Canteen cup Tuesday in an army surplus poncho shelter

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hi everyone i'm urban girl and welcome to my channel well here we are we're out in the local woods again thankfully um i've come today to try and set up the east german stricthan tarp with the two zelban halves so i've got my work cut out for me i've not actually tried this setup before but i did experiment with a dg tarp um so i kinda know what i'm going for but a fair wee bit of work to do with the setup it's um quite a busy day today there's a lot of people out in the local woods walking their dogs exercising kids running about having fun so probably be a noisy day but anyway let's get a bit further in so my lunch for today is just a kinda noodle um pot noodle type of thing chicken noodle type thing um and my usual my wee extra bits are checking that i like to put on it and i'm just going to use the pcb stove crusader mark ii stove with my french army canteen cup i decided to do that today instead of having a fire because um i knew that the shelter was going to take me quite a fair bit of time to put up and um after that i thought um i didn't really usually i don't want to spend a lot of time processing firewood i mean it's been lashing rain with snow it's been pretty cold and damp and wet so um you know the wood would be uh fairly difficult to source first of all um but you know once you've sourced that as possible but once you've sourced it you've also got to process it up you know you make sure you can get to the dry stuff in the inside um and that's uh that's a lot of work for an afternoon so yeah i'm just going to chillax in the shelter and they set my lunch up my lunch chalk box i bought this a crusader stove yonkers ago um because i've got the wee tiny bcb one the week in a fold out one um but to be honest uh i don't think that that handy um for the canteen cup the canteen cup doesn't really sit on it very you know very steep stably does that work i don't think so anyway it's not very stable um so but you know this crusader cup is just absolutely perfect for it with a fire dragon fuel i better make sure i have my gloves handy before i start i think i put me back in my bag better where did i put them dummy they're right next to you or something right next to me i didn't bring my other um ground sheet either which i normally do it was to save this other this picnic blanket getting really um dirty i wish i had brought it because it's not really that heavy at all um and it gives you another extra protection layer against the the cold ground but anyway i think santa's bringing me another little replacement just another we cheap one but yeah that blue one's getting a bit smelly i've had it santa brought me that last year uh from my son so um yeah it's getting a bit smelly that one but i mean that's a good thing i mean yeah they're just cheap but you know it means you don't care you can get another one so that'll be good there's a couple walking down there with a dog beautiful big japanese akita it's massive nice dog but a lot to handle i think you know if they're not handled properly they can be aggressive one of the most famous japanese akita that you might have heard of um for those of you that are a certain age as a og simpsons dog well it was the livestock but yeah it was a japanese akita they had i might just put this wee one her up it's not that windy but do you know what that will help reflect the heat back into me for a minute although my blanket's keeping me warm right got me noodles got me chicken i don't know if i should put my lantern on as well let's see probably get a new candle in there now for anybody that is thinking about getting these yuko candles so i've got this mini tea light one but i'll tell you one of the things that i found about it um all of the wax melts on that inside ring which means that the the weak clips that hold the candle in place are getting pushed in now so you really need a way of getting that wax out there anyway that's just my experience of it i have got a new candle on here i'll see if i can get it enough as i said they're pretty um stretched out a place because what they do is they hold the candle in place is to stop the candle moving about when you light it i'll even get wax on the inside of the glass up here as well which again isn't great all right we'll see if we can get this to light or rather if we can get the top to go on properly now another thing about this candle that you need to be aware of is this top bit here once the candle's been burning for quite a while that bit gets really really hot so um you know nylon tent that kind of thing you need to be really careful where you put it and you need to remember you know to extinguish it properly at night and you know make sure you put it somewhere safe before you go to sleep etc etc so i've just put it up there in the corner next to me right where's my jail it's in my box i mean this box see this box that is quite heavy you know once you've got all your stuff on it but i love it because it's great you can just organize everything and every ducats i mean if you like organizing stuff you know and that kind of way you'll really enjoy it so it was definitely worth it for me now because these have a very strict burn time get yourself organized before you light it guys because as soon as that's like you want your food on there cooting that's a end off right gives me water my east german strike turn flask i've no get the cup on it i don't need to cut today so i was pretending i was packing light but that's a joke but anyway i don't need it right what i'm gonna do is let's get those noodles under the carp and we'll probably get a fill level on here nice so seasoning probably some hot sauce or something noodles i'm having bang bang chicken feel good today [Music] wait i'm just gonna bang it on as well i won't be too much and then i'll wait and see because obviously with the the noodles out of it don't know might be a different level let's see we'll find out soon enough it might just end up being soupy i'm putting the jacket in as well so the chatting will take up a bit of the space for the liquid right get my wee knife and i'll just put the flavor and the seasoning and everything in sorry you're probably getting a bit of wobble in the camera here because i've got it hanging up on the ridgeline oh that smells nice i imagine this is probably chili flakes yeah they're they're chili flakes some sort of jelly thing i think but stuff i'm putting it in all right put my knife away which i thought i put in there no i put it in my bag i think that's everything i need um that's it i've got the check in here i really do need to cut that up but let's just start beginning trying to get the middles cooked a wee bit wobbly it's not flat but never mind i'm sure it will be fine i'm right next there anyway so i can keep an eye on it so so [Applause] so i've got my chopping board with me so i'll chop the chicken on now okay at least at here for the noodles as well i've got another fuel in there if i need it well fire's out so let's see what it looks like oh not super at all how can i be stuck through pretty perfect actually look at that pretty good time to enjoy lunch i was talking to a guy there that walked past people like to stop and asking look at the shower means i can pick up a new subscriber hopefully nice that'd be better space that would be better chili will eat me up as well anyway guys right i'm going to enjoy the rest of my lunch well there we go guys that's me i'm all packed up thanks again for watching my channel i really do appreciate all your views and support leave me some comments if there's anything that uh any tips or hints or tricks anything at all guys if you are watching and you've not subscribed to my channel yet think about subscribing to help support me i upload content regularly just for entertainment i'm just an urban girl out having a bit of fun bye [Music] you
Channel: Urban Grrl
Views: 646
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: 7VBlcwTqU9M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 36sec (1176 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 15 2020
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