Can you Beat Pokemon Brilliant Diamond/Shining Pearl with Just a Bidoof?!

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hey everyone how's it going the video title speaks for itself some people played this new game by catching every pokemon some tried to play through it with just shinies me i'm gonna see if i can beat it with just badou i was told upon review that these games were too easy but let's see how easy they are when we have to use just a bido now for those of you who are new my rules are simple we don't use the items menu in battle just like in a multiplayer battle so held items perfectly fine we also aren't going to use any pokemon in our team except for badoo in previous generations we need pokemon for hms thankfully we don't really need them although if we did that would be acceptable and finally i'm not going to use double team this is something a lot of challenge runners like to abuse it's boring we're not going to do that pretty much it and so with that said it's time to start the run now unlike in my red and blue runs we don't have a game shark to change our starter into badoof instead what i'm gonna do is simply catch a badoof in the wild they're available fairly early on and frankly that's good enough for me now in terms of catching a badoof ideally it would be at level five we're gonna actually catch one at level three because they're easier to find on route 201 and badufa's two abilities one of them is unaware unaware ignores stat changes and that's kind of useful but more useful would be its other ability simple simple doubles the effect of all of your stat changes meaning if you were to use meditate for example you would gain two attack instead of one sword stance you would gain four attack instead of two which means rather than getting times 2 attack you actually end up getting times 3 attack not bad at all unfortunately there is a flip side meaning stuff like growl and lear will also double but i figured that was a worthwhile compromise and so with our simple badoof we're going to try and make our way through the game and right off the bat i was encountering issues based on the fact that it was a simple badou you see later in the game i don't think this is going to be as big a problem but in the early game most pokemon know a status move typically one that lowers attack and basically starting with -2 an attack when you're around the same levels all the pokemon and they have multiple pokemon the beginning was quite a slog to say the least and rival 1 so to speak i guess it's technically the second rival battle but it's our first one with badoof was actually pretty frustrating thankfully by level 9 badoof gets a combination that you may have seen in my shuckle run a few months ago that combination is defense curl and rollout rollout is insanely powerful and when paired with defense girl it's really really good you think i might be using it for the rest of the run but unfortunately the big drawback to rollout is that it's only 90 effective and you're locked into it for five turns with generation two's ai that wasn't too big a deal but i'm gonna tell you right now generation eight for all the flaws this game has the ai is quite a bit smarter and it's just not ideal to do that with starly leading off you tended to get growled which really really stunk but with enough perseverance we were able to make it through but it was a bit of a hollow victory because i knew that upon beating rival 2 essentially i would have to eventually challenge rourke and like a lot of times in the early game you're pretty limited in what you can do at this point and in fact post generation 5 it actually gets a little bit worse let me explain you see in generations one through four how many experience points you got in a battle was set in stone there was a calculation based on an opposing pokemon's base hp whether it was a trainer or wild pokemon and whatever that number was after you defeated it got it added to your total from generation 5 onward despite the fact people claim game freak keeps making the games easier this actually intended to make it a little more challenging and less just level up to win because the amount of experience points you get decrease the higher the difference between your level and the opposing pokemon's level and since most of the wild pokemon are like level 5 7 8 they're not very high trying to get bidoof to a super high level like we did in my shiddinja run to get past rourke it's not gonna go all that well it's possible but holy moly is it going to be time consuming thankfully we do get a couple tms along the way that are going to help us the first is workup which we get from the school in jubilee city and the second thing we're gonna get is the tm for rock smash now rock smash is super effective but it's pretty low bass power and even after work up which because of my simple ability will essentially be the equivalent of a swords dance geodude uses my strategy against me by which i mean it uses rollout and destroys me the days of the geodude just having tackle and defense curl those are gone most of the trainers in this game actually have move sets that make sense for the teams they have especially the difficult trainers like gym leaders now as you watch me get utterly destroyed by this geodude you might be wondering how the heck are you going to win i mean level up a bunch and yes we're going to have to level up a bit but we're also going to manipulate the ai in generation eight because while it is better it's still not perfect and it is manipulatable i figured out that by starting with the defense curl and then going for a bunch of workups which to be honest is not just for this geodude but also for the remaining pokemon i could get geodude to keep using defense curl for a long time at least until pretty much i maxed out my workups i'm not exactly sure why this was but it was super super helpful with max attack i'm able to do a decent amount of damage and don't forget there is a 50 chance that rock smash lowers geodude's defense thankfully we also got a rollout miss the reason we use defense girl obviously is to mitigate the damage from said rollout assuming it hit with that miss and the defense drop we got via rock smash geodude decides to go for another defense curl and were actually able to knock it out without taking any damage obviously the 10 roll up miss played a factor but hey we have a level 13 badoof give me a break next comes onyx and onyx outspeeds badoof yeah badou's pretty slow and onyx uses rockthrow this is a base 50 power move it hits decent damage it does to me rocksmash i mean onyx is super good defense so i wasn't expecting a knockout it did pretty good onyx goes for another rock throw and thankfully we're able to knock out the onyx we level up so we're gonna be at 32 hp for the kranidos well kranidos goes for headbutt it doesn't do very much damage i don't get flinched and i'm able to knock it out with rock smash and in just two hours we have defeated rorke all things considered that is pretty great however it doesn't get easier from here on in i mean it gets easier for a little bit because we don't have any difficult trainers but eventually we have to go to the valley wind works and there we have to battle commander mars and i'm not going to go into too much detail because this video is already going to be very lengthy but it just illustrates how terrible the doof is at this run we face a zubat and a per ugly and i get knocked out in no time we get a u-turn we eventually get a fake out and yeah i i stand no chance i mean i'm not even out leveling the per ugly because of the experience point system i'm using just one pokemon and i'm under leveled and i've tried to battle as many trainers as i can in the end i did level up a little bit but i realized that the easiest way without leveling up too much was to try and rely on an item we get fairly early on the quick claw in the end i do get it activating a couple times i'm not sure if it really helped it's more that per ugly didn't use anything too terrible and thus we basically ended up getting lucky in a bit of a different way the quick law can help if you're both one turn away from being knocked out to get that finishing blow in the end we actually got a little unlucky against zubat where one of our rollouts missed we were hit by supersonic and thankfully confusion only has a 25 chance of actually harming you in this generation of opposed to 50 and so we were able to knock out the zubat i spent almost as long on mars as i did on rourke so if you thought for a second that defeating the rock type gym leader would mean that things are going to get easier like i said think again and the next difficult trainer we have is gardenia the grass type gym leader now by this point i've leveled up enough that badoof gets a brand new move a move that's going to prove very useful in this battle yawn now yawn's not the best it takes a couple turns to work but assuming you're dealing with a pokemon like a cherubi which can't do all that much to you yes it's gonna get two attacks but after that it's going to fall asleep and we can set up hopefully long enough to help us win while we no longer have defense curl rollout on its own assuming the chirubi cooperates will be enough to knock out every single one of gradinius pokemon the question is will we survive a hit from the rose raid rose rate deals about 40 or so damage so we need at least like 20-ish hp remaining in order to survive grass not it does vary slightly all my losses typically was that i was able to get through both the cherubi and the tert wig but the rose raid would use grass knot and that was it for peanut butter finally however we were able to get a battle where the ruby only used dazzling gleam a single time and i wasn't attacked there after because i wasn't attacked more than that i had enough hp that once i finished setting up all my workups i was able to knock out the cherubi followed by the tert wig in just a second i should note that one reason i really like recording with generation 1 is that since the graphics aren't too intense it's very easy to speed up or slow down the footage in order to match my voice sometimes it looks a little choppy but with generation 1 graphics it's normally ok here i'm having a little bit more time syncing everything up anyway i tank the grass not from the rose raid knock it out and i will say that while gardenia wasn't easy it took me i think five or so attempts she definitely of the difficult trainers was the easiest so far so yay i guess now there is another short team galactic section but thankfully it was a second try victory the big thing here is that skunk tank has aftermath so you need a little bit more hp than you'd otherwise think because if you use a move that deals contact damage like rollout it's gonna deal a quarter of your hp back but it wasn't all that difficult and we can move on and you see as someone who loves platinum i made a bit of a miscalculation forgetting that in fact it is not fantina the ghost type gym leader that would be next but in fact meilene the fighting type gym leader so we faced a rock type gym leader and a fighting type gym leader oh no oh no i mean badoof is slow doesn't hit very hard and uh oh yeah it's pretty frail this is going to be an absolute nightmare now thankfully it takes like five years to actually get to vale stone city so we're going to level up a fair bit and in diamond and pearl i figured out that there was a tm that badoof could learn that might make maylene doable that tm is pluck and unfortunately i didn't realize badoof could even learn pluck until i'd made it to veilstone city so i had to backtrack which sucked but it did mean that the trainers in maylene's gym weren't too bad but you might be thinking geros pluck is a base 60 power flying move how is that gonna be all that helpful but oof doesn't have great attack that's a that's a good point and this is where simple really comes into play sure it was nice turning workups into swords dance but the veilstone department store has some of the most useful selection of tms ever including of course swords dance as i mentioned earlier that's a plus for an attack after one use so i was able to defeat all the trainers in meleen's gym unfortunately meilene herself proved problematic you see her meditate could not attack me but if it did it was a one shot and then the one time i made it to machoke because it used flash and i have simple i didn't hit but you see i should have done a little bit more research before even beginning this battle because what i didn't realize is that after the machoke comes lucario a steel type pokemon which thus is not weak to pluck out speeds me and absolutely annihilates me i'm not gonna lie i almost gave up right here because what are we gonna do over leveling is very tedious and a very boring strategy lucario is going to outspeed me for a very long time it has great bass speed i i didn't know what i wanted to do thankfully at least in terms of doing damage you can get dig just south of bail stone so that part we could work on the issue was actually surviving to use dig so let me illustrate a battle and how things would normally go so we have our meditate we're going to set up a swords dance right well it goes for flash and it hits so i'm now going to miss a bunch beautiful i use pluck of course it misses it goes for bulk up hopefully i'll be able to hit here with -2 accuracy that's not guaranteed but oh it outspeeds me beautiful and wait a minute what happened there well you see once you get to hearth home city you can have your pokemon follow you around which raises its affection and like in previous games if your pokemon is high enough affection it can sometimes survive on one hp when it should otherwise faint thankfully i am able to hit with pluck and knock out meditate but like you know we have two more pokemon to face we're done i mean odds are we're not even gonna okay well we hit the macho beautiful but now we have lucario which outspeeds me and a minus two so yeah that's gonna oh okay [Laughter] please hit please hit yes the power of friendship oh god i mean i know that seems extremely cheap but what would you want me to do here we could level up to like level 50. that would work but like there was nothing else i was stunned when this happened and i was very close to resetting but then i realized who cares you're doing a badoufrunt do you think anyone out there is like oh you didn't do this badoufrun as hardcore as pos who's doing a run with a badoof i mean seriously it's not the hardest thing in the world to do but is leveling up any less of a cop-out than using friendship at least here there's a good message that if you treat your pokemon nicely they sometimes survive wait is that actually a good message i don't really care we have beaten meleen the gym leader i was most scared of that almost made me quit this run and after meilene finally we actually got a gym leader that genuinely wasn't too difficult in crasher wake you see right now badoof has been a physical attacker and it's been very good but it can also make for a very good special attacker workup can also be purchased and this is good at times any to mention the horrendous decision that tms are not infinite honestly the worst change they made i can't tell you how happy i was in gen 5 when i no longer had to worry oh if i delete this move i'll never get it back and this would prove an issue in this run because dig was one of the tms that you only get a single time as far as i'm aware you cannot get dig anywhere else if this is possible i wasn't aware of this information at the time based on the information i had it was one location only because of that i wasn't able to delete it thankfully the rest of my moves i was because i could either use the move tutor who's no longer free but is in selassian town which is where we're going to go to beat crasher wake and other useful moves like sword stance workup thunderbolt which we're going to use against crasher wake those are all buyable so there is a bit of a decrease in quality of life but at least there's so many good viable tms at least from the perspective of a doof runner anyway wake leads off with the gyarados obviously we have badoof out and we're about to go for thunderbolt unfortunately even if we wanted to physical attacks would be bad because intimidate does -2 gyarados goes for crunch and that still deals immense damage despite how much higher in level we are we don't one shot with thunderbolt which isn't very good thankfully because we knock it into a low enough range wake uses a super potion heals the gyarados and we're able to knock it out with a thunderbolt that's really good the next pokemon that comes out is quagsire and from gardenia we have the grass not tm which will be quadruple super effective and even without a single workup we're able to knock out quagsire leaving one more pokemon floatzolt now floatzel is going to be fast it's going to hit hard not really sure this is going to go but you know just going to attack it with a thunderbolt it goes for brine which deals double damage and got a critical hit but once again power friendship however i doubt this is going to knock it out it does very good damage but doesn't knock it out thankfully we get a paralysis even with a citrus berry so long as it doesn't have something like aquajet or quick attack we're actually gonna win it does have aquajet but once again the power of friendship activates and we knock it out i don't know how i feel about this i mean like wake shouldn't be that difficult there are ways i can do this so much better and not have to rely on luck i mean we already used the power of friendship yeah i'm just gonna reset so i battled wake again but this time i remembered i'd multiple pluck tms so i could delete that for work up and with workup we're gonna be able to one-shot everything i also equipped myself with a citrus berry so that i wouldn't be below half hp for brine and thus should survive an attack assuming gyarados doesn't deal too much damage to me well in the second battle didn't work out and i won anyway due to that's right the power of friendship the third time however while i did get a little lucky it wasn't directly the power of friendship and the most notable thing is i got to show off the fact that the float soul will use ice fang as opposed to brine it won't knock me out and this at least proves we don't need crazy luck to beat wake now some of you might ask if you're not going to use double team why did you use the affection mechanic the truth is i wasn't actually sure how it worked and unlike double team it's less intentional luck let me explain with double team especially since i have simple i can make so few moves hit me that i can just use that every single time to win which is silly i mean especially if i save between battles what's the challenge there it's not fun in the smogon competitive battling format moves like double team have been banned traditionally so i want to respect that with this stuff it's a lot more you have no idea what's gonna happen is it against the spirit of my rules no i mean we use the badge boost glitch gen one misses critical hits pokemon's a game of luck adding one more random dice roll to me meh not a big deal to you maybe so you can do your own badoufrun and i'll be happy not to watch it because i'm going to be honest this was painful if it doesn't seem painful yet don't you worry we still have four more gyms and oh yeah the elite four to deal with not to mention some other trainers that were even more difficult than them so hooray that said fantina was not one of those trainers that were difficult the only thing difficult about fantina was trying to figure out the logic of having simple math problems in her gym what someone told me in my twitch chat it was because they wanted you to use the calculator app okay that makes sense but it still doesn't fit with fantina's theme either of being a contest pokemon trainer or a ghost type trainer i i don't know it's stupid as heck anyway her fight isn't that bad she leads off with a drift blim which to be honest could prove a little bit of a challenge with its combination of strength sap as well as its aftermath ability which we've already talked about if you use a physical move like crunch oh yeah we have crunch now you will get a quarter of your health deducted after you knock out the drift blimp and that's kind of bad because gengar comes out next knows sludge bomb and yeah i didn't say easy i said not so bad now it took me a few times to actually get this all to work but i felt this was a pretty decent strategy so like i said she leads off with drift blim and we have a new move set from last you saw me we're not going to use any special moves despite aftermath being a problem instead it's gonna go for strength zap which does minus two i do swords dance which does plus four so we're net plus two it goes for strengths up again so i'm even an attack and i go for substitute it's now probably gonna go for fly to try and break my substitute and that gives me a turn to set up a swords dance so now we're plus for an attack and we know drifblim is going to hit us thankfully driftblim's attack is not that great but the substitute still faints i was hoping i would survive it but i i don't that's unfortunate because that was actually what my plan was since we're not going to be able to survive a sludge bomb of course in this battle gengar doesn't go for sludge bomb it instead goes for confuse ray i'm not really certain why this wasn't supposed to happen i thought i was going to live a substitute i mean thankfully we're able to not get hit because of the confuse ray and not hit ourselves and so we've knocked out the gengar but out comes the mismagias or miss mages or miss maggias i actually don't know nor care because what it is is not powerful enough to knock me out with a dazzling gleam my citrus berry activates i don't need that because i'm going to hit it with a crunch and okay i mean different kind of luck there i don't know why it went for confuse ray that wasn't ai manipulation the strategy was to survive a fly with substitute and if i leveled up enough that definitely would have happened whatever i think you guys see what i was going for close enough so that is five gym leaders down with rourke's father byron and his gym is certainly going to be interesting but before we face him we actually have to face the rival again and by this point the rival is starting to become a real problem he now leads with a steravia which has intimidate so instantly i'm at minus to attack and if that wasn't bad enough it also knows double team so while i'm trying to set up it can set up and i might miss a lot the next problem is haircross now in my first battle i didn't have pluck but i thankfully have two more tms i do need to be careful since once i use both those up we'll have no more and i'm gonna have to fight the rival again as well as aaron both of whom have a hair across so pluck is super useful in the end just to make a long story short i had to level up a little bit in order to withstand a few more attacks as well as deal just a little bit more damage so like i said earlier staravia does have intimidate so we're gonna have to work around that i opt to set up a substitute after it used a double team now behind my substitute i can set up a sword stance meaning i'm now plus two in attack it went for pluck and this is where the level up came in handy my substitute didn't fail this is what i was trying to do against the drift blim earlier now with this current moveset the only move i have that even affects sir avia is pluck i wish it was aerial ace but thankfully we hit despite the increased evasion and steravia is knocked out at this point you're seeing why the substitute was so important hair cross out speeds and goes for brick break yes through the power friendship maybe it would have missed or would have survived on one hb but here we didn't need that and we're able to easily knock out the hair across so that's two down now comes out monferno and thankfully monferno only really has power up punch or mock punch both of which are 40 base power so while it deals quite a bit of damage it's not enough to knock me out and since i was able to set up all those sword stance i am able to knock out the fighting type monferno with another pluck you'll also see that i equipped a citrus berry it's not necessarily for the rosalia which can do a lot of damage i thankfully got a sweet scent i do believe at lower hp the ai is more likely to attack you to finish you off i do know that in other generations it tends to prefer attacking so that was one of the reasons but the bigger reason was weasel it knows brine and at half hp brian's power is doubled which would knock me out so instead of a very powerful attack it deals not that much damage and it looked fairly easy but it took me about 40 minutes with battling the rival a bunch of times and leveling up as well as using some irons in order to get all my stats what they needed to be for this fight yes when it all works out it looks easy but there's a lot that goes into it on that note the next gym leader is the steel type gym leader byron now byron leads off with a bronzor which sucks because otherwise we could just spam dig in fact we also have super power neither those moves are super effective against bronzor in fact dig won't even hit bronzor starts off with a trick room this really stinks because if i knock out the bronzer quickly that means i'm going to go second which would be bad plus the bronzer is good to set up against because its offensive stats are pretty awful having already gone for one sword stance it goes for confuse ray like i said only 25 percent chance i hit myself a confusion and i'm gonna go for stealth rock this is because steelex has the sturdy ability which after generation five means that if i were to one shot it would survive now we don't want it to survive because it can deal a bunch of damage so we need to be knocked out in one hit and stealth rock is a very easy way to do that the bronzor then goes for derude which is sandstorm and i go for sword dance since i'm going to need an attack boost if i want to one shot these super bulky defensive pokemon i then get both very unlucky and very lucky at the same time i accidentally hit dig when i meant to use super power dig obviously will not hit bronzor but i hit myself in confusion so i have another chance unfortunately because of the plus for an attack i deal so much damage that my iapa berry i don't know anyway it activates when you're at 25 hp and restores your hp by a third it used to be a lot better to be honest but still good enough i am able to next turn get off the super power knock it out and because of how long i took the trick room is now done and i'm going to be able to out speed byron's last two pokemon now i go for super power here there's two reasons one i need the extra attack and two stelix knows earthquake an earthquake can hit when you are underground for dig so we're just gonna have to use it and then hope that we deal enough damage to knock out the bastiodon it is double weak to superpower so i think we should be good but it's going to be close unfortunately i messed up my powerpoint management and i don't actually have any more superpowers so i'm gonna go for dig and just hope for the best bastiodon goes for stone edge which obviously will miss and moment of truth okay not bad not bad at all was not actually a first try victory we had some bad luck in a few fights versus bronzor and i'd forgotten steelix had sturdy which is an issue but didn't take too long at all very similar to crasher wake in fact anyway anyways at this point i started to take advantage of the grand underground now at the time i didn't really understand how it fully worked and i still don't but i did know a couple things number one i knew munchlax is there because i saw it and i knew munchlax always carried leftovers which i really could use the second thing we need in here are heart scales now we have been used to spoiled in fact that the move relearner is available readily and will teach you any move egg move or move you learn via level up for free no longer the case you need heart scales there are two available in the game one on route 212 one on route 214 but otherwise you're going to need to go down into the underground and mine for heart scales they're very small they're hard to find it's a lot of fun with that heart scale we now can challenge candace i had battled her before but it went very poorly for reasons that will become apparent i also as future jarrows want to apologize for the quality of my voice i was really sick while recording and editing this video but i really wanted to get out there because these games are new and i knew this run would be very exciting anyway if you're curious why we needed that heart scale we have curse back which is really helpful and the leftovers will counteract snow warning meaning i won't lose health every turn now the strategy here is to go for two curses thankfully i even out speed after the first one actually i don't think that mattered but this will allow me to survive meta cham's attack and in fact snover's razor leaf did such little damage that you can see i thought about it but decided to go for a third curse because why the heck not it goes for water pulse and that does more than razer leaf did but not a big deal what is a big deal is on the very next turn it goes for razor leaf and gets a critical hit and i don't use super power so i don't lose any defense for meta cham but it was too little too late i had taken too much damage and so the meta cham still even with plus six defense was able to knock out my puny badoof in the end it turned out that the sweet spot was in fact two curses and once again the winning strategy comes down to how the ai handles stat increases you see metacham would go for a move that would knock me out if it calculates one of its moves would do that in one hit if not there's a chance it goes for something like bulk up now because of that crunch which is not super effective no longer deals enough damage to knock out the meta cham thankfully it does do enough damage so that metacham heals and due to my high affection aka power friendship i get a critical hit and am able to knock it out next comes sneasel and sneazel has terrible terrible defenses we just don't want to get damaged too much by it but we're going to use dig as opposed to superpower so we're going to have the maximum amount of defense for obama snow and obama snow here's the thing if we have enough hp it's going to go for aurora veil the same thing meta jam does it does if it can't knock me out with blizzard which at my very high hp it apparently won't it's going to set up and so there are some recurring themes here with ai manipulation and power of friendship thus far it's helped me get through seven gym leaders only one more to go but what if i told you one of the most difficult sections in the game the most difficult up to this point was just on the horizon because although this is not something casually that's too difficult we now have to complete the team galactic storyline which eventually leads me to going up mount coronet and then having to battle a tag team of mars and jupiter only then without an ability to save in between needing to battle cyrus this was horrendous and i'd like you to take a guess how long it took me to get past this part and let me be clear what i mean from the first time i battled mars and jupiter in the double battle to when i defeated cyrus and was able to advance for the record if you beat mars and jupiter and lose to cyrus you need to redefeat mars and jupiter again and there's a lovely cut scene in between that is unskippable wonderful to give you some context this run has so far taken me 11 hours in real time which we can use because we're not playing sped up how long did these three or really two battles take me four and a half hours and there's just everything about them sucks what i've neglected to mention to this point is that the mars jupiter fight is not a double battle with you there is one of those and i just used turtwig and allowed it to faint because there's really nothing i can do about that as you can see here the rival joins in on the battle and the ai is even worse assisting you than it is trying to defeat you now truth be told i started to figure out strategies and i was able pretty consistently by like hour two to get past these guys every time where things started to go awry is cyrus you see cyrus leads with a haunch crow not just any honcho a honcho with the super luck ability with a scope lens this is where the game really decides to be difficult and in a good way this is genius super luck increases your critical hit ratio as does scope lens and cyrus uses moves that increase your critical hit ratio further from generation i believe 6 onward this combination leads to 100 percent critical hits and the downside for me is i can't simply use curse or something in order to mitigate the damage dealt i either need to out speed haunchgrow and one shot it or take a bunch of damage at my current level while i was able to out speed haunchcrow was pretty slow it was barely a two ko in fact sometimes it wasn't and even when it got past tanjro we weren't done next came gyarados gyarados would use intimidate and thunderbolts can't win a ko because gyarados also has a super great item the wakan wakan wakan i have no idea how to pronounce that the electric reducing berry which for one attack decreases the damage dealt by an electric attack by half that is super great and for the record i'm super happy that trainers are finally starting to get good move sets and good items i just wish i could save between this very tedious double battle and this battle that yeah gyarados absolutely destroys me and so the solution was level up it really was there's nothing more i could do and that's what took me so long i spent the first hour and a bit trying to brute force this but even with ai manipulation and the power of friendship i wasn't making any progress now like i said leveling up is pretty bad but there are a bunch of rare candies lying around that i hadn't picked up yet so now's the perfect time to do that and in addition we can go to the grand underground and since the level scales as you get further into the game even though they're wild pokemon you actually do get a lot of levels battling them plus i didn't know this at the time there actually is a lucky egg located in one of the rooms and contrary to what i thought the items aren't actually random this is exactly why i've never done one of these challenges blind before but hey there is a certain degree of excitement trying to figure out all these things in a brand new game anyway this is what took me so darn long i'm gonna re-battle mars and jupiter and peanut butter has gotten all the way to almost a very nice level at level 68. i've opted to go with curse superpower dig and thunderbolt i did a lot of experimenting and this was the best not necessarily for these guys but for cyrus going forward the thing about these bronzor that absolutely stunk is that they like to use reflect and light screen and ideally the strategy whenever you have a double battle is this knock out one of the trainers three pokemon first and turn it into a two on one right now it feels like it's a one on two since the munchlax just seems to do things at random if i could teach tms between battles and if curse were a tm i would love to use work up here because it would make the goal bats a lot faster thankfully they're usually not too bad the biggest thing that can happen is confusion or golbat using poison fang and getting badly poisoned which can knock you out other than that really the poison fang is the big one you are going to win by either using thunderbolts or dig and in some cases if you really need to use superpower but realistically i have that more for cyrus than i do for this battle and by this point i was pretty much getting through these trainers every single time now i've got to sit back and watch this same cutscene with palkia yes i'm playing pearl version but thankfully due to the power of editing and boy is this going to take forever to edit we have made it back to cyrus now for whatever reason haunch crow tended to use defog turn 1 a lot so i didn't level up to the point where i would one shot i do a lot of damage but i don't one shot and thankfully it goes for default air cutter has like a five percent chance of missing but i really don't get why it even has that move just as i praised the game for good move sets that one kind of confuses me but whatever it's worked out in our favor and we've gone through the haunch crow without taking a single hit point of damage the big question was whether i would one shot the gyarados or not or so you'd think the more important thing is that we outsped the gyarados because even with a critical hit and yes that was a critical hit we do not one shot gyarados because of that darn berry thankfully because of our level increase and the fact we go first we are hit only a single time with waterfall giving us plenty of hp remaining for the final two pokemon and weavile sucks but in a good way as in cyrus's moves are terrible it's best move other than fling which can only be used once is dig and dig as we know is a two turn attack meaning i'm able to set up a curse and because dig isn't same type after that curse we deal a metric ton of damage and can knock it out with a superpower with lefties recovery we're at almost 130 hp for the final pokemon crobat now crobat has some okay moves but i'm just gonna go for thunderbolt it goes for cross poison does a decent amount of damage thankfully thunderbolt is doing about half if i don't get a critical hit against me i should win cyrus you can look angry all you want it is possible that you're gonna lose and it's about to happen because no critical hit i'm able to knock it out i don't even think a critical hit would have knocked me out anyway doesn't matter oh my god thankfully this is the only battle that's gonna take this long epic foreshadowing but before we talk about the battle that yes took longer than four hours we get a little reprieve in that we get to battle volkner the electric gym leader in sunnyshore city i battled him a few times and started to figure out what he was trying to do to me so i came up with this strategy he's gonna lead off with raichu and raichu almost always is gonna go for vault switch this is annoying but not the end of the world so you see i have a totally different move set now and i'm gonna go for curse right off the bat i also have my leftovers equipped to try and gain back hp which will be where protect comes into play you'll see amber palm comes out and here it's gonna go for fake out it always does with technician that deals a ton of damage but with protect i don't need to worry about that so that's pretty good now since i have a curse up i'm able to set up a substitute and it goes for double hit thankfully i get a miss due to the power friendship and i'm now behind the substitute as you're about to see double hit doesn't do all that much damage even with the technician boost so i'm gonna go for another protect in order to gain just a little bit of hp back as i would figure out hp is kind of important in this battle so we need as much as possible now remember how i said i'm not too concerned about double hit missing well you'll see why it goes for double hit and even with the technician same type boost with my curse up it doesn't even take out my substitute to make matters even worse for vulchner i have gone for a second curse and now i'm going to go for protect just to gain a little bit more hp back you can see ambipom has gone for thunderbolt because that now is going to deal more damage and so i know it's time to go for dig amber palm has last resort which can only be used after it uses all its previous moves so that knocks out my substitute but it's not a big deal with the plus 4 i am able to one shot with dig dig also being a two-turn attack allows me to gain even more hp back and i'm almost full for the raichu so raichu is probably going to once again go for the volt switch so i'm going to go for protect just to gain a little bit more hp back and now i'm going to go for dig and it's probably going to go into artillery that typically is what comes out here as far as i'm aware the order the pokemon come out in are consistent every time the only game i know that doesn't really do that is gold and silver which is why i don't like to run those for challenges anyway back to the battle at hand artillery is gonna go for focus energy which is actually useful but dig just deals way too much damage i'm not really sure why volkner has an artillery i mean it is a good pokemon to have for ground types but it doesn't really fit with the whole electric theme whatever raichu's now come out again and once again you know the drill we go for protect it goes for volt switch and we're going to use one more dig but before we do note how much volt switch is doing it's a ton i think you can see why i'm so adamant that i have a ton of hp especially when you consider the pokemon coming out now is luxray luxray has intimidate so we've lost two of our plus four in attack now because of dig we're going to get a miss and some lefties and then a hit and i don't know if we have enough to tank this last volt switch i think it's going to be close-ish but i should be fine moment of truth we're good okay very very very good and raichu's defense is abysmal so that is eight gym battles it has taken me a very very very long time and unfortunately we're not done there are still six more battles to go one more battle with the rival the elite four and of course cynthia known as the most difficult champion in pokemon history wouldn't you know though once again it's the battle i least expected that ended up taking me forever and that is the battle against the final rival why did this battle take me so long well let's talk about what he uses he starts off with a star raptor meaning i'm instantly gonna get -2 and attack that sucks it also has u-turn meaning it might come back which is another -2 but it knows close combat and when it u-turns it goes into infernape which also knows close combat and oh yeah there's a hair across which can also one shot me with a fighting move three fighting type pokemon on this team and badoof for all the moves it does get does not have a way to increase its speed and what i realized was i just need to out speed the first star after knock it out we should be good right well wrong we look at this on bulbapedia as i'd figure out it's got a focus sash meaning i have to figure out a way to knock it out in two hits and have enough hp and or speed to make it past infernape well i'm gonna tell you at my current level i couldn't even get past infernape i don't care how much power of friendship we have on our side it was not happening and so i actually did receive a little bit of help in the form of information i found out what the stats are on this staraptor knowing that information i can do damage calculations or speed calculations and figure out exactly what i need to train what i need to do what's going to work i should also note resetting in this game takes like 35 seconds which doesn't seem bad until you lose a fight again and again and again and again and again and every reset is excruciating if you don't reset you lose some friendship which we need for you know the power of friendship i've been mentioning it a bunch so yeah very very tedious unfortunately this star raptor has a lot of investment in speed decent ivs and a plus nature meaning i had to level up a ton and i'd used up all the rare candies so i had to go to the grand underground and just battle wild pokemon a lot also by the way even when i'd maxed out my speed evs i still wasn't fast enough without more leveling up i needed to go all the way to level 87 so now finally after over five hours of preparation i'm finally able to do this battle so i think who knows how it's actually gonna go like before intimidate hits that's a minus two right away we're gonna make that up with curse and that's gonna give us a plus two in defense close combat thankfully doesn't crit and with that curse only deals 80 damage with lefties even less now i'm going to use protect for the same reason we saw vs volkner hp is very valuable i need as much as possible it protected on my u-turn and i'm going to set up a curse of course it goes for close combat it now outspeeds me since curse lowers your speed and we're going to have to use protect again because we're running pretty low on hp now the good news is close combat only has five power points and at this point i think star raptor has almost run out thankfully i get a clutch power of friendship miss and i'm pretty sure that's it for close combat thus i anticipated it going for u-turn which it did going into infernape which i need to knock out in a single hit i go for pluck and we do knock out the infernape in a single hit that is a huge pokemon to knock out it never got the chance to attack me that was something this whole strategy was trying to do now unfortunately star raptor comes back out that's gonna lower my attack thankfully my defense boosts are still there i'm gonna go for another curse and i was wrong there was one more close combat this should be the last one and with my curse i have a little bit more attack now which is pretty good my defense has already been maxed i'm gonna use protect and it goes for u-turn i think that's all it can do right now so once again i'm gonna go for pluck and probably knock out whatever comes out next but shockingly it goes for steel wing rather than u-turn that's great because as we've discussed it has a focus sash meaning it's a two turn hit anyway and i'd love it not to use intimidate anymore meaning i don't want u-turn so i'm gonna go for another protect it goes for steel wing once again hopefully it goes for steel wing a third time and we can knock it out and keep our pretty formidable attack that doesn't happen it both goes for u-turn and gets a critical hit that's brutal but at the very least we're gonna get snorlax which unfortunately we will no longer out speed due to the curse and we don't knock out with pluck we're gonna have to withstand a hammer arm which snorlax knows and i'm nervous about that so i went for protect 124 hp will we survive it goes for yawn now i went for dig because it deals a little bit more damage and we get to recover a little bit more hp but i wasn't expecting yawn we knock it out with dig but now i'm going to be asleep that's that's pretty bad i actually would have rather the hammer arm floatzel has brine still so i'm asleep and floatzel uses brine and i'm asleep lovely okay well i can just i try for protect here but i'm still asleep floatzel uses brian and now i am at exactly half hp meaning i need to wake up and use protect or brian's gonna deal a ton of damage thank goodness wow that was that was pretty fortuitous okay let's gain a little bit of hp back we're going to go for dig this should one shot and we'll gain some back as we're underground floatzel's quick claw no concern of mine because i'm really slow and we have more than enough attack to knock out the level 49 floatzl and there's only a couple pokemon left heracross is one of them and this is another one i'm very nervous about i'm gonna go for protect because it has rockslide does it not know a fighting move did i worry about this thing for nothing seems like that's the case it went for rock slide again sounds like the information i got on the moves was incorrect or i was looking at the wrong sheet i was certain it had a fighting move like brick break apparently it doesn't i'll take it now the final pokemon other than the star raptor on one hp is the rose raid it goes for grassy terrain i was really nervous about a giga drain but grassy terrain that's going to gain even more hp back for my bidoof i think we did it it has taken me over five hours and 20 minutes of leveling up planning and hoping but truth be told on the first battle where i actually outsped the star after with the moves i'd planned it looks like barring something ridiculous we are going to defeat the rival and make it to the elite four will this happen [Music] yes it goes for pluck i go for pluck and mine deals less damage actually but enough to knock it out okay don't get too excited we have four more trainers to go and the champion and for those who watch my solo runs you might know that i have a rule not to save him between elite four members we are not going to be doing that by which i mean we are definitely going to be saving that means any moves i need anything i need needs to be in my bag i was very certain because once i save and start deleting my moves i'm locked in and there's nothing more i can do thus i need to be certain that i didn't need any more move tutoring moves and that all the tms i needed i had that's also the reason i'm using dig and pluck i need those moves for elite four members pluck will be useful against aaron now aaron also has a hair cross which i'm sure this time does have a fighting move and he also has a dust talks this dust talks is super freaking annoying because as the name suggests or at least the second half it knows toxic i'm gonna set up a curse there's toxic that's not good because unlike poison that's going to gradually increase and since i typically like to have longer battles and stall things out so i can set up that's not going to work so i just have to go for a pluck knock out the dust docks and now i have to hope not only that i win quickly enough for toxic knot to knock me out but that one curse is all i need for the rest of the battle now here is a moment of truth heracross do we out speed no brick break does over half my hp i go for pluck and there goes heracross so that's really good now the next pokemon that's going to come out is a beautiful and already i'm hemorrhaging hp due to toxic also that brick break didn't help and bug buzz is going to finish me off well that felt like a pretty good warm up i think i have an idea what he's going to do and i think i can defeat him let's try this once again so i'd like dust docks not to use toxic i'm going to go for pluck right away trying to knock it out dust talks is fairly bulky and pluck is only base 60 power but it goes for light screen with the black sludge i'm not sure pluck is gonna knock it out it does okay so now i'm not poisoned that's clutch and i don't have any special moves so light screen completely completely useless now i will out speed the hair across the question is will i one shot with pluck i don't actually outspeed the hair across okay power friendship saved me there with that brick break miss and this is not looking like the strategy i'm going to want to use going forward i am thankfully able to knock out the hair across in a single hit and next out comes beautifly now i don't think oh i do out speed the beautifly and i went for curse it went for quiver dance that's not good a bug buzz will knock me out hopefully it does it again that's awesome and i'm able to go for a pluck knock it out and now here comes vespa quinn it doesn't have pressure that's good for my power points it is fairly bulky i'm just gonna go for pluck it's so slow that i out speed but i don't knock it out it goes for attack order thankfully it doesn't crit it has a higher critical hit chance and i'm just gonna knock it out oh maybe not it goes for a full restore that's actually okay because that really doesn't make a difference since i'm faster all it did was waste a little bit of my time and that leaves us with one final pokemon a non-bug pokemon drapion it goes for cross poison of course it gets a critical hit but that shouldn't matter because i think we're gonna one shot the drapeon it all comes down to this do we have enough attack we do okay i'm gonna be honest that went way better than i expected hopefully the rest elite 4 goes as well but i'm not going to count on it but now we have a trainer who likes to use pokemon that live in the urther please give a warm welcome to elite 4 trainer bertha bertha i didn't know exactly what i wanted to do so aside from teaching grass knot for pluck which we no longer need i've kept my move set the same i'm going to use grass not on quagsire since it does four times damage and we get a crit which is both good and bad it's good because we knock it out it's bad because i don't know if we needed that crit to knock it out okay now we got sudo wudo i use grass knot and it does about half so workup would be very helpful here for more damage it goes for head smash and wow okay i like how quickly the hp moves by the way big improvement from diamond and pearl anyway yeah i'm going to not knock it out it's going to go for head smash and uh i'm going to have to go back to the drawing board here now the second time around i do have work up because well let's face it it'll be super helpful unfortunately quagsire also knows toxic hooray now i might need curse later on so i don't even know if i should continue if i win but i just want to see how workup works obviously with a plus two in special attack i'm gonna one shot quagsire i'm not sure if one workup will be enough to knock out pseudo-wudo considering what happened last time it might be close thankfully at least in this battle we do knock out the sudowoodo in one hit that is two down and one of her other pokemon potentially the next one is a whiskash wiscash is also water ground so that should be very very weak to grasp i mean it is right well here's the problem remember gyarados and the berry yeah we got another one of those the rindo berry it goes for bulldoze which will sharply decrease my speed and with that toxic damage racking up i can already tell this is going to be yeah okay well belch critical hit beautiful i actually survived due to the power of friendship but that is a very temporary survival the toxic will in fact knock me out you do have a slight chance of shaking off things like that due to friendship friendship is so overpowered but even if that happens we're gonna be knocked out it doesn't actually so what are we gonna do i battled bertha a few more times trying to learn a little bit more and come up with a strategy and thus far the quagsire is toxic and wiscash can actually use hydro pump between the two of them i'm not making it past theoretically if i set up three workups i might one shot wiscash but it's hard to know if that's going to happen and it's hard to set up a bunch of workups or anything when quagsar can use toxic and if i don't get the lucky shake off i lose well after being hit with toxic i figured now's as good a time as any to figure out whether three workups will knock out the wiscash thankfully i'm able to shake off the toxic and i think about it you can see me hesitate but i decide not to be greedy and to just knock out the quag's eye right there and then we've lost quite a bit of hp we will be able to knock out pseudowudo but i do not believe we have enough power to knock out the whiskash at least not with that rindo berry sudowoodo is absolutely no problem and our leftovers are slowly restoring our hp but unfortunately even if we do manage to knock out wiscash it's going to be all for naught if we aren't able to knock out the next two pokemon because we're at too low hp i decided to be a little creative and to go for dig we have raised our attack stat quite a bit so dig is going to deal quite a bit of damage and in fact almost one shots the whiskash that's interesting thankfully bulldoze unlike earthquake doesn't hit underground and bertha restores hp but i'm hoping it's gonna be a range it doesn't look like it it looks like i need a little bit more attack to one shot but since i'm not using curse i actually can just keep attacking even if she keeps using full restores and with two workups even with the rindo berry wistcash is taken into red bar that's very interesting and something i should keep note of assuming i lose belch still does a ton of damage and i decide to go for dig just like with volkner to gain just a little bit more hp back we don't have protect because well if i could use five moves i would but for the first time we're able to knock out with cash and we're almost leveling up and just as we started to feel good about things knocking out that whiskash i go for dig but golem actually out speeds due to that bulldoze and yeah i'm absolutely destroyed without any defense boosts hooray it was at this point i had a bit of a eureka moment where i realized i'd been looking at this battle all wrong yes they're all defensively bulky and yes grassnot does do times for against most of her pokemon however it's not working and toxic is a big reason why and there's a really easy way to mitigate that and that's substitute and while i'm behind a substitute if i have high enough defense it might last quite a long time and we have a move that raises our defense and as i mentioned a short time ago deleting curse is always going to be risky because it isn't a tm move and i can't teach it back so if i were to need it later i'd be out of luck so let's try using physical attacks and seeing how that works first things first let's avoid toxic by going for substitute and there's toxic very very very good i'm very happy about this now we're gonna go for curse and i don't know what quagsire is gonna do it goes for earthquake the substitute may hold it does that is huge i have crunch i'm gonna go for it just to see how much damage it does it lowers quagsire's defense this is really good it goes for surf and obviously it's gonna knock out my substitute but a couple of things to note we are still out speeding the quagsire and i think about it i worry about another toxic so i'm gonna go for substitute and quagsire does indeed go for toxic these are definitely some good predictions but in no way is this battle over yet i'm gonna go for one more curse this should make me slower than quagsire and it goes for surf which i avoid due to friendship okay so we've got a little bit of luck plus we got luck earlier where crunch lowered defense surf doesn't actually knock out my substitute i'm so perplexed anyway because we have no grass knot we have to use dig it goes for head smash but we should by the time we hit sudowudo be it full health and we are well basically minus two that's nothing now we have with cash and as we saw we're going to come pretty close to knocking it out with two curses so i'm gonna go for crunch it goes for hydro pump and absolutely just deals a ton of damage but somehow even with just two curses i'm able to knock it out in a single crunch i was hoping for a defense drop or a crit or something but as it turns out it's just an unfavorable range that i wasn't hitting before i'll take it now we have golem and i need to be smart here while dig would be good it is going for earthquake here and i'm able to avoid it i go for crunch obviously it's not gonna one shot but it has sturdy anyway so it's not a big deal it goes for earthquake and does quite a bit of damage considering i'm plus four in defense but i'm able to tank it and now it all comes down to bertha's final pokemon hip-hop on and i'm kind of scared i i don't really know what this thing is gonna do to me and if i get hit by earthquake underground which it knows that would be bad what do i do i'm gonna go for crunch it goes for earthquake and uh yeah i think this battle is over it's not gonna one shot unfortunately we came oh so close but we got hit a few too many times and so we're going to lose to bertha unless we get some insane luck via friendship and we do okay good enough for me [Laughter] yay friendship this is the anime version of pokemon where you don't actually have to be better than your opponent your pokemon just have to like you enough by following you around alright now we're gonna go and battle flint the fire trainer you know the guy who notoriously only has two fire pokemon something that was a big meme and fixed in platinum but we're not doing platinum so he can only have to fire pokemon again yeah that guy well hopefully he's challenging because otherwise it's just a very strange decision with zero payoff he leads off with rapid ash one of the two fire pokemon he actually has anyway i'm just gonna go for curse and it knows hypnosis i don't even know rapidash could learn that but okay that's a thing i guess i'm gonna go for substitute and that is now the second time hypnosis has missed us i'm not sure if it's just missing or it's the power of friendship there's a 40 chance who cares i'm set up behind a substitute now and might as well go for another curse it goes for iron tail okay and it doesn't knock out my substitute meaning i'm probably going to be able to set up another curse and i do that after it hits me with another iron tail knocks out my substitute but i'm at plus four in attack and defense and if this hypnosis doesn't hit me i might be able to sweep i'm gonna set up another substitute it goes for iron tail unfortunately there is a chance for iron tail to lower defense and that's exactly what happens but thankfully the next iron tail misses i opt to not set up any more curses and just try to see if i can sweep the entire team with a substitute up it should be possible and after one dig i mean the critical hit didn't matter we're 20 percent of the way there the next pokemon flint is going to send out is his trusty lopani you know a fire type pokemon i'll stop i promise anyway it goes for high jump kick it doesn't even knock out the substitute worse yet when i'm underground it goes for the high jump kick again why all right i i just i don't understand well now we get a stelix another okay i said i'd stop i'm gonna go for dig it goes for iron tail this should destroy my substitute and it does and i'm not sure if this is a rock head steelix or a sturdy steel x i guess we'll find out in just a second after i use dig and it is in fact not sturdy because it didn't survive we have infernape which is actually kind of scary and one more non-fire pokemon drift blimp which is what's gonna come out right now i still have crunch i knew he has a drift blim i'm gonna set up substitute just in case it goes for like willow wisp went for minimize not ideal however there is a second reason this is kind of useful now infernape can't one shot me to further that cause i'm gonna use one more curse that's gonna raise my defense back to plus six so we are super super bulky now we just have to hit it's gonna go for baton oh [Music] crunch hits infernape but it's not very effective so it doesn't knock it out it's defense drops but that's not really gonna matter this is bad it goes for close combat i don't care that i'm at plus three that's gonna knock out my substitute i go for dig at the very least this is going to gain me a little bit of hp back we're almost at full but i need to hit close combat misses dig hits phew and that's the battle because as i find out driftblim does not actually have an attacking move meaning as long as we eventually hit it we will win and flint an elite four member is my first ever impossible challenge as far as i can remember first try victory man flint sucks that leaves me with just two trainers to go one of them is lucian and lucian's a little scary because his pokemon are typically going to be special attackers and although i have crunch i'm not going to be able to set up defensively like i have for the previous three members he leads with mr mime and i'm very concerned since mr mime is now part fairy type and thus it's not super effective when i use crunch i'm to go for curse anyway just to boost my attack and i'm very surprised i outsped the mr mime it goes for reflect that is literally the worst case scenario it then goes for psychic and that deals 100 damage that's a lot so i'm just gonna go for dig it goes for light screen this thing is light clay so that means eight turns of reflect eight turns of light screen beautiful well i hit with dig and it does about half with reflect that's pretty good so i know how much damage i need to deal if there were no reflect up i am going to be able to knock out the mr mine but that psychic lowers my special defense and i don't even bother we're just going to reset and try again and although that battle may have seemed like a waste it actually gave me the key piece of information i felt would lead to a brand new strategy we don't need substitute and we outspeed mr mime why not use sword stands we only have to set up one and it's plus for an attack we already know that would one shot mr mime assuming it doesn't use reflect so i'm going to hope it doesn't do that unfortunately i get reflect of course i do so i'm going to set up another sword stance i now have four times attack it goes for psychic now since i want to stall out these screens i'm gonna go for dig and that is also gonna do the added benefit of gaining me a little bit more hp back as you'd expect dig does not knock out mr mine because of the reflect but it goes for light screen meaning we'll have a lot of hp for the remaining four pokemon this fight could have gone better theoretically but realistically i'm all set up reflect is running out soon and it didn't damage me too too much this is pretty good now the next pokemon we have to face is a bit of a scary one it's a meta champ a fighting type pokemon but if we out speed it could be really good because i'm gonna go for dig and yeah [Laughter] i can understand how it didn't predict i would use dig but that's that's pretty funny and even with reflect we're going to knock out the meta cham at half hp for those who don't know if high jump kick misses you lose half of your total hb so that was pretty good now reflect has worn off and we get to face the evolved form of my favorite pokemon alakazam i'm gonna go for crunch it goes for nasty plot beautiful i was very worried about alakazam not so worried if it doesn't attack me and that just leaves two pokemon left including big rigs giraffe rig over here i'm gonna go for crunch and i outspeed the giraffe rig okay i think we won guys because the last pokemon is a bronzong and steel no longer resists dark so crunch is going to be super effective and with plus six in attack well let's just yeah okay that was pretty much exactly what anyone could have expected not too bad and all the momentum we just established gonna come crashing down because we have to face cynthia cynthia's team is outstanding from spirit tomb to garchomp to milotic there are so many pokemon i'm terrified of and while i wouldn't call spirit tomb easy per se once i knock it out it gets way way worse because she's going to send out a pokemon that you all remember lucario and if you thought maylene's lucario was difficult well this one is a special attacker i didn't know what to do there's nothing i can do the power of friendship will barely help me out because aurosphere can't miss i can't boost my special defense what in the world am i going to do how am i going to get past this lucario i would try move set after move set i'm stuck i've saved between every member i can't leave if i could i would learn amnesia because well that would help out tremendously against a lot of cynthia's team but imagine having amnesia for all those other battles it would have been completely useless so i couldn't have amnesia i tried substitute protect swords dance curse workup nothing was working i tried everything but at the end of the day we have a pokemon that cannot miss with a move that one shots me from full health that i cannot in any way defend it it was it was looking dire it was looking dire and even if i somehow survived on one health due to friendship the rest of her team would have obliterated me so how in the world could i possibly win is this indeed going to be my first actually impossible run since my very first magikarp in red and blue is this all badoof can do get to cynthia and then lose to lucario and you want to know something even better because this is truly upsetting is that even if i'm able to somehow get a dig against lucario without raising my attack even a critical hit is not a one in ko but wait a minute let's rewind for a second how was i able to get an attack off against lucario we haven't before well here is where i accidentally discovered the key to defeating cynthia ice beam no i didn't freeze spirit tomb but for whatever reason when i used ice beam she swapped into lucario and this was consistent so it seemed like so long as i could swap with an attack boost i would potentially be able to get a free attack on lucario and knock it out well as i was experimenting with the strategy it had yet to actually work and that got me thinking wait a minute if spirit tombs frozen for a few turns we could set up a bunch of stuff substitute workup swords dance and if we set up enough we might be able to do the exact same thing we've done to flint and just sweep through her team maybe we're knocking out speed but if we can just get through the tricky pokemon behind a substitute maybe it's going to be possible unfortunately that means relying on a 10 freeze chance and a 25 chance thereafter it doesn't thaw of course this extremely luck-based strategy was far easier said than done but finally after about half an hour of trying i was able to get the freeze i wanted i was able to set up all my workups and my substitute and i was able to knock out the spirit tomb and then something crazy happened lucario used nasty plot i believe what's going on here is that because this time i'm at full hp cynthia wants to power up so that orosphere will definitely want to hit kayomi this means not only is my substitute gonna be around for lucario but i'm actually gonna have the substitute for her remaining pokemon including this gastrodon now this is a defensively bulky gastrodon so i'm not expecting to one shot it with dig but it goes for rock tomb it does not knock out my substitute even though i have no curses we're using work up and it doesn't lower my speed because i'm behind the substitute and thanks to the amount of damage dig did we're able to knock out the gastrodon in two and three pokemon in we were at full hp we have max attack and special attack and we are behind a substitute finally cynthia's able to break the substitute with rose raid going for sludge bomb but we are able to counter with an ice beam and there was just the garchomp and the mylotic left now as we've seen the premiere pokemon will come out last so we're going to face my lotic here and my lotic is a nightmare skull recover this is a defensively bulky pokemon that has a flame orb with the marble scale ability this is not gonna go well for me at all i was very nervous you can see i paused on here for a while thinking exactly how i want to tackle it i don't have many options i have ice beam and i have dig i kind of just have to use one of them unfortunately i have no choice but to go for dig and since it's a two turn attack that means that my low tick's gonna get burned by its flame orb and get the marvel scale boost in defense and i don't think this is gonna work i've used up too many of my powerpoints that unless i get a critical hit i'm probably gonna run out of digs before the milotic runs out of hp the flame orb is helping me out being like a reverse leftovers but unfortunately cynthia is cleverly recovering and since dig is a two-turn attack she has twice the opportunities to use recover while ice beam just isn't gonna deal enough damage milotic is a better special defensive pokemon typically furthermore if one of the skulls ends up hitting i'm done so at this point i'm pretty much relying on a crit a crit i'm not getting but the worst part of this whole thing is that just when it looks like i'm about to win cynthia used a full restore oh my god that was painful i don't think there's any way to win without a critical hit at this point we only have two power points left of dig and she has more ability to stall me out than i have the ability to stall her out it's all come down to this we need dig to be a critical hit and unfortunately it isn't we've run out of power points we have to use ice beam and we don't even have a chance to freeze even a critical hit is barely going to be doing anything to this milotic i think we're done we worked so hard it's like five in the morning when i was recording this footage everyone was watching on twitch and they all had to see me just totally devastated because after all that it didn't work it just didn't work i didn't have enough power points i didn't deal enough damage i don't know what to do that seems like the only strategy that i even has a hope of working i don't even know how i'm going to get past lucario without the strategy we just used and we couldn't get past the milotic if we had crunch that'd be great but what are we going to give up without workup i can't raise both my special and physical attack and we're going to need a powerful ice beam to knock out garchomp which also has one of those berries so hooray without substitute well we're not going to be able to set up against the spirit tomb without ice beam we can't freeze the spirit tomb and without dig if it weren't for that lucario we might be able to get away with just using crunch but unfortunately lucario is the scariest pokemon and i would like to knock it out in one hit crunch would be resisted and i just didn't want to chance it so i just kept trying again and again and again and again while i was at my wit's end i just wanted to go to sleep and we had a lot of viewers watching the channel i wanted to give them a victory but as would turn out i was getting sick and i was starting to feel really really gross this was going to be my last attempt to the night and i said as much on stream i just was really really exhausted and of course in what i called my final attempt we get a freeze but that's just part one we now need it to stay frozen while i set up my substitute it does now we set up work up number one spirit tomb stays frozen on to workup number two spirit tomb stays frozen workup number three spirit tomb stays frozen that's huge but only just the beginning now will lucario use nasty plot one more time it does oh my this we're gonna get another real attempt out of this we're easily gonna be able to knock out the lucario using dig and as we saw even a critical hit rock tomb from gastrodon doesn't do enough to what no no wait you know what all is not lost we could easily set up another substitute and if we stall enough we will still be at full hp pretty much in an identical situation to last time please rock tomb please yes all right that was definitely not something i expected to have happen also it's probably smarter to go for ice beam hopefully yes it knocks it out this is in fact a defensively bulky gastrodon so that's great we get one more power point of dig for milotic but before we have to deal with my low tick the rose raid is gonna come out it would be super nice if you don't attack me all right you know what same exact situation same situation more power points on dig hopefully it should work out if i'm smart i can even time substitutes with recover oh god all right let's go for dig obviously it's going to be burned by the flame orb and well we already know how much damage that's going to do no okay didn't burn me that's good if i could just clutch out a crit we win please please badoo please crit please no that's not a crit another scald and we've spent so long on this battle why did it have to burn why oh my god well this battle is over dig is now gonna do like nothing i knew she was gonna heal here so i'm gonna use ice beam because what else am i supposed to do maybe i get a clutch freeze no but i do get a crit so we know how much a critical hit ice beam does yay i guess well okay let's find out how much dig we'll do while burned so we have to wait a turn and go for it and it hits me and i survive okay thankfully lefties actually gives me hp before the burn takes it away or i would lose and at this point i think i'm gonna give it over to past j-rose because you simply will not believe what happens next oh my god it survived oh my god i survived this is so dumb [Music] all right uh does she just have garchomp left yep well okay guys there is a slim chance so we need either to survive on one hp or we need garchomp to miss because it loves me so much will the power of love do enough the power of love [Music] [Music] oh it had a yachty berry the power of love thanks for watching everyone take care
Channel: Jrose11
Views: 580,620
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pokemon, Jrose11, Pokemon Challenge, Can you beat, Pokemon Brilliant Diamond, Platinum, Brilliant Diamond, Shining Pearl, Impossible Challenge, Challenge, Gen 8 Challenge, Pokemon Shining Pearl, Bidoof, Bidoof Brilliant Diamond, Bidoof Challenge, Solo Challenge, Solo Bidoof, Solo Bidoof Challenge, Bidoof Run, BDSP, pokemon brilliant diamond shining pearl
Id: mtgoGdAp5KI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 92min 48sec (5568 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 05 2021
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