Can I Survive the WORST START? | Project Zomboid ZERO to HERO Challenge #1

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hello notoriously the most difficult start in project zomboid the cdda challenge features you trapped in an inferno our character is gerald williams he is nude his stats are garbage underweight weak slow reader and out of shape we begin with a character bleeding wet a runny nose in pain and almost completely blackout drunk this is a man who has fallen out of the shower with glass shards in his crotch he has no protection everything else is worthless it's my job to get gerald out of this mess and hopefully uh up to up to speed uh we will need to first get the glass shards out of my crotch and that's probably the most urgent well i found these sheets i'm gonna rip them and then we can grab literally grab with our hand the glass shards out of my crotch sneezing doesn't make anything better bandages do now bandaged we can continue on our spiritual journey throughout the house ripping off more sheets and taking everything taking everything is gonna be the name of the ball game here we're going to open the door and there's fire now all right now starter house is no longer an option my one regret is that we won't have shoes from this endeavor but let's just find out if this zombie is going to perish before we uh okay let's see are you gonna nope yeah we are completely screwed then here uh i don't want to be bleeding from the feet so we're just gonna see if we can get over to the next house now making our way over the fire has begun to spread we're going to the second yes the second house now if we can find some shoes that would be a real godsend here but i it's not going to be an easy road there should be one zombie in here whom i'm going to try to smash to death with my bare feet not great but it will give us some shoes shoes are an utter necessity we can't get by without them we're also going to wear his polo neck sweater will wear that and his pants will wear those in his tank top wear those as well uh our character is generally ass but our life just got a lot better because we got clothes all right now there is a chance i will survive in the long term so i'm gonna start to walk away this is about as fast as i can walk like i said a very bad challenge in general um i'm gonna go ahead and rip more of these sheets rip the sheets okay now we have more bandages great uh our health is still dwindling though likely because of the dirty bandage our lives still aren't good by any means we got to get to a medical center so we could patch up a little bit more from here i'm going to go ahead and try to find some some space to think around here okay now suddenly re-bandage my life just got a lot better um of course there are hordes of undead coming in from all sides but we do have clothes clothes are a positive okay now now that we finally have time and space to think we can get somewhere safe using protection we make our way down the road that woman has a katana lodged in her chest that would have been nice but are we gonna good we're gonna get out of there there's gonna be a lot of close shaves like this in the first 10 minutes or so again uh not really the ideal start to project zomboid you want to be stealthy ideally not really a stealthy start finally we've made it to the edge of town of now drawing in a train of hundreds of zombies we can make our way out of this hell hole and two yes that's great the main road here we are wonderful isn't it wonderful and where to next where to next we're going into the woods that's going to be the only safe place for miles around here literally nothing is safe we've made it out of civilization with the deadly virus but at least i'm safe inside my mind and back to my favorite log business ah logging how i missed you the constant gnawing feeling that i'm about to die i've not even backed up my saves because i want to be more immersed in the game now that we actually have some uh space and time to quiet ourselves although there are still many zombies around i'm gonna go ahead and examine my situation currently the most deadly thing is just the fact that i'm hypothermic if i stay out here too long without anything on me i will die of cold it's improving but improving from hypothermic isn't really a great place to be we just got rid of our drunkenness that's now gone but we have now replaced that with high exertion we can barely jog so we're gonna go head on down this road and hopefully arrive at some sort of safety but we're gonna need a sewing needle if we want to patch up this deep wound in my crotch uh and then live to tell the tale don't forget our character is still ass he is no good at anything we're going to need to do a lot of where is it now i got to x out of this menu exercise exercise will be our friend but we won't do it until we get somewhere safe now then look here we have made it to the first place great to be here uh not for long there's gonna be more [ __ ] we have to deal with and it looks like they've actually seen me at this location that's a good thing we're gonna allow them to just [ __ ] there is another one over here literally nothing is available to this character he has even i think he can fight one zombie at a time i think i just got to the maximum level of slow here we go this is the fastest i can walk as mentioned i am a heaping pile of garbage and so we'll just walk our way over here playing the game like a point-and-click and then we'll walk over here just walk walk walk and go inside great now we can get a glass of water hard-earned water wonderful now we might survive a pen of all things great just what i needed and absolutely nothing is anywhere okay let's take a moment to examine our character we did manage to find a lot of warm clothing which was really the only thing saving us here our character is still horribly sick he has a nasty cold uh we're no longer wet we do have excessive exertion that we can rest to cure that he's uncomfortable i would be and in minor pain he's also freezing but he's aided by the fact that he's indoors so we're gonna look around and see if we can find a car if we can't find that we're just gonna proceed over to mccoy lumber which is the only safe place now our wound has been infected making our life a little bit more difficult time to sleep a quick search through the contents of these crates yields absolutely nothing and this is gonna lead us to another day of just hobbling around being sick and wounded and infected on our way to mccoy now after an engaging night of sitting on the ground and washing myself i'm going to proceed to mccoy as long as we don't encounter any zombies along the way or too many on the at the entrance we should uh we should be able to secure a few supplies there i'm going to walk through the woods here and we'll just speed up okay there is one there and another one behind me too that i didn't notice i think we're just going to use our running for a moment to avoid this situation unless they have anything lodged in them that was this one actually does have something lodged in so we'll fight them here i think we could fight two i wouldn't try to do any more than that if another one comes along i'm running away yeah here we go very difficult fight very difficult fight arduous as hell against the zombies great we got one and the last one has some sort of hand fork lodged in his thigh wonderful we can equip that uh not an amazing find but it's better than nothing and what of these pants these pants are in great condition i'll wear them fantastic great this one also has some sort of knife lodged in him we can use that as another weapon the world keeps treating us better here we go our lives are getting so much better now they're nice great an actual hunting knife that's fantastic we can grab that and once we find a belt we can attach it to it we can also wear these jeans which are slightly better condition if ripped another one now even if our lives aren't necessarily amazing yet we've found enough to get by for the first bit i'm confident we're gonna survive like four days i'm gonna wear this jacket to a long skirt might not necessarily fit me but all right you know we're gonna grab these sneakers these shoes as well they offer better protection although they don't give us as fast movement as our uh sneakers i'll leave on the sneakers for now now cars here are gonna be a big if but if we could find one working that's gonna save our lives for a good long time a lug wrench is a great early find now this cockroach will make me very unhappy but it will feed me so i'm going to just go ahead and eat it great fun lots of protein now this car as it turns out has a key right down here let's see if the thing has any gas though which i highly doubt but it is possible nope and it also appears as if the battery is dead i'm leaving but not without this plastic bag we can destroy the window of the car and get inside now our lives aren't great but they've gotten so much better than when we began for one thing we're no longer naked we also have this knife in this plastic bag we go all the way along this nice dirt path to get to what will hopefully be salvation here at the mccoy lumber mill my favorite early spawn area it features great food technology transportation crime and more undead which in the absence of other undead can be quickly dispatched here in fact it's gonna warrant a putting down of my plastic but let's put this down all right we've got a few here i'm gonna take care of these ones just uh knock one to the ground and try to that's not safe not very safe at all but okay may have bitten off more than i can chew i'm gonna need to negotiate this and we'll do my next favorite thing by seeing if we can lock these ones in this shed right let's just get one in here and now bingo and there it is there it is the pro zombie killing move great fun i'm jumping out the window i was going to say i'm humping out the window but that wouldn't have been appropriate here we go another bites that yes the nuts a great technique of espionage and now just finishing off the last few i think i i i have gotten better at this game we'll just remove the last of their items wear their socks and take out the last few now having killed a few of them i'm more of a threat than before we'll use similar techniques to clear out the rest of this warehouse one two three three four five six and that actually appears to be it in the entire warehouse it's gonna check these last few stalls and it would appear as if we're actually safe and when i say safe i mean infected and bleeding to death possibly i still have a deep wound that's infected and i'm gonna need a needle to take care of now with all of that stuff out of the way it's time to do some old-fashioned looting these crates can all be moved and they contain a lot of supplies that i'll need nails hammers weapons and other crafting survival supplies but unfortunately there just aren't that many of them here we did get a little bit luckier it appears over here but not by much we found only some adhesive bandages in these sinks we did however find a tissue which can mute our sneezes and coughs for the next stage and so after a short rest we can go now before nightfall hits i do want to hit the next part of this and see if we can find some thread and a needle probably even more valuable than a car right now at least in the short term so equipping our tissue we should be able to quietly get in here and see if we can find any of these valuable medical supplies match is useful but not exactly what we need toolbox we can definitely use that at least for storage and no dice on these lockers things are starting to get a little bit crowded here so i'm gonna run out it's just not worth it there's too many in there to fight at once now whenever you're playing pz it's good to characterize your needs as either short term or long term right now i definitely need sleep and a rest i may be very hungry but i actually do have a good amount of meat on my bones i have 60 kilograms even though that it's dropping that can wait i can starve for a little bit longer here i'm bound to find something like a trowel that could get me worms to feed myself later on in this meal but right now i think we'd better rest before we take on the other zombies in that next room i don't want to die and i'm going to need a new day's strength before i get started over there so after resting the night in this one warehouse we wake up in the pitch black and although i'm wary of doing any fighting at this time i'm definitely gonna search these cars to see if i can get lucky on one of them and this first car has no key so no dice here but it does have a tissue we can use to muffle our sneezes and although it's a fast oil truck i spot no gas in it no real luck with the other cars no keys no gas no batteries at least until we can hotwire the cars and though i don't love doing it at night i think it is safe to clear out a few of them here at least in the moonlight so i'll just fight one broken window we can shout another two and now shouting out in the hallways we actually get the last few out of this compound two at a time i can probably fight this many but no more three and that's the last of them oh wait oh [ __ ] one more yeah that's it well one out of spear lodged him which would be a great item uh a holster we can wear that and police deputy clothing but it's in horrible condition so we won't use it they actually knocked the hat right off of me but still i'm unscathed all i have is my dirty bandage now we can go in and see if we can find any actual thread now we found the foreman he has a lot of good gear we could use screwdriver formal shirt form invest yeah this guy is loaded up and we'll take his hard hat instead of our current cap another another and that actually leads us over to the crates a wood axe now before i start tearing apart all of these crates i'm gonna have a look at the last few and one more of the warehouses and if i can't find a needle and thread there then i'm gonna have to start tearing things up the final warehouse might have the supplies i'm looking for and it definitely has the zombies to boot one three over here more than i can handle a sledgehammer one there are characters holding up pretty well for all of this i'm surprised he has been so fatigued yet now we're sort of in trouble we managed to gather a train just taking them out one by one separating by doors and now we're just going attempting to put as many walls between them and us we can use these windows to our advantage and get them as they come in one by one there one took me down actually right there another i think that's about as close as we're gonna be at a safe yeah the day is one and now to see if we have any spoils from this radish seeds not exactly what i needed but it is food tow ropes for cars will need that a saw for dismantling things and a needle finally i needed that i really needed that i still don't know if i would call our situation good we still have a deep wound that's infected uh we do have a needle we're still gonna need some thread but our life isn't dane isn't in danger for a little while and potato seeds packets we definitely need those cabbage seeds and that's actually all that we have at mccoy there's a few other supplies here but no thread to speak of with which to sew up my wounds i'm not in great shape but i'll get by one fear is just the fact that i don't have any food nor do i have a trowel with which to dig furrows so although this was a decent early place to go i just didn't find what i thought i would so i'm gonna have to dismantle things here by the time i'm done with it this warehouse will look like a shell of its current itself and i'll probably be very underweight i'm just gonna pick up these corpses put a chair in here to sleep in and now we disassemble everything and we do find a welder mask but unfortunately still no thread well practically a whole day spent disassembling crates and still nothing it doesn't seem as if there's any thread in here i've checked almost all of them and i think we'll have to check a few more warehouses but i'm just gonna get this done on my own time on the plus side we did find a trowel which is pretty holy [ __ ] we got a horde movement that's gonna be uh a reason to turn my back more well we did manage to find a trowel which is pretty much free food for the rest of the game it doesn't mean that we'll be able to gain weight we'll still need to plant cabbages and potatoes for that but on the other hand we will survive probably that and we found a wood axe plenty more of stuff we need see we are in half decent shape to get started plus we have gained carpentry skill now we're much better at that which is always a good thing the trowel was actually extremely urgent i'm gonna have to uh dig some furrows and dig up some worms if i want to survive here my health is falling away because i'm getting hunger pangs now uh yeah we're just gonna start digging furrows in the ground until we manage to find a worm uh we are dying there we go a worm great just like the olden days fresh farm-raised and another okay we're no longer starving we're just very hungry so our health isn't gonna fall away anymore we'll live we'll make it and we just ripped up a bunch of clothing and lo and behold we did manage to get some thread out of the clothes we ripped up i'm not quite sure what it was i had suspected we might be able to do this but it does appear as if we now have a needle and thread so we can unbandage our wound sew it up in the dark with no medical skill and then actually not be about to die great that's what this has been all about anyway after all so hooray for us hooray for us we can stitch this up with the needle and thread and now it's stitch we'll re-bandage and we're safe we're still sick and that's really the last thing that's going to remain with us and we're just weak as hell but that's a life you know not a great life but it is a life now we've managed to avoid starvation and a lot of other perils i'm just gonna sit on the ground here for a minute um we won't die we won't die and we can actually stay here for quite a while in theory we might even be able to stay here forever um we lost a kilogram of weight not great but we won't start taking damage until we either don't have any food which we should as long as we still have this trowel uh you know we're not gonna die we have taken care of really a lot of short-term and long-term needs obviously it's not a great life situation uh we sleep in a chair um i still have an infected crotch um i drink out of a water dispenser water would eventually become uh you know deadly if we can't find any renewable source of water but we do have these potatoes and cabbages and our life may get better the main thing that's going to prevent us from going back to town is just the fact that there's such an ass load of zombies there we need more strength and fitness if we want to get better so we're going to need to do some working out next so for lack of a better idea i'm just going to start a fitness montage we're going to do some burpees on the ground get ready we're going to do 60 minutes worth of them even though that we don't have enough food to really recover from these burpees we're gonna do them anyway until we have some basic strength um and then after that we're gonna eat some worms and then we're gonna see if we can find some like potato chips uh and actual potatoes to eat that we plant in the ground once we do all of that we will sleep for a few days and then maybe be passable in handling ourselves against zombies because right now it's just a bit of a [ __ ] show as you may have noticed when i went in to fight those last 10 or so so i think uh we're gonna end it there um zero to hero character he's uh he's making his way up in the world he's tearing clothes off of people hell of a guy uh as always my name's ambiguous amphibian i hope you enjoyed we're gonna be back with more project zomboid especially as the weather updates come i'm pretty hyped for those and i'll see you guys in the next video bye-bye [Music] [Music] you
Channel: ambiguousamphibian
Views: 315,365
Rating: 4.9729939 out of 5
Keywords: project zomboid, projectzomboid, project zomboid build 41, project zomboid challenge, zero to hero, project zomboid gameplay, project zomboid zero to hero challenge, project z, zomboid, zombies, project zomboid 2020, project zomboid gameplay 2020, zombie game, zomboid build 41, ambiguous amphibian, zombie gaming, zombie game 2020, zombies 2020, cdda, project zomboid cdda, project zomboid cdda challenge, zomboid cdda, project zomboid cdda gameplay, ambiguousamphibian
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 42sec (1242 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 19 2020
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