Imagine Pokemon Without Normies! What would they be instead? | Gnoggin

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it's turkey day and you know what that means it means tomorrow is the biggest sale and display history this plates are awesome to display but they are not so awesome as plates you gotta gotta pay more attention to the the first part of the name you know but hey they're all on the biggest sale that ever have been today so be sure you go do that and make sure to use the coupon code on screen how much he loves this it's so delicious and by using my link in the description if you make any purchase after click on that link you'll be directly supporting this channel so thanks a bunch for checking about and thanks a bunch to displayed for sponsoring this video normal type Pokemon some of them are cute some of them are well they're boring and honestly most of them are a little bit of both but here's a thought a query and interesting question what if there was no normal type what would there be instead or rather what types would the currently normal type Pokemon become and how would the world of Pokemon change well that's exactly what we're going to be talking about today on noggin [Music] the normal type is interesting question mark it's sort a week you know for good reasons it's normal type it's basically the baseline to judge all the other types against I mean it's the second most common type of Pokemon only beaten by water time but that honestly makes sense the ocean is huge honestly we still need more fish Pokemon now first of all honestly I feel that if normal was never a type in Pokemon to begin with we'd for sure have some other new type to sort of fill in the gaps something like a boy to type type 'less which I guess normal sort of is but normal still has its strengths and weaknesses as it stands normal is tied with electric for the least amount of things to resist its attacks and normal versus ghosts as interesting as they are both immune to each other normals biggest weakness is fighting type attacks it's pretty easy to beat up a plane thing and this is actually where the meta and existence of normal types really matters I mean if you just got rid of a tenth of the cast that fighting was good against suddenly fighting-type pokémon aren't as good anymore especially considering that most of the birds are normal flying type or move normal and now they're just flying flying resists fighting type attacks but now they're all normal opposite of that now they're all just flying so suddenly all these Pokemon that fighting type used to be decent at because the two types of Canada each other now he makes the punch would be a punch now now the birds dodged because they're flying that's why fighting [Music] have you ever tried to punch a bird but now suddenly not only do fighting-type pokémon have even fewer Pokemon they are good against but those same Pokemon resists them and are super effective against them it's a big nerve to our punchy kickers and that still happens if we replace the normal type with totally neutral typeless type or finally introduced the fan favorite sound type I mean honestly if normal wasn't a type we would for sure have gotten sound added by now I mean there's Loudred come on when the fairy type was added a good number of previously normal-type pokémon lost their normal type in favor of fairy so I'm sure the same thing would happen with sound I mean there's like Exploud but how's about no more dilly dallying with the meta stuff let's talk actual Pokemon the fun part of the video what would we change the normal Pokemon into if normal was to be removed well first off we can just say that all of the dual types normal Pokemon just become their second type like oh man that is a lot of just flying Pokemon but like pyroar would be mono fire why was it even normal to begin with grampa would be mono dragon etc so for starters let's group up the changed Pokemon into what we would change them into starting with the most common I feel normal type Pokemon who would become ground type these Pokemon are already similar to other ground types they may have tough hides live in the lowlands dig or burrow into the ground you know the things that animals on the ground tends to do so in this category we have Rattata Radek 8 watch hog Patrat young goose kangaskhan tauros miltank bouffalant Sentret Furret Zigzagoon Linoone bunnelby who evolves into a ground type already so like come on Buneary well honey Mincy no and Cincy no I mean they're chinchilla Pokemon they bathe in dust Stantler maybe ground but I guess I could see grass a bit if they wanted to go that route similar to sawsbuck and then there are Pokemon like Persian and Meowth and maybe Ursaring I could see them all as dark-type pokémon I mean a lowland the elephant Persian already are because they act like spoiled mean cats so let's just carry that trait over and Ursaring is a big mean grizzly bear Grizzlies are extremely territorial and protective of their babies and will Maul whatever they see as a threat which could be seen as a dark-type thing plus you know Ursaring teddiursa the whole moon bear thing it's nighttime then we have some normal Pokemon who would become fighting-type some of them more obvious than others like a lot of funny again it's mega is already fighting for good reason so let's just extend that it's ground fighting gumshoes could also be ground fighting or even just fighting as it's all about that gumshoe justice it's the same reason two swords of Justice are fighting type despite not really being about punches and chokeholds and with that same logic let's extends that into spout Lynda lilipop and her dear or their fierce loyalty and sense of justice gigatons sense of justice can smell and DiPalma napalm have massive fists for tails so it just feels right zan goose could go here also perhaps a fighting dark type mongeese are pretty violent and it just looks mean doesn't it then I could also see Ursaring and teddiursa being here too fighting they are bears which are crazy strong and there's the whole I trained my fighting skills against a grizzly bear thing so they trained their fighting skills against people because it's funny to be reversed slacking Vigoroth and slack off they're also pretty tough so fighting might fit but maybe only the middle one maybe as just one of their types also maybe add darkened there because they sleep a lot sloth is a deadly sin after all maybe slacking gets pretty vengeful about being woken up booth could be ground but I think just switching it to water to match his evolution is fine it's a beaver Kamala could easily be grass type because it's actually the log the Koala is the decoy ah funny joke but really though grass-type it lives in trees all the time it is a master of trees and it attacks with its log to hash tag team trees porygon porygon - and porygon zi are good candidates for the electric-type they are made up of literal ones and zeroes in a computer you know what those ones and zeros are whether or not a transistor has electricity and I don't know these Pokemon her literally electricity plus physical life so electric for sure I don't know why they aren't electric to begin with now if you really don't want to add the sound type for Exploud Whismur and Loudred i guess we could make them steel type besides normal the steel type also has a few sound basic moves and plus Exploud his pipe organs which are made of metal and come to think of it I could also see zangoose here it's got those crazy sharp claws but no no it would make its rivalry with Seviper extremely one-sided kecleon if not normal would be psychic time think about it it uses mind powers to make you think it's not there basically it's an illusionist but with real powers easy is the vinda yeah is much harder to retype it possibly ground maybe fighting since it's comically fighting like a drunken master but realistically I feel psychic psychic would work out as it's all about the spirals and making others dizzy with its movements and dizzy punch Plus what's more classic - hypnotism than spinning spirals of mesmerize a shimmy Dunsparce is another good one but actually I feel like it could rep the dragon tire is a legendary creature based off of a snake that can roll out at maximum speed and even double jump and on top of that or instead of that it could be poison type again because of the thing is based on the Tsuchinoko it's extremely venomous we've got a whole video about it here Castform could lose its form system and just be for different pokemons with their different types or its base form could be just flying type I mean it's a cloud but that would make its tornado form kind of useless but it is what it is lick a tongue and licky licky are two rather odd Pokemon did you know that they can't lick each other as it stands lick as a ghost type move and they are normal type I'm sad I couldn't see poison because of how gross linking is plus there are plenty of reptiles with a venomous saliva I guess I could also see fairy type because they love food and our pink a very good reason to make a Pokemon fairy but there's also the fact that it's partially based off of a yokai that likes to lick bath houses clean yuck so fairy and or poison would really fit furfrou fairy I guess it's suede in the fashion in the fashion and pink is a color and it has pink as a fashionable color and I don't know man it's a dog normal fits so well other now fairy types include all of the pink and cute mon-sol skinny and delicate II as well as Blissey and chancy how much to wear white Blissey isn't already fairy type really Audino would also be sound if it were added but otherwise fairy because it's kind caring and full of heals and buffs Eevee though huh Eevee is another really good normal type so it'd be typeless if that was the thing maybe ground but like a super super weak ground so nobody can actually use it as a ground type to properly here's another odd one it's smeargle it kind of stumped me for a bit maybe if we look at its moves we could figure out what type of move it uses most oh wait nevermind it's all sketch maybe water type as it creates fluid from its tail to mark its territory and paint with and stuff this one's really tough I mean maybe if it was like based on a yokai or a Fae creature of some kind it could be fairy but but no there isn't much for it so water because paint is a liquid I guess oh man and I was dreading this one too much lexan Snorlax where do we start normal seems like the best as there really isn't a fat and sleeps around tight though there would be more than one Pokemon in that type I suppose so Snorlax is a Bearcat thing that seems to love to eat even if it's poisonous not kidding this thing loves food so much that its stomach is said to be incredibly strong even mucks poison is nothing more than a hint of spice when Snorlax is tongue so either it's immune to poison or it resists poison to a point where it can't be hurt so it's steel type because it's immune to poison and it's heavy and metal is heavy that's bad maybe because it eats so much gross stuff it gets poisonous burps kind of like swallow or maybe it could be ground because it sleeps on the ground and thus becomes one with the ground regigigas I have to go with fighting ground again or even just fighting as that would make it strong against all of the other Reggie's which is perfect because it's the master veggie plus its move pool already has a rather good list of fighting-type moves and the ground is there because the whole thing about it pushing and pulling the continents around when the world was being formed you know Arceus type nolan sylph Ally are difficult to and honestly I feel like the existence of type nil justifies a type list type I figured that's what they were doing before its type was officially revealed these Pokemon all have the gimmick of changing their type to match the item to give them so I guess you could say that they can't not have an item they need to be one of the other types if you try to just remove the item instead of swapping it you just can't otherwise maybe psychic or fairy as a default their magical legendaries and those types seem to fit that criteria romantical legendaries and finally we have another hard pokemon to place its ditto again type --less if that were allowed to be a thing but otherwise psychic could work here too as illusions again maybe it takes a lot of psychic potential to be aware of all the cells in your body are and where to move them a lot of psychic energy needs to flow into the other pokemons brain and read its tune genetics to like come back and transform into that fairy could also work because there's plenty of fake creatures that love to shape-shift it's quite the magical ability oh man pokemon sword and shield comes out in like a week there's going to be more normal Pokemon sounds like a problem for future mate hey its future Loxton I guess still past Loxton for you but not as past Loxton as that guy who but gen 8 is out now so we've got new normies to look at first up let's cover the slight changes to Zigzagoon and Linoone to keep their normal typing but game dark this really isn't all that interesting but the dark type is a reference to their crazy and erratic behavior they're little Punk's cute punky dudes and then there's the new evolution obstacle the biggest of obstacles normal dark normal dark is kind of an odd typing honestly especially when you think of dark as more of an evil not nice type oh yeah this guy he's normal he's everyday but he's got a dark side so exactly a punk I suppose but if there were no normal type I don't feel like pure dark would work for these guys either it would need something that keeps it grounded in society okay I really just wanted to say grounded because it's a badger after all badgers dig they dig dig big big badger oh they're normal types in gen8 are surprisingly not the birds for once Game Freak didn't make the bird of normal type hallelujah but Squa ingredient both mono normal and again ground seems like a good replacement possibly with ingredients being dark type because it's very greedy ground dark greedy's a bad thing and again ground squirrel thing easy-peasy next up is in DD both male and female are normal psychic an interesting type combo extremely powerful of the mind but also kind of commonplace however I don't think these Pokemon aren't the supercomputers of brand power no they are psychic because of their professions these Pokemon are always seen helping people I mean they are based on butlers and maids after all and the psychic typing comes into play specifically for this they use their horns to talk or feel emotions or transfer thoughts between each other the emotion part is very psychic but I feel like they might be able to lose their normal type entirely to either be mono psychic or psychic fairy secondarily but mono second quarks better IMO another surprise with this Jan is that there actually aren't that many normal types and I'm kind of happy about them but we did save the lease for last wait no no it's good I love it Lulu heck the whole internet loves this thing and boy just hop love his however mono normal type again is pretty hard to re-type as it's pretty basic it's a sheep goat Ram thingy and double doesn't make things any easier it's also mono normal and it's not gonna be all that easy to imagine a world without it because it's just so good however I'm gonna throw you a curveball I'm gonna say that if Narwhal type didn't exist this would be steel type both of them they're wool is stronger than you'd think Plus according to the Pokedex they can fall off of a cliff and stand back up unharmed they really bounce back it also states that if you make a carpet out of their roll it's as bouncy as a trampoline it really puts a spring in your step and springs or metal also steel wool is a thing and these cheaper tanks already so steel type really really durable as heck wool yeah so there you have it that was future Loxton if normal-type wasn't a typing that's what I'd retype all of the normal type Pokemon ass but obviously we need a baseline to compare things to if everyone is a superhero then no one is the villain of the Incredibles was actually onto something too bad he had bad hair so even if some folks find normal Pokemon boring well that's sort of the point of him so game freaks exceeded that their doings yay but would you change any of the choices I made let me know down below and until next time never ever ever stop using your noggin [Music] you
Channel: Lockstin & Gnoggin
Views: 595,327
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pokemon, pokemon normal type, normal type pokemon, normal type pokemon moves, normal type pokemon explained, pokemon sword and shield, gen 8 pokemon, wooloo, slaking, indeedee, pokemon indeedee, indeedee pokemon, pokemon wooloo, wooloo pokemon, normal type weaknesses, get normies out of pokemon, what if there was no normal type, retyping normal pokemon, get rid of normal type, no normal type, no normal pokemon, retyping normal type, sound type pokemon, lopunny, mega lopunny
Id: 6vFGri-E_4U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 34sec (1054 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 28 2019
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