Interesting Impidimp Inspirations! Grimmsnarl's GREAT! | Gnoggin - Pokemon Sword and Shield

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Impa DIMP seems like the kind of pokemon that jessie is going to have the useless clumsy imp trying to listen to the demands of a dominance woman it's quite the trope but anyway I love infant imp I love more grim and grim snarling all right - I guess that is of course I'm judging them entirely on looks alone I'm just salty that this awesome color palette turned into this but funnily enough it seemed like most people on the Internet sort of had the opposite opinion a lot of folks really didn't like impudent when it was sort of revealed I mean it's so gangly and it has a pony tail that's just a single batwing why does it only have one nostril what is this mess is this really what we're getting for our first dark fairy type Pokemon heck what even is this whole line well well well me a few seconds ago I thought you'd never ask these Pokemon have some amazing origins and that is what we're going to talk about today [Music] [Applause] but first things first why the heck is it dark and fairy-type well the Japanese name gives us the biggest hint to its origin its name is Beryl ba from Pharaoh meaning tongue and there's also bet about a little battle which is the sound of licking very quickly repeatedly and also battle battle ba is their equivalent of peekaboo and notably in pop culture when someone plays a successful prank on someone they will often do a face of sorts and one common expression is the classic sticking out of the tongue and just look at em padam is its tongue even able to fit in its mouth but this makes perfect sense as fairies are seen as tricksters and will deceive humans just for fun and amusement but as for the dark side of this line well dark types also tends to be mean-spirited evil even and tricksters in their own right Weavile is a great example here they are based on a Japanese weasel yokai that looks for people to attack in a flash and cut them up a whole bunch but then quickly patch up their wounds so the person wakes up and they're confused and in pain but they're not dead peekaboo how does peekaboo fit into the name a game that you play with babies where you reveal your face well maybe it's partially inspired by a classical changeling and not not the new pop culture shapeshifter changing the old folklore of fairies stealing babies and replacing them with changelings as a fun trick and as people slowly pick up on little things that are wrong here and there that illusion slowly wears off and the changeling baby starts looking uglier and more in humanist time passes [Music] talk about the face reveal and quite the surprise and the Pokedex mentions healthy's Mon crave chaos and negative energy stating through its nose it sucks in the emanations produced by people and Pokemon when they feel annoyed it thrives off of negative energy it sneaks into people's homes stealing things and feasting on the negative energy of the frustrated occupants this is behavior that fits super well with buffet as they were fiendish devil II pranksters and were blamed for almost anything negative happening fitting because a bunch of Fae were speculated to have been gods before Christianity steamrolled in and did that know God before me thing so the gods and creatures of pre-christian belief all became demonic monsters which is why these Fae Pokemon have mild demon looking features but nothing super blatantly demonic now here's where things start getting deep and super cool let's look at more grim he no longer is just a changeling he's a goblin and goblin means ugly fairy bidding for a friend here but along with this he also has had his colors split red top green bottom and he can manipulate his hair like Bayonetta I'll get into that later but for now let's look at the shape of his hair it's the biggest hint to his origin more Grimm's hair spike is in the shape of a pole alarm or a halberd is there a difference no that's not what this videos about more Grimm's hair is a polearm well that's cool I wonder if there's a kind of goblin famous for using these it sure be great if the said goblin were also famous for having red tops oh hey red caps red caps carry around pull arms and will die if the hats on their heads are not wet with flood because of this they lure people into the woods or at the very least out of safety and kill them to wet their hands with their blood and the Pokedex if you for mordrem shows us a similar behavior with sly cunning it tries to lure people into the woods some believe it to have the power to make crops grow whoa huh mordrem is luring ten-year-olds into the woods so it can use their blood as hair conditioner so that's dark as for the part about the crops it's another possible reference to Fae and goblins as I've said they are the past gods gods who were prayed to like any other God often for protection please don't eat me and sometimes pray to for blessings like good weather or fruitful crops and there are other governments we can look at too like hub goblins and brownies these guys are famous for being little hidden beings that hide inside your house and they are blamed for things disappearing things going wrong or for your place suddenly being clean up goblins in particular are famous for this and are the inspiration for things like dobby from harry potter if you keep them happy then they would do chores for you in your house while you were sleeping but they were also naked all the time or at the very least we're wearing raggedy rags but then if you ever offered them clothes they get offended in the runoff or worse I'll turn into a brownie and this could be another reason why Impa dump doesn't have any hair because he's a little naked brownie but as for brownies they do act just like impotent they steal things and prank the owners of a home just like we saw in its pokedex injuries they look back to more grim let's break its name down it consists of mourn and grim grim could be from gremlin Fae creatures that popped up during and after the Industrial Revolution yeah I didn't realize that gremlins were such a recent thing in the grand scheme of things they were beings who were blamed for things like healing machines and engines which is why in pop culture today you sometimes see gremlins and goblins with you know steampunky wrenches and engines and stuff neat graham is also old english and old german for to anger or enrage and well insert impotent pokedex entries here again then more could be from more a place where you send dead bodies but I'm more inclined to believe that it's a reference to Morgan la Fey who is Morgan la Fey Morgan la Fey is a famous witch from the tales of the King Arthur mythos she was famous for using Fae fairies and fairy magic to mess with King Arthur and his gang one of the most famous tricks she pulled on King Arthur was the famous story of the Green Knight a large bulking green knight walks into the dining hall of King Arthur while holding an axe and he offers a game to the king the knight boughs down on his hands and knees and King Arthur takes a swing at his neck then exactly one year later it will be the night's turn to do the same to Arthur folklore am i right but check out more Grimm's pokedex injury when it gets down on all fours as if to beg for forgiveness it is trying to lure opponents in so that it can stab them with its spear like hair that's sort of like the Green Knight getting down on all fours as a trick movie also Morgan has a green bottom and it's hair being a pull arm which is a spear mixed with an ex-green ice axe it just fits perfectly especially since this Green Knight is speculated to be a god turned fate fitting since our little buddy here Nick crops grow and speaking of a big Green Knight Grimm snarl Grimm snarl has some weird traits like three fingers hair everywhere ugly but we can look at the inspirations all over to get an idea here imp attempt is a changeling and more Grimm is the child changeling hitting puberty and running into the woods to live with its fellow fate so then Grimm snarl is the fully grown Fae and there is actually a creature that fits with us perfectly the troll works out great - since trolls are the most famous babysits to swap babies with changelings and they're often described as hairy folk that live in the woods and fake to have ties to witches early pagan nor settlers in places like orkney and shetland used the word troll to describe all mystical creatures mr. wolf magicky folk so troll could fit anything from witches to your stereotypical trolls to Fae and hips and much much more later on though it did start becoming more specific for the large hairy people that lived in the woods which primarily inspired Grimm snarl but you can also see the witch inspiration in its facial features the long nose and green skin it's your stereotypical Hollywood Halloween witch look but as for trolls they were extremely powerful and people used to blame landmarks on trolls throwing massive stones around and similarly grim snarl is strong as it uses the hair all over its body as muscles the Pokedex says with the hair wrapped around its body helping to enhance its muscles this Pokemon can overwhelm even Machamp whoa that's strong Machamp is famous for its strength I mean it could send things flying over the horizon grip snarl can overwhelm that well I suppose that's fitting considering the massive strength of trolls and looking closer even its fingers points to trolls in pop culture because of things like World of Warcraft trolls now stereotypically have three fingers just like grim snarl on the whole line also some say trolls slowly turn to stone in the sunlight if they are uncovered and grim snarl covers itself up with its hair but but speaking of speaking of the hair what's with the whole controlling the hair thing a grim snarl and more grim can both control their hair what what's up with that and does that have any connection to bayonet well it turns out the answer is yes it is a direct reference to olden occult beliefs witches contain their power in their hair which is one of the many reasons which is where typically women have longer hair the hair holds the magic into the string hair is used in oceans and spells which is why back in the Middle Ages and even before then it was a common practice to either burn or bury your hair after a haircut that way witches can't take it and become more powerful so I guess on top of explaining grim snarl here I've also explained why Bayonetta's hair powers are the thing that they are he's a number which controls hair because air is magic and hair has all of our power in it all of these which references do seem a bit odd though considering crimson arles a male only Pokemon but then again witch's hair has its strengths typically in magic not in physical power so I guess by making the magical witch hair more masculine it becomes muscles it's a theory but we're still not quite done as there's still one more form for this line which I get to maxed Grimm snarl yes even the G max form has ties to fav specifically a particular Goblin G maxed Grimm snarl stands more upright and is significantly taller obviously but it also gains a unique trait it gains its unique G move called G snooze which happens to perfectly reference finn mccool of old Irish myth Finn McCool had to fight off a fiery goblin named ayan much big man who was also a giant fake Prince the perfect thing to base a G max Grimm snarl on already but on top of this this goblin had a magical harp that it would use to cause all of those listening to it to fall asleep just like G max Grimm snarls unique G move and while asleep it would just you know burn their entire town to the ground every single year the Y welt revenge and because it's funny yeah typical Fae goblins stuff so ultimately I was very surprised to learn how deep these Pokemon really were much more than just imps and goblins then that's just awesome do you have anything to add one other pokemon are just as d possess that I haven't covered yet let me know down below and until next time you never stop moving and noggin [Music]
Channel: Lockstin & Gnoggin
Views: 432,612
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pokemon, pokemon sword and shield, impidimp, pokemon impidimp, grimmsnarl, pokemon grimmsnarl, grimmsnarl pokemon, grimsnarl, morgrem, morgrem pokemon, pokemon morgrem, gen 8 pokemon explained, grimmsnarl explained, impidimp explained, what is grimmsnarl, what is grimmsnarl based on, what is impidimp, what is morgrem, what is impidimp based on, galar region, grimmsnarl deck, fairy type pokemon, dark type pokemon, why is grimmsnarl, grimmsnarl origins, impidimp origins
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 40sec (760 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 13 2019
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