How Fast can you Beat Pokemon Red/Blue with Just a Jolteon?

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[Music] hey everyone how's it going so i'm going to take a small break from trying to beat mewtwo's time i think and we're going to answer a bit of a different question everyone loves eevee and it's evolutions or eeveelutions but i want to know which one will be the best and as we learn from legendary birds it's not always so obvious but i do anticipate jolteon our current pokemon having trouble with brock so i've decided to go first because rock is often times where you lose a ton of time so my guess before i've done any of these is that jolteon will be the slowest but will it be slow can it keep up with the legendaries let's find out now each evolution has one stat that's absolutely spectacular and in jolteon's case it's it's speed in generation one that makes a big difference because our critical hit ratio is really really high just over 25 or one in four of our moves should critical hit and that's gonna help against the first gym leader brock now i didn't even attempt to try this one minimum battles i battled all the bug catchers and saw if i just battled them could i beat brock the answer is no now people are gonna say jolteon has this move or that move but remember yellow version and red and blue are a little bit different the eeveelutions especially so we don't actually have access yet to tailwhip we do get sand attack and so i don't think this will take as long as everyone thinks but at level 9 it wasn't working in fact it didn't work at level 10 or level 11 either and there's not a lot to say about why didn't work i mean jolteon doesn't have great attack quick attack is only base 40 power and geodude uses defense curl firstly but both it and onyx have extremely good defense plus their attacks aren't bad so it's pretty difficult to do enough damage to knock them out sand attack of course helps when you have six sand attacks they're only hitting like a quarter of the time which is my critical hit ratio but as you can see it's not really working so i battled a few more trainers i battled the junior trainer and rival 1a so at level 12 i actually took two attempts to do this and i know it's a bit of a spoiler to say that but again there's not really much for me to say you get critical hits good luck with tackle misses or defense curl again and again and the biggest x factor is onix onyx can use tackle which you don't want to see bite is okay and screech is kind of the best but alternating between biden screech is kind of what you want and i didn't get very many attacks from onix with tackle at all and so i'm able to start racking up damage by by the way cannot miss but tackle can so tackle when it hits especially if you've been hit with screech can do a lot of damage but thankfully it took me only two attempts at level 12 to win and so we have hemorrhaged quite a bit of time that being said for an electric pokemon i'm very impressed with how quick it was but now that we've finally beaten brock we can move on to misty or rival 2. since i have excellent special and an electric move i think misty will be a good choice and i was right staryu isn't a one of ko but it still doesn't do much damage then i get a critical hit on starmie so that's a bit better than average luck but it didn't hit me with bubble beam which was nice and i knock it out first try victory wasn't really worried about misty and to be frank i'm not super worried about rival 2 either because pidgeotto is usually the most annoying pokemon and thundershock would be very good against that in fact i crit and won ako pidgeotto arbor isn't a one ko it is very good special but it can't attack rattata was a one ko no crit needed then bulbasaur i'm gonna go for quick attack i get a critical hit which is pretty good then i get another critical hit i'm not really worried about bubble sore what it's doing because well vine whip did nothing and that's its best attack so that was a very very easy fight and this is a part of the game jolteon especially is going to excel at because our next major fight is rival 3 essentially identical to this fight and we're gonna pick up body slam because of brock we're not at minimum battles anyway and to be fair minimum battles is totally arbitrary body slam will be extremely helpful jolteon doesn't have a super diverse move pool i mean it will at the end but in the early and mid game jolteon is gonna have to rely on electric moves and body slam so we need body slam and we're gonna get it and then we can battle rival 3 which i anticipate being even easier than rival 2 well pidgeotto gets some payback with a critical hit quick attack but i don't even need a critical hit to knock it out that's great now i decided to be crafty and go for quick attack against radicate to see how much it would do i got a crit and it went for quick attack so good thing i did then i go for another quick attack and knock it out and i don't think that crit mattered but you can see how many critical hits i'm getting in my opinion this is one of jolteon's greatest assets anyway body slam won it ko's kadabra and i out speed so that's awesome and critical hit again on ivysaur it went for leech seed but i wasn't really worried about it attacking either and that is rival number three so far so good but it's about to get even better lieutenant surge is going to be pretty easy i anticipate using one or two body slams on each pokemon clearly two are going to be needed for vault orb and yeah tackle did great damage although sonic boom could have done 20. pikachu somehow that x speed went first i'm not really sure that worked but anyway i knocked it out with a single body slam right you might be three and yeah raichu can't really do all that much to me in this game it did require three i went for a quick attack to make sure nothing funny happened and i lost all of nine hp beat lieutenant surge but more importantly i have thunderbolt and that is huge because i have access to arguably jolteon's most powerful attack for the final five gems which is most of the hard parts of the game i guess i should mention the hiker with the two geodudes and the graveler very very frustrating battle and you could try knock it out with body slam but the easiest way to do it is just to reset again and again use sand attack and hope he misses twice with self-destruct it only took me a handful of attempts and i will mention that graveler does have to miss so one of the geodudes can hit you not gravely though a self-destruct from that will knock you out at full health anyway it didn't happen in fact i didn't get hit with a single self-destruct but with some other attacks and so i'm able to make it to celadon and here i had to think usually i like to go to giovanni first but with body slam and thunderbolt as my two main attacks and unfortunately nothing is really on the horizon to help i mean eventually double kick but that's a really long ways away so i thought what might be easier is actually to battle erica and no this isn't because i forgot it in the alakazam run erika i didn't anticipate being too tricky and i was kinda right i guess i mean in the first battle i got hit with sleep powder and decided to reset but just before i did you see how much a critical hit razor leaf did it's not that bad the second battle goes a bit better i get a sleep powder miss and then a wrap which to be honest is the best case scenario especially when you combine it with the fact that tangela went for constrict but vileplume hit me with sleep powder i woke up right away and then it went for petal dance i won't get a single critical hit and it comes oh so close to knocking me out but i do win on two hp so perhaps what i'm about to do next i should have done first but in the end it was second try victory maybe wasted a little bit of time doing these out of order and yes i'm about to go battle rival 4 for some more experience points thunderbolt thunderbolt i went for body slam just out of curiosity would it knock out growlithe it doesn't comes close thunderbolt would have body slam does knock out kadabra body slam almost knocks out the ivysaur albeit with a critical hit and for good measure thunderbolt there we are rival 4 easy but there's not really much more to do i don't want to go all the way up the tower and back down that would waste time so let's just try our hardest the rocket hideout even with the sandshrew sandslash is not really a big deal but they don't resist body slam onyx and rhyhorn do so let's see how this goes i get good luck on the first hit that i get at paralysis it didn't end up mattering and funny enough the onyx never really ends up attacking i mean onyx doesn't really have anything that can hit me with eventually giovanni goes for rage that's what i want to see i tried to use sand attack because there's a glitch where if rage misses once it will never hit or almost never hit again it failed for some reason is that a genuine miss or some other mechanic this took a lot longer than i was hoping because i didn't get any critical hits so my power points are running low but we have a ton of hp for ryhorn and as if the game heard my complaint about not getting any critical hits critical hit horn attack doesn't do all that much don't get a second critical hit but that's actually doing really nice damage way lower defense for ryhorn than onyx guard spec is nice there's the critical hit i want to see and horn attack i'm not worried and i think that's it for giovanni because kangaskhan is really bad special i don't even think i need a critical hit and i didn't one hit ko and that went really well way better than i expected and now that we've beaten giovanni easily make it through pokemon tower and we've done everything we need to do before we head to fuchsia and sometimes with really strong pokemon i'll go battle rival fival before koga but jolteon isn't quite in the same tier as the pokemon i've tried that with so i'm gonna play it safe and go and battle koga like with a few of the runs lately koga was actually a little bit less scary to me than the pokemon in his gym and it's weird that koga's gym the only two mandatory trainers have not a single poison pokemon poison gas maybe and that's not some joke they literally have an attack called poison gas but it's always been odd to me that koga's gym is full of psychic pokemon not really sure and they have decent special so they're quite annoying to knock out in fact thunderbolt and body slam do roughly about the same damage and thankfully i had the full restore from the safari zone so i can fully heal up and attempt to battle koga alright moment of truth wanna ko no very close i don't know if that's a range and of course smog poisons that's unfortunate hilariously though we do knock out muck in one hit but that's because we got a critical hit but muck is a much scarier pokemon than coughing so i'll take that we also knock out the second coughing in one hit i'll be it again probably because of the crit and now critical hit i could win this battle pretty easily i don't get it and that's concerning it's not even doing half sludge does very good damage plus i'm poisoned pretty sure i'll need a crit to win and yeah please don't hit me uh okay so first try we didn't win i could level up a little bit more and make this more consistent or use rare candies but i think that would be unoptimal and i mean i'm a sliver of health away that wheezing uses a different attack i probably win let's try again once again coughing takes two hits but this time it misses with smoke screen that's good muck don't get the crit and then minimize please hit okay that sucks please hit okay and poison gas that really sucks and the crick came a little late would have knocked it out anyway but okay bye bye muck and i'm at full hp albeit i'm still poisoned now that was a more opportune crit so we just have wheezing to go a crit or some better move selection from wheezing and i will win all right show me the crit no x attack is okay come on oh gosh that's so close and all right we're good we're good so now that we've beaten koga i could go battle blaine but we're not gonna do that we're gonna go battle rival fievel so far he hasn't been so bad however now he's got a venusaur with razor leaf and that is definitely a lot more frustrating than what we've had previously once again the battle starts off really really easy thunderbolt thunderbolt and look at that thunderbolt now i didn't think body slam would be a 1ko so i went for thunderbolt curious how much it would do it did happen so if i lost i could use that if i wanted to it went for disable which sucks in this generation it just randomly picks an attack and a pick tail whip a move i never would have used anyway one pokemon left now i really don't want to see razor leaf body slam no crit vine whip gets a crit cool no crit still no razor leaf that's good here's the crit and it somehow still survives that's great but unfortunately venusaur leech seed is a little too late and i knock it out so one out of three battles with razor leaf we didn't see it a single time that's pretty good but you know i'm kind of thinking that's gonna come back to haunt me later whatever later is later we've won and i'm actually gonna do something i rarely do which is focus a little bit on this giovanni battle two of the four pokemon are immune to electric attacks so this could be somewhat difficult however this is why tail whip is useful i can use it to lower defense and make the ryhorn and needle queen a little bit better first things first buy nidorino buy king is gone now i use tail whip and ryehorn also uses tail whip and i actually notice i'm much lower on body slams i probably should have used the ether that was obviously a mistake because even after four body slams including a crit i'm unable to knock out rhyhorn so i may lose this because i have to use quick attack against nidoqueen so i'm going to use some tail whips and nidoqueen also really decides it likes using tail whip it actually uses three so that's four defense drops when it finally hits me with a poison sting it does more than half of my remaining hp but thankfully too little too late and with quick attack ironically ended up making the battle a lot slower but hey i like that that was kind of neat we have knocked out giovanni and now we just have three more gym leaders to go and i want to do blaine before sabrina again just because i don't know sabrina always makes me nervous i want to definitely outspeed her pokemon and when you beat blaine you get a boost in special so i'm gonna go ahead and do that i'm not too nervous about blaine some pokemon struggle but with thunderbolt i think i should be fine against his fire pokemon well growless is a 1ko with thunderbolt that's a good start but honita isn't and firespin which lasts one two somehow we can use a super potion while i'm still trapped and three so that wasted a bit of time but really wasn't that big a deal all right that's doing about half to wrap oh okay super potion probably won't knock it out and a failed growl wouldn't matter if it hit or not but all right one more our canine takedown and fire blast is what i don't want to see thunderbolt does not look like it's doing half more like 40 take down i didn't want to see but maybe it'll be a two a ko now no amber's okay fire blast probably would have knocked me out but alright we have won and not only have we won we have double kick which won't help us against sabrina but against giovanni it will however to get to giovanni we need to get through sabrina all right body slam one at chaos kadabra good start does not want to ko mister mine it uses barrier so i go for thunderbolt knocks it out venomoth doesn't have amazing special so i'm gonna go for thunderbolt since it does more damage usually and it does with a crit probably mattered but okay we're at full health for alakazam i'm liking my chances here all right body slam oh that was so close with that crit hyper potion of course all right let's try again paralysis good now anything but a critical it's psychic can i win sideway if that does like not nothing usually okay that did quite a bit but it doesn't matter we won anyway so we have made it through all the gym leaders we are missing one giovanni and now that we have double kick i don't hate my chances i also have mimic in case this takes many attempts so i can mimic dig or something but i'm thinking this should work i don't know could be a very interesting battle all right first things first i'm gonna use agility the reason for this is the badge boost glitch don't worry too much about it i don't use it much in this run essentially it's a problem with generation one basically when you get gym badges you get a stat boost and when your stats are modified it reapplies that boost again so i basically upped my stats by about forty percent give or take and i get a crit which ignores those boosts but you can see how much more powerful my attack is because the non-crit the next turn does just about as much damage as the crit so you can see it really really does make a difference dugtrio is the only pokemon with an actual ground move so i need to knock it out into one hit no but i pair okay that was pretty lucky pretty unlikely you get both the paralysis and the 25 chance it doesn't attack but that bodes well for us because nidoking and nidoqueen really just have powerful normal attacks nothing ground type so body slam looks to be about a three ko tail whip not great but boost my stats a bit further get the paralysis this time it still attacks and you can see body slam does decent enough damage so down goes nidoqueen needle king as thrash which would be pretty bad with the defense drop well clutch critical hit could be a two kill if we got another one uh guard spec i'd like to see that another critic ah just missed knocking it out poison sting was the absolute thing i wanted to see being poisoned not great for ride on but i do knock out needle king so now i just have to knock out right on before the poison damage it should just go for fissure because good ai says ground good against electric but wanna ko moves do not affect pokemon that are faster i'm faster as you can see so i just need to knock this thing out before i faint and poison only does 1 16 instead of 1 8 so it should be fine so i'm gonna keep going for double kick as right on does essentially nothing you will notice i'm doing a little bit less damage now that's because i leveled up leveling up cancels the badge boost glitch so i'm back to my regular proper attack and in more difficult runs i manipulate my experience points so i won't level up in the middle of the battle like this however as you can see didn't make a big difference eight gym leaders down six battles to go but like i always say this is just the regular season the playoffs are around the corner and as i save i'm at three hours 23 minutes anything under four hours is really really good so that would be nice if jolteon can do that but like i said six tough trainers standing in our way let's try and get past them all right pidgeot has been pretty good for us and we knock it out in one hit don't know if that matter don't think so unfortunately we have ryhorn now and we do have double kick to deal with it however unlike giovanni's ryhorn it does actually attack us with stomp somewhat decent damage 30 is not bad thankfully the second time you use double kick it goes for horn drill and by the third double kick it's knocked out now we have gyarados obviously wanna kill with thunderbolt i'm not sure if growlithe will be it is it is that's good ralph is the one at ko i mean crit maybe but now we have to deal with alakazam do we outspeed it is a big question we do that's good and about half damage what i want to see sai beam does decent enough damage and we knock it no no oh that's not good all right well i think that's the battle we have nine hp for venusaur all right come on critical oh no yeah we're done poison powder it hits doesn't matter vine whip yeah okay so this isn't gonna work and unfortunately i do try this again but as it turns out venusaur really is a big sticking point because body slam just simply isn't doing enough damage i'm under leveled 65 base attack is nothing special and it's not super effective or anything so i decided to use two of my rare candies early since like i mentioned earlier at level 48 i get access to pin missile and although pin missile isn't a great attack it is quadruple super effective yes bug is super effective against poison in generation one nowadays it's not very effective that was swap not sure why but who cares so now that you saw another unsuccessful battle let's try after using the rare candies and see if that works better alright well pidgeot's not gonna be a problem ryorn here's something else i should mention when one hit of double kick is critical both are that's a generation one thing it's true of every multi-turn attack and it almost knocked out ryhorn in a single hit that's really really good stomp still doing decent damage 27 so i knock it out we're obviously gonna knock out gyarados i was thinking of setting up badge boost against growlithe but opt not to because i got burned last time literally so i just knock it out with a thunderbolt now here's where maybe i messed up i thought he might use agility to badge boost later so i had gotten rid of body slam for pin missile and body slam probably would have been a little more helpful in this situation pin missile while super effective i need to hit at least three times and i don't and then alakazam uses reflect i should have switched to thunderbolt but i was thinking i was going to reset and swap out agility for body slam so i just went for pin missile just because i was curious how much it would do now and alakazam goes reflect again and then i get a four turn so a three four so nine hits altogether knocks out alakazam with the reflect not bad but how much damage will do to venusaur that's the big question well i get a crit one only two no what an opportunity wasted thankfully it goes for growth now i just need a few hits one two come on one more yes okay so you can see how good pin missile is the quadruple super effective very useful first attempt with the new strategy was successful we still have some rare candies left for later on and that's kind of all i have to say for now i mean nothing really going on in victory road let's get to the elite four cue the ice theme laurely alright do we want to kill dugong we do very good sign that means we will for sure knock out cloister not sure about slow bro oh we do that's good now for jinx i could opt to go for pin missile but i think thunderbolt is safer so i go over thunderbolt and i get the paralysis it's like i have body slam ice punch does about 41 or exactly 41 and now i'm curious how much pin miss i would do and it hits once twice so pin missile looks like it would do more if i could get more hits super potion i'm gonna go for pin missile again and hope for better luck and i got a crit so that should be good and now i just have to knock out lapras because blizzard and hydro pump don't look like a fun time well that's not that close and body slam does quite a bit but 54 hp is plenty next thunderbolt knocks it out so lauralee doesn't look to be too big an issue and we move on to bruno who would be tough in yellow version but without any ground moves for any of his pokemon well specifically the two onyx i think i should be fine since i have double kick and so as the battle starts i'm just gonna use it and the worst onyx can do is rock throw and that does very little the other move it has is rage okay we got both and by that point it's already knocked out him on chan and him on lee of awful special and so we knock out him on chan and we're not gonna hit monthly i don't think that mattered at all now we just have to do the same thing to the second onyx that we did to the first onyx and hope we don't lose too much hp i went for agility trying to be sneaky and boost my stats big mistake bruno loves to raise defense and that's exactly what happened so now double kick's doing like nothing thankfully onyx hasn't attacked yet and turns out it never will we knock it out with double kick and now we just have to knock out this machamp i do not think it's gonna be a one ako but just no critical hit submission we should be good all right yeah it's not a one okay like i suspected submission wow holy moly almost didn't even need a critical hit wow like one more hit from one of the onyx and i could have been done yo i haven't lost to bruno in a long time that would have been good for content but bad for me anyway it didn't happen but yeah jolteon doesn't match up well against bruno thank goodness it's bruno but another trainer i don't think it matches up particularly well against is agatha my best move is a special attack agatha's gengar have high special and i'm not sure if i outspeed i should and that's why i called the agatha lottery if you get outsped hypnosis confuse ray it's great hopefully we don't see any of that it's just a quick and easy fight i doubt it all right how much does thunderball do not much like a third that's not great and yeah confuse ray of course all right just please don't hit yourself and of course you're gonna hit yourself in confusion and now i'm asleep so yeah i think that's the run all right just wake up first turn no of course you can't do that and okay confuse ray i can deal with can you wake up this turn no but still confused ray alright that still works and hey you woke up and hey there's the dream eater that was good timing jolteon now snap out of confusion hit it with thunderbolt no crit so it's still around but here's where i get just a little bit too clever i wanted to see how much pin missile would do again it's going to deal neutral damage because the super effectiveness against the poison type even though gengar is terrible defense it does nothing and even with three hits it survives on like one hb and of course i'm punished and put to sleep that was a costly lesson all right now of course it's gonna go for dream oh withdrew that's pretty good go back and use haze which will wake me up and its only attack is wing attack so this isn't a terrible matchup all right well i don't wake up and of course critical hit i mean what else would you expect i'm still asleep in supersonic and it just seems like in some battles with the agatha lottery nothing goes your way and this is feeling like one of them however after i don't wake up again it goes for haze that's gonna remove the confusion and the sleep very weird move in generation one and i should be able to knock it out in a single thunderbolt but i decide to get greedy again and try and boost my stats by using three agilities agility one wing attack agility two super sonic fail you know what two is good enough knock out the goal bat and i level up that was so unnecessary oh my goodness i didn't even think about that again badge boosts are canceled when you level up so i knock out gengar but those extra agilities just wasted time thankfully thunderbolts doing about half the haunter hypnosis misses and a knockout haunter so now we just got arbok and gengar i'd love this to be a one ko but it's not even close arbot goes for glare which i think can affect me just has a 25 chance to miss in generation one and i knock out the arbok but we only have 83 hp two night shades will knock me out toxic confuse ray a lot can go wrong here all right it's doing about a third again dream eater i can work with okay crit would have been nice but yes toxic is excellent tons of mistakes tons of bad ideas and we still win which is why we called the agatha lottery sometimes the luck doesn't go in your favor and sometimes it does kinda saw a bit of both but now i'm really worried about lance especially without body slam dragon air funny enough they have hyper beam i don't really know how much damage i'm gonna do to them and even dragonite could be an issue so i'm going to use my rare candies i have five remaining and that's all i have to say let's see how it goes all right against gyarados no i only have four left i forgot to elixir no well we can knock it out but dragon air i'm not going to use thunderbolts i need a lot of them so i guess i'll go for double kick oh that's going to be bad yeah it's doing nothing slam does decent still doing nothing slam still doing decent but i'm close now still don't knock it out and then dragon rage so i'm at 49 health for three pokemon yeah it's gonna go great all right so i know i lost so i'm just gonna go for thunderbolt anyway and it doesn't do great damage either i tank the hit for now i go for double kick and yeah there's hyper beam so okay usually i like to reshow the elite four battle but i think considering how bad that was let's just skip ahead to lance again and see what a regular lance fight would look like however while i remembered to use the elixir i forgot to use rare candies so now i'm battling lance five levels lower is this gonna work well let's find out all right so gyarados of course i'm gonna knock out in one hit but you know what i'm gonna do against dragon air let's go for an agility boost my special by a little bit maybe it'll make it a two with ko so i'm going to do that it goes for dragon rage thunderbolt yeah it's still not doing half so i guess i'll go for another agility of course it's gone for two straight dragon rages so i have like no hp left thunderbolt doesn't knock it out it heals and then i'm knocked out two turns later all right so one battle without power points one battle without rare candies what if we get this did both of those things would lance be not as bad as he seems only one way to find out obligatory mention of gyarados and goodbye now here's the moment of truth do i do half does not look like it's a me slam's doing 37 i'm going to go for an agility and hyper beam of course i'm at a nice amount of health but this isn't looking good for the rest of the battle the fact that used hyper beam means i can now use a second agility and so i'll for sure knock out dragon air i'm not too sure about the second one though i kind of need some luck all right well thunderbolts doing over half so that's great hyper beam isla oh i didn't okay you know what badge boosting like i said all the stats including defense very good so now we've made it to aerodactyl probably should have used another agility by the way but whatever we knock out aerodactyl now we just have to knock out dragonite without it hitting me that seems likely all right well i'm liking the damage thunderbolts doing that's doing over half and of course high premium hits so we got farther it was somewhat of a decent battle i don't know though is this a strategy that can actually work you know what i'm not racing against mewtwo i'm going to go back to selena i'm going to buy the tm for reflect jolteon can learn it reflect would make lance and the champion a lot more consistent and i'm not sure what move i'd even delete but i think it's good to have in the toolbox so i'm going to take a little bit of time to backtrack and do that and now i just have to make it back to lance again funny enough in the run just before this one i finally lost agatha i had some superbly good luck against her so far but but it did run out in the attempt before this one so that's good to know i didn't ever lose to bruno though the closest i came was that first battle which you already saw every other battle the machamp just decided not to use submission bruno just attacks randomly anyway so it's just a one in four chance and agatha i mean commentating agatha battles can be fun but the truth the matter is when you have such a difficult battle after her they kind of lose a little bit of that suspense because even if we have a really clutch battle and a lot of cool things happen it really means nothing if we can't actually make it past lance so once again you'll have to enjoy it sped up in the background but we've made it to lance again this time though i'm gonna get rid of double kick i don't see myself using it and i have been using agility so i'm gonna get rid of double kick i'm gonna teach reflect and that may be bad against the ride on but i haven't even made it past lance i mean i need thunderbolt and pin missiles between agility and double kick agility seems to be more useful for lance so let's add in the reflect hopefully it all works out lance battle take four obligatory gyarados mention and i'm gonna go for reflect right away against dragon air not for slam which i wasn't so worried about but i was hoping for actually a hyper beam there and then i could start spamming agility because i didn't get a hyper beam i'm gonna go for thunderbolt it went for dragon rage that's well honestly the move i least want to see because it ignores my reflect and does 40 damage anyway now i know lance may heal but i'm gonna go for thunderbolt today critical hit okay i was rewarded for my i don't know impatience i guess all right another thunderbolt hyper beam misses that's actually really good i don't mind a hyper b miss at all and hey if we get another crit yes okay made it to aerodactyl again and once again one hit ko so with the reflect we actually might beat dragonite okay thunderball's just doing under half the dragonite and hyper beam i'm good and here's where i made a mistake i should have gone for thunderbolt i went for agility thinking about not wanting dragonite to heal but opponents items don't have priority so he couldn't have healed anyway whatever this will be more than enough to knock it oh no oh okay wow that was so bad holy moly whatever we won but now thinking about the final battle was double kick the right call will this move set be enough can i beat the champion i don't know let's see all right so against pidgeot because it's only attacks or flying attacks i'm gonna go for reflect and then i'm gonna set up three agility so i have all the badge boosts it's not gonna do very much damage to me at all if i see sky attack i'm gonna attack thankfully i don't see it i have all my agilities and the reflect like i've said in previous videos reflect lasts the entire battle so this should be good bye bye birdie what a weird reference anyway i need pin mistletoe more than twice once twice okay that's half damage no no not psychic no special drop oh good 33 chance of special drop all right now i should knock it out i think i only need minimum two which is the least you can get and it works okay so 116 not great you know what i'm kind of nervous about right on to be perfectly honest too because i have to use pin missile and oh no this was a mistake that did like nothing and i got four hits horn drills fine but man this is gonna take a long time and you know i could commentate this exciting back and forth but basically right on doesn't have anything too scary in fact the only movie can hit me with is fury attack which is not very good but if he uses that enough times it will start to add up it also has leer and tail whip which will batch boost me but i should level up in the middle of this battle and that's just lowering my defense which is bad kind of nullifying my reflect i would have preferred more horn drill or misses with fury attack i am at 91 health but with all those defense drops i just suffered not really certain how this is gonna look but hey we are halfway done and that's not true because we have another gyarados so we're actually two thirds done and there's the level up so i don't think thunderbolt will knock it out now and maybe it would have if i got badge boost and of course take down okay i'm still around that's kind of nice 27 hp but that means i have to one shot venusaur is that a thing i can do i don't know five hit critical hit pin missile let's do it i don't know what the odds of that are but that's what we're hoping for all right one no crit and only two and razor leaf ah that was so annoying and like that's kind of how i have to do it you know i could delete agility but then i can't badge boost for double kick so i'll knock out right on sooner i can't get rid of pin missile i need that for venusaur man i just don't know you know what i am going to do one thing though because as i start to do these runs i realized agatha was too inconsistent so i manipulated my experience by battling one golbat in victory road this way i would level up just before i battled agatha making it an optimal time to use my rare candies and that made agatha a heck of a lot more consistent no more three hit kos in fact even the second gengar is a two ko although i did get a crit this time but pretty sure even without the crit it would have been a 2 ko and even though we've seen this battle four times i am going to commentate because it has been a real thorn in my side we are one for four battle fievel versus lance let's do it now this may shock you but i do knock out gyarados with thunderbolt i know have never seen that one before once again i'm going to set up reflect right away slam is good and now i'm going to need some crits because i cannot use agility to get some badge boosts no crit there dragon rage don't want to see that but i definitely do want to see that okay dragonair one down 110 hp that's okay that's okay all right come on get a crit no we get a paralysis but it hits with dragon rage 70 hp for dragonite looking kind of dicey but we can do it just gotta knock out this dragonair here and yes that was great okay okay okay yes again shocking we knock out aerodactyl who cares dragonite just don't use hyper beam come on be a pal all right get a critical hit paralysis is good agility very very good come on critical hit here wow dragonite sped me even though it's paralyzed that's weird isn't it anyway knock it out no no and now it can heal please don't heal i still don't know how this thing's out speeding me slam okay two for five goodness lance has been a real thorn in my side lately but the champion definitely wasn't easy making it to the last pokemon was a little bit of a mirage since i was at such low health it basically didn't matter i'm really gonna need double kick to make a difference or else maybe i'm gonna have to use mimic instead of something i don't know but rematch versus the champion despite all these failed attempts sub 4 hours is possible can we clutch it out let's find out all right well the pidgeot section is much quicker i go for reflect it near moves reflect that's useless for you and i knock it out so that's one down now i was curious how much thunderbolt would do pin missile is almost definitely a two ko anyway doesn't even do half and psychic okay no special drop no crit did a lot of damage though and now i need at least a three hit pit missile one two three three pin missiles we did it okay that's alakazam we are not in the clear right on can deal a bunch of damage if this takes too long we actually got a little lucky in that respect last time all right how much does double kick do nothing like it's better than pin missile but it's gonna be so slow i need a crit alright well it goes for lear which can make a difference for our canine as we saw another double kick and fury attack two three four gosh 65 hp that's not great all right critical hit finish it off nope and another leer and now we will oh my gosh that's a cr you know a game that's not very nice okay so there are two pokemon left in a second okay there are two pokemon left sometimes our canine goes for roar i would be very pleased with aurora or crit either or all right show me the crit show me the crit no oh we got roar that's good okay okay okay we have a nice amount of health for venusaur come on this is too perfect we have to beat venusaur come on crit five hit pin missile all right one two this is great three you know what that's good solar beam we won yes man this was frustrating i didn't really know what to do you know after using legendaries for so long and trying to go fast this actually was a really really difficult run i don't know if we did it under four hours once professor oak is done blabbing we're gonna have to check and no by three minutes okay that's kind of funny and just to quickly talk about the tier list this is gonna go in the ghastly tier i think it wasn't minimum battles but it did have a significant time save for now i'm gonna put it ahead of gastly anyway that's all for this video stay tuned to see if flareon or vaporeon can beat the 4-hour mark heck can they make it competitive with the legendary birds i have no idea haven't done the runs yet so i'm gonna go get to that and thanks for watching take care everyone
Channel: Jrose11
Views: 311,454
Rating: 4.9283767 out of 5
Keywords: Pokemon, Jrose11, Red, Blue, Generation 1, Pokemon Red, Pokemon Blue, Pokemon Red and Blue, Pokemon Challenge, Kanto Challenge, pokemon challenge, pokemon challenges, pokemon red, pokemon blue, can you beat pokemon with only a, elite four, pokemon solo challenge, no items, is it possible to beat, challenge run, Jolteon Pokemon, Jolteon challenge, Jolteon no items, can you beat, gen 1, how fast Pokemon, Minimum Battles, Jolteon, Eevee, Jotleon, Eeveelution, Best Eeveelution
Id: 6votL8QxwOw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 1sec (2521 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 25 2020
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