Can You Beat Red/Blue with Just a Nidoran?

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[Music] hey everyone how's it going so it's been a while since I've done a challenge run so I figured I would just do two that's kind of a joke the real reason I'm doing two in one video is that knitter and Mail and knitter and female while there are important differences are kind of really similar I mean they're based at totals are the same although the stats are distributed differently and they're movesets are nearly identical the level up moves are a little different and knitter and mail can learn one extra move but other than that they're pretty much the same so it just didn't make sense to do two separate videos and instead what we're gonna do is compare the two knitter and I'll be showing knitter and mail first followed by female since although I want to do it as a competition I felt like it would be disingenuous because right from the beginning I thought knitter and mail would be better and in the end that is still going to be the case and the reason for this is twofold one look at those stats again in a solo run yes defense and HP are important but speed an attacker special they're a lot more important and knitter and mail is optimized for speed and attack while knitter and female is optimized for defense in HP and in competitive Pokemon that gives it a useful niche in this game it just puts it at a bit of a disadvantage since it's our only Pokemon but in addition knitter and mail has a massive advantage in the early game due to the differences in their level up moves knitter and mail definitely in the early game has a better move pool number one it knows horn attack which they base 65 power normal move which it learns at level 8 knitter and female gets scratched which is slightly more powerful than tackle a hole 5 face power more powerful and yeah that's a pretty big difference so knitter and mail already has the advantage but if we look at the successful Braque battle you do have to still level up quite a bit and against the Geodude you just attacked with horn attack the slightly higher speed means I get critical hits at a slightly higher rate than knitter and female the big difference is against the onyx when onyx uses bide we can use leer which knitter and female doesn't know and Lear will lower onyx is defense and because bi can take several turns we can end up defeating the onyx rather quickly and it's simply about levelling up to a point where a Geodude doesn't knock you out and with my stats knitter and male was able to do this at level 16 knitter and female on the other hand is going to have a much tougher time not only because it doesn't know horn attack but because it has growl instead of leer this will be advantageous against the Geodude since it uses defense curl so often anyway we're gonna be taking back far less damage if we just use six growl in fact the Geodude will only do one HP of damage that's excellent and that should leave us with a ton of HP for onyx unfortunately if you try at level 16 or 17 or 18 what you'll find is that knitter and female doesn't out speed the onyx because it has much lower speed and I reset time and again to get as good DVS as possible obviously they're not gonna be identical because that would be unrealistic but in both cases they had above average speed so we're gonna have to level up all the way to level 19 and because we don't have leer for the onyx it becomes a lot more stressful sure we can use growl but onyx does know screech which kind of counteracts it and scratch does such little damage that in fact we're gonna end up having to use our other moves namely tackle which can miss 5% of the time in fact I'm not sure if you've seen it yet but I actually missed twice in a row which is amazing but yes in the end I do defeat the onyx but to compare time at this point knitter and male started the Brock fight at 42 in game minutes knitter and female at about an hour 30 so knitter and female starts off with an hour disadvantage however it does make up a little bit of that time and there's a couple reasons for that but for now the biggest reason is I'm gonna be at a bit of a higher level than knitter and male overall to make this as fair as a comparison as possible I try to use exactly the same route and so I didn't battle any extra trainers on the way to the rival and so because of that knitter and mail will be at a much lower level making the rival fight a little more difficult in fact I actually have to go to cerulean gym and battle the two trainers they are one of whom I usually don't battle so I could have enough experience points to level up and it made rival number two somewhat consistent although I still have to reset a couple times now against Pidgeotto I get some of the worst luck you could imagine quick attack then I horn attack sand attack which hits that's bad critical hit quick attack and then I miss which allows him to get another quick attack and at 9 HP I'm not gonna win right well a Brazil one hit ko it doesn't attack and ratata doesn't attack horn attack is almost a one-hit ko had I leveled up a little bit more that would have been better and surely squirtle is gonna knock me out with bubble but it doesn't use bubble it does use tackle but it does almost no damage so I'm able to just eke out a victory against rival 2 at level 22 not bad knitter and fimo on the other hand starts the battle at level 23 and I have to use a bit of a different strategy because I don't have a horn attack and my attack is lower I instead use a couple of tail whips which I do learn so in the end I do get a leer like attack with no misses that makes Pidgeotto a 4 hit ko and it does use sand attack and take away quite a bit of HP although not as bad as knitter and mail Abra doesn't attack so not a big deal but then against the ratata you can see how much less damage I do with scratch and I get a Miss and the Rattata uses hyper Fang leaving me with only 18 HP for squirtle which is still double of what knitter and mail had now the strategy is the exact same as Pidgeotto to tail lips and to scratch of course I miss tail up number one I get a water gun one more hit and I'm knocked out ok well that was lucky and ok you're not going to attack me anymore pretty lucky battle all things considered now with neither knitter on does it make sense to battle misty here because on the SS n we get body slam and this is great for knitter and female I mean it's good for knitter and mail too it's a base 85 power move which still an upgrade plus a 30% chance to paralyze it just doesn't represent as significant an upgrade on knitter and mail but it is gonna make rival three a heck of a lot easier I didn't battle anyone else on the SSN other than the one trainer you need to to get body slam and I still out sped Pidgeotto one-hit ko with body slam although it was a critical hit so I'm not sure if it would have been otherwise Radek a die still out speed but it's not a one eight ko it hits me with the hyper Fang but I knock it out the next turn now Cadabra with confusion is very scary if I out speed it's not a problem I don't that's something I'll have to be aware of a little bit later but thankfully for now body slam is a one-hit ko now with Wartortle it's not even a 2 hit ko but Wartortle barely does any damage and all in all a fairly easy victory but the fact I was out sped by Cadabra is an ominous sign for things to come now in regards to the near-end female version it's pretty much the exact same thing since now we're comparing apples to apples getting to use the same moves I only do half damage - pidgeotto meaning knitter end mail probably wouldn't have been a one-hit ko but another thing we need to take note of is the radical outspeeds me this time and I'm a level hired this perfectly illustrates why base speed is so important didn't really matter the Kadabra also doesn't attack and the Wartortle was a three hit ko had I not gone the critical hit and it barely did any damage but you can see knitter and female to be at the same speed as knitter and male obviously is going to have to level up more and as the run continues that is gonna mean a lot more training for knitter and female which you think would cost it a ton of time let's see if that ends up happening at this point I would normally go fight lieutenant surge but I can't do that since I can't use cut yet since I didn't defeat misty so let's go back to cerulean city and do just that now misty is a good example of why real-time factors into my overall rankings because in the interest of in-game time and level I'm not gonna level up enough to outspeed starmie and it's a three-hit KO both of these are really bad because Starmie likes to get a lot of critical hits in fact Staryu isn't a one-hit ko either and it can attack which is bad but it's the star me if it gets a critical hit with bubblebeam pretty much the battle is over unless misty acts just totally irrationally which can happen but over all the time I did win it ended up being a bubble beam a water gun and a tackle so one of each but if you get to bubble beams even a tackle will knock you out especially because you've probably already been hit by star you overall this was pretty annoying and if I were to do this run again in the future I probably would want to level up a little bit more before misty however for neuter and female this actually wasn't necessary star you as a one-hit ko and then against star me I barely take any damage at all I mean getting a critical hit was pretty clutch but hold on J Rose didn't you say knitter and female has lower attack and it's just about at the same level how the heck with star you a one-hit ko what's going on here let me explain when you defeat opposing Pokemon you don't just gain experience points you gain a hidden thing called stat experience I've mentioned these before you only really ever know about these when you feed vitamins to your Pokemon but you actually gain them all the time and they turned into EVs in generation 3 now all you need to know for the purpose of this video is that all those Caterpie Metapod Pidgey and ratata that i knocked out to get to level 19 really make a difference and end up actually resulting in knitter and female temporarily having higher attack than knitter and male this will eventually start to even out and knitter and male will take the lead again but I definitely was quite shocked how much easier misty was with knitter and female and speaking of which in this next section knitter and female actually has a much easier time I struggled mightily with knitter and mail so much so I actually had to change my route around but I first went to Rock Tunnel figuring I would just go back and fight lieutenant Serge later he does have Thunderbolt which is useful but for now I didn't really think I needed it and that's not why this is so difficult cubone what and it's gonna be easy to see why as I show you a bunch of these failed attempts cubone is a three hit ko if I don't get any critical hits and I faint in two hits the math is pretty bad on that one for me if I do make it past Q bone because bone Club can miss or maybe it uses something else the slowpoke just knocks me out immediately with confusion and so I actually had to backtrack battle some more trainers and then I decided it was a good idea to battle lieutenant surge further record because I couldn't do these runs simultaneously obviously I had to do parts of one first followed by the other I saved a little bit of time with knitter and female by just going to vermilion City right away but not as much as you think thanks to dig I can usually just get back to whatever Pokemon Center I want to fairly quickly but full disclosure there anyway now let's talk about lieutenant surge I actually lost my first attempt with knitter n mail since Voltorb used sonic boom and it did outspeed me out sped Pikachu but Raichu used back-to-back Thunderbolt Raichu will attack randomly so the chance it uses Thunderbolt twice kind of unlikely so that was a pretty bad turn of events the next battle I got far more reasonable luck so it was pretty easy but once again knitter ends poor speed really coming into play now knitter and female I also lost my first attempt but hey hey look at that knitter and female is actually at a lower level there is a very specific reason for this which we will talk about in just a second but once again I got bad luck against Raichu in that it got a critical hit Thunderbolt but you can see that bodyslam now is doing a little bit less damage with knitter and female Raichu was a three hit ko versus a 2 hit ko I would end up losing a couple more times one of them due to a generation 1 miss which is a 1 fifty-six chance but on the winning battle you can also see how much damage Thunderbolt is doing their specials are identical but due to their DVS and the level difference knitter and male didn't take back as much damage either way the strategy as you can see is just use body slam and get sufficient luck that won't continue for the rest of the run that's just these two gym leaders but now it's time to talk about how I finally got past cubone and for both knitter and male and female ended up just getting a little bit of luck all you need is one bone Club to miss and Thunderbolt because if one bone Club misses then you'll have more than enough HP and slowpoke should be a one-hit ko Slowbro has very good special slowpoke does not so Thunderbolt should be a one-hit ko here's a good time to talk about how both Nidoran have pretty poor move pools you think they have good move pools cuz needle King and nidoqueen do but they're pre evolved forms they really get the short end of the stick one weird thing is while Nidoking and Nidoqueen can both learn ice beam knitter and female and male can only learn blizzard why that doesn't even make sense whatever now here is the part I was talking about the knitter and male struggles against mythili one of the mandatory trainers in Rock Tunnel is the hiker with two geodude's and a gravel ER now I'll actually start with knitter and female because the reason it's not as bad for her is that she has growl and what these geodude's and gravel are like to do is use self-destruct but they may not use it right away and while it would take too many attacks to use body slam using growl for a few turns really offsets the amount of self-destruct damage and although it did take a few tries eventually knitter and female was somewhat easily able to make it pass fern inner and male not so lucky we don't have growl and although they have different move pools knitter and male doesn't learn any sort of move that would be helpful and it just takes way too many body slams even if you use Lee the problem is it only takes one turn and it's basically a random one in four chance that they use self-destruct how many Lear's and bodyslams it takes to knock out not just one but three Pokemon that can do this just wasn't gonna happen you would need a ton of immobilized by paralysis it's just very unlikely so what I did instead was using some of the rare candies and by leveling up some more got myself to level 36 and at level 36 knitter and male learns the only move or TM I should say that is unique to one of these Pokemon in horn drill but with horn drill although it takes luck because it's a 30% chance to hit the opponent and you also only have 5 power points but you can survive a single self-destruct even the gravel err although that one is preferably not the one you get however the five power points make it a bad idea to use horn drill against all three Pokemon so what ended up happening when I was successful is they got self-destruct against the first Geodude the strategy against both geodude's was to use two layers and two body slams because of my level that will knock it out and then against gravel are assuming I've already been hit by a self-destruct which is pretty likely I need to hit with horn drill before it uses self-destruct while I did miss quite a few times I was thankfully finally able to get past the gravel ER and get past this hiker with knitter n mail and now look at that knitter n male has a bit of a lead over knitter and female so let's see how that plays out moving forward and we're gonna skip ahead to Giovanni I mean there's not much else to talk about in rocket hideout now with knitter and mail I didn't need to do this by any means but I decided to use horn drill now in all honesty my original strategy was actually to go back to lavender town or to Erica's gym level up to level 43 and use double kick but since I have horn drill might as well use it although we'll be deleting it soon and I might as well address right now why that is you see I like to plan for the Elite Four we can reset any of the other battles so it's not overly important to be consistent but it's important to learn strategies and how the Pokemon functions in battle and if I use a move that I will not be able to use during the Elite Four since it's a 30% chance even with all the elixirs in the world without saving in between it's just not gonna work plus Agatha's ghost types better get used to strategies that don't rely on it plus there are some more useful moves I can learn so I won't be using too much of horn drill going forward but as you're gonna see when we get to the knitter and female portion it wasn't actually necessary now to make up the level gap I battle the trainers in Erica's gym don't worry as you're gonna see I'm gonna need to level up a whole bunch later on anyway but I wanted them to be as similar as level as possible so I could make the most accurate comparison turns out all you need to defeat Giovanni is reflect yeah I reflect is a move that a lot a lot of Pokemon in generation 1 can learn and it works differently than how you expect you think it lasts for 5 turns and affect your whole team no it affects one Pokemon and never goes away so pretty cheap and because of that none of Giovanni's Pokemon can really do enough damage to be too much of a problem and so even though I do well very little damage myself since I haven't learned double-kick yet I'm just barely able with 14 HP to knock out all three of Giovanni's Pokemon only using bodyslam so that goes to show you the horn drill strategy was kind of a necessary but fun I mean how often am I gonna get to use that but now it's time to battle what is going to be arguably the easiest gym leader in the entire run for either Pokemon since it's the grass gym and where poison types and even though we don't have poison moves all of Erica's best attacks we resist victreebel was a 2 hit ko with body slam it went for wrap but it only lasted two turns somewhat surprisingly Tangela was a 2 hit ko with body slam and it went for constrict so I have plenty of HP for vileplume now vileplume will be a 3 at ko it puts me to sleep and then start using petal dance it's starting to really add up and I'm not waking up so fast thankfully I eventually do wake up coincidentally as the petal dance wears off vileplume hits itself in confusion and I knock out vileplume with the next body slam first try victory not too bad now knitter and female it's kinda similar except body slam is doing a lot less damage now victreebel once again goes for wrap and I decide to go for bite because I'd rather get the 30% chance of flinch and it's gonna be a three hit ko regardless I get a critical hit so that was pretty lucky unsurprisingly Tangela is also a three hit ko with body slam on the second term it goes for fine last a few turns but I'm able to knock it out still with plenty of HP left for vileplume and once again I get just outstanding luck it's gonna be a three hit ko even after the mega drain vileplume puts me to sleep and I stay asleep for far longer thankfully it's paralyzed and only because it isn't able to attack twice that I'm able to knock it out due to how long I stayed asleep so simultaneously pretty lucky and pretty unlucky either way both Nidoran got past Erica on their first try with some bad luck thrown in not too bad at all and that means they're both probably in pretty good shape to face rival number 4 and I don't even have words for this battle with knitter and Mail I again go for horn drill just because I think it's hilarious and I miss get hit with sand attack and I'm just gonna spoil it I end up not taking any damage for the remainder of this battle even though the execute puts me to sleep not every Pokemon is a one-hit ko and yet at no point even though there were several opportunities do I take any damage this is why generation 1 is both the most easy and the most difficult version you have way less tools no held items no abilities trust me that makes it a lot tougher but then you get battles like this and you're just like man it's way easier than ditto now here's the one instance where the roots diverged I actually battled the rival friar - Giovanni with knitter and female so that's why it's level is lower I do take damage in the battle from Pidgeotto a quick attack and of course that's the only damage I would take in this battle at a lower level yeah rival number four is not what we call a challenge now Koga was also pretty easy once I figured out the right strategy and that strategy will be using reflect and taking advantage of the fact that the wheezing likes to self-destruct unfortunately and I usually don't encounter this Koga is supposed to be huge troll relying on accuracy and evasion moves some of my least favorite things to do in these runs so I setup reflect on turn one he goes for smokescreen and Muk also sets up minimized but thankfully that doesn't end up having too big of an impact the second coughing does get quite a few extra hits in because it uses not one with two smoke screens however that does trigger the badge boost glitch allowing me to knock out the coughing reliably in two hits which is kind of nice the wheezing goes for ex attack and then self-destruct which was probably the worst case scenario however because the other Pokemon didn't get any critical hits or damage me too much I survived on 20 HP and I've made it past Koga with knitter and male now for knitter and female I was having a little bit of a tougher time with coughing using smokescreen so what I decided to do instead was to set up reflect against muck and just knock out the coughing as soon as possible and one reason coughing was a little trickier is that it's a three hit KO as opposed to a 2 hit ko with knitter n mail now Muk was a 5 hit ko I set up reflect turn 1 and then I miss click and use reflect again Koga goes for X attack which is pretty annoying but thankfully that's the last time Muk would attack me and I don't miss with any my body slams which is pretty good against coughing number 2 unfortunately I do get hit with a smoke screen and it's still a three hit ko and so I don't have nearly as much HP as I did with knitter and Mail however wheezing immediately goes for self-destruct it only does 40 HP don't forget knitter and female does have higher HP and defense so I am able to beat Koga albeit it took probably double the attempts with knitter and female as it did with knitter and mail after I defeated Koga this is where I had to make a decision what I want to do next nothing else is all that easy I originally did try to battle rival fievel but wasn't having any luck and I recognized that one move I could use that would be super useful is blizzard arguably the most powerful move that knitter n can learn now I can get blizzard right after I defeat Koga there's nothing stopping me from teaching surf and surfing to cinnabar going in the pokémon mansion and then picking a blizzard which is exactly what I did unfortunately this cost me a little bit of time since I usually get Lapras for surf and strength so I had to go slightly out of my way to get the good rod and fish for a Pokemon so that cost a little bit of time but I think it was well worth it since Blizzard made rival fievel a lot easier but since I was on cinnabar already I decided to try and battle Blaine see how that went Blaine's AI is notoriously terrible loving to use super potion at full health and I did struggle so with knitter and female I would switch up the order and battle rival fievel first which I think was the right call but unlike my vision hindsight is 20/20 so let's talk about the battle with knitter n mail now growlithe will spam agility because it's a psychic move and I'm a poison type so I can just use body slam and get rid of growlithe pretty easily against ponyta I get some pretty absurd luck it misses with growl that's a weird Gen 1/2 thing but it is intentional heals with a super potion then misses with fire spin it would be a two-way KO but because of the super potion it was more but I don't get attacked that's pretty good going into rapid ash rapidash also misses with growl but does end up using two tail whips takes three hits to knock out the rapid ash but as a result of it using tail whip the badge boost glitch activates and I have more attack not intentional so no need to go into detail what the bad boost glitch is right here and then my luck against arcanine is also pretty absurd I don't want to see takedown or fire blast and I just get Ember the chance of that is really low and that's why with knitter and femur I did blame second this just felt like a really lucky strategy and because I'm doing these runs so often I've started just except when I get good luck and move on but optimally I would beat rival fievel first and then move on to Blaine so rather than talk about Nader and female just yet let's move on in knitter n males are on two rival fievel and then we'll talk about these two battles with inner and female and you'll see the contrast now the battle starts out alright Blizzard is a one-hit ko the critical hit doesn't matter growlithe is a 2 hit ko even with blizzard and in generation 1 I forgot this fire doesn't resist ice weird anyway execute is a one-hit ko and then Alakazam outspeeds goes for psybeam it doesn't know psychic yet I get a paralysis from body slam and I'm able to knock it out then I get super lucky with Blastoise it decides to go for bite after 1 thunderbolt so I'm able to use the second Thunderbolt and knock it out quite a bit of luck there and the strategy for nadir and female is virtually identical one important difference is that Pidgeot is a 2 @ KO but thankfully I would speed and it doesn't go for quick attack turn - so not a big deal growlithe still a 2 hit ko and I opted to set up reflect to try and make Blastoise a little bit more consistent because it has some physical attacks execute is still a one-hit ko with blizzard and then Alakazam goes for confusion it still knocks me down to about 20 health but I get the paralysis once again this was an intentional part of the strategy if I don't get that paralysis or a critical hit I lose there's about eight 40-ish percent chance of that happening and I know that's not great but let's finish the battle and we'll talk a little bit more about that Blastoise I go for thunderbolt it's still a to hit ko it goes for bubble and lowers my speed kind of the worst case scenario thankfully goes for withdraw I'm able to knock it out with Thunderbolt now talking about why did I opt for luck versus levelling up if I leveled up a lot of the battles including Sabrina and Giovanni would become trivial and it just is boring for me and it's not like I don't reset for Brock or other battles earlier in the run I don't see the huge deal if I have to reset later in the run to avoid excessive leveling up so that my logic anyway we still have to talk about Blaine is knitter and female a massive difference is that since I've already beaten silk companies knitter and female I get access to the copycat and thus can teach mimic and mimic makes Blaine a heck of a lot easier and so on the first turn I'm gonna mimic agility growlithe will only use agility or heal with super potions and that allow me to out speed everything in addition since it's modifying my stats the badge boost glitch activates and all you need to know is that every stat which badges boost in this case attack defense and speed get a 12.5% boost every time my stats are modified and honestly it actually makes very little difference in this battle I mean rapidash is a two at ko but I also get a critical head so it would have been a 2 hit ko anyway and then I level up which nullifies the badge boost glitch so I still have the normal boost from agility but not those extra glitchy boosts and arcanine I pretty much just keep going for body slam and praying for no fire blast or take down I eventually get a takedown but it's already been paralyzed and on the final turn it cannot attack due to paralysis and yeah kind of lucky here too but the truth the matter is if I really wanted to make this easy I could have just gained a bit more experience so that I wouldn't have leveled up in the middle of this battle and thus I would have been doing a heck of a lot more damage to our k9 but doesn't matter we win and that leaves just two gym leaders left Sabrina and Giovanni and unsurprisingly Sabrina is going to be the toughest gym leader in this entire run she is fast she has psychic moves it's not going to be a good time and I'd have to level up an absurd amount to outspeed her Alakazam so I'm gonna have to try and win without doing that how will I accomplish this with the badge boost glitch let me explain thankfully I'm able to outspeed Kadabra with knitter and mail and body slam is a one-hit ko now mr. mime only has one attacking move confusion it also knows barrier light screen and reflect I'm going to attack first turn because it can use barrier or reflect and it'll still be a 2 @k low when I attack next turn even if he uses either of those I need mr. mime to cooperate and not attack me light screen would be best it's paralyzed perfect now I mimic barrier because that is how I'll set up the badge boost glitch but I'm gonna do it against venomoth mr. mime is just too scary with confusion on this turn I get light screen so this was the best mr. mime scenario knock it out and now I'm gonna set up barriers against venomoth and I want to see leech life not psybeam leech life is still classified as super effective so Sabrina has a pretty good chance to use it it's kind of 50/50 now in order to out speed Alakazam I need to set up two barriers I do get psybeam on turn 1 but I get leech life on turns 2 and 3 bodyslam is a 2 at ko and now I just have to knock out the Alakazam in a single hit but unfortunately I don't however I get psywave so I'm able to win now the truth is if I leveled up a little bit more and use the third barrier I probably could have made this part a lot less luck base however I'm fine with how this one turned out nooner and female on the other hand is gonna have a little bit more trouble because she's slower and because of that I need to level up far more than I did with knitter and Mail in both games I bought some trainers in the gym but I needed to do some extra leveling up using some of the trainer's I didn't battle earlier and I'm at a higher level than knitter and Mail and this is sorta why I couldn't make them a comparison because from here on out knitter and female speed is going to be such a huge hindrance that she's always gonna need to be at a bit of a higher level to do what knitter and mail can do now the significance of level 52 is that was when I was able to out speed the first Pokemon Cadabra which is mandatory if you want to win this battle so I out speed and it's a 1 at ko against mr. mine the same strategy bodyslam turn one in anticipation of reflect or barrier mimic turn 2 and hope you never get confusion I get 2 barriers which I was worried would end up making it a 3 at ko but it didn't that was pretty good now I have to set up 3 barriers against venema in order to outspeed Alakazam and so that just gives it one more opportunity to use psybeam thankfully in this battle i get not a single psybeam but it's not like I got perfect luck I did get a couple critical hit leach lifes I almost forgot to use the third barrier that would have been bad because Alakazam what about sped me and it would have been very unlikely that I won however another thing to note is even with the higher level in the third barrier venomoth is still a 2 hit ko and I was almost certain Alakazam wouldn't be a 1 and ko but it was much closer leading me to believe that knitter and mail could have had a much easier time thankfully I get reflect the best case scenario and I'm able to knock out Alakazam and this leaves us with one final gym leader Giovanni and with knitter and Mail I could not do it at my current level it just wasn't happening and I think I battle Giovanni I don't know like 6 or 7 times and the biggest problem is Dugtrio nose dig and it'll always use dig because it's classified as super effective it outspeeds does a ton of damage and I simply do not do enough even with blizzard and Blizzard still has a 10% chance to miss which is nice but it's still possible and it wasn't I got to ride on once it wasn't close and so I decided to battle a bunch of trainers I've been putting this off but were towards the end of the game I know what the elite for I'm gonna need to level up bunch anyway so might as well do it right here I'd already leveled up a little bit more with knitter and female so might as well have mail catch up although I got a little carried away and leveled up eight times and after you do that the battle looks totally different and in this battle I actually got terrible terrible luck first blizzard hits I go for body slam just out of curiosity it was my first battle I want seafood one ako it doesn't Giovani goes for guard spec but then it was a speed tie I didn't realize this so Dugtrio actually goes first the next round hits me with dig still does extreme damage however I actually don't get damaged for the rest of the run even though against nito king I do miss one of the blizzard but I don't get attacked so overall this battle was a lot scarier than it needed to be had I just use blizzard against Dugtrio assuming it didn't miss which is only a 10% chance I would have had tons of HP and the Miss against the Nidoking wouldn't have been too bad as for neuter and female this is one of the few battles in the run where I can say that defense made a massive difference because the duck trios dig just didn't do nearly as much damage and it goes to show how impactful this was because needle Queen I got a crit but it wouldn't have been a one-hit ko and neither was Neto King but it used tackle great why does it know that even ride on with it's awful special wasn't a one-hit ko but it goes for a one-hit ko move which can't affect me because I out speed and so I ended up winning on my second attempt which is pretty great but as they say in every video in this challenge run this was the preseason or the regular season it's the season in sports that doesn't mean anything you know we're a playoff team you know we're making it but the question is are we gonna win the championship or I like hockey are we gonna win the Cup and since the playoffs are on the horizon we want to make a good impression in our final regular season match so I'm gonna stick with knitter and female because now she's at a lower level and I battle rival number six like I did with Blaine I can just mimic agility and spam it against Pidgeot because agility is classified as a psychic move so it will only go for agility because it's super effective air quotes and that gives me speed which is important but also raises my other stats which is useful although I do really need it for the speed because rival also has an Alakazam once I'm done setting up agility Thunderbolts wanna kill and Pidgeot blizzards wanna Kalon ride on body slam is not a one-hit ko against growlithe but it also will spam agility because it's a psychic move so I wasn't worried Blizzard is a one-hit ko gains execute I out speed Alakazam of course body slam is not a one-hit ko it uses psybeam but because of the badge boosts my special is more than decent to absorb that and so I have pretty decent health going into Blastoise I'd prefer not to see hydro pump I'm not sure if I would survive not a problem I get withdraw Thunderbolt is a to @ko and knitter and females qualified for the playoffs what about knitter and male yeah I think it's gonna be fine I mean it's the exact same strategy so no need to narrate the only thing to point out is I do level up in the middle of this battle so I don't have badge boost for Alakazam of course I still out speed because the regular boost form agility are still in effect but it's not a one ekl with body slam how'd I not leveled up like knitter and female Alakazam would have definitely been a one-hit ko and yeah I lose what like 20 or so HP in this entire battle knitter and mail is looking pretty good and then the elite 4 just completely annihilate and what was it about the Elite Four was it Laura Lee no Laura Lee I had a pretty consistent strategy that worked pretty much from the get-go was it Bruno yeah it was Bruno of course no no it wasn't Bruno in case this is your first video Bruno is terrible in red and blue no it was Agatha and basically we'll talk about her more when we get to that battle but the long and the short of it is you need to outspeed her or it just becomes a completely luck-based mess and as I mentioned when we were talking about horn drill we do not save between elite four members in the solo run series and this is to avoid luck based strategy and make this as scientific as possible while being totally unscientific but you know we're trying anyway I need to level up a lot a lot a lot we're talking about level 77 eventually because like I said Laura Lee was pretty easy so for knitter and mail what I'm going to do is I'm only gonna level up into the 60s but I will level up right after her battle and that will let me maximize the usefulness of Eric and ease and level up into the high 70s so let's talk about Laura Lee she's incredibly easy because well dugong won't do anything it will just spam rest because I'm a poison Pokemon Cloisters should be a 1uk with Thunderbolt but there's a one sixteen chance I missed the range I do Loreley use a super potion so it's not a big deal and here slow bro doesn't know a psychic move it will just spam amnesia I'm gonna mimic amnesia both to make the slow bro feint a little easier and to make laparis not a problem whatsoever slow bro is still a to Akio so that's not an issue now jinx I should mention I wouldn't out speed at this level but because of the badge boost glitch all those Amnesia's will allow me to out speed jinx I know it's weird amnesia increasing speed what world are we in anyway it is arranged but I hit it so jinx is the one to care with body slam Lapras is easily a one to kill with Thunderbolt and we have defeated lauralee with knitter and mail now rather than switch back and forth I figured it would be a better experience if we just stuck to one knitter and at a time for the Elite Four so moving on to Bruno there's really not much to say the strategy if you can call it that I mean first you see me use all my rare candies and that's not really for Bruno it's for Agatha but we're not gonna level up after the Bruno battle so just waste experience points in order to be as efficient as possible it's better to level up before the Bruno battle anyway ready for this strategy I'm gonna mimic Harden use all the five remaining power points and then one-shot everything with blizzard wonderful I mean there's really no more strategy to it than that the only way you could risk damage is if the Onix decides to attack you which is rare and Blizzard could miss and it did against hitmonlee but I still don't get attacked one thing I should make clear Blizzard and generation one is 90% accuracy I said 10% chance to mess in every other generation it's 70 but yeah this whole conversation while completely irrelevant is far more interesting than the Bruno battle now let's talk about Agatha because she was awful I mean Agatha is always terrible but she can use hypnosis and confuse ray and you just hit yourself in confusion Agatha has standard AI so she won't just spam dream eater in hypnosis which would also be bad for the record but mixing and confuse Ray's actually kinda were it's just a bad situation that's why we need to level up I needed to outspeed not one but both of her Gengar and this was finally the level where I was able to do that thankfully I've useful stat calculators where I know exactly what speed I need to be at and what her Pokemon speeds are so that's pretty great but now that I have enough speed it's still not a guaranteed victory but it's a heck of a lot more consistent so turn want to go for Blizzard even though it can miss because of the potential freeze chance I don't get the freeze but I get a critical hit it's still not a one-hit ko Agatha uses a super potion I go for another Blizzard and Gengar switches out that's amazing that means the first Gengar will be a non-factor in this battle goal bet is a one-hit ko pretty sure I could use Thunderbolt but I use blizzard to be safe and by golbat now the Gengar comes out and I'll use the far more reliable Thunderbolt and that's two Pokemon down Haunter is also very trollee but it's a two at ko and thankfully I get nightshade the absolute best case scenario looking pretty good auerbach can use glare that's awful I'd really like not to see that I see super potion perfect Thunderbolt thankfully still does enough to knock it out and we have just one more Pokemon remaining by the way the fact I gotta use a super potions here is pretty ridiculous but now we have Gengar still knows confuse rate but it doesn't know hypnosis so it's not nearly as scary I get nightshade turn 1 I used my last blizzard no Blizzard misses pretty good Thunderbolt turned 2 it's gonna be a three hit ko even without Blizzard I get a Dream Eater which won't work because I'm not asleep and that is the Agatha battle goodness what an annoying battle and required tons of levelling up but in the end well you just need it to be at a super high level there really wasn't much more to it than that and now we can take a nice little break well I'm not going to but we could because Lance is a joke generation 1a I will always use the Move it thinks it's super effective so we're about to knock out the Gyarados with one-hit ko Thunderbolt and we win because we can mimic agility both dragon air and dragon I will just use agility it's super effective no it's not but they think it is because it's a psychic move and that means I can set up all the Agility's use blizzard even if they miss because I used agility I can out speed Aerodactyl and one ako with Thunderbolt and yeah I mean Dragon Knight can use barrier but that has no bearing on this battle and beautiful that is very anticlimactic but I promise you the final battle is not in fact I could have saved around an hour if Alakazam didn't exist because Alakazam is so speedy and terrible but we've a few more Pokemon to get through agility for us to mimic so we're gonna actually have to use legit strategy no badge boost glitch here let's talk about the final battle so we're gonna Blizzard Pidgeot at my current level it's a 1/8 ko so that's nice now at level 78 I do out speed Alakazam but it's not a one-hit ko goodness it does use psychic but thankfully I tanked it but that is not great for the rest of the battle I have to now knock out four Pokemon on 60 HP yeah so now I need to pray no Blizzard miss I don't get one on right on pretty good now our k9 can be pretty scary because it knows take down of course it uses leer and roar why does it know I don't care I don't care Gen one is fun so down goes our canine we have executor to deal with and it has massive special so it's not a one-hit ko with Blizzard it goes for hypnosis which is awful if it hit thank goodness it didn't and I knock it out with Blizzard and that's it for Blizzard I didn't miss a single time in this battle very very fortuitous but Blastoise a single hydropump will knock me out and after I use Thunderbolt I do get withdraw and I win not the most satisfying victory I'm gonna be honest I'll take it don't get me wrong I still have like 40 more of these to do but yeah Gen one's gonna Gen one however knitter and female is going to have a much more difficult time due to its lower speed and lower attack so the real question is how much more leveled up will knitter female need to be to do this exact same thing well funny enough because I have more rare candies they actually start at a level lower and because of that combined with knitter and females inferior special there it goes pretty much the same some minor differences Cloisters a to hit ko but use a super potion so not a big deal slow bro is a three hit ko so to save time literally no other reason you can just use Thunderbolt first then three Amnesia's then Thunderbolt turns it into a 2 hit ko plus the Amnesia's jinx is not a one-hit ko with body slam anymore unless you get a critical hit which really doesn't matter you can get put to sleep or frozen that sucks but didn't happen and Lapras is still a one-hit ko pretty good Bruno literally the exact same strategy we're gonna use harden and then we're gonna use blizzard I'm also going to be using all my rare candies I mean you can see I'm doing that right now so that will help for the later battles against Agatha and beyond I actually do take damage past the first Onix as you're gonna see I miss blizzard not once but twice so you may have thought OJ Rose gets too good of luck and I should comment on that and especially these solo runs to make these videos not an hour long and I know I know I want an hour long video sure but I don't feel like editing fifty three hour long videos and frankly because the runs are all kind of similar in certain ways I don't think they need to be an hour long unlike ditto or Magikarp which are just so totally different than any other run you would see that there's a lot more to discuss but I have rambled for long enough we have made it past Bruno and are prepared for the most difficult battle other than the champion Agatha now I do make a mistake here thankfully I get back-to-back nightshade from the first Gengar but after my second blizzard it's unfortunately not a too--it KO but I meant to use Thunderbolt instead I hit a just a little too quickly and use blizzard thank goodness it hit but it's usually best to save blizzard for later in the battle golbat is still a 1 and ko which is good because it knows both confuse arein supersonic and being confused is pretty much a reset of course just having that I use blizzard and get confused by the Haunter thankfully on turn 1 I don't hit myself in confusion and I knock out the hunter but now there's a good chance I get paralyzed by the arbok thankfully again don't hit myself in confusion and use blizzard it goes for acid okay best-case scenario by far don't in myself in confusion for the third straight turn and go for thunderbolt alright I actually think I have a chance here can I snap out of confusion please and uh-oh I miscalculated Gengar number two out speeds me uh that's not good and with that nightshade we have almost no HP left I use blizzard but it's gonna be a three-hit gale one more nightshade and it's over and of course I get then toxic and Dream Eater so at the end of the day probably should have leveled up a little bit more that was my bad and I guess I can just talk about Lance very quickly it's the exact same strategy there is no difference it worked pretty well and since we're still a poison-type and we can still mimic agility literally the only way you could lose this battle is if you get a 1 in 256 chance miss against either the Gyarados or the Aerodactyl because no other pokemon can attack you so I I really like my odds of winning this battle with Lance but now we have to defeat the champion and we have worse special we know we're not gonna out speed Alakazam how is this gonna work I mean knitter n mail due to its superior attack it did pretty well and most of these are special attacking Pokemon am I going to need to do this all over again let's take a look first turn starts out the exact same way I use blizzard it's a 1 at ko and I out speed Pidgeot Alakazam out speeds me goes for psychic no special drop which is nice and I get the body slam it's not a 1 at ko but it paralyzed now full disclosure I was trying to get a one-hit ko anticipating I'd be hit and the fact they didn't get a 1 and ko was very bad I would have had to have trained a lot more and yeah I guess it's just kind of good fortune that it worked out this way right on is once again a one-hit ko with Blizzard but for our canine blizzard actually will do more damage than bodyslam so I go for blizzard it looks to be a two at ko it goes for leer this should make it definitely a to ik a land I miss the range and it uses take down oh no all right so this run is just about over but might as well play it out why not I get the exact same luck with executor blizzard hits hypnosis misses blizzard hits but come on all the Blastoise needs to do is attack any attack and I lose you know unless that attack misses in which case I win so I had the 30% chance to paralyze and the 15% chance of hydropump missing okay you know what whatever we have finished these knitter and runs and we can tell that both these knitter n over performed that I probably should have leveled up a little bit more and had I knock on really lucky at certain points the time would have been worse my real time was towards the upper end of what we've had of course excluding like extreme outliers like Abra and pigeon so in terms of where to put them they're gonna go in the second-to-last here now I'm gonna place knitter and mail above Eevee since it was level 78 and it's a tower two second time was quite a bit faster however knitter and female was slower both an in-game and real-time and considering the fact I did this run twice that actually gives knitter and female a massive advantage over Evie and for that reason it cannot go above it but this video has lasted almost an hour so I'm gonna thank you guys for watching we are almost a third of the way done if you can believe it the red and blue solo challenge series so that's pretty awesome and I'll see you guys again soon take care
Channel: Jrose11
Views: 403,105
Rating: 4.9169102 out of 5
Keywords: Pokemon, Jrose11, Catch 'Em All, Red, Blue, Generation 1, Pokemon Red, Pokemon Blue, Pokemon Red and Blue, Pokemon Challenge, Kanto Challenge, pokemon challenge, pokemon challenges, pokemon red, pokemon blue, can you beat pokemon with only a, elite four, pokemon solo challenge, no items, is it possible to beat, challenge run, Nidoran Pokemon, Nidoran challenge, Nidoran no items, can you beat, gen 1, nidoran, nidoran-f, nidoran-m
Id: P2tlG0gli50
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 55sec (3175 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 11 2020
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