Can You Beat Pokemon Red/Blue with Just a Rattata?

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My boy Rattat is in the top 1% , amazing result

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/ShowtimeCA 📅︎︎ Oct 13 2020 🗫︎ replies
[Music] hey everyone how's it going so i was looking through the pokemon i've yet to do and i was shocked that i haven't done rattata yet i mean it's such a staple in generation one and while i have done pidgey a while ago before today i haven't tried this challenge with rattata and so i'm gonna do my best youngster joey impression and try and beat the entire game with what truly will be uh rattata in the top percentage of rattata because i do reset to make sure this thing has decent stats speaking of which rattata stats are pretty bad eighth worst in red and blue and that's actually a bit misleading because for those pokemon it's actually impossible to do this challenge with so rattata ends up being the fourth worst however there are a couple saving graces one of them is that rattata has good enough speed and attack sure they're not excellent but for the sake of this challenge they're okay on the flip side it has barely any hp defense or special so that's pretty bad however it's move pool is actually pretty decent it's gonna learn a really powerful move early on at level 14 has some decent coverage sure it's not a huge move pool but the moves we have available there are some strategies i can see having said that though for now we're stuck with normal moves but we at least get hyperfang at level 14 and as soon as we get to level 14 we can take on brock now the strategy with brock is just to use hyperfang again and again again against geodude it does have a chance to flinch so you want those you also would prefer geodude to not use defense curl too much because you'd want a bunch of hyperfangs left for onyx now with onyx i got some bad luck i mean i won so it wasn't that bad but you just want to get by that way i would be able to set up tail whips and onyx would go down very quickly i mean i guess i could have gone for tailwhip anyway but i decided to go for hyperfang to get that flinch chance luckily onyx doesn't really do all that much anyway so eventually i get the bide and i'm able to knock out onyx and this was my third attempt so it wasn't like first try easiest battle ever but considering we're using one of the weakest pokemon and not very effective moves i will more than take it and mount moon because we have hyperfang is going to be pretty easy but once we make it through to cerulean can i possibly defeat misty no i mean speed is already a problem with staryu but yeah starmie that great special my terrible special bubble beam just not gonna happen so we're gonna face rival number two and this battle is won and lost but the very first pokemon he sends out pidgeotto it will be knocked out in two hyper fangs but that does give pgioto maybe one maybe two turns to attack if it uses quick attack we really don't want to see sand attack but as with brock assuming you don't get bad luck it does take a couple tries but you are able to get by rival 2 with minimal issues and i made it part of the way through nugget bridge there is a hiker i'm going to have to fight so i decided to backtrack to misty and see if now that i'm a couple levels higher perhaps i could beat misty and the truth is well i'll show you the battle so star you i do out speed but it's not a one ko with hyper fang and water gun did 17 hp which is just over a third that's not good i take it out with quick attack but i'm pretty sure this battle is not gonna go my way yep no critical hit there just regular water gun i'm down at one hp but after hitting with the first hyperfang misty inexplicably decides to go for x defend and i get a critical hit thankfully i still have quick attack so that is one of the rare chances quick attack ends up being really useful and i have defeated misty probably much earlier than i should have to be fair what i should have done is gone slightly out of my way to collect the tm for water gun and mount moon i thought i wouldn't need it because i would just get bubble beam from misty and so while sometimes i'll reset when i get really lucky like this i chose not to in this case because the real reason i need to be misty right now is bubble beam will make that hiker really trivial without it he might take a while it could be difficult so i'm just going to accept the battle this was my first try re-battling misty at the higher level and my second attempt overall so yeah we're just gonna move on make our way through vermilion and of course we're gonna battle rival three on the ss and now with some of you who've watched my videos know there is a tm for body slam i actually forgot to get it not a big deal because hyperfang is just a little less powerful but it's also 90 accuracy versus 100 so i'm going to go and backtrack but for now we're going to stick with hyperfang for rival 3. pidgeotto is still a two ko thankfully there's a one in four chance that status moves will just fail and i got a sand attack fail i use quick attack to avoid pidgeotto using quick attack it still knocks it out i'm hoping i'll knock out raticate in one hit its defense is also pretty bad and that's exactly what happens now so long as i don't miss that should knock out cadabra in one hit and wartortle i'm hoping will be two that first hit does around half so maybe it won't bubble does next to nothing so i'm not too worried and i do knock it out with the next hyperfang pretty easy battle and it doesn't appear that body slam would have made too much of a difference anyway so we can get the hm for cut back track battle the one extra trainer to get body slam but the tm that's gonna be most helpful for the next part is in fact the tm we get a little earlier tm-28 dig now for whatever reason in generation one dig is 100 base power or the same as earthquake is today it's been changed but that is very very helpful right now because that means we'll pretty much have a very safe chance of one hit ko in every one of lieutenant surges pokemon now because it takes two turns i wanted to see if body slam would knock out voltorb in one turn that was risky and it didn't had it gone for sonic boom that could have been problematic it luckily didn't and i do knock it out the next turn pikachu has terrible defense so i know body slam will knock it out now raichu does out speed but lieutenant serge decides to go for an x-speed great ai generation one has and then i miss a growl underground and knock it out with a single dig or not thankfully i still have quick attack and i'm going to erase it very soon for a thunderbolt so yeah it did its job two battles it was very helpful so go rattata looking really good so far and we're making pretty good time i mean obviously brock took longer than a lot of the other top tier pokemon but this is not looking like it's to be in the same sort of low tier as pidgey you know i'm pretty optimistic and with our move set rock tunnel doesn't prove to be challenging at all that hiker with the two geodudes and graveler i have bubble beam nothing to worry about there so we can go to celadon and do what i like to do which is the most optimal strategy rocket game corner shopping fly lavender tower and then hopefully erica so we're going to start at the rocket game corner none of the trainers pose too much of a challenge but of course giovanni is always a little scary his first two pokemon really aren't with bubble beam but kangaskhan i'd run out of potions so it knocks me out in one hit the truth the matter is kangaskhan can go really well or really poorly depending on what he does he uses guard spec and rage you can lose next to no hp and healing was redundant of course i get that luck after i go and backtrack for the hyper potion but it's all good we've beaten giovanni now it's time to head over to lavender tower and i'm not too worried about rival number four but you know don't want to be overconfident and it turns out no it's not too big a deal pidgeotto is a two with ko and body slam and thunderbolt do roughly about the same at this point growlithe i think body slam will knock it out but i go for dig whatever execute just misses being one of ko thankfully i get decent barrage luck i am able to knock out cadabra with one body slam and wartortle tries its best but it's no match for myra tata at this point and rival number four like in a lot of runs is fairly easy we can then move through pokemon tower without too many issues and now we can make it to erica and this is a signal of what's to come in this run because rattata's terrible defense doesn't get exploited early on since its attack is so good for the early game it's able to knock out most of the pokemon that would pose too much of a threat however with erica's fully evolved pokemon i mean this time i get knocked out by sleep powder and mega drain but once i try again victory bell goes for razor leaf and that's just a one ako it will always critical hit due to the critical hit mechanics that gen 1 has so yeah pretty much an impossible fight if victory bell uses razor leaf and that's a good sign that i may want to come back i don't need to do erika right now it does waste a little time to try and defeat her and then fail but hey it happens so i'm gonna now take my talents down to fuchsia city and go and get hm3 from the safari zone and see if i could defeat koga i do have dig it's super effective but koga's pokemon are high level i mean compared to me at least and they have pretty decent defense so i try and i actually make somewhat decent headway knocking out the first coughing without too many issues and somewhat more luckily being able to knock out muck however after using an x attack while i was underground with dig koga uses sludge and even at 48 hp which i think is pretty decent i get knocked out and i did try just to get back to this coughing and i couldn't i actually would get knocked out sometimes against the first coughing plus because it took multiple turns there was a chance to use smokescreen minimize etc and it's just not a battle i want any part of right now however my options are kinda limited i mean i did try to battle rival fievel i wasn't too optimistic his pokemon are such high level i do have good coverage but as you're seeing good coverage doesn't mean all that much when you're not really able to do enough damage and i really wasn't making any headway against him i mean there was one battle where i was also close to knocking out his blastoise but in the battle as you saw i got incredibly good luck already and yet still i didn't knock out blastoise and in most the other battles i would get knocked out by pidgeot or just a bit later so no this is not the time to battle him there are some trainers around where i should gain some levels and while it does waste time to go out and do this you have to pick your spots and this is definitely a spot where i'm just not at a high enough level in order to do what i need to do and there were a few mandatory battles i got out of the way such as the trainers in koga's gym and the one team rocket member with the r box so i am a couple levels higher let's try to battle erica one more time maybe razer leaf one and one to ko well i guess it won't if i get a critical hit that's kind of nice it is a 2k on tangela which goes for constrict arguably the worst attack in the game and vileplume thankfully misses so yeah that's erica valuable xp perhaps i maybe could have beaten some of the trainers in her gym for more xp but at this point i was kind of hoping that if i beat erica i would get that little edge i needed to beat either koga rival final but i don't know like yeah one battle was so close but the truth the matter is i i really am not that close and so even with the rare candies used which put me at a higher level than most of his pokemon wasn't happening so i decided to battle some of the team rocket members close by especially ones with fully evolved pokemon and rather than battle rival fievel usually koga proves to be a bit easier so i'm going to head back to fuchsia i'm going to try without rare candies first and if that fails i'm just going to use the rare candies and sure i like to use them at the end of the game usually but i think it'll save me time to just use them here so if i have to that's what i'm going to do so this time because i know koga likes to use x attack turn one it's gonna be a two kill anyway i go for body slam there's the x attack and then i go for dig and knock out the first coughing pretty good now he likes to do with muck as well and that is what happened but i was also worried about minimize so i just went for dig off the bat thankfully i get really lucky and rather than attacking me he goes for a second x attack and i'm able to knock him out the next turn with a body slam and oh yeah that crit was pretty important as well good luck so far but there are still two pokemon to go now this coughing i'm gonna do the same thing i did against the first coughing except no i'm not i just got a critical hit okay it goes for smog and i'm worried about poison but it doesn't happen and i don't even need to use dig i can just knock out this coughing and now wouldn't it be amazing if i use dig it goes for self-destruct and oh yeah that is always very very satisfying when it works out and while i definitely could have leveled up and made this fight a lot more trivial i'm perfectly happy to do so at this level didn't really matter to be fair because i'm probably gonna need to use the rare candies anyway before rival five which is why even though this battle had some decent luck in it as well i'm pretty satisfied with it since i know how to use the rare candies coughing probably would have been wanna kill with dig and it would have been completely trivial anyway so you know leveling up a lot some critical hits it is a 14 chance with my base speed so yeah i'm just gonna accept it and move on and here's where i really galaxy-brained myself by which i mean i was trying to be clever but in the end it was just really silly what i was trying to do i opted to go to cinebar and while i didn't battle any extra trainers there i thought maybe i had a chance of defeating blaine and the truth is i can get through his first two pokemon pretty easily and rapid asheville i wouldn't say easily it was kind of trivial but then look how much damage dick just did to our canine and look how much damage it just did to me yeah what am i doing i mean sure i had to go here anyway but still company and rival fibal is where i should be right now the trainers are a lot weaker dig is slow anyway and when it takes more than one turn it's just really not great to use my reasoning once again for trying to do it in this order was i do want to save my rare candies till the very end but it's becoming more and more clear that when you have a pokemon with such bad stats like rattata especially defensively you're gonna need to level up i mean sure this will cost time later in the run but it's what i have to do so i battle a few more trainers in silk company i battled rival 5 a few more times unsuccessfully and now i finally leveled up used all seven of my rare candies and now i'm at level 47 and this is in fact my first time battling the rival at this level and it's pretty funny that this section i've gone from being pretty under leveled to kind of over leveled but the question is is it enough well one other positive of going to cinebar is that i have blizzard so i use it it does over half pidgeot goes for wing attack and it does significantly less damage now i'm able to knock out pidgeot the next turn so so far so good i don't want to take any chances versus growlithe maybe body slam would have knocked it out i don't think it would have but i use dig it knocks it out easy now again because this is my first battle and i'm trying to play it safe blizzard has a chance to miss i think it's going to be a 2k anyway maybe i'll get the paralysis well i don't but it does pretty decent damage execute goes for reflect which doesn't really matter since it only affects execute it has such low hp anyway and the next body slam knocks it out now definitely i'm happy i just outsped alakazam didn't know we'll run a ko but it does and now i have thunderbolt blastoise it has pretty bad attacks this is looking alright of course getting a critical hit and a couple withdraws make this look even easier than it probably would have been otherwise am i a little too over leveled who's to say but we finally got past rival fibal and we're at a significantly higher level than we were before so that's probably going to make blaine trivial and i am going to go to blaine right after i defeat giovanni giovanni is going to be pretty easy for me while i don't have a water move i do have dig for nidorino i was a little worried about kangaskhan but thankfully didn't prove too problematic right horn blizzard still knocked it out and nidoqueen took more than one hit but if you look at its moveset it's pretty awful so giovanni once again ends up being trivial and i fly back to cinebar and now i'm ready to battle blaine much higher level this time we did like no damage to our canine so that's going to have to change so let's try this battle once again unlike rival fievel i decide to play a little risky and i go for body slamming it comes oh so close to knocking out growlithe meaning it would have knocked out rival fields growleth goes for agility thankfully it gets a failure on the lear and i'm able to knock it out that means i probably should have gone for dig but it's two turns anyway however i am vulnerable so i get hit with stomp that was not my best decision but hopefully it doesn't matter i don't know if rapidash will be a one ko i go for dig and i get a critical hit so i still don't know and the big question is what's gonna happen against our canine another critical hit you know what whatever i'm once again not gonna redo the battle and that's six gyms down two more to go sabrina i did want to save because the faster i am the more damage i do the more trivial she becomes and i do actually lose my first time not due to kadabra out speed one ako not due to mr mime outspeed wanna kill it's due to venomoth well indirectly venomoth is not a one ko it goes for stun spore which allows the alakazam to outspeed me goes for reflect so it's not a one ko gets a critical hit with psy beam so that's pretty bad luck the next battle the same thing happens with the cadabra and the mr mime venomoth though goes for poison powder and would you look at that i outspeed wanna kill alakazam so sabrina was trivial in the end that means i waited to the perfect time to battle her and we have just one gym left giovanni i'm not too worried i have blizzard i have dig probably should be a first try victory but i don't want to get too over confident blizzard won hit kayla's right on okay now will i outspeed the dog trio i do but blizzard actually just misses out on the one at ko maybe body slam would have done more damage whatever thankfully used a guard spec so i knock out doug trio the next turn for nidoqueen i'm not sure it'll even be a wanna kill but i'm gonna go for dig and in fact it's not a wanna ko thankfully giovanni loves his guard specs so down goes nidoqueen nidoking has worse defense so maybe it'll be one of ko probably not especially if i'm busy looking ahead to the elite four and not paying attention to what i just clicked and i hit blizzard thankfully it didn't miss and thankfully the needle king doesn't use thrash or something which could have done a lot of damage that could have been really bad but luckily no harm no foul well sort of because now i only have one blizzard left for ride on but i get a freeze it's actually impossible to be unfrozen in generation one unless i use a fire move which i don't have so i can use dig i can use whatever i want and that is all a gym leaders in about four hours that's really really good for eight gyms i mean again we're not talking top tier but considering this is the fourth worst pokemon statistically at least in terms of average base stats very impressive a great showing by rattata so far however just like in sports while i always call this the regular season it's kind of meaningless we don't care how good a regular season you have it's how you do in the playoffs that determines whether you become a champion and rival six was looking pretty challenging albeit not his first few pokemon pidgeot could do a little bit of damage ride on was a winnekeo and execute could be annoying if it decides to use stun spore however the pokemon that was really giving me issues with alakazam because alakazam now out speeds and body slam is no longer a one at ko and so in two consecutive battles i would make it to alakazam in pretty good shape only to be completely obliterated by alakazam and so i had to make a choice i know there's a way i could get around this battle really easily and with minimal time investment however it could be bad in the long term by which i mean literally the next mandatory battle but i decide whatever i'm gonna go ahead i have the poke at all because that's always an option i'm gonna delete thunderbolts i'm not really using it all that much and i'm gonna teach mimic and you all know why because we're gonna take advantage of the badge boost glitch for those of you who are new the badge boost glitch is a mistake in generation one when you collect badges your stats get a 12.5 increase however every time your stats are modified say by mimicking pidgeot's agility your stats get an additional 12.5 percent boost that was not intended and while technically a glitch it's pretty hard to avoid using this because any time an opponent uses leer or something like that it activates so if it's going to be used without me trying i might as well use it it's pretty arbitrary to say well if the opponent does it it's okay no it's either a louder it's not allowed it's allowed we're gonna use it and it does two things it's going to speed me up but it's also going to allow me to do just a little bit more damage as you can see everything's a 1k although execute was a critical hit so i'm not really sure but alakazam this is the one you can see obviously i would speed because i'm really fast with all three agilities and it's a wanna kill with body slam so there's the attack power being greater however i did have to delete thunderbolt and i'll talk about why in just a second but blastoise could be tricky thankfully i get withdraw and then i get skull bash which is a two turn attack so in the end the withdrawal really didn't matter it was a three hit ko with body slam anyway and my first try with mimic i'm able to get past rival number six and move on the elite four and let me just tell you this went poorly very poorly and let's discuss why laura lee i'm not kidding usually it's agatha but no laura lee just getting past her proved so so difficult i could manage it maybe one out of every 12 or so attempts depending on the level so spoiler we're gonna level up but why well this is why deleting thunderbolt was kind of a bad idea because while for dugong it actually would have made more sense to use body slam it would have done more damage cloister has one of the best defenses in the entire series but not great special so thunderbolt would have done way more damage while mimic is only going to be useful if we get to the slow bro where i can mimic amnesia and that would make the whole battle trivial but i can't even get past cloister i do such little damage to cloister and so you're probably asking yourself j rose why did you delete thunderbolt well it was the only move i could delete body slam is normal type like rattata and it's a physical attack there's no way unless i wanted to delete it and teach double edge then i have to worry about recoil maybe that's what i could have done but i don't like dealing with recoil damage it actually ends up making things very tricky with managing hp and then blizzard i think you can guess for lance it's going to be quite helpful plus its base 120 power versus base 95 power so it's a much stronger move dig that's what makes agatha not really difficult in this run so the only option i really had was thunderbolt and thunderbolt was needed for lauralee thankfully i did have a backup in the back of my head just in case there was no way to get by cloister without an electric move let's look at that move pool again there is one more electric move i never use it because of its terrible 70 accuracy but we can go to the power plant there's also another rare candy that i almost never get and yes it's gonna cost a little bit of time and thus perhaps maybe i should have just leveled up before rival six and kept thunderbolt however because the trouble spot is laurely well i don't like relying on luck we don't save between elite four battles but laurely is the first battle so i don't have to really worry about getting bad luck with thunder missing and having to redo a bunch of battles that could be very tricky i can just reset and do again and again and again that being said it's not fun to do that so i do want laura lee to be somewhat consistent but let me be honest thunder actually makes a little bit of sense because that base 120 power actually ended up making it almost as good not even as good but almost as good as body slam at least against any pokemon that is in cloister how to have thunderbolt body slam would have always been the better move and this brings up another issue i was running into when i didn't have thunder you may have noticed laura lee has attack dropping moves whether it be aurora beam or growl she can drop my attack heck slowbro can use withdrawal so special attacking moves are going to be helpful in this battle and if my attack is dropped knowing i have a move that is almost as good well that's pretty helpful that being said you're seeing a montage of unsuccessful orally battle after unsuccessful early battle so let's show you what a successful one looks like well to show you that i'm going to have to get all the way up to level 62. tons of leveling up and don't forget it already used the bulk of my rare candies i do have three more and so i've spent roughly about 50 minutes leveling up my rattata getting thunder doing everything i need to do so what happens at level 62 well body slam against dugong is almost doing half just missing thankfully in this battle dugong goes for rest which will allow me to knock out the dugong without taking a single growl or any damage very good but the scariest pokemon is the next one cloister very rarely do i say that in fact almost never and wouldn't you know i get a thunder miss and a 5 turn spike cannon which both wastes time and takes away hp great start however as if the game wanted to make sure i wasn't too upset i hit the next turn and get a critical hit which let me tell you definitely mattered and i knock out the cloister now as you may have seen i have made it to slobro before so it's not like this is exactly new but thunder does do more damage because slowbro has such great defense and there's the growl this is why i needed thunder i mean thunderbolt just wouldn't have been as effective and now i can't use body slam versus lapras very annoying i got hit with that but what can you do and that means jinx is probably not going to be a one ko unless they get a critical hit nope not even close and yes it definitely would be ice punch does very good damage but i still have 17 hp lapras will just need to hit with anything and i lose but hey critical hit maybe nope thunder misses i get knocked out and wait didn't you say you're going to show a successful battle well i didn't say it would necessarily be the first battle i showed now did i and the truth is i think this battle showed all the various things that can go wrong and how easy it is for me to lose but it's also kind of easy for me to win if i get really lucky i mean i opt to go for thunder and i get hit with growls that's pretty bad but i still don't have any damage against me versus dugong that's good now i miss with thunder but cloister misses with clamp and then i hit with thunder and even with the badge boost due to growl still just miss knocking it out but i put it within range to be healed with a super potion and i'm able to knock it out the next turn on to slow bro thunder hits again and withdraws very good thunder misses but withdraws still very good and thunder hits so there goes slo-bro once again jinx will not be a one at ko unless they get a critical hit still no critical hit there but double slap 10 damage very good now we just need to hit against lapras but thunder's still doing about a third and hydro pump nearly takes me out and yes that growl ended up saving me had i not been hit with growl it would be a one ako with hydra pump thankfully i hit again with thunder puts it in range for the retroactive super potion and then knock it out with thunder but yeah my first victory against laura lee was not a work of art and already i'm thinking if i don't win right here i'm gonna need to level up because the chance i'm able to repeat this is pretty slim and i'm not actually joking here i'm slightly worried against bruno i mean sure onyx will be a wanna kill with blizzard and oh look at that but him only has fighting attacks i mean hitmonchan i'm not too worried about unless it like burns or paralyzes me or something meanwhile i'm doing the paralyzing and it use the next defend but him only has fighting moves i have terrible defense and it may not be a one ko and it isn't close another x defend but again this is where i'm thinking if i don't somehow luck out a victory against the champion level 62 is not good enough this needs to be a one ako i can't allow hitmon lee to one shot me with a fighting move second onyx once again no issue and machamp has submission if it decides to go for it thankfully we get lear and some luck but yeah that could have gone really badly i could have lost a bruno and that would have been pretty funny but bruno was pretty bad even in a situation where i'm actually at a pretty big disadvantage i still not only win but don't take any damage so yeah good job bruno and hilariously as i've hinted to earlier agatha who is normally the trickiest fight possibly in the entire run is actually one of the easiest just what a bizarre run this is thanks to my high level in high speed i outspeed every single one of her pokemon the only one that isn't one of ko is goal bat and so long as it doesn't use a confusing move which is a 50 50 chance it's a win of course it would help if i knew how to play this game and then just mash the a button and went for dig that was brilliant and no there's the confusing move however after hitting with blizzard she helps me out and uses haze which will reset my badge boosts even the ones i'm supposed to get so that's a bit of a negative but the positive is i'm not confused anymore and a knockout goal bat now i'm not sure if i'll out speed all of her pokemon without those boosts we'll see haunter i'm not worried about dig knocks it out our buck i'm not worried about and oh well that's easy okay i thought i'd be outspent by the final gengar but she swapped into it so i guess we won't find out and uh yeah that's agatha what a weird elite four this has been but one of the reasons i need blizzard is for this next battle against lance the dragon champion so-called i'm hoping it will one-shot the dragonair in the dragonite but i don't know anyway i don't really have a choice i have to battle him and hopefully thunder should want to kill gyarados but i don't even know if that's going to happen let's see well i miss so that's great but thankfully it doesn't go for hyper beam rather dragon rage really the best case scenario unless it went for leer alright this turn it hits and look at that not a one ko and uh look at that that's how much hydro pump does and yeah you know listen i was under no illusion that this was the run i got a lot of good luck but [Music] all right listen i was hoping rattata could be in a much higher tier than it looks like it's going to be it's still outperforming probably your expectations of it but you know we're not at a high enough level there's so many things that could have gone badly there and we even make it past gyarados i thought it would be an easy one to get with thunder i was kind of joking that it might not be and it's time to level up some more all right so we just passed the six hour in game mark and we're going to use the rare candies level 68 let's try this again and the leveling up combined with battling a bunch of other pokemon has really made body slam a lot more powerful it's now doing over half miss with takedown is good down goes dugong will thunder wanna kill cloister yes ah with a critical hit i mean i say ah i'd like to know for my own knowledge whether that mattered or not but hey i guess i'll have to lose to find out thunder now does over half against lobro and of course i get the growl and thunder knocks it out so jinx will probably not be a wanna kill but maybe it will be i don't know actually nope nope still not particularly close so that growl is really annoying but ice punch did a lot less however i still think hydropump would knock me out at this hp and i miss with thunder and oh look at that i was right and once again i tricked you you probably thought i was going to win this battle but it isn't doing this run justice if i don't show a bunch of losses against laura lee because you have no idea how much time i spent battling her and so you have no idea whether this is going to be a win i'm just a narrative genius said no one anyway i get a critical hit against dugong so no growl there pretty good will i want to kill cloister i really like to know that well i'm gonna have to wait another turn because i miss and no darn it darn it i really wanted that to be wanna kill thankfully super sonic missed and i can knock out cloister but that cloister being a wanna kill with thunder would really make things a lot more consistent in this battle this time after i hit with thunder slow bro goes for amnesia so no growl meaning for once jinx is the one at ko hey hey that's pretty good and now we just have to knock out lapras which does a boatload of damage and i decided to go for body slam because it does roughly the same and it paralyzes but that doesn't matter but blizzard misses so that's good and it doesn't knock it out but laura lee heals with super potion and yeah this still isn't looking that consistent that was still like insane luck against lapras like really insane luck but hey i guess once again i'll take it it is a little bit deflating that all the leveling up i'm doing doesn't really make a difference i mean it will make a bit of a difference in the bruno fight this time hitmonlee is also a one at ko but that's pretty much the only difference oh and i wanted to see if blizzard would do half against machamp just out of curiosity it didn't but i froze machamp so yeah this game really doesn't want bruno to deal any damage against me and right now i'm literally two for two you've seen the two times i've actually gotten past laura laurely and if you can believe it this act of the fight goes even smoother than the last one once again wanna ko but here's the part that goes really well no not a one kill with blizzard but a freeze another freeze that's two and three pokemon and with that the battle is over it's just one ako one at ko and uh yeah one hit ko and we've made it back to lance from your perspective fairly quickly from my perspective a bunch of time has passed and that's the beauty of youtube so will we knock out the gyarados and actually get to attempt to battle the dragon pokemon well let's find out right now and so i use thunder and it hits and it crits and that's good but i don't know if it's a 1ko or not but hey we have made it as far as we ever have before that is a good thing but now a blizzard hit and will blizzard be a wanna ko it hits it is a one ako celebrate good times come on and let's hope we can do it one more oh one more time we're not going to celebrate turns out we have ourselves a good old damage range and it worked out for me that lance decided to use a hyper potion and i do get the range against dragonair the second time so we are on to aerodactyl i'm gonna stick with blizzard because it's way more accurate than thunder and does the same amount of damage plus maybe freeze well it almost knocks it out and i take that hyper beam pretty well air duct was a pretty sniffing chance to get a critical hit so that wouldn't knock me out but good on you rattata i'm very proud and that should be it i mean there's no way dragonite can tank a quadruple super effective blizzard right right come on really and it uses agility so now it gets throughout speed that's beautiful and why not healing is good of course i went for body slam because it's 100 accurate but i got that paralysis and i hit with blizzard and we have made it to the champion for the first time this is maybe not the perfect lance battle leveling up would be nice but if we beat the champion it doesn't really matter now does it well i guess it does for the rankings but you know for the video it would be over so i got nothing more to say let's battle the champion now i opt to go for body slam it's the safe play thankfully it goes for sky attack body slam does enough to knock it out sky attack if it hits i don't know how much damage that would have done but i don't want to find out now i really need to out speed alakazam and knock it out out speed knock it out that is huge that's two down on to ride on i'm not sure if blizzard will knock it out does it not quite very close and tail whip will raise all my other stats except for of course my defense and i cannot get right on so actually this battle is looking pretty great with that additional attack will dig knock out our canine i dig no but it goes for roar that is very good luck and we knock out our canine we are almost done two more pokemon left but exeggutor can be incredibly trolly we're gonna go for body slam because it has such great special it does just around half no hypnosis of course of course a 60 accurate move how could it not hit and now i just need to wake up before like eight turns which i think is the maximum and i'll take first turn stomp does a little bit more damage because of the defense drop but hopefully this body slam will be enough to knock out exeggutor critical hit helps and now i just need to hit with thunder and actually will i even win who cares let's try it all right i'm so excited let's no no no no i didn't just i didn't i no what there are no words to describe what just happened there in case you are listening to this and not watching i accidentally misclicked blizzard i then got hit with blizzard which is really weird why it wouldn't use a water move but it got a critical hit i do not know if the blastoise's blizzard would have knocked me out anyway but the fact i couldn't even use thunder and see how much it would do which would give me useful information was bad hence the frustration hence the silence and i'm gonna level up a little bit more i mean not too much but there were a couple battles that felt a little inconsistent i've already wasted enough time leveling up what's one or two more levels and at this point i'm at a high enough level that i can actually make it through parts of the elite four very quickly so enough to find other trainers i've done this in other videos and i just will avoid using elixirs because there's no way of buying those and i did have another pretty lengthy run immediately after this one i made it all the way to lance's dragonair got a little bit of bad luck but hey i gained the levels and let's try once again to see if i can make it through and just get my rematch with the champion so i'm going to speed through these battles because you've already seen a lot of different variations we don't get the attack drop from dugong and even with all my leveling up cloister is still not a one at gayo come on other than that i get decent laurely luck there's always going to be a luck component when it comes to lapras because of how powerful it is i am able to make it past the lapras again and move on to bruno speaking of bruno i should mention that despite the fact i could easily lose to bruno it is very conceivable that rattata could lose to bruno especially because i was at a much lower level didn't happen i only battled bruno maybe four or five times so that probably is why but i do find it interesting that rattata was one of the pokemon i thought bruno could actually be problematic for but in the end it's bruno and uh we move on to the agatha lottery except it's the lottery where i hold every ticket and they're all winners and once again golbat could have proven to be a little trolly this battle definitely could have gone a lot worse but nonetheless it doesn't i'm able to knock out all her pokemon and make it back to lance and lance is one where i'd really like to see things go a little different i'd like thunder to wanna kill gyarados and i'd like blizzard to want to ko dragonite will those two things happen i'm actually gonna commentate this one because it's only my fourth attempt at lance so let's see if we can even up our record at two and two well not looking good miss with thunder hit with hydra pump yeah looking kind of bad and i get a critical hit so i have no idea if it would have been a one to ko or not great who needs information anyway is dragonair still arranged something else i'd like to know well first one again is knocked out in one hit second one we get a crit unintentional rhyming but that's just good timing okay that one was intentional but now we get to see if we'll knock out aerodactyl we were pretty close and we get even closer thankfully we get a supersonic miss because otherwise this would have been a loss and it would have been one in three and that would be bad but now i'm not too optimistic i will knock out dragonite in one hit these two levels really don't seem to make much a difference and i guess with 25 special that's to be expected and okay well a critical hit will sort of render the whole will it wanna ko thing moot but we have made it to the champion for just a second time the battle was going pretty smoothly until i well i'm actually not sure what would have happened if i use thunder because it didn't happen but hey once i get to this point it's always exciting you know there's always a chance to win and i've been battling the elite four for a long time it's why it's taking up such a long portion of the video we're still at a good level we're still at a decent time rattata is still doing pretty well for the fourth worst pokemon statistically can it bring this home let's see this time the battle gets off to a much worse start after i hit with body slam pidgeot uses mirror move and hits me with body slam i was very worried about this and why i considered using blizzard and didn't happen the first time does happen this time so i'm starting at only 100 hp that might be what a single hydro pump would do so have i already lost well no point resetting might as well try we know alakazam will be a one ko that critical hit didn't matter so that's good right on maybe we'll be arranged maybe i'll actually get the one at ko i don't know okay so finally leveling up did have some impact unfortunately though since i'm not hit with a status move i will be doing quite a bit less damage to our canine or at least a little bit less so this probably will do about the exact same damage as last time and i'm wrong it does just a little bit more but i still can't knock it out but darn it anyway it goes for roar once again good luck and i knock out our canine now we have to deal with hypnosis exeggutor please be kind i go for body slam and it goes for stomp i would have much rather hypnosis miss now one attack from blastoise will definitely knock me out but i don't even know if i'm gonna make it there i don't think this will knock it out and it doesn't thankfully it goes for barrage so no hypnosis that's kind of odd but yeah i'm at 42 hp against his strongest pokemon how can this end poorly well let's click thunder and how much damage does this do all of it again again this is like what the second in three videos where the final battle is ended on just the flukiest critical hit you know what we're done nope we're not resetting that i have spent a really long time on the elite four a win is a win is a win we have won and now it's time to look at our tier list rattata definitely benefited from some luck there's no debate that if i had to level up more it really starts to add up time wise and of course level wise and this is why tearless while kind of fun or also somewhat arbitrary because i kind of felt like this was sort of an in-between the charmander run and the dratini run even though we have a much better in-game time which is usually one of the biggest metrics i use considering that critical hit probably saved me about half an hour i'm just going to put it below drautini and call it a video thank you for watching a 40-something minute video about rattata if you like videos where i play the game with random pokemon then subscribe for the next video i'm planning to do a solo run in one of the generations i haven't done yet on the channel so if you want to vote on that there's currently a poll on my twitter which will be in the description it's just the jros 11. speaking of which i started to stream now i don't stream pokemon it's other games i try and do challenges or play difficult games but that's it for this video thank you guys so much take care
Channel: Jrose11
Views: 421,240
Rating: 4.9233794 out of 5
Keywords: Pokemon, Jrose11, Red, Blue, Generation 1, Pokemon Red, Pokemon Blue, Pokemon Red and Blue, Pokemon Challenge, Kanto Challenge, pokemon challenge, pokemon challenges, pokemon red, pokemon blue, can you beat pokemon with only a, elite four, pokemon solo challenge, no items, is it possible to beat, challenge run, Rattata Pokemon, Rattata challenge, Rattata no items, can you beat, gen 1, Rattata, how fast Pokemon, Minimum Battles, Ratata
Id: WW2MmltIvvg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 10sec (2830 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 13 2020
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