Pathfinder Ti Titanium Canteen Cooking Set Review & Comparing to the competition.

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chris here with barnyard art this happens all the time it's my channel i should know what the name of it is it's barnyard outdoors chris here with barnard outdoors i know you've all been waiting for this let's take a look at the pathfinder ti titanium canteen cooking set it comes in this nice box i've already opened this of course you know you get something like this and you're not gonna wait around till you look at the video it comes in this very nice case i'm not a big fan of digital camo like this but it's really nice that they include this case with it i think this case has some some pretty nice features let's go ahead and open this up there is a pouch here on the front and inside that you will find the lid for the cook cook set and then there's just a couple snaps here and you can easily pull out the entire cook set and there it is now this might look really familiar to a lot of people um this is of course made in china that's where most this titanium stuff is made um it is branded by pathfinder self-reliance outfitters which is great so if you're going to buy this and i know you don't want to buy from chinese companies you just want to buy american at least buy it from a company that is an american company so great little product very impressed with this very similar to the uh boundless voyage matter of fact i think it's the same thing you get the canteen this canteen is 1100 milliliters [Music] get a canteen cup and then you also get this second little canteen cup everything nests together this small cup has some bail handles that come out works good the the canteen cup itself has butterfly handles which is nice they're not the huge butterfly handles that you're used to seeing on things like the heavy cover or the keith titanium one but they are very nice and i do like this little indent here so if i am using gloves or something i can still still grab a hold of this and have easy access to grabbing my pot off the fire it comes with a lid this lid is nice it's got the three little holes in it for straining and the lid works of course on both of these just fits right on top so it's a very nice little setup i like having two pots like this i can have one that i'm eating out of i can cook something in one and have my drink out of the other just gives you a lot of a lot of options let me get that out of the way and let's look at the canteen now you'll notice that the canteen shape on this is different and i will show you later in the video some of my other canteens so we can do some comparisons but it is a different shape which means it's really only going to work with the cup set that it comes with all right but you get everything so you really don't need anything else it is a titanium lid i don't know about you guys but i love that sound that titanium on titanium there is a little uh silicone gasket around there and it's got a nice wide mouth on here easy to hold very comfortable and i've got my tape measure here i know some people online have asked me um what the actual width is of this and i should make this so you guys can read it it's just under two inches it's actually two inches across um has a nice rolled lip here and then on the actual cups it just has a straight edge around the sides and that is the same on both of these both of the cups have measurements in them this one is 300 milliliters up to the top line and there's another one for 150 and on the larger cup it is 600 450 300 and 150 so it's nice you can see those and you can see those when you're looking on the inside as well very hard to pick up in the camera sometimes but they're there believe me they are there so nice little cook set um and even the case like i said i'm not a big fan of the color but it's a nice layout you've got a pocket up here where you can put the lid of course a place for the canteen cook set and it slides in there pretty pretty easily pretty easy to get in and out on the back of this you do have some straps so you can connect this to molly if you want and then it comes with this shoulder strap and the thing that i was impressed with on the shoulder strap because usually i don't use the shoulder straps a lot so i was looking at how exactly you you take this off and it's actually it's it's sewn on here so you can't you can't remove this strap but what you can do is on the sides these are velcro so you release the velcro and you can pull this thing right out and you can do that on both sides and that's a very easy way to remove that strap and then you just have the case if you want to keep using this case i am a huge fan of this case especially for this setup this is the hilacontex um e e pouch and it works really good in this this has got sleeves or you can put the lid and cooking utensils and all sorts of things and it also has a way to connect to a pack if you want it is a very impressive set i'm glad that i ordered this from self-reliance outfitters it's uh it's a little pricey i will put the the current price of it down below the nice thing about self-reliance outfitters is they do have a a point system there so if you're logged in and you're a registered user with them which doesn't cost anything you can you get points as you purchase items so when i went to purchase this i was not excited about spending that kind of money on it but i had a bunch of points saved up i converted it to a coupon on their site and then applied that coupon and got this price down so good deal good deal um the build on it it seems really nice and if we we start doing some comparisons here first let's look at we'll compare it here to this one this is the the pathfinders stainless steel and some of the big differences you'll see of course this thing is is built like a tank but it's stainless steel so it is heavier but if you look at the the mouth on this it's just it's a little bit a little bit bigger maybe two and a quarter almost two and a quarter inches one of the big differences that i noticed is with this one the steel is rolled inwards and the threads are on the outside where if you look at this titanium one the roll is to the outside and the threads are on the inside i find this a little more easy to drink out of maybe that's just me it's kind of a personal preference this one also is 39 ounces so it actually works out to be about um i'm thinking it was 50 50 milliliters bigger i'll i'll do the math and i'll put that on the bottom of the screen here as well it is just a little bit bigger i think ounce wise it worked out to be maybe two or two and a half ounces more once again i'll put that down below as well a little bit larger and more of a traditional peanut shape on this one stainless steel of course so it is heavier and of course it will not it won't nest with this this new set at all um i do believe though if you wanted to the stove base which is probably my favorite canteen cup stove base will of course work with this i mean it'll work with all sorts of different pots right set that right on there so let's look at some of the actual competitors to this and really i can only think of one when it comes to titanium and that is keith's so keith titanium on same as the heavy cover titanium canteen set only comes with the one cup you can see this is the familiar peanut shape but it does have really nice butterfly handles on it so we can compare the two here and kind of see what the difference looks like there right the keys are probably a good three quarters of an inch to an inch longer so you have a little more more space away from the cup um but definitely a good cup as well and if we look at the canteens themselves at that lovely sound i love the sound of that you can see the lids are very similar um the pathfinder lid is a little bit deeper when it's screwed in but they both have nice silicone rings but what's interesting is if we put these up here and we look at the two [Music] you can see that the the pathfinder one and boy getting a good angle on this it's just it is a little bit shorter i put these on a flat surface so if you look at these two side by side you can see the keith is taller than the pathfinder one but they're both rated as the same size capacity-wise and don't worry we're gonna do a test on that here in a little bit um let's go back to my other angle here and look at the opening so if we look at these two remember the the pathfinder was just about two inches and you can see that the keith is actually just a little bit maybe an eighth of an inch smaller in diameter than the diameter on this which is kind of surprising because when you put them together like this you can see that the pathfinder one looks a little smaller i'm really curious to see capacity differences because just looking at them side by side i would say that they both do not have the same capacity but we're going to test that forget i got i got so much titanium canteen stuff here so another thing that people have asked about this is the uh the nalgene oasis canteen that i use and i have this in the boundless voyage set this is their two-pot canteen cook set boundless voyage and they also make one just like this but they are not compatible right you cannot nest them in there um this boundless voyage one i've used this a lot it actually has worked out really well the lid with this one does not have does not have the strainer holes in it so the lid with this one does not have the strainer holes in it compared to the one from pathfinder and i really like having these strainer holes it does make a big difference especially if you're you know you're doing rice or you're doing noodles or something you got to strain the water out i really like that um the one thing that this has that the pathfinder does not have is it has these little connectors here and if you look at my previous video i'll put a link somewhere up here um you can see that there's little attachments and bale wires which you can hook up to this and hang it down i wish you had that feature on this i think that would really take this to the next level this other set but this is just really cool this is really cool let's do some let's do some tests here and trying to do these tests inside it's a beautiful day i wish i could get outside but it's a lot of cars and a lot of traffic and i don't want anybody have to listen to that let me uh let me get some water and get a setup and let's let's try not to make a mess here in the house all right let's test this out just got a mess of titanium around me i'm in heaven here let's see my angle a little bit better there we are okay so this is uh i think ust makes this this is just a silicone like wash basin and what i've got here you have to trust me on this but i put 1100 milliliters in this nalgene silo so this should be the exact amount that will fit in the keith it's also supposed to be the exact amount that'll fit in the pathfinder so let's check this out i want to see if when they measure these at 1100 milliliters are they going all the way to the very top or are they just going to right before the neck so you can still put the the the lid on it here [Music] all right and that's perfect that is just that is right down below the line there right right under so you can screw this on and this is the this is the keith right so i can screw this on i did not lose any water putting that lid on so now let's try the pathfinder right which just when you look at the two it's shorter but i think because of the design they're getting the same capacity so let's make check it out here wow i honestly i really thought that that would just spill over and be a big mess and i can't find my lid there it is okay so it's in there and it's it's just right up to where the neck starts just like it was on the uh the the keith one of the heavy cover and if i screw that down that's nothing nothing leaked out at all and that's uh that's great that is it's it's amazing just the the subtle change in the shape and the build of this gives you that same capacity with just a little less height which uh which is really nice especially if you decide that you want to do something you know like this where we take another cook set and put it on top and you're in your kit you could do that it doesn't slide down on there or anything but because it's shorter um give you a little bit more room in your pack and then of course the uh the other one we've got here which i mean should be no surprise to anybody who's used this stainless steel one this thing has a ton of room in it and that's that's not even to the top of the neck on that thing and then then of course i've got this and this these are i love these little canteen bottles the big problem i have is is this thing it's just not that tight on there i worry about losing it i'm thinking about putting a ranger band or something here to help hold that on so we'll just take that off and we'll check out this one just so you guys can see this is a one liter bottle from nalgene yeah and then that doesn't doesn't fit at all so you get a little more capacity which is which is great with any of these over something like this that is a little smaller of course the uh the lid just goes over the top but there's there's a nice amount of water there in the in the pan so interesting very interesting stuff here so this is it this is you know this is my my first look at this thing if you have any questions about this setup please ask them in the comments below some additional testing i'm not going to go through trying these in different packs because i know that they work in those packs or those stuff bags and carry cases anything you'd use for a canteen this will work in i did have an interesting comment on facebook where somebody was asking about what case would be best for this because sometimes the edges of these will get stuck when you're trying to pull them out of a bag so like i said my favorite bag here is it easily fits down in there and then of course it has a little sleeve here where i can put the the lid then for getting this out it's really easy there's plenty of room in this bag to just pull everything out so far i'm really impressed with this i can't wait to get this out i'm going to be going on a camp out in a few weeks and i will take this out with me as my primary water container and i'll do some cooking in both of these and show you guys how well it works but i am very impressed with it i think that this is a this is a great a great product i think when when self-reliance outfitters picked this out and decided to get this one and put their brand on it they did they did a good job this is a this is a really nice piece of kit thanks for watching if you have any questions or comments please leave them in the comment section below and remember to like and subscribe to my channel thanks a lot for watching guys you
Channel: BarnYard Outdoors
Views: 6,127
Rating: 4.8974357 out of 5
Keywords: Camping, Hiking, Bushcraft, Camp Cooking, Kayaking, Canteen Cup, Titanium, Titanium Canteen Cup, Heavy Cover Canteen, Keith Titanium Canteen, Pathfinder Canteen Cookset, Titanium Mess Kit, Mess Kit, Nesting Canteen Cool Kit, Titanium Nesting Kit, Pathfinder Ti, Pathfinder, Self Reliance Outfitters, Self Reliance Outfitters Titanium, Pathfinder Titanium
Id: n1cphbIM98U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 55sec (1195 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 07 2021
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