I Forced People to Work for 19,577 Years on My Nightmare Kingdom - Settlement Survival

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hey there it's josh welcome back to let's game it out we're checking out settlement survival today and what a settlement to be surviving in look at this paved roads nice housing we're gonna focus more on the survival part in this case them surviving my best efforts to make their lives miserable oh also this video is sponsored by mythic heroes but more about that later we're gonna go with old standard mode okay and town name misery topia and off we go now i want you to take a look at this loading screen because god knows we're not gonna make something that looks this nice first things first where are we gonna start our village ooh how about right here beautiful river property how can we say no the game starts out very promisingly with all of our villagers rapidly running into this tent and the game announcing that all 30 people are homeless thankfully they didn't come empty-handed though wait a minute do you see something kind of weird here are those the adults and those are the kids what the hell like let's ignore for the fact everyone's a clone the sizes here are just so weird like look at these two and look at those two wait are you an adult how am i supposed to know my god that is an adult that's jose he's 21. jose is messing around yeah we know god this is really going to take some getting used to it's just so comical to me that the kids are shrunk down adults also in case you needed this confirmation you can indeed learn that not only are they eight but i don't know if that's convincing enough not like up here where it shows their profession children thanks matilda with your adult profile picture you've solidified that we need to buckle up because few things are going to make sense anyway so we have all of our people milling around over here all screaming simultaneously about how they're homeless and wouldn't you know we have this toolbar down here and the very first thing is about housing of which for the time being we only have two options got a house and a boarding house the difference is a house can only hold four people and then talks about all this other information i don't really care about meanwhile the boarding house shelter for 24 people let's just ignore that word temporary temporary to them maybe overcrowded apartments will cause a loss of desire to procreate i don't know that sounds like a you problem to me okay let's see where are we gonna build this i believe those arrows mean that's the entrance so let's go ahead and move this on top of a pile of rocks wonderful we've done it again everyone's doing their part including their creepy unnatural swagger and superhuman strength except this kid they're not old enough to work just old enough to have a wicked beard oh dang it they're clearing out the entrance so they're going ahead and preparing the area including bringing supplies from this thing and then taking them over to the job site oh watch where you go and you almost hit that child in the face and then they work as one literally and then a select few start building while everyone around them has no sense of preservation and walks right in the way of a swinging hammer and then before you know it this thing starts to look like a real mansion oh i forgot we have more than 24 people well time for a second boarding house uncomfortably close to the first one now that we got our housing needs out of the way let's take a gander at the next stuff we're gonna need to do so down here we have a whole bunch of options you know like the housing we just saw food stuff like fields and orchards and crap not to mention other resources where we start out with a basic few not to mention the more modern stuff of production like tailor shops blacksmiths distilleries for making precious alcohol oh and here's where they keep the fun stuff like cemeteries and i guess all these other things and then other stuff like roads and blueprints oh my god what the hell is this great castle tell me more great castle symbolizes the prosperity of the town and can accommodate 80 families five members for each i don't even know what these construction materials are but i don't care we must have it what happens if i just put it down is it just gonna let me it sure did now we just have this awkward ghost castle in our town isn't that nice all hands on deck to prep the land for the thing we can't possibly build yet and while they take a second to prep all this let's talk about this video sponsor and that's mythic heroes a brand new multi-civilizations rpg game in the idol genre available on android and ios now if you've been watching any of my videos you know i'm a big fan of automation and xs so if i can play a game while playing a game while playing a game i'm probably gonna do it and that's just what mythic heroes is an idol rpg where you can actually still have an intense in-game experience while being hands-off you can progress in the game with afk mode and level up take part in boss fights in battle arenas all while doing other stuff at the same time let's talk more about this afk mode are you into campaign missions but don't want to use your hands then the auto ultimate button is for you are your fingies otherwise occupied on like your latest social media rant or whatever then don't let life pass you by let the game progress for you with the auto assault button and the game isn't pay to win either you'll need to do some tactics to arrange your troops so that everything is optimal utilizing skills and weapons of each individual hero and you can combine these with divinities and artifacts to create unstoppable situations and on top of that you can team up with your buddies or challenge them and you can hire their own heroes to fight for you and we're talking about traversing nine mythical worlds with heroes from all kinds of civilizations throughout history so if you're looking at your mobile right now and it's not leveling up like crazy and you sure would like it to be then download the game using my link in the description all new participants get a free mythic heroes gift pack worth 200. and thanks again to mythic heroes for sponsoring and as expected they couldn't finish for some weird reason maybe because we don't have 9999 bricks luckily the game actually shows us how to make them you know it's a brick make it from clay and furnace burden at the kiln factory couldn't be more simple so naturally it's going to be our overall goal to see if we can make all these things but i think we're getting ahead of ourselves let's set up the village first starting with whatever this is one citizen has been injured ankle sprained you'll be fine maybe you shouldn't do all that messing around and dear god are you messing around while that guy watches what is even going on here okay god we really gotta give these people something to do or else it's gonna be all messing around all the time since we've already taken care of housing needs let's worry about food needs and for the moment supply needs well with all this stone and ore and timber and agave tequila that must be for the distillery i was gonna focus on food first but you know the heart wants what it wants ah how delightful i mean listen to this noise when you click it and then the poor goes entirely too long okay so let's assign someone katrina this is your baby now and we're gonna have you make good ol agave tequila and water into spirits so it looks like we need to make sure you have enough water let's hop on over here build us a big ol well and while it makes the most sense to put this like right near the residential buildings we're gonna do something dumb instead which is put it on the other side of this river that way it's gonna feel magical and you might be thinking but josh how are the people gonna get water from over here if they live over there well here's my answer for you a bridge i mean watch how easy this is we just connect both ends and now they know to make a bridge in fact let's make it even easier on them let's make two bridges did i say two i meant three did i say three [Music] ah much better that's a lot of bridges when it's close to a mountain it looks like you can't do it and eventually we hit the border you know this reality defining force field before civilization as you know it just goes right off of a flat earth cliff so that's basically step one done now we just need to build them and boy god are these things gonna take a lot of timber and stone and that's what this little icon is for all kinds of harvesting in this case trees which we'll go ahead and just select all these trees to be cut down surely that won't take very long and we're gonna need stone and thank god the game just knows where it is hopefully it won't take very long to cut down all these trees and collect all these materials you know what my favorite part is about watching them work part where i don't have to do anything well shiver me timbers look at that looks like two of the bridges are built already only several hundred left to go probably gonna need more trees in fact why stop there let's just cover even more same with you oh glorious stone now while they're working hard on all that stuff we still need to worry about their food we're gonna build a hunting cabin which should help with at least some of our food needs and look at that before you know it they're finding all kinds of stuff i mean i don't know where they're finding that stuff especially given that this side of the river is looking pretty barren right now not that it's really helping that much couldn't help but notice these icons 20 citizens are starving awesome but at least you're all still working matilda has died of starvation there's no tombstone for people to mourn over oh and that's not the only one looks like ophelia's died as well as kenny we started with 30 people and now we only have 23. and also for some reason the name of our city changed to misery topi did one of the letters die of starvation too in the meantime let's just gather some plants some of this has to be edible right while that's happening there's one other very important building we need to build and that's the town hall mainly for one big reason that will be apparent soon central building of the town where you can accept immigrants and recruit a mayor the immigrants being new people to join our village you know because we're dropping like flies over here with only 15 people left otherwise who's gonna build ghost castle i love this by the way vendor elaine has died of starvation there is no tombstone for people to mourn over and then the immediate next entry denny has replaced elena's offender morning process complete anyway so the thing about the town hall see this little thing up here this represents the 12 months of the year in repeat and it shows you if certain events are gonna happen like this showing that immigrants are due to arrive ah delightful immigrants have arrived ten immigrants have arrived you accept them as citizens absolutely grab your pickaxes we're gonna need your help and just like that they're all gone again i guess it was a particularly cold time after hunter matthew froze to death we just have to hold out until more people can arrive and now we're at zero people average happiness levels are ultra low i would assume so seeing as how everyone's dead i like the part where it's like there were zero births in the last season you don't say what about the zero life that happened this season also here's an interesting thing if you don't upkeep buildings they turn into this a delicious husk made out of chocolate and by that i mean the building is ruined and we'll have to rebuild it and by we i mean these people about to show up hopefully this set of clones is better than the last one why are you trailing behind how did you already hurt yourself you've been here like one second and oh god i turned my back for one moment and now both of them are screwed up okay first priority rebuild this do me a favor and try to survive until the next group gets here how are you doing buddy well suddenly i'm looking at this overhead view which leads me to believe he died and what a stunning tribute from those seagulls flying overhead no problem i'll just wait for the next group to come by and that's pretty much our lot in life basically we sit here and bask in all the problems our town has thankfully the next group is arriving marching toward us in slow motion like they're here to save us from a disaster these clones and these clones alone can save us uh oh they're approaching the water how are they gonna deal with this situation you know at this point i don't know why i'm so surprised of course these heroes are too good for bridges oh did you all stack up in one spot to make yet another waking nightmare the town is developing well shall we go to the town inn to see if they'll take us in why yes person's lower body we most certainly will accept all of you you citizens are already injured well maybe you shouldn't have swaggered through the bridges oh and you have no tools huh or clothes sounds like you should have joined up with a colony that cares oh now you have to use bridges yeah i'm the stupid one whatever so long as you're building or whatever we call that anyway while our revolving door of people go about their daily struggles in this land where plants are bigger than they are let's take a closer look at the stuff we need to build our barbie dream castle so we really only need giant quantities of these four things and the process to making them is something we're gonna have to reach as well so as an example how would we build laid stone well the game tells us that we take stone to a masonry workshop and we don't have that building yet in any of our options but that's what this icon is for development you can consume development points to activate new technology behold the game's unlocks we've got tons of unlocked trees separated out of stuff like mining and construction and quality of life and you get the idea let's see if i were a masonry workshop where would i be ah here we go under construction here's the laid stone in doing so also gets you the masonry workshop so the way you normally unlock these is you have development points and it looks like simply from existing you get 10 points in the philip meter towards a new point and in our first 11 years of playing we've already unlocked 15 development points and this meter seems to keep filling even if your whole town is wiped out that's great you know what i've got a better idea why don't we just wait till we have enough development points to unlock everything because then we don't need to worry about all these choices i mean really with it quietly ticking up over time how long can it possibly take only one way to find out [Music] i bet you thought i was kidding didn't you it is now the year 19187 turns out each point takes longer and longer to naturally get so it took a lot a lot of time you know i gotta admit everything looks pretty well preserved for being 19 000 years old we still got tons of material sitting and waiting for us we've still got the rotted husks of our buildings barbie ghost castle of course is still here and to my complete shock the town hall is still here and it looks great and thank goodness cause we're gonna need that since our settlers from the future are on their way right now oh boy i can't wait what do we think are they gonna look like cosmonauts oh i see nice to see the thousands and thousands of years really evolved us why can't you be like these turkeys that are as big as you are but at least in the future you're still not willing to let obstacles get between you and your career goals at least at this point i have even more bridges for you to not use anyway whatever welcome to the future go ahead and just creepily slide your way into those supplies and i'll be with you shortly now before we set them loose on building this place back up let's do some sweet unlockings time to unlock and unlock i don't care if we're not gonna use it i just want to see it activated oh it's so much work to activate everything got to click the mouse up here then bring it down here and then do that over and over again just so i can unlock paper and done and for some reason we have three extra points i mean i didn't miss anything if it's highlighted green that means it's activated ah well whatever oh look how full of life our toolbar is now that indicates there's new options like look at all this stuff luxury houses and luxury boarding houses in a garden villa but my eye is drawn to one thing a tent a rough house stop right there game you had me at a rough house i'm also not seeing anything here about how people can't procreate so first things first let's demolish these structures clear some space for our new housing and while we're at it what the hell is this terraforming transform mountains or rivers into flat ground use with caution but why what's the worst thing that can happen oh and it would appear there's no way for me to undo this either which could be a problem because you see that icon up there that's a boat that needs to come down this river which as it turns out they don't care about bridges at least that looks painful boat are you okay but i was afraid that it wouldn't be able to navigate this little piece of land here although no problems here sure i'm glad i finished building all those bridges so that this boat can have the most confusing journey of its life unless of course we can just cover this up and it doesn't matter easy easy you know at this point i don't know what i was expecting i guess everybody wins used with caution indeed anyway it's time our people got some new housing also known as their brand new tents oh god and look how close you can put them to each other hey neighbor can't wait to see into your tent first thing in the morning yes build build oh yeah look at this little piece of paradise housing solved everybody's happy oh my god and look look at that there's bob a children that's the process working you know we can't ignore their base needs though like you see this person here she's cold she's thirsty and let's be honest she's probably gonna die soon see there she went right now and we really should be honoring them so let's make a cemetery i guess we'll just make it like uh oh i see how this works okay oh that's gonna be just lovely isn't it come on you've carved out the space why aren't you making it what does this symbol mean i think it means while we have enough timber we don't have enough stone well let's dig into our bag of tricks here and see what we can use ah here we go a quarry used to produce stone perfect we'll just put it right here in town this place is just looking more luxurious all the time and you know what the best part about this thing is it's permanent which means when we're done carving out all that product this eyesore is gonna be here forever what do you think little tiny adults are you excited for this to be your future either way for now this is gonna handle our stone production and of course it's nice to see that newcomers to the village ignore gravity over this thing too oh you future humans you're so weird have fun being creepy in there and now that we have enough stone a nice big cemetery but look there's our first resident now but hopefully the health of our village is changing so you won't have any friends soon well that sure happened fast take a good look kid just know that's gonna be you someday i mean not specifically in this one this one's already full with 56 out of 56 tombstones i don't guess we better make another this one being a little bit bigger hopefully means it won't fill up as fast but also maybe let's not get our hopes up okay with all the pieces coming together we haven't forgot our main goal barbie dream castle let's start loading up the supplies we'll just go from left to right starting with brick clay furnace bird and kiln factory awesome my god look at all the stuff we have now so many beautiful buildings oh there it is the furnace burden this seems like the perfect machinery to have right up against some tents and let's see we're also gonna need a sand pit because we need this thing to make clay and finally the kiln factory which is what puts it all together while we're at it we should probably do some quality of life things and no i don't mean the tea shop or the barbecue house or the bakery they know they're gonna be dead soon anyway there's no reason they need that kind of luxury now i mean stuff like this so they can have clothes and tools because as much as i like them being gainfully employed permanently so we're gonna make a blacksmith which is gonna make tools and a tailor's workshop for everyone's amazing clothes and might be wishful thinking but just in case people start surviving a little bit longer we wanna make sure that they have wonderful housing waiting for them okay cool over here in blacksmith land we have everything ready and uh is that how you do blacksmithy well you're the experts all i care about is that we're making iron tools okay well that seems to mostly solve that problem seeing as how everyone's walking around with an iron tool now even wendy you know professional child she definitely needs to be running around unattended with this and then over here at the taylors thank god nobody left a door open on this one we're gonna have them making rough clothes everyone's favorite wardrobe item huh what was that okay which one of you dummies did this yeah that's the spirit hide from the fire by hiding in the fire don't forget to take your kid with you you know i can't help but think i'm gonna need to make another cemetery oh yeah this is definitely what you want to see if you're like prospective new citizens this is totally what you want to be recruited into right i think we could really start a life out here a very short-lived life you know as all the buildings slowly burn down and this group of courageous people essentially fails to flee for their life i can't help but think there's a lesson to learn here and that's that we need to build this in a more secure place this is prime cemetery real estate anyway instead we're going to relocate it somewhere else onto this lake thanks to the terraforming tool i believe that it should just about fit let's see oh yeah surrounded by the saddest moat of all time it's perfect so luxurious now that we got that squared away let's try to hedge our bets and try to not let this happen again i mean vaguely we don't care that much let's get all this crap out of the way and this time around we're gonna space out our housing which involves taking 110 and surrounded by cemeteries i mean hey you've still got neighbors you just can't burn anybody down next time it's just a public safety thing so let's get rid of all these pesky mountains terraforming sure is easy and make way for civilization see that's better isn't it look at all that beautiful housing and i know it's not that luxurious looking that's what all these delightful decorations are for like who doesn't want some lighting right outside their door and by that i mean all the way around ah yes the perfect conditions for sleeping yep that's the magic also depending on what angle you look at this either you're lucky or you're very unlucky what a glorious unexpected light show anyway with this solved can't lose sight of what we're doing and that's bricks first things first furnace burden makey the thingies and you kiln factory it's brick time well let's see how long this takes it's the year 19416 right now okay that'll do it and here it is merely the year 19479 it only took 63 years i guess it probably would have been faster had i not had just one of these going okay so let's make some masonry workshops time to build a line of these no time to waste except probably another 19 000 years oh yeah that's faster much faster and perfect now all we need to do is these things building kits and custom furniture here i'll save you the trouble we need to build a bunch of these and together they'll make the part we need okay that one was thankfully painless it just feels like so much work do i really want to build more of this stuff i've got a better idea remember these luxury liners going through the bridges and apparently also playing joust with these people these boats actually serve a purpose these are trading boats thus far they've been just sailing through our rivers but we never have a reason to trade with them until now and for that we're gonna need something called the ferry the merchant ship arrives periodically and you can exchange items with them we gotta put it in your water so okay let's see just fits then when a boat comes through our river a river of impossible physics it'll eventually swing by our ferry and dock for a while at which point we can do some trading and they'll sell us all kinds of things although i don't see any of the furniture we're looking for so we'll just wait for the next one ah good tidings to you boat have you brought me some fine goods oh hell yeah there we go custom furniture i'll take them all please and we just trade them stuff of about equivalent value and the custom furniture is ours talk about painless then after enough boat trading it's just raining furniture my god it's finally happening they're hammering that one spot which as we all know is how you build giant castles oh my god we're finally almost there the dream is upon us yay it's beautiful it's like a parkour master's dream and i don't even understand how this tree is here well what are you waiting for citizens time to move in what the hell how many of you are standing right there and what are you doing back here behind the castle you junkie there we go we got people moving in and now i'm sure this is gonna come to nobody's surprise but we're gonna demolish these bridges i love that they're happy to do that even from the side that keeps them trapped anyway don't worry it's designed to keep you guys safe oh also i forgot to mention someone's been murdered and the killer is still at large so you know have fun with that so i hope you had fun i know i did also did i mention that i stream now i totally do linky is somewhere in the description as well as the thing from mythic heroes and i'll see you next time
Channel: Let's Game It Out
Views: 3,435,098
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: let's game it out, lets game it out, let game it out, letgameitout, letsgameitout, let'sgameitout, let us game it out, game it out, gameitout, settlement survival, survival games, simulation games, tycoon games, survival tycoon games, settlement survival gameplay, settlement survival game, settlement survival walkthrough, funny moments, hilarious moments, josh let's game it out, let's game it out josh
Id: ecAsn4osLm0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 40sec (1360 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 23 2021
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