Pokemon Sapphire Speedrun LIVE at Awesome Games Done Quick 2020! (With Commentary!)

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what's up guys we're ready to go okay three two one go [Music] hello everyone I am gonna be neck and my lovely couch I'm Mariah I'm pokey I and shenanigans and today we're gonna be running pokemon sapphire this game is particularly brutal as far as Pokemon speedruns go and poke my speedruns are already kind of brutal if you see there we chose a one character name and chose the girl character both of those are important for the run I'll talk about the choice of mate later but for now naming ourselves one character was important because it's every time the game has to print a character that wastes the frame so over the course the run that adds up a lot okay so it's pretty standard Pokemon intro we're gonna mash some text boxes we're gonna set some times so I was actually probably pretty good time for donations for the first minute or two and then we have the hardest trick in the run right at the beginning [Music] the nation's at all we have plenty of donations here I have one for $5 from rocks monster put this towards the frame perfect punch honk donation train I have another donation here from space breakfast for $8 that punch-out run sounds so hype let's make sure we get it and we do have a little ways to go on that Mike Tyson's punch-out challenge we are at $35,000 out of 75,000 so get on that $5 donation train please okay so what we are about to attempt to do is to manipulate the stats and nature of the Pokemon that we're gonna use for pretty much the whole run Mudkip what happens is you we're gonna save and then we're gonna soft reset the game and then when you do that the RNG is gonna start from the same point each time so as long as you take the same amount of times to take the same actions you'll always get the same result so in this case this is a 1 frame window at 60fps which if you know anything about that is a super tiny time window so let's see how it goes [Music] [Music] so we're gonna get some information here from the Poochyena and the mudkips it's already the wrong one but I'm gonna check how far off I am sassy that's one frame early felt not bad so we want to see a female pooch it's not a female pooch okay one frame early [Music] come on email couch I'll pitch v-mail Poochyena all right na ha ha one frame late looking for a naughty Mudkip the annoying thing is that the Mudkip that is one frame late has the exact same tells is that the correct Mudkip has alright that that's probably it [Music] okay yeah yes there we go let's go not bad yeah that's it five definitely there's a little role that is the harness trick in the run by far for sure maybe not the scariest trick cuz it's not so punishing to miss it but that wasn't so bad so this mod kit is absolutely insane it has a plus attack nature 27 attack IV perfect special attack one-off perfect speed little low in defense but we can get with it and it's the best Mudkip that exists for quite a long time on that seed see see I named my Mudkip one character as well and that is going to save an enormous amount of time because every time you use move with Mudkip every time you send Mudkip out it says his name and it saves five six seven frames depending on like which evolution it is minutes over the course throne so now we just hope we don't get too many encounters you know a standard Pokemon stuff average is 2.5 or so it's nice and this gave me give her pillows pretty early compared to other Pokemon runs yeah yeah it's actually really nice Thank You Game Freak yes so uh you remember I mentioned this game is pretty brutal right well besides the encounter rate I'm gonna be saving a lot as from there's like pretty much nothing you can do sometimes about dying so I think I have 16 saves planned for this run unlucky so I actually can't get another encounter here because you get four tiles of immunity after you get any counters so impossible to get another one here so the first fight I'm going to be saving for is the first fight in the game it's actually pretty unlikely to lose this fight but if you do lose it's super super bad and it actually ruins one of the cooler tricks in this run so gonna save and hope that we can not lose the first bite and a Pokemon game which I know chats gonna make fun of me for this critical panel just does so much Danny I tunes feet leads with leer and crits that does have urology okay it's not what you want to see but that's okay stole meth okay fibro also tackle is a great move yeah all right all the way I believe in you nice good okay all right good you can actually you can actually die from 11 from their secrets and high rolls it does 11 super scary fight but nothing you can do I mean you can just spam tackle yeah and prey orangy 95% accurate for some reason yeah this is 95 percent accurate the run unfortunately will be using almost primarily 95% accurate moves but anyway we just have a little bit of cutscene action here so probably good time for couple donations I have some great donations here I have one from Sailor Elie for $12 here's $12 for number 12 and the Pokedex my favorite Pokemon Butterfree let's get a pokedex donation train going and I have another donation here from kept in stitches for two hundred fifty five dollars who says pokemon sapphire was my first video game and Torchic was my first starter and is still my favorite Pokemon if you disagree vote with your wallet captain stitches raising the ante there really quick feet we have time for more one more I have a $25 donation here from full Punk Drouet who says long time watcher first time donator good luck with the pokemon sapphire run and shout out to the crowd for dancing and making the breaks between the runs all the more entertaining can I get a hug okay so now we can run but that just means that moving is way more scary because one of the tricks I'm setting up requires a super specific step count so I actually can't take extra steps or it's ruined but it's not so that running is not nearly as hard as biking which we'll see later those who doesn't have to take it very far it's only after the Wally cutscene basically okay so we heal and we say again this fight is not particularly likely to kill you but it's very bad if it happens um and like I just mentioned I have to keep a very specific step count so even if I wanted to take an extra heal in the Pokemon Center I can't because it loses a lot of time and it is bracelet and ruins the so this guy is speed tied with you and that is the absolute worst thing that can happen speed tie lost Braille on turn one and then tail whip Plus critical damage can do like half your health in one turn okay he's pretty much set up the perfect scenario for himself here I do yes and I can't mud slop I do want to mud flap because it's a hundred percent accurate but that is why I did it because the Beat's I lost brow would make it not kill will take not that buckshot not that that is you're pretty much happy if you're not dead okay something you may notice he just did there is he bonked on the trainer after fighting him and the reason he did that is to camp without the turn frame in this game turn frames takes longer to do with involves so if you bunk after being stationary instead of doing the turn frame and actually saves a few frames he's gonna do that a lot throughout the run yep I'll do it right after the smart here too also you saw me do some scared movement there I got a weird turn frame and then like I said you can't take any extra steps though yeah is there a post super nice that's the worry about encounters as much anymore I like actually cannot take an extra I can't even fix it if I take one here so very scary even though it's really easy it's not myself it's so bad if you do yeah okay so the trick that I am setting up is Wingull minute I'm going to manipulate a specific Wingull that I'll show you why it's specific but it also doubles as the Pokemon that we'll use it for fly I'll save on a specific tile and it works similarly to Mudkip manip where we're gonna try to hit a certain frame window and then we're gonna react to the movement that the NPCs give us after we load up the game and that tells us which frame we hit we take a movement path that corresponds to that frame and manipulate the Mudkip which will also use an audio cue so quite time for that one but until then we have this long brawl to cut scenes so you can probably read a dimension or three all right well I do want to remind everyone that we have a couple of incentives for this run if you donate you can help to choose childers name you can also help to name the wingull currently in the lead for Kyogre is big hug with two thousand three hundred seventy seven dollars and in the lead for Wingull is two in with two thousand five hundred twenty nine dollars now close behind that is Jotaro many question marks and exclamation points do you would like to change key ogres name to Magikarp that is what is the behind big hug yeah we are actually about to name that one goal oh great alright so get those donations in quick if you want to do a come-from-behind how do I build name how do I spell the one that's winning two in tu en okay all caps no just the first letter look a cap is it time it is pretty much fun all right well Wingull is getting named to it get those donations in for Chandra I mean you got like 20 seconds Oh nevermind get those donations in for for Mike Tyson's punch-out bonus came and one right here from just Gus for $250 it says let's punch out cancer always loves being pokemon at gdq nice good okay still more quiet audio queue here for the ball toss [Music] okay surely see good [Music] and to in today's [Music] [Applause] [Music] so during that many people's looking at the MVC movement to know what path he had to run to encounter the Wingo there are four different paths at work now we're safety heeled full-hp set up republics to get around through some grass and view a safe so your body see me do here is pass the first spinner of the game I'm gonna run to a particular tile below him to force him to look in a direction and then walk past them as not to get seen so that looked pretty fast and I'll explain it more I'll do one right after this fight so it'll probably make more sense though in this game there are trainers called spinners they look around randomly and if they look at you you have to fight them which is obviously super slow that guy has like six marbles it's awful so what you do is when running in this game if you run right past the spinner they'll always look at you but if you run to a tile close to them you can force them to look in a direction spinners can only spin so often so if you then buffer walk up to the tile that you need to pass them on that's not good you can consistently pass them oh not like this yeah this guy's three moves howell sand attack and tackle that's not 11 unreasonable and this is oh my goodness go on okay it's got a heel yeah it's pretty much as bad as if I can go and we haven't even seen the worst of the sand attacks okay how all not turns good just eyes on the prize okay two more nine more all right okay I just not suck on that turn really just come on good HP perfect just perfect like that okay what a piece carry stuff yeah these early plates are just so scary like all of them yeah there's land tackle there's just not much you can do the in early game too so much you can do for a lot of fights this game is evil yeah when you're doing world record attempts your expected chance to finish your run start to finish without saving is about 2.9 percent to put it into perspective games um so I'm gonna do another spinner pass fear running to the tile below him and have been walking past him and I'll do the same thing for this trainer this is actually a rotator this next one she always spins in a specific pattern but the same logic applies are gonna force her to look left I was kind of shaky but that's okay and now we make our way to the first gym and knit this is the fight where our friend the very special Wingull is going to come into play do you have to stay for this fight as well um but this Wingull is not just any Wingull it is a 1% encounter for the max level of level 5 it has a plus special attack nature and it has a high special attack ivy it also has low enough defense and HP combined to die to this Geodude and two heads because our only move to kill this to do right now is mud-slap that takes six months laughs that has a speed fall animation for every one of them it's super slow so what we do is send out our friend the Wingull and water which brings him super-low actually still dies to mud-slap and Wingull dies there so we don't have to split the XP with him and ideally just finished with one mud slab okay yeah I did die from super super cool strat because the wingull we also need a Pokemon to use fly with right so it just saves like 40 seconds for this fight alone to do that and now we know water gun and we can make it on our own without the help of our boy too in also the fights in these gym are optional trainers but you absolutely need to beat them first of all for water gun but also to get Marshall right in time something interesting about the window strat is if you critical with the wingull and you have to reset because and that's not usually the case usually criticals are good but because the wingull would get all the experience and mudkip still would not know water gun so you can't beat the Geo next you dudes fast if you would have to reset if that happened yep it's happened to me three times in a row and runs before even though it's only one so this is actually the first fight that we don't have to stay for huh but don't worry it's coming back for Roxanne's this is just a one water gun KO and this fight is also optional but lots of XP you just need these levels per rocks and she's the crazy hurts me yeah this plate the studies actually the worst but we have really good HP for right now so we could get the epic super fast buy it we'll see ya something we may not like other torrent and you're below 1/3 HP you get a 1.5 multiplier to your water moves and that might come into play here that's why I stayed at lower health yep I'm actually uh so yeah mike epps ability is torrent when you're at or under one-third health your water moves still 50% more damage and we will be intentionally setting up that up throughout the run but in this fight you just gotta take what you get but I'm at a pretty specific health for I'm gonna do an interesting shredder will actually leave with growl and ideally we will get rock tomb on turn one though it's most likely to harden okay so now Rock throw into torrent I can just get a straight up to shot on the stuff you can get double torrent or you can crit on this turn and it still works okay that's exactly Tori I can't kill from there without the double torrent Roxanne has access to two potions [Music] yeah these potions are the reason that it saves so much time to just critical on turn 2 yep skip all this if you can and one more attack from her don't do it - good very very slow to get crit on that turning thigh yeah it's really nice to finish this fight in torrent ultra oh yeah it's true yep torrents there's a low fly before the next section as well not bad first time for dinner sure thing I have a donation here from Oz roll ooh who says good luck to my best friend Gunnar and shout outs to the couches again that was for $5.00 thanks Isaac I have a donation here from Gigi bombs for $50 donating $50 for Pokemon 50 Diglett dig dig dig dig dig free Oh Trio trio [Music] [Applause] okay so now we're entering the next route we're actually not going to rappel yet because we need to kill one in time for experience okay that was fun and because we were are in torrent this will die every time it's actually an unfavorable range without warrant Oh - hey well that actually never happened my rappel isn't going to laugh anyway so had to just go there okay one in 64 okay so that was another way to dodge a different type of spinner that can only look up and down in this case I actually used a bagman tip where I opened my inventory or my Start menu and then actually go into the bag and that resets her her spin timer so I can always pass her on the way back I won't have to actually enter my bag to use the repel so I'll do a different kind where I just opened the Start menu and if she hasn't spun by the time that I open the Start menu assuming I do with him like a couple of frames then she can't spend on this by the time I pass either so there's a lot of different ways to dodge spinners in this game and once we get the bike that will also change the game of dodging spinners but every spinner can be dodged in some way so there are just optional trainers with extra steps yes put her mechanics kind of make this game really cool to run because the movement for them gets kind of ridiculous you'll see that later with the bank especially and when gonna pause for that girl she spun up twice and it's only a 1 in each chance for that happen so that's where it's 1 in 64 came from epics I had to read read make her look down and then set it up again what she normally normally doesn't happen but we got it twice of personally so this Poochyena is another example of why torrent is good if you're not in torrent it never dies and if you are in torrent it always dies so torn is really strong and it also makes me not enough to heal for this fight for the just can't miss water gun well are gonna start saving grace the sweets sweets 100% accuracy is reassuring in this dark dark game it wouldn't be a sapphire run without a absolutely devastating five percent mess [Music] [Applause] okay so going to set up the spinner the same way we did the other way make her look down walk don't actually miss the pause button entirely go and have a chance to get hit and then question life decisions I think she is a Shroomish that face actually really scary yeah that was that was good but that's okay all's well that ends well it is faster right save time the waste carrier okay so this fight I've actually taken this fight as opposed to a different optional trainer up top because that trainer is a Machop that can kill if it crits with low kick which it's only one in three to use but we're way too scared of that so just gonna fight the guy that has three pokémon instead slightly slower but way safer and as you can see I have just barely including the wild encounter that I killed gotten level 16 here which is where Mudkip involves right before brawly's gym and oh goodness do you need Marshtomp for that fight yeah and that's why we fought so many optionals is mostly because of that there's a lot of other benefits to getting the extra experience but Marshtomp for Brawley is absolutely necessary it's I mean the fight is hard enough it's like 23% to lose or something even with marshtomp's you mean we also get our favourite move here yep and he comes up with much fun you know awesome move 5% chance to miss like every other move yep and we use that move a lot so we'll definitely see your massive miss at one point three encounters is yeah getting at getting three encounters here is something I think that's happened to me like actually once ever mom we did get like actually a first style encounter and actually a la style encounter for it to happen but that's okay no harm no foul not dead that's what's important yeah [Music] little cutscene here time for a donation or two right you have time for an epic donation hole a salute from Naima for $25 it says I want to be the very best like cancer never was Wally is our real test no more cancer is our car we will journey across the land and through the weeks-long stream Donna arm-in-arm win the fight a future cancer-free Pokemon Thank You Naima for that $25 donation I picked indeed writing your own song for dinner we have time for more one more all right I have a $500 donation here from John Jean it just says let's go Mudkip us we're gonna take our first stop here first of so many shops and second oh yeah right you're right second throughout this first real strong so I'm actually selling Great Falls and the TM because I guess that in super brutal so we need to buy lots of healing items so many healing items effect on will also pick up some X items for the coming fights this will not be the first time that I actually spell excess items which is something you like don't see in Pokemon speedruns that off and at least not to this degree but you need a lot of money to like and it's not even just being safe like you actually need the healing items to to win the fights a lot of the time yeah something else you passed those twins double faiths are optional in sapphire I'm not an emerald later gens but sapphire they're optional entirely they just run right past them this is gonna be another bag of nap wait for him to turn open the bag reset his spend timer run past him can't see you if you do that and it is better than because you Ashley can't look down so you can go through the grass to dodge him but it's floor on average to do that because of the likelihood that you get an encounter it's kind of knowing a lot of the spinners that look like up and down or left and right if you go in the grass you can the boy them but then yours encounters and our money's super tight actually picked up a repel off the ground in the previous route unis to save $350 yeah so it's not worth repelling just for that when you can just waste a little bit of extra time to get past them I'm just happens to used to rock Tim good old days did used to use that 95 percent we do obviously have to repel for this place so many encounter chances here and we are gonna do this Cape without flash which is actually a lot easier than it looks if we can get a balk less about [Music] attentional bomb okay it's faster to do that than turning again yep this is an interesting little thing you might wonder why I do this walk around Stephen well I can run and he can only walk and he actually has to leave this room after the cutscene so he would have to walk all the way around me and it's faster for me to take the extra steps than him - since I can run poly donation er - sure thing I have a donation here from $39 from scout kid donating $39 for best boy Jigglypuff sleep aid and pillow in one adorable package what's not to love back air I mean you're talking from personal experience sir yeah I have a donation here for three hundred three dollars from Saturn Yaqui here's three hundred three dollars for the cutest Gen 3 Pokemon my wild let's keep the Pokemon train going okay so this fight is really annoying but we got the best balls everything he has detect which can burn our mud shot pee pee and waste tons of time but fight on turn one is the best thing that can happen so I guess that makes up for the boss some of the extra two encounters that we got before and now it is time for Brawley this fight is if you just don't miss much shot it's generally fine but um the major problem with this fight is that Brawley likes to set up bulk up which increases defense and we're using a physical move mud shot which doesn't sound so bad but he also heals if you hit him to a like under a specific dolphin and if he gets to heal to full with a bulk up setup you generally lose so we're gonna lead off here with an X attack and hope he doesn't bulk up because that makes the thing is infinitely more complicated okay is what you expect so now I have to pay very close attention to exactly how much damage I do Oh [Music] that is very very bad okay that's actually a lot yeah the idea we were all they think a little weird let the SP load up here so an emerald they actually do the brawl we fight a lot later but in sapphire is actually just needed to get this experience here so we cannot do that yeah so I was actually a hundred percent to lose their from that point because I would have had to heal since I was dead to karate chop than he would have karate chop that would have done more than half my help and then I have no more super pershing stuff actually had to reset there is pretty much crit or die at that point needs specialist Risa woke up again he doesn't prefer bulk up on turn one so you are prepared for this okay hook up again mud shot from there [Music] and don't crypt me sighs macaws great Hey don't miss okay good so one down you have to choose whether you use mud shot or water gonna turn so I'm like looking at exactly how much damage I've done cuz it's super close hopefully we don't hit this into Hugh arrange that is not your range not arm thrust good okay just don't miss don't miss the game [Music] good okay nice [Applause] karate chops a high critical move that's why it was scary yeah other than that as far as broadly fights ago I mean the first stuff was pretty fast so good about Mars only one death up to this point he's not bad at all yeah had a much worse practice round than this yep via rip the deathless dream but like I said was not counting on it I have a little boat cutscene coming up here so you can read a few donations all right I have a donation here for $155 from Empire ship it says greetings from the front row here's $155 for cyndaquil I wanted to donate during one of my favorite Pokemon games to support a cause now very personal to me my boyfriend's younger brother is in the hospital right now fighting leukemia for the second time I would love it if the crowd would join me in saying we love you Patrick 1 2 3 we love you that was beautiful [Applause] ok so picking up a live and the soft sand from the speech survived is for added safety I can basically get one death for free so I don't have to place so so scared for the entire game around even the most unlikely of scenarios and the soft stand is a super important item it is a held item that increases the power of ground moves by 10 percent we will be using a lot of mud shot and for one of the more infamous fights in this game rival - it is mandatory to make that fight consistent and let's starts getting all of the multipliers because you get stabbed and the soft sand at this point so it's pretty powerful I'm pretty convenient together right before arrival - yeah yeah you'd have to get even more executed if if there was no sauce down another level or something these fights can be slightly scary much hot mess in to get a bad move being the real concern here yeah but again it's very the second fight is superior the second fight is this plus the Zubat lead that also knows supersonic and I can't actually heal to full health right now because I'll actually be manipulating the moves that the AI used based on what health I am so there will be a lot of places where I can't be too low health because then I'll die and I can't be too high health because I'll get a bad move if I am so hopefully no supersonic [Music] I won't even die if I could Fred [Music] it's fine okay definitely find that to be a little unreasonable but okay good take that super scary Wow like never happens three moves 50 percents of mr. personick etc but now we're safe from even the worst bells pretty good too at least didn't have the heel too high yep so now my HP is actually really good for the next byte I need to be under 41 health for the next byte or the rival to lead can use growl and that is you just lose if you hey crowd what time for a donation or two I have a donation or twenty I have one here from sugar meows for $151 shout out to the pokey friends crew watching right now looking forward to the great run of this untitled zangoose game can I get a honk ferny Sneezles watching good luck i 118 dollar donation here from gamer fresh he says just filling out the Pokedex Goldeen Goldeen Goldeen Goldeen [Music] I have a $20 donation here from fee Becker who says here's $20 for my favorite Pokemon Bulbasaur 20 times love me some Pokemon runs have a great run gonna maniac thank you as play coming ups also the main reason why we picked May is our character gunner can go more in depth on that yes it's all about the order that the Pokemon are sent out in one more spinner to dodge here what is happening it's one at eight let's do that but that is a consistent way to pass them same as the other last on the one of the previous routes so if you were to pick Brendan this fight is the same except for the order that the Pokemon come out him so he would lead wailmer instead of new-mown wailmer knows splash and water gun so you it can't actually be better but it's way less consistent cuz water gun does a lot more damage than new most tackle mhm and I need to set up items without being too low or too high HP so the consistent damage is what you want from this right so this fight is actually really really cool umm the major problem with this fight is that the second pokémon is Grovyle & Grovyle has four times super effective absorb which heals a ton and you can only do about half damage to him so I've set up exactly 2x attacks and 1x speed here and that's actually gonna make Grovyle faster than me on the first turn and that's super important because he's already full health when he's attacked so he doesn't get the heal okay don't mess I don't think that's quite a taco so now much hot lower-speed we're faster not good okay and we went I'm les almost but yeah it's soup I love that strat because you use the fact that much not always lower speed to be slower on the first turn and faster on the second turn to win mr stonefish's four times week against grass hoe does a lot of them does about I think 34 to 40 yeah crit oh yeah I'm crit also instantly kills yeah so it's very fight also as quick attack which if you're get too low from the absorb you have to kind of heal around but he'll always use it at certain house so can at least predictive another different type of spinner here actually have to bag my manip this one but I'm gonna make him look right first so many walking piles get around him that's the best way to do it and or almost the best way the easiest way so now it is time for a short detour for rock smash which we do need speeds game and then as most Pokemon speedruns do we're gonna pick up the bike as soon as we gain access to it but this bike is a little different than the other it's called the Mach bike and it is extremely difficult to control I mean I've put crazy practice finsih mastering this monster of a bike so see if we can get some good bike sections this round it's it's a lot of fun but it's also very hard and scary because of how punishing it is to mess up some of the movement yeah it's definitely the most satisfying Bank of all des gens with you hit movement with it quick menu you're gonna revive our Wingull so that we have access to our other revive using ether on 105 yeah you're right it whenever two trucks match to our main poke on which might look weird but saves us catching a different pokémon for ox fashion we can actually spare the new slot and both already register and getting on the bike no that's not the first thing perfect against very hard to control you get use goes so fast with it and you can turn so quickly - yeah there's there's a lot of tricky sections we'll see if this run much trickier than the one I just messed up but that's okay a mark bike at full speed travels with 4 frames per tell [Music] so the spite might not look bad but if you miss the Roth nose double-team and then you miss again and then you find yourself with no mud shots remaining but that has never happened to me but it does be reasonably possible so the mock mic also takes some time to accelerate and running does not so he's actually gonna do something interesting and get off the bike and then run into the gym because that's faster because you don't have to wait for the bike to accelerate it starts out really slow for about 4 tiles I think and then it gets the full speed our friend meditite we got a perfect meditite last time so surely this one won't go so well this one is actually more important because you're more worried about your mud shakopee at this point so if he uses the tactic you know that can become bad [Music] okay don't do it oh that's please oh my god personally find that Wow okay okay that's really bad yeah [Music] five dude but I mean oh my god oh man please bud Wow that's okay have the robot what it's for yeah I actually cannot believe my eyes left yeah he is only one in four to confusion by the way and if he didn't do it on any turn it would have been fine just carry losing the revive this early cuz there's so many more face off goodies alone huh that's I mean I just have to split yeah and hopefully deal with it wow that is crazy yeah okay so it is the freshman that I'm not used to I've lost half the XP from this meta type and don't know that it matters it's 108 inches or if we need it later I don't think it matters shouldn't definitely not okay so now Mike actually have to save for this fight because I don't have my revive anymore have to I'm very very used to having to revive actually but it's okay not well we actually did die but not actually dead yeah another way waving is what matters got going so all three of these vaults whoops are actually faster than me so I use a neck speed here hopefully don't get sonic boom of course okay one in four to get sonic boom - and it can miss I'm a solo in healing items now but I should still be okay [Music] dead to a miss into Sonic which is why I had to say if just in case mm-hmm as long just as 20 damage and it's a lot of damage early on then the run like this very annoying move okay so now I have to use my very last potion and stay for Watson usually it goes by his let me just don't miss much right when the fight is fine he was pretty weak too much eyes got to four times resist those Magneton just gets destroyed by it many chrome type is pretty nice because it cannot use any electrical moves on you yeah yep so just don't miss you if you miss bolt or EPS self-destruct also yeah he really doesn't like to use it but it has happened to me I believe Voltorb and by its hunter faster than use the f-test set up an X feet here [Music] it's the emptiest inventory I've ever seen oh good there's one miss nice that's actually really really good yeah I was worried about what my HP was at for the coming fight and this works out pretty well and I get to keep my full deal which is why I didn't just heal because he might have noticed I have a full view and I didn't heal the confusion on me meditite fight once I got confusion from the confuse confuse were confused and it's because I really do need to hold on to that full heal for later fights but good Watson fight yeah that was really good space things supersonic you missed like 50% accurate and it's all of its parts that one Fusion has a 10% chance to confuse them that hurting yourself confusion than 50% twice and getting confusion every single turn into one for each turn but you know that was that was actually crazy yeah yeah I don't think I've ever seen anyone died at that fight yeah me neither so this is our first real Mach bike bike section so I'll let the couch take over for this one all right so one thing you just did is he turned and then got on the bike and that actually cancels out part of the turn frame saves a little bit it not got the rock smash encounter there that's been I cannot see you because he came from below and if you come from below in spinner does not have time to turn same for this one and then gets off the bike and into runs like that one so hard that was really good both times he fought to use the repel it's way faster to bonk into a wall to pause just be a few times here here he's gonna go down to D load this and then go back up and he doesn't have time to spin after you do him and then he's gonna stay for the hardest fight in the game almost the hardest stuff through one of the firmest yes that was really good bisection that run into bike which we'll explain again when it happens later is just another way to dodge the spinner force them to run get on the bike within a few frames just go ahead and pass them that's a guaranteed pass and you're gonna buffer it can those enough buffer going on the bike so it's actually a pretty difficult trick mm-hmm okay this fight is the absolute worst and you can't go into this fight at full HP because the wrinkle has growl which is instantly dead this Rosalia is 77% to die to a move it has a 95% chance to hit and if it doesn't die the runs over nice safe okay and that's Bobby state runs over and makes an attempt see saved of course of course but yeah this is probably the most frustrating fight for world record it comes at this use you get to this fight after a long hard day of resetting and you just die to missing the range and it's like why why did I even come here but so you see I just walk into the wall there rather than letting the Mach pipe decelerate um it's a lot faster I'll do a decelerate here so you can so you can see house colossal Otis but uh yeah have to pick up this and I get for money how those bunks are so glad it's been a nice he has won a them Weston L he gets the shrug it's kind of cool that worked out just my one folio once will give me two here cursor wanted so big shop here lots of items so many things it's all super ten there's also the only shop that sells ex-special yeah yep comes a great time as well right before the fire sanguine speed to guard specs leaving us with $140 so much money you spent there but you do need pretty much every item you bought mm-hmm so this is a really tricky Mach bike section where I'm gonna try to set up a crazier pill but you have to have be pretty much perfect to get it so let's see how it goes and we'll have another run into bike here as well that's okay doesn't count oh yeah it's over yeah okay nice okay the top at the repel is dead but still not a bad section um so I wanted to line up the repel to wear out so that it would act as an instant deceleration for the bike rather than having to walk into the wall or letting it decelerate and it also would wear out on a tile where I could just go ahead and open my menu and set up the next rappel but now I'll have to take two extra steps which will probably give the trainer time to spin before I open the bag but that's okay not dead there's something we've started doing a lot and cook when speed runs is we time our repels now a lot more like exactly say they run that right in front of trainers it's pretty cool something super hard [Music] it's normally the repent off on that tile and he wouldn't have had the DS Hillary like that okay so I took those extra steps there for the same reason that we were talking about what the last repeal you'll see this one pretty obviously but it's just to make the repeal we're out on a specific tile I have to open my bag anyway on that tile and I have to stop on that tile to make sure that I don't get the spinner so those tiles just work out perfectly and that was another running two bike on the last which we actually dodged a different way earlier but now that we have the bike it's faster to do this you know flying right in the center just kidding I just got to believe in it yeah it's just at first it is scary but once you once you know the number of tiles mmm spring pretty important move here not only because it's an ATM but also a nice physical move that is important in upcoming fights yeah and as one hundred senators one hundred percent this is another repeal that's been fed up nicely after this one where is that I'll just have to take one step down not floor but makes the food mint way more weird it never seen so much much that before didn't even least time yeah the more spinner press is coming up going down here to us first one and getting off for they run to bike and they're getting off here for the decrease a lot of time for the MEP attention I love gen 3 News yeah that part this whole I would say you know split in the rung is probably the hardest overall and it takes a lot of practice that last little section there I've you know hours and hours and hours but right at the end you saw me get off the bike by bumping into the wall which I mentioned okay like first then talk a ride mentioned reduces audio lag if you load a new audio track right before you go through a map transition it reduces the amount of lag for that transition so just a small thing these bikes are pretty much free so you can read a couple of donations here sure thing well I just wanted to remind everybody that after this run we have bonus game two coming up but only if you guys meet the incentive so we are currently at fifty one thousand dollars out of $75,000 it's really impressive you guys managed to donate twenty six thousand dollars in a little under an hour we just need another twenty four thousand dollars in order for you to see the two players one controller blindfolded mike tyson's punch out so speaking of which I have a donation here from smadi for five dollars he says did I just hear a $5 donation train for Mike Tyson's punch-out I mean I think you did too the Train I have a $25 donation here from fango oh dang those eeveelution crochets are cute as heck and that hat and that poster take my money super excited about that Tyson run let's get that met okay so here we're gonna switch Wingull to reflect and say I personally hate this fight it's the worst but it does feature a pretty cool strat where we are gonna leave with Wingull to tank the intimidate for my deanna which cuts attacked by one as well as used the turn that Wingull has to set up a guard spec to avoid sand attacks which is actually the move we want to see because we were regarding and then we're gonna set up a little bit and then we're gonna test the waters too much damage we do see what health we're at and then make us the split decision from there I was like why do we have 21 health what XP with the meta type well if he thinks the bite no no way if I hit does more damage from Luther Marshtomp okay he tanked the crit it's poor win goal he was intimidated by that little six playoff okay open up exit I want to see Santa attack every single time that's not good but it's okay still likely to sand attack from here 50/50 and attack from here okay good now we're gonna see how this turn goes good damage and sand a text though we're just gonna attack in I needed both of those actually to attack him I would have had to set up another X attack if I got a bad roll there or he hit me and that forces need to tackle this goal that instead of strengthening it because I'll push it in to heal range if I don't then how I can just strength [Music] no supersonic okay that's fine this is the reason why I wanted to keep this full heel specifically for this fight because there's just not really anything you can do if you don't have an item to heel off the the supersonic there something else kind of annoying is attack boost determine how much damage you do to yourself in confusion he's got three of them so he do like 20 cause to himself in confusion this does guide a mud shot which avoids the rough skin text because much shot doesn't make contact but if you missed your dice roll [Music] [Applause] not that if you get crit by that golbat on the last burner so much time loss but it could have just mr. personick everything would have been fine so else very scary stairs now for scary ledges [Music] that spinner cannot look great so yeah bite kinda has a mind of its own sometimes when you're going off ledges yeah there's like a little delay before you start moving it's so weird it's no good a little Jim puzzle here you know same every time but still kind of scary the reason some of these holes have trainers and I'm so if you get the wrong one then it could be really bad but just let muscle memory take over so this fight might look a little weird depending on depending on how it actually goes um but I promise everything will make sense just believe in me so first have to heal to hope for this way if you might cut it but probably better to just fit a full stall the next receiver so that's a very switch Lingle out of the front and of course [Music] okay so we have to set up quite a lot of items here for X the taxes to be exact can get by on three but then the torkoal becomes the same range as that really scary resilient auch tobacco for so not worth it unless you absolutely have to torkoal comes like a track then bodyslams are not moves you want to be hit by two three [Music] or come on baby all right okay no defensive our oh that's from maybe a bit strange that he's throwing a pokeball as a trainer here but if we do need smog data this a few more times [Music] stop it thief [Music] I find your battle style to be entry okay so now she has to use Smaug because lights green in this era you guys like 40 percents well others so many smart come on for sure oh goodness Wow please a whole Magnum okay so we heal first aw it's my laughter Pam doesn't matter come on that was three misses in a row this is the last time actually unless I get one more Oh [Music] he'll heal on this turn and then yeah so it's actually over yeah man that was so many small 14% three misses in a row which is like 10% of myths and can't hit the 40% again this time will truly be better I almost feel bad for explaining why I'm doing this come too far now you promise we'll tell you in the moment - yeah that's for mrs. Averill oh my record is seven three come on yeah yeah there we go okay I finally could have just found not the first man why do we want to be poisoned that's crazy [Music] yes now slightly scary on the torkoal I miss my tribe it can kill [Music] okay okay absolutely horrible first bite the worst possible and then pretty much perfect second fight so yeah [Music] not horrible okay so now put it all together why on earth did we do that first we have to take a little detour we're going to take the medicine shop because it's the only place that gives us the equivalent of hyper potions at this point in the run and it's also cheaper and our money's pretty tight over also did use every super potion weed or actually no I that was all not the first reset so I do have one super left little caffeine [Music] then shop and then everything will make [Music] we spend all of our money again it's also nice here these days are pretty cheap compared to their alternative he's had like 400 on the Hyper's and a couple hundred on the energy powders and stuff like that and it is pretty necessary yeah let me state this one the only thing is that those items reduce your friendship Pokemon but yeah it doesn't matter for you at all yeah you happy happiness wait for her time I'm super appalled and as you can see I have not healed off this poison which makes sense because I wanted it so badly right yeah pick up the rare candy and now in addition to Wingull dying because we used him first we died to poison out in the desert and we are at the next gym oh how convenient [Music] normally the poison doesn't go quite that badly but that is still faster than the alternative stuff it's also why you couldn't use in these centers in the entire run he needed to make sure that this was the last center he entered unless yeah last one or you enter is the one you spawn at is that right I hate this delicat II know the mantra don't miss this much shot not this one it's very important that she's not faster than you on the first time she could just lock you with attract and thing yeah the way this gym works is that room you choose basically decides with an item they will use with X item and the other room has XP so that's pretty bad mm-hmm some of these bug wondered ridiculous these yeah the other room has expeed which means that she gets a better chance to sing lock you but this thing is less accurate so it's just better to take the X accuracy side on average this fight the other side is a Linoone that they use guard spec on so your mud shot won't ever lower speed and the move he's using his head but which has the 30% chance to flinch any out speeds you if you don't drop a speeds so even though it takes an extra turn to kill through X defend it's worth it to use this side actually very nice that I'm fully to be here too because normally I have to be afraid of a crit is very critical I have to be afraid of a crit if I don't have my revive which I don't but nice crits ignore that changes that that ex defendant was not calculated into that so safe to turn yeah they or they ignore any stat changes that would hurt the damage of the critical but if you were to example used meditate to increase your attack and then crit it would include the attack runners they're from like the other general earlier generations it's really nice in this game because you set up the law it's also scary sometimes and specifically on Ormond because that is the one fight that will use an ex defend on in this game mmm and the reason that fight sucks so much is because if he crits the ex defend isn't counted and then you just die yeah so dead this fight is about 30% to kill you so not that the the Norman fight okay really good trim so far yeah really good this tournament can actually troll you super hardness mm-hmm other safe here is again very scary thing this is top three and this is pretty much tied with co-trainer Brooke but the the king of hard fights in this game and pretty much any pokemon speedrun is Tate and Liza which is the double battle in this game not only is it the most likely fight to kill you it is also by far the hardest fight to play correctly yeah didn't have the notes for that fight in the in the Sapphire notes it says X speed and adapt yeah it's it's such a cool fight when you're like very in the big game oh I don't I'm not shot that wasn't okay so I should have exit actress [Music] actually expect first because he's loafing on this turn and now we can use faint attack when I feel sometimes Dai plays weird it's gotta be weird now I think that close yeah don't you arrange me bro so maybe sort of munch on it that's again it's gonna heal but it's fine not actually in danger there are any more danger than normal yawns have been annoying cuz even get put to sleep he ran off to heal that off but two vets are farm got lots of heal powders for this yeah [Music] and as a really high rolster yeah it okay first on them and this is why we kind of need Hyper's for the spikes of you if you aren't healing to full HP when you feel it's really bad mm-hmm this guy's actually faster than me to start out with so I have to open with energy powder I shot now he's lower than me because of the much fat I'm not going on 45 thank you even though I really want to hear it again I think that be arranged for the next lucky to come in and kill as much litter HB I'm actually still out of range to diet to use focus punch but I would have to miss much hot hands you could have two high rolls but we do want to see focus lunch because oh yeah that's unfortunate that is the worst thing that can ever happen the thing that's knowing about this fight is you just give him so many turns that the one in sixteen becomes more likely it's quite rough that's pretty much the slowest death that can happen on the run but surely this one will go yeah that's why you want to see focus punch is if you focus punch if you focus punches then you just doesn't do damage left turn mm-hmm you don't have to sweat the crit norman's teams just kind of crazy slacking is just such a powerhouse put up one yes and we have to act step in here because that would be like he looped if I didn't right so there's an exit from a two shot into a three shot like a to two turns in and then I keel [Music] it's also kind of nice when he uses yawn because she can't just waste a turn because he can steal it off but it takes him to yeah the best-case scenario is actually he he yawns and then yawns again instantly while you're still sleeping do it okay [Music] definitely my County the next one the 2385 not as long as you have your friend the integers okay sixty-six almost guaranteed to tank focus punch this flash is one of those scary moves that again hi crit rates was one in eight until the 2016 it's always scary it's good just thank you this is also a damage range two three shot I was pretty good rolls fit die from here yeah though it's not guaranteed [Music] good okay nice [Applause] okay it's been a while but definitely time for some donations now wonderful I have a nine dollar donation here from Ian Stouffer $9.00 for Blastoise my favorite pokemon love for Blastoise in the crowd I have a fifty nine dollar donation from vexed virus had to leave $59 for my favorite ferocious Pokemon pup arcanine and I have a twenty five dollar donation here from big bad Eric who says spike vegeta is my favorite Pokemon but I don't know his number it's a thousand five hundred if you want to go again leader alright if you if you want to donate for spike Fuji real love time for more yep instable all right I have a four hundred fifty dollar donation here from the two hippos greetings from the crowd here's four hundred fifty dollars for hip out on because hippo have two hundred thirteen dollars here are from cheeto here are two hundred thirteen dollars for the best Pokemon ever chuckle [Music] I have $15 here from Lachlan who says am I doing this $5.00 train right another five dollars from logs it says all aboard the five dollar Tyson train honk I mean choo-choo I'm hearing I'm hearing some mixed messages from the crowd I have 380 dollars here from peripheral 380 for the best Pokemon latias shoutouts to all the runners for raising money for this wonderful charity and keep on rockin and I have $5 from Emily who says so I heard you like mudkips [Music] all right another a little shop there more times we need for the rest of the run healing items and X items pretty much okay this biking section is pretty difficult not this one but the one after the water and there's some trainers that are pretty easy to hit if you if you make even the slightest mistake but as for now we have set up another beautiful little rappel anytime though and a nice scoop up another ear candy really quick and you can actually get in counters here even though you have a repel because there are encounters that are higher level than your lead so repel doesn't work and this is BS very partisan to run into bikes and a turn really really fast oh nice okay they'll just do out of three and the one I missed is super unlikely to hit you can look in any direction can be awkward getting back on the bike is the select button he's kind of weird you have to be completely soft to be able to get on by eating it's a pretty tight window do you ever do yeah it's only one and eight for most spinners to get hit even if you do miss the running to bike knows this guy is a bagman F that was really slow but thankfully didn't turn yeah another really tricky section here if you're off by one tile like anywhere you get hit by a trainer upwards d'hubert yeah don't when the his trainers depressed a Pokemon that's the name in the game yeah that guy that one of those guys is a Breloom which is like mega run over clothes but not bad yeah in there no trainers didn't take that from Mozgov it's really convenient that in this run you actually see hardly see any grass types yeah a few scary ones well that's it mm-hmm it's pretty much just the blue trainer Brook song Steve yeah a Negro huh yeah yeah yep I have one more Grovyle let if left in front of us to you but that one is we've gained the advantage this time mm-hmm see I think time for few more donations these heights are pretty smoke-free cool I have a donation for $188 here from only the harvest who says got to see that punch-out incentive so here's Gengar spoke adducts number times - let's make this happen only the harvest raising the bar again I have $10 here from nick Aveo says I'm a simple person I see eeveelutions I give money keep up the good work I have a $10 donation here from Colin B who says I'm making a risk phonation blindfolded can't wait for the punch out run someone so I couldn't pass there because he was looking the direct I needed to pass cuz he spun me got a sneaky spinning right at the last I can see me but this fight I mean you don't generally die here if you have enough health the mighty and I just had swagger so you cannot have to burn it's not a feeling items a lot of the time this was my last much not to I hit they also dies to strength but you get roughs again if you if you strength I know if he mentioned we also got to serve like a super strong water move which is great for us is where water trade happened 100% AK in the hundred percent of ever sent accurate and this Mudkip has perfect special attacks yeah so nice i spite just get to surfed why someone yeah this burger and that doesn't even die if you're in torrent one of the one of the few yes nerf also gets the torrent beast so you can get the 1.5 month wire for stab 1.5 futur and it just start small 20 crazy ice we have one more rival fight next this one is much different than the last one in that it's almost impossible to die in fact I've never died to that fight that was our absolute ask for yep our good friend Casper more fortunately you can't name him in this game or we would have had an aiming into the for it not a good thing about it Castro is that it comes with a mystic water and that also goes the power of surf again yeah more multipliers which we will be equipping immediately like these these rare candies beep reporting perfect timing because the rifles coming up [Music] let's go inside this one you get water take a man mister water [Music] and rightfully so this one's pretty simple the numeral has magnitude focus energy takedown and some crazy combination of those moves can't actually tell you but generally you don't take that much damage we just set up the same thing as last time at 2x attack sonic speed that is fine oh well that's web is I didn't want this thing you're kidding okay didn't you come slightly scary now okay okay why do you why do you have to make me sweat it in my head I was like maybe like focus energy managed to do ten and then you know five percent to get a magnitude ten hundred fifty power base power it's stronger than earthquake and stabbed and everything was scary but Wow the things you see it uh energy Kira yeah I were fine the big deal yep just drink to win as long as you don't die to crazy combinations magnitude I have seen ten nine ten I think before oh my god still didn't I I've never died [Music] I would say probably good time for a few more donations just a pretty simple bike selection and a cutscene wonderful I have a hundred dollar donation here from Mara Coit who says ready to be the very best like no one ever was I have a donation here from Al $450 it says hello gdq you have no idea how happy I am to see the game that introduced me to Pokemon and video games in general this donation goes to blindfolded punch-out so we can knock out cancer thinking of you uncle Randy and I have a $25 donation here from General Grievous who knew that Grievous was so generous hopping on the Mike Tyson donation train to tune of another $25 donation from char box who says what is a pokemons favorite coffee shop char box good luck on the run those some good grounds from the crowd I appreciate this [Music] I have $150 here from reads or says untitled goose game but it's in the Pokemon universe and you control Psyduck sigh hawk okay these two gym fights are pretty free in this marathon like safer route we actually pick up an extra rare candy over the normal route and there's quite a lot of benefits for doing that but one of them is that you're faster than this to do and not just be tied unfortunately we are just outside of torrent or the swablu would be pretty likely to die but it's guaranteed to tank non-server torrent so I'm gonna be using strength instead because I need to hold on to my surface for the rest of the game pretty much and also Winona is another example of a fight where I don't want to be too low HP and I don't want to be too high HP so I'm just gonna use a normal potion which is why I bought extra ones actually that's annoying Xtranormal cushions in the last drop for this fight and a few others [Music] wenona is a fight that isn't super likely to kill you but similar to the norman fight if you die on the wrong turn it's super slow because of the amount of setup that goes into this fight shows a lot of the Pokemon [Music] also I hate this puzzle do it three times I just the less I think about it the more it makes them [Music] okay so okay so use a potion and as always safe yeah lastly because I used all my it's not in version before they're down gotta remember things like that yeah it's not commonly used all of them sometimes you do have I ever used all of them I don't know the meditite was to blame for that yeah took all of my potions my revive and my dignity and your sanity that's okay despite this well Oh loves to spam double team which is everyone's favorite but we need to open with the next special to be able to one-shot with surf that is an excellent start I can't believe my eyes oh my good we win not really there's quite a lot to go starting with the heel because we did get double aerial ace which almost never happens it's but well almost always uses protects that's a good time to heal but we are dead so it won't oh yeah that's true 41 oh that's actually nice and I began active tax we actually on up do that he just set up five here please use protect feel that's unreasonable [Music] it's pretty likely to protect on those turns so it's pretty unlucky it's public as I said something he's 38 until watch my HP very carefully here okay that's silent because I need to set up torrent but I also need to not die [Music] one words the low roll okay now that was five so now we just ko protect the spine rates like that I still need to set up a next bead but this much both trainers who just battle this way like a protect pretend okay so I need to set up torrents so that the sperm area will die but the pelipper isn't guaranteed to hurt me as you can see from those two turns so I'm gonna set up the XP that the scrum rate will most likely hit me in two times okay and now we language so that's why it's all about balancing your HP [Music] we also gonna have to get it at deeper in the torrent to cuz he's gonna evolve here yep it's not so important to keep trying though it is named yeah [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] but having torrent for that fight is as mandatory okay so uh pretty good time for donations how it's a well below she cut scenes and some Viking [Music] [Applause] you say there's time for some donations yeah all right well I have $5 here from koryo commie who says I'm broke as honk but here is a small donation for my favorite Pokemon of all time absol I'd also like this donation to go to the punch-out run I have another $5 from check oh and B who says nothing personal Tyson but you're gonna have to go yeah let's keep the punch out train going you guys are doing pretty well on that punch-out train we're up to 62 thousand dollars out of $75,000 but that still means we have over $10,000 to go before you guys get to see that bonus game looks like we have about 30 minutes left in this run would you say just about yeah yeah you guys have 30 minutes to do oh we're getting close to $63,000 now so we have 30 minutes to do $12,000 I believe in you GDQ you can do it from a fancy bike movement that I did okay there now we just repel t2y and this is the last running to bike in the games that don't miss me messing it up [Music] I was not the cleanest born but it's still good okay so that might have looked strange I went into Lilly code for just a second just one tile inside of lilycove and that lets me fly back there later I don't need to go there now but I do need to go there later it's weird how late in the game you get fly in sapphire most games you get kind of early on and off the bike there to load a different audio track to reduce the delay of transitions about once before and I'll do it I like to be more pens ones about to happen though it's the hardest one nice oh yeah that's a cool one I invented that one I think but yeah you just you because it's like a door entrance there you can actually just decelerate the Mach bike instantly by letting go and then you get off the bike and load a new audio track go through get back on the bike [Music] um these fights are pretty free but this is actually another example of why getting the extra candy is important because you get to evolve to swampert right away after Winona so that if you missed much shot on the carve on us that are coming up you don't just die so that's even this late neurons those dealing with 95% yes in fact yeah even all the way up until the last 95% move in the run you can still lose the run to missing it if you get the wrong move combination and the car vaana's would also die disturbed if I'm in torrent which I am but my surf count is really important for the rest of the run so I can't balloons but and much shots faster because they're not very effective texts [Music] one more with more 95% moves and don't mess cuz I actually don't have my revive so it is a little tiny bit scary I'll heal if I miss [Music] overall pretty good with 95% is this run I would say [Music] as the last 95% for well sums up okay still have solved one more fight we're asking my drop but [Music] probably read a few donations [Music] ma the nations over there I do I have a donation from some lovely person named Fred for one thousand five hundred dollars and 12 cents that says 12 cents for my favorite Pokemon butter free and 1500 for my second favorite Pokemon spike vegeta of course my favorite to challenge me this I have a lot of other wonderful donations here taco jet gave $120 donating to present my favorite Pokemon but it's number isn't enough so let's multiply it by a Caterpie so all of you deck heads out there let's figure out which Pokemon is their favorite Pokemon caterpie's 10 didn't give the exact number alright so it would have to be 12 and right which one is 12 Butterfree together is it but really it is a lot of love for brother free sonic gunner maniac brennan once we talked to an MPC twice - there was take the worst one - that guy talks forever apparently [Music] time for more donations yep we're just walking for now alright three ducks gave us $79 and said here's $79 for my favorite slowpoke can't wait for Yugi to queue it is agdq you're here now it's happening you don't have to wait alright 37 dollars from Fox Eddie 37 dollars an honor best Pokemon volfix let's beat the Elite Four Omega weapon and most importantly cancer awesome work all also officially skip to the master of all scary stuff you'll see why maybe hopefully not now we're good we'll be fine force cards ever those are all active trainers that have terrible vision for some reason do not eat their carrots apparently well maybe sort of considered saving me for this actually he's stabbing my revive but it'll be okay so yeah don't miss my job basically actually I could have served here once to place a that's a great still head or sore feet get perfect just God don't miss oh not this one why did it be like that I can't I can't kill there is the problem I risk locking myself into terrible HP for taping lives if I heal yeah so but there's a lot here a boy why would you miss the last blood shot of the whole run we said this fear and of course we focus energies yeah oh I am so scary I would have lost a few minutes to that actually but now we make our way away from what's supposed to be one of the easiest fights in our to the absolute hardest fight in any pokemon speedrun this fight is insane EXPEED at that yeah and and the reason for that is because and this game Tate lies that they just have a soul rock in a lunatic - Pokemon it's a double battle well it is because the first of all the soul rock in the lunatone our speed tied with one another so you'd never know which one's gonna go first which matters a lot and secondly they target completely randomly so it doesn't matter if they think they can kill something on the field or not they will target a pokemon randomly and then choose a move so yeah it's the worst don't tell me it's all one net fall she will see later why we pick up exactly one I also had a repel we're out in this Mart as opposed to outside I set it up that way so that I wouldn't have to re-accelerate the mock bike and just get to step forward instead since the repeal of the Stompa bike completely [Music] pick up the dive hm teach that immediately for the swipe and because we need to and we have transitioned to fully chins on our Swampert this pan could be only have to catch one Pokemon that you teach hm skill outside of the Swampert what's up anyone it's also menuing specifically on this tell to set up another repel we're out for another spinner after this Jim and you saw me use two potions there that's another example and this by far the most important example of can't be too high and can't be too low HP I can't be under 37 because then I risk dying to double nightshade from the saw to Draenor bottle because he's faster and I can't be above an HP at which if lunatone targets womper it doesn't think that it can kill i mean i need if lunatone and targets my Swampert which is 50/50 to pokemon in the field and then I need it to think that it can kill with psychic on that turn because if it doesn't then it can use light screen or call mind and both of those are super bad this is another variation of that HP I'm now at an HP where Solrock and lunatone will both think they can kill Swampert if they target him which can be good in bed at all depends on 8,000 factors that happen on the fight but we're going to navigate it as best we can it's kind of cruel but this fight is not only the most likely to kill you but also the most difficult to play correctly this fight can make you feel stupid sometimes fun gym puzzle though doesn't like this one better than the Emerald one yeah yeah it's fun till you mess up one of the era's by forgetting it and then and that's your own where you don't know yeah I would be lost cuz yeah I don't know how to do it wrong okay here we go super fun times truly this fight might suck but it's also kind of fun too [Music] so we are slower than slow rock and Luna toon who are once against be tied with each other so first thing is we're gonna XP and then we're gonna adapt we're gonna hyper potion always on that turn because both of them can target us so we have to heal for two psychics so our targets Swampert that's good on its own targets Swampert that's good okay interesting spot 33 so I'll have to hyper again because they can both target him with psychic again you can hit I think start in battle and they'll show your exact hit points which is very useful for calculating Torian it was an excellent role in the lunatone and a terrible role in the soul rock which disease that opposite of what I wants to know Rock targets Wingo is psychic that's really bad it's lunatone targets cast form now we probably lose okay 73 that's rain dancer probably gonna get fuller okay just don't kill my cast or maybe it's actually fine again actually no this is fine we just went because he is charging solar beam right now so he can't heal lunatone heals and oil kills for rock and run atone and now surf is going to do double damage to the Luna tones then surf only does half damage when you're hitting two targets so we just went perfect nice person right - you know [Applause] when the fight goes well you just feel like a genius if they gave it to me pretty pretty easy via huh and how it looks way easier than it can be mm-hmm the real problem is is if you go in with two high HP or you end up at two high HP and you get light screen from lunatone you pretty much usually lose and the Solrock also has a sunny day which comes with water moves damage you saw me try to set up a rain dance there but cows for me died before he could give his best effort so I'm gonna make our way to the Aqua hideout remember we did rappel inside the gym which was to get another really cool rappel we're up so much water too much water said 8% seven eight [Music] nice calm diving as I've always liked back okay aqua hideout lots of puzzle times [Music] and that guy right up there is another spinner and that is why we've set up the repel the way we have turn up now we can pass them this way I am actually going to use that is guaranteed pass him actually going to bite to this first Boulder and then get off the bike because they have to accelerate the bike for the first tile each time I push a boulder so it's faster drum [Music] other easy puzzle if you just now right right up on and off the bike to deal o the audio track to get a faster transition or reload the audio track computer faster transition this puzzle might hurt your head it's not that it probably struggled as a kid with that one yes [Music] this plate is slightly scary if I I had my revive I wouldn't actually they are healed for this one I was considering saving but it should be fine it's also kind of weird with patronizes sometimes you have a pokemon alive sometimes you don't so even if you had the revive it wouldn't really help because he has no other pokemon true okay that was good ish slightly scared but one thing is that we actually we actually got full XP from table eyes it's a Pokemon mm-hmm so I get little 39 here which makes this money in a 36% range instead of a 24% range and it has degree face and swagger so so we've died that would be great okay that is very bad okay okay if this is still fine no matter what happens here I can't actually die but one time lucky exactly once so the reason that it was actually fine there was because can I hurt myself I would have just healed and then he would have switched to take down and then taken himself out with a recoil and now I'm at a pretty nice HP for the next quiet actually another very hard possible yeah no I never wanted me to mess that up so skip to the earthquake team because can't even teach it before the tip is too many agents yeah another scary fight this fight is there's a couple of combinations that make it really bad and you also have to this can't be too high can't be too low HP thing going on again so too high HP gets to confuse ray and no torrent too low HP and you die it's like the Goldi holy clocks runs yeah it is always right in the middle it's a good way to look at it I have four serfs left exactly sometimes you need five so watch out for that with the other guards Becca's four to do not get scary face scary face is very bad that was really good and now it's really good we want to see only scary face all the way down actually by all the way down I mean this turn okay 37 so now we speed on the Mightyena instead I was planning on not doing that but I'm guaranteed the tank tank down oh that actually so crazy so I still have my so if I heal to 58 that's not good enough so I guess we'll just do this actually never seemed that ever okay that actually wow what have I just seen okay no I think in there that was horrible and then amazing because this crobat is gonna be faster than me and he will hopefully pretty sure it's close hit me into torrent here 30 staff does nice well perfect well I was through weird I could anyway yeah the ex Pete is for the Sharpedo the crow BOTS always faster than you I think [Music] so now we'll be making our way to maybe not the hardest trick in the game but definitely the scariest trick in the game Kyogre manipulation we will be manipulating Kyogre stats and the fact that it gets in the one nipple that we picked up so that'll happen and I don't know like like that we have time for donations pretty much until then Wow all right good thing we have a lot of donations I have one here from Nath Ben for $52 says Matthews payday Mike Tyson picked up $52 I have one here from Steven for $34 it says here's $34 from my favorite Pokemon needle King good choice $133 from a star creator donating on 233 for the best Pokemon Eevee lots Eevee love professor Creighton gives ten dollars and seventy cents 107 for hitmonchan who's ready to cheer on his fellow punching partner Little Mac let's meet that punch out incentive you guys have been doing a wonderful job we are almost up to 70 thousand dollars out of that $75,000 but this Run has about 15 minutes left in it would you say a little bit more a little bit more 20 minutes yeah $5,000 and 20 minutes you guys think we could do it easily actually 20 20 to 30 2013 all right you might you might have a little padding there get your donations in let's know if you need to slow down that beds as well for you wait I can do that you've already been doing it call for ruff I have a donation here for four hundred thirty dollars anonymous donor 434 number 430 honk bro everybody was behind you anonymous until you had to throw that in welcome Nick it's haunch bro seven dollars of 43 cents here from Sara's donating for my favorite new Pokemon ribbon B let's get that blindfolded punch-out run met and five dollars here from Jeff who says why can't you blindfold a Pokemon because it will Pikachu now I got some applause why groans and applause okay this case sucks yeah any time you need Oh No okay that's over thankfully it's actually faster to just run in this room because every time you get to like shaking it decelerates the bike and it's way easier and now it's time for our good friend Kyogre I will need serious time here as well say for frame winner for the stats three frame witness for the catch basically [Music] every every failure costs 45 seconds so hopefully we can get it [Music] I played pretty sure [Music] oh yeah that is really the poor tiger named tiger named sorry goes the Kyogre name big hug maybe it's probably the name here is Magikarp Oh debated behind flag tonight that was with the 2500 $34 big hug was at 2447 so that really was nice okay so now we have to see what character we got on these gonna be hasty okay they'll be nice that is called well take it that is one of the best one so [Applause] I'm actually going to teach over hydropump here because we got the mild Mudkip which has and I know by its ATP value by the way um it has a plus special type nature and really good special attack so I don't actually need hydro pump I need a move that hits a lot not I mean it's really hard to Tigers Opie enough but the probably been wondering why I haven't used this free candy well that was plus three probably should have maybe checks done yeah actually you know just just in case it is indeed mild so get out of here now it's time for the easiest gym in the game the last but I'm scared okay so I promised myself but I wouldn't save for this it's so it's so easy I cannot stress with you how easy but if you were to somehow make a mistake for this well you'll see later but [Music] okay personal goals met whatever so you'll see if you're not familiar with this game right after this bite you will see why it is so crazy bad you if you make a mistake there can we add 20 minutes the estimate please yeah excuse me need more estimate always faster debrief that they would it would be an author to do Faragher manip again that's how bad it is yeah and if you may have noticed this is the first gym leader in the entire run that we don't say for the eighth one Kyogre is well I have enough faith in him a Magikarp I mean strong magic or so we're going to set up an X special on this wish cache it's probably going to amnesia it does amnesia uh so this surf is actually a damage range to kill but hydropump is more likely to miss than this is to not kill so better to just surf good it can be really bad if that lives like really bad but yeah okay if you had a worst Kyogre or at least worst special attack you would have cut hydropump for that yes pretty much any tiger except the calm any non manip or hasty or parting so the speaking is faster than those water pulse we still have our person very active and that's why the main reason that we have it is in case he confuses us three Pokemon in this fight can confuse you actually and this lot of takes two hits to kill us though if we create that'd be cool but it's not actually a threat since we have the person Barry stone I just want to jump in here real quick to say that we made it we're gonna be watching that two players of Mike Tyson's punch-out thank you everyone for your generosity so this as you'll see here is why it is so so bad if you mess up this ice puzzle because if you were to fall down which we're about to fall down because you have to exit the gym then every one of the trainer's that you're about to see our active trainers but just counting them to you four six eight so thankfully we did not make that mistake it's really just the last puzzle just like crazy costly but I mean two trainers is still ridiculous on the first right but you know how are you gonna mess up the first one don't put it past me it's the entire dish I don't think I've actually never messed up any of those puzzles even in practice but that's why I was even more scared right mystic water - Wow where was the person okay did I not give him a person I think actually took it off in one of the midnight well good thing we didn't get confused it was actually faster yeah because we didn't have to replace the not active or they equipped the person berry I did already feature waterfall sometimes you haven't taught waterfall yet because you have a different conquer [Music] [Applause] they're Apelles not friendly but it's okay I think you do about that one victory road is crazy hard to do if you were trying to actually do it perfectly it would be like pretty much impossible not tough only but pretty close I think someone do the like oculus Victory Road and they grinds it for a pretty long time yeah yeah I mean it would I've gotten pretty far before but I've never actually done it perfectly until today and I don't think that we will see it today but we'll see I'll give it my absolute best shot we have a good start here this part in particular is difficult mm-hm it's dark is like one tile thick movement really hard yeah this is awful but it is very difficult you bunked like 25 less times than I would so nice already yelling pretty good I believe in you you do a little better than that and maybe 20 bones Kizer on both look I use just weakly mercy pills and the worms again that's fine I'm about to have a very spirit interview after this [Music] be up tiger especially this in particular my love tiger pretty much it shreds everything I do you have to play a little safe in some spots but overall this guy's a monster and that's why we switch to him tilting else about the kayaker has drizzle which sets the rain to sort of even more powerful it is a little well it's good all these all these trainer fights are trivial nothing can actually get wrong the worst thing that can happen in this entire place is this ninetails can use quick attack with thick crits um so I mean I'll just be doing victory road movement there's nothing really to talk about so if you want to read donations until the end of Victory Road then that's fine all right I have a $25 donation here from Sir Nicholas says here's $25 for the Pokemon that started at all Pikachu I'll donate $5 more if the announcer will do her best he got be [Music] that's good good I had practiced that okay I'm a $59 donation here from Swift revolution he says donating a fifty arcanine dollars and I think I found the reason that Chi yoga's name was sniped shoutouts to the actual best Pokemon Corvin I put this donation towards naming Kyogre Magikarp that was from sheboygan oh thank you boy Gregg that Magikarp only cost five hundred this is costing me one frame each time I send it up over the previous name hey you guys wanted this run to be like eight frames longer [Music] nice some stuff it's these like little time saves with Mark Baker kind of cool he's getting right in front of the trainers and that movements like way harder than if you were to make a walk one or two tiles view but yep and every balk on the mock bike costs at best half a second but like it's usually pretty hard to recover from it mm-hm so it's usually closer to about a second so practicing your mock biking is super-important for getting good at this game and also run into bikes which I missed accessorize I didn't get didn't get punished this is from no optional yep it's also a personal goal it's pretty hard to get through the entire game without hitting any optional trainers if you count spinners as optionals which you should it was only three reasons as well that is all we had a Norman death we had a Flannery scenery and then Brawley Brawley yeah not bad at all they were so slow Brawley was fast but both both the Flannery death and the Norman death were like two minutes each yeah but it's okay the front has been has been nice I've enjoyed it first fry Kyogre can't ask for better than that it was awesome that was definitely what I was most scared about coming into this round so I mean and you can also just take the pansy route and pick up the master ball which cost what a minute but even if you get second try cow gurmann if it's still faster than the master ball and you have to minute the stats anyway so just be good Messer all only saves the three frame window it doesn't save the four frame ones may as well just kill for it it really gonna practice for a four frame window not practice for a three frame window yeah it does get exponentially harder actually but yeah [Music] okay so elite four is definitely like so much better with a minute to cover it's crazy this category in particular I think has 25 IV Special Attack plus nature with like a really good speed 24 or something and really speed in Special Attack are the important ones for these fights I will out speed like pretty much everything if not everything no you do have to speed for the for the Drake fight but if Drake as it sounds yeah well actually what's crazy is the flygon's I think actually that's feed you to you and they have stands for him and that's super slow if you have too hasty then you don't have some xp for that's fine yep you get a plus speed Karger and get to skip speed on that fight and you actually do an extra speed on a different fight that lets your out speeds and stuff just barely on the gym leader fight it's kind of cool how there's so many different kayakers that just have all these like slightly different strats and it's an interesting well back in the day you used to have before we knew how to manipulate and you're like alright well this one has euro special attack IV and - nature and good attack for a body flaming now like Kuya Jolie k over there's the same with the Rayquaza and emerald it's like do we get X attacks we get X specials and it definitely streamlines what what you need to know but it also makes you have to do a really tight frame wind of a nipple up on stage in front of a bunch of people and it's really scary but we did it that Sharpedo was notorious for out speeding you when you didn't have manip to characters but now we do snatch his priority it's not actually possible only good things is that the spoon of some initiative and then the shiftry has baked out which it usually uses but we hope it doesn't [Music] oh wow wow I've never seen it we go first [Music] dad okay so now we get to see the biggest benefit of having the mild Kyogre I get to go for a damage range on this dusclops that is not worth going for for the others it's like 53% yeah to die to serve which is worth it unfortunately I would normally go for a healeth elite four with the mild if I get this range and no fake out but because I don't have my revive I actually can't risk it [Applause] that one is one more sorry the big bad level of 50 years something yeah these these first two fights are pretty much freely even if I don't hit the delts pop range nothing bad happens except maybe I get confused possibly and even if I don't he can he can Shadow Ball and if it Kurt's it doesn't kill and then you just win nothing that I can actually disastrously go wrong nakiya is a pretty big jump from the swamp burger tasting earlier rain is just really insane like the fact that it comes with a 50% boost is just so nuts yeah it it basically makes mobile 45 Tiger like as strong as level 70 Rayquaza for this like type of movie it just it has torrent at all times in header torrent and yeah it's nuts here we go all right 51 in fact do it much Berk know Nick was right we got the range of gdq okay good job Magikarp good job [Applause] [Music] much as I would think I'll just do this first I would like to not heal and save without the revive just to kind of have to you can get chained bodyslam paralyzed in the fight and this has happened to me and it's fresh on my mind so to scaritage others names a great move so we're gonna lead with a special here it does not die to surf if you don't and it will always pale on turn one I would continue setting up on this Glalie but it has light screen which I cannot let it do as unfortunately she changes the weather because there goes fifty percent of our power yeah we still have to shockwave in this fight to so we'd have to set up a bunch of specs anyway but it would make it better for sure also hail damage is really annoying and slow but you always get hail there so it's not like this is technically a time loss just fine that two or three - I think it was - yeah I think that's doable yeah because I should have to her actually know about use the next fair expect this from I think I might have issues the next row but it's like a full Hill please don't do it please keep diving kids I just I every time not this one please please please don't Wow three in a row 30% so I'm actually really Lahani healing items - yeah do I actually might just have to crease that because even act like 50 HP I think yeah I don't really have enough healing items right he'll stop sales again got now I just tie it on me yeah and I'm still win it's just unfortunate well at least I saved yeah nothing I could have done about that it was a point nine percent to get triple paralyzed took out four three three persons I think [Music] although maybe could've filled before the fight but you know yeah I mean usually there's no reason to spec and if you just don't get paralyzed on feet if you don't get paralyzed on actually the first turn then you can just set up on a different Pokemon so like it wasn't just getting paralyzed a bunch of times in a row is also getting paralyzed instantly and also for every single turn after that 30% by the way perfect but you do have to expect on this poke because they won't die it's a shock wave if you don't and I did use an extra special okay okay next yes for now chocolate [Music] [Applause] [Music] now Hale should stop on this turn which is what would have happened last time if I just didn't get paralyzed on the first time and now I set up my last Beck he hails anyway [Music] so the reason we have to set up three is because the final poke is a well Rhian bar in and this thing has sheer cold so you have to pull it in one head it's not like you know just one inch into where you have to be faster it's based off the level on this Jen so it is higher level than you so it's a cheerful don't wanna deal [Applause] [Music] okay oh nice Joe has two text boxes man why [Music] I'm going to go for this wall [Music] nothing can really go wrong on this but either [Music] the EF to setup 1x speed you can also get protect from Sheldon which can force you to go for a range on the flag on this turf but he does not like to protect now most likely this Altaria will dragon dance on the term that we expeed will still be faster in the most with the fight is pick down 51 [Music] and I wish I had my revive I have to actually have to heal again because I will die to a critical specific move on the last fight and we can't top that because we know it's gonna happen it's really nice is played like his whole team's forex week days baby just come with it it's perfect yep and this mild gets the benefit of surfing this leg on which saves super effective Tex [Music] and summons just goes down guys [Music] so for the last fight that the champion fight if Cape meisa is X speed and adapt this fight is X special and wins but you can get crit it's funny this is pretty much the same exact HP as I had in record and I did not say or did not heal but I will here it is the last thing standing between me and being done with a super super super difficult to not die speedgame so just gonna use our last Super and have a 100% win rate on this fight actually cannot lose from here even if we were to get the worst possible combination which is toxic hit and to heal it off into a steel wing crit I would still win [Music] and women eat nice didn't even up the hill okay and there we go everything in this fight doesn't one hit there's nothing that could go wrong so it's over he's the wrong yeah this have to look great [Applause] [Music] okay so shoutouts pokemon speedrunning community in general for coming this far with this run the orangey manipulations the rabbiting what this room has become is crazy so thank you everyone for that and if you're interested in Pokemon speedrunning then it's not by my stream and or the PSR to support it's a good place to to learn about it it's pretty friendly community welcoming to newcomers so you guys have anyone you want to shout out and check out the disparate if he goes one lower back one speed runs great community love new people shout out to my family thanks for watching love you guys hi mom [Music] time will be coming up here pretty soon yep it's good start here and time [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] okay so thank you guys for watching this was hook on sapphire at gdq the craziest thing I've ever personally done game game is super brutal it's super likely to kill you but it's really fun to run so I would still wouldn't recommend doing it but yeah thank you guys for for enjoying this run [Music]
Channel: Gunnermaniac
Views: 2,876,757
Rating: 4.835886 out of 5
Keywords: gunner, gunnermaniac, gunnermaniac3, pokemon speedrun, pokemon world record, pokemon sapphire, awesome games done quick, Gamesdonequick, gdq, AGDQ 2020, AGDQ pokemon, pokemon speedrun commentary, pokemon speedrun explained, pokemon speedrun analysis, pokemon sword shield, best pokemon, how fast can you complete pokemon, can you beat pokemon sapphire with only mudkip, AGDQ 2021, pokemon diamond pearl remake, pokemon legends arceus, pokemon brilliant diamond and shining pearl
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 135min 12sec (8112 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 09 2020
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