The Versatile Stanley Adventure Camp Cook Set - Tips & Tricks

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okay today we're gonna take a look at one of my old favorite camp cooks that's the Stanley adventure series Camp cook set this is like my number to go to rig and this one's been used a lot I really like this Stanley camp cook set yeah now y'all know that I'm really partial to my canteen cup set and here's all faithful it's pretty black I've been using that for all the canteen cup Tuesday's but I have several different rigs you know backpack rigs and belt rigs and everything and sometimes I don't have my canteen kit with me so this guy doesn't come along so Stanley adventure camp cook set is my number to go to rig now these are usually about thirty bucks in the stores or on Amazon but I'm gonna put a link in the description below if you use that link they are on sale for 50% off on Amazon now and you can get one of these for $14.97 so there's no excuse not to have one so let's get right down to the workbench of death and let me show you what I use it for all right here we are on the workbench of death here's our old Stanley adventure series I call it Stanley adventure series if you look on Stanley's website it is known as the Stanley adventure camp cook set so Stanley adventure series or Stanley camp cook set both names are correct when you get it here's how it comes just like this you can see I've been using this one it has our nice graduations all the way from eight ounces at the bottom to 20 ounces at the top and you can see those on the inside also yeah we got our Stanley logo and everything else very easy you know the handle folds out the lid comes off and inside you have our two wonderful green cups which are extremely useful these have a graduated line inside each cup that is exactly one cup of liquid so if you're cooking on this and suddenly you need some measured portion to pour in here oh I need a cup there's exactly a line says exactly one cup you can measure out some more water pour in there and everything's great what can you do with this of course your two cups nest gives you a nice big area to carry some spices to carry some cup of soups whatever also if you have a small stove like my little cheap knockoff stove that I've been using that I love so much you can take it out of the case and it'll go right in there you can put some other stuff around it and you can put the top on Tanna now you carry your stove and with your cups okay if you don't want to carry your stove in with your cups you can do something like this we'll put our stove back in the case okay we can take out one of the cups if you're by yourself it's always nice if you're out with your wife or your girlfriend your significant other to have two nice cups to drink out of but if you're out by yourself you can you can leave one of the cups at home and your whole stove will fit right down in there like that now you have plenty of room on the top for a lot more stuff put the top on but handle on you're ready to roll okay there you go okay now another nice feature about the standing is that it does nest in a GSI glacier mug just like that okay but it doesn't stay and it rattles around a little bit so how do you fix the rattle very easily everybody carries little scrubbies so just drop a scrubby that's a dollar store scrubby drop a scrubby in put Stanley in it and tada now your cookware ness it doesn't rattle you're gonna need to scrub you anyway there you go okay so that's a good way to use your GSI glacier cup now and if you have the GSI glacier cup in here some people mark graduations under GSI glacier cup but if you have one of these cups and you know this this the top wow what a nice little Cosette okay now you don't have to have graduations on your GSI Cup because this is exactly one cups get one cup line okay and whether you realize it or not the top for the Stanley adventure series fits perfectly on the GSI glacier cup so now you have another little pot to cook up some other hot beverages you can have this going over one part of the fire and that's going over the other part of the fire really really cool now let's talk about fire okay since I have this stove a canister of gas needs to go along with the stove so this is the hundred and ten gram cartridge I think it's the four ounce cartridge fits on the stove really really nicely how you gonna carry that sucker well if you look that compares pretty favorable so what you can do is you can drop the four ounce Partridge right down in the bottom of the Stanley cook set okay now you can you can't fit your stove in the case what is to take it out of the case your stove fits perfectly now you can put some other stuff on there now you can close it up how you want to bring the GSI Glacier mug over put your scrubby in man we're starting to get a good kit built we got gas we got a stove we got some cup of soup we got everything else that we need in there okay so check this out hold her back out take your stuff out take your stove out gas comes right up okay I'll be right back all right just saved a few seconds of getting my stove back in the case because it's a pain so now what you got is you can easily carry a canister of gas it fits this way but what's really really cool is you can see how the bottom is a little concave in on the stanley adventure series if you take this gas you turn it over the canister of gas is kind of concave dinh okay drop it in upside down goes in just like that now your stove fits easily some other stuff fits around it top fits perfectly you're off to your next adventure okay so we're gonna take this stuff out we're gonna take that out gas comes right out now you're cooking with gas another thing that I figured out is I went to my old favorite Dollar Tree and I got two of these little canisters for a dollar okay the top just screws off okay and it's really really nice but the capacity of these is exactly one cup to the top of here so what do you have if you don't if you can't carry or are not carrying the green cup you have another method that's smaller to measure out one cup of liquid now you can carry this with a cup of rice in it or a cup of mashed potatoes or a cup of oatmeal whatever you want to carry it with screw on the top everything's great you get a nice secure container but what I found is look if you turn this over and turn your gas over take this container and it fits perfectly into the bottom of the gas canister so if you're carrying it like this upside down you take this fill it with rice or beans or what ever it fits right in there put some salt and pepper some handy wipes that I'm just using this as an example around there you got your salt and pepper you got your rice or beans or whatever perfect okay that's another way to carry your stuff when you get to the camp there you go now you got one cup okay uh there's probably a dozen different ways to carry more stuff in here but if you're using the little gas stove like I really love the small four ounce or 110 gram cartridges fit absolutely perfect gives you a really good option and a lot of options you know you can carry your stove share your stuff you can actually and you can actually use this you can put a green cup in and then you can put this upside down and it still fits so you can carry your cup as well as the cartridge there's so many ways that you can mix and match things to carry in your stanley adventure series this is one of the most versatile cook sets that I've seen so let's go back up and we'll have a nice little brief talk about what we learned okay so that's just some of the ways that you can pack and that you can use the standard venture camp cooks set in conjunction with other things I really like using mine along with my glacier cup my GSI glacier cup and with a little scrubby it makes a nice nesting combination that's not going to come out and you've got your whole thing right there you know you can you have your gas your stove your cup your little scrubby to clean off everything right here so this really really makes a good rig the weather is finally starting to get a little cooler so I'm gonna start going out pretty soon I want everybody to remember that if you look in the description below right now there is a link that you can get a Stanley Adventure Camp cook set not the GSI Cup but just the part four $14.97 so click the link below get one if you don't already have one everybody should already have one but if you don't use the link below I would appreciate it and once again this is Matt the old Florida boy saying I see you from the trail
Channel: FloridaBoy Survival
Views: 126,894
Rating: 4.8554745 out of 5
Keywords: outdoor cook, stanley adventure camp cook set, camping cook set, stanley cook set, camp cooking, cook cup, backpacking cookset, stanley adventure, outdoor cooking, stanley adventure cook, stanley camp cook set, stanley gear, bushcraft cooking, camping gear, stanley adventure cook set, bushcraft cook kit, floridaboy survival, floridaboy bushcraft and survival, florida boy survival, cookset for camping
Id: H2yU4oMse38
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 7sec (667 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 21 2018
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