"Ultraviolence" | Days 22-28 | Project Zomboid Longplay ambiguousamphibian VODs

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all right welcome back it's uh anton shiger the uh survivalist playthrough in project zomboid we have uh made our way out of fort redstone where we secured most of the armory and the guns and we made our way over to raven creek and we pretty much have just been uh butting our head up against this problem that they keep spawning out of the buildings for the last few days today we're going to organize our ammo we're actually going to make like a a well-inventoried armory in the uh in the military base and our characters come a long way in terms of guns and firearms so i'm not too worried about that would like to train up some of the other skills but really the gun skills are the most important here as i see him uh we're really well protected our character is now 95 kg and dropping i think we started off at 110 so we've lost we've lost quite a lot of weight um i probably have to go back and rename some of these it hasn't been like a perfect three weeks but 19 days 17 hours let's go take a look at anton's uh hat or rather uh take off his hat and his mask because his hair has grown okay we are running like a full beard now um the hair hasn't really grown all the way out but that takes a long time um but we should be getting that fabian soon not really the anton we started with but i kind of like using that as a gauge of how much time has gone by um again we're pretty well protected but we want to lose more weight so that we won't have this overweight trait um and then make our way into the city but first off i'm just gonna go back to our military base and probably spend the first part of this really just organizing ammo i'm gonna make a few crates specialized for ammo and then we'll make our way back into raven creek and i really think that we could push into the city today if we can find one i'd like a sledgehammer um and i want to take one of the stairw dammit cruise control i want to take out one of the stairways so that we can ah damn i lost yeah but you know what i'm saying get the uh get the first floor out so that it's safer to go and william uh william aaron hey thanks for the sub my friend damn it shut up just shut up there's other cars that i want more than this one really we've been wanting the apc i'm just uh yeah pretty uh pretty bad at driving not gonna lie all right well looks like all the corpses have rotted here uh yeah because we're just being left with like a lot of hats all over the ground okay yeah there are mods that can remove that kind of garbage try grape seed at some point good new map i'd really like it i was thinking about this today um what if somebody made like a campaign project zomboid map like with a path that you had to go through for it i think it'd be neat for multiplayer because there's so many like uh resident evil ideas i've seen kind of tossed around i think it'd be neat find an appreciable difficulty difference between the four starting towns yeah i'd say uh personally just for access to stuff rosewood's my favorite i don't think it's the easiest town um probably muldraw is the easiest town for beginners west point is definitely the hardest uh just the way that the spawns are set up rivers riverside is actually also a pretty good uh beginner town hey medical major thanks for the resub uh yeah the bone dog play through i had fun making that one though i had never tried anything quite like that that was fun expect more of that in the future yeah apc has been rare does the apc take less collision damage i don't know i just feel like i'm indestructible whenever i step inside of one of those apcs um they're pretty op so i'd say yeah pretty much see let's just take a little bit of this our inventory uh carry capacities down from this i'm probably just going to go over to one of the more well-equipped armories um grab out as many boxes of shotgun shells as i possibly can i've just kind of been storing everything on the floor up here probably just going to keep doing that for a little while we might put away the katana because i just don't really need it it's more of a distraction the gun's been really good here um and unfortunately it's not like uh it's not that fast to switch out to your side or again we're not really worried about like uh water but yeah we'll get some of this like we've just got so many sources of water i don't even know why in this scenario but the power has just stayed on way longer than i ever expected it to we've made it for like three weeks already with power which is insanely lucky um actually let me just take out this one okay there we go i'm just trying to lighten up my inventory before we head back into the city i really just want like only the most essential things the welder mask too we might uh we might take apart a few of those cars today in the weight of the city the reason why athletics was lower on the dashboard was because i was considered malnourished oh neat wait is that a sorry i've heard this music i'm going to turn off the music for a little while because we're not we're not really going to need any background i've gotten so used to playing project zomboid with no music in the background or uh or like the neos like if you've ever heard the neo scavenger playlist it's really really moody burrito is the good yeah breed is the best breeder probably brought me back to uh project zomboid this time there's always something always something that brings me back we don't need this again just kind of trying to lighten up all right that's pretty good so let's make our way back out to the city now i'm sure that we could replenish any like water bottles or anything that we find when we get back in there are we really at any risk of being overweight in our inventory here not really i've got two cans of soda so i keep those there liquids are actually surprisingly heavy in the game now i turned off the music i just don't really really like it right now sometimes it doesn't really match like i find that it uh it gets it gets you like two height for everything going on okay great we've got a uh get another humvee over here too to replace all of the damages that i caused in the first yep in the first one right um i kind of gotta go back through my memory here what ammunition have we already used up because there's quite a lot of uh quite a lot of stores in here but at the same time it's like uh we've gone through some of the ammunition like we went through that first armory just about completely um i'm gonna go back to this one on the far end because i think that it's probably going to be the most reliable one i don't think i brought an axe with me but i might have left an axe on the yup sure enough i did leave an axe on the ground over here um and probably back within these garages we'll be able to find more shotgun shells today yeah what'd i tell you what'd i tell you it's another two ah three man you really don't this is why i haven't done too much organizing is because you could pretty much just open up any case and there's yet even more like for all the things yeah sure feel free i'd love that most of my uh any like links or anything that anybody sends me i usually just check on discord that kind of functions as my to-do list um thank you i appreciate that yeah the neo-scav soundtrack you know what's neat is um dan i think you say is i don't know how you say his last name i think it's feeder the uh the dev for neo scav uh solo dev but i think that he did like web design before he did um this might be wrong he did something along with that or i remember hearing like an interview with him once um and i think didn't he do the pixel art for that game because the game had very neat art neo-scab is one i would very soon do on here i was watching a little bit of uh tomatoes trash he did like cdda and neo scav and i'm like those were all the games i kind of did at the beginning of the channel um or was thinking of doing if i didn't i'd like to bring those back in some in some regard for my own doing oh hell yeah hey legendary llama thank you very much for the 300 bits appreciate it but i play the long dark i've played it a bit i find it to be a bit repetitive um i do like it i do like it but we got a tech site on this thing that's neat yeah we're gonna use that totally i like the game um as far as content goes i think people would just find it less interesting the more i played it or it wouldn't be one that i would mean um might work yeah definitely something that could work for the vod channel um i don't mean to like say i wouldn't like classify games it's just that things that have like stories or the action is so similar i can't really do it as often yeah yeah hey thanks maslo rabbit appreciate it yeah like we've got we've got two other whole garages here too this is bananas yeah like you you could never run out in this military base we still have enough to clear out like a whole other city from this there was one spot where we were uh yeah on our feet if we could get like the tactical boots that'd be nice because those are uh those would come in handy yeah let's just take like a little look for those nano two-point sling 12-gauge magazine this place really is loaded though i just find it fun to like peruse it i don't know it's gratifying for me what i'm really looking for is another drum mag if i could find like a third drum mag i think our uh we wouldn't ever have any like desperation or anything and i don't want to bring any more shotgun shells with me because then i'll actually just be crushed by them there's one that's what we needed but now you got to kind of page in and out of inventories but the best thing is to not have to be loading in bullets doing pretty well today thanks yeah i got the eo attack on it i don't know what is that uh what does that stand for eotech like uh early uh or uh i have no idea it's with an era of the world that starts with the letter o i'm just really guys i'm not feeling that creative today you know what do you guys listen to i was uh actually i've been listening to a lot of podcasts the last couple days been listening to theo vaughn i just think he has like a funny funny way of saying words like not not i don't mean that in a bad way you just like a very creative way you know what i do yeah you have that like junk food i used to play a lot of team fight tactics and i would just like listen to comedy that would be kind of how i would re-energize myself but i'm trying to get off of team fight tactics i really think i have like a problem with league of legends because before league or before tft it was league i just played an ass load of it uh and i pretty much have had to give it up because i'm just like i nothing productive comes out of me when i do it electro optical technologies oh thank you expensive optics nah anywhere feel free to uh ping me oven yeah i'll read it dead inside by younger hunger listening yeah i mean music too i guess i haven't been listening to as much music my thing is just i uh one thing i really like to do and i haven't been doing enough you got to make time for yourself to even if it's like 20 minutes a day to cherish the act of reading i miss reading i just haven't done enough of it lately and uh you know a while back like when i was around 18 or 19 years old i thought that the point of reading was to know everything but then i like you just you see the massive number of books that there are out there and it's like there's no way you could ever even hope to read everything it's it's just a ridiculous desire but i like i was thinking to myself like i wanted that when i was younger i like i wanted to have that that was a stupid idea but what i came to appreciate was just that the act of reading itself is something worth doing like just that that mental practice that that cultivates i don't know start a book club on a disc that's a that's a cool way to do things like i tried learning spanish on discord last year i went into and there's some great spanish-speaking discords and surprisingly discord is a great way to learn a language because you can just speak to anybody from anywhere in the world whenever you want it was a great way to spend the pandemic i like that i don't just anything you can do to make yourself accountable why are we not getting uh we're not getting like the rogue boots protection here i think i think we're pretty decent i'm a little worried about my feet because sometimes they'll scratch you in weird spots i'm imagining that that's just some sort of weird glitch yeah there's a japanese one the ones i know there's well there's probably one for every language some of the really well-run ones are though for uh i guess more commonly sought out languages to be learned english a lot of people trying to learn english on discord but yeah it's a neat just a neat like whole other milieu of discord all right so uh i think we're pretty much ready to go back into the city now i'm gonna throw these rogue boots down on the ground um let's see we've got 17 boxes of shells that's more than enough um actually going to drink some of the soda uh 17 is way more than enough come to think of it i'm just going to stick a lot of these in the trunk but let's also uh well let's stick him in the trunk we'll sit in the car we'll actually rest in the car because i don't think we're in any real danger right here um and then we'll make our way off to um the next area we've got a little bit for us to eat again we really don't want to be consuming all that much though um but i think we're ready to go back down to 90 kilograms and then from there on in your weight tends to kind of sneak up on you and zomboids so we'll try to manage our calories pretty well i think we've got enough processed food but this is the reason why i've headed in the direction of you know from the military base to the city because i wanted to uh well i wanted to [Music] start with the weapons and then move toward the food that's i think gonna be the most beneficial way to play this um let's put all of these boxes of shells on the seat next to us as many as we can i don't really know a better way to do let's just like grab a bunch like this we don't want to take all of them off but uh it's still too many throw like because we'll quickly get rid of them okay there we go four boxes of shells should be fine i've also got three mags on me now so i'm good uh we're hungry moist i'm just gonna sleep there's no zombies over here yeah we'll be fine a good thing to do if you're trying to learn a language is just change everything that you're doing to that language like um for example like when i was trying to learn spanish i changed my phone to spanish um i changed the language of all the games that i played to spanish like all the characters in league of legends were speaking in spanish which was amazing um back when i was playing more league then i was trying to think in spanish yeah i was trying to do a lot i was thinking of it this morning because i was i was like that was a fun thing to do and just reading in that language to expand your vocabulary you know associate it with something though because if you just learn things in isolation you tend to lose track of them more quickly that's why one of the best ways to learn things is immersion or just through experience i'm proud to say that we've now actually got the mods list with the commands with nightbot so if you guys want to check out the mods uh uh just type in exclamation point mods or mod list and we have finally improved the stream in that way yes good good yeah i probably won't be probably won't be doing anything in here in spanish but just i don't know for my own personal enrichment i did i took a few years of spanish in school i did uh spanish when i was in middle school i think of did i do it anywhere later no i think that was about the extent of it after that i took uh latin in high school which was really neat all you you get very good at remembering word roots but i don't know i think whatever you apply your mind to oh you could do it god yeah sometimes people will ask about this like why can you not have uh oh god this place is gonna take a long time to load in because of all the damage we've done fortunately though our suppressor is not broken um which really would have been a bummer we keep getting jams though i tried repairing the weapon back where we just were it's been repaired two times we're probably gonna need to find another shotgun before too long because this one has killed about i'd say like 1500 zombies or something in that ballpark we've killed a lot of zombies with this shotgun again we're using the fostech what is this fostec origin yeah origin 12 is for 12 gauge um i keep thinking that they're sneaking up on me because of the sound of them behind me in the fence but no in fact i am safe i'd yeah you can set how often your weapon jams i i feel like i want to get good with the uh default settings usually i i do i do enjoy hard game hard games i do enjoy hard game god much good words much good words yeah we're seeing them over there but those ones are weirdly not pathing over sometimes they just path oddly in this especially in the areas where like ooh yep where there's modded maps because if you notice in a lot of the base game areas things usually aren't that close together there's more like rural housing but a lot more of the modded maps tend to go the urban route so that's where you see zombies will start to do kind of odd things with their passing and you got to keep an eye out for that all right so we've got all of the ammo in our car back there i don't really want to or i don't think it would make a difference to drive the car in here just because there's so much maneuvering to do at this beginning part of the city i'm just gonna keep like making holding my ground over here looks like black friday oh my god yeah yeah it does jesus yeah we just showed up here on uh a few days off from christmas well actually there is a uh i think there's a mod or an event where you can make all of the zombies dress up like santa i think they were thinking of doing it once and they were like nope we don't want a bunch of bugs on christmas because then we all have to work on christmas but yeah there totally are santa costumes in zomboid you can make all of the zombies dressed up like santa or spifo that is perhaps an even more interesting one now that i think of it [ __ ] this city is overrun dude wowzers look at that technology's gonna lead me the way through this mess yeah it is uh if we could find some propane i'd go back that's really what i'm missing ah damn look at all that maybe we could attract him to a different part of the city i can't even tell if it's me or if it's like the uh the outrageous outrageous number of other zombies that are attracting them all of this location i mean i could die here i could die if i'm not careful we lead them over to this side of the city yeah you know what let's let's yell let's just intentionally send them all a lot of them are jumping out of windows at me too that is kind of neat they don't even path down the stairs i don't think that they take falling damage yeah they just fall and they survive all right let's uh let it hunker down holy [ __ ] jesus that is that is a lot all right just reload my mags reload my mags i gotta think i'm not being rational when i do this to be really careful when you're going to these cities i'm really surprised i haven't died after 2100 like i know i'm really well armed and everything but i haven't even had them get in like a scratch attempt on me but it's dangerous if they do get any attempts at all because you know then you go into an animation that you can't get out of yeah respawning's off this is the crazy part about zomboid is that that's how that's how powerful the redistribution is yep respawning's off guys this has actually been a point of slight aggravation to me is that oftentimes zombies will just seemingly inexplicably redistribute in and i often feel like that the stealth system isn't enough like it i think that this stealth system needs a buff because frequently people will be like and i i totally get it because whenever i'm recording in the background i get frustrated at the amount that they like redistribute i think that if stealth were given a buff like a really serious buff it would make the game a lot more fun because a lot of the time it's just like seemingly for no reason zombies will just come after you i think it'd be nice i hope that they i hope that they give it a bit of a buff here we go uh open box of shotgun chills but again like it's one of those things where like in real life you wouldn't expect a single guy to ever do this much work like you would expect this in multiplayer how do people give up as soon as you get bitten yeah probably most people yeah well the respawning and the redistribution because if you've ever um if you've ever gone out into debug mode and you look at where they're distributed in the cells you know they do redistribute sell the cell so um yeah i don't really like playing with respawn but at the same time it it does make sense in some ways like more should be wandering in but it is it can be pretty frustrating when you've like cleared out an entire area and then the next day it's like up they're all there again the best thing you could do is just make your character stronger but it's like when i have 300 rounds i can't even get into a city i've probably used up thousands of rounds here um okay we still need to reload this the best thing that you could do is just bring a lot of bullets with you nope um okay here we go insert 16. so this way i've got 60 of them do the medieval only mod yeah turned off it's respawning yeah i don't know my thing is that like for me um it does tend to take me out of the game sometimes like when i've killed 2 000 at the city entrance and yet there's still thousands like waiting there for me it's kind of like uh it does make the game a bit more boring because then you just have to kind of go to like rural areas and you can't do anything so i'd say that's that's the one bit is that i think that it's all about immersion and when you stop feeling immersed that's when it becomes like okay maybe this is something that should be uh rebalanced there yeah yeah well let's see if we can actually get in now like i'm pretty confident today that we could make our way in i kind of ran around the city there at the beginning which was not really safe shouldn't have done that um but i think now that we've brought them back to the city entrance we've cleared out enough areas come on wait whoa why i'm cornering myself here first off yeah be safe be safe there's another okay yeah hey supreme how are you yeah when it's 100 plus a day it's uh it's a lot i don't know it's like i thought that we had cleared out the whole area if i don't finish it by the end of this stream though then i'm like might revisit with a friend i was thinking of calling in somebody for split screen get some split screen action going here i can't imagine how hard that would be to keep track of though too but it looks like we've cleared out enough of this now wow it's quiet again okay we did it the only thing that keeps attracting the mirror is the watch alarm god damn it all we need is a hardware store if we could find a single hardware store then we could take out one of these staircases and we could start floor is lava in it throughout the entire city that's really the ultimate goal is to just you know travel only on the second floor i think that would be safer for this place okay i think we've cleared out everything behind me because i'm not seeing any come out of those buildings anymore we cleared out that school building right over there there was like an adult education building right there sounds like they're getting yeah ooh there's one there's one that i didn't clear out still it's uh i got a lead pipe shoved through if we could take one of these office buildings there's a lot more over there that i didn't take out but i know that this building right here has an area that's like kind of under construction what i might do is just head up to the top floor of this place see if i can find some hardware equipment and then maybe just maybe use that to take out one of the uh take out one of the stairways and just save myself some trouble here i mean on the bright side it does look like nope no bright side here exactly what i thought was gonna happen as soon as i started saying that yeah see the way that the windows aren't broken now they're all falling out of the windows so that means that we've got whole floors of these things we still have yet to clear out the good news is that if we can keep them here and we can't keep them there it looked like we were going to be able to hold that line what's the percent that appears when i shoot i think it has to do with like chance to hit but i'm not too sure too scared to go even to go through raven creek yeah i think cool was playing it with like randomized zombie spawns so you'd have like some of them would be sprinters i'd find that really difficult if a bunch of them were sprinters going through here it's too bad because this is exactly the building i want to go to other thing that's kind of dangerous though with this building is you're kind of trapping yourself when you get inside of it it's not safe it's not safe guys there we go at least we're taking out a lot with each uh with each round okay now we've got i think we're low on ammo again i just got a thing of pop on me i'm getting a little bit moderately exerted let's let them redistribute because i think we're out of ammo are we yep we're at ammo okay we gotta make our way back to the humvee camp out outside the city and then hope that some of these corpses have rotted tomorrow daniel that's a lot that's a lot like the yellow grid yeah again guys we're uh any uh questions on maps or mods just do uh exclamation point mods or mod lists and it all come up find the silence before it's yeah the shot the shotgun suppressors are pretty rare i'm surprised that we found one but i mean if you take it like that you know look we looked through the entire military base we found like one suppressor for shotguns in that entire area um let's see what can we do here let's take all of these unpack open up all the boxes of shotgun shows i know it's a little bit heavier but just helps me keep organized yeah i can do that for the title uh it's actually a good idea uh there it is okay cool good good call all right uh let's see so i got 325 rounds left inserting empty mag okay what burrito could use would be like a button to just say reload empty mags i don't know how hard that is to code though how come the zom the ambi's that i s zombies that i see aim in green uh there's a setting in options where you could turn on the outline on the zombies i don't know if it comes up default in vanilla now i did it for a series but more people have or i did it for the series that did really well so i i think a lot of people thought that it was like defaulting game yeah yeah doesn't look like raven creek on the pz map website bummer oh we're on the outside edge of it the uh most of the city is way back in there but we we probably are not gonna make our way that far in today i mean raven creek is enormous enormous you could spend an entire playthrough in raven creek oh i didn't even think we'd make it over the fence that time how's our weight doing 95 and dropping so honestly i do think that we made it in further that was a pretty big push right there um and considering the fact that we hadn't cleared out that building and now we are looks pretty good for us going forward 6 35. perhaps more importantly is that our character is going to be good enough with shooting that he can pick up practically any gun and just like i've mastered it you know like there's a lot of high-powered rifles in this that we didn't really have access to look at how smooth the game is running right now we're away from all the corpses okay there it is propane torch yeah that's what we needed okay so now we could take apart those cars there might be another welder's mask in here too um propane tank not sure i could probably use this to reload it i haven't done a lot of propane loading and unloading but can i avoid having to go back to the military base for that mask that'd be nice i just kind of want to take out the cars you know i mean if we could fight all these guys in cars we could lead them back further and probably just draw out the hordes from the city a little bit more appreciably nah ah it'll show up somewhere place you're gonna focus more on running and gunning than sneaking himself i would but i don't really know too many playthroughs that can do with sneaking and stealth i think it'd be interesting to do a whole series where you just did sneaking and stealth just that the way that the uh horde leader mechanics you'd probably have to turn off words to get it to work yeah though you know i've been wanting to experiment with burrita for a while so yeah this one's definitely gonna be more running and gunning in that way all right let's see i think i put a pr i don't think i really need this propane tank in my backpack right now honestly okay we're pretty winded yeah let's go to sleep that's good yeah having to right click every mag is tedious yeah i agree yeah direct loading can be a little bit better the main reason i like what is it here 265 let's just put them all in my backpack main reason i like these just because drum mags have a really long capacity but it seems like when you're going to a city this big that might actually even be more efficient you can get mixed up which is why i it would be nice if i could find like you know 10 or 15 drum mags but at that point it's almost like well they're just so heavy to carry around i think the ideal the ideal would be to have um just just a lot of the corpses despawn but we do need that welder's mask do i have a welder's mask in my trunk i do not but i kind of want to do an alternate activity we've been fighting for so long and we still gotta lose more weight main reason i left the city there was because i was winded if i weren't winded i would just gone back to my truck and got more shells instead i think we're gonna go back to um where was it it will go back to our main base grab a welder's mask and then we'll see if we can uh take out a few of these cars just dismantle the wrecks in the way really don't need them around they'll give us a few more resources eventually we'll need them for car repair are we on survival or custom sandbox i've customized it to a way i uh that i like to play the game i turned off respawns i uh doubled xp gains because it takes way too long in uh vanilla at least if you're playing single player in my opinion um what else have i done ah just a few other things like little weather bits i made the helicopter event happen sometimes since we have respawning off i do believe in redistribution all right now i need to be very careful you know i i crash here uh how you do it happens far more often yeah oh i forgot about that trailer that i so conveniently put right there wowzers all right uh turn that off there it is all right now we just make our way back up to uh that accursed room in which we've been sleeping do another ten thousand kills i was thinking about it yeah you could probably do that ten thousand kills challenge now with burrita i don't think it is possible in the base game is a little bit ambitious what would be really good would be if we could find a launcher um launchers actually could take out much of the city um yeah like a high explosive launcher but we'd need to get them into a pack um it would mostly be horde management and for that we'd need to um we just need to like manage our weight pretty well you know more than anything i've just been worried about uh exhaustion killing us and exhaustion hasn't killed us we've been wearing really protective gear it's also getting to be summer so i'm going to get overheated again you could probably see that's going up right now i'm not even really doing anything in particular i don't want to take off any of this gear though just because it gives me such good protection um it is like a second skin on the outside all right so we've got the welder mask we've got the propane torch and we might need another one of those but i think we're pretty much ready to just dismantle some of these cars um could bring the trailer with me but i think it was just holding me up more and it wasn't really safe love to see a final stand video of someone taking on 200 000 zombies how am i going to kill 200 000 zombies yeah you know what if it happens for uh multiplayer we'll do it i thought there was one great mod that uh actually this might be doable is uh if you counted fire kills somebody made a mod where it counted how many you got for fire kills and like vehicle kills you could have like more of a total kill count um like that would have counted as a kill um yeah doing something like that would be more plausible i guess when the bullets have to go from my gun into their head that's what makes it uh take longer where is my base located we were just there uh yeah fort redstone all right let's get this out of the way there's been enough of a traffic jam for us so many destroyed cars over in this area we really could have gone back to the other side uh but there's like a major traffic jam back there all right so i think we have the skill for this i'm not sure if you really need any skill for it let's go ahead and we've got all of this dismantle car wreck okay so now we should don the welder mask and the propane torch and then he goes into this animation oh look at that beautiful head of hair beautiful head of hair yes loving it all right uh that was completely good that was completely good didn't even use up that much propane we could probably take apart the rest of these see uh there we go dismantle car wreck i guess i wasn't clicking it right if we take apart these two and if we move that other car out of the way and we take out one more we might have enough propane to get into the city i still don't know if i'd trust it but i'd probably be leading them in and out of the city i probably don't even need to i want to avoid taking apart as many of these as i don't have to this one might i might also have to do yeah you wouldn't want to make it too congested in an area where it would be really hairy see we see our natural habitat i think lime did a play through like this recently right the uh the mechanic that was neat you know it's it's an uh a system we don't really explore much in zomboid because we're so focused on surviving it'd be fun to do something like that one that i think that still needs uh well it's gonna get overhauled so i don't know if it's really even worth it hunting and i gotta be careful here i wanna be facing out when i do that there it is yeah see there's one that would have snuck up on me oh that one's got something on him hold up a second let me just uh attach that to my back yeah you know somebody made a uh like a hot bar mod for zomboid i thought that was really good i was thinking like such a simple ui overall that this game really could use it'd be nice i might install that one all right now though all right here's another car wreck ah damn it more being zombs quiet thanks for watching the solo bone dog man those flies buzzing flies buzzing baby okay oh and then this is the spot the apc couldn't get through last time yep we definitely have to take out this one too this is the most ah no that was the last of our propane we could kind of awkwardly drive the car in here now let's just kill more zombies well we we had fun we had fun somehow drinking coca-cola through the uh welder mask not gonna don't question it okay it's don back our armor oh you can't even walk and put on a helmet at the same time there you go all right all right let's see put this down uh propane throw that in the backpack the welder mask too can't believe i haven't died yet guys it's kind of it's got to be the luck of having all of you here yeah i was thinking we would try uh i've got two challenges in mind for project zomboid that i might put on the channel this is a lot of things i thought about a while back i actually had a whole list of challenge ideas that we were gonna do for multiplayer and then like uh the new build kind of hit a year and a half ago um so we're thinking of doing like a rat race i still think that would be my first thing for multiplayer if the rubber banding is uh no longer as as bad as it was um what else though yeah i wanted to try living in a house and just staying in that house like you never leave the house it's ironic because of this year i came up with this challenge idea before this year happened i just want to make that clear um that before kovid um yeah that was my thought that was my thought unfortunately um unfortunately we've all been in quarantine in the last year so that uh kind of dampened the you know the urge to do that challenge since then though i've been thinking of doing like a forest style challenge like you just stay in a forest aisle characters mod reload the drum mags i would it just takes me a lot of micromanaging mostly i like to i like to fully use up the drum mags then run away i think that's safer like i i don't want to focus on reloading while i'm in here i'll just switch mags like kind of like in real life you wouldn't really see soldiers like reloading individual bullets yeah it's not safe it's not safe um all right couple more please don't fall out of the apartment building oh god please damn it a couple more severe agoraphobia the reason why he's killed every single person if i could just get one apartment just one apartment building come on would be nice if we could secure one building here was that we could uh damn it we could then cut off all the entrances lead them to it and just shoot at them from out of the second story but i can feel it okay good we've taken out all of the windows from this one oh for god's sake okay now we'll yeah now we could reload a little bit safer a wee bit safer guys yeah if i start to get this sickness uh mood lit i'm gonna have to make my way out of here keep looking around you i i do feel better just holding one spot though all right switch mags keep a full mag on me jam crap didn't die didn't expect that keep more distance keep more distance all right we're going to take a building guys we're going to take a building we can't park cars outside of it because that just it unless you can park the wheels just a lot of car wheels can i add a running a mod running to the sandbox i think it depends on the mod i think some of them are game breaking some of them aren't yeah i don't want to get myself in the middle of this intersection let's stick to walls places where we can you know be assured of what's at our back okay at least we have a break from all the flies buzzing i'm starting to drive me mad right now i actually might take up sneaking you know usually it's not safe out there but yeah this is pretty safe over here hearing a lot that's why i'm worried there's somewhere look out this window a couple more and they just got attracted to the sound of the window breaking i think those are ones from another building over but this is how i'd like to fight them in the city is just stay in windows and exterminate get out of here this is a dead end spot's not safe to fight from damn that's crazy this is so many we'll take a look at the kill count again in a second i think what did we start off this one 2200 yeah rat race would be fun we had a couple of other ones uh i mean you could do team challenges cool and i used to actually fight each other in the game like we would do gun fights shootouts we did that in one of our uh forest survival series we tried all of us just living together in the forest and then it just culminated in this massive like we ran out of ideas we're just going to shoot each other in the forest just like spawned in guns but gunplay can can work in pz just need a little bit more armor all right there's more there's more getting close to multiplayer i have no idea on multiplayer if you had to ask me to guess i'd say a couple months but i probably would have said that a couple of years ago too so i don't really know well only thing i could say is that it's closer now than it was a couple years ago all right this is a good position ah that's kind of neat though look at that the great part is that you could get them all in one position so you don't have to move okay now it's too many damn there a new thursday today i have not checked it maybe we could check it at the end that'd be kind of nice i wanted to put together like a little news segment in the news on thursday today be like the ali a of project zomboid just read the fortnite patch notes is it just me or is that i watched it i've seen a couple i'm like is that is that what this is that what do i know man that building was loaded up jesus there were a lot in there yeah we got another freeze there all right uh 21 days eight hours and we've killed wow 3 200. not gonna lie it's been a lot of work but 3200 is nothing to scoff at nothing just cough at indeed yeah there's a lot of flies maybe we should just go like live on an island or something next oh yeah survival island that was another challenge honestly wanted to do rimworld c block that's oh [ __ ] pump the table it's still probably gonna be a thing and then behind me i've managed to secure the areas behind me pretty well that's the good news all right we gotta watch somebody's watch we got somebody's watch going yeah it is it's a grind baby but the thing is that once we get the city it's gonna be worth it i want an apc i want an apc i'll say this uh i'll often get like ah you gave up on the series it's like nah man it just turned into this in the background i don't know i i would be i would be depressed if everything were too much of a grind like this but at the same time like i've gotten too good at grinding at this point like i'm very good at this i have a skill for it now that it's like i feel like that it's too easy on other difficulties maybe fewer zombies but making them faster could work you know it was something that i was good at i found a skill guy you should be happy for me you should be happy for me rejoice you should you should be rejoicing with the source squad involving the uca thank you very much come on come on buddy ooh this is a big apartment building oh this is a big apartment building this is a big apartment building this is a large condominium out of which many dissatisfied residents are emerging ready to pick up their unemployment checks for the quarantine has been very bad to them they demand taxpayer um cooperation they're sitting at the home here they go [Laughter] yeah uh that's project zomboid come on i think i'm gonna go crazy from clearing out this apartment building how many thirty three hundred thirty three hundred oh we still got 87 shells in there that's fine rimworld all-stars oh that'll be neat it's kind of like uh it kind of reminds me of the one that we did uh what was it the millionaire playthrough that was a fun one to do where he had each colonist was specialized in one thing i think room world kind of [ __ ] that's a good idea yeah if this are mult we're uh multiplayer well the other thing too is that i think zombies don't respond to quite this level zombies are quite difficult in multiplayer and there needs to be enough respawn that they're always there just look at that damn other thing too that's happened is that if you notice our level of panic has probably decreased considerably since we've started like this character would get really really really panicked at the beginning because he just had you walk up to like one and he would get scared but now he's got all of them jumping out of windows at him he doesn't care he doesn't care hey joe thank you for the hundred bits god bless loot will need to respawn yeah loot response so in multiplayer you can't really turn off loot respawn because otherwise then the it's like rust and the people who just start off at the beginning take it all and then nobody gets anything i mean rust does it pretty well comparatively but if you do try to make it so like um you know spare in your server you pretty much need to restart like once a week or maybe even more frequently than once a week but then partly that's how zomboid is kind of meant to be played i suppose are we done yet i'm gonna be really surprised when we are finally finished clearing out this building nope i'm too scared to run off in the other direction because i think more will come out but fortunately we have we have a very good bullet spread now i mean just look at that look at that that's nice jesus oh yeah he's got the belt set to wumbo the crazy part is that this is only high pops this is not normal population because i find normal population too easy we could go in with more than this this is only normal high respawning off like i did not think that this would be quite this big holy [ __ ] you know what i'm going i'm going for 10k if i couldn't get it uh oh damn i'm reduced to walking now all right you know i'm literally getting dehydrated from being around here so long let's get back in the car we'll go back to the military base try it again tomorrow we'll try it again tomorrow guys we've done so much work maybe we could get another propane torch this may as well be the endurance challenge hey hey how are you my friend how's it going damn we are screwed 34 what are we at now 3 500 yeah 3 53. i'm literally getting sick from being around all of the zombie corpses that i've killed are you happy yep this is uh this is raven creek high pops i would do normal i would do normal pops the funny thing is that on raven creek it's like it's recommended that you do high bops i like it though i mean you know it seems true to like a big city but holy [ __ ] yeah we got to get away from these corpses now you can't actually die from being around that many corpses but we've got an entire medical bay at our disposal too just kind of a relief to not hear those flies anymore yep yeah i'm not fully depressed that's true i'm uh well that would have slowed us down even more mainly i think just like reloading the only thing it really would have uh affected low pop but normal loot frequent helicopters and superb yeah i think frequent helicopters just so that the redistribution happens honestly thought that uh sometimes helicopter would be a little bit more frequent didn't think pops would be quite this high what would be nice is if we had like a set of golden settings at which to play the game you know like settings that everybody could agree upon we're true to the zombie apocalypse probably the main thing i'm waiting for in this game though is just uh oh i can't wait to see like groups of survivors trying to board up buildings i know it's there with nolan's mod but uh you know i just want them to be a little bit more uh i guess integrated fully into the main game all right we're pretty tired out both just in terms of drowsiness and also like exertion i should probably go home again and sleep damn i'm surprised though that raven creek is so much worse than um than the military base but what i can guarantee is this we've lost weight yep 94 kg and dropping nice are our uh is our fitness going up our fitness has gone up by a bit 1809 and really not that much time has passed like only 48 hours have passed since we started this stream and it's been what only like an hour yeah well you know actually when you make maps you can go in and modify the spawns there's like a it's pretty easy to do too it's all color coded by the colors like red and black in spawns so you can see a spawn map for pz it's something that's pretty basic with map making it does take a little while though to export it's been a while been a while since my map making days oh god it's just going to be such a such a trip to rest nice can we actually hook up yeah we could totally hook it up i've been doing it just because it makes our car handle a little bit worse okay why are we anxious why are we anxious uh could be nightmare could be nightmare and actually the panic too means that we probably had a nightmare sometimes if you wake up with your character with these two moodlets it could mean that you're getting zombified i haven't gotten scratched at all the only thing i could be is sick which i was a little worried about i think i'll stick here for like another day or so just kind of rest you know maybe we'll just wait to go back to that city but i guarantee you that they'll like they'll have redistributed the whole place and another thing we need to do is as soon as we hit 90 then we need to start making like a calorie plan with food um haven't really paid much attention to it up until this point just because i've been focusing on exterminating all the ones that are left but yeah that's gonna be a thing eat the butter now i'm gonna wait for the butter it's like all the food that i have left is butter though you must eat butter it is calling to you superb survivors on raven cree i think it's fantastic i mean just the fact that they're in more modded maps is awesome yeah i wonder how much uh to what i mean you know nolan's mods he implemented cars before they made cars nolan made like a tank with the like this is before cars even existed in pz yeah he put cars into the game and they were like yeah we made a new car uh thing i missed that mod actually it was i like the sprites some of them were kind of like uh simplistic but at the same time it's like you know for a modder to put a whole system like that and the game was bananas hey just sofa welcome in curious would it be worth it to drag my bed up to the sleep area probably at this point no i should probably just be sleeping in here this this was a nice bed um you know i'm thinking this let's just stay very hungry let's let some of those corpses like decay again that was pretty good the last time i think it might have slightly sped up the game we'll keep regularly doing these 60 minute sessions of burpees which is completely normal um heavily overweighted and there we go okay great so now we're extremely overheated let's put all of this stuff on the ground we don't want to die from doing an hour of burpees that would probably not be so great um might even shave i might shave off the beard what would you think of that if i shaved off my beard and cut off my hair i need some scissors i have all these guns but no scissors the arms cloth yeah well that's going down take off oh holy [ __ ] i just crapped all over my own legs god i look like uh some kind of like scottish it looks like a kilt yeah he looks like some kind of like traditional scottish uh war or uniform you know that kind of reminds me i was thinking of doing some banner lord hey mirror what's up death by burpees that's it yeah like a lot of the minecraft stuff too that's good that's a good point oh wait how does this my hair developed into a ponytail yeah right god real drinking out of cups you guys remember drinking out of cups that was great that was a great sketch i don't even know what you call it video not even really a sketch let's wear all of this stuff fortunately we've had running water running water and power for like 30 days i can't believe our luck here i mean is there is it bugging i don't really mind when power stays on that'd be kind of cool actually let's get all this stuff back on i can't believe how much we've got on the we've got on greaves and boots we haven't even nobody's even touched us at all the only thing i had i had to push away a zombie once the other day my right foot for some reason my right foot is just like nah nah man nah do i need two rogue boots on like it appears as if he has on a boot i don't know why that that could be bugging let's try unequipping this is it like i've got one boot there maybe i need two rogue boots not like they animate on both it's weird that is on find a gent we've got a a couple generators around here yeah i mean the thing is that you could eat butter like months after the apocalypse so should be fine i mean i'm not too worried i'm just so used to living without power i did once do a series where i tried to like turn the power back on like all around town it was neat you know it'd be better if you had a bunch of friends but um was it gonna say uh i did it with superb survivors to see if i could bring him back to a base it worked out it worked out i can't remember though something happened with like bugging saves i think i might have like doubled over a save backup and uh that was it for that one so we've got more shells in here right i've got a couple more uh seats oh no did i use up all of them oh jesus i think i might have used up all of the shotgun jesus christ wait am i running out of that was weird our engine might be stalling that could be bad no i mean we have we've kept our car in a spot where it's like non-urgent so i'm not too worried about that what it does appear as if it's happening though is that we're getting more erosion now if you're if you're seeing this it looks like more small trees are starting to grow up in the fields it certainly wasn't this uh it was like more combed when we had started inspect the boots they'll see if i have a whole oh good point ah i did not think of that thank you i do need to inspect these boots man look at the look at the frames i'm getting it's so bad in the city now i'm like do i really want the city yeah we got to take the city now if we've been through all that for the city nah i wouldn't do that to you guys just leave you hanging like that i'm pretty good guy all right boots there's gonna be more boots in here yeah let's check those out actually uh go look at our clothing inspect yeah oh jesus there is a hole in him hey thank you i didn't see that yeah these are damaged but we could sew a hole in it let's wear these ones our other boots are ass ah where are those yeah these boots are ass i don't like that i don't like sneaky boots like that let's put these on the ground goodbye sneaky boots and uh what else have we got okay now we're like fully protected the only thing we don't have is tactical mech armor we have this tactical neckbeard hey dad how's the apocalypse hey brick sounds thank you very much for the 500 bits it's going yeah it's going i i'd be excited for these sniper rifles next maybe we'll grab one of these or just prepare to throw it it's the mag size is so small yeah not really great for taking out a city could take out the spaz 12 that one is uh a tube let's grab more shotgun shells for now i gotta say that there's just something really satisfying no matter how much you've done it really satisfying about this gun sounds and the gun play in the mods like burrita it's just that sound you know that repeating sound bottom left walls of the bunkers are missing and you could just walk through oh really yeah there's this like weird dichotomy in the maps where like the bot like have you ever noticed stairways face only two directions in project zomboid is there's only only two directions stop scratches or wounds in a way seeing damaged boots means they saved maybe i'm like how did i it could have been that i tripped and fell with the boots on i don't know i mean i don't think we've found them damaged hey monkey bots 7-eleven thanks for the bits require even numbers do we have now 260 shotgun shells yeah that's even numbers checks out checks out we got 19 and one that's pretty good okay welder mask i'll probably just pop off in my car i think we're gonna stay here for one more day to just let some more of those corpses rot i don't think we'll have had all of the corpses rot by the time that we get back but uh it'll be better it'll be better yeah um where else where should we sleep yeah i think we could just sleep in the car pretty much not really any issue there let's also throw all of this into our carrier best backpack and that brings our weight down to 14.4 oh it's because we're hungry yeah we'll throw that in there i actually want to stay hungry because i want to keep losing weight so let's just uh do this but damn like i can't even carry two drum macs oh it's the axe i don't need the axe on me i'll throw that there too axe you know i don't really need the screwdriver the sheets on yeah okay that's good oh jesus hello where did you come from why am i oh i don't have it equipped oops there we go all right i'm just gonna sleep against the wall you can still sleep against a wall despite the fact that they can crawl under cars now just because they can't get up on that other side of the car which is amazing haha i have outsmarted the dead all right that's pretty good hmm not tired enough yet to sleep well we'll see about that when i do all of this waiting start lifting with this character i i hope that they up the xp gains with the barbells and stuff so a few little things like that that i i think uh need uh use a change okay good i'm actually starving now have we gotten down to double chevron though down we do want us we do actually want to starve i think that's good for us we we need this character to lose yet more weight we start i mean i'm going to go ahead and just say we started off like morbidly obese when we began although it doesn't appear on the character that would make the game more interesting far more interesting metal sheets i might find a torch in a mask yeah a couple more uh a couple more garages to look through [Music] we might have been through all of the kitchens here i was kind of counting on raven creek for more like light food by this time but i think i'm gonna go ahead and eat perhaps the butter now i might go ahead and eat the butter not because i want to understand but because i have to eat butter i have to eat butter i don't know why i can't explain it it's just this uncontrollable urge yeah that's the that's the life i'm living in so we could find why don't put a box of sparklers in yeast all right butter you're going inside of me be a cool stealth mechanic putting zombie cuts in but yeah it'd be neat if you could uh kind of ruin their smell zombies do have senses in this okay now we've taken away some of that hunger okay we're not dying and unfortunately now we're stuck at 94 for a little bit that's why it's not a great idea to eat butter if you're trying to lose weight but i just don't really want to go looking around for more food why am i in pain am i in pain so make sure i didn't get sick from that thing from before kind of go back into this general's quarters maybe we'll spend another night in here eat more butter live a humble life hmm pain is there okay pain is going away the worm trick nah i just don't want to spam worms besides actually we do have a shovel now we could spam the worm trick i've done two playthroughs where i've eaten nothing but worms though like all right try something new yeah all right okay slightly bored but that's just boredom the only thing is that when you get on happiness you actually need a like an item to get rid of the unhappiness so boredom you want to go outside and just run around a bit more as soon as you can you have to be outside um because your character enjoys being outside in the words of a friend of mine the secret to happiness is your body outside with other people which is true you know when you're outside with other people you're usually happy like i can't think of that many instances where i was outside with other people and i wasn't happy so that's the secret oh damn it that's the secret to happiness hey stoges mcgee just want to say love the writing was watching the kingdom out of this world from gerald williams hey thank you very much appreciate it and thanks for the 200 bits cabbage trick cabbages are good but i just don't really wanna a lot of the methods of keeping yourself alive and the right weight are just very grindy um like planting cabbages digging up worms and it pretty much always involves your character being away from all the action that's one of the reasons why i you know i just kind of want to experience more of the action of this one there's a lot of smarter ways to play the game i suppose but i don't know i'm just kind of going for more excitement this time though definitely making our way into the city has become borderline monotony the [ __ ] all right surprised i was like did i just break the car all right what is our weight anton sugar everybody worms for three meals yeah probably trapping would be good cooking is good if we uh if we level it up a lot yeah we're trying to cook some popcorn before right so 94 kg 3 50 for 22 days 19 hours anton sugar unemployed i like how it just says unemployed like forever that is his identity i i know what it relates to it's just funny almost wondering like if we had taken up position in one of these guard towers and shot them from there would that have been a better chance at this place let's try going in with some stealth this time i mean our gun is suppressed it should be pretty quiet i don't know what comparatively yeah they all heard that not quite enough apparently now where do we have our other shells we do have 57 in our backpack so we have a pretty limited number to start but that's okay we won't get winded as quickly and we can sustain this high hunger and this carry weight as we go in all right take a look around me looks like there's a few more over there and a lot more over there still coming out of that big apartment building that we've riled up all right now we'll try to train up this stealth maybe when we're good enough at it then we could take like one building in the city i don't know i don't see a lot coming out of this my thing is that your character tends to animate a little bit more slowly when they're in stealth mode generally speaking that's been the death of me a couple more okay i think we can safely make noise in this square now though damn do i have more uh mags ready let's get those ready while we're waiting and our reload speed has really gone up that's nice okay now i'm going to stop still i think that what time's at 5 20 a.m did the power just go out right now i'm like it still seems too early for the lights to go off that might be the time though we might have had the power just go out right now damn that'd suck i almost thought we were gonna get it forever lights off it's gonna be a distraction and i also think it hurts our line of sight somehow i feel like light i feel like i could see i could see better before the power goes off i mean for obvious reasons but also too just like the kind of contrast it's one of the reasons i chose cat size here i didn't realize this until recently but cat's eyes really is good like you you can't see at night in this game anymore they made nights darker originally uh in some of the old builds the nights weren't quite as dark as they are one of these days one of those ones behind me is going to be closer than i think jammed another one light went off after three days yeah usually that's my luck might actually be the longest that power has ever stayed on it stayed on for like a full month it's uh always zero to 30 days but i guess the game does like a die roll every day damn i was looking forward to like power and everything we were going to walk into one of these buildings looks like we get another freeze up yeah so many in here it's chugging along my thing is anytime we approach like low buildings we know that we're safe because there can't be that many floors worth of spawns but this is one of the highest buildings in raven creek like this place is going to be squirming with them yeah that's a lot uh yeah we're trying to get into raven creek that's what happened here it's uh it's pretty nasty we've killed almost 4 000 zombies with like one gun i'm surprised this gun isn't broken more surprised that the attachments haven't broken this is why the fostech is such a it's like a toyota camry you know it's like a camry you can't break this thing you can't break this thing damn it it keeps jamming now though it jams a lot but it doesn't break there it is good beginner strategies i would take out a stairway that's really what we're trying to do here we're trying to get one building take out a stairway find the hardware store we just gotta find the hardware store yeah we're gonna need a sledgehammer i'd say find a car there's a lot of uh just make sure you don't get out of breath for beginners probably the biggest thing is zomboid all right camrya camry or corolla i would accept the camry as well camry is a very good car corolla is also a fantastic car though great mileage great mileage great value in a car man that just that really does it for me though when they fall out of the windows i don't know why i get like 28 days later vibes from it i like that weird thing though is that i figured out in this game that if you manage to get up onto the second floor even if there's like a billion corpses underneath you on the floor below you don't get sick it's i think it's all coded in from whatever floor you're on so if we could take out the staircase yeah we could totally live upstairs there because we won't get sick because they're on a different floor i guarantee you those upper floors they look like a clean new renovated home because there's not to be a single corpse on them all of them are down here damn but like you know what i'm up for the challenge now i i set this world up we're gonna follow through on this world on this world what car do i have if i did have a car it would be a toyota corolla still haven't got it yet though might get that corolla maybe someday baby never actually had one be nice though love driving i love driving why it always comes back to the corolla in these streams also i saw you guys when we when we raided jared the other day it was just like what kind of corolla do you have what was the thing that everybody just kind of like spammed and chat jared's streams are amazing it's just like he was in like a dad's sweater just dancing at the beginning i don't even really i wasn't even quite sure what i was walking into but it was like this is amazing yeah clean and new except for all the broken windows yeah just ignore all of that that's why i'm like i'm not eager to get up to another part of the city one thing i wish that they would implement that would be uh zombie falling damage like we we should have some of their brains should have been splattered on the ground though that's been tested in the uh you have one day challenge the uf one day challenge at bedford falls has this building that's like 20 stories high um yeah it's like they don't they don't die when they fall they fall from the height you definitely die when you fall from the height though you definitely die yes you do actually think of doing a segment on that like how high do you need to fall up from in zomboy to take damage i think we're getting there though with this building i think we're near to the end it's the first time i've been able to step foot inside of it so that's pretty nice [ __ ] i got ballsy there for a second i'm still being kind of ballsy here i'm hearing a lot i'm hearing a lot like a lot a lot in there somewhere i think there's probably a lot trapped underneath one of the staircases they tend to spawn in there i what did all the ammo i gathered what's that zombies don't skip leg day yeah that's how they survive that high fall from the building they've been doing reps for jesus jesus christ it's like a work of art it's like the sistine chapel or something but with zombies and don't forget we've got on high blood on all the corpses too somehow the game is still running but what other game than zomboid could do this you know like despite all of the like man the balancing and all this like what other game has this it's insane like for all the whining i do like damn there's nothing else out there that does this all right 13. oh we still got 141 rounds on us yeah we're fine son yeah we're i'm winning son i'm winning son damn it i wonder if the jamming is related to the gun itself or to the magazine it's got to be the gun because i don't think magazines lose any condition that's great you know finding a magazine in many ways is better than finding a gun here because the magazine never needs repairing zomboids they just they don't do that yeah that's definitely zombies underneath the stairway yeah they are actually they are billions is a good example totally different type of game though i guess is what i'm trying to say dead rising might be another one hey cool how are you yeah damn cool this has been uh this has been an ordeal ah jesus yeah we gotta we got a lot to go through still we're saying the way to make a good game there's a lot of corpses yeah a lot of corpses you know or i don't know just the fact that it can simulate a lot like um i think dead rising did a very good job of simulating a lot of hordes at once like independent actors you know actors you know what's crazy is that this is high spawns this isn't even i i i do have some pride though that it looks impressive i think this is even with a bunch of the corpses having despawned in the area too because we've been here for like a week trying to clear out the city entrance and this one building is like all of this hang on a second i'm gonna look underneath the stairway now yeah look at that that's how dense this building was jesus jesus christ holy cow that's a lot thank you britta would not have been possible without oh hey just seeing the sight on this gun though look at that that's the eotech that is a nasty sight actually look at that thing the tan sight are you seeing this this is pretty cool i like that yeah they're living like harry potter under there you know i remember how harry potter would live under the stairway jesus like abracadabra and all of that abracadabra ah [ __ ] man i haven't seen harry potter in years i think i read like up through the fourth one and then he just started complaining a lot and i was like this he he should have stayed underneath the stairway where he belonged yeah raven creek is just bananas but it like it's so beautiful like this is honestly i gave up hope at making a map that i liked because i was like this map is everything i would ever want in a pz map you know raven creek really does it checks all the boxes who knows maybe the memory allocation or whatever it is will get a little bit better so that it like runs a bit more smoothly but that's pretty good i mean we've also just got an ass load of them spawning in here one metric ass load you're a zombie harry you're a wizard harry so uh hey guys welcome back to my project zomboid playthrough day 21 i'm surprised it's been only 21 days though though clearly i gotta say that ten thousand zombies challenge would not have been because we've had like all of the resources you know all of the resources available to man a little worried about going up these next floors because there's gonna be a bunch like trapped on weird objects so i gotta be really careful i might shout but i'm also scared to shout but look finally food is what there is none of in this building um apparently oh hey uh hey friends 242q france42q successor to friends 41q hey thank you very much for the sup appreciate that oh what a great time to find uh canned corn and uh canned tuna oh that's great just fantastic i need to eat more produce anyway well the empty fridge the one that i people would always nip me for this look there's even the letters of the a b there look there's c d e f g all of the letters all six of them uh or what is that how many [ __ ] i can't count that fast uh pork chop well we get some food i should probably cook this stuff up though now it is starting to seemingly go bad even being in the freezer oh this is a very useful item yeah coffee take that yeah look things are starting to rot now the bread isn't so good but that's a good reason to get this guy had five shotgun shells and just no shotgun to speak of you ever do that son would you bring some forks oh uh i left them next to the shotgun shells in the drawer have to be careful this is this is where i'm gonna die though we've also probably got a lot more you can see they're under stairways they like they spawn in there and they can't get out yeah i don't like hearing them in the building one thing i'm doing is i'm just like running anytime there's a doorway i'm running through because there's bound to be a lot of them nearby yeah there's none underneath that stairway i bet you though if we just go through most of the stairways the main thing is they get some of them get caught onto these doorways weirdly like that was a little risky shouldn't have done that i think the safest way here is to just shout out in a hallway like go down to the dead end of a hallway actually you know what let's do that i might do that uh yeah the power is still on you're right hang on a second let's just yeah there it is it's still working uh why do we have corpses here i don't like this i know those are just somehow showing from the floor below well here's the oh god this guy had like an armory in his house no he just he like oh man this guy's a nerd he like keeps all of his normal clothes in like foot lockers because it's kind of cool it is kind of cool but it's uh it's a little aggressive you know yeah look we've got more under stairs maybe it is just stairs let's go up to the top floor next nope apparently not apparently oh books you know guys knowledge is power knowledge is power hopefully crap for god's sakes look at that surprise i guess we're not in here yeah all right we're fine frozen food yeah the frozen food should still it might still be good for a little while we'll see the thing is i have tons and tons of food in this city i like the top of this building though this is one of my favorite places to just kind of hide out at we might have some hardware up here too see what i was talking about um really a lot of these building tops are like more realistic in raven creek in my opinion they look kind of more industrial um at least for like a city okay we got another parking lot over there i'm just trying to gauge how the spawns will be this place is bound to have very low spawns um there's a lot of high rises if we go farther to the west though yeah yeah knowledge is power guys oh i got to be careful up on these rooftops because you can very easily just like whoops fall off of them um but this should be a pretty nice place to just uh kind of board up and or we could take out the stairway we just need a sledgehammer here i'd like to do this i'd like to make this happen see are we going to get lucky here [Music] and looks like it's mostly just car supplies yeah that's unfortunate i mean car supplies aren't bad by any means we found some okay i didn't know that this was a thing i'd expect more but the good news is that up here they're really coming from only one entrance you know like although it is a dead end we could always just lead him back down yeah we got another freeze i'm just gonna stay up here i'm gonna let him come you know we'll let these bodies rot after a couple days we'll keep exploring the city oh there goes the light nah there's another car just watching one of the long plays on youtube was like [ __ ] wish it was live hey that's kind of the goal with these i think we'll keep doing every tuesday thursday saturday guys let me know what you uh what else you want to see i'm like uh i'm thinking to cover a couple of more games some people have requested rimworld i might do rimworld i don't want to go too narrow but i want to don't want to spread myself thin either we'll do like a little let's try segment you know i have like i have my ideal thing i'd like to have like one day always dedicated to trying out new games but i want to i want to keep some of it regular sledge on the shelf wait i didn't see the sledge oh god bless thank god i have you guys with me which shelf here lug wrench oh jesus christ yes we do have a sledge we do have a sledge yeah yeah sledge sledge it's a sledge sledge a hammer there it is very nice gonna do this like the mario brothers okay um hmm gotta be smart with how i do this we do have tons of um i think we have all the other stuff i need first of all i'm going to take out the first floor probably going to take out several of these because i still haven't really fully cleared out this building um they may also sneak up on me i wouldn't like that um i'm like 95 percent sure we have enough stuff to create a sheet rope here so i'm going to just take it out uh crap how do we oh yeah i've got i've got to drop the sheetrope before i do damn i'm like thinking backwards here well um [Music] this is awkward okay i know what i'm gonna do i gotta go back up i gotta grab the hammer and stuff uh and then we're gonna take out this bottom stairway we'll do it before we go to sleep just that we can kind of sleep soundly probably going to do it on one of the upper floors too um but yeah i think that we can sleep in this apartment building tonight which it was the goal that was what we wanted so we finally made it in yes more cd i would like to do more cdda as well actually we could just sleep here for the night it seems like we've just very highly exerted ourselves hmm for that on the ground it's that good that's that good hardcore crowd wants to see cdda yeah do some dwarf fortress and cdda um grab this bed come on bed you're coming with me uh i need the car why do you need carpentry i i'm not a carpenter but i can grab a bed that's fair that's very easy i have a mind and i can think um all right can i sleep on the floor in the bathroom no i can't do that either i'm just highly exerted all right well you know it's fine let's just like rest here yeah cataclysm let us crawl through the nyc sewer system and oh gosh man the sewer system would be a really nice addition to the game if they added in like basements and sewers i could see that adding in a lot more depth i wonder how to be implemented would be kind of neat if you could like dig i always thought that would be cool zomboid if you could like dig a mode or something you know not only open up uh upward building but also downward building i'm very hungry but we'll leave that on have we lost weight we've probably lost more weight at 94 and dropping again all right so now we need to go collect that uh let's just bring the sledgehammer with us i know i'm gonna get some serious deja vu in this building okay there we're living like uh christian bale training for the machinist you know all we eat is like a can of tuna and we eat an apple every day lose a lot of weight okay now what do we need we need hammer hammer helm hammer hand all right and some nails and i think we've got the uh sheets downstairs we could also probably make all of these clothing pieces into this yes we're getting v-necks sweater rip clothing crap she ah here we go craft shoe drop all right i will make all of these items of clothing into sheet ropes that's the most silly animation all right uh would this work nah okay we got to do it from a window i do believe i do believe that's how it needs to occur oh so badass parkour christian bale saving up to buy a toyota corolla i do sit ups every day i can almost afford a toyota corolla now and though you can touch my hand and feel flesh you can't touch my heart because it's inside of my body right uh of course those are all of the lines from the movie now now i'm mixing up christian bale movies hey zo xi hey thank you for 100 bits thank you very much one of my favorite names to read oh jesus oh god look at that no i didn't plan on you i really want to cut off this floor for my life i hate this floor this floor just makes me sad to be on this stove is a stove no matter what you know your patty is a patty that's what i say a grill is a grill this is shirley's show and fries okay i gotta you gotta end that man aren't you upset that twitch sings is over hey dally cat thanks for the sup appreciate it fries could be fries either way while this stove is not the home this is not the sheet rope i knew that closed umbrella then you hate it when umbrellas are closed off to change now i'm about those open forward thinking umbrellas you could stand under my closed umbrella wait a minute no you can't because it's a closed umbrella and it's not open spongebob yeah that's it that's it oh jesus christ where did you come from lady did you see that she just came out of nothing and fries should be fries boo library having fun isn't hard if you've got a library card damn okay uh look at the climb back up here oh this is gonna be a little logic defying here we go come on remove there we go okay now i can't accidentally hurt myself anymore haha game i have won this battle because i cannot accidentally hurt myself but jesus we are really slow what are we so slow from we are carrying around a lot of garbage with us okay well that's fine he looks so like dainty when he walks like that you know i'll make my way over very nice she was the sole of the stair oh like something from uh like kirby canvas cursor see that was a great game man i really miss having a nintendo ds as a child that was just like that was a banger probably one of my favorite gaming systems ever made sit in the back of the car on long car rides and play kirby canvas curse yeah you like that i remember you liked that too right that was before before youtube existed pour that window so i don't vault through randomly i think we'll have enough uh selective selective moments with that window yeah i'm kind of debating on should i cut myself off from the rest of the apartment like i didn't even know that one would have just come flying out of the ether there a second ago yeah everybody likes that right you like that all right let's uh let's throw down our sledgehammer right here that thing is wumbo heavy and then what other garbage do we have that we could uh we don't really need these you know what i'm gonna eat some chocolate i think it's not bad for me do what i like 89 shotgun shells put the rest of them in my backpack backpack backpack it has 89 shotgun shells i was just turning into song covers hammer uh yeah we'll throw that there good now we're not over uncovered anymore peckish that's fine tired estoy cansado estoy cansado psp psp didn't have the games though it didn't have the games it's just like nintendo ds felt like it was something unto itself you know like psp sometimes well maybe i just didn't play any of the games but i because i couldn't find any games because there weren't any good games for it yeah i'm right i know i'm right actually what we're getting maybe the psp exclusives but now i'm just getting ornery man the beard is kind of starting to feel a lot now we should try to like this is this thing living underneath my mask you should try to handle that keep looking around here for some now we wouldn't tweeze out our beard hairs that would be a little bit masochistic that would be extremely painful imagine that every time you had to shave you just tweezed out all of your beard hairs now what shooting level are we at these books were actually quite valuable level seven and level eight so we need the level seven and level eight aha but this is the level of seven in level eight books uh-huh i have a smartedu game well [Music] tally ho then all right let's sit on the ground now this is very nice this is very nice indeed tweezers yeah tweezers are shaving well the ps1 library oh did it have though he has one vs one was very nice i like the ps1 i remember playing fighting force with my friend at his grandma's house because the grandma had a ps1 because it was like old and it was the grandma was old because grandmas are generally old um and they had ps2s at their house but then we would enjoy like the old days of gaming when we would play the ps1 i was a very cool grandmother i like that grandma i still miss her he passed away a while back but i still remember fighting force it was it was a good it was a good life a good a good childhood i had a blessed childhood it i protect your youth all right um let's read like 100 pages then now we are a story what is it a story muay cansado now i trust this building all right hopefully the bodies will fade away remember we aren't actually at any risk of getting six because the uh these are very far away annoying piano explaining oh gosh uh it's bringing me back though now i'm missing learning languages smashing power something is frozen oh what is smashing hey mark hey what's up brother how are you hey welcome in welcome in people of mark marks good people everyone go uh if you're here i don't have the night not do that you know i gotta get my nightbot thing now that you're making me think mark thanks for the raid my friend how'd everything go uh let me write this down hang out hang on a second please don't leave there we are where did you guys play my pleasure oh god bless hey thank you mark again uh people of mark.exe if you're uh i'm sure you're familiar with zomboid where are you guys playing right now we've just been grappling with raven creek and it's been it's really been uh traumatic for us we we haven't been enjoying it i mean like you know the grind to get in but now that we're in it's feeling pretty good we're liking it we're like in the game again we're liking our lives we're reading we're catching up on shakespeare and things like that zomboiding up in the mall ah damn i gotta get back to the mall there are some really good dawn of the dead challenges see that seems like it'll be fun you just set up own dedicated server i don't know if i could make night short or maybe the days longer oh that's interesting i don't know about that courier hmm i know that there's like nighttime active zombies so there's a lot of other i was looking to the mods damn i you're making me not miss managing mods in a server though that was a lot of work that's one thing that i won't miss at all but if it's just for you and your friends i feel like you don't have to deal with all of the things that make modding uh or a server more of a pain in the ass in that way it's very nice very nice so a new warzone war zone update i know i'm trying to think of other isometric games that have a large following right now oh damn now we're good we're good quest for the ever elusive toyota corolla yep if only i could find an armored personnel corolla what the apc stands for armored personnel corolla everyone knows that nerd all right uh 94. you see that look at that we've killed 3 500 zombies i'm just gonna i'm going to sleep we need those to we need those things to despawn before we even consider going back out into the city i'd like to shave off this disgusting neckbeard i ever play socom for ps2 no but that game looked good that was like one of those realistic uh or i guess in quotes realistic like uh squad sims right yeah that keeps doing it i think that since we're in such a heavily infested zone it's started freezing okay we got sleeping tabs i might use those okay scissors where were they uh yeah there it is oh great praise b we could cut off some of the hair now you know let's just go like full bald i don't really know why i just i gotta make it happen right gay vile things thanks very much for the sub my friend appreciate it yeah we need that and we need a razor because this it's just been disgusting living with this much hair you ever like enjoy growing your hair out so that you can like you know cut it again because i just really feel a sense of like catharsis and you know like self self transformation whenever i cut off hair you ever feel that oh fallout would be a good one actually yeah that's that's a good one i guess since it's like a story you know it doesn't quite have as big a following or it's just been so many years oh for the bald but you've got the even if you're bald you've got the hair on the side do you grow out that hair or you maybe like you do it with a beard instead maybe it changes man so i think the the nice part about i don't know if this is like if you have hair you're worried about it falling out but if you're bald you're not worried about like hair like coming back onto your head like i don't know is that is that a thing i although you don't have the option at least it's kind of like efficient right you know i think i'd make a great bald man i'm getting ready for it because uh both my grandfathers went bald father still has a full head of hair though like he is and he's had it for his entire life that he's he's gonna have it you know we'll see so far no real signs though you grow a beer that would extend to your belt i mean you could also grow the beard and then you could like kind of prop it back up on your head if you wanted to be like you know other people say like you know you're bald and then you're like no i have a head of hair it's it's there and you could look like uh remember all those old pictures of like vanderbilt and his silly hair you know maybe it could be like maybe you could start a new trend be like um i remember the comedian bill wright who would grow out who was bald but he would grow out his hair anyway and it was just like this whole new style a whole new style he's still around you know styling all right more scissors what i'm really looking for here is a razor if we could find a razor no i don't want this beard like i told you completely hairless makes me feel like a more evolved human yeah not happening damn it all this all this work all this work i've done for nothing nah like all we're getting are these ass bandages nobody needs a bandage i need to shave this [ __ ] off all right let's see if we can at least do some like good male grooming you know vaudeville is it vaudeville does it say i'm not bald i'm just taller than my hair ah that's great i like that so many like so many great bald men uh who is it um or is it is it bill hicks maybe it's bill what is the guy's name who's the other was the other uh who's that guy who was he was in uh pulp fiction extremely probably one of the most badass actors of all time yeah he didn't look as i think he looked better without any hair i was just you know like if anything like that starts happening you start looking things up like well you know i could be like so and so who is the guy will bill his name is bill some oh i gotta remember which stairway it was that i took out we're still like three floors above it i don't think we're gonna find this thing all right let's just do some grooming here in the kitchen fabulous fabulous place to do some grooming sh yes shave hair wait a minute no let's experience it fully take off all of my garments it's going to be nice wow look at that look at all that hair we're gonna get rid of all of it now wait a minute do something something neat we're gonna have several hairstyles before we go bald bill who no none of these bills oh sorry yeah bruce willis bruce willis i got it wrong it's bruce willis that guy's pretty badass spikes change uh yeah we could give ourselves a ball you know what let's do it to honor let's do it in honor for bruce willis hey nur derek hey thank you very much for the sub appreciate it my friend jason statham is also extremely cool look at that no i opt for this hairstyle it makes me look like a father here we go crew cut how could you change it to all right this doesn't make any sense but it's interesting look i just got hair back damn all right let's get rid of this again just totally shave off no more hair this is better it's a more efficient light kind of frame rate i don't know but i'm definitely getting a lower uh frame rate this looks kind of badass but let's no hair no here that's nice yeah that's a good look all right now i look like uh lex luthor all right let's just take all of this why do they always make the villains bald like that just seems like it perpetuates a negative stereotype about people with follicular uh you know imbalances hey no problem people are evil mr 40s oh yeah agent 47 well agent 47 seemed pretty badass but he was also evil look i'm running with scissors running with scissors nothing you could do about it all right i'm pretty sure that this place is safe i probably shouldn't say that but i probably won't die too all right let's go check out our health 94 and drop and still okay we're getting sad sad it's time for a book read knowledge knowledge knowledge okay great uh and now can potato yeah can't uh uh look in freezers when you need boredom and unhappiness yeah all of this stuff is starting to make me just extremely upset orange soda 400 calories and screw it i'm just gonna do it lose weight more slowly still 94 and dropping all right let's wait until the morning let's kind of rest for a while and then i think we'll head back out and we'll do some more shooting um at this point we can go around the city they might take down our sheet rips but uh yeah we'll be fine oh caillou yeah caillou is chaotic evil damn man i haven't heard about caillou in a in a while brings me back brings me back to caillou jeff bezos oh wait did that guard start off with comparing vases oh jesus i don't i don't think that he has time to listen to all of these streams though maybe he's here right now right here we go water throw that down look there's some ink cartridges over there don't look like ink cartridges all right uh fast okay jesus asmr asmr shotguns i just want to take a moment to can we turn on the lights here are we able to we are wowzers look at this sight on this weapon isn't this thing this thing is a work of beauty maybe call it bold and brash this does not belong in the trash yeah this is a good this is a good it's a good item you'll see you'll see now i probably should have marked the staircase more clearly that i destroyed um that wasn't a good idea but we're gonna have to live with it we're gonna have to live with it this is definitely it though we're on the right floor um okay i'm seeing this the danger the danger that lay here that we can't really know what's on the street below us now we can start to train other skills like now that we've made our way into the city we can start to um sneak sneak no step on sneak okay i'm just gonna you know i'm gonna opt to not kill whoops we're getting some there we go frame rate died out there again [Music] look at all this i don't want to attract so many that they take down my sheet rope and stuff i like my sheet rope guys i forgot to bring the bullets in too but i still think we have enough that we can take out like everybody here did we did i bring my bullets with me i did it was a great idea you you're supposed to bring the bullets with you yeah oh yeah one of those oh yeah i got to get a couple other shoe drops damn hell yeah you have hey gun coast thanks very much for the two months man it dawned on me that your name is the warhammer rep did you guys see who's that guy uh astartes just got hired by um games workshop i heard that from ghoul the other day he does those like crazy animations i don't even know until like the post-mortem but i was like holy cow that's gotta be like the dream for any animation content creator those things looked good though what was he using like maya some of those animation animation has just gotten so good it's bananas i think we cleared out like a square four block radius over here the funny thing about clearing is that you often get more than your mean high pops and superb survivors is like 15 fps is it normal yep this is for ravens creek right now this is pretty good fps that we're getting we took out about 2 000 at the entrance that had to be 2 000 at the entrance right like just to get into the city you have to kill 2 000. myra my i've not increased the ram allocation i uh got a link to any of those articles though i appreciate that to me it's kind of crazy because you got to be streaming while you do it so that also takes up some i imagine but this computer has like an ass load of ram all right what i'd like to do now is get up my sneaking because i don't really want to take out everybody in the entire city look at the convenience store isn't this nice you like this yeah they have all the things that you like all of your favorite snacks hmm i'm hearing some [ __ ] okay this is great though this is what we need like hardware hardware yeah i told you that this building would be good didn't i you didn't believe me before now you see with your own eyeball um that's kind of nice look a pharmacy oh that's nice yeah look at that get some get some get some what movie is that what movie is that get some get some harmony oh is it a harmony yeah you can change the lettering on it to make it look like a harmony yeah full metal jacket that's it the craziest scene in full metal jacket the guy is in a helicopter and he just like starts unloading on these people for no reason he starts shouting get some that movie was just i think i watched that when i was like 16 that's the perfect age to watch that movie you don't really judge it so much when you're that age all right uh damn it damn it oh yeah actually we got we got a second shooter up here too i forgot that we put up that other one for just that reason there's a lot in here oh there's a lot there's a lot hey moon yodo thank you very much for the stuff i almost just died right there thank you i appreciate that verily i do verily i do i will survive me i'm out of commentary guys get out of here get out of here it's just going to get weirder and weirder from here [Music] look another zam we sprinkle their blood like icing upon the cake that is the concrete jungle here in harlem i'd like it if somebody should model new york city hey k iran k rom 13. hey thank you for the sub appreciate it out of curiosity have i wanted to play a game where i am the bad guy oh like uh ooh evil genius you know that campaign it was that campaign was huge i actually didn't end up doing that campaign because i was just like seems like everybody was doing it i was like how's the video even gonna be seen it just seemed like that everyone did the same thing so i was kind of a little bit mindful of that but now looking back i'm like that would have been fun and i regret it so the answer is i was stupid and i should have done it oh look ice cream wowsers you're gonna love this we're gonna i'm gonna bring this back to you wherever you are i'm so lost without you it was so nice when we had ice cream together we would eat and we would tell stories be more fastidious like and yeah fast we forgot about the fastidiousness of anton sugar thank you for reminding everyone amick that's weird it's like after a while when you're you know like you hit this when you do a lot of commentary because i've probably done thousands of hours of commentary right by now like you never really run out like you run out after about two hours and it gets worse and then later on it starts to get better again when you're commentating because then you just start to become delirious and it you just say things you didn't even think of before or you start thinking about the language itself and the sounds it's weird but i'm just a guy who's probably killed 5 000 zombies now jesus can we get another kill count it's been a while it's been a while for okay 4 000 73 still a lot to be off by a thousand isn't that bad anymore i wonder how many in-game hours it's been though or i mean uh real life hours rather probably we've probably been at this campaign for about 11 hours now maybe 11 and a half hours um been a kick playing erratus lord of the uh radis looked very good so yeah i got into like deck builders um back in uh august i got into like slay the spire and um you know one thing i like to do from time to time every couple months is just play a game for myself um like nothing for the channel or anything like that because it just kind of helps me preserve my own like uh i don't know my enjoyment of some especially games with like stories something like that or like a platformer something that i wouldn't really play on the channel um metroidvanias i play a lot of that type of thing i know slave the spire is a roguelite deck builder but or roguelike roguelike and roguelite elements we'll say but um yeah thank you for that actually that one looked very good ah thank you if you ping me without on the discord i appreciate that exact seems like there should be more flies there verily i do agree verily i do hmm i'm debating on whether we should use this weapon for melee attacking purposes melee attacking purposes which is apparently not allowed right so then it will not be because it is not allowed because it isn't mandated by nature man listen to all those alarms somebody forgot to wake up on time all right i don't think there's any corpses on this floor or not too many yeah i'd trust this for sleeping in i'm just i'm kind of weird out i want to be facing the right direction because i still don't really trust it a world war z was very good i personally liked the zombie survival guide a little bit better but you know i mean as far as like zombie stories go yeah that was a very good book i'm trying to remember which story i liked in it it has like all these vignettes you know different um places man you're making me want to read again more i just don't have time to read like i said like even if it's even if you don't have a lot of time to read even if you just like protect 20 minutes before you go to bed it's good nighttime ritual you know you stay away from other creature comforts if you read before bed you know feels good to read i wish i read i don't know what i would read though sometimes i read books that like make me uh make me feel like i'm a better person like classics but it's i generally find it's just better to read whatever you are most interested in generally speaking i'd read like a lot of just like uh like like uh business organizational books i don't know why i just find that stuff really interesting like goal setting and stuff like that oh no don't sit on the ground here we go it seems like a such a boring genre of literature to be into though so i'm like i wish i liked something better maybe rereading max brooks that does help your verbiage though somebody said this about a commentary before the reading more reading more just kind of expands your mind that's good irrational dislike why would you just you know i respect that though i don't but as long as you understand that your dislike of toyota's is irrational damn and now you're making me really want to get that i should get the corolla i'll let you get you maybe we should like keep the corolla talk on the dl though because you know i don't know if i'm gonna i just feel like i've given all of this support for toyota which i haven't even had a toyota you know i've never owned one i've been in several of them i'd driven them but i haven't owned one it's like petting a dog and then saying i own this dog you know like it's just it's not allowed oh [ __ ] right uh let's see i thought whoops i thought i had more that's all of the bullets whoops i thought we would have had a police station or something by now we might have to go back out and um go find one of the what are this even having it yeah i could go back and organize the ammo is it two hours now we are we're all actually nearing the end now camry is a pretty you know you could get like a souped-up camry you could get like an xle camry and it could look like a race car if you want you pay more but it'll be a very reliable car or you could get this hummer that we're driving in which some for some reason has a key and i still don't really get that like if i i would be more worried about because then you'd have to leave the humvee somewhere you knew somebody wasn't going to take it all the time or somebody could just take your humvee there's got to be some it's probably some kind of security measure nah nah yeah some of that stuff is very interesting like the way that the military purposes their items and their standard operating procedures and all of that all right oh [ __ ] i always forget about that okay let's pull back into the base yeah you know we'll drive all the way in there's got to be a way to wash the blood off of my car though i might replace it with the corolla yeah let's just go back to that farther uh this thing yeah all the way back here oh my god this place is very large and i just kind of want to point this out is that right back there whoops not there right back here there is in fact a generator in here so even if you know everything goes south and [ __ ] hits the fan we still will be able to uh power up this place wherever we need to because there's a gas pump and uh one of those that's what's very nice about this military base you could just live here like forever here we go hang on a second uh all right let's just grab all of this ruger um i haven't even seen this stuff i got a second uh i got a cat i got a cat i'll be back in like one second 30 seconds it's okay yeah all right okay i just had to give him a little something it says dinner time yeah i'll be finishing up in a bit in the military base are any of you guys like playing along with this i feel like some people tell me that they try with the same mods i feel like i've switched around the mods a lot though you know like uh well i posted up at the beginning of the vlog so everybody can see my cat my cat he wasn't happy he uh you know i needed to put him in the corolla for a bit now he's good he's getting kind of old now he's uh he's a little bit up there your cat kind of gets like delirious as he gets older we had one cat who was like uh he was or she was really up there but when she got older she would just like um she would stare at a wall and she would sit on a piece of cardboard all day um and then she died one day and it was a beautiful death it was like a great it was so peaceful and it was really nice um except she couldn't use her legs on the last day that was a little jarring um but it was like it was that day she was done like that was her last day on earth you know something's gonna happen on the last day and she ate a piece of cod it was very peaceful and then this this other one he's going crazy so he's just yelling all the time yeah playing with the same monster i mean i'm this mod set somehow worked but i'm just thankful for this stream because we've uh i mean you know we we really went through the whole experimentation for this mod list together i would not have known this if it weren't for this stream i feel like we did what we set out to like i wasn't really prepared for this moment um let's just like take stock for a second we've do i have this drum mag now this is a nasty weapon this thing is this thing is forthright you know what i'm saying like this thing is good it looks good we got that are our skills up we got the aiming now almost at the level eight which is insane we still haven't overcome our fitness i'd say the things to overcome would be like the being fat as hell and probably just like getting these other stats up but that's a bit of a grind have i thought about doing a channel points redeem a poet i've been thinking about what to do with these channel points uh i've consulted higher powers than me it's uh i i wouldn't mind that though yeah like something uh something uh something something that actually involves you know better participation if you have any ideas just hit me up hit me up yeah well she's in a she's in a better place now where are many more cats room all right so we got sprinting light footage sneaking nimble i feel like we should go make an effort to go find more of these books like we got that place in raven creek and now that we've got that one big building i think that we could take more of the books out of it and just kind of like sit down and read you know maybe we could do like a poetry reading then like i'll deliver you all that i've memorized of elicitus by john milton i can't prove it to you but i've memorized uh like a hundred lines of it because you can't see me figure out how you would even prove that you've memorized something so you need to see me like on camera with my eyes closed but even that would be kind of hard to believe because you could always stage it but nonetheless i do i do that that's the one thing i miss about my commute you know i used to commute a lot but i would just memorize like poetry on it it's very good sometimes like that type of hardship can be developmental for your character you know in real life in your irl character you're you you know can be good they love you back yeah i'm not even because i want to lose weight my character was morbidly obese when we begin and at this point i've just like i've had it with this car this car has driven over so many corpses that i'm probably not even gonna be using this humvee we're gonna have to be doing a lot of repairs on this thing yeah i think it's when we get into this area look at how much the frame rate chops up oops all right so the new quest the new quest to beat all the rest i'd like to find where the uh police station is in raven creek just because it seems like it'd be a you know a good goal worth getting to uh we've already got the military encampment out here actually the military encampment is pretty good as well but i think you know books were what we were after from the very beginning what's wild to me is that we've done all this progress and yet still that's doubled speed progress with skill books like you probably have to kill like a million to get full skills in zomboids but the one nice part is that you can kind of customize it however you like i would like to keep clearing out this area because if we don't then they'll keep taking down my sheet ropes and i have to keep making more sheep ropes and that's a pain my interest oh what it's smashing oh hey man of ike's man a fix say hey thank you very much for the five months i remember you well how are you happy to see you again oh really i mean it'd be dope if you could uh yeah if you could increase the ram allocation yeah i'll have to check out that guide for the next time appreciate that anything that helps me run the game a little bit faster is usually uh a little bit easier on the eyes in the end here we go uh [Music] angler usa sprinting volume three probably this would be good i'm just gonna bring all the pretty much all the books upstairs yeah like let's not even look at what we've got we'll just bring them all upstairs and then we'll do some inventory when we get up there so now we jump out the window they were going to kill me did you see that moy and teresante okay and let's just dump them all here i'm just the saddest place to read on the floor like harry potter reading on the floor idiot okay let's put on let's put all of this down uh you know what i don't mean any of that hey uh hey goes thanks for the bits and dark matters tsunami thanks for the sub appreciate it and so just mickey yeah thank you for the hundred bits ah jeez so what is this for sprinting athletics is sprinting right see i find it odd that athletics is for sprinting like how would you read a book on sprinting technique put one foot in the other put put one foot in front of the other and push nah okay yeah whatever open up the first official harry potter nerds oh i think you're talking about oh reopening after uh covid i was like wow damn i think they're uh there's a lot of pl don't die i swear it's on one of these animations you know he's gonna he's gonna die on one of those we gotta figure out some way of seeing what's underneath the sheet robe if we get like build out by the building but holy cow it's more interesting really sprinting is technical i imagine that like 100 meter sprinters probably have it all down starving my character because he's overweight he'll uh he'll get it up in time all right well we found a humble new car let's see if this is chevy ceres oh you see what i'm seeing is that an a b to the c an apc it's an a p c this is the a what the vehicle that i am standing in front of is an a p c not a bbc like the news uh on the weekend it's the apc this is the vehicle god damn it why is oh it has an alarm that is allowed that is allowed moy enter assante all right uh step back step back god damn it i'm gonna need a corolla it's an ap corolla it's an ap corolla god damn it come on come on stop that bad car what you know what let's just call apc is code for toyota corolla from now on god damn it no stay away from my corolla please no i really need this corolla as i just graduated from college i just graduated they were going to give me a a sale son god damn it man we got so close to getting the atc no it's an armored corolla an armored corolla carrier that's what they that's what this vehicle is god damn it man the entire town is upset now because i tried to steal someone's corolla ah okay there goes the frame rate again yeah i might have to try out that ram allocation probably gonna save me fortified clown car pretty much yeah i think it can hold like six people in it right which by zomboid standards is pretty crazy let's just get let's step away from the corolla get back here we don't want to lead them to our home that would be the worst thing to do we're going to hold it the nice part though is that we're going to be away from the buildings that have more of them in them we don't have to aggro more this is safe i'm wearing a seat belt it's fine don't question it okay i was so close to the financing right uh i hated that you know i was so close to that corolla well at least we'll get up to 5k zombie kills that makes me want to take out the chainsaw the thing that's gonna really hurt after all this is imagine like trying to build up another weapon skill we've done all of this with aiming i'm just firing in general directions now yes many cadavers oh you didn't even notice the corolla's on the street look at all of these just pulling all of the cars girl come on get out of my way all right we got an apc to get man breaking all the windows look the property values going down as you can see the property value going down before your very eyes there's even more behind me all right well we've got multiple fallback points now we're at we're completely out are we completely out of ammo yeah we are i think the rest of the ammo is in my truck or back at the other base damn i'm i'm now running into a wall three types of vehicles blown up corollas parked corollas and armored personnel corollas that's it complete collectively er what is it completely exhaustive of all the cars out there is that this part appeals to me a nice gate by the city man we are really getting that now well it's been real jesus what did we do what did we even accomplish in the stream i was gonna organize the ammo i think what we did was better than organizing the ammo probably my favorite part was um oh okay you could go in there headed in for the sale we did dismantle some of these cars that was good i'd like to do more of that i think we've cleared out enough of the front of the city that we could now just drive in our humvee i don't know why we'd want to drive in the humvee um and there's so many wrecks in the city that even driving around a car gets a little bit more iffy i'd rather go in on foot in the city um oh jesus how many have we killed now 4 291 i think we were at like well we're at 2800 at the beginning of the stream i never even got it got it jesus though that was a lot i was rather a lot of zombies beer fiddler welcome in 93 kg we lost how many kg throughout that stream i think we lost about three kg that's not bad we managed to shave off our hair we took back the military i mean the military base has been safe we read a couple of skill books now we're almost maxed out on aiming and reloading which is a surprise you know we haven't even gotten the sneak yet but the good news is that if there is a threat it's gone oh jesus i was almost gone right there it would have been bad surprise that i honestly surprised that i haven't died yet on this it's been a grind it's been a big grind we finally found an apc in the other city i think the next thing we'll have to do is just get up those uh electrician stats which we've now got books which we could do it with but i need ammo again keep needing this ammo but this military base has been invaluable throughout this entire thing it's like bottomless stores of ammo i'm hoping that we actually find enough that it'll be worth it in raven creek one thing that's nice about it is that it's just so organized you know like i could just keep feeding back on this place for any supplies i need is that how i lost the apc last night maybe maybe i lost the apc last time by driving it into a horde and running out of gas but you know what killed me it wasn't the apc that killed me it was getting out of the apc that killed me if only there were some way of like you know feeding gasoline in through a straw inside of the apc that wouldn't no i i blamed i blame the apc zero percent for my death i'll take it upon myself it was my decision to get out of it no i did fine last time i did fine i mean i didn't do well the apc did fine but how do we get into an apc though because if we can't break a window open um like i still got to go back there i don't want to leave you under the impression i'm just going to leave that thing ideally i'd like to have that as my car this thing is it's indestructible practically guys it's bananas a no stats character yeah i think we all would pretty much always start out no stats in pz lock picking yeah maybe i'll turn on that mod if i don't have it because that seems like it'll be a nice way to get in and if it doesn't mess up my save that would be a great idea yeah yeah absolute oh yeah last time i'll fill the inside of the abc ah god see the last time we we did take out the entrance of uh raven creek i think we killed like probably 500 realistically speaking at the entrance of maybe more at the entrance of raven creek but it was nasty it was nasty all right let's nab some shotgun shells uh go ready for another round another welder mask what we need is another uh propane torch um shotgun shells shotgun shells three they're there those on my vest what kind of vest can carry three boxes of shotgun shells unopened all right there it is what's the current kill count i think we're around four thousand now it's about four thousand hey hey thanks for the bits always love any opportunity i get to say your name all right here's a couple more uh you could always see into the ammo cast i wonder if is it like is it gonna be worth i think you get like five boxes of shells in the ammo canisters yeah that seems legit nine boxes of shotgun shells on my vest and how many on here i am starving again i gotta make sure that i don't wind up with just no food completely like that could also kill me if i just if i had no way of getting any more we've got a lot in the city now though and the city's peaceful enough that we could always go back and get a snack you know a baby carrier but for boxes okay okay are we gonna go back to the debate we had the other day about alice pouches and uh molly pouches yeah all right i could see this i could see this it's just kind of silly silly to imagine it all right we're heading back out here uh back to the kitchen yep soon we're actually going to run out of food we've used up almost everything that we did find the uh what was it pretty soon i'm just going to be eating mustard again i don't want to spend a lot of time cooking i just i don't enjoy the cooking that much only because i usually burn the house down whenever i start cooking death stranding the shotgun i actually didn't place test training what do you do with that how many do we have now we have like 14 boxes of shotgun shells got him boss hungry unpleasantly hot all right that's what i always feel that i am unpleasantly hot and hungry i can relate to this character if only he were moist it is it is a status condition you could have theoretically hey creamy dog vomit hey that's i also feel creamy dog vomit as it happens thank you very much for the self can i didn't i say molly i don't think i said the mole mole the mole pack oh mole i'm trying to remember who said molly it was uh i'm trying to remember the last time i the one game that had a cool system like that was uh dayz didn't they have like molly alice and uh what are they all the other like tactical backpack names i think it'd be neat if they added that into pz or if somebody added that nvr mod i'm pretty sure that it was in an old mod but then that was for an older build and i don't think that they've modeled those backpacks yet again but it'd be really neat if you could get like tactical pouches and stuff on them yeah that would be cool i could definitely see somebody making a mod like that i mean somebody's already made that one where you could strap other things onto your backpack right i always come into this too fast all right only a slight tap there and owen wilson have a dog named molly i don't know i feel like that's a very common dog name the mole no i'm just gonna say mole now just because it's wrong it's because i get pleasure out of it damn it uh empty mag oh i just unpacked the box what was i even planning on doing at this point anymore oh yeah let's see if we can get back to that apc just get a little bit more of that apc action try it for like five minutes and if nothing's coming out of it we'll probably give up there and go back into our house in this neck of the woods great a second to open up all my boxes of shells you know what i'd really like in pz if there were a little bit more destructible terrain like when they added in um that fences could be destroyed and that like the traffic stops could be destroyed that really changed the game for me a lot i think that was a very good improvement that they did would love to see more stuff like that because sometimes you do get stuck on like a very slight obstacle and he seems so like laser focused i really do appreciate anton shaker look the way just the camera with which he puts the bullets yeah he's like so fastidious extremely fastidious don't question it all right uh making my way downtown jumping sandbags shooting zams and i'm homebound you need jesus i can't even tell what's a corpse and what's them though look at how fast our like aimer come pinches inward you see that i think that's due to our better aiming now i felt like we had to wait longer and we were more inaccurate before and now it seems like we're aiming a lot faster yeah look at that he's ready to fire right away look at this guy awesome dude so majestic not even not even i should never say that the weapon didn't jam because then immediately jams there it is okay good hold the r and then insert shells from the wheel instead of opening my inventory oh actually that's a good i forgot about that yes that is a very good idea hey thank you very much thank you sadio always so full of good information so if we didn't have you i would have been still trapped in the dark ages [ __ ] we did find an apc here we did find an apc here i am back for said apc all right i haven't turned around in a while i still had a lot of bullets in that damn it yeah now i'm starting to notice the frame rate just dead totally dead wowzers look at that yeah i'm gonna have to update that for the next one if we keep going deeper into the city look at that nice they've been watching the vod tubes and really enjoy the bought pc and learning more on every day hey thank you hey the huff thanks for coming out appreciate it my friend javi is helping yeah i haven't done a lot of pz long plays in a while it's nice to finally be getting back into them hopefully we can bring a a little bit of multiplayer into the action too soon it might be nice you know even if we stick with this long play series to just kind of like break up the action a little bit with a little bit of multiplayer like a different kind of game every now and then you know keep coming back to the same main thing but yeah we'll see how it goes unless if of course we die which i am surprised has not happened uh we're getting there we're getting there there's the apc oh there's a lot more here all right i don't think i'm gonna get this thing today guys i will however stand by lola lemon sorry lol that's more there are more here than there were before at least my frame rate picked over and this picked up in this part of town i think this corner seems like a good place at which to engage them though yes i feel very safe here i can at least take account of what's coming toward me but now that frame rate is getting very bad all right you know what i'm gonna go retreat back up into my rapunzel lair um let us escape here we go back up back up over the doorway yes rapunzel rapunzel let down your sweet flow now we are in fact safe up here i'm just going to kind of give you a little bit of eye candy before we end because i think that that's uh fully justified for all the work we've put into this damn damn hey thank you hop well it's happy it's nice to have you i mean like the streams i feel like have been i've been trying to be a little bit more consistent with these at least at the times that i'm starting with so i hope that it becomes more uh more of a regular expectation and i'll try to keep those up like every other day or so it's been fun it's been nice to just have kind of like another like a side hustle besides the main channel hey hackerman's thanks for coming out appreciate it my friend how many hours have i put into zomboid over the years probably about 600 not really as many as you might expect i've been playing the game for like four years probably spent that amount of time editing and doing comments and stuff though maybe more but you know it's probably double because of all the experience i've had from that damn you know what's crazy is that that isn't even the full like that isn't even all of it it's probably double that it's because of how many of them ever rode away yeah look some of them started rotting over there you see that one by my cursor oh look at school bus i don't even see that before that's mine it's not the full-size school bus but it's something it's something ammo on the oh yeah i mean how many shells do you think we went through with that all right everybody anton shigure i think we're gonna call it there for a day don't go anywhere because we're gonna uh we're gonna go engage in a little raid uh who else is on zomboid this is on zomboid nah i didn't expect that ah all right well there's good people there's good people good people i like good raid right uh well anybody got any last questions i hate to leave you hanging for the stream um let's see aiming and reloading are going we made a lot of we made a lot of improvements i still feel like we kind of like hit a stand still now that we hit the city and really hit hard but we did make our way in and we did get a building 93 kg we're making progress anton sugar watched the bone dog video last night eating anime yeah i don't know why it's just it's a i was told that that was in a mod or something like that expect more bone dog play-throughs though do the zombies respond we've got the zombie response turned off they're just relocating hey undead irish how are you man man i want to get into more of these i just want to get more group streams be nice it'll be nice are you still playing zomboid do zombies respawn oh wait i just answered that one was able to grab the link um send it to me on discord feel free to just ping me with it i i do read those start playing and i don't know why but can't find any shots with guns oh well look on the project zomboid map project if you're looking for something what's my next skill focus after probably sneaking sneaking and maybe like mechanics we gotta get into one of those cars i think we're gonna leave it there though guys on that screen uh i'm gonna leave you there i gotta uh damn that's a long one is it over yeah it's over
Channel: ambiguousamphibian VODs
Views: 55,349
Rating: 4.9120879 out of 5
Keywords: project zomboid, project zomboid longplay, project zomboid game, ambiguousamphibian project zomboid, project zomboid gameplay, project zomboid build 41, project zomboid challenge
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 168min 41sec (10121 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 25 2021
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