MILITARY BASE ZOMBIE HORDE | Project Zomboid HERO to ZERO Challenge #6

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hello can i ask you a question do you desire power today in project zomboid we visit the seed of the ultimate military power the military base last time we dented up our car getting here we need make only a few minor adjustments if we're to take over this base minor adjustments but ones that will be for the best and so finding a little in the mayhem we suit up and get ready there's a lot of fighting ahead are you ready first things first it's time to re-park our car i intentionally stole this for a reason and although i'm missing the two front wheels and i've almost no control i can turn with my mind and uh just park this one in place that'll be fine in a civilized manner i open the door appropriate this car after several attempts this will just be a moment there we are this is mine now stay out and appropriating even more and we park in parallel that was a perfect part we are uh we're now safe from the outside world but before we can obtain the guns and ammo there's something important to do first we need to clear out the base itself uh they will they will try to kill me but i'm ready step one clear out the inside one at a time by two by three and as it turns out there are many in here there's no problem for gerald mcwilliams chancellor slayer defiler this place is really geared up but there are many in here my god these things are fantastic hazmat zombies more servicemen and yet even more i like the look of these ones better it's too big ah now this is what i was talking about this is much better both these backpacks are very good i think it's time to repurpose these or behind every corner at every doorway and some of them have treasures ah here's what i need and some ammo to boot i'm going to equip this one on my back this one has slightly better stats but really not by much and i think you could wholeheartedly agree with me that this one looks better i'm not a big fan of the camo pattern here we can still carry these out of here and load them in my car my car wait my car with the base mostly secured i have a new idea let's load these into my trunk put that ar on my back and then set out for something not dissimilar to an attack and it's about time we finished our business with this aiming skill here goes nothing one two two it looks like they aren't attracted to me the a-star path-finding algorithm has failed me now we'll still keep an eye behind us because there's bound to be more in the mill base coming out but i think we're going to start to get bigger hordes now it's a good thing i have this lucky trait it's made my life much easier now here goes one wait till you see the whites of their eyes here goes two i didn't see the there goes another and another uh crap and my aiming really needs work that's really half the reason we're doing this we're still only at level five and missing many of these shots by the time you hit 10 you can hardly miss anything it looks like more are streaming in now let's up the ante a bit more shall we and we'll just wait for five minutes or so i'll just turn my back to this group a little while okay i'm looking in three two wowsers look they aren't even rendering anymore i think okay i need to turn this thing off that is actually quite dangerous all right this was my plan to actually get the rest of the aiming stat this is a notoriously good place in the game the military base has guns and ammo from all of the zombies in it they're all geared up in military attire and it naturally makes the best place to grind your aiming so now that i have 10 fps and i seem to have cleared out most of the building we still have a bunch in the yard but not for long now watch with my astounding 5 fps as i execute the last of them and take back the military base i've got a few magazines here and get ready to gain xp not every shot is a perfect hit but hey man i've got all day there goes nothing i like it that i'm just not panicked in the slightest my even my character knows that he's totally safe behind the cars but this is about as fast as i can play the game here comes another round i'll be clear here the goal isn't actually to kill all of these i don't know if we'll have enough ammo all right my computer is really struggling under this i give this military base 10 frames out of 10. i might even switch to full auto mode just because i don't know how i'm gonna get out of this with my with that blue screening right now we've got 601 out of 3000 experience let's see if we can get at least up to i don't know eight ah here we go this is more like it this is more like it my weapon kept getting jammed and i have about half the time i need to react because of the frames here goes nothing i'm heavily panicked but i'm sure i'll hit someone in the horde the scary part is i'm not even sure if i can see them all at once there's just so many but here goes nothing and that's why we bring multiple magazines here goes around too hey hey don't do that i i'm at a severe handicap right oh crap he's gonna try to shoot me he's never gonna [ __ ] i might actually be dead from this i should have thought this through better i'm just going to have to walk away from this horde every time i look at the horde the game just the game just really struggles here let me just keep back a healthy distance so as not to induce any more panicking here we're getting a little better at this now i think see he's getting more more orange less red well done gerald vic williams well done you'll be a crack shot in no time as soon as you get better at reloading these bullets here we are much better it seems like every bullet is hitting now it doesn't help that i'm highly panicked but there's just so many of them that i figure what could possibly go wrong you know i'm not sure if this whole assault rifle thing is working out so well i have a better idea i still have this from before i know this is something i'm certain we can all find far more agreeable there's one two three this will take us up at a much faster rate 1190 to 12 10 that's 20 xp in one shot we'll just continue like this throughout the night again again and again we're at around 15 we'll round it off for around 1500 xp now you know the nearest 500. this means it's going to take us about 150 more shots just to get to firearm level 6 with the shotgun i'm actually getting physically sick being here let me just take a moment i have to go to the infirmary there is an infirmary here i'm gonna needs beta blockers anyway with my two fps i'm also gonna need antibiotics if they have them or even if i can't get that if i could just have a timeout here for a minute all right back to the war all right this is kind of uh how many licks does it take to get to the center of a tootsie pop we've got 1500 experience and we've got 2 219s i'll be killed let's get to level 6 and see where that gets us 10 that's 10 shots 20 30. about 40. my god there were more in here it's about 50. i think that's about 60 but i'm starting to lose count i'm also needing to go out and take breaks i'm beginning to experience massive nausea i'm spending so much time shooting that i'm getting thirsty it's time to sit down again somewhere i can't hear flies buzzing fortunately these ones didn't know i was here there must be something wrong with the pathing here they just don't ever come to me nonetheless it's about 80 now i am scared of this fence if they somehow notice that i am within their grasp by a lot i'm not sure if i can handle this many rushing at me at 10 frames per second but i'll do what must be done there we are good let's wait for green to happen there we go everyone say jeez and i am getting nauseous again i think we're around 100 shells now fired into crowds of zombies and we're at long last oh we've just done it they're aiming level six look that's proof living proof for god's sake man all it took was like 600 shotgun chills for one level i chose this gun because it had a good spread i said a hunch oh god i think i'll just go till i run out of shells and see where that gets me i'll sleep in that chair tonight i'm sure it's safe if i've made it here for this long here goes nothing one two nope uh actually as it turns out that's uh that was the last of my shotgun shells ah damn all right well i'm back in tomorrow with the m16 to lose more weight and just fail miserably that was i thought that i thought that would definitely be enough it's time to study there's so much i still don't know so much to learn so much to learn i finally found these skill books i've been looking for these well i've thinned them out but uh we're still a ways away here and it looks like more are coming it looks like this side is gonna be a safer bet i i guess we'll use up the rest of these m16 rounds over here a tad worrisome and we're almost running out of bullets i see maybe if we just go in at point blank range it'll be safe i didn't play the games and then they updated it so now all those shadows of nothing have just become black silhouettes don't forget we are in the beta here uh wasn't that relaxing time to eat a banana a very rotten banana not safe at all to go out i'm also getting sick from eating that banana i received a haunting update today that zombies will crawl under cars more often so i am scared it's not safe to go back outside anymore or nowhere is safe rather there are still several tricks i can use to be completely safe but well it's nothing that a little sleep won't cure right right now in the middle of the night let's steal away ooh ammo strap okay so they can get through cars now at least i'm still safe inside my mind here we go uh don't kill me don't kill me don't kill me don't kill me well while we're in this area you see look they just crawl under the car now that's what they're doing they're crawling under the car all right okay my fps have caught up um what is good is that they'll now just go kind of like through the car you know here i am i'm in the car again jesus okay it's time to leave it's time to leave this place they can now get through car barricades so much for this it was nice well it lasted so much for that all right goodbye military base no longer are you safe ever again much to my uh sugar in goodbye milbase goodbye old project zomboid uh but we did make it out we just barely avoided death this time i'm going to get as far from here as possible and back to the least populated area oops not sure if this game mode is going to be uh playable anymore uh i hate to say it this way but um that was uh that was the majority that was the vast majority of my plan was just surround myself with cars unfortunately i'm living in a new crawling reality scene very sad we're going to need to navigate our way back to town no more military base but well i to say the least i didn't expect that so here will be a wonderful majestic drive back through a field so i'll meet you when i get back to uh rosewood let's go to rosewood i've just managed to get myself completely lost in the wilderness again conveniently enough i think we're on a path but i can't be sure of it oh this looks promising now good good this seems to be a way out oh finally we're here we've reached civilization it's a road oh for god's sake i don't know if i'd ever see a paved road again but here we are it's marvelous it's amazing we got the uh the utility way out of that horrible uh labyrinthine wood path it happens to be one of the foggiest days i've ever seen in the game but i think we're just lucky to be alive i crashed into a couple of trees there but this looks like a great place to up my foraging stat yeah look at all the foraging to be had out here there's no one around for miles we're safe maybe i'll even start a fire or something and just have a camping trip out here you know like the pilgrims or pioneers or someone we can create a stone axe to cut down some trees and get logs we can chop down a tree use that for logs two logs make a campfire kit build a fire right here in the middle of the road i'm going to i'm going to go good will hunting mode on this book for a moment and then we'll use it for fire fuel there we are thank you now we'll just add farming for beginners to the fire cut down maybe one more tree for its logs and we'll add in all of these twigs i already understand carpentry so let's just add it as fuel uh they say the only thing that's constant is change i thought we were safe behind those cars but the times they are a change in what does this mean for our quest for max stats well i think for one thing it means we'll be spending a lot more time on metal working really an underutilized trait but i'd also like to just spend some time out in the wilderness not only that but we're also going to spend 10 hours attempting to fight 10 000 zombies on saturday starting a new file probably the closest thing i've ever done to a speed run kind of proud of it we'll see how it goes i'm just uh brings out the gamer in me and i'm very upset that the uh very upset that we're going to be surrounded much more often now but it just kind of changes the ball game you know i i hope to continue stoking the fire of your heart with these videos helping you helping you mourn the loss of zombies that could not crawl under cars this life has been a wild ride and uh i think it's gonna get a lot weirder soon well as always thanks to my patrons they are the fire and the car they are the fire that keeps me warm throughout the winter and i rub my hands together near them and thanks to you i hope you enjoyed as always i'm ambiguous amphibian goodbye now
Channel: ambiguousamphibian
Views: 1,290,212
Rating: 4.9290409 out of 5
Keywords: project zomboid, projectzomboid, project zomboid build 41, project zomboid challenge, zero to hero, project zomboid gameplay, project z, zomboid, zombies, project zomboid 2020, project zomboid gameplay 2020, zombie game, zomboid build 41, ambiguous amphibian, zombie game 2020, zombies 2020, cdda, project zomboid cdda, project zomboid cdda challenge, ambiguousamphibian, project zomboid zero to hero challenge, project zomboid all positive traits, zombie horde, military base
Id: fHcstMSfB8w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 39sec (819 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 13 2021
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