Canteen Cup Tuesday - Pork (SPAM) Fried Rice

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all right it's that time again canteen cup Tuesday what we got in store today is we have some pork fried rice and as a substitute for a pork chop I'm using spam so I figured hey spam means spiced ham ham means pig pig means pork so that's where we're getting the port for the pork fried rice I got to spam singles I got some Uncle Ben's teriyaki rice I got a little extra product because I won't I'm going to put that in the rice and I got a little bit soy sauce but I'm reviewing a new little product that I got over the weekend this is the lik sada folding camp stove and this is the folding one not the one that gets put together it's got the Trangia spirit burner on it so I tried it out on the workbench and it looked great so I'm going to try it out for this so what I'm going to do is I'm going to get stove going and we're going to get the pork cooking and this is great the Uncle Ben's it says all you do is heat it up for 90 seconds in the microwave and anything that you heat up for 60 or 90 seconds in the microwave and it's done is already cooked so we don't have to boil the water this is a this is an easy breezy trail meal so I'm going to get the stove started and I'm going to start cooking the spam all right we're going to light up a little transient spirit burner here get that going got to spam singles stuff cut so easy nice little chunk now for our spam Wow that's a lot little soy all right and it's already sizzling I think this is going to be a really cool stove set up a little transy a spirit burner and the lik side of folding stove is not bad at all and it's already boiling the suing on the way you can hear it or not but that is that's boiling up you can see the flame licking out of the back of the little exotic stove which is pretty cool now you can hear it sizzling oh yeah not hot enough yet I'm going to continue cooking it and I'll be back alright that's sizzling pretty good I only got like one ounce of fuel in the stove I'm using heat as the alcohol fuel so I tested it out the other day when I got it and one ounce burns for like 15 minutes I mean it's not as hot as the beer can stove but it burns for longer this is really sizzling now my son this is a little extra all says of the generic egg stir it's a little scrambled eggs so it would be cool with the right so that's really cooking we're going to put the egg product in here now scramble up a little eggs oh man that's really cool now the Uncle Ben this is already cooked just kind of add it little by little no more soy go stop all right I did add just a little bit of water in there so it wouldn't burn this spirit burn hot and there's a barking dog over there that I want to shoot he's been barking for three hours straight this is looking pretty good let that heat up and we're going to roll pork fried rice there you go in my canteen cup and my new loksatta stove that's good okay in retrospect it did need a little bit of water needed about a cup of water to help cook down the rice but it is really Weil and now oh yes smoking alright it's almost ready hmm that is going good this couldn't be easier I actually in retrospect I actually didn't need the eggs the egg product but the soy sauce made a difference the soy sauce in the water the Uncle Ben's has already cooked the spam was already cooked all he did is chunk up to two singles of spam fry it up get it nice and heated through then put the rice in a little bit of water a little bit of soy sauce and there you go so this is cooking up nicely and this Licata douve is awesome this was ten dollars who knew and this is burning for a long time oh yeah so hmm this is going to cook for another couple minutes until the rest of the waters cook down and then I'll show you the finished product all right nice and Rice's getting nice and tender it's starting to burn on the bottle a little bit so I'm going to pronounce it die so here we go my version canteen cup Tuesday pork fried rice it makes and that is about 16 ounces okay so here we go taste test mmm it's not like the Chinese restaurant but it's pretty good and it is smoking hot oh man it's hot [ __ ] all right happy canteen cup Tuesday everybody my version a pork fried rice using spam singles and using Uncle Ben's teriyaki style rice with peas and carrots I put a little egg stirs in there and a little soy sauce and little water and this makes a lot so today is my birthday February 21st remember to wish me a happy birthday in the comments I'm not going to tell you how old I am but it is my birthday today on canteen cup Tuesday so here we go pork fried rice this is Matt from Florida boy survival see you next time
Channel: FloridaBoy Survival
Views: 8,660
Rating: 4.9111109 out of 5
Id: -Apfw0AmJfs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 8sec (668 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 21 2017
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