Project Zomboid 41 IWBUMS 28 Days Later Challenge | Sprinting Zombies, Eerie Country, and Mods

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hey guys booking project zomboid we're gonna try an insane difficulty playthrough right here this is the 28 days later Settings Project Zomboid so all the zombies are sprinters and I seem to have spawned in an outhouse we're on we're actually on a pretty awesome map we're on a tox warriors Erie country map which contains a lot of farmlands cities and just terrain layouts that are really not like anything else that you see in the rest of the game I'm really excited to try this I've also got on super survivors and I mean all have a whole list of my mod settings but I just tried to make it as unpredictable for myself as possible I don't know if I'll survive more than two or three videos here but I mean like ideally I could survive a long time on this but a lot of its gonna depend on me never making contact with any zombies because like they're pretty stupid when I do encounter them but they're gonna be like they're gonna be really fast and I've tried it and you can get swarmed really really quickly damn I didn't even never even notice that the wheat sways in the wind is really nice okay our character is what does even my name my name is Steven Steven my name is Steven um I am 27 male wait 60 I've actually made myself really underweight which is totally fine because you find a lot of food at least at the beginning very very easily and especially processed food so we can gain back that weight pretty quickly I'm strong I'm athletic but I'm a slow reader so my skills overview is I don't have anything except for I just have tons of fitness and strength because I don't want to bother with those because they take a really long time haven't killed any zombies yet because I just spawned in it you know the outhouse had blood on the wall it's coming back to me so I guess I was just in like a very bad session of diarrhea but we're gonna see if we can just get some early experience I think we're spawning in it's July 9 a.m. so it's a standard spawn so right now my stories should be on TV and we're gonna see if we can get some cooking experience right off the bat not that we'll probably be using it but it's basically free experience so I will take that and I don't actually if you read the book on cooking while you're watching TV do you gain experience I presume that you would gain experience faster cuz let's just find out right now oh [ __ ] there's also zombies in here I yes I forgot about that okay yes so they have like the they have the Naruto run I thought I heard more I'm really gonna have to turn the volume up here because like the zombies might not hear me they have pours site poor smear poor smearing poor hearing and poor smell but if they find me I'm [ __ ] so I really like I really got a you know I got to dot my eyes across my T's as they say I gotta be really careful as we go about I'm gonna try to check every single room and if I like if I get swarmed by even two I'm probably [ __ ] I'm probably gonna die if that happens I I don't even really think I should go too much into scratch defense in this game only because running away is gonna be a much better shot let's just make sure that there's not a lot out here I did try it like guys tried setting up the whole scenario and for the first couple days at least I think you're okay cuz not too many spawn in there's a decent amount of loot in the world - okay let's just turn on the TV turn on stories and we're on pause TV you want to go to life and living okay so I think we're in the middle of the cooking show I am a slow reader though so let's just see I'm gonna speed up time for a second just because I want to see okay so my cooking skill did go up by a little bit we're probably almost at the end of the program here but I'm gonna read the book while the TV's going up oh wow you still can gain cooking skill while you're reading that's insane okay tomorrow we'll have to try to turn on the TV again just so we can get a little bit more cooking skill with that upgrade if we can but I don't want to waste too much of this day because it's kind of a rare time right now as there won't be a lot of zombies and having spawned here at all I might even be better off with a pipe wrench than a wood axe the wood axe is really slow to wine up wine down so I was thinking of just leaving it there only because any item that takes a long time to wind up is gonna be next to useless to me the one thing I'm gonna have to control myself with is I can't really encounter more than one at a time like that one that I fought back there is about all that I can take at a time we did pretty well with early Lutz bonds though we got food wood glue we got a lot of stuff to repair we almost have enough - yeah we have enough to make a sheet rope now - I'm gonna remove these curtains and I do know a little bit of this map though one reason why I picked Erie County is because I don't know it very well and I know there happens to be a warehouse pretty close by and I'm thinking of setting shop over there so I'm just gonna jump out the window I don't really know why I jump out the window so much I think it's just because there's so often I'm trapped in rooms that's probably it all right so the coast looks pretty much clear for now but I'm still gonna stay crouched because I do want to develop the skill as much as possible if we do start to get a lot of spawns coming in about a month but it's going to be impossible to play this then I'm thinking like I want to have decent enough sneak skill for then and it'll probably be pretty easy to sneak past a lot of them until then okay three right here I don't want to fight those one so I'm gonna hop the fence how are you doing inventory okay you know actually I'm gonna put this on my back - that's better okay so we got we got a hatchet and I probably wouldn't even want a hammer for a quick swap so I'm just gonna leave that there and that's pretty much fine okay now I'm gonna keep sneaking I want to be able to sneak around quickly though so I'm gonna fast sneak around how is it over here I really really like what do you do with these warehouses like the whole map honestly you remind it reminded me a lot of the Daisy map like all the abandoned warehouses and stuff this is the place that I'm talking about I'm thinking that this would prowl be the best place to set up only because there's a lot of boarded up windows already you know it's kind of inaccessible I think it would be hard to get to the second floor like it's even overgrown on the that's really nice you can get a lot of mapmaking ideas just by looking at a taxes work it's insane okay so that's locked but that's pretty good though we actually like this even just this area back here you know despite the fact that it's pretty visible like I feel like that this would make a decent spot only because there's so much vertical here okay let's get up to the roof I'm thinking like up here like that this chair this chair is my new bed I did see another survivor spawn in here before I don't know if we'll find many but I think that there are a few just like randomly scattered I saw one on a rooftop once just like standing on a roof that does sometimes happen with the survivors okay yeah there are some on the other side of that door okay [ __ ] I don't want to waste a lot of energy waiting for them to come through that door so I think I'm just gonna go back here this way okay there is actually a strategy in this so once they get through the door then they'll hop this fence and then they'll probably wait yeah then they'll be vulnerable once they've fallen over it and then I can kill him and that's okay okay I have to get the [ __ ] out of here all right I'm just gonna wait for that door to open up get me to try to give him a little bit of help and Wow never had that happen before but either way let's okay let's hop the fence really quick and oh that's awesome okay oh he got right back up I haven't seen that yet well damn I'm thinking that probably the best way to deal with these things is gonna be to always push them down okay baggy jeans I think my current jeans are pretty much fine scratch defense bite yeah 20 20 s are 10 20 yeah we're pretty much same so that wasn't really even worth it but you know what we're alive but he did break down the door but it wouldn't be too hard to put it back up all right so this is this disgusting place is our new home I'm just gonna try to scout out the inside see if I can find any of them in here because they're gonna be pretty quiet because they they have poor sight in hearing so they can't hear me as I come along but when they do see me got time too high talent okay you're somebody I'm scared they're gonna come up from over there - oh nice like a break room or something take a dump in here nope nobody okay all right it looks like there might be some tools in this warehouse as well okay so we're we're in business here this is not a bad place but let's just see where we're hearing that other one from before I start to explore any of the other stuff could be in the men's room of the women's room could be taking a dump I was taking a dump at the beginning nope nobody okay let's try here I swear it's always in the toilets that they spot okay you know what I knock on wood I'm alright and this is the bottom floor this I probably won't want to spend any time on the bottom floor only because it's so exposed all right this is pretty much our base I think we could I think we could live here because it's three floors it's got a lot of crap in it already I'll unlock these doors just so I can get in and out easily and then yeah there weren't even too many spawning around here and what even makes this better is that there's a fence halfway around the whole thing anyway so that kind of you know leads them off unfortunately the backside isn't covered but you know it's whatever and we could also build a bridge over to the other building [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] okay you got a sprint away from these things - I've seen them like in action Oahu we're really gonna confront the limitations of the ana nations right now as we do this [ __ ] yeah three is way too many that's that's practically just like a huge horde that we're talking about right there so I'm gonna leave them behind goodbye and yeah if only I had a bow and arrow right now I would use it alright I'm just gonna try to forget that those ones are down there and take care of my other needs you don't want to be fighting at all unless you're in like peak condition and I really can't fight with this would accidentally because it's got such a slow wind-up so I think for now we'll just head back down to that break room and jump out the window if they do come up to me okay let's see if there is some water in there [ __ ] no okay fresh orange though or ate it I'll settle for that propane torch we can do metalworking with that but I don't need it right now alright maybe no another box and nails not bad items not bad items at all but there's just other things that are more pressing right now like I need some kind of short blunt weapon would be great or something stabby I also added in the pole arms too so that I actually would stand a chance like if they come up to me and there's I don't know 20 of them I'm not twenty of them but if if there's one of them I at least have a little bit better reach so I have a little bit more time to work with before they come to me I mean it's got range but it's pretty weak so I think I'm gonna leave that there all right nope nothing let's just try to deal with those other ones one by one okay found an ax and a sledgehammer so these are pretty much gonna get me through the early game ax I believe also has better wind-up time than the than the wood axe the wood axe seems to take forever to swing with we just got a fitting I guess that the AK is more of a weapon in the wood axe is more of a tool but uh I'm not [ __ ] Oh ladies ladies goodbye all right I think they got a bite attempted on me there but that just shows no more than one at a time ever no more than one yeah yeah I did take a slight damage now I think I am all right but still still that's friggin crazy okay there should be one more over here and I think they also broke down the yep mister bathrobe guy Oh yep yep okay confirmed yeah when we when we fight in the future first run then try to go in for a push and then go in for the hit with the weapon I don't think that the weapon hits they're gonna are gonna be very reliable with these printers or I'll just probably get enraged and frustrated if I do try to use them ah this play you know like it's just abandoned enough for it to feel homey in the zombie apocalypse this building but I am standing here crickets now does that mean it's night I think we're coming up on night alright I guess I'll try to clear out the rest from this area and then we'll just uh we'll probably go to bed tonight but I'm see if I can get like a little bit of Defense's around me too so I'm not totally screwed all right I found a slightly more reliable home it turns out that in the second floor of the other warehouse not that first one although it's not quite as scenic there is a water cooler so I'm gonna have a good source of water for a pretty long time it's got I remember the water unit äj-- that it's got but it's it's pulling in water to keep me alive for a while plus there's also a lot of farming equipment in here and I think like I'd rather not over loot all the processed foods right away only because I that in my last series and I started to lose a lot of weight really quickly so I think I'm just gonna go straight into water blending crops there's a shovel in here I believe in need to travel though you can't I mean you can like dig with your hands but then you're gonna get bloody hands it is no good but yeah there's plenty of seeds in here and I should be able to start a couple of farms on the ground not too many zombies treading you know to and fro just because there are fences all around here but it seems like a pretty natural base to start from I'm gonna start here and we'll see what we can do from there I think I'm just gonna try to dig some plots on the ground just so we have crops right away okay well it's gonna be tonight I sowed seeds in about eight plots of land we also cut down the trees that we needed for this spot I still not walled in and I'm pretty hungry and tired so I think I'm just gonna make one last really really quick run out for some bite to eat and then I'm gonna come back here and go to bed on the second floor because that he or a zombie around here but I don't see it and I'm kind of questioning it because I've gone all around and I can't find anything so but I do have a door between me and them and I'll try to wall myself in a little bit more too so I have some you know audio cues for when they're coming in also put a sheet rope right behind me for when I sleep I think if the sheet rubs yeah the sheet ropes in the nail that I need so I should be able to get that con that's a pretty good failsafe for the first day to have a closed door and a sheet rope right behind you but I won't have much time if they do get me if we can do sheet rope right here so now we can get in and out pretty easily in case if something comes through that goddamn door eventually they'll probably just barricade that but that's fine okay food and then sleep I turned out I had some peanuts in my pocket so I'm just gonna eat I ate those and we're gonna sleep I think I'll take it for one more day I'd like to do okay I missed the immersion of the project zomboid videos and I think I'm gonna do no more than one or two days at a time but I want them to be complete days as I play okay we just woke up on the second day and now we're pretty hungry no surprise there I'm not even gonna waste the time watering my plants I'm just gonna wait for the rain to do it because I want to automate that as much as possible if I don't get a lot of rain and I've planted everything then I'll probably give it like one round and then I'll just wait for it to happen oh we already got a few what I'm talking about it's gonna get really difficult to really fast like they spawn way more as time goes on but like she's getting caught on the fence - yeah but they aren't they aren't tough once I like once I throw them down they're pretty weak which is probably the main advantage of this challenge anyway I know that there's a little bit more town though I'm kind of unfamiliar with the surroundings over here so I think I'm just gonna explore here for today maybe we can get a little bit more time with life and living or whatever the Cooking Channel is yeah we should also be able to gain a couple other skills from that too but yeah we don't have a TV in those warehouses let's just deal with this one guy like I said I think this is usually the most reliable way to deal with them but I'm like I'm doubling it on the on the push then hit them when they're down I think that's the best way to do it we get like a chicken coop yeah this is the house that it was out the first day so I guess I'll go to this house they'll probably have a TV here - yep there it is different as most 90s TV I've seen in a long time man I miss those TVs in general I don't trust doors anymore you used to trust him don't anymore [ __ ] [ __ ] ya expecting them to come just from anywhere oh I'm that makes sense I'm outside now okay see this is why I like playing on maps I've never tried before okay let's see if we get to sneak up there that's good that's exactly how that should go close that yeah there we go and let's turn on the TV really quick quickly turn on the TV no life in living TV if only I could find a watch I could figure out what time it is it's probably sometime in the morning I'll likely be able to catch some of it nope it is nothing on TV great don't know what the power will go off would probably soon farming we will want to grab would be a good book to have in fact I don't know why I didn't do that earlier how to use generators also carpentry from wow we are getting really good luck on books I did not expect that okay not thinking too much about the OOP I not thinking too much about like the coming months in terms of temperature because it's July we get time but you know it's it's only getting colder from here is the way I like to look at it and it you know you don't really seem to get that like overheated Moodle you remember in the original or in builds like 3738 you would always get so overheated that you just have to constantly take off your shirt like everybody was just some dude without a shirt on and carrying an axe it was just like the most overpowered way to play oh god I missed those I missed those days one day we'll go back to build 37 we're on like build 45 or something alright well it looks like we missed life and living and thing and so I guess I'm just gonna head back to my house well I don't like missing out on a lot of this you know what [ __ ] it I'll see if I can find a car maybe like a quick attempt for a car while there still aren't so many in the world and then we'll head back and we'll provide it probably try to finish off our farms all right was this one have free bandage but no oh [ __ ] here you come I'm looking at those trees cuz I don't want to need them to come out of there nothing I need great and that's locked here I could yeah I guess I could brick I don't know I don't think you can even peek in trunks even if you do break in the window for some reason this is good this is good local flavor I need this that is that is really nice okay I can't I can't remember any other spot in projects on board where I've seen that so it looks like this was like the local Community Church so I'm guessing that there's probably more residences over here if we saw one it's probably a highway over here and then this looks like some kind of gated community this would probably be our best bet this might even be a better base in our warehouses come to think of it but oh [ __ ] they're really funny to look at when there's printing I like these animations better than the old ones occasionally you find like nah retail run ones okay let's come on as long as it's one or two at a time we're alright nothing on her what about you holy ball low me [ __ ] that is nice I gotta live there [ __ ] my old house we're gonna use this no more no more living in a warehouse I mean we might keep it for the crops but Jesus look at how nice this is I bet they have seeds out the Boz ooh [ __ ] there's gonna be a lot in here though Oh shite is this even a head this is not a house there's like jewelry case this is either the greatest criminal house or like one of those southern plantation homes you know I'm gonna see if I could if I could take out this first one then I'll fight the rest because they are gonna be pretty weak here come on can I get you to come out this whole wrong window wrong window nope I'm am I gonna be [ __ ] fortunately even though they're sprinters that's that is why I like the hot bar acts just broke if you couldn't tell who police jacket that's good now the hunt bar is good because I didn't have to go do like some inventory swap while I was happening okay and suddenly were in resident evil in this mansion it's another one he a screwdriver lodged in him could use that is it unless if [ __ ] you think like 20 will come from around a corner that's that's my main worry right now how the hat fell off mine there we go okay now we are so much closer to being Rick Grimes than we were five minutes ago nothing there okay keep heading up I could have sworn there was somebody this is a really nice house I would whoo [ __ ] there we go okay another one bites the dust how are there so many people living this house like one of those communal families right here they adapt to crap-ton of children okay oh you gotta have good reaction time all that FPS training is paying off finally all right nothing on him though I'm just kind of thinking like [ __ ] even have on these military boots and all this other scratch defense gear or am I just better off going with sneakers and running as much as possible it doesn't even look like this place is a house it looks like it's half house half like Museum you know alright well this place is pretty armed up maybe not armed up but it's got a lot of crap in it so maybe I'll stay here instead my axe is broken but I've got I've got the means to repair it that's what I was using the axe so much earlier I'll throw that on the ground I'm not used to seeing the weapon models on the ground but I like it somehow I like it I'm it it belongs there you know okay I'm just gonna you know what damn this place is not bad it's got fences on all sides it's got curtains it's pretty well taken care of to begin with I think maybe no warehouse let's live in this plantation home not a bad place oh look at that like detailing on the windows like he he really goes all out for this map though it's nice and there should be more Baja whoa or those can I use those if I can use those then that will be my new farm instead let me let me just be rubric err felishj it holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] I might be able to use those farm plots for crops and if not it's still a massive field that would be really really good if that's all you can you imagine can you imagine though I think food can can rot here let's see you know what oh [ __ ] why did I just I just dug up some shrubberies this is all actually strawberries waiting to grow because you can go into the info tab and it's well watered so this entire field is going to become a massive field of strawberries for me to eat so like what this means is yes I'm running over the crops but who cares we have so many goddamn strawberries holy [ __ ] I'm gonna subsist off of strawberries for months I'm gonna have to find a way to preserve these I'll either need a lot of jars or I'll just need to get very creative either way we'll also have a lot of seeds if we tend them well enough but there's no way I'm gonna spend the whole time watering those okay things that you need for living are food water shelter I have water I can bring back the water cooler from the other warehouse I have shelter right here I can barricade this place it's also got a fence around it from the outside and shelter water food food right behind me in a couple of days we'll have tons and tons of food ok I'd say we pretty much found everything that we need to survive at this point so I guess I'm just gonna spend the rest of the day like fortifying this mansion a little bit getting some of the bodies out of it and then hopefully blocking off that front wall don't be too fooled right now because there aren't a lot here but yeah even right there there's more spawning in every single day and like I was surprised with my last playthrough because I thought it would get way too easy but it would got really freakin hard as time went on so I really want to approach this cautiously all right so I finished closing all the curtains and the windows and everything else and I've checked the jewelry storage and I can find nothing but like nails all over the house so I guess it was just some sort of like maybe the person who invented nails lived here I can't think of any other real explanation a couple more zombies came in and I buried their corpses and there's still blood everywhere but who cares cuz blood it's just I don't think it really has any negative effects I think it just makes your entire life more unpleasant so we'll just let's do that and we have the master bedroom to sleep in I'm trying to think of other things that I might need I have a belt already so I don't need to worry about that food is a slight is a slight worry but I found this go-gurt like yogurt but to go so I'm gonna have this and then yeah I think that's pretty much the whole day there's gonna be a crap ton more stuff happening later but I think at this point I'm just gonna read electricity for beginners because we once we find a car we want to start hot wiring as soon as possible hot wiring carpentry and farming and elect all good skills to have but I really don't wanna have to stay in one place as much as possible you know in general that's that's great and I also want to explore Erie County so I think I'm just gonna spend the rest of the day reading these books go to bed and then we'll call it we'll call it a day for the first I don't know I guess I'll make it my goal to survive 28 days even though he wakes up 28 days later but now who gives a [ __ ] we'll do that and then we'll try to say it's to survive 28 weeks which would be much much more difficult but yeah that's the plan for the rest of the day anyway I think I'm just gonna speed this through to the end of the night and now yeah we're getting really tired I'll need to look for food tomorrow he's getting dark and I am getting thirsty probably also get some water and I hope that it rains so that we can get a thousand strawberries to eat those are bound to you know die before we can eat them all yeah I think I'm gonna go to bed there because my needs are getting a little bit too overwhelming but yeah anyway thanks for watching this video I hope you guys enjoyed maybe there's some other things that I can do to make it truer to the 28 days series anyway let me know you think I leave a comment leave a like and thanks for all the support and help anyway as always I will see you guys in the next video bye bye but wait there's more I wanted to go through a quick rundown of my mods and settings since a lot of people seem to ask about these things my Maps eerie country it's by e-tax warrior please check out his other stuff is really really cool some of my favorite maps I've also got on filibuster rhymes used cars great models in this mod just can't say enough about it more polearms and superb survivors which may or may not appear since I'm in Erie County I don't really know what the spawns are but I've seen one or two around so maybe I'll run into somebody it keeps it unpredictable for me and unique Z and as for the actual sandbox settings that made a sandbox game and I made a preset I just called it I am Legend it's very similar to my old I am Legend placers so I worked off of something like that pretty much everything on default except that I changed them to sprinters think of other things I set the loot up slightly more - so it wasn't horrible and yep bad sight hearing and smell I made him pretty bad memory short-term memory remember did I make him I mean even if I didn't you should make them weak because these if they're sprinting at you you won't want them to be strong otherwise it's gonna be too hard and yeah I hope you enjoyed the video I hope you try out the settings please support the modders if you want to do anything I'll try to link to some of their pages below
Channel: ambiguousamphibian
Views: 421,637
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: project zomboid, 28 days later challenge, project zomboid 28 days later, project zomboid sprinting zombies, project zomboid sprinters, project zomboid runners, project zomboid build 37 28 days later, project zomboid challenges, project zomboid fast zombies, sprinting zombies, running zombies, project zomboid game, zomboid 28 days later, 28 days later challenge project zomboid, project zomboid different, project zomboid scenarios, 28 days later game, project zomboid build 41
Id: mmyexE7LN7o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 55sec (1975 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 13 2019
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