How Fast can you Beat Pokemon Red/Blue with Just a Gengar?

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Holy shit Jrose sounded like Gengar was quite far from Mewtwo for the entire run yet it was so close. Maybe because he used the rare candy much more freely than for the Mewtwo run. I think Alakazam has a decent shot at beating Gengar

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/ShowtimeCA 📅︎︎ Nov 18 2020 🗫︎ replies
[Music] hey everyone how's it going so if you've been on my channel you've noticed that i've had not just the 52 pre-evolved pokemon that i'm trying to rank against each other but i've also started ranking unofficially some of the very best pokemon and ever since i did my first video on mewtwo a lot of people a lot of people have said that gengar would be even faster now i kind of get where this is coming from ghastly by far is the best pre-evolved pokemon in fact ghastly is better than some fully evolved pokemon and since gengar is a better ghastly it should be the best fully evolved pokemon maybe even better than mewtwo well will it work out that way let's find out the first issue though that i'm gonna say right off the bat is that unlike mewtwo that starts off with psychic the best attacking move in all of generation 1 in my opinion gengar starts off with the exact same moveset as gastly which if you remember is nightshade lick and confuse ray now it's not like nightshade isn't useful it hits every single pokemon despite the fact it's a ghost type move and it does your level as damage however when we're at really small levels like level 5 or level 6 it can take several hits to knock out pokemon in addition gengar stats well good aren't quite mewtwo's not even close and this is on full display when we get to brock i mean geodude you see the nightshade problem it's taking way more hits than psychic did but the onyx we actually lose to our first time i mean it's kind of unlucky by turn one like nightshade despite the fact buys a normal move it ignores immunity and the confuse ray i don't get the hidden confusion so i'm knocked out sorry one second this is an edit point because this is future j rose here how the heck did that happen like let's take a look at that again we're a level nine so nightshade would do exactly nine damage and so bide should deal exactly 18 damage how the heck does that knock me out that doesn't even make sense is it because of the confuse ray like no seriously i think i know a lot about red and blue but i'm literally stumped as to what just happened anyway back to the video i do win my second time and the strategies just use nightshade but all these extra turns they're really starting to add up and when you compare side by side mewtwo and gengar gengar is definitely starting to lose quite a bit of time once we get to cerulean battling misty i thought would be a mistake because starmie's bubble beam will still do very good damage so i go to battle rival number two and the truth is rival number two isn't too difficult thankfully i didn't get a single sand attack from pidgeotto and that's really the only thing that's a challenge otherwise once again just use nightshade and here's where i'm going to talk about another issue with gengar yes a third issue mewtwo in addition to psychic had confusion and while confusion is almost half as good as psychic is it does have 24 power points way more than night shades 15 which at this point deals less damage anyway and unfortunately until we beat lieutenant serge we will not get another attacking move unless we want to take an extra battle which i really don't so we're stuck making trips back to the pokemon center and eventually once we get done with the roots to bill's house we can battle misty and i'll admit misty may have been a little lucky but it was a first try victory i just used nightshade the reason i say was lucky is that starmie never used bubble beam then again i had a lot of health left so it definitely could use bubble beam once twice it might have been close but hey we won so let's move on to rival number three and pretty much the same thing as rival number two the big difference is now cadabra can use confusion however when that does happen you'll notice it doesn't do very much damage at all speaking of which you might notice i switched to lick on wartortle and yes it wastes time or does it because if i want to get my powerpoints back for nightshade and i already use the ether you pick up by bill's house then i'd need to heal in the pokemon center and then i can't dig back to cerulean so i'd have to walk back and that would waste a ton of time so i'll waste the little bit of time it takes to use a couple more licks and so i have the nightshades ready for our next battle lieutenant surge who actually did give me problems i didn't heal like i said before and i didn't use my potions at first and what you'll notice is that voltorb sonic boom also ignores type immunities and i'm not really sure if this is an intended mechanic a glitch or an oversight either way it's a thing that generation one has and it took me quite a few attempts i think four in order to finally get past surge essentially what i figured i need to do is use my night shades on the vault or pikachu was weak enough that i could use lick and the big thing was pikachu was using thunderwave giving raichu just one more opportunity to knock me out if raichu uses thundershock it's not a big deal but thunderbolt does decent damage i also needed to heal before the fight with my potions but if i heal and don't get a thunder wave i was able to get past lieutenant surge and finally gengar gets an attacking move that does quite a bit more damage thunderbolt and that speeds up battles tremendously because even though thunderbolt is in same type it at least is a 95 base power special move gengar has exceptional special however we're not actually going to have to use thunderbolt for that long because we're gonna get to celadon and the order usually goes giovanni shopping fly lavender back to erica we're gonna switch that up psychic is the best move in the game so we're actually going to go to shop first we're only going to buy one thing the fresh water go to saffron go to mr psychic get psychic and now we can do giovanni and uh yeah he's not too bad we have one two three three psychics yeah i busted out the count impression early but yeah it really is that easy you might also notice i get a lot of critical hits critical hits as i've mentioned before based on speed gengar is really good speed so i believe it gets a critical hit around 20 of the time pretty good anyway here's where i make a slight error i thought with psychic i would for sure beat erica easily that wasn't actually the case i actually well i didn't lose but i actually had to reset against her once and the reason being is sleep powder you see psychic i do have speed but psychic is not a one hit ko and that's true of all three of her pokemon and vileplume and victory bell both know sleep powder and sleep takes a very very long time in generation one we're trying to beat mewtwo so unfortunately because i'd already saved in front of erica i couldn't just go back that would waste even more time so if i were doing this again i would have gone to lavender first i just thought it would be easier to finish off celadon and that it would save a little bit of backtracking but in the end that was a mistake listen it's not like erica was difficult i would have beaten her the first time i just wanted to go faster and i did in fact beat her the second time her razor leaf did nothing as you saw so she really wasn't an issue more a minor inconvenience speaking of which rival number four typically very easy but this time the reason i picked blastoise by the way as my rival starter is that gives him two two psychic pokemon but yeah i mean psychic pokemon are very annoying especially execute because my best moves are thunderbolt and psychic both of which are resisted by execute and execute no hypnosis this battle could theoretically be tedious and annoying it wasn't because i'm at such a high level for now the battle is fine but going forward i expect execute plus alakazam to be very very not fun but we have such a long ways to go before then right no no we're almost there i mean yeah there are a few more trainers we need to beat but none of them are particularly difficult we can skip every single trainer on cycling road go through the safari zone no trainers there and so the next thing we're going to do is defeat koga and the hardest part about koga is not koga at all it's koga's gym i actually didn't get too bad luck but the drowzees and especially the hypno the trainer right before koga that juggler i was nervous about and this is where you're gonna see the only advantage gengar has over mewtwo literally the only one i have a sleep move hypnosis and yes it's only 60 accurate so potentially not the best idea for the elite four where i want consistency but for now it's a good way to get rid of the juggler's pokemon and yeah i guess i should show koga's battle i mean psychic oh that didn't want it ko all right well none of the pokemon can really do anything to me they only have poison moves and they have normal moves and i guess they can make me miss enough that i use struggle but like come on that's not gonna happen and it didn't happen and i got a critical hit against the wheezing that may have been a two-hit ko i have no idea frankly i don't care because we're about to battle rival fibel remember i said it wasn't so far away well we're here i gotta deal with an execute and an alakazam let's do it all right thunderbolt is without a critical hit one shotting pidgeot that's good but here's where gengar being a ghost type is a disadvantage we have actually had some advantages that i've kind of talked about but it doesn't get the same type attack bonus growlithe survives ember does very little but gengar not being a psychic type is costing just a little bit more time execute can be trolley so i'm going to troll it first go for gnosis that's good it stays asleep and i use nightshade nightshade psychic maybe i shouldn't have wasted that whatever didn't end up mattering because i go for thunderbolt it's not even doing half to alakazam so ibm's not doing too much but i'm like all right you know what this is too risky go for hypnosis 60 means 40 miss we miss critical hit yay so that's something we're gonna have to deal with all right let's try this again thunderbolt the pidgeot very good growleth psychic okay we got a crit that's good nightshade ah all right well that's gonna be slow let's try again again thunderbolt very good psychic we're getting those special drops by the way 33 chance of that happening and all right we're good now i'm gonna put you to sleep very good and hey another special drop and a crit don't think that crit mattered are we gonna put alakazam to sleep we do very good now i'm curious if nightshade will do more damage fun fact ghost even though there's only one attacking move lick it doesn't affect psychic pokemon what the heck gen one night ignores immunities anyway and truth be told thunderbolt is the better play with my critical hit chance because it has a better chance of being a two-at-ko didn't matter alakazam stayed to sleep and there was literally nothing blastoise can do thunderbolt comes close to one at koi'ing but yeah withdraw very good anyway we beat rival fibel that took a few attempts and that's not a great sign considering he's the trainer we have to battle two more times including the final battle but we'll deal with that in a while i mean not that long considering how much video is left but like you know a while enough we can talk about other things like the giovanni battle just one hit ko after one ako oh oh well i mean it didn't matter but like oh and this is why i doubt gengar will be able to beat mewtwo again that 50 boost you get by using moves of the same type i just don't think despite gengar's amazing stats i don't think it's gonna be able to keep up and before you guys already anticipate yes i'll try it with alakazam but the one advantage i'll say right now that gengar has that we'll talk about not next jim we're actually gonna go to blaine first because blaine will boost our special which should help for sabrina but we're gonna use thunderbolt against sabrina alakazam lacks another good special move in fact only has psychic type special moves unless i resort to mimic so that's gonna be a problem but hey that's another video let's finish one video at a time and like i said we're about to battle blaine yes blaine is a seventh gym leader but i'm weak to psychic and i want that special boost like i said and was blaine very difficult well here's a fun little fact blaine has what's called good ai and growlith has agility agility's a psychic move gengar has poison typing psychic strong against poison so use agility i mean it doesn't matter it's not like ralph would have done much of anything anyway ponyta is going to be a 2ko and of course fire spin why use a move that won't waste a ton of time thankfully it only lasts two turns knock out the ponyta might be a two kill on rapidash and of course oh okay it missed that's good and we knock it out hooray now we have to deal with our canine and wow canines bulky thankfully ember doesn't do much i mean it could have gone for fire blast and i get a critical hit and then he gets a critical hit i guess that's fair but yeah fire blast would have been kind of scary thankfully he doesn't use it we knock it out a little bit of luck here but you know what we'll take it and now we only have two gems to go and for those of you wondering how this compares to mewtwo timewise we're going to be at 2 hours 37 minutes saving in front of sabrina meanwhile mewtwo we saved at 2 hours 33 minutes in front of rival 6. so it doesn't look like it's going to be that close in the end but who knows maybe gengar will make a late charge i mean if you remember them youtube video the elite four wasn't easy because mewtwo had a hard time leveling up since it is in the slow level up group so that is another advantage gengar has anyway i'm stalling because i really don't want to talk about this battle i anticipated spending five minutes to half an hour trying to beat sabrina let's see if that's accurate battle number one crit with thunderbolt that's looking good but it doesn't knock out cadabra that's bad and uh psychic that's bad but no special drop that's good all right mr mime is doing three quarters that's very good light screen very good as well all right down goes mr mime venomoth is a poison pokemon not really sure why sabrina uses it but okay now we just have the worst pokemon we could possibly face alakazam well let's put it to sleep and oh we hit we may have won yeah we definitely won because it can attack the turn it wakes up all right well okay first try victory total skill no luck involved best strategy ever j rose 11 pokemon challenge champion we can just end the video right here what's that you want to see giovanni okay giovanni was somewhat interesting i guess we're about 13 minutes behind mewtwo at this point which considering everything is really good but unless we have the quickest elite four battle on record we're not going to catch it but hey still have to beat two more trainers before then all right psychic wanna kills rhyhorn but it was a crit so i don't know if it would have without it and it does not want a ko dog trio with that pathetic hp yeah i don't think it would have won hit k.o right horn either and it goes for dig this may knock me out dig his base 100 power in this generation okay that's not bad that's not bad so we're knocking out doug trio now just no more actually none of them no earthquake so we're pretty good wanna ko no i mean it goes for body slam the only move it has that literally could hit me is poison sting doing these runs in yellow would have been so much better in retrospect but hey these are the iconic originals anyway needle king only has one move that can affect me poison sting and i get crit anyway so whatever and right on has one move that could theoretically affect me fissure which won't cloud speed and that's how when a ko moves work so that's giovanni clap we did it hooray but we have five more trainers to go well six battles but five trainers i was right and rival six would have been an amazing battle to switch knight shade for mimic and set up the badge boost glitch but that would have taken up a ton of time so no badge boost glitch this entire run i know what is going on here but yeah i mean what's more to say rival six all right thunderbolt does one shot pidgeot albeit i got a critical hit so i have no idea if it would have otherwise all right well at least we'll know if we can one-shot ryhorn without a critical hit or not all right two for two not bad can we make it three no but growlithe has agility psychic move good ai so it won't attack me and that is three down all right not making the same mistake versus execute i did the time before put it to sleep okay very good now i'm gonna use psychic special drop very good but it wakes up that's less good however this could knock it out which would be very good it doesn't but the rival uses a retroactive potion after fire and leaf green do i miss the retroactive potions so we get a very genuine knockout of execute all right put alakazam to sleep good wake up the very first turn less good put it to sleep again all right three for three this is looking good and it's day to sleep eh oh and it's a speed tie and it woke up beautiful what more could go wrong so and thunderbolt is not doing much damage this is amazing all right well now it's outspeeding me because it is a speed tie it's just a 50 50 coin flip at least it went for reflect literally the worst move it could have used i go for thunderbolt please outspeed it of course i don't and side beam i'm gonna lose oh we don't okay and i knock it out that's good but we may have problems with blastoise it does know hydro pump which you can use if i don't want to ko which i do man i love gen 1. to be fair though to be fair that's still absurdly lucky it's a 22 chance three critical hits in a single battle that was that was pretty good anyway there's really not much more to say before we get to elite four so why say anything here's the elite four this is my first attempt not really sure what i'm gonna do but i mean i'm at minimum battle so i'm not gonna battle anyone so let's battle lurly anyway will i want to kill dugong yes with the crit so i probably wouldn't have i don't know we'll find out cloister is much more special though and so if i don't want to kill cloister which i don't we wouldn't want to ko the dugong aurora beam thankfully doesn't have ice beam in this generation and with its bad special and my great special it does pretty much nothing alright alright so far so good and it's going to get better because slowbro only has one attacking move water gun yeah gen one is weird anyway it's not going to attack me because it has psychic status moves like amnesia so it's going to use that very good opportunities badge was glitch if i'd gotten mimic which i didn't so we're just gonna knock out slow bro and that means jinx may be annoying i go for hypnosis it misses ice punch is doing kind of decent damage but i hit the second hypnosis now i have no idea why i opt to go for nightshade even when it doesn't do much damage thunderbolt probably would have done more but i stick to it well jinx wakes up and i'm still sticking to nightshade it goes for ice bunch and i'm at 30 hp with the lapras coming alright looks like we're gonna have to do this one again unless i can hit the hail mary hypnosis hey thunderbolt not waking up thunderbolt knocks it out no but retroactive super potion it doesn't wake up we won yay i mean let's be honest i didn't exactly play that battle particularly well but a win is a win and hey we're probably gonna have to do it again anyway so whatever let's move on to bruno bruno is he gonna be just as easy as always is the count von count ready for his second appearance in a video one psychic two psychics three psychics four psychics all right this one's not gonna oh critical hit five five psychics okay wow that that that was certainly something i mean i don't think i knock out machamp with a single psychic if it doesn't crit but hey 22 chance five pokemon so you can't claim it got extraordinary luck but now that we've beaten bruno we get to do our favorite part of the elite four step right up to the agatha lottery will she use confuse ray or hypnosis will you out speed like 10 levels lower than her probably not but let's find out all right we do have speed which is good and we get a special drop which doesn't really matter cuz it would be a 2ko dream eater though is very very good agatha attacks randomly so that was just a 1-4 chance literally the best luck we could get one down now i'm thinking i'm gonna one shot oh okay excuse me golbat but wing attack does nothing so we knock it out now i'm hoping haunter will be one of ko no and nightshade okay finally agatha doing well good enough damage that if i get one night shade from gengar i lose so that's fantastic all right well arbak is horrible special so i should want to kill this thing finally a one ko hooray i'm super effective against everything and i can't get a one ako now i just need gengar not to use nightshade and i win nevermind i level up i should win anyway let's go over hypnosis just to be safe oh no j-rose you have to press the cursor twice to use hypnosis thankfully she goes for dream eater so that was good and now maybe just go for psychic what's that me in the past do you want to tempt fate okay let's go for hypnosis this isn't going to backfire oh it doesn't okay well that was unnecessary because psychic's gonna knock it oh okay didn't maybe that was necessary retroactive super potion one more psychic and we're at lance kind of a very strange first try through the elite four but so far it's been quite effective however lance looks scary we have three dragon pokemon and an aerodactyl how am i gonna deal with it well i actually can't lose to lance you see for one gyarados is quadruple weak to thunderbolt and i got a crit i don't even think that crick came close to mattering but that was not one i was worried about the dragon air and the dragonite have barrier and agility psychic moves good ai poison pokemon they will never attack thus you can beat lance's dragonairs and dragonite with any poison pokemon level one even so long as it can damage them with toxic or something you're good aerodactyl aerodactyl it out speeds which is bad hits me supersonic which is bad but then you realize i hit myself in confusion and only do 20 damage and the only move it has to damage a ghost pokemon is super sonic and that's indirect anyway and that's why he's spamming it even though i'm already confused and of course i snap out of confusion it doesn't want to ko lance heals but looks like it was a range aerodactyl's knocked out and that's the battle dragonite isn't going to attack me it's just simply a matter of dealing enough damage and hoping lance doesn't heal and wasting more of my time but yeah gen one's gonna gen one sometimes and uh this run if nothing else is peak generation one and it might sound like i'm hating on the games but i love them they're unique you work around these quirks it's a ton of fun it's part of the game i wouldn't be playing so many of these solo runs if i didn't genuinely enjoy every single play through and they are probably my favorite playthroughs they're quick you have very limited options and i'm rambling because i'm nervous about the final battle all right you got me yes i'm nervous i haven't done well against the rival we've had such a crazy run i want to end it here but i know how unlikely that is and so i'm going to use my rare candies you collect a lot of them that are just easily accessible i could collect a lot more i skipped ones that were out of my way including the one in mount moon i don't know if i could beat mewtwo but i think i could come in second if i have a good battle so let's do it cue the final battle music all right first things first will i want to kill pidgeot yes good start but that was the easiest pokemon all right the salad exam is scary i gotta hit with a hypnosis oh reflect okay okay i got another opportunity and capitalize on it it's asleep stay asleep no that is not what i asked you to do stay asleep okay hit again okay stay asleep okay okay now get a crit all right fine decent damage all right it's staying asleep too we we could do this a crit here would seal the deal don't get it now please don't heal oh actually i go first it's gen 1. i don't have to worry about a potion take that alakazam all right all right that was the scariest pokemon but by no means is victory assured i mean right on literally can't attack me it only has normal moves so critical hit didn't matter in fact thinking back i should have just stalled with thunderbolt and gotten some badge boost glitch via leer and tail whip that would have been like 8 000 iq galaxy brain strats but unfortunately that just occurred to me right now and now is not then and speaking of the past and present being different this arcanine doesn't know fireblast so i am not concerned and yeah that ember did all of 11 damage and i just knocked it out okay okay one pokemon left after executor which can't attack me you know stomp barrage hypnosis please don't okay well i just have to hit executor before it hits me alright well now i just have to wake up it literally can't attack and finally i wake up hit it with hypnosis have to go for nightshade and of course i don't use hypnosis again and it puts me back to sleep and i'm asleep for three four all right fifth turn i wake up please don't put me asleep thank god it missed all right now final pokemon it's level 65 it has hydro pum but i could want to ko i don't know let's do it wanna ko no hydro okay yes we did it first try elite four victory i think that's my first time ever even mewtwo took much longer in fact in terms of how long it took me to record the video this was just three real minutes and yes i do use speed up so it was three real minutes slower and actually that translates kind of accurately even though mewtwo spent 15 real-time minutes in the elite four gengar beats all three of the legendary birds unfortunately just falls short of mewtwo a mere quarter of an hour different and i think that just goes to show you how amazing mewtwo is this was a great run tons of fun crazy stuff but at the end of the day will anything be able to dethrone mewtwo as the gen 1 king i don't think so but we'll keep trying thanks everyone for watching the video take care
Channel: Jrose11
Views: 469,238
Rating: 4.901825 out of 5
Keywords: Pokemon, Jrose11, Red, Blue, Generation 1, Pokemon Red, Pokemon Blue, Pokemon Red and Blue, Pokemon Challenge, Kanto Challenge, pokemon challenge, pokemon challenges, pokemon red, pokemon blue, can you beat pokemon with only a, elite four, pokemon solo challenge, no items, is it possible to beat, challenge run, Gengar Pokemon, Gengar challenge, Gengar no items, can you beat, gen 1, how fast Pokemon, Minimum Battles, Legendary Pokemon, Gengar, Gastly
Id: MLe_7yllp0A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 45sec (1725 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 17 2020
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