EVERYTHING NEW in Satisfactory Update 5! - New Train Collisions, Signs, and More!

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hello everyone i'm kimbits and welcome to satisfactory update five where today we're gonna go over everything new from the train collisions to the new biome to all the new awesome building modes to the secret stuff they didn't show off in the teaser trailer so if you're excited for this remember to subscribe and leave a like and also i now have a patreon so if you want to support me directly check it out first link in the description there are some exclusive videos and by signing up you can join my private discord server so thanks in advance for checking that out but let's get into everything so much is new it's unreal number one you can paint all the vehicles now which is incredible the trains can be painted there's a whole new like customization tab the customizer so the paint guns irrelevant now and you can fast paint stuff on a whim look at that no more paint gun you just paint by holding down like the clicking key incredible and that's just the beginning lights on the vehicles very nice very shiny day night cycles have been changed so that there's a different brightness there are new e-modes look this one's for you guys however there is not a lot of new tech really the only thing that's different at least in here is that you get a color cartridge and a build gun upgrade the customizer and that's just when you go into this tab so this is kind of like the color gun except infinitely more convenient and what's even better is you can add all these colors to your hot bar so look at that you want to have a painting hop bar brother you got it that's the only thing in like the hub everything else is in the awesome shop but wait look my little canadian factory carts i love it i love it let's go oh my gosh that is the coolest thing ever i love it okay uh we're playing in a creative world here everything's being cheated in i have infinite everything so we can check out everything right now right here and we're invincible i set up this world using mods and update 4 not as important anymore cause look signs they added in signs after like years they did it the mad lads they did it they come in a huge variety like a square two meter sign long sign short signs large billboards whole nine yards and dedicated servers that's another thing it's like all this stuff that we've known that's gonna be added for years and then they finally decided to add it also we got a medical box and a hazard box personal storage skin so i guess they just look cool er now that's fun ah yes the new walls look at that there's automated gates inverted walls you better believe it new windows full frame window and the hex frame window hyper excited to use that roofing tiles and more ramps checking out attachments now here's where we get into the crazy stuff pipeline floor hole you can now build pipes through floors well you could do it before with clipping but now there's like a much cleaner way to do so is that with the conveyor lifts yep so belts can go through floors as well i can't wait that has a huge implication i'll show you in a little bit that is like game changing oh my gosh specifically these two you got i can't wait to show you guys uh foundations though there's there's still so much more uh special stuff yeah all the statues architecture now so we have our modern railings uh they still kept in the old walkways and there's new walkways there's also stairs in there too wait oh that gives me ideas as well uh there's the metal pillars that i somehow have unlocked the frames oh more roofs the metal pillars beams beam time concrete pillars and road barriers uh equipment this is the whole nine yards he has seen it before we've been there done that same with parts nothing really new then the customizer so there are still color cartridges in the game and they're used for these things these icons so you can paint these icons onto everything now so we are just going to join literally every single one thank you very much and how much does this run us 85 tickets i feel like i missed something oh that's because i super did if i scroll up here we have new wall materials so we have concrete to build with uh steel walls i think we've seen that before and then we have grit metal foundations concrete foundations and what coated concrete and concrete okay i don't understand the difference we'll find out how many tickets now 109 heck yeah body and ready to play there there's oh gosh let's check out the customizer this is probably the best thing for decoration in all time using the color gun was like you had to click on every single foundation or wall and now we just freaking go look at that painting like a mad man but wait there's more to make decorating easier see the wall of course we can paint that too right but we can also switch between our swatches if we press e huh why is it just white you think it'd be like a different material eh let's see oh here we go we have to go from colors to materials now ah there's concrete and now if we press e we can change the wall type so we can have concrete walls we can have the steel walls that we're used to or we can just go back to the fix-it walls but we already have those there then we can change the color can we make no wait what oh we can paint the concrete oh hold up here hold up here oh that's pretty neat and it only keeps getting better there's more materials so we unlocked all those foundation things right so we have the concrete foundation grip metal encoded foundation and the fix-it foundation gotcha so this is the normal like fix-it foundation we've seen it we love it it's great but now we live in concrete infinite concrete uh let's check out the other things grip metal oh it's like i see let's check what else we have another coated foundation now so it's kind of like a smooth more smooth design okay so it's kind of like rough for industrial areas this is maybe for like a dance floor or maybe a road i'm not sure you can do whatever you want with them now you can press e i'm pretty sure and you can switch between the foundation types yeah so you don't have to actually have everything on your hop bar you can just have one thing and then you can switch between everything uh back to the customizer though so we checked out the colors a bit who checked out the materials a little bit and then the patterns so these are the things we unlocked and we can have these down on here look at that so you can have like roadways and arrows and the whole nine yards so if we see the center line here or maybe a center dotted line we could easily make a road look at this look at us go scared i'm driving here [Laughter] we can have roads everywhere because the trucks are updated too they're way more smart now and they have cool collision and you can paint them so say we had truck lad it's red and white our kibitz cutters slash canada cutters splendid straight up splendid the truck stations as well have been updated you know what's weird though they have like a tank here they even have like a liquid sign right there it's like why not just pump the liquid in here to go to the truck you know i don't know but yeah some of the main changes they've made is that you just need to record one truck path so we could just make one right now we can set it up as a little loop then we can save and load certain truck paths so you don't have to record them over and over and over again so it's a really nice quality of life feature into the new walls and stuff there's not a lot to explain here really if you really want to see me mess around with this stuff subscribe and watch a couple of my let's play videos because there i'm going to be redesigning a nuclear power plant building a new being base and all that jazz so there's all the stuff now we have single window we have the window frame let's see what's going on with that go figure it's a window right let's zoop and that is gorgeous love it there's the new hex frame window as well i'm gonna use these oh man both of these actually i'm gonna use them everywhere oh oh wait is that a door is that a freaking door oh my gosh we live in the future can we toggle settings always closed forbidden doorway always open wow oh that's gonna be weird to get used to bud oh also it's about to turn night time uh the fog has been updated in the game significantly so it should be a lot better and apparently during nights the lighting has been updated as well i'm not sure how but i guess we're about to find out i can tell you this much the fog is leaps and bounds better like if we go over here before this fog was so thick that you could not see past anything like you can see five feet in front of your face but now look at this wallpaper simulator update five pretty much but we gotta keep moving on more stuff new doors or gates should i say which automatically opens when either people or vehicles approach it and can be configured so we could have automatic vehicle doorways then yes what is that power slug you're looking uh different there friend hold up detour time what on earth a blue power slug give me that what flies it's blue bubba duh these semi slugs did they replace the green power slugs with blue power slugs i think that's what's actually going on here i don't think this is a new tech so they did they replaced the green power slugs with blue ones that makes a ton of sense it's like we live in a green world and blue is the easiest color to see like that's why tarps irl are blue because if you're in like a plane or looking down blue stands out a lot and i guess since that's the lowest level power slug they wanted those to be easier to find as well oh and wait wait wait wait oh my gosh the pine cones glow please please it's like christmas or like lanterns are wow this is stunning i want to find a new cave and then we'll check out some of the other things that are new oh but here we go this is what i wanted to see the teardrops that they have on the cave ceilings look at these walls look at the blue that is awesome i cannot wait until all of the caves are decorated like this [Laughter] and just looking around here this is this is unbelievably good looking mr bean a pose my friend wow this is an early access game by the way that always blows my mind oh but i almost forgot they updated the red desert as well they have like a new hit and a giant like obelisk rock in the middle of it now so let's take a quick scoot through here and what is going on with you my fine sir i'm pretty sure there's a cave entrance in this rock at least that's what the trailer seemed to point out that does not look like a cave entrance that is a drop pond operational so wait but the wait there's a drop pod right over there though what maybe i guess they're gonna get rid of that one and just have that one there sure or maybe this will be a cave later on hmm that looks pretty permanent who knows yep that's the rock and rate over yonder is that huge new pit a sarlacc pit is there a giant worm down here nope but there is a sippy drink excellent driving kids thanks kids oh and okay dude nice little ominous wall definitely nothing going to be there for sure i think that's enough of a world tour let's get back to other shenanigans like signs lots of different shapes in sizes we have some more signs we got the big signs we have medium signs item signs the whole shabang and they're all customizable so it looks like we have the text color some backup color and the background color okay so let's make the text then white let's make the secondary backup color i don't know blue sure light blue and the background color red there we go nice now we can have an image here and it can be pretty much everything perfect the ultimate shenanigans and the background now oh so the background could be trees okay interesting wave oh and it's the two colors now so yeah like we have the text and the primary and secondary colors fancy let's change the text to leave a like no no no no no layout oh oh oh very interesting so you can have the giant signs like that and then you could have it tennis square that's a lot of stuff can you put these signs on storage bins i'm sure you can got me a friend dude that's what i'm talking about so instead of having like a little conveyor tongue you can just have an actual sign and i'll make storage rooms look a million times nicer speaking of storage though we have the new storage boxes yeah these are just skins they don't do anything different but they sure look cool and checking out everything else transportation we checked out the trucks the trains we'll save that for last the walls again we're gonna check that out more so in my let's play world the beams we gotta check out the beams and the pillars metal pillar heck yeah that one supports concrete barriers reelings oh my the new walkways to hold up now i want to check out the beams beam connect where is it hello what's going on ah there you go you have to hold down the click button so we have a default mode which you're just building the beam straight across diagonal mode which co-figure builds it on diagonals and then free freeform well that beam is doing whatever you want the yellow is just to mark off uh i think it's soft clearance or something like that yeah essentially you can build whatever you want through whatever you want nowadays so say we had a i don't know a particle accelerator sure we can just build a beam through that if we wanted to there are no rules anymore we are free to do whatever we want beams forever the artwork we can make too oh you better believe i'm gonna be making some crazy art we have a paintable beam okay let's connect that up to that like snaps on nicely we can put a little box on there oh and you can put that anywhere along the line too wow worlds are gonna start looking crazy bud crazy oh and you can paint the particle accelerators too now you weren't able to paint these before well that's nice oh my gosh on these pillars man these pillars you can build them diagonally you can zoop i'm zooping i'm zooping out of my mind i'm gonna be saying zoupin so much so much i love zupin zubin's the best what else we got in here we have the new walkways oh and we have the stairs these are really nice neat wait wait there's something i have wanted to do for the last since the game came out there are these walkways on the train stations apparently now we can connect these to this wow that is so cool not only that this is the thing i was actually excited for we could build this here and the reason i like these stairs so much is we can just build a staircase down look at that it's so flush looks so good i used to be able to do this with mods but of course all the mods are broken right now right but now we don't need the mods we can just do it in the vanilla game up dude update 5 is such a treat painted trains oh my oh my goodness i almost forgot probably one of the biggest parts of the update are you ready for this you're not ready for this i'm just gonna forewarn you all right it's time to zoop vertically then over this way wait zupin there we go it is the but yeah but it's the conveyor lift floor holes so you just build those through here gotcha very simple does that work through all different foundation types i'm sure right let's get the thick one okay grab you yep builds through there can you build through multiple of these at once the answer is almost certainly no uh i guess i guess you could have like one there and one there but i bet you'd have to like connect that with a conveyor lift yeah like in between there and stuff probably gets really messed up if you try that okay uh you know even without the just the amazing functionality of this this looks really good as a decoration gotta say dude i like went down a level and i thought i was gonna travel through space that was so scary okay and these probably work as you'd expect right you have a conveyor lift oh it clips with that so let's get rid of that one let's build it again you have a conveyor lift and just snaps to that great wait wait behold a build mode out of all the things in update five this was the thing i was most excited for i knew they would do it i knew they would do it that's huge you can reverse the direction on the lips that is the best that is the straight up best look at that arrow up there let's see that's gonna save so much time like the process of having to like reverse a lift like that beforehand back in ye old days when we all had to suffer was you had to build like a wall up there then you had to have a belt that was facing say this direction and then you had to take this and connect it up so it would go in the right direction but now you can just flip it that is really really really really really really really really really nice in fact dang that might be one of my favorite features except for the best thing ever so earlier i was teasing that there's like a mind-blowing thing you could do with the conveyor lifts and the pipeline lifts that go through platforms and that is easily easily make like pipeline towers that go up and stuff so say for example we were back in the old days and i was making item spine uh how you'd set them up is you'd go from wherever you are down there to the first layer then you'd have to have the conveyor lift go behind the wall to go back out and then you'd be able to extend this again and then you'd have to repeat this weird like in and out pattern and that's how i was making all of my item spines but now with these conveyor lift holes give me that we can just have them actually be vertical i can't wait i can't wait to get to my let's play world oh i love this the reversible conveyor lifts and this i think these might be my favorite features in update five it's just such a convenience game changer here but then again i haven't messed around with the beams enough either there's just so much there's just so much oh we gotta keep moving though what should we check out next what is there next is it just the trains at this point oh you better believe it's time for the true and let's test out the new train collisions so we stay in the train okay little alerts pop up gotcha does anything pop up on the map well if i'd hope so oh yeah this is going to be my entire let's play world just red flashing triangles all over the place what a mess okay a couple things i want to check out here though is i want to see what happens to the items so i loaded on a couple items here and um i don't know what happened what's this say re-rail the train uh yeah okay about that well if i re-rail this train what what would happen then boop what happened to that other train what so what if we re-rail this one it's back huh okay so then you just hear the notifications and then you'd be like yo i gotta go re-rail the train and then fix the intersection gotcha that's pretty simple it's gonna be a little chaotic you know you're working on a project on the other side of the world then suddenly it's kind of like the power outage noise whenever that happens it's ugh it's almost as bad oh and i didn't even check to see if we keep our items hold up one second [Laughter] um i thought something like that would happen that is exceptional okay and it does seem like we keep the items so this is just what i threw in and yeah it all stays there okay so that's pretty fun another thing probably the biggest thing though with these trains is not the collisions it's actually what you can do in the stations here so whenever you take the train to a station there are a bunch of new settings that dramatically can shift how we play the game here so let's just set up a little route here okay edit timetable go there sure go to there sure doesn't matter if it can make it or not it's irrelevant uh quickly though you can see actually the stations on the map here so all the ui has changed so that's neat the main thing though is if we go to the timetable and we click on this gear here you can choose a ton of new options so wait for one load says unload uh wait till it's fully loaded wait like a certain amount of time but the big thing is the load only and unload only so now you can mix your trains up with whatever items you want and just have stations unload certain things so we could have one train like this train for example picking up say crystal oscillators super computers and all that stuff and you can have it mixed between all of the freight cars and then have certain stops that just pick up the things that need to be picked up very simple it's very good oh yeah and you could forget there's also the rail signals and all that kind of jazz yeah pretty pretty important stuff if you don't want that happening yeah and these things kind of tell the trains like hey there's a train on the track in front of you you better not go there and stuff like that however we're not going to really mess with these in this video they're a little complicated and i'll kind of go over them in my let's play series because today i just want to show off everything new in update 5 and i think we've done that but in case i missed anything i've posted the patch notes in the description below and you can just give those a quick look over so if you enjoyed again remember to leave a like subscribe for more satisfactory content and if you can check out my patreon as well links in the description but for now that's gonna be all here so have a fantastic rest of your day and bye bye
Channel: ImKibitz
Views: 243,431
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Satisfactory, satisfactory game, satisfactory gameplay, satisfactory tips, satisfactory lets play, satisfactory let’s play, satisfactory update, satisfactory update 5, satisfactory train collisions, satisfactory zooping, satisfactory dedicated servers, satisfactory drones, Satisfactory experimental, satisfactory new update, satisfactory trains, imkibitz, kibitz, satisfactory signs, satisfactory everything new
Id: y7OJlnwG-_g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 47sec (1607 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 27 2021
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