Is it Possible to Beat Pokemon Red/Blue with just a Pidgey AND NO ITEMS?!

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[Music] hello there ladies and gentlemen hello there ladies and gents are you ready to rock well well I'm not I'm about to beat the game with the Pidgey or maybe I don't know Pidgey was ranked the third worst in my top 10 worst pokemon do this challenge with and for good reason piggy has a bad mood pool piggy has bad stats piggy kind of sucks but it does do one thing better than a lot of the other Pokemon on this list and that is it can defeat Brock relatively quickly just 25 minutes in I had battled the three bug catchers in the Junior trainer and I was able to defeat Brock and the way I was able to feed him was yeah a little bit you know it's not my favorite way of doing things basically I lead off by using tus and attacks against the Geodude and then just attacking why not all six I mean it's a point of diminishing returns so evasion has this chart in generation 1 and to put it into English Jew dude only has a forty two point five percent chance of hitting me with tackle so it's not gonna hit me too often and you do need to deal damage you see I get critical hits it's not like piggy has terrific speed but it's better than para so that's kind of nice anyway you just keep hitting the Geodude until the Geodude decides it's done with you then what you want is exactly what happened Onix comes out and it goes for by now bard can last two or three turns I got a 3 turn bite so I hit it with force and attacks after force and attacks Onix is tackle has only about a 31% chance of hitting me so I just keep attacking with quick attack gust is fine quick attack just ensures I go first since Onix is pretty decent speed whenever it uses bide just go force and attack and hopefully you don't run out with its accuracy being so low it's hitting me a quarter of the time it normally would I won't take too much damage I came with such low health so there was a risk especially the hits he would screech and then a tackle that would be bad but overall I will use sand attack for now but truth is sand attack is not going to be as useful as you would think going forward I guess I should just address this right now it's the same reason I never use double team because at the end when the battles are toughest we're not allowed to save in between and that just introduces a whole lot of luck into the equation like if it hits you before you set up your double teams then your whole strategy is ruined and what you're just gonna reset til the RNG works out to me that's not really a challenged it's a lottery simulator I'm much more interested in seeing if possible can I get by these things without having to rely on that I'm not saying I'll never use sand attack or double-team here's an instance where you stand attack but these moves take up a move slot that are better suited to something else especially if you're planning for the long term so I figured I've never brought this up before now's a good time but yeah I don't have much to say about this part of the game let's go to cerulean now neither of these fights are horrible but they're not easy either I decided to fight the trainer's and Misty's gym for a little more experience and then fight the rival and you can see him at level 19 I possibly could have fought more trainers on route 2 but it's not such a big deal anyways I lead off with sand attack and yeah I just went on a rant I'm not gonna use it but he always does so I'm very justified in this fight using sand attack I then just spam quick attack because Pidgeotto is obviously faster and hope that it faints before I do abra can't attack good job team then comes the Rattata it can use tail whip which would have been nice but it uses quick attack to hit ko and this isn't looking good right well since I only have 4 HP might as well try to go for a lucky sand attack I mean there's no way this is gonna work right right oh ok yeah see that's not really the way that I should be winning fights going forward but I'll take it for now in the early game it doesn't really matter so much if you get a little but the more you rely on luck towards the endgame the more the elite four are just going to be a nightmare so it's best not to rely on this stuff I'm doing these challenges very often so if I get a little luck here and there I'm not gonna complain anyway the rest of the route isn't too big a deal I mean the Onyx is pretty annoying to fight but I was able to get past it Pidgey unfortunately doesn't have any great TMS it can learn for a really long time so we're pretty much stuck with the moves we have Gus sand attack quick attack we will get wing attack soon but that's only based 35 power in generation one generation one just sucks for some Pokemon piggy buddy you're gonna be better in Gen 2 I promise but yeah for now not so much anyway I decided to leave misty for later because well Misty's gonna be difficult and head to Vermillion I did do some extra battles on the SSN there is a rare candy I always skip I had a feeling I would want that rare candy I was right I also fought another couple trainers because I didn't remember which one was the rare candy room and went to the wrong room but whatever honestly SSN is actually a pretty good place if you're getting stuck at lieutenant surge or misty for more experience I'd anticipate it being that bad but potentially could have fought more trainers here but the one thing you'll notice I don't get is body slam why is that well a tiny bird wouldn't be the best choice to body slam something and the developers a Game Freak thought that too so kid you can't learn body slam I wish it could but nope no body slam hooray let's fight rival three by the way I didn't mention the Parris video but the rival says Banjul and that's that's something I meant to bring up in the Paris video because the rival speaks better French than me tisk tisk anyway this fight actually isn't as bad because I did gain those extra levels it also doesn't hurt when you get a boatload see cuz we're on the SS an I'm so not funny of critical hits and yeah none of the Pokemon decided to attack eradicate missed with its tackle Wartortle you know did nothing a little bit of luck there too but trust me that will turn around fairly quickly oh yeah you may also notice at some point I have a Diglett you know Diglett can't learn cut in red and blue every other game it can but not red and blue it can learn scratch though without fingers I don't know I don't understand sometimes Charizard can't learn fly so I had to catch an oddish doesn't have much to do with the run but when else am I gonna get to complain about that anyway speaking of complaining if you watch the anime as a kid you know misty likes to complain and she's actually pretty difficult which isn't very surprising because I've horrible special but before I could get there I thought I would battle the Butterfree trainer and I lost and that's okay I'll just reset oh yeah I forgot to save after I beat the rivals so let's go fight him again okay this time he actually did some damage but we won again told you the luck didn't matter anyway let's now fight misty for real star use not too much of a problem it's a 2 hit ko and tackle did 5 HP star me on the other hand big problem misty sets up an X defend which is the worst thing she could do next to using bubble beam which he also does in short order thankfully since the AI is completely random she falls it up with a water gun and a tackle so we've seen all the different things misty could do and if she does one of each I win and I don't consider that a lucky fight because the AI is random she literally did one of everything she could do and it resulted in a victory so good job me oh yeah I skipped lieutenant surge I don't think that should be too surprising we'll come back once we have moves that aren't terrible anyway this next section really isn't too bad because with wing attack the grass pokemon are much easier even with a very bad version of wing attack the most annoying point is the hiker with the two geodude's and the gravel err the strategy just use sand attack and hope he misses with self-destruct of course he kept using rock throw which only has a 60% chance of hitting I have no idea why in Gen 1 and even with six sand attacks so a 15% chance of hitting it hit like multiple times I just kept losing eventually I got a fight that was more reasonable the sand attacks work the self-destructs miss you can take one self-destruct I don't know if the gravel er actually you can but the Geodude you can take one anyway it finally happened terrible fight but that's the last awful rock Pokemon fight because we are about to get some better moves once we finish up in Rock Tunnel we can head to sell it on and once or in celadon we can get a bunch of useful moves I should also mention you can even get the TM for Swift once you get to lavender town but it's useless I had ideas where I may use it at different parts but nope completely unnecessary I wish it was available just a little bit earlier would have been super helpful but whatever anyway once we get to sell it on we can get fly and even though we haven't beat lieutenant Serge we can still use fly in battle so that's a base 70 power flying attack move way better than quick attack and now that I have fly I'm gonna go to sell it on gym in battle all the trainers in there at least as many as I can until I run out of fly and once I do I'm then gonna head to the rocket hideout but I'm not going to face Giovanni I'm actually gonna go right to the third floor and get the TM for double-edge which is a base 100 power not 120 thanks Jen one and it does deal recoil damage but it is the strongest attack by far that Paigey will have access to at least one that doesn't require two turns to charge up so that's gonna be one of our main moves going forward and to show you how great it is let's go battle lieutenant surge remember we skipped him well now we can face them pretty easily and I used the amazing strategy of hitting a enough time so that I used double-edge three times I know I've done a similar strategy against Bruno but it was just so effective I decided to use what I've learned and apply it in future runs it was difficult I sometimes felt like not hitting the a button they persevered and beat lieutenant Serge very proud of my accomplishments here you guys should be too I will pause now for applause and an ad break just kidding I didn't put an ad break there or maybe I did I don't know I don't decide those in advance anyway we're gonna go back to sell it on because Erica is our best chance at gaining some experience she actually isn't as easy as you think like she's not terrible but she's not a one-hit ko both victreebel and tangela are ranges and in this battle victreebel survives but she goes for a retroactive super potion so it's lucky she didn't attack me Tangela does one-hit ko but the vileplume goes for petal dance and you can see that's pretty decent damage if their victory Belle went for razor leaf that would have been the Battle of course I also entered the battle at half health so that would have been my fault but the point is you would have thought Erica would have been super super easy we don't even have to think about health not the case and that's actually a really good microcosm of the Pidgey run nothing is going to be easy every battle even the ones that are quote unquote easy are just a little bit of a struggle where things could potentially go wrong but I would like to minimize that so instead of going to the rocket hideout in fighting Giovanni who has some rock Pokemon I'm actually gonna go to saffron and go to the fighting dojo because the fighting dojo not only will give me valuable experience points but what's called stat experience points which were converted to V's and later generation again I don't really want to get into what they are but just know they have high attack stats so I'm gonna gain some attacks that experience which is useful and after I've gained all that and gone through rocket hideout I am gonna fight Giovanni and I said I stopped mentioning him but he's actually kind of difficult and Giovanni is where I learned something I was under the impression that it would be better for my health if I used to fly as much as possible because fly doesn't deal recoil damage it's only a little bit weaker right like it would be best for my health totally wrong that 30 extra base power is like 50% of what fly does it's very significant and you can see in this second battle where double-edge just how much easier the battle goes yes I need to be careful and to use fly if my HP gets too low but I should be using double edge as much as possible also I decided to use agility and take advantage of the badge boost glitch which boosts stats everytime your stats are modified and less sea level up and it allowed Giovanni to be easy kangaskhan ending with rage also helped but I'm not going to complain and after we've beaten Giovanni we can face rival number 4 he's even easier than rival number 3 Pidgeotto was a one-hit ko with double edge although it hit me with the quick attack was annoying I decided to set up against the growlithe all three Agility's raising my attack a little bit it caused fly to one-hit ko the growlithe the execute and the Kadabra and double-edged wood also one hit kale the Wartortle not bad at all and this fight is definitely going to be easy the rest of the way by the way actually I guess I should mention why pick squirtle Blastoise can learn blizzard and yeah that's not very good for me so yeah that's why I have the rival pick squirtle anyway nothing interesting in the pokemon tower and we're gonna head to fuchsia city and i tried to battle Koga that went very very poorly because and this may come as a shock a gym leader with Pokemon with good HP and good defense are gonna be pretty good against a Pokemon with terrible stats and pretty much everything I know shocking but Koga was really giving me problems I mean I could definitely knock out his first three Pokemon with a little bit of luck but there was no way I would knock out the weezing unless I used fly and it decided to self-destruct okay okay I'll take it you know what that's exactly what I was trying to do that is called strategy my friends and it worked well since not beaten Koga let's go to self company and battle some people and I decided relatively early on you know what let's see if I can beat rival fybel and yes I actually named him Fievel because birds and mice don't like each other I guess also Fievel comes from americantale they sing about having no cats in America which would have set a large number of people but the mouse protagonists were quite happy anyway our rival Fievel is going to be pretty sad because he didn't have a really good fight he got a critical hit with a quick attack but missed with SAN attack and used whirlwind so I could set up all three agility unfortunately fly still wasn't a one-hit ko but he decided attacking was lame so he didn't do that and the next fly did knock him out now thanks to the badge boost glitch we will knock out the growlithe in one hit and irrespective of that we would knock out the execute and the Alakazam and agility actually lets us out speed the Alakazam so it's doing what it's supposed to do which feels nice we're actually using a speed move to out speed great anyway Blastoise is kind of scary so good thing we level up nullifying our attack boots amazing i actually wasn't planning on winning this battle i just wanted to see how it would go double-edged does about half so it's a 2 hit ko it uses water gun alright alright Oh give me a break Oh withdraw ok I actually wasn't planning on winning that battle I know that sounds weird but one of the easiest way of figuring out strategy is to do a scouting battle just to figure out sort of how much damage I'm doing how much the bash boost glitch effect things you know stuff like that whether I need to manipulate experience points and this time it just happened to work out I think it's cuz I named him Fievel that he wanted to make sure rival Fievel was a big disappointment so that sucks but at least Fievel will battle us a couple more times maybe he will redeem himself but first we have to battle Giovanni who was not easy once again I lost a few times I decided to go for 3 agilities Nidorino can be pretty annoying but when it goes for focus energy a guard spec and a two-hit fury attack the battles looking pretty good at the outset it gets even better when I get a critical hit against the kangaskhan I'm not sure if with the 312 percent increases at would have been enough to beat the Kangaskhan but now we'll never know continuing the theme of not attacking Rhyhorn decides attacking would be super lame goes for a tailwhip a guard spec 3 double edges and look at that I level up in the middle of a fight again also I'm running really low on HP so I can't just use double-edge I have to mix in a fly thankfully nidoqueen also doesn't feel like attacking me Giovanni's just being uncharacteristically nice for a crime lord he sure really doesn't like hurting other people's pokémon I don't think he knows how to do this very well maybe that's why Team Rocket keeps getting thwarted by ten-year-olds just my two cents whatever anyways I'm not sure how to segue from that but let's go fight Sabrina she's pretty easy we out speed the Cadabra double edge one-hit ko double edge one-hit ko on the mr. mime fly one and kalynn - venomoth and i actually get out sped by the Alakazam should have gone for agility clothes reflect but i get the critical hit definitely mattered but in truth i simply would have set up an agility against the mr. mime which would have boosted my attack and allowed me to out speed the alcázar which would have been the point so it would have been another opportunity to use agility as a speed modifier and you know that's a real loss because getting to play generation 1 the way it's supposed to be played there's there's like something special you know it doesn't happen often but when it does you really got to savor those moments uh yeah that's enough savoring for one day let's go fight Blaine now Blaine works fine if you get a little lucky and I'll just be upfront with it you basically need to set up against the growlithe and not take too much damage I got growlithe not attacking me once and when that happens you can use fly against both it and Ponyta a double edge will 1/8 KO the rapid ash and then the arcanine is a 2 hit ko even if it hits you with a pretty powerful attack maybe Fire Blast would have done more I'm not sure but I did have a little HP to spare so maybe it would have worked out I'm not actually sure how lucky I was in this fight definitely the growlithe allowing me to set up was I actually wasn't expecting it to go that well so I'm not sure maybe you would have had to level up a little bit more and that's the truth like when it comes to a lot of things in this run hedgy is such a shallow move pool I don't really have other options if something's not working I just have to level up until it does and that's the mark of a really poor Pokemon because ideally you'd be able to move around its move pool a little bit and try something different here we're already pretty much at the optimal move pool if it's not working I don't know there's not much more we can do and that proved to be a pretty decent strategy against Giovanni I mean I did have a pretty cool strategy as well but I needed to level up a little bit more before I actually was able to get it to work now the difficult part of the fight are the first two Pokemon I can't get hit with stomp or slash from Dugtrio I only get two stomps from the Rhyhorn which allows me to set up all three agility and you see me mixing up double edge and fly I was just curious how much each would do this was also a bit of a scouting battle in the end I got a critical hit which helped against the Dugtrio I just don't want growl or slash which is pretty likely but Giovanni goes for a guard spec which isn't too bad I'm able to mimic dig dig is a base 100 power move so it one hit Kos the Dugtrio but not the Nidoqueen thankfully Giovanni loves guard specs so yeah Neto King is a one-hit ko I know the ride-on won't be but good old guard spec helping us out once again yeah those are the eight gym leaders with just a Pidgey I'm not even that overleveled isn't that great I mean level 54 isn't that too far off where a lot of my other Pokemon have been it's not like the eight gyms of the hard part though but it's still kind of a nice little accomplishment but I'm done feeling accomplished let's fight all the really difficult trainers including rival fievel number six now Pidgeot has quick attack and wing attack as its main attacks so I actually can set up three Agility's pretty safely he does get off a decent number of attacks but my health is still looking pretty good Rhyhorn can be a real pain if it uses stomp thankfully I got horn drill which actually can't do anything man genuine AI is bad but whatever three double edges is all I need now once again fly will be able to one-hit ko the growlithe the execute and the Alakazam if it doesn't use reflect unless I get another timely critical hit yeah that keeps seeming to happen pretty lucky speaking of which Blastoise will be a two-hit kale unless i get a critical hit I don't but it goes for skull bash this fight pretty lucky I mean the truth of the matter is I could have leveled up a little bit more here as well but I wanted to see how low a level I could be up to this point and why up to this point why was this something I was interested in well because I knew that the real final boss of this run was not gonna be anyone we'd normally expect but would actually be Laura Lee because let's just take a look at what Laura Lee has to offer she has a dugong which knows Aurora beam and AI that will always use a super effective attack it only has one ice attack luckily it doesn't have ice beam but Aurora beam is still gonna do great damage then we have cloister which is known for its insane defense so at my level double edge is doing like nothing mimicked that's not helping they don't have any moves that we could use and agility yeah we're gonna set up Agility's against something using aurora beam which pretty much what hit chaos so everything we've done to this point really doesn't matter all that much how low a level we're at has no impact because Laura Lee can only be beaten at a much higher level I mean a much higher level and this required me to go back and beat every trainer I could I possibly could have saved time battling some trainers and gyms that was a missed opportunity and you know that was just curiosity especially Sabrina's gym that would have helped with my special static speed you know these runs are not meant to be perfect and I was kind of hoping the rare candies all ten of them would be enough but not close so what level did I need to be at until laura-leigh became doable level 60 level 70 level 80 nope nearly level 90 is what it took to make lauralee consistent and without further adue q ice theme from Pokemon Conquest let's talk about Laura Lee at level 88 double-edge becomes a one-hit ko and that's huge because we don't have to worry about Aurora beam from dugong potentially lowering our attack now for cloister I use fly the reason being its HP conservation just for safety it's gonna be a two-hit KO regardless unless I get a critical hit so it makes no difference except for the slight chance I miss with fly going for double edge versus fly so fly is just the safer option overall now slow bro as you remember does not like to attack so what we're gonna do is not use double edge that was a Miss click you're supposed to go for agility setup all three and then try and one-hit ko the slow bro it's not guaranteed to be a one-hit ko but if not use fly thankfully Laura Lee just has super potions not hyper potions Thank You generation 1 once again jinx will be a one-hit ko and Lapras is arranged but thankfully we do get that retroactive super potion once again that's actually not too uncommon for her to do that with Lapras at such low health but awaya KO looks cooler anyway we beat Laura Lee finally but it's not like the rest the Elite Four is a cakewalk by any means except Bruno I actually had a little bit of fun in this battle but the strategy is supposed to be used double-edge to get rid of Onix as quick as possible use fly against the hitmonchan as a one-hit ko then use mimic on hitmonlee to get high jump kick it's a one-hit ko with fly high jump kicks a one-hit ko against the Onyx and it flies a one-hit ko against the Machamp you can see I did something a little bit different where I used double-edge against the second onyx and and I setup Agility's against the first on it because it used rage and I was annoyed because that's such a bad move why would anything have rage I have raged that it has the move rage irony Bruno is just too easy how is he the one that they kept in gold and silver I I don't understand what they were thinking he's like the worst Elite Four guy but funny enough in terms of taking damage Agatha is actually easier because at my level flies a one-hit ko against all the ghost Pokemon and apparently arbok because she surprised me and swapped out the one thing I don't like about fly but it was still a one-hit ko double edged one-hit killed the goal bed as you saw very very easy no damage against Agatha and considering just how annoying she can be I'll take it but Lance is pretty difficult I'd actually lost a few times to this point at my current level to Lance but I had a new strategy that I thought might work and I was right so thankfully the Gyarados doesn't use hyper beam or hydro pump but it really as you're gonna see didn't matter I'm only gonna set up a single agility and then mimic hyper beam then I'm gonna go for Hyper Beam thankfully again even though hyper beam misses against the first dragon air it doesn't attack me that may have mattered because while hyper beam does one-hit ko both dragon air it may not have one-hit ko the Aerodactyl I was very nervous about that so I went for double edge Aerodactyl retaliates with a takedown and it does pretty decent damage but double edge is able to hit it I was also worried about missing I did risk it and went for the hyper beam against Dragonite and it did one-hit ko so it may have one hit ko the Aerodactyl one thing that's weird about hyper beam in generation one as you see if you knock out a Pokemon you don't have to recharge but I'm always nervous about those that are ranges because if I miss that's then another turn wasted and that can be the difference between winning and losing and I won so evidently I made the right decision although we don't know if it's the optimal decision that requires doing these fights over and over again and this was the first time I'd actually gotten to the Aerodactyl and thus as you could expect the first time I made it to champion Fievel would my piggy be able to take down his team of very good Pokemon let's find out so I decide to not risk anything and just go for double edge against Pidgeot double edge is actually a really cool animation I miss animations but they waste a lot of time and I do these like every single day still one uko not too bad then I decide to go for fly against Alakazam of course it goes to reflect and I don't get the timely critical hit here's where the wheel starts spinning for me I'm starting to think about later in the run and I realized Alakazam may be able to help so after it recovers I mimics psychic and I will use that a little bit later it then decides to go for reflect again which doesn't work and so I set up an agility because an agility you'll see it does a lot more damage after you recover as I go for fly and look how much damage it does but he recovers again and this time I'm annoyed and I just want to get rid of this Alakazam before it gets critical hit with a psychic which we know is coming so I used double-edge and down goes Alakazam I was very worried about this right on as you could tell because that's what are you psychic against and I get a special drop it goes for fury attack and misses that's about a 15% chance and my second psychic takes it out I get to use psychic with Pidgey how often do I get to do that first time ever now as our k9 I was a little too cautious I wasn't sure if double-edge would one at Keio so I went for fly since I didn't want the recoil damage and the damage from the arcanine well based on how much damage fly did 30% higher that may have actually been a one-hit ko thankfully goes for roar I go for fly once again because I don't want the recoil damage down goes our k9 then comes out executor this one I'm actually not nervous about I know a single fly will one at Ko and I get a critical head beautiful but we have a blizzard using Blastoise that we need to defeat and I messed up we leveled up in middle of the fight so I don't get that extra 12% boost in all my stats oh this battle is over I mean I'm not gonna survive a blizzard okay I mean it would have been very close I'm curious whether I actually would have survived or not and whether the extra 12% in special would have made a difference but now we'll never find out because we won and this run had a lot of luck and that's why I was very upfront that while these videos give a good idea of what the tearless should be there is extra opinionated and hichi was awful I mean no single fight was the worst but there wasn't an easy fight every fight if you didn't get a little bit of luck if you didn't level up enough it didn't work and that's the mark of a just terrible terrible Pokemon one of the worst I've ever used honestly and it's also the highest level Pokemon I've ever had to beat the game with and it's in the double-digit hours so I'm gonna put it in the abra tier but above a bruh I know that in my original top 10 list I thought Pidgey would be the third worst but I underestimated just how annoying it would be to get by Brock Pidgey was bad it wasn't as obviously bad as Paris because Paris had just such glaring weaknesses but there were also fights Paris did very very well there were no fights except for at level 90 you know some of the fights in the lead for Pidgey was bad and that's actually why this video can be a little misleading right at level 90 everything looks easy but I had to get to level 90 and waste all that time and that's why I feel both level and in-game time help tell a story but truth is if I didn't get that lucky critical hit against the Blastoise would I have leveled up to 91 92 at least 91 so I wouldn't have wanted to level up in the middle of the final fight so you know we have to take these numbers with a bit of a grain of salt but that's not to say I'm not pretty confident with where the list is that right now thank you for all the support I know the videos have slowed down a bit but I'm spending a little bit more time on each one so hopefully it shows but I don't know anyway I'm gonna go work on the next one take care guys
Channel: Jrose11
Views: 369,436
Rating: 4.9215846 out of 5
Keywords: Pokemon, Jrose11, Catch 'Em All, Red, Blue, Generation 1, Pokemon Red, Pokemon Blue, Pokemon Red and Blue, Pokemon Challenge, Kanto Challenge, Kanto Starter, Starter Pokemon, pokemon challenge, pokemon challenges, pokemon red, pokemon blue, how to get hidden abilities in sword and shield, can you beat pokemon with only a, elite four, pokemon solo challenge, no items, is it possible to beat, challenge run, pidgey, pidgey Pokemon, pidgey challenge, pidgey no items, can you beat
Id: LSdm-2kRM0U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 17sec (1997 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 20 2020
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