Top 10 WORST Pokemon Moves In Red/Blue

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[Music] hey everyone how's it going so it's been a really long time since i've done a top 10 and i miss them so we're going to do one right now and what better top ten for someone like me to do someone who loves pokemon challenge runs and one of the biggest reasons i love them is i get to use a bunch of new moves new strategies things i never really would attempt as a kid when i just used kadabra all the time finding out mimik for example was totally broken and useful in gen 1 has been a really cool revelation however these 10 moves are garbage i mean there's no better way of putting them there aren't a lot of moves in generation 1 and these 10 really are the worst of the worst and before we get into the list itself i should go over some basic terminology that we're going to be using so moves have a couple stats attached to them the first is base power and without getting into the rather complicated damage formula obviously higher base power is better but really good moves have about 95 base power like surf and flamethrower while tackle is 35 so under 35 is worse than tackle over 95 is better than surf that's kind of a good way to think about it the other stat is accuracy this one's easier to conceptualize zero means it would never hit 100 means it theoretically would hit every time and finally some moves have additional effects usually they're about 33 in generation one but not always and with that out of the way i do want to say one more thing about how i determined what goes on this list obviously i could just sort moves by base power and be like well these are the weakest they're the worst but i was a little more nuanced than that i looked at whether or not in any solo run any challenge run ever these moves would be useful if the answer was no then they were a candidate for this list and i should also mention that i am looking at this from a single player perspective in multiplayer well to be honest i don't think it would make that big a difference but without further ado let's get to my top 10 worst moves of generation one and i'm actually going to start off with a couple honorable mentions i know a lot of top 10 channels love to put these at the end but i think it makes more sense to do it at the beginning so the first move is splash the reason splash didn't make the list is because well splash is kind of supposed to be awful the whole gimmick is that magikarp is useless and it becomes a really strong gyarados and yes if we were to include splash it would be number one it is the only move that is totally useless with one exception a move that actively hurts you in many cases focus energy focus energy is simply broken aside from pokemon stadium which as you notice has served as the background for this video because to be honest i think it's the first time i've actually shown pokemon stadium 1 in a video so i've wanted to get that out of the way for a long time anyway focus energy is supposed to quadruple your critical hit ratio instead it quarters it it's the result of a programming error if we were to include it on the list it would go probably ahead of splash because unlike splash that simply does nothing it actually actively makes your situation worse but i thought it would be kinda lazy to put those on the list so i didn't but i know if i didn't mention them people would bring them up and to be fair in previous top tens i may have not been as thorough as i am now so fair enough and at number 10 we have rock throw now rock throw is 50 base power and nowadays it has 90 accuracy but that was not the case in generation one in generation one it is 65 accurate i just want you to keep in mind that thunder fire blast two of the most powerful moves in the game only get 70 percent and 85 respectively but for whatever reason rock throw a 50 base power rock move needs to get 65 i'm going to be honest i can't quite fathom why it's just hilariously low but for rock pokemon early on in some cases while you might need to reset it is kinda the best move to use sometimes so it's not high on the list but it's on the list moving on to number nine we have a signature move and signature moves are supposed to be really really good extreme speed volt tackle some of the best moves have been introduced as signature moves then we get barrage and barrage is literally identical to fury attack and the reason barrage makes this list and fury attack doesn't is execute really has no need for it unless of course you were doing an execute solo run in which case you're going to have to use this move for an incredibly long time since execute only learns one other damaging move solar beam at level 42. man that run is not going to be fun but it doesn't take away from the fact that while we're forced to use it it's awful and speaking of execute or psychic pokemon i don't know bad transition but we're going to talk about sideway one of the worst psychic moves ever really sidewave is weird it can deal between zero damage and 1.5 times the level of your pokemon in other words at level 30 the most it could deal is 45 hp of damage it also can't be super effective why would you ever use this and more importantly why is the sixth gym leader giving out such a useless tm i mean bite is pretty terrible but it's the first gym and in some cases it's the only way you can damage a ghost pokemon which is why i couldn't make this list but yeah i'm just at a loss what psywave is supposed to do and worse yet unlike rock throw which has been buff and other moves on the list which have been buffed as well the only quote unquote buff sci wave got is it went from an 80 accurate move to a hundred percent that's right this awful piece of garbage move only hits 80 percent of the time now listen i will never support the decision game freak made to not include moves in sword and shield but i won't pretend like i shed any tears over psywave being dropped in the most recent games but you know how i said some of the moves have been buffed well counter at number seven received a huge buff and unfortunately prior to that it was kind of a useless move nowadays counter can actually be game changing if you use it at the right time since any time your opponent uses a physical move roughly half the attacking moves are physical if you survive you deal back to them twice the damage they did to you so it's kind of like an instant buy but for only physical moves now in generation one that still is the same it still deals back double the damage that was dealt to you however it's not all physical moves it's only normal in fighting moves and yes at the beginning there's a bunch of them but as the game gets later and later very few moves are normal or fighting heck even bruno the fighting type guy barely uses fighting moves and this simply makes counter far too niche to ever be usable sure if you have a situation where you know the ai only has normal moves to use it can be helpful but in all the playthroughs i have done at any point in pokemon i have yet to ever find a use for counter it kind of reminds me of yu-gi-oh where there are these cards that could completely turn a duel around but only in the most specific of use cases and thus they were never included in any deck and pokemon essentially is a deck building game and counter is one of those cards that's just too niche to ever see real use moving on to number six we have another signature move and it's just terrible kinesis it's bad sand attack and the thing is why not flash kinesis has 80 accuracy flash is only 70 that's even worse they literally just lower accuracy sand attacks 100 so yeah i mean it's it's just a terrible terrible move but at least flash can be learned by a ton of different pokemon many of whom don't have other options for accuracy lowering which for the record i hate and most of them can just learn double team flash was close to making this list don't get me wrong but i didn't want to put an hm move on there because while it's not necessary to complete the game it does make navigation a little better i don't know there are use cases where i've used flash before but kinesis being on the abra line if you've ever played with abracadabra or alakazam in the single player game you know that the whole point of these pokemon are to go first hit hard and never get attacked at no point is lowering accuracy the right play you always should be attacking because all the moves you get either confuse or lower special and like with barrage it's an example of a move that's pretty bad but is made even worse by the fact that the pokemon that gets it has absolutely no use for it and so it was a pretty easy move to include but if you thought those first five moves are bad our top five or bottom five are even worse razor wind is number five and this move is just one of the most pointless and weirdly titled moves if you want my opinion of all time it's a two-turn move and i've never really found use for two-turn moves the exception being solar beam razerwind is less powerful than takedown is less accurate than takedown and takes two turns but j-rose it has an increased critical hit ratio nope that's gen two it doesn't it's i don't know what to say why does this move exist why is it tm why is it normal type when it's called razor wind shouldn't it be a flying type at least then it would make sense because there are so few flying moves it still would be useless but hey it could give certain flying pokemon access to a move better than wing attack but no we're stuck with just one of the worst tm moves it's just so awful and you might think wow j-rose you really hate this move how is it not number one and that should tell you a lot about the next four moves on our list and the next move is poison gas contrary to what you would think based on the song what kind of pokemon are you you actually don't need much luck at all for muk and it's poison gas one wrong move and probably you're fine because this is one of the worst moves in pokemon history first off it's 55 accurate the exact same accuracy is sing and let's compare sing and poison gas sing puts a pokemon to sleep and even if they wake up they can't attack the turn they do so so you've at least immobilized them for one turn up to like a billion turns let's be honest and frankly sleep moves are a really cheap way to defeat very high level pokemon poison on the other hand doesn't work the same way you remember it as of gen 2 an eighth of the pokemon's maximum hp is deducted every turn in generation 1 it's a sixteenth so that means you essentially get a 50 50 chance to hit another pokemon unless it's poison type in which case it won't work with a move that will not allow to be status with anything useful like sleep and will take away a whopping 1 16 of its maximum health every turn what were they thinking burn lowers your attack paralysis lowers your speed sleep and freeze immobilize you poison is a mild annoyance it's just bizarre and to have a move like look at smog it's more accurate and it does damage like it's it's mind-boggling that this was an actual move they created it's mind-boggling poison powder is 75 but no no we got to have a 55 move that is the most mild of inconveniences but if you thought poison gas was the only terrible 55 accurate status move let me introduce to you our number three disable now disable has been buffed dramatically recently and nowadays disable with much better accuracy doesn't allow the pokemon who it is used against to use the last move that they used so if the last move they use is tackle you disable it will disable tackle well let's ruin that first off 55 accuracy so it's worthless but it gets worse than that it just disables a random move now yes against you this can be pretty annoying because in the one in four chance that well first off it's basically a one in 12 chance if you think about it because it first needs to hit and then if you have one move you really need to use and it disables it it's very frustrating but like you would never use it why would you ever use it even if a pokemon had two moves it doesn't make a whole lot of sense just attack and by the way it's a move i've thought of using in some of my solo runs because certain pokemon get disabled as a move pretty early and i thought oh i'll disable tackle on the geodude let it use defense curl it doesn't help 55 accuracy and even a one in two chance so i have a one in four chance of basically getting what i want you know what i have a better odds of of doing hitting horn drill that's right hitting horn drill for the record unlike counter for example disable is still extremely useless but it's at least not as terribly bad however you're all wondering what could be worse than disable and perhaps you'll disagree that this move is even worse but i think constrict is the worst move ever created it's a whopping 10 base power normal move learned by a bunch of pokemon that have pretty low attack that might lower speed you see disable sure it was a 12.5 chance in these instances but it could theoretically have a use case so could counter so good poison gas maybe you use leech seed and there you go i have just stalled this pokemon forever but constrict is worthless i mean 10 base power 10 base power that is a third actually less than a third of tackle i don't think there's more that needs to be said i guess why constrict is also so high as the shuckle run yes it's gen 2 but i do have to use constrict because ironically it's shuckle's best move at some points which is funny because rap which is supposed to be an incredibly weak move which is why it deals the extra damage every turn is 15 base power but constrict is 100 accurate and hey at least it hits every time hooray but none of these were as bad as what we're gonna put at number one and those of you who've watched a bunch of my videos i do want you to take a second and really think there's a move i talk about a lot especially when the opponent uses it and i'm extremely happy and if there's a move i want the opponent to use probably a terrible move and that move is range rage actually is kinda useful in generation 2 i have done some really cool stuff using rage strats but that's because rage works totally different in gen 1 after you use rage that is all the pokemon can do for the rest of the battle just awful it's base 20 power so it's not very strong and here's the way it works the gimmick of rage is that every time you're hit by an attack your attack rises once you're using rage and i get that they didn't want you to be able to use rage and then go to hyper beam and sweep i get it it would be kind of a cheap way to both deal damage and get kind of a better meditate i mean it actually wouldn't even be that useful but i get what they were thinking however gen 2 had a really clever solution where you just have a separate rage counter and if you don't use rage the counter goes back to zero pretty simple gen one they decided to go with even simpler in that you can't select another attack but it's base 20 power even plus six in attack you're better off using like anything else literally anything else i mentioned with focus energy which didn't make the list because it's a glitch that it would have beat out splash as the number one worst move because it actively hurts you well rage in my opinion yes it deals damage but it also actively hurts you you never want to use a base 20 normal type attack there's almost no situation and oh yeah there's a glitch where if rage misses its accuracy becomes 0.4 which for those of you who know about generation 1 misses that is indeed a 1 in 256 chance man it's just so so bad and thankfully as i wrap up this top 10 many of these moves are better so at least we can see there was an attempt to take some of these terrible moves and make them less terrible and perhaps one day i'll do this list in generation two but for now i thought this would be a fun quick little video to get back into top tens hope you enjoyed we'll have another solo run soon and take care
Channel: Jrose11
Views: 194,322
Rating: 4.9292145 out of 5
Keywords: Pokemon, Jrose11, Catch 'Em All, Solo Challenge, Can I beat, Weedle, Pokemon Red, Pokemon Blue, Pokemon Red and Blue, Solo Pokemon Challenge, Only Pokemon, generation 1, pokemon challenge, pokemon challenges, Constrict, Rage, Focus Energy, Splash, Worst Moves, Worse Pokemon Moves, Worst Pokemon
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 8sec (1148 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 27 2021
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