to add a bass to it because that's really gonna increase the flavor that ramen but no real preference on the top ramen or marushin I will say you got you got your pork flavor your pork flavor is gonna be 20 almost your classic standard flavors aside thing the chicken I didn't I did not include chicken flavor on here because I don't like eating chicken soup on the trail it's weird to mix it with ramen I don't like the flavor of the chicken with the ramen but the pork flavor is classic now I will say there are two other classic well you get for beef top ramen calls it beef Marie Chan calls it roast beef I prefer the roast beef marketing so I tend to prefer the roast beef but they're both you know comparable now shrimp shrimp something special because you know I don't really think I'd like shrimp flavor no the shrimp flavor is fantastic out there and this one goes especially well with any trout that you might be catching out there so the shrimp I like that one now soy sauce I'm it's a mixed bag for me because while the flavor is good it's good it's popular it used to be called oriental flavor but I think that's a little bit politically incorrect but when it was oriental I just think it had a richer gingery flavor to it the soy sauce is still fine I kind of heat it for a nostalgia but I mean mixed feelings about that what now what are we gonna do today I haven't really decided which one I'm gonna go with I was gonna just do a little ramen lottery and just see what what comes up so I'm just gonna take these real quick and just kind of go like this and I guess we're gonna go with the pork flavor today so we're going with the pork okay I by the way we are broadcasting this from the Wild West trail world headquarters we are in the process of getting tours so let let us know so pork ramen now this is gonna be a real time like we said so let's roll up your sleeves the pot you want your cooking pot this is anodized aluminum we like the end as aluminum because it's it's lightweight it's strong and you know it's it's just a great tool to have against us aluminum lightweight later than steel or cast iron so let's let's get things heated up over here will we all right shall we all right that's too much okay so we're gonna put the snow on the isobutane here it's very simple and really that there's no preference these things are cheap you can get one of these for 10 bucks on Amazon but people you can spend a lot more on to you defender that's actually great that we did that make sure it's off when you screw it on oh it's smells like butane in here actually the beauty doesn't have a natural smell they add that in a factory oh that's great so you know it actually makes sense yeah how they do that okay yes that works and then we're gonna die I have here a Nalgene bottle this is going to be pretty standard on the trail these things are they're BPA free but that's a whole nother thing but uh basically their leader water bottles that hold that hold liquid for you so this is uh this is the now gene I found this actually on the trail on the wild west trail in Montana down down in Montana so this was actually a nice little find I just lost my mind out you know as well so the mountain on the trail she takes but she gives and this day I worked out walked out with this so I'm gonna probably this is the leader I'm probably I put about a half a liter of water in here just to kind of get it get things going you can always add you can always add more though think about I will say this but when making ramen bombs it can escalate to a lot of food quickly so the the instant mass really expand and siddur the noodles so you really less is more because these this is calorie Denson you don't want to be wasting food on the trail you have to eat whatever you make that's the rule alright so let's get things going first we got to open up these arms on the new oldest for the record this isn't mine so so it doesn't matter you need - okay this ones were actually rusted shut that's actually great okay so here we go yeah a little little magic for the camera get the gas get the gas going get your trusty flint and steel over here let me just tell you why I'm doing this Pam thing hey I'm hungry I am really hungry and we have a bunch of supplies right now because there's an event happening I'm not gonna talk about it but we have been stocking up on supplies so I figured I'd take this out of the pantry I just chopped up that spam and put it in the pan it honestly looks nasty it looks disgusting we'll see how it goes and actually another thing now that I put the stem in there remember her that's a lot of spam and that can and when I when I was on the trail I remember it was even too much for me to eat on the trail like a lot of it was a lot of spam so there's really keep that in mind if you're gonna go go to spam wrap all right so magic a TV a little spam right over here and this is just about ready to go we actually had to slow it down this boils up real quick and I actually put a little more water in there and then I filled this up so you wouldn't know but I did put more water in there because we got a lot of spam and we have a lot of ramen bomb the looks to eat tonight all right so this is just about to boil and that's the exciting part what we're gonna want to do here is once this hits and honestly you can put this in before the boil if you're actually crunched for time which you probably are on a hike you can put this in even before it's boiling and then just get yourself a head start time all right so here we go we are boiling here I'm going to lower the temperature a little bit oh yeah we are boiling boys that's how you boil water and we're just going to throw a little little bit of our ramen in there we'd want to waste anything waste not want not on the trail I always make sure I had one little mini seasoning something like something like this the weight is pretty nominal black pepper important I stay had a nice Chipotle garlic but just to have some type of flavor to throw into literally all food they will make all the difference so two other things this is some spoons over here this is like a lightweight hiking spoon but it's made out of plastic and honestly I don't have much confidence in this I wouldn't actually use this what I mean this is a plastic melt so I that's trash I will be using a metal spoon and they sell hiking metal spoons that are like titanium lightweight stay away from the spork spork really don't make much sense you're better off going with either a four course but I think go with the go with the spoon right you gotta go spoon you know you can get every crack of it and the problem was a spork you lose surface area you can't get as much liquid in your mouth mm-hmm right I think go with the spoon there's a reason why no one uses sports in the real world yeah sports don't make sense good idea though perhaps on paper what am i yeah all right so here we go and honestly and this has been a review of a minute or two it's starting already and it really told your consistency if you want a little al dente cook it less time but we are basically almost there and then right at the end here we are gonna put our pork flavor in our pork plate now I think there's real bone marrow in this which I think gives it a richer flavor I could be wrong about that beef one the beef one has the bone marrow yeah well in any case and uh you always want to work up an appetite generally on on trail you're gonna be hungry but if you're not hungry you need something how can I help get the give you a little hunger going we do sell the Trailblazer it it is fantastic you just get you in the mood get you ready to eat and that's all I'll say at the moment but please if you like to support the trail definitely pick one of those up there such high-quality oh yeah this is this this is I mean this is ramen here this is good this is looking nice so I'm gonna cut this off actually that's read about where I like it oh yeah oh yeah now that's that's a bowl of noodles and not much so to look at but watch what we do here this is the fun part guys well the fun part eating it but this is also kind of fun oh they throw that pork flavor you throw that pork flavor in there oh yeah maybe you give it a little mix okay good smell it whew that might be there might be bone marrow in there's some real rich flavor I'll tell you with it that's a good flavor the pork and this now we're just gonna throw in our dehydrated potatoes and basically do it to consistency so I like to throw a little in I like to throw a little bit in there mix it up and see how much you got and remember this is going to expand as it as it soaks oh you did the risk you brought up putting too much in it starts to dry it out you nobody likes dried mashed potatoes this is actually looking pretty decent gonna add a little bit more here and I'm also gonna add a little bit of oil a little bit of oil to add some flavor here now the thing is too that spams gonna have a lot of fat so that's really gonna add something as well and we're gonna throw a little more these into the mash in here just to kind of get that going and here we go it looks pretty decent actually sort of look pretty good oh yeah oh yeah and then a little bit of meat yeah yeah a little bit of meat a little treat well that looks fantastic with an egg in there too that big dude in there yeah alright now look at that that's that I'll tell you right now there are a little seasoning in there a little more seasoning there you can do so you can never have too much seasoning you want to go over season in this stuff and how come I gotta be awesome this is looking pretty good this is looking pretty good guys hey you guys hungry you want to try a little bit of this yeah here we go I'll tell you right now it's that's a nice consistency right here that's a nice consistency but I could even see going a little thicker but that's pretty nice that's pretty nice and that's gonna be pre darn feeling I couldn't even picture I couldn't eat this whole bowl right here oh maybe we'll see all right well the final thing we'll have to do a taste test I don't have to try it out and see how it is that's right I see what we got well huh you want to get a little spammed if I get a little egg in there yeah I'll be honest with you that's delicious that is a ramen bomb Wow the oil of spam yeah this is delicious I tell you right now it holds up this holds up guys well guys uh thank you for joining me thanks for joining me today what's my that's weird by itself is weird yeah uh-huh but thank you for joining us today at the Wild West trial and learning how to make a ramen bomb I hope you will try this I hope you will be as excited about this meal as I am because honestly a ramen bomb especially on a trail is really hard to beat guys and remember if you like our video please share please subscribe it really makes a difference for us but thanks again and Bon Appetit that's that sticks to your ribs huh oh yeah [Music]
Channel: Wild West Trail
Views: 2,660
Rating: 4.2820511 out of 5
Id: DcN1kFLYS34
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 17sec (977 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 27 2020
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