Satisfactory Update 5 turned our World into a TRAIN WRECK!

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hello everyone i'm kibbitz and welcome back to satisfactory where i've been waiting very patiently for update five which i'm sure is gonna be a train wreck but before we get into the new update quick recap so this is all started in update 4 and we built this temporary starter base here that has an old school storage room that gives us all the items we need so we can build some mega projects like our first one our super supermassive fuel power plant that provides about a hundred thousand megawatts of power and a whole lot of plastic related things and uses something like 4 000 oil per minute from there we got moved and groovin with our worldwide train network to start on some new bigger more ambitious projects specifically our nuclear power plant which uses all the uranium in the world to make something like 200 to 000 megawatts and with our power secured we built a main base over here but you might notice it's gone i deleted it we're going to be completely restarting our main base because of all the new fun stuff in update 5 and that is pretty much the recap of our world so remember to subscribe and leave a like and let's get into the carnage of update 5. you see because update 5 is all about train signaling and a bunch of decorating tools along with some quality of life improvements problem is my dream network around my world is not prepared to deal with signaling so eventually you know a couple trains are gonna find intersections like this and there's gonna be a problem or two i.e our world's gonna collapse our nuclear power plant is gonna have um troubles and anarchy roll rain so yeah that should be fun and it's already begun that was over in the desert excellent oh and wait nuclear plant shutting down no this ain't happening again we have to shut the nuclear plant down immediately activate emergency procedures we are not building up all the nuclear waste train crashes around the world is one thing but a nuclear problem is not happening again so activate meltdown procedures and that switch activates a bunch of resource sinks that are sinking now all of our nuclear products that way over time our nuclear power plants will stop running they won't make nuclear waste everything will slowly slowly slowly shut down then the nuclear power plant should be okay until it's time to restart it yeah can't see the theme for the trains though i'm sorry my friends thank you for your help but um we're gonna have some problems here couple problems [Laughter] oh no was this train the nuclear train oh this train has like a million uranium so that's hyper radioactive and now it's just booped everywhere great now i suppose before i updated i could have just stopped all the trains and had them parked or you know i could just let the game park the trains itself just by letting them run and it's a little bit more uh entertaining as well in its own chaotic little way but i think that is pretty much everything i think that's every train in our world what's that one the nuclear true with heatsinks okay no biggie and then there's one train that survived over here somehow well live your life guys and now it's time for us to get to work okay let's go back to our main base here and let's unlock all the new stuff in the awesome shop and also can i just say wow the game is performing better before when i went through that hyper tube cannon the game was effectively about to crash now it's smooth as anything except it's range is not the best anymore let's unlock all the new stuff i haven't checked on how many tickets i have in a long long long time we need about a hundred ish or something like that in order to get everything and i think we're okay i think we're okay those fuel rods they're worth a pointer to there let us print oh my okay big flex we can't print all the tickets we have in the machine because the tickets only stack in groups of 500. oh yes very rich very posh what is going on here something why is this rotated weird update things i guess who cares let's get the new stuff all the signs give me boxes you better believe it walls oh the new windows dude the gates can't wait to add gates everywhere for the trains and for me this is why i had to make a new base oh my gosh not only the walls but conveyor lift floor holes and the pipeline floor holes it's gonna change how building completely works that's awesome uh nothing new in here architecture tab the new catwalks fun road barriers get them railings peelers of all types and beans give me those beans all right and equipment all the same parts all the same customizer give me that concrete foundation script metal coated concrete steel walls concrete walls and all of these little decals that we can paint on platforms and stuff give me the loot now i was reading in a comment that this updates and should have ah the glass roof tar roof and steel roof now interesting so you have to re-enter this to get that stuff thank you comment on that everything new and update 5 video but now we should have everything right looks like it let's have some fun oh what do we need now well the signs need quartz crystals the billboards need crystal oscillators hazard boxes no biggie logistics that's nothing crazy for the flipped hole the walls are all the same but they take concrete and iron plates now i think that's different oh that takes silica for the windows we do not have that stored anywhere that's going to be a bit of a problem doorways no biggie and architecture steel beams a lot of steel beams go figure look at those frames they need the strunk material and oh yeah the customizer so this is like the big decal thing with the update so now there's no more paint gun you just have the colors in here which you can add to your hot bar by the way and you can quickly paint things and this is free to paint so if we want to like paint things black there you go you just kind of click and you can click very quickly like say just over here all free easy to do no problem now the color cartridges are still in the game though because if you want to put a pattern on something this will cost a color cartridge we have plenty of those new materials do these cost different things they do oh plastic for the coated foundation plastic is now building material that is fascinating the silica thing and that it's going to be very difficult to deal with it's just another thing in our inventory but deal with it oh you shall but before anything else we gotta figure out trains man so welcome to my creative world here this is set up using mods in update 4 the mods don't work but the mod effects persist so we can actually build everything for free so there's all of our stuff there's another one etc aside from that i also stored every possible thing in the game in very large quantities so if there's anything we need we got it including coupons to buy everything again so let's get into the signals then we have the block signal we have the path signal the path signal is like the eye for the trains and can tell them if the path ahead is clear or not and the block signal is kind of like the path that shows the pass signal hey what's going on in this block so if we had like a block signal here and over here this is now a block and i think that the block signals only allow one train and one block at a time so if there's a train in there another train trying to enter that block will be stopped so i guess it's safe then to turn the entire train network into a series of blocks i just spam these block signals everywhere and then i'll add in pass signals afterwards by the way this might be unnecessary i don't really know i'm not like a signal expert or anything i just want to try and get the trains working so at least right now we're just going to kind of go ahead and figure out the best working solution the main thing i have to figure out is how to make train exits and entrances so i almost always put train stations together like this and i have all of my exits set up like this where both the trains kind of go together into one like outbound lane so since we have a block signal there and a block signal there this is a block okay we have a block signal there and a block signal there meaning this is a block two and then if we have our stations over here we want both the trains in station one and two here to be able to check to see if this intersection is clear so then we just want a path signal because that should be like an eye looking into what the heck is going on in this intersection so it's screaming at me that there's something wrong what if we put another one over here will that suddenly fix the whole system yes no says red waiting for path reservation i think that's actually a good thing if you see a yellow triangle that's probably like the whole system is like illogical but this it says it's waiting so maybe it's okay now so let's do a test we're gonna put a train there and a train that's gonna be in this station we're gonna leave that train there we're not gonna tell it to do anything but we're gonna tell this train hey we want you oh this is all new too uh we want you to go over to here and then it will go back to this one save changes turn on self driving hit go true now what it's just going to park in the station right now is it going to go into the next block though sign says red and it looks like it's waiting patiently so now if we get rid of this that train should go that went green and it goes okay so that's super simple you just have pass signals before intersections and then you have a block signal at the end and because there is a train already in the station it wants to go to i put a block signal before the station so the train is waiting for the station to clear because only one train can occupy a block at a time so now that it seems we have the bare basics it's time to start to juggle so we're gonna get the trains running and we're gonna start adding more and more trains until something breaks that's usually how i like to learn these things so we'll start with the two trains going from that station to this station that one to that one we have the system at the end so they shouldn't crash into each other when they merge onto a single lane that should be good to go but we're gonna add on more trains like a train from that station to that station so we'll add on a little turn going over here now i'll go to there uh this will be its own little mini block now so there you go those trains aren't crashing right nope and now the next train should be able to go now it's clear and this since we're gonna have a train going here and to there this will have to be a pass signal oh but there's an error there now why why are you an air that's a pass signal it's a block does this have to be a pass signal as well then i guess so it's a merge that's an intersection technically yeah okay we got the red sign so apparently logic is gonna work now that trains going let's get this train going rock and roll my friend hmm and the other train's already in that station so the turn works out what's it gonna do now it's gonna stop there no one's gonna stop at that block good these three seem to be working let's juggle some more now what if we do this we have a train going through here now stuff's gonna be complicated i'll have a train going from here to there now so we'll have trains crisscrossing going straight ahead it's gonna be pandemonium these two trains are going [Music] no accidents yeah we have that train in this intersection so that guy waited but now you should go you do go yeah that train's crossing just fine hasn't been any accidents well it's been going too well for too long so now i've added three more trains and i think what this is gonna just do is just clog up the system and then we'll try and figure out a solution for that we have this interchange right but it's slowing down our whole system considerably like only one train can go through here but what if one train is going from that station to that station and one train is going from that station to that station i.e it's just going straight how could we allow for both trains to go through at the same time i think the pass signals can look at other path signals as well so what i'm theorizing we could put past signals in between this junction and then have that facing the right direction now and it's saying there's a problem and what i assume is we have to have this go to here remerge there because we have this past signal now looking at this intersection then we need another pass signal looking at this intersection i think like that's the logic with the other intersections why won't it work out here you know and we don't have any warnings so maybe it's oh yeah it's good you look at that look at that we had a train going there and there oh so that's yeah really simple you just have to break down the blocks a little bit oh we just saw it right there the train was going through this diagonal and that train stopped right here so yeah these pass signals are looking into each other so this logic checks out let's do it for real then we're going to start in our storage room base area because this train system is its own closed loop and to begin we'll put block signals all over the train tracks as an fyi we have an inbound and an outbound train line so all the trains move in one single loop so if you had a single train line like trains would both go forward and backwards on one line i guess you'd have to have like a pass-through lane or something like that i'm not sure yeah for our system things should be pretty straightforward but yeah at most normal intersections yeah we just have a pass signal looking over this way because it wants to check out if this block is clear and now this all should work the pass signal goes to the block over there same with over there and every other direction is the same getting back to this weird intersection though this one's weird because we have both the inbound and outbound track going on to one track so a train would go onto this track go to the station and then head back on the same track to re-enter the loop i i guess there's only really one option the pass signal would have to look at this whole thing as one block and then as the train comes back out we'd have to have the pass signal looking to see if this intersection's clear again and we cannot put any more block signals in here at least as it sits right now because say if we had a block signal up ahead here right well then a train could go from the main track park itself right here but then another train could be gone its way back and they would boop each other right here we don't want no booping at least not of this variety but if we did want to make something like this work yeah we'd have to have a pass by lane so a train would go from the main track going to here kind of park off to the side until this train leaves the system and then the train in the parking spot would go back over there uh that is a story for another time though today we just want our world working again like please chew get back on the track brother you too oh boy but all the stations should have their proper logic now i set the trains to run again and the system at least for now seems to be what happened to my map sorry the system seems to be operational now we only have three small of trains going around here so i doubt anything bad will happen like our test world was a pretty good stress test of uh at least our current understanding of the logic so just let this go for now we have a lot more to do i have a train system or at least a network built around the entire map like it's one giant loop that goes everywhere and guess what we have to add in all of the block signals to the entire world yeah so that will take a minute maybe even two and if that other train system breaks in that time i'll let you know but i'm pretty confident it will be fine and wow you're not gonna believe it but it almost took me three minutes to get all these signs in but we're good uh we should be good just use the same logic literally everywhere and now it's time to test it all out chew reincarnate come back put man and the last two i think are over here yup the nuclear chew [Music] okay there we go so let's just set these all to automatically go around the world we will see what will happen and all is well and good everything will just continue as normal or there'll be a massive accident either or can't wait to see what happens and wouldn't you know it it literally took only one day for everything to break again and it wasn't even a fun break either there's just a bunch of warnings saying the train signals are making the next stop unreachable well how did i do that well the situation here is that we have our main line our inbound and outbound line go into one train track here and this one train track goes into two stations so one here one there and this is the train that's stuck i am certain i did the signals right over here it's a pass signal yep going into a block signal gotcha and there's a pass signal there great so let me guess it's a problem over here pass signal there pass signal there what is the dealio what if it's just more past signals thoughts sometimes it do just be like that sometimes it don't just be like that wait what am i saying there's always room for more past signals what's this one this one is a block signal let's make the pass signal there we go oh where do you locate that there comes the chew and i think this should work you see if geez if everything's past signals up there or at least most things i think only one train will be allowed up there except for the stations themselves are a block so a train can be parked in the station and if another train is coming up that train will be forced to wait in the station and then once the other train goes to it station the other train that's up there can leave does that make sense probably not anyway it's working now and what's the next problem oh these three stooges what is your deal nuclear chew airsport inbound we got trains stuck on the track why is there no chew they're not crashed they're just waiting why are you just waiting there chew uh oh the signal what is the signal saying that that train is full of uranium okay watch out for that one what what's the problem the next signal's broken oh boy we got the whole nine yards going here was it you spooky spiders did you mess up my true get out get out surrender your flesh still broken what the heck is up with that oh boy we got a we got a real problem here once we get past all those air signs everything's normal everything's fine these signs are fine it's just like a train stop wait a second wait i think the train tracks are too close together i think yeah that has to be like the only problem if the train signals are fine or at least good enough to get the trains to this cave and then the train signals are fine up there this is like the only other thing right so let's just scoot you guys out of the way just a tiny bit will that be sufficient am i hearing a train i'm seeing a train interesting so you can't have them too close together or else death very weird well i'm sure there's a lot of problems like that throughout my world but you know that's not really a big deal so you know what i'll just ride this train around the world and see what breaks what the ah what what happened my chew what happened what did you do what did you do oh my gosh what actually just happened there why did the trains collide everything ran just fine it's not like there's not even a track merge here get out of here bud oh oh what the heck dude the tracks aren't even connected it must be something with the trains hitbox it has to be them so on this curve here the tracks are so close together the trains booped each other well i guess that's like annoying but not the end of the world this tracks have to be moved a little bit here and there oh there we go easy solutions just lots of problems but i think we got a handle on things which is good because i've had enough with train signals for one day and next time we're gonna come back to our nuclear power plant here and since it was shut down for so long we are going to redecorate gonna make a better looking control room here make the front look update five suitable and mess around with all the new decoration tools however though that's gonna be all here for today so i hope you guys enjoyed and thank you for watching but have a fantastic rest of your day and bye bye
Channel: ImKibitz
Views: 282,450
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Satisfactory, satisfactory game, satisfactory gameplay, satisfactory tips, satisfactory lets play, satisfactory let’s play, satisfactory update, satisfactory update 5, satisfactory train collisions, satisfactory zooping, satisfactory dedicated servers, satisfactory drones, Satisfactory experimental, satisfactory new update, satisfactory trains, imkibitz, kibitz, satisfactory train wreck
Id: 40WCiWHwtlU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 22sec (1462 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 30 2021
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