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it's the hardest way to play no one watching your back and with the entire world against you driving its heel into your neck it's an exercise in patience tenacity and understanding that loss is almost a guarantee but not always and sometimes you can even find redemption in the least likely of places but we'll get to that [Music] see i was brand new on the server solo with no loot and no blueprints and just after spawning i saw an airdrop in the distance uh air drop air drop air drop air drop drop drop let's go to the truck hey what's up bro how's it going bro oh oh yeah i'm dead what if i live and get all the joints the airdrop was falling right beside a clan base with an active shootout occurring underneath it [Music] yo when he said duty booty i felt that [Music] no i died but i was solo with nothing it was to be expected he's a duty booty but it did give me purpose i wanted to win a fight like this solo against a clan and with that i had my first objective but i would need many things if i was to see any success in this goal so i respawned and began exploring the map to gather resources [Music] he was a legend this is a lot of mushrooms i wound my way to the southern edge of the bandit camp it was central to the map and there were a lot of small non-threatening looking bases around i found a wooden shack that appeared to have been raided or abandoned with a few improvements i could make this ramshackle hovel my own [Music] i don't know i kind of feel like playing solo today no bro please you have a duty booty booty booty okay my god that's a scary sign after farming a bit of wood i returned to secure the cabin i'd found for myself it's snug but it works welcome all right stone please with my little home secure i crafted a bow then headed out to gather some components along the road [Music] oh i got a paddle this is so big your friends sit oh that okay that's [Music] now at the harbor i recycled some of what i'd found [Music] get peddled that was rude but also pretty fun why'd i do that that was a bit bully do not bully people [Music] let's leave yet another player was approaching so i beat a hasty retreat not wanting karma to come find me after my cheeky actions [Music] why is that the best bug where's my bloody base [Music] i returned home and i began upgrading today is my 11st birthday is this full stone yes hopping right back out i immediately found a scuffle [Music] son of a gun [Music] hitting this idiot in the toe man fire [Music] stand and fight coward oh you're dead i'm so okay sorry honey i'm home gaining a bit more loot and gear was helpful my space in this world was starting to come together now speaking of space i wanted to take a moment to thank eve online for sponsoring this video eve online is a space-based persistent world massively multiplayer online role-playing game the game is renowned for its enormous scale and great complexity when it comes to player interactions in its single shared game world players engage in economic competition warfare and political schemes that push the boundaries of emergent gaming now since 2020 eve online has released four quadrants every year these provide all sorts of updates and new content to the game the current quadrant called gateway is opening the door to the eve universe for many new players it provides unique pathways for them to connect with their own aspirations in game it also features an improved new player experience and story driven training so coming back to eve online or starting for the first time is far more simple than it used to be and the game recently launched on the epic game store on september 23rd and eve is also now natively available on mac with full m1 support so go register through the link below and save almost three weeks of training time by getting a million skill points and jumping straight into the action thanks again to eve online for sponsoring the video now let's get back to our story with my base fortified i headed back out and went to the water treatment plant nearby to go scavenge for luke oh no bad doge welcome bad doggy that was kind of cool how that happened all right i gotta kill this guy or else [Music] hit again oh he's gonna hold the corner but but i'm i'm already too far ahead i knew it jesus christ all good oh my god are you good i know i'm chumba i don't think i've ever heard a noise like that and then he just rolled with it he was cool as a cucumber after that yell always a good time the tuna can lamb yeah i'll have to figure out how this is gonna welcome okay do it bad boogie oh he was mad [Music] fortnite galavanting around and playing a bit of trumpet i was progressing slowly up the food chain sit down buddy it was just a prank [Music] silencer with more components i headed to a mining outpost to recycle that's massive hey how you doing welcome it was a no scope i'll pick oh i was gonna oh god it's so good now with quite a generous sum of scrap i made my way to the bandit camp hollow db it actually looks really funny on the db little baby fella just chilling right in the middle i was gonna purchase an m92 pistol with a versatile gun like this i could make my goal of winning a fight versus a clan a reality got some rare things on sale stranger bang bang and with that we have a tactical doinker with the attachments i found i made my m92 a formidable weapon my bait right here all right heck it heck it man i remember flares in dayz though everyone would come running to churno in the middle of the night look at me i got the blicky man does solo clan raid you won't believe what happens next when morning came i set out to see if i could turn what i had into much more bro don't do it gotcha [ __ ] hold the jointer on the oinker target neutralized damn this is a satisfying gun to shoot [Music] oh did i get him a little weapon i have here oh my goodness gracious level 800 stone miner my new gun was proving quite useful metal in the furnace welcome now with a furnace and a fully stoned base i decided to go out for a large loot expedition i grabbed 200 scrap to buy a submarine so that i could travel to the underwater labs there would be a lot of good loot down there and i still needed everything i could get my hands up give me all your loot buddy hey man there you go man there's a board after me help me oh no kill it please he was an unhappy camper i purchased the submarine and began my intrepid underwater journey [Music] detecting multiple levath in class life forms in the region deeper ah yes the labs oh actually that was sort of perfect already reloaded now in the labs i needed to tread carefully there would be many murderous dwellers down here when do they push you like this this is scary i was doing well clearing the labs of dwellers and finding many components as well as scratch oh my god it's dark and spooky 24. not great not terrible joy [Music] i'm into the mainframe no multiple dwellers were converging on me here this was time to bad like a tree and get out of here hello there yeah they just kept coming man almost out of cloth let's go with my meds and ammo depleted it was time to take all i had already collected and head out from here do you ever get raided badly if yes did it make you all sad yes i got raided and i sent messages to all my rust friends like hey guys i'm going to be doing more irl stuff it's been really fun but i need to reevaluate my priorities i basically quit for like a week one week later because i was really upset because my base was sick it was called the library you know those old school libraries where you have a ladder up i had uh doors on loot rooms that you would tend to climb ladders up i landed off the coast near the bandit camp so i ran in there to its relative safety and recycled what i had gathered hey take it easy i then beelined straight home placed a tier one workbench and learned much of the tech tree a metal door perhaps it is time to put this tactical drinker to use he died gamer yell removed after a short fight and a brief moment of loot glory i died so i respawned and ran back to the area to see if i could scavenge anything left behind that pig is i don't even know what that picture what the dog doing [Music] oh all right well we lost the doinker but i'm gonna go get it back and i still i got a ton of wood [Music] stop it brother [Music] oh my oh they were gonna yokerate bad doggy you honestly suck at the game bro not gonna lie he almost died two nakeds are you a little bit angry bro we got a bunch of metal and a bunch of wood so that's nice this son of a gun he came back i'm gonna die do i get inside here that now after fighting my way home and throwing myself inside i was safe but i lost my precious pistol so now i had another objective i wanted it back there this would never work it's not ideal or whatever after some home upgrades i heard a plane passing overhead with an airdrop so i headed out to go hunt for it airdrop weavygamer in the corner where drop it was this direction right oh it's over there i'm about to get murdered i can just feel it hey bro you call the airdrop come on man hi there no please bro i'm friendly bro please let me go it was inside this compound i wasn't getting it but now i needed to get away from this base okay that's it bro you stupid [ __ ] i kill you now [Music] oh i'm going to beat you bro you're not as good as me i'm better at this game than you bro you're slow i already know i'm better bro i'm faster than you i'm bigger than you i'm stronger than you my my girl more good looking than you my hairline better than you my shoes are better my fashion is better my clothes are better my mama is nicer my grandma's cookies taste better everything i know i hit you again you are noob oh i'm gonna do it again bro oh bro [Music] i killed him i punished that man after some rather cheeky moves and taunts i was in the clear once more i farmed some sulfur nodes i passed and looted up some boxes at the water treatment plant [Music] hey what are you doing sneaking around here like that i i'm a wrong come on i'm a rock paper man take it easy i'll pick you up why is this character dude what is it what's wrong what's wrong with this i banked what i'd farmed at home then went to explore in the area where i'd lost my pistol earlier how come whenever i come on a bunch of idiots show up outside money i'm nasty money damn son money money bro chill how is he not dead bro oh he died goods and resources i hit him in the undertow the bottom section of the toe my crossbow shots were dialed in right now i took the loot from the dead player recycled it outpost and then headed home oh come on man that's like right at my base man come on sorry bro nice go ahead and slide on home you goddamn stupid bare face that guy was born to exist in that spot in time after claiming an easy mp5 i depot at home and then found some trouble outside all right in the middle of an engagement i'd been killed but it was just outside i have to send this oh he's such a rat what an idiot there were many people here lurking in the shadows this was a big fight if i could come out on top i'd be walking away with a lot of loot [Music] now we blend into the darkness and hope for the best knowing when to take my winnings and leave was crucial here so i banked what i'd gotten then headed out into the darkness once again with a double barrel explain to me how you can see me torch dumbass no i said if i had a torch up there oh right right [Music] there were many dead bodies here i frantically hunted for any guns left on the ground i want to make sure that nobody else died up here because i think someone else [Music] doggy okay i depot another load of loot this fight was proving to be a great boon for my coffers i'll try to clean this up real quick i might die though do you think oh yeah [Music] i want to know what happened to the m9 i might bank this little chunk that i got and come back again yeah i am the cleanup crew on this one i knew it an m92 it didn't have any attachments but it was the stock version of my affectionately named doinker i wonder if this is the same one now that fight was over but i'd achieved one of my admittedly less ambitious goals so i next took the m92 back out to hunt for more gear that's a pretty nice amount of ammo if you ask me [Music] don't do that [Music] get his ass bro [Music] oh my god there's so many people here fighting here was desperate and i didn't want to get caught in the middle so i got out of there i got the blicky my guy don't try it oh just peeled on over and dad i always thought banal was pronounced banal for a while hey take it easy big bonker now that's what we're looking for patience while they wait for a clear shot python guy [Music] classic solo gamer move another success i next spent quite some time in base hanging out upgrading and talking with my stream chat i swapped my m92 for a python so that i could fight at range and i headed back out once more to look for luke greetings [Applause] a momentary terrifying illumination and then death seconds later but i had a bag nearby where this had been so i respawned there wait there's another guy please welcome [Music] talking [ __ ] a little bit early there buddy i turned a blicky into more blickies i did die but it sort of ended up working out as day came i set out to roam with my newly found ak feeling confident oh he's dead [Music] did he live long a long boy welcome this was the same guy whose ak i'd taken clearly a well-armed fellow solo player i win this i get this angle love it [Music] he's not dead he's [Music] [Music] no he's so lit it was the same guy once again spawning in a bag very close by i then saw him run back to his home no way he lives in there no way all right now this player had a lot of gear and was fairly skilled i needed to evict him and remove this neighboring threat i had another new objective i grabbed a python from home and then started scoping his base out what the hell oh he's gonna go farm [Music] i did some scavenging nearby as i considered my options now his base wasn't all that big if i farmed up some sulfur and made a few satchels i could crack it wide open don't do it buddy [Music] do it again i think i got him there [Music] i returned home after killing him and another low geared player i next got to sulfur farming placed a tier 2 workbench and some more furnaces then i equipped the saw i'd found earlier i could make rifle ammo now i mean hot dog water is technically a tea if you think about it [Music] after killing a player who'd claimed an airdrop i had my first couple satchels [Music] i spent the next while farming smelting and gathering components i was starting to have a solid stockpile of gunpowder so i went to go check on his base once again ah you upgraded it oh oh no it wraps crazy now he'd been working diligently at expanding this was now quite an expensive raid and one that would be better with rockets satchels wouldn't quite cut it now oh well unreadable with what i have at this point it might start looking like rockets honestly what's probably gonna happen is big boys are gonna raid that now since satchel charges were the only raiding blueprint i had evicting my enemy from his newly minted fortress was just not feasible so i decided i was gonna look for a different base nearby where i could potentially find explosives gear or lots of scrap for blueprints then using what i got from that i could make a push towards raiding him that looks weird and oh there's a guy look at this [Music] this guy's got something [Music] while wandering near my home i saw a base that looked like it had been designed to look rated potentially in the aim of safely storing loot by staying under the radar i'm a little curious i'm cracking it open boomer bust i was gonna rate it i crafted my gunpowder in a satchel smite enough for two metal doors and then a couple left over this could have been a wooden see there's no reason for that door to be gone and for that to be gone [Music] another one [Music] pick this base 400 scrap [Music] all right it hadn't been terrible but it also hadn't held the potential hidden riches i'd hoped for gotta go fast hey 400 scrap i'll take it i banked the raid loot and then returned to see a couple nakeds poking and prodding around the raid hey bro go ahead bro what's up bro hey bro what's up bro what that guy ever do to you bro why do you clear what are you doing bro bro you're not supposed to eat that after letting them take over this now rated base i returned home but it was late i needed to get off for the night in the morning things would certainly take a turn [Music] when i logged in the next day i was greeted with the death screen i had been offline rated i spawned in an outdoor sleeping bag and went to survey the damage now i still had my goal of winning a fight versus clan as well as the enemy i wanted to raid i wandered around pondering whether i wanted to even continue towards my objectives i recycled a bit and crafted a bow and was running by the coastline at night when i saw some other players oh he's got the flamers oh now doggie's going to be mad at me okay hey take it easy stop working [ __ ] why you have to be [Music] mad with all they'd had plus what i had gathered i now actually had a substantial amount of loot i then also saw an airdrop coming down right by my old base [Music] hello [Music] sit your ass down fatality this was all flowing so easily right now even in my disheartened state i knew that i couldn't give up i was gonna see my goals to completion so i rebuilt a small new home just up the hill from my old rated base [Music] i feel like i can double down for you right here ah can i get this angle yes that was that encounter had been odd something about it was off maybe he could just see the peak of my head or something that guy's a cheater the one thing that could stop this role was a cheater and it looked like i'd found one but i wasn't positive now knowing what i might be dealing with i reported him for aimbot and then tried a couple times to get damning evidence dying a lot in the process but also finding where he lived [Music] and then i got the confirmation i was looking for [Music] oh do you see that freaking jump dude that confirmed it this guy was definitely a cheater no clipping up that wall i now had another quest to complete this man get this guy out of here man what i can't hear you over that peepee in your mouth but i didn't want to throw guns and gear away so taunting him on the hill above his base was all i could do right now as i waited for him to get banned i'm going to eat your chicken nuggets see when a cheater gets banned all the entities that they placed get removed so his base would crumble soon after he received his well-deserved ban and the cheater had a little lackey who was teamed with him maybe i could pull something off [Music] [Music] this guy's cheats man you see how he tried to pre-fire me there i purchased more grenades and then lingered around the cheater's base trying to get him to make a mistake hey [ __ ] i am going to take your loot once you die and get the boot [Music] now out of grenades i just ran away into the safety of bandit camp and logged out i didn't want to play while a cheater was around now they usually get banned quickly but today clearly something was not working behind the scenes it was later when i logged back in i spawned at home and ran downhill to check on where their base had been it was gone their base had been entirely removed but i hadn't been there for the spoils i checked their profile as well and there was the ban it looked like my goal of taking down the cheater and getting their loot might not come to fruition so next i went out and just did a little bit of farming there was a geared player nearby just watching me unsure of the situation i ran [Music] hidden in a crevice i remained still [Music] that had been so weird now already on edge i checked this player's profile another suspicious one could it be possible another cheater immediately after logging in get this guy though [Music] i then heard them shooting and ran back naked i'll spare your life i'll spare your life where's that gunshot coming from you don't tell him i'ma kill you take me to it now i could hear it in their voices that casual arrogance in their tone they felt powerful a sensation no doubt at odds with their likely miserable lives i was almost positive that these were cheaters again so i reported and then i followed them but at a stealthy distance patience don't do anything stupid you cut off this way they turned to night and i roughly kept tabs on their location while trying to slow down their movements by engaging with them there he goes there was one van and moments later another no i wasn't sure exactly where they were but i had a rough idea and i knew that they would be loaded now while searching for their sleeping bodies i made another discovery oh well this guy got raided i knew it was only a matter of time the player i'd been planning to raid had been raided while i was away this was long this was the ruins of his base here ah man frustrated about another cheater getting away i spent the night wandering near the area where i had last seen them hoping that just maybe i could catch a break and find them [Music] he were here sleeping after getting banned and loaded with gear just like i expected finally justice man it was morning by the time i got home and i reflected on this redemption of sorts i'd gotten a massive loot haul from some cheaters and my raid target had already been raided my objectives list was thinning but my goal of winning a big fight versus clan solo remained elusive [Music] these rats were trying to store lou that's disgusting i next went back and got another load of loot from their still undiscovered bodies [Music] now i was relaxing in base a bit later as night was falling when i heard the distant chop of the attack helicopter's rotors not only that but it was fighting someone under the cover of darkness i went to go check it out soon after leaving base i heard the helicopter crash in a great explosion there would be crates on fire in the wreckage holding top-tier loot it was a long shot but i was gonna try to counter it and take it for myself [Music] there were many grouped players milling around the crash site i knew that i had to get as close as possible in the dark before engaging [Music] a number of clan members were dead here but now i was taking sniper fire from range rockets in c4 from the helicopter [Music] [Music] moving quickly and loaded with gear i hightailed it out of there just as dawn was breaking [Music] i next returned home reflecting that i had done it taking on a clan solo and winning a fight against them head on now as i was thinking about how i'd accomplished this i heard an airdrop coming over near my base so i hopped right back out as i approached the drop i thought back to when i first joined the server a humble naked charging and airdrop things were a bit different now [Music] after killing the players there i ran home my adventures it all began at an airdrop and now after this it felt like a chapter closing i was glad that i had come back to finish my goals now i could rest [Music] thank you all for watching the video leave a like and comment if you enjoyed also i'm live streaming right now on my twitch so come say hi and if you want to stay up to date on all the happenings going on with my channel go follow me on all my socials and my thumbnail artist too this has been your friend welan completing a fun quest-filled adventure i'll see you all again soon until next time [Music]
Channel: Welyn
Views: 2,281,619
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: welyn, Rust Solo Survival, Rust PVP Highlights, Survival Games, Rust Gameplay, Rust Funny Moments, Rust raids, rust huge loot, rust plays, rust roleplayer, rust clans, rust solo, rust best start ever, rust fastest start ever, rust solo infiltration, rust solo pvp, rust compound, rust base build, rust jackpot raid, Rust, welyn rust, rust survival, rust movie, rust server, rust streamer, rust pro, rust revenge, welyn revenge, welyn clan, solo survival
Id: Jo39KagOCr4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 54sec (2394 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 25 2021
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