Canteen Cup Tuesday - Whiskey BBQ Lil Smokies

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hey it's Matt it's Tuesday you all know what that means time for another episode of canteen cup Tuesday man there's a lot of mosquitoes out today it could be tough it's a very interesting selection that we have on tap today should be pretty good so let's get cooking [Music] all right back in our spot actually rain pretty hard this morning it's not really very hot right now so nice day to do some cooking I got a really interesting backpack on me see if I can show you picture of it kind of just threw this together in the garage if it works good I'll do a video on it let's get set up and get cooking [Music] man I hope we get this in today I already hear some thunder over in the distance we have selection today that I just made up called whiskey barbecue little Smokies this sounded great pack of beef little Smokies okay a couple little spices or Harbor Freight stuff Texas Pete hotter okay sweet baby Ray's barbecue sauce and what would whiskey barbecue little Smokies be without whiskey some good old Jack Daniels old number seven let's get out the canteen cup and get going all right we got a little bit of prep to do first we're gonna get out a little smokey put them in this canteen cup oh yeah got the juice and a little smoker too we're using all of them today mmm you could eat them mmm Duke the am wrong pretty good okay first thing we're gonna do I'm gonna heat these babies up spice it up a little bit and then we're gonna put the barbecue sauce in them so hang on there we go whoo yeah we are on now put a little onion powder garlic powder a little black pepper in there hold this guy over here with so that we don't get our hand burn we're going to cook a little Smokies the Smokies are starting to sizzle up oh yeah whoo-hoo nice all right does work a little bit better you can take out a few of the little smokey these babies are getting hot off of there oh yeah they kind of make their own juice you know it's got to be real careful of the fire if you're holding it up like this make sure you have a glove on [Applause] whoo nice and hot mmm these are so tasty I might just eat them like this wow I'm going to continue to heat these up and then we're gonna put the other stuff in there all right it's go time we've got sweet baby Ray's you got a little Smokies now a little bit of sweet baby Ray's okay not too much just enough to get them coated you know all right a little more okay that should do it now and there's less of them now because I've been eating them as I go along because they're so damn good all right look at those little Smokies oh look at those little guys all right now drain off a little bit of the liquid not too much now what would whiskey glaze barbecue little Smokies be without whiskey so we're just gonna add a drop of whiskey just a drop got save some for the cook smell whoo holy a little more cube oh man that's good oh I can't wait to eat these I'm like rushing all right I'm gonna get our stove fire back up and we're gonna bring these up to a boil let them simmer for a few minutes and then we're gonna eat them all right our stoves fired back up I'm just gonna sit our little Smokies over here until they start sizzling shouldn't take long Wow whoo I can smell that Jack Daniels cooking from here oh yeah look at that these are gonna be so good I can't wait all right man barbecue sauce is start to thicken up pretty nicely and keep them over that heat that's the trick a little breezy out but and there's a lot of mosquitoes out right now oh yeah look at that sizzle these smells just incredible okay here we go man we got these little Smokies what I did is I brought these up to a boil and then I I took them off the fire and I let him sit so they would they was so they would heat up and drain most of the liquid off some of the Jack Daniels and now we got nice whiskey barbecue glaze little Smokies we're gonna put some Texas Pete hotter on them and then we are going to eat these suckers so stay tuned all right here we go we got a little Smokies Wow man these are great hmm so good but what would whiskey glaze little Smokies be without a little bit of whiskey so got to save some pretty cook mmm that's Jack Daniels for you Wow all we did oh man he's good all we did is we didn't even need a stove all we had was a little beer can stove all we did is throw the little Smokies in there saute it up with a little onion powder garlic salt and black pepper and I didn't even put any oil in it I just let's just use like the little smokey juice and then we put some barbecue sauce in there and a little bit of whiskey and let them babies come to a boil and took them off and let them set for a few Matt put some Texas Pete in there mm-hmm man these are good and this was real easy I mean and you could now you can fix up some rice or some noodles or a side dish to go with these or you could just do exactly what I'm doing eat them by yourself they're so good I love these little smokey hmm there we go another edition of canteen cup Tuesday hmm with Jack Daniels another easy breezy whoo another easy breezy Edition the canteen cup Tuesday I'd like to see everybody start doing canteen cup Tuesdays I know that our old buddy Trailblazer Tim from the creative outdoorsman he's doing a canteen cup Tuesday right now as we speak somewhere else and I'm gonna put a link to his video up in the upper right-hand corner y'all go over and check his out and I am cranking up canteen cup Tuesdays again so with my quick and easy down and dirty recipe for whiskey barbecue little Smokies this is Matthew Florida boy and I will see you on the trail
Channel: FloridaBoy Survival
Views: 4,210
Rating: 4.9224806 out of 5
Keywords: canteen cup tuesday, canteen cup cooking, bushcraft, camping, hiking, camp cooking, canteen cup, camp cooking tuesday, bushcraft cooking, survival, cooking, trail food, trail cooking, campfire cooking, bushcraft skills, canteen cup cooking recipes, gi canteen cup cooking, canteen cup stove cooking, camp cooking recipes, trail food for hiking, cooking videos, canteen cup recipes, canteen cup meals, bushcraft survival
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 28sec (748 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 06 2019
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