Canteen Cup Tuesday - Breakfast Bannock & Eggs

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okay so it's Tuesday and it's time for another edition of canteen cup Tuesday once again I am your host Matt the old Florida boy today we're gonna try to make something that I really didn't have much luck making last time and I'm gonna show you a couple of modifications that I did to the canteen cup should make it better we're gonna try to make what I call breakfast Bannock last time I tried bacon in the canteen cup it was a dismal failure I'm gonna put a card to that dismal failure right up there so that you can go see how bhisma Lee I failed but I got a couple of little modifications that I'm gonna show you here in a second to the canteen cup and it should make this a much much better experience so let's get out of the workbench of death and I'll show you my method okay so once again we got our little foil baking cup that I formed out of a piece of aluminum foil or I think it was a little old aluminum baking dish that I got at the dollar store and it's formed so that it'll drop right down into the canteen cup so my fatal error last time was the foil Cup was right against the bottom of the canteen cup and it and it I didn't have enough airspace to distribute the heat and it burned the whole bottom so what I what I did is I looked around my garage I mean my wife got a whole bin up these little ramekin things you know you get them in the restaurant when you ask for extra dressing or like soy sauce or something like that and I got a few metal ones so I found out that that thing will drop perfectly right down in the community cup and then when you put this in it just rests against the bottom of the ramekin I wanted a little more space at the top so what I did is I cut a piece of half-inch hardware cloth and all I did was bend it down one length on the bottom and that thing fits perfectly right down into the bottom of the canteen cup and now it gives me a little bit more room at the top and then you put the top on now it keeps the bottom of the container a half an inch off of the bottom of the canteen cup so I think that that's going to distribute the a lot better and it's actually probably gonna work this time so we're gonna take all of this stuff and we're gonna go on my back deck and we're gonna see if we can make some breakfast Bannock okay here we go we got our canteen cup with a little piece of fence in there we got a baking cup we got a banach ready to roll we got a little bit of vegetable and we got the stove in the lid so move that to the side this guy over here now what we're gonna do is we're gonna put a little bit of veggie oil in our baking dish so our Bannock don't stick spread and get it in there as good as we can I want to get something on the sides too which is important okay sighs yeah I do not want this to stick this time all right that's looking pretty good all right we got it all oiled up okay that's good now let's get the stove alright that our old friend the nine dollar stove let's get this on the lowest possible setting alright now just get put that to the side first we're gonna get our oil cup in here and we're gonna get our Bannock I'm gonna try to get it in the cup find a flat kind of press it down there alright so it's against the bottom of the cup hey that doesn't look bad now get this on the stove very low heat put the cover on and we're gonna wait now since there's nothing more exciting than either boiling water of bacon bread we'll come back and periodically and I'll show you the progress okay it's been about 15 minutes and I've really resisted taking the top off because I don't want to let all the heat out but when I feel the sides the sides of the canteen cup are really hot so I know the sides and the top of that sucker is really hot too I know the whole loaf of bread has been getting some heat so let's see ooh mmm smells like bread doesn't smell like all right it's still a little doughy on top so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna cook it some more so you cook this until it's done there's no special time but you just gotta cook it until it's done so that's exactly what I'm gonna do okay so we've been in here right about a half an hour maybe a little long but I really didn't want it to burn so I could get real low let's see woohoo oh look at that the top is starting to crack it smells like grant it doesn't smell burn we're gonna give it to toothpick test totally clean this is ready I'm gonna get this off the stove okay now we got our plate see I got my gloves on because it's probably gonna be a little hot so let's see if we can me man she slid right out of there okay now let's see if we can yeah it is a little hot see if we can carefully oh that's a hot potato man that worked perfect in the bottom of that look at that all right so now we're gonna come over here separate this bread so I really want to get this out in one loaf I can oh oh look it's nice and brown on the bottom oh now because we got that out in one piece I got a surprise for you so I'll be right back okay since our Bannock came out so cleanly and we can use this over what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna pour a little water in the bottom all right and now we're gonna put this back in and what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna crack us an egg in there and steam this egg all right let me correct it I'm gonna steam this egg and put it over here Alma banished so let's get this sucker going we can crank this yep we are gonna put top back on hopefully we can get this water boil real quick and its egg hardened up okay here we go that baby is smoke and steam and let's check on our eggs Oh oh yeah all right we're gonna get those off and notice I got my gloves on because this baby is gonna be smoking hot so I'll try to do this best I can there all right a little bit egg came through but no big deal now let's see if we can get our pegs out just like this and one I decided to go big or go home so I got another egg oh man coming right now oh yeah it does not get much better than this the breakfast Bannock and eggs let's try it all right here we go we got our breakfast Nanuk oh oh man look at that we got some some butter cuz bought it is like bhatta oh yeah mmm-hmm let's try it this has got to be good well ma'am it's still steaming hmm [Music] oh you're missing up all right check out our eggs what we did is we just steamed a couple of eggs oh man that looks awesome what would it be a little bit of our hot sauce just to drop oops I party felt all right let's try our eggs mmm ma'am Oh our breakfast Bannock breakfast panic and eggs I'm gonna call this put a little on the panic Oh that is so good all I did was the game-changer was putting the little piece of wire on the bottom of the canteen cup so the tin foil baking dish didn't contact the bottom of canteen cup and I cooked this on real low because I was scared that I was gonna burn it you could have probably cooked it on higher and it would have taken less time this took around about 30 minutes for the for the panic to cook the eggs took no time at all like a minute or two so breakfast panic and eggs this is one of my best one look at this hunk of panic I still got you know only char just a little tiny bit on the bottom oh man and totally cooked on the inside and it worked out perfect okay so coming to you on our quarantine Tuesday canteen cup quarantine Tuesday coming to you from my backyard with my version of breakfast on the trail breakfast panic and eggs this is Matt the old floor boy and I will see you on the trail
Channel: FloridaBoy Survival
Views: 1,854
Rating: 4.8843932 out of 5
Keywords: canteen cup coffee, camp cooking, bushcraft breakfast, camp cooking hacks, canteen cup tuesday, canteen cup cooking, canteen cup, canteen cup cooking recipes, gi canteen cup cooking, canteen cup stove cooking, camp cooking breakfast, bushcraft breakfast cooking, bannock, bannock recipe easy, bannock recipe for backpacking, bannock recipe camping, bannock bread, bannock recipe, bannock bread recipe
Id: frpHSHfvl-Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 48sec (708 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 24 2020
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