Project Zomboid And Preparing For The Long Term! Project Zomboid Tips For Long Survival Times!

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I’m surprised you didn’t mention rivers/lakes when talking about long-term water needs at the start. Infinite water, just needs a good boiling! Plus fishing is a great way to get meat! I always set up the big base near a lake.

👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/somuchsunrayzzz 📅︎︎ May 03 2021 🗫︎ replies

For those new to the game, don't think too much of prepping. Your main focus would be on the day to day survival basics. So I'd advise you to go ahead and mess around with the zombies, specifically learn the limits of what you can get away with. For instance, even if they grabbed you as you are sprinting, they cannot drag you down but only pin you to a singular direction you are barreling towards. This also mean that you can practically barrel through a spaced out crowd because they cany catch you if you keep running. Secondly, start playing with fire, literally. Figure out how to kite the zombies, how to herd them, then how to effectively take out mega hordes with a humble campfire kit, a few torn rags and matches.

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/113pro 📅︎︎ May 04 2021 🗫︎ replies

looking forward to becoming a successful prepper

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/No-Chemical-1323 📅︎︎ May 03 2021 🗫︎ replies

Just the video i needed... I'm at that awkward stage where i wasn't sure were to put my energy. Thanks! Very helpful:)

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/ZakSav00322 📅︎︎ May 04 2021 🗫︎ replies
[Music] hey guys welcome back to the channel for another project zomboid video recently i covered a video with some tips for getting started when you're new to the game so in this video i wanted to look at that stage where you're a week or so into your playthrough and you're looking to prepare for long term survival managing your priorities here can be tough you might not even know where to put your efforts so that's what we'll be covering in this video if you do find it useful consider liking the video and subscribing to the channel it really does help me as a creator and i also stream project zomboid almost every day at the moment over on forward slash mr atomic doug so if you're interested in that feel free to swing by so you've survived the first week or so of your playthrough like we just mentioned you'll probably have a base of operations by this point and you're now looking to take some steps to prepare for the future you might already be aware that the power and water will turn off at some stage but you might not be aware of how to prepare for it so let's start there and then we can get into the more complicated stuff when it comes to prepping for the taps running dry there are a couple of solutions to your problem the first option is to fill any container you can with water before the tabs turn off buckets cooking pots whatever you can find fill them up leave them in storage at your base and at the very least you're going to have a supply to keep you going if worse comes to worst however this is a pretty short-term solution to a long-term problem you'll need to take a much more varied approach in general the ideal long-term solution to the drought is to find a base location with a well these wells will have an infinite supply of drinking water but are generally located in very rural locations so they won't be viable for everyone the next option you've got is a lot more suitable if you're located in an urban area if you go searching through some of the office buildings you'll be able to find some water dispensers these only weigh 5 kilograms but come with 250 units of clean drinking water which is a huge amount for a relatively easy item to get back to your base and you can collect quite a few of these and they'll keep you going for quite some time i do this regularly when i'm building my bases your next option ties in quite nicely with the water dispensers if you can get carpentry to level four with the help of watching woodcraft every day for the first nine days before the tv station shut off you can build rain collectors with the help of four garbage bags four planks a hammer and some nails and just a note here woodcraft is on at 12pm on the show life and living so make sure you're tuned into that and you can watch it every day for the first nine days of survival these will collect some rain on mass and hold 80 units of water each which will need to be purified if you intend to use them as drinking water boil them in a kettle or a cooking pot and then transfer the water to a water dispenser these solutions are your best bet for the long term next up we've got the electrical grid once this shuts off you'll need to be ready to power your base with the help of fuel instead you can find generators like these ones in any industrial spawn area but you'll have the most luck finding them in small sheds or garages in residential areas one thing to note here if you do find a generator make sure you place it outside of your base placing it inside will result in fumes building and you'll get sick from fume inhalation you'll also most likely need a vehicle as these generators weigh 20 kilograms and can be a pain to haul back to your base without one once they're hooked up you just need to make sure that they've got enough fuel to keep them powered i'd always advise trying to stock up on gas from a gas station before the power actually goes out and once the power does go out you'll need to actually bring another generator with you to the gas station in order to power the pumps so if you can it's always beneficial if you can set up an extra generator at a nearby gas station preemptively to help with this if at any point you need to repair your generator you just need some scrap metal and for the most part you can gather this through basic dismantling using metal working now after we've solved the main issues of warsaw and power we've got to start looking at food thankfully this one isn't too hard to solve in comparison to the first things we've looked at in this video collecting canned food is obviously a viable and simple solution but it's not going to give you the best outcome when it comes to food and the stats that you could get from it canned food generally gets used up pretty quickly and it isn't as nutritious as fresh food in most cases so my best recommendation here when it comes to food is to watch exposure survival on the tv again life and living every day at 6 00 pm quite often this show will teach you things like farming trapping fishing or foraging all of these options are good for long-term fresh food especially farming and trapping now fishing is a good option but it is situational as you'll need to be close to a body of water and not everybody will be for farming however you'll just require some seeds a trowel and water containers i'd recommend planting cabbages if you have them as they make for great bait for traps and can be used in a lot of cooking recipes many times over before you actually use one of them up their growing times are also a lot shorter than many other crop choices which makes them great for getting started but if you don't have these just plant what you've got and try to do so as early as possible ideally you'll want to find a watering can as it holds a bit more water than any other water container available and i tend to use water collected by a rain collector when watering crops just so that i don't need to purify the water and it just saves a bit of time by doing so so if you can make sure you place your water collector close to the crops you can monitor the status of your crops at any time by right-clicking and selecting info if you can also look at collecting some fertilizer to increase the yield of your crops and a gardening spray can which will allow you to craft cures to various crop diseases like flies these are optional but can be very handy once you've got some crops growing we're going to need to increase your freezer space now freezes will pretty much halt the progress of food rotting so you can store food for long periods without care in the world your only problem is that most commonly found freezes don't hold very much i'd recommend heading to a gas station and look out for a freezer unit with ice written on the side these hold 60 kilograms in total and will be an absolute godsend when it comes to freezing your food for the long term hopefully you'll live long enough to see your crops grow to fruition and if you do this is when we put these to use to catch you some more food that's a bit more lively there are three types of trap we can build to catch creatures in the wild the snare box the trap box or the trap crate the others won't catch rabbits or will be for higher level trapping than you're likely going to have at this stage all three of these types of trap can catch rabbits or squirrels rabbits will fetch more meat which is why we're baiting with cabbage which only rabbits enjoy i'll leave a link in the description for further trapping methods and baits for different creatures if you're interested in branching out a little bit hunter magazines will teach you the recipes required to build these traps so you'll want to keep an eye out for these if you don't have the recipes already once you can craft one check your crafting menu to see the supplies you'll need and take some cabbage and your traps to a location a little ways from your base place it too close and you won't catch anything it needs to be 75 tiles away from your current location to ensure that something will be caught rabbits will generally be caught between 7 pm and 5 am so you can check these traps in the morning for the best results place a trap and then add your cabbages baits if you come back to a catch you can butcher them for meat with most knives or a meat cleaver throw them in the freezer and you'll be bringing in plenty of food for the winter lastly if you happen to pick park ranger as your occupation you'll already have the recipes for all the traps that you can place and last of the three options for securing food we have fishing you can find most of the supplies you'll need in garages hardware stores or industrial locations for this one you'll need to get started with a fishing rod either some tackle worms or bait fish bait fish can be collected by placing a fishing net into a body of water then checking it regularly and worms can be dug up or foraged as well if you want to use that as a bait option tackle can be found where you'll find fishing rods head to a nearby source of water with the necessary supplies and then just cast in from there you'll just have to wait watch your back though fast forwarding during this process can be a risky move as if you're out in the wild because there are always some zombies lurking nearby so just be aware of that one so earlier we touched on tv shows briefly but one of the most important aspects of project zomboid can be skills and leveling them not leveling key skills like carpentry electrical metal working and the various survival skills can be devastating later on so what i tend to do is start reading books early whilst doing other tasks whether i'm cooking food actually watching tv or just killing a couple of hours before my character gets some rest for the night reading a book to multiply the rate at which you gain experience in particular skills can be incredibly helpful later so try to find time for it early on for that we're going to need to actually acquire the books you need several built up areas have bookstores or libraries and often schools will also possess books as well even when you're losing residential housing there's likely going to be a bookcase lying around somewhere in the house so make sure you check them and make a habit of picking up all the books labeled beginner or intermediate those are the ones that you're going to need by this stage you'll probably have most of the basic recipes you'll need and can make a note of where the higher tier books are for later couple these books and xp multipliers with watching tv during the first nine days and you'll be well on your way to becoming an expert survivor and once again you could watch the tv at 6 00 am 12 p.m or 6 p.m to pick up some skills on the life and living channel finally before we wrap up this video i wanted to touch on some tools you'll need to collect for long-term progression in project zomboid i'll try to cover just about everything you could need for practical tasks or skills in the game so firstly we'll look at construction supplies the basics here are a hammer a saw nails and an axe this will allow you to chop down trees destroy doors and build most basic structures like walls or doors but the ones you want to focus early on are the hammer the nails and an axe this will allow you to barricade windows and doors to get you started with base defenses i'd also recommend keeping an eye out for a sledgehammer these tend to be quite rare but will allow you to destroy walls doorways that sort of thing a lot of people like to use these to destroy stairs cutting off any chance of a zombie making it to the second floor of a building then run a sheet rope out of a window to make the base accessible to you only there are other practical uses however like breaking down the wall to an otherwise inaccessible gun store for example generally these items can be found in any construction spawn in the game next up is the screwdriver which will allow you to hot wire cars lock pick doors with the help of a bobby pin or dismantle electronic items for some electrical supplies and a few points in the electrical skill definitely want to try and snag for later if you happen to find one now this one sounds fairly basic but acquiring a few different cooking containers can be a big help later roasting pans cooking parts baking pans that sort of thing this will allow you to make up a variety of meals when you get around to cooking rather than just eating one item to reduce hunger whilst also making your character less bored and increasing happiness i also like to collect a few bowls for splitting down large amounts of food into meals but that isn't essential necessarily a propane torch and welding mask will be useful for later for anything metalworking related whether it's dismantling metal items or crafting new ones if you can try to make sure that the propane torch is full when you find it to save you any trouble later on the same note when it comes to propane acquiring a barbecue that uses propane tanks can be a huge help and will save a lot of fuel for your generator later on i use these to cook food once the power goes off in its entirety just because it slows the rate at which you use fuel in your generators sticking with tools keep your eyes open for a trowel and a watering can for farming like we mentioned earlier the sooner you get your crops planted the better shovels can also be a big help when it comes to burying bodies to keep away any risks of infection on that same token finding some cleaning liquid and a mop will allow you to clean your walls of blood and keep your base risk free you'll also want to keep cleaning liquid and soap for washing your character and your clothes which will stop you getting infections if you get a cut as we mentioned earlier as well when it comes to acquiring food you'll want to make sure you have a knife or meat cleaver for butchering animals that you catch as well as a fishing rod and preferably some tackle for fishing lastly there's a whole range of tools you might need if you decide to get into mechanical work with vehicles wrenches jacks that sort of thing personally this isn't something that i invest in too heavily as it's perfectly possible to just source additional vehicles but just bear in mind that there's quite a few different tools associated with vehicle maintenance if you decide to go down that route and it can always pay off to collect them early on that's it for me in this one guys but i hope this video helps you prepare for the long game in project zomboid and gives you a few goals to aim for moving forward thanks for watching and if you found this video useful once again do consider subscribing to the channel for more videos and liking this video thanks folks see you all in the next one
Channel: MrAtomicDuck
Views: 895,382
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: project zomboid, project zomboid tips, project zomboid guide, project zomboid build 41, project zomboid survival guide, project zomboid tutorials, project zomboid beginners guide, project zomboid gameplay, project zomboid surviving longer, project zomboid long survival, project zomboid what to collect, project zomboid how to survive long term, how to fish project zomboid, trapping project zomboid, project zomboid preparing for long term, project zomboid getting started
Id: w4Jmqp8a_bU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 32sec (812 seconds)
Published: Mon May 03 2021
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